il ® ip AD A a “this question. (AY ARS. DEFEAT. adawas Deals Him aBlowand ‘Declares for Hastings. cr ———— ono AND GILXE20N IS A SURE WINKRER Quay's $4,000 Coxld Not Control the Hon- est Republican Sentignent in Lackawanna The Vote Was Two to One Against Quay. THE MAYA WOMEN. A —— . THEY ARE INTELLIGENT, SWEET TEM- What Ts Thought of His Fight Again-t . the Administra’ Son for Hastings and Gilkeaon. Scpaxrox, Pa, Joly 16 whelming defeat of the 4 : and Four Lackawanna LOunLy. Las creat 1 nation ia the ranks of Quay's gd hes in northeastern Pennsvivania I is Fim Bhat sylvania politico made than tin friends nazains administration. Sma weapon at his command prestive of his natuc fig trod NIGEL Cote spteuac sly buat the pec ple are with ov. ‘ernor Hastings and with Colonel Gilke son in the present contest as the représen- tatives of the Repabilcan plain po pledged Penneyivanin, and the overthrow public sentiment disastrous defeat, because the (Quay peo pje were outvoted in the convention two to one. The reasen why Senator Quay made such a tremendous fight, g Posaaiiie i suoney and Everything Going PERED AND BEAUTIFUL In the Olden Temes These Wives of al First Owners of America Were the Mothers of a @wrirageous Race, and They ' Never Looked Into a Mirror. An unfamMer word, but as old as the kills almost, is thiswird Maya Among the Brahmans it means iil the name of the earth, the material world, which, pesorfing vo the Brah- manical doctrine, is Meys Devi was the 1 naYN# the beantifnl mother of Bue 3dhe in the fenimane cuergy of BODE iinsion. i the mother of all the Prabuma himseld, Auv Greex J ieforins us that Maya is the go er of all gods and men. In “goddess Maywn is mill worsniy he | beantifol Indian - poem EXP iin Ramayan | tells us al» at a Zreat mavigstor pam Maya, who in ages long one Wy tv] foreible P REET 1 of § t bis { : ‘ the sonth of the Hindoostanes peninsula machine failed to | It was a and sottied shere, The Maya people of Arm erica were in olden time s& great rnpving | the territory comprised bo tween the isth- ooing =o far 88 | to. come personally into Lackawanna asd | beseech the people to since he openly declared war against Gov- ernor Hastings, More than hart, to stand by him, was | . that this was the first primary election! the fourth time, our | eas a large boat, in which were men, Ney were put into this campaign by bivasel! and his friends, but as the result showed it availed kim nothing. IN TEE FOURTH DISTHICL | mms of Tehnantepee ard that of Da- | rien. We row that they were naviga- tors, their boats being depicted in very ancient xoks and paintings. In 1502, when Columbas came to America for : he met on the high women and children. It also bad a car- go of merchandise, consisting of weap- | ons, tools, prodncts of the earth and : ready mada The story of the contest in the Fourth district is an interesting one. Clerk of | Oourt John H. Thomas and James Young | ‘were elected delegates 10 the Republican state convention. an | The Mayas were peustls clot They are instructed in | the interest of Judge Willard and Gover | nor Hastings. The convention took place at Dunmore on Saturday afternoon. The _ primaries were held on the Friday after noon preceeding. It is now claimed by the defeated Quay people as the only excase left lor them. that Yourz and Thomas, although in- structed for Willard and Hastings, will | This | vote for Quay for state chairman. miserable excuse for defeat cannot hoid water. I this is so why A A A mendous efforts made by Senator Quay | and his frisnds to defeat Messrs. Thomas and Young with all the power of the Quay machine? i that Quay made the battle, | and these men will pot now, und never | will, turn in for Quay and his people alter | the latter have fought them 1up to the close | of theconvention. The defeat of the Quay 1 men in the See- | ond district was equally as overwhelming | as it wis in tho Fourth district. The Willard and Hastings delegates swept the | district with ease in spite of Quay money | snd Quay's pilgrimage. Ripple, chairman of: county committee, Colonel E. H. and Charles West, ‘abl were the Qiy delegates. ! ful and better teanpe the Republican | and Frederick Wid. | mayer, city controller of Scranton, were | ; ing whils sary onte. avid i the Hastings deleantes, and M. H. Dale | in flowing white gary ents, and in their Of the fifty delegates oleated | 13 every division of the Second district. | twelve for Quay. With these signid victories for the Hastings people in Lackawanna there will be no difliculty in carrying the re maining disiricss in that cour Lacka- wanna will be Gilkeson: Mr. Quay's there forever; and it should gotten that Lackawanna hss always one of Qany's strunghiokds. REJOICING IN SCRANTY prostige is pot bo for been The reioiviog aver thes resaln, in ton was general and hearty. resnecting Hepublicans wi under aay ruls for yp portinity had at Came and Talis paris o of th meant of yon. £ tiie fi Torht it enmes the { disastrous blow. Senator Q iny Is 1 along the lipe dino oly War fa Taint Caoyvo Troe fics The fret O16 He re it Irs Puy fe % » ¥ we Aron LHI id CNS was was claimed that the rik 1 goeleated, and that Quay would ; get at | 14 : delerates, Jostead of that the tion declared for Hastings and gave them the three at ‘ ator Quay began his SADIE } in Lacka- wanna, the second point where « were to be chosen, witha flourish of pets ana a declaration of what he pro; to do. He came personally to Scranton, He held a levee, attended by all bis ad herents that could be mustered together. He begged his friends to vote for hire and coOnvan- and Gite - to stand by hima, but be availed himself nothing, and for a second time within - three woeks he has seen bis hopes dashed to the ground. QUAY TO WITHDRAW. The question now among Republicans longer will Senator Quay persist in this vain flight against the best sentiment of Republicans in Pennsylvania? How long will he continue to wage a constantly los- publican pariy? OT | ROngS | » the Err 53 rs sast two of the county «thirty-eight were chiosen for Hastings and | : enoe from thelr children. modesty were 56 strict thst . permit i showed av . showed a solid for H: tings and! It is #018 | Joquscicns, garments. The travelers called themselves Mayas. They wers in the babit traveling to Cuba and. other rade with their inhabitants. bed in white cotton raiment. epelf prssaased and coari~mg. Fifteen ver irs later their land, todar caflad Yocatan, was mvad- ed by the Spaniarde but white men econtral of that country, for every Muy TA fought ble a Bero. They wer sons of fearless mothers. In reading tho. Spanish chiro. islands to They wore | on ranied ‘he soldier wera such fre | mp 1 LW Tme ™0y - * the Mava ing, as many they wore pered, indnstrieris from vanity ha the mirror, al? did. In phwsige large and bean ®io yi] Their completion was a lig and their Lad i ih dant. Father Coprodlndn at vanish priest, wrote, “These women art more beauti- red than those of Spain.’ They always dressed them- selves, as they do at the present time, happier days were groat’y addicted to the nee of perfanies und dowers. They wore indnstrions. devoted wives and fona mothers, but exacted great defer Their ideas of ther did n their danghters io the facs of a man, and syneas the i matron would pinch her were in into ATTILE. 3. 3 #1 ire} + yo STE Ea BLM As Fonds is to be tr actod, the ¢ netive par husband noddin ni but beesnie by 3H “Nn admirable is elognent an 4d for lerntion LSA] Bi reeful without and she never scolds, her husband gets “imsolt into trout 1 : she pleads for him, 1 FegSoict than he is. I | éd, she guides him ' he is doing,” . gelio. forbearance, so “Ta ber, she says, : regi raing him w that dri brawls are quite nnknown. It pleasure to give him the best of what they have, keeping for herself | Worst. in northern Pennsylvania is how much | This woman's home has a th | roof and earthen floor. She has no pret- There seem to be but one way to settle The Democratic organs in the state and in ty objects around her. Hammocks serve. as seats by day as well as beds by night ing battle against the best wen in the Re- | There is one low chair or stool cm which | ehe sits while her busy fingers make the | In one corner | garments of the family. ! stands a bench and grinding stones. Her ‘Philadelphia and the | Quay organs in the Republican ranks who | represent Mr (Jiiay’s sentiment are crying for peace. Tliore is no war in the Repub- Hcan pariy « except that which Mr. Quay has There can be but one end to it, aad that ia the unconditional withdrawal state chairmanship contest or overwhelm- gust next. ‘The Plain People Are With Hastings. The Republicans of the state Are now called upon to decide whether they wil! - eontinue to be dictated to by Senator Quay or whether they will follow the wise leadership of Governor Hastings. Their confidence has frequently heen betrayed by the former, while the latter has never been found wanting. Here in Carbon General Hastings is aspucial favorite. His majority last November was over 5X), while four years ago the Democratic can- _didate carried the county by 700. The plain, common people are his friends, and in the present contest they should stand by him.—Matuch Chunk Coal Gazette. | floor between three stones, hands grind all the cwn used in that humble abode. The fire is built on the on which | rests theclay pot or the disk for baking | tortillas. of Senator Quay from the | W there is a long dugout, serving as a rashtub, resting on trestles. There she | stands for some hours every day. her ing deieat at the state convention in Au- | small feet bare, scapsads up to her el- | bows, yet her hands are small and pret- ' ty, her voice is sweet and low, her lan | guage never rude, and if you spproach | her hut she welcomes you with such per- | fect grace and self possession, mingled | with cordiality, that you ask yourself if | She | ——————————————— ‘the soil. fate. and the Mayas woman meets 1% | she is not a princess in disguise. may be, but, alas! the palaces «f her sires are crumbling away in the forests ! where her hasband cuts timber for his | the white man, now owner of | The dying race must bear its | Ee { Politically Quays and Cameron are like | master, nobly, with resignation and grace. — Wa wshington Post : ion and is it ocst the 3 years of warfere to get the | atched Outside at the back of the hut | FOR AS Moston AL! The Newspapers of a Great Stats | Voice the Peonle’sz Sentiments, QUAY STEADILY ( Cameron 38 Behind Quay and Is Bo Be enguized ~ State Clasirman ®itkoson Is in Fight (omy The People MNot to be Fooled the aud the Pinow It tor (Guay in gat ts REM DAIR SIFU ti) YOotes, 1 ppon th error “ected fon majority? And again. wus it good policy for endeavor to thrust 1500 of Phiisdelphia a candid vie the person of whose candidacy the présq and clergy were unanii ous in comdemnigg 38 nt 8 Rg asm to «it in the mayor's chair. and his nomination was on i! prevented DY an up- rising of the people that ov Warwick's nomip election? With all these stil] believe that a raan who has heen con- ‘stantly creating discord in the Republi can ranks, and is at present endeavoring to belittle the adraiaistrut Hastings, and disp ace a competent and trustworthy state chairman, is the Ro publican the Philadel {ew dther papers of be state us believe Senator. Cpusy 8? CAML RON'S INTEREST? 3 arier of a miid ariy an dear Bas Bilean readers, Henn ror Qui tha good pedpid for inayor 1a Poenrosr, Cat fa ra iar tion and wriampb ..1 Wo IS IT IN i A SL NAN SHAAN 88 jilted in Mayor. (0TSG DOWS HILL | Opponents } | plan, fully 50 per cent of | rotary centring ficts hefore us can wa | ~f (yovernor | | cheespbrixes 8 thi phia Inguirerand » | kave | Quay Wants to be State hairman to Help ! Re-Eiect Czineron Senalor, \ Do the Republicans of Bucks county re member that Senatcr J. Donald Canwers was never élected to the ofl for yours by tae votss oll the people? He comid never have een a United States sonstor from this late to in a general election vX. or WG Tests by & popular voto dapends, as it always has ‘ecmparatively few. mcm legislature, Senator Cameron received his first term AM legacy froma his father. ; 1 ho has, by aes ogi Lop in hones be reeled 1x i 3 QBAN Imaal snpdedd, on oe Lalor 85 4 oie What ti VARIOUS mansyed to keep comirdd of the ture of tuis stare, thereby insu re-election for several terms. Surdly his ability as & senator has never been rec . ognized as saflicient to keep him in that position term after term. It is a place that he likes. and as lon; as he can control the state legislatures he is going 0 cah- has held { frozen. Is is not uocoriicn to L eenter of a log the st J, ing Lis tinue to occupy his position. Two years | hence he will seek a roalection Alreade lines are being -iali #0 that he may not bie defeated and his piace given 1H a man of abtlity, a Hepublican who will repro s:nt the great (nterests of this state highest jegisiative body in the The program ia to taplars th ganization this year with We ay at head. With this much gained Cam ot MGLry. “big LAND FREZ (mer nt or Gf =a been well gaderst : joined Cameron i pligts and ¥ vi ia voting { coigags of man, Allison, whole body ind money Hepa! cans voted against. With this sy of view he finds it them - that support to Camwerdn long and close all prompt. —Charles Emory deiphia Press. Siand silver t galorage which 5 3 Allrich, Morrill and » the sou Te easy t fanuve w» ‘Democrats Fallying to Quay’s Support Le fall of M 5 aay shows the dang | of becoming intoticated with power Lhe i dictator of Pennsrlvania has fallen so low that ha has to tura to the Democrats for ! assistance. It is to the Democratic press that he sends his itatements; it is to Dem- ocratic editors that he seems to turn for i advice. This evident Democratic anxd i for the success of fhe junior sahator nat i rally attracts the attention of the Hepub lican masses, and furnishes to the - . | whelming evidenie why the politic Fae | | cendency of M.S. (may sh uid consa, i The political boss who is so badly shaken - | within his own party lines thaz he i turn to his enemies {or their suport 3 prow i sents a pitiable spectacle, and {urnishes i an object lesson t2 all others in poi | who allow ambitiod to get the better good sense. The man who desir i must consult the wishes and incl cof the masses and ndt set up his the idol which thi: people 1 rst and worship. — Dhiladsiph Cameron and Quay, the Vel tical Twine, &ill as a Evening Item. i the Slaugess Twins The daath ¢f ona | would mean the speedy collapse 3 other —Renpett square Advance se - am has to i knife which heavy and i called a carriage. in the - 4 slate Or | timber in some localities is ine | he shaky, the ¢l : | CHEESE BOX MAKING. DUSTHY OF WHICH is KNOW, AN EXTENSIVE | UTTLE Half 8 MDlon Dollars ‘Worth of Cases Terned Out Yearly by Expensive Ma chinery-- Bow the Logs Are Cooked snd Then Crt Into Enbrokes Sheets. idea of magnrode of the a industry in this omntry is given tha boxes fa wh the fod the “eal vepTesent a Ct TATE AIT rue T% id 0 i * re oma TL PRT m0 wine of 1 ize b vg number « ates the nea of po reachinery. Ir was c the hosiness to raw large body of the box is ealled, cut the log in planks about one-fifth ¢f an inch in thickness. The vaste of materi #] war a most gerioms clgettion x 3 . ct rmvy rn Swy #3 wr STEANIAYY IN 1D ONETGT dayw of th bongs, as tn this the timber going in sawdnst. The nvention of the machine hus prevented {his waste and at the .ame time pro- dnced a better hoop thar the sawed arti- The chief timber reed in makin cheeselwx bw in ix the ¢ymmon ay elm. No other timber seems to possess the same qualities of I ghtness, tongh- mess and elasticity & requisite for 3 tines despised prod- net of American forests. The logs, aft ar heing cut in the proper lengths, gen- erally 5 foot for (rdinary cheesa- box of 15% or 18 inches diameter, are thrown into hog vats i ded with water, where they are boiled fom 12 to 20 hoara | 1%e time required to soften the timber, or oxk % as the operation is called, vars a gding to the size of ber and the seas n. Large jogs to to do longer than small ones, partienlariy when the oR3 find tha r 15 hors cla. are still fromm af of he : Experience is part of the tasiness, and 10 kno the timber is oro SREY srked and not overdone ne of the things acnmired only by cnnstant observation. Wren me letentir pei teed the (ops are iron grapples fre rath eats and laud co the be puide in this $8 V2 Phan Rh ifort 1D skids, where the bark is removed. Then | & og is lifted by » craze and swang in- to place in the machine where it is beld in a horizontal positicn Ly chucks or | dogs that center it at ervh end In this m the lig revolves hike a =11 of paper in 2 prifgioe ores The foes the cufring 1s ers is bolted to a heavy bead which is fed forvrard ward the nmwwolving pesitio by screws og. In the mast approved - mow hines the knife has an end or ion T his redaoes the strain 5 > Buon and pani 1H demand f . 1 » praterial the hoops x cn ILATIIeS the & lined to | around the shore. fall down of the timber. ¢ 5 Ws Ww when the hoons were siowed, het in rotary process much of it ca ; to good account The htix timber ned] in ti1.8 bus ness in from Canada The wistern peninsuls of Ontario 6 Ir ing north of Lake i ont Alned Cie the largest tracts of continent. It has beer recent years. Logs are rien out ter when the swamps are frozen skidded near the raxiwiys or The tulk of ther the mills by water in tow stean: tugs. —New. Yi rk San They Were Too. She—Whr rs Mr. he sings? He—I suppese be wants to be in sym- 1 ZT EULY by In. wii- athe la of power! fnl Sehareo so sad when of the | FRSRF with his andietico.—New ¥ ok | Hemald i sucoreds in | administration in the aftempt Wo foro tate chairman the ald of his own volition 1 hire : boaght. Hi il the! and &re | ha FH are tanen 12 y ; It Is Cameron's Money That Is Ta Being Used ; in This Fight. DOT3 XGT DENY TO. AYD QUAY In His War on Hastings Quay fe Fighting Cameron's Bettie. Defost Mennms Destruntion for Cammbron-— Sone Fiaim Yecre for Pain Peop'e yr 3 3 posit RT net Rh frie ellve ny thier {yoverasor Hast Ae =epator Qoay has me aphaden his lines off 3 hata. and a victory: for him means s mie Thera is no disguisi an ‘sraeron is a enndidate for cy on the free and unlimited © silver platform: and if Quay his present fpbt against the | Repnblican party as itd the indorsement of Cum. s froe silver fallacies is secured. The sole desire of Quay is to get the ma- elinery of the party firmly in his hands | #0 that he mst he more resdily eleci ne- tional delegates who ail] be for Cameron for president He 5 declared himself | for Cameraor He Fas sahil thet Cameron | would be Penneyivania's choios for the | presidency. Are the plain, every day, om- mon sense Republicans of Pennsylvaais himse!f on 1he eron as preasy 0 accept this dictam?, No greater political disgrace could be visived upon the splendid Keystone state, with its millions of wealth and its hau dreds of thousands of intelligent Repule | licans, than to have the state, through the political trickery of Mr. Quay, turned over | Pods and soul to the {ree silver cranks ss represented by J. Dromald Cameron in his | candidacy for the presidency The friends of Quay are tring to evade the real issue by saving that Quay oniy wants to be rewarded for past services is is a cry that should not fool anrons. Why AT STARE of the There i ie no great political issue Colonel Gilkeson is the offSeinl heal pay in its exerative management. ar 4 no good reason has been urd for hig ree moval. Quay precipitated himself Into T wis he assume the ao universal derpand that Ieadersiip Thymes are the cold facts teal re Appare: nt to the weakest intellect. And what is advanced as an axouss for this artemint on bis sare to disrant Republican Po Toy pe ranks, and piaienly insule the chiel 4x. ecutive of a $ ax cept that he vants to be vindieatsd. For Tia gre discord in its amet what 4 sires iT a not the star honoring foes in 1s stand by Hi shood 5 cert imine as wall 828 8 §- position 0 11:3 has besn in Chang of Peon bog & Tal} peas and i“ His laurels for for Mr Harrison sutenants di But what the cond! tis faces Berce organized first time and his replltadion foresight is iready Shini pair. He has made a se herein ix » for ¢ § hoi] or va: ord ee VIAN ged hae binnders; be has bad hy politiend marpiots. Lackawnooa stripped him of his rv : ivii her deleymies to GGilkes PATH {haz is the In ginning vier. counties aid see the (u : : = Door. Liscavéry Das In cation, cial covering was of fine m amination. was several places TASH I TY * x ta INATES are eign! Dsiinet prreiinmes, the lvada iors still ded. In into ot by some soldiers Wl el EEK hich imbed fired 18 STL thats he dows | A Walmed Begrer. for Goay his experiences wi | pity. : first paper: “to the elevated - xnees ‘the fingers had bev cut off ols | palms, and tl ; “was bolding omt in the my ; which was is form of’ wise he did not ask charity. | proached him he did not k ‘when I stopped in frome of not speak. 1 thought this rete | its way; ewept for his SA AR a OAR AIR 1 gave not | where ik Fhalf a dollgr [hands or to any sory of b willing to oORUmIt & SIG | vism, Ee 1 political economy 0 the extent of cents. ud I fos that when { was be i dem "Usive to Lim ! never rice of unexeusal i ! pol: tical NOVELIST HOWELL os : TRIBUL: 7 ip ES . smd the Contest Between [wo Oo scienoes Unsegiod- A Cwnuity Calen Minty but a Compromise Was Arranged. has 7% tm for tions of Laving vr frmtare The following ts Selon Soma neon age, ax I wap thremgh a down town stroet of atintiom, 1 =o gitting on the steps of a bine seemed to be. resting his elbe and belding ons both fil As 1 came nearer I peracivey had no hands, bat only stan af it was these which the man really conld there was nothing to offend | and his immobile silence | impressive. I decided at core to give Ih | thing, for when I am in the ne want or even the Arne | there. is: something that sa) “@ive to him that ssleth,” im to give or else go away with|a bed come science—a thing I hate. Of tours § do { not give much, for I wish toFes goed | citizen as well as 4 good Chrjsti and : as soon a8 I « obey that volos i pot disobey 1 bBeur anot | proaching ‘me for beggary. I have been taugiit|that | beggary is wrong, and whew I have uobation two ccats and #0 4 th three ! or four pockets befors § | small coin I mean to giv | ance with that Imperative | tainly fee! it to ba wrong. Si | mire, and 1 am sever able i that either | with me should Quay want the state chairmanshin? of those voices I am pcr emo 804d myself, hat T am better othing. 3 [to my letter saad wi t | voice Which bade mm + asketh, | science, oe of two gy pray chong the least, ase like this is the one tical ecoon:s Fives a Int mwrin @ EL cam Zid 7 my as EL ing there but half adollar. i changed the whole earrent of my! ings, and it was pot chiil ury Shas | repressed my mobile Tage. bn oy <hifi wiih} to 8 man that askpeh’™ I a. a re, Of meant Tose & & ut as os give 7 ani ba dom th #; L GO TER Petri boy} a heme ) when [| en? veianragt | saw ope thers But-a you. 2 man fjuite at end of a long rocu . snd when 0 o all the way { find wha Yu * GR 6.0% wars uh aud whip) to bar. doubts encourage nlf d any rate Y prs Wade for I do pug empiew thom °3 it was better w bay them & commerce than [to gv ioilar and enconrage bMguary. | I instinctively fely out § acon: omy on my fide i transaction, and 1 made bass ogo B to the man en the steps and ‘secure | self with € tort TET way that I wonld not ove 1 snded By po his cutstretnhod S10 wy 3 a5 4 08 Gi + arity over tii. Mm. heweror him. omfg? Oe) 1IQeTIaR the mdr faice isis” Vv at cid [thot 1 wos buyin £5,008 Cat tarned os tobe —imdisnapolis Joardak Man 1s dey TOTTI 1} the spewaes of ¢ooat w hem ‘em dust. low him al are seri Tn Lo A 4a La i wis named From an Soe PE abe
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers