The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 01, 1895, Image 4
Patton Courier. : PATTON PUBLISHING co., Proprietors. __ THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1895. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one year, in advanee, - < . $1.00 S@-Advertising rates made known upon FARMING NOTES Drink Ambrosia. os the Of Interest to the Farmers Who Read the | Easy to take, sure to cure, no pain, |in the vicinity of Patton the COURIER Patton “Courier.” nothing to fear. DeWit¥’s Little Early | publishes the following local market Linseed meal is excellent food for the | Risers. ‘Best for sick headache; bil-| SPOR, TeV) each ween: : colt. liousness, sour stomach and constipa- | 3 15 cents per pound. | Dog meat is often sold for mutton in | tion. C. W. Hodgkins, Moin a “ doen. Paris. : List of Unclaimed Letters. See that the stock have access to salt application. No rs discontinued until all ar ei dg og unless at the option of the | - publisher. Entered at the Postoflice at Patton as second- | class mail matter. COUNTY. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. Ist Monday of March 1st Monday of Sept. | 1st Fonds of June 1st. Monday of Dec. ! OFFICERS. PrzsioeNt Jepar-Hon. A. hi Barker. PROTHONOTARY REGISTER AND ay. ‘A. McGough. | TreasURER—F. H. Barker, Sueriryr—D. W. Coulter. i DEPUTY SHERIFFS—Sarmuel Davis, Elmer | E. Davis. pPrsrricT ATTORNEY—R. 8. Murphy COMMINION ERS -P. J. Ditton, : Geo. M. Wertz. COMMISSION ER’ s Crerx—John C. Gates, _ COUNTY BUPERINTENDENT—J, W. Leech. CoUNTY SURVEYORS, (5. Betterman, ig A=W m. ames : Bey Opie. Anslem Weakiand, Wm. Miller. CorOXER—Dr, George Martin. Poor DIRECTORS Moore, James Som- | erville, Raphiel Hite. BOROUGH OFFICERS. * BURGESS—W. J. Donnell QouxciL—Lincoln 8. Bolt, president; 8. M Wilson, Frann Campbell, B. F. Wise, ph Letsc Young, Halph Lets C. Crowell, president; 0. QG. | ‘H, Curfman, gectetary} W. H. Randford, t urer; Jesse E. Dale, H. E. Barton, part m ; i Bdminston, OF THE PEACE--Jesse FE. Dale, Jas. lon. Po L loy 4, TREASURER—W. H. Sandford. - CLERRE—Harvey Patterson. Gotimcron Jas, Mellow. ASSBSSOR—J OS c . Avuprrors—F. H. Kinkead, H. 0. Winslow, Harry Gould. oaar or ErLecTION—Sam’] Boyoe. INSPECTOR— Walter Wenkland. CHIEF oF PoLicE—John Boyee. Sass? Conuisions 4. J. Jackson. ™E sv PERIOR COURT. The new superior court of Pennsyl- vania, of which Judge Rice, of La- ~~ serne, is president, met in Philadelphia . on Tuesday and formulated the follow- ing apportionment for this district in | which the court will sit: Fifth district, at Pittsburg—For the | first and second Mondays of April the county of Allegheny; for the third: Monday of April the counties of West- | moreland, Fayette, Washington and | Greene, for the first Monday of May | the counties of Somerset, Indiana, Cambria, Jefferson and Clarion; for the second Monday of May the counties of Armstrong, Butler, Beaver, Lawrence and Mercer; for the third Monday of May the counties of Erie, Crawford, Venango, Warren and Forest. AN AD in the newspaper will get i in| its good work when it’s too stormy for | ; Your Grammer to travel. Printers’ | "ILLINOIS LEADS. | . Illinois leads all the states in the | amount of internal revenue collected, | it having reached $30,600,000 last year. | tacky and New York come next, | former with $19,900,000 and the lat- | ter with $19,090,000. Pennsylvania is | next, with $11,000,000. These four | states contribute $80,500,000 of the $143,000,000 collected in all the states. | It by no means follows Sey Sovauime | all the malt and spiritous liquors on | which these taxes are mainly levied | and paid within their limita. —————a fot lb 7 tr At A PUBL.SHER'S problem: ‘Whether it | is wiser to sell a twelve-hundred-dollar | ‘advertisement for one thousand dollars | cash in hand, or to extend credit for | the whole amount and never ‘collect | anything. | py The number of immigrants arriving | during the first ten months of this’ fiscal year is 193,621; at this rate the ! number for the whole year will be | 222,345. Since 1880 no such small number has been registered. The im- | - migration of 1893 added 502,017 to our | * . population, that of 1880 added about 969, 431. In 1882 the number of immi- grants was 768,992; in 1887 it was 546,889. THE AGGREGATE circulation of the | . American and Canadian dailies reach the enormous number of 6,500,000—a daily paper for each two families. We print a little over 16,000 weekly publi- cations—two papers for each of the 13,000,000 families in this country. WILL DECIDE IT. ~The supreme court will likely have | to decide whether the Constitution - gives congress the right to aathorize the payment of bounties. = The ap-| propriations by the late congress o of $5,000,000, and of $238,280.08 for the | ‘payment of the sngar bounty on the | crop of '94 will probably not be paid | by the treasury department before this matter has been settled. : W. H. Nelson, who is in the drug! _ business at Kingville, Mo., has so much confidence in Chamberlain's ~Colic® Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy that he warrants every bottle and offers to refand the money to any customer who is not satisfied after using it. Mr. Nelson takes no risk in doing this be- cause the remedy is a certain cure for the diseases for which it is intended andhe knows it. It is for sale by C. E. Belcher’s 's City Drug Store. Cholera morbus is a dangerous com- plaint, and often fatal in its results. "To avoid this you should use DeWitt's ~ Oolic and Cholera Cure as soon as the JB #ympioms appear. C. W. Hodg- i . Jones, W. C. ‘and get seven papers a week for the chairs, 2 clocks, 1sewing machine, a s i price you formerly paid for one. The following letters remain in the Jats, ar p . : When punning A wis only in | postoffice at Patton for the week end- | Go orn, shelled... PEER “i best ying Satarday, July 27, 1896: | When the spring on winter rye or wheat. | : o Mrs. Ellet, Miss Annie Fogelman, | Rye,. Cor tonsinigh sii | Train the colt to come at call and | Mary F. Ford, Matt ‘Fitz, Mise | Hay, presses. 12 814 to per ton. | emphasize the lesson by carrying al M LH N | little salt or sugar to the pasture. | Rosia McConnell, Henry Nagle, Aman- | 5 | Brekwieat, Eira a TOBACCO and CIGARS da Olson, P. A. Smith, Miss Ida The finest line in Patton at : During fly time mares with foals at gg. foot will do much better if pat np dur- | Persons calling for. the * above | G. 1. FITZP ATRICK’ S ing the day and turned to pastore at jean will please say they are adver- | Restaurant. on Magee avenue, near | night. | tised. E-A Mao, P.M. | P.ERdepet See that there is plenty of running | water in the pastures and have tubs or | Stomach and. bowel complaints are troughs arran so that the water is- | best relieved by the timely use o De- | : on i Witt’s Colic and Cholera Cure. De | (4 AHAFFEY y HOU SE Permanent sod, without fertilizing, | ‘on having this preparation. Don't is an injury to the orchard. This has| take any other. C. W. Hodgkins. and Wines at the bar. Stabliag attached. been proved in the experience of nearly Last June Dick Ors wiord brought | GEORGE FERGUSON, | every successful orchardist. his twelve-months-old child, suffering | 0 Props After all, why is not the flesh of the from infantile diarrhoea, to me. It! : : MEAIS AT ALL BOURS. Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. Accommodations first-class, Best of Liquors | horse just as good food as the flesh of had been weaned at fcur months old a steer or a sheep or a hog? It is cer- and had always been sickly. I gave it Reuel Somerville, tainly a more cleanly animal than the | the usual treatment in such cases but’ ' last named. | without benefit. The child kept grow- | One remedy for the onion maggot is ing thinner until it weighed but little to spray the beds with a solution com- | more than when born, or perhaps ten | * | posed of paraffine, oil and water, one pounds. I then started the father to Office in the Good Building. glassful of oil to six gallons of water, | giving Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera | applied with an ordinary spray pump. and Diarrhoea Remedy. Before one' \\/, H. SEC HLER, ; hottle of the 25 cent siz: had been used | Severe griping pains of the stomach | Attorney -at - [Law, and bowels instantly and effectually a marked improvement was seen and stopped by DeWitt’s Colic and Cholera | ite continued use cured the child. Ite EBENSBURG, Cambria County, Pa. Attorney-at-Law, ' weakness and puny constitution disa Owe OW. Holglkine, peared and por and myself a DICKERS | nom. lieve the child’s life was saved by this | Record of Property. ty Bought and Sold in remedy. Jd T Marlow, MD, Ta- | Cambria County. 'maroa, Il. For sale by C. E. Belcher’s Margaret P. McConaughy et al. to City Drug Store. Joseph W. Barron, Morreilville; con- sideration, $325. Rose M. Young to Jennie L. Night- F. MCKENRICK,— Attorney and Counselor at Law, Diarrhcea should be stopped prompt- | w Ih ae nd to all business with promptness An elity. ly. It soon becomes chronic. De- Office opposite the Mountaia House. itt’ i : ’ are engale; Morrellville, $600. Witt’s Colic and Cholera Cu is . ective, sa ad certal dreds H. J. Hoppel, guardian, to Frank effective, safe and certan. Hun M. DAVIS, — Roslet, Coar $1. of testimonials bear witness to the Ww? H J. H wilh Frank : Virtue of this great medicine. It can | Roslet, rapa gvrtian, always be depended upon, its use saves | EAENSBURG, Pa Thomas J. Griffith et ux. to Griffith time and money. C. W. Hodgkins. Al} gd! bininess prONpHY SOI Griffith, Ebenburg, $550. : Marriage Licata. : Office in Armory Hall. = John F. Seigh et ux. to E. C. Ris-' The following marriage licenses were -inger, Morrellville, $200. issued by the Clerk of the Orphans’ Dr. E. L. Miller et ux. to w. P. Court for the week ending Thursday | Reese, Johnstewn $5. July 25, 1895: Sarah E. Burns to Cresson & Clear- George Paraboasich, Puritan, and | fleld Coal and Coke company, Reade, Mary Belick, Dunlo. | John Begany and Lizzie Romar, Joseph WwW. Barron et ux. to Rose | Johnstown. : Young, Morrellville, $600. | Raney C. Shaffer, Johnstown; Julia ASSETS of Fire naurance Companies Sheriff of Cambria county to H J. | L. Ransch, Daisytown. Hoppel, Carroll township, $100. be C. McKright, Hollidaysburg, Blair : PATTON INSURANCE AGENCY Citizen’s Cemetery association to county, Pa., and Ella Walker, Johns- | William Pogh, Grand View, $47. town. g Amount to over $25,000,000.60. Chest Creek Land and Improvement | Carrol Bolen and Gartrude Krech, company to Thomas W. Moore, Pat- Frugality. ton, $100. Charles Vonhof Raab and Emma ALSO THE PREFERRED Julian Rager et al. to Augustine Kuntz, Johnstown. Nagle, Barr township, $1,175. W. E. Keller, Boucher, Westmore- Philip Hopfer et ux. to Joseph Frazer, | land county, Pa., and Susan Holsopple, | CO. or NEW YORK, Portage township, $220. | Riehiasd lownstip, ‘The best in the world for business or | George C. Muller et ux. to John C.!| Charles Deifenbauch and Emma professional men. | Barron, Johnstown, $5,200. ' Nitzler, Johnstown. be arvey Patte rson | Gates, South Pork, $000, to George C.' rue kicked H. S. Shafer, of the A n E Miller ot ai. to Jobo yy | Freemyer house, Middleburg, N. Y., 9 a Soth Fork, $300. | on the knee, which laid him up in bed | Aengnes of Wilkin, 2. Oburie. ob (205 Tome he Knee jolot to become to W. Horace Rose, Osbo aiff. A friend recomugnied Dim to] armers [roi 6. Te, ' use Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, which | he did, and in two days was able to be There is no doubt, no failore, when | around. Mr. Shafer has recommended and | you take DeWitt’s Colic and Cholera |it to many others and says it is excel Cure. It is pleasant, acts promptly, | lent for any kind of a bruise or sprain. no bad after effects. C. W. Hodgkins. | This same remedy is ulso famous for “The Only” for 1895. |ite cure of rheumatism. For sale by The COURIER is pleased to announce | {C. E. Belcher's City Drug Store. Miners its clubbing arrangements with The |. Cantion Notles. | Pittsburg Post, the great home news- All persons are hereby caationed not We wish to call your attention | paper of Pennsylvania, and to persons | to meddle with the following property, that we carry the most com-| who want the best daily or semi-weekly lately owned by F. £. Farabaugh, as 4 Plete and: largest line of pert] paper published in the city, we recom- I purchased the same on July 13, an a ral set of carpenter tools, 1 wardrobe and ‘mend The Post. ‘left it in his care, subject to my re- The Daily Post, a large eight-page moval at any time: 1 cow, ! cooking paper, and The CoURIER one year each stove and utensils, 1 heating stove, 3 for $3.00. The price of The Post alone beds and bedding, 1 bosk-case, 1 cup- is $3.00. Send us your order at once board, 1 sink, 1 doz. chairs, 2 rocking The Sunday Post, twenty pages 1extension table. CHARLES ANNA. t ver brought to this section. | every Sunday, containing as much Patton, Pa., July 13, 1895. -8413 : € 8 it ‘reading as any of the monthly maga- All kinds of mining tools, | nes, COURIER one year each CE NTRAL - HOTE kL; ow der, ot il, etc. op only JOHN R. CORDELL, Pr The Semi-weekly Post and The Cou- Ly Prope. | RIER one year each for only $1.50. Just ! think of it, The Post twice a week, and Bar in connection. ur county paper for the price of one. hall Write us for sample copies. RATES $1.25 F ER DAY. wir. Light and heavy shelf hard- Marrying on $50 a Month. ; ware, Yesterday a young man asked me if Boa rohng Paints. oils it would be safe for him to marry on 0 oo a hy a | $600 and a salary of $50 per month. I | 2 - Wee 2 BY o Nea. JOO19%C Cream, Cigars, Confectionery and Soft : | told him I could tell better .when 1 saw . Fricetrators lee ~hests Drinks at Refriger ators, 1ce. chests, girl. There are girls who have . Li | grown up in ease and who have kicked Glass’ Restaurant. hammocks and every ths mg to | great black and blue welts in the lap of wit Opposite Central Hotel. k eep vou oo ol. | luxury, yet who are more ready and : 1 | willing to accept a little rough weather W. L. DoucLAs Tinware, cutlery, and all than the poor girl who has stood for wl kinds of household articles. eighteen years looking out through the $3 S FIT FOR AKING. soiled window of life waiting for the gr 10 =o RDOVAN, rain to rinse it off and let the sunlight : ENAEIAED SALE through that she might see her ap- proaching lord. —August Ladies’ Home Journal. : Attorney and Counselor at Law, R. L GEORGE, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, GALLITZIN, 1.. association. ‘Wagons, plows and all Accommodations the bent. First-class Hi inds of F ? varaishes, etc., [You will be used ridht when Vou call | and don't Children, especially infants, are soon fl get ran down with cholera infantum or ; Orgel ‘summer complaint.” Don't wait to ] i it. determine, but give DeWitt's Colic, § and Cholera Cure promptly, you can! By i Toe nn cer. CW SEE CAMBRIA Hodgkins. en ~All our shoes are Wanted. They tha che hot vaio the momen. one-horse - spring wagon. | k wearing Suslities are masurpassed atvie cal or ad Wagon care COURIER Prove 3: to $t to $3 eT office, Patton (Fra di sods saved over thee" makes fain Eon of soe Memory | STONE i EBENSBURG, PA. Solicitor for German: Rational B. & | ACCIDENT INSURANCE! arming Implements.’ : DANIELSON & ERGELAD'S SHOE - SHOP 4th Ave., near R. R. Station. Shoes made to order and | of all kinds done promptly. Prices bushel | moderate. 13¢f. AUGUST K. HUBER, M ASON, Mellon Avenue, PATTON ! I m prepared to do all kinds of work in my linelat reasonable prices. Contmets talon and | estithates furnished when desired. Satisfaction | guamanteed. Give me a call. JAMES QUINN, Johnstown, Pa ' DRY GOODS. MILLINERY, ETC. ro La 7 91 i i § i PATTON, PA. | ress (»0005 ~~ 28 Trimm Our stock of dry goods and trim ‘mings for the late spring and early summer season is not rs Cotton * dress goods never were so handsome Fel to buy. Come down or send to JAS. QUINN, Clinton St., Johnstown, Pa. TY, Dealer in Wines, Beer, Etc. Phoeniy BrewinG Co.'s Beer. | Flasks, Corks, Jugs. Ete., Rasfings, Penn a. i i Best Kind of Protection. | | i Ta ? = . , | i | | | Get. the Freshest { Here are a ring 2 Dr S. W. Worrell, PATTON, PA. General Surgery ~—AND—- THE EYE A SPECIAL] ~~ Room No. 3, | GOOD BUILDING. | po P.P. Young & Bro Wholesale and Retail Desiler in P oe FRESH a OF ALL KINDS. ] Bologna, Lar, Be | { i | FIFTH AVENUE, OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co. Pa. SURPLUS, $10, 000. 00. Accounts of Corporations, Firms, Individu- as now nor prices 80 low. Now is the | cities of the Old World. Liq tors, ATT THE—— als and Banks received npon the most favors- banking. " Steamship tickets for sale for all the rincipal | lines, Foreign Dmifts payable in the pri All correspondence will have our proinpt and POOL} attention, Interest paid on time deposits. “A. E. PATTON Wu. H. SANFORD, President. ; Cashier. Adamant Plaster Gives a first-class wall a pense. Is the best fire-resisting \ Always ready for use in any 4 Does not hold gases or Is the par excellence for Can be papered as soon as Will give you a solid wall. Of iteelf will not crack, shrink. ; Will not cleave off when rected, even in case of Will give you a warm house. | Does not ruin woodwork by: it with moisture. Admits of carpenters following plas- terers in a few days. Is capable of every variety of finish [ed oy, he Palmer Howl Padon, ES ty mid TE M. a on | one-half of the | | store rooms of i and the Purest - GROCERS, 16, Hl | | | White Wine and Pure Cider Vinegar, Floor and Table Oil ( Crocks and Jugs, OBSERVE: —W signatures from Arbuckle’s Coffee Wrappers, Save the bring them to our store. 3 Yours for F lower Pots, Etc. A full line of F lour and Fe ed. lk ths, e will pay one cent a-piec a Bargain, . | ARRDWARE (0. Patton Supply Co. Patton, Pa. FirstNation’ IB ok CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. “ bie terms consistent with safe and conservative | » + PATTON SUPPLY CO few Specialties mentioned: NR Ah. AS MA SI mt Sf x . : . > ¥ 2 Tn st A PRION A A