Fas IIR A ur - a cp “Indian A gent Teter Returned © From Jackson Hole. THE WHITES THERE FULL OF FEAR Redskins Can Combine . ber of Six Hundred, Pocaterie, 1d , July 25.—“Exciterns: t in the Jackeon Hole country is at fever heat. It is not safe for ranchmen to lense their homes. The Indians are tporongbly aroased and sre determined to seek veD geance for the death of the Indiane killed two weeks ago by daputy constables.” These were the words of Indian Agent Teter, who returned yesterday, worn ont from a hard tramp to the Jackson Hole valley, where the Indiso tronble is local. ed. He left the agency last Thursday. going to Market lake, From there he went overland 120 miles in company with Deputy Sheriff Hawley, of Fremont -eounty, to Maryavale, the postoffice at the south end of Jackson Hole. Speaking farther of the present situs tion in the valley, Teter said: *‘The set- ‘ters are thorunghly alarmed, nod they surely have good reason to be. The In- dians look upon the killing of their war- 'riors ae nothing short of marder and are pow undoubtedly preparing to avenge their deaths. «There are no large camps of Indians at present in J ackeon Hole proper, bat I was reliably ioforraed thst from 250 to 800 camped in the Fall river valley, 35 ‘miles south. Indians, however, are gcat- tered all through the country, and it ie not safe for white men to go out alone. The Indians shoot from ambush at every white man who makes his appearance, and the whites have adopted the same tastios towards tha Indians. if : "The settlers have congregated at sev: eral points to protect themselves. I arged’ ‘them to prepare for an attack, but not to assume the aggressive toward the wards of the government. Both cides are now very determined. The settlers decided, a year ago, that. if the Indians returned | ‘this sammer they woulé break up their - oustom of hanting io this loeality. “The women aré almost distracred with fear, and as there are not more than 200 _mettlers in the Jackson Hole valley, I con- sidered it necessary to send in’ the call for troops, whioh I did immedistely apon my arrival here. I don’t think the settlrs are in any immediate danger, bat if the troops are not sent at onoe they probably will be.” Word bas been received at the Bannock agency that Jim Ballard, who is acknowl- edged to be the most davgerous Indian on this reservation, is at the Salt River valley meeting of the Baunocks, Sho- ~ shones and Utes with about 50 of hie fol- lowers. The authorities are very soxions that these distarbers should not join the belligerents congregated on Fall river. It ia greatly feared, however, that when the trading and races are ended on Salt river these Indians will go north and jon the others. If they do eo, the combined force wenld nnmber 600, at least, i DXCTEMEN, : © JAPS BLOWN UP. A Powder Magazine Touched off By Twa Sty Chisa- men. a Tot), Jaly 12 —Tte most futal diene. ter hitherto snffersd vy the Japroaee 10 theie ~trasgle with Coins occarred nt Ke- lung, in Formoas, on Fane 5. After the capture of the pluoe a lirge yumnar of orges of ganpow lr that had fa: en 10tO the bande of the Japaneee were placed 10 Forces to the Nam- | , 1a mple noder uard of a compavy of iu- {nutry. The following morning it tn remove tie powder for tow purpove of Jf were 4 ks i Lasiring 1t in a euler piace, tut | i Jtiot WAR IN Progress A terrific explo { 1 te traueports and Chinese coolies. phe. thea tem ed them off quietly for trial. {ier t-nee is not yet announesd, Third Brigade Breaking Carp. |terly way of conducting Camp Cartin are manifestly inspired by the masia. Politics are at fever beat in Camp Car- tin, the mejority of the. guards being in victory over Matt ( 1ay, and sls partic alarly anxous to have the latter snowed ander. Camp Curtin will be deserted will leave for home, the 13th ai Ta m, the 9:h st 9 8. m., the 12th at 11 a.m, the 4th and Sth at 1 p.m, Battery Coat 10 a. m. and the Governor's Troop at 6 a. m. overland. = The pay rolls are beiog made ont to- day and the officers of Goveroor Has tings’ staff are very copsiderste in instan- spon, SISTERS DECLINE TO TEACH. Cannot be induced to Enter the Cambdria County Schools Contrary lo Law. : JounsTows, Pa, Jaly 25.--The Bisters al St. Joseph, aithough urged by toe di- rectors and patrons of the schools at Gallitzin and Lilly to ocoept positions && teachers in the schools sod test the con- stitationslity of the “Garb” bill, persis- tently decline to do so, giving as their reasons that they will not violate a law of the State however upjnst or noconstiia- tional they may regard it, and 18 a cou: e- bered that the (Iallitzin gahool ease, in which the American Mechanics secareil an injunétion restrsini ag the eroployment led to the enactment of the (darb bill, : NO COMPLAINT. No Oficial Notice of { eo Lane. Wasmseroy, D. C., Jaly 25.-The oases of the schoower Carrie A. Lowe, | ‘which arrived st the Delaware Breakw:- | ter yeeterduy and reported ‘that she had | been fired upon and made to give an uo- | count of bersel! by a Spanish ganboat | likely to prove another Alliroea incident | tality It is Likely ment. made. . Doing it for the Silver Cause. Cuicaso, July 25.—A Chicago paper baving asserted that the Horr-Harvey de- bate was gotten up for the pecuniary ben- efit of the debaters, Henry G. Miller, ove of the judges in the contest, publiskes & Jetter written to him by Harvey before the discnssion begau, in which Harvey - assigns all of his interest in the proposed publication of the debate, tbe money to . be expended in promoting the cause of free silver, _ Nothing New at Market Lake. UmeYeNSE, Wyo., July 26.—Governor Richards to-day received a telegram from Ganeral Stitzer, at Market Lake, saying that notwithstanding the reports of a sensational nature sent out from that point there is nothing new in the Indian -gitnation. No authentic news of any turtber trouble have been received. "Bishop of Winchester Dead. Loxoox, July 25.—Rt. Rev. Anthony Wilson Thorold, protestant bishop of Winchester, died. at his residence, Farn- ham castle, Barrey, this morning. He was 70 years of age. - Gen, Copploger oa Lhe March. OMAHA, Neb., July 25.—General Cop- pinger left to-day for Wyoming. ‘The first battalion of the ninth cavalry will goto the Jackson Hole country imme- - diately. : ~ .Obangeof Venue Denied. Sax Fraxcisco, Oal.;, July 25.—The Judge to-day denied a motion for a ‘obange of venue in the Darral murder Fourteen Victims of an Explosion, Beruiv, July 25.—A diepatoh from ‘Suez reports that 14 persons bave been he Firing on ths Carrie A. | 1 { { | i i off the Cuban coast on July 14, i# DOt| yn) are r menns as no official information or complaint on the subject bas reached the State depart-| «ha And judgiog from the statement | of Captain Quick none is likely to be! THE ATLANTA AT HAVANA. Meeting, wes unexpedly appoutead yesterday, was 2 [RE 3 at ik is Yn Pi 2 ¥ Yoiv . Te BRAD Cuban Shihaatersrs, t hat | alleged filivnsterers.. Stiooting ta West Yrghi a. . = i Hesrivaron, W.Va, July 25, — Last { pit Marshal Leete, of Central shot Frank Froom whom he had § i City, under arrest, and the priecver is reported to be dying. Broom was drunk. and some, aad had been taken home to 12 iv np for his appeunrsnce. He atternp’ed to reach 2 gnu with the inten tion of shooting tha (fiver. mooey (opi No More Govarnmeat Seeds. WasHiNGToN, D. C., Jaly 28.—The secret of Secretary Morton's artagouisw to the existance of the eeed division of the agricaltaral department reached its logical conclueisn to-day io an order Oatober 1st. After thac date the free dis- tribation of seeds by the sgricaltaral de- partment will cease, : Will Fight 16 Dallas, Darras; Tex, Jaly 26 —Preeident Dan A. Btaart, of the Florida Athletic clab, | gave ont his decision to-aight. The offer of Galveston for the Corbett. Fitzsimmons in this city oa October 31. men of the city are responsible for knock-out of Galveston. Lady Gruning a Forger. Loxpox, July 26.—Lady Frances Foee Gupning, widow of the late Rev. Sir Henty Gunning, and. daughter of The businees the upon su extradition warrant, charging her with forgery. Cavalry om the Way. Wasnaixaron, D. O., July 26.—A tele- gram was received at the war department to-day stating that the cavalry from Fort Robinson would probably reach Market Lake, Idaho, the nearest station to, and ‘about one hundred miles from the soene killed by a boilee explomon in 8 mill there. of the Indian trouble, tomorrow morning. | whniie the s took place, kitliog an officer aud 26 soldiers; and wonoding 120 non-commis- s oped cflicers, so'diers, Japanese [nnd MISSHCAE OF SETTLERS. ger Reports all Killed in Messen : Jackson Hole. HURRICANE VENGEANCE FOR CHM. Passengers Killed. P.catento, Idaho), Jaly 26.—A eourter who arrived at Ma-ket Lake, Idsbo, tl avening, reports that all the settlers ip Jacksco Hole have been murdered by the [edians and all their bonses hurned He could give no partienlars of tue alleged . 1 MIAKEACTS. Swept the Const of Japan, Search revealed the fret that two Ch1- pese had been the aathors of the catertio- Ihey were found concealed nnder ple, with boriug instroments and coils of mining fuse In their potssEsIOL. The tioopa dia vot lyneh the miscreania, as might bave been expacted, but m roo meh - Lepaxow, Pa., July 26.—The cffizers of Governor Hastings’ atefl wera to day shooting at a rifia range to qualify. Al Gaalified but several of them. Genera! Gobin 18 bigblv delighted with the com- pliments showered apon him for bis mus- “Manhattan Beach March” by the bri- gade band, is great'y appreciated and vo- oiferously npplaaded by the guards, who favor of Governor Hastings gaining the by to-morrow evening as the regiments quence the schools in hess places will be. filled by lay teachers. It will he remem- | Accepted as the Resull of Last Friday's Mysterious | : : KO Ci i abolishing tbe division to tnke effect on. fight was rejected, and it will take place the Rev. Hon. William Henry Spencer, | was arrested in this city last evening, PATLADELP A, Pa, Jaiy 26. -A vio: ent huarricass wes reported to-day by cable to the Marit me exchange to Lave swept thw coast of Japan during whieh many vessels were wrecked and their ciews drowned. ‘Tbe loss of life on shore i: reported to have bean large. Pligeims 10 a Wreck, aris, Frapce, July 26.—A railroad Jent by which twelve persond Jost per lives and twinty five wera more or jess seriously ipjarad occnrred to day nesr St. Bria, department of Cotes Duo Nord. A train heavily ladeved with pil srime retaroing from the shrine of Suiute Daarsy was in 8olne mspoer derailed and several cars wrecked, Pe W EXECUTED AT. WASHINGTON. Joseph A. Beam Paid the Penalty for a Most Brutal : Wurder. Wasaisarow, Joly 26.—Joseph A. Beam was havged io the United States district jail shortly befora noon. Beam shot and kiiled his step-danghter, Annie L. Leahy, on the moroing of December 22 last, beeanse she refused him admis sion to the house to ses bis sick wife, Beam had eeparated from his wife owirg to trouble bronght on by his ogly dis position and dissipated habits, and, to- ward the step datghter, whom be charg- ed with being tha conse of all his domes tio difficulties, be harbored a bitter batred. 1 - : ~ When he called at the house on the fatal morning she declined to admit him ces of new recruite, and especially strag- | gles, being the most of the time 10 Leb- to» her miother's presence snd‘ he went away. He soon retarned armed with two | revolvers, When Miss Leaby appeared at tha door in apuwer to bis knocking, he dred a hnllet into her abdomeo. Bhe ran parily around the bouee with Beam following closely upon her heels. He | ired again and agaio, and to cap the climax of his brutality, he jumped upon ber postrate form, kicking aad stamping apou her in a m et heartless manner. See ng that hin work wae finished he started to run, bat as he reached the oth- er sida of the stret, be was captared by | Congressman Melkeljob, of Nebraska, | who tarned him ovar to an officer. He was epeadily onavicted, al’ hough a strong eff rt wae made to show that his rabid temperament wag really iveanity. Uotil aleaost tha lsat raoment of his prison life ha was indiffarent nod even profane and , : | abasive, but he diad penitent. of the sisters of St. Joseph ae teachers, | . Jee KILLED SUNDAY MORNING. i An Cid Man, Unkajwn, Cut in Two by the Cars at i i i i i | i jasrrel- York with their faoniy { cet | ing, were drowned i y : Spm : gp rilaowar Wasnivaroy, D. C., Jaly 45. —1It dee tee k pear Hawnrd 3 % p 1 ¢ ? See [184 wes hy Rit veloped this afterpocn tht the presente @ had bres 733 over by iran ; ae Ad) : I B..R. sod P. aud bis body eatin two of ihe erniser Atlanta at Havas, which} ' "7 © ; ’ ' : Nobody eculd te fuund . . fry WOW Brnnen +} gat one Ghthn rasta ot the enlilnet ove fare : man or how be b vr el to gat : J wav enca whieh wus Leli last Friday to de- | way! enforoing the peu- | oak the Atlanta 18 sfier {it ia likely the « el mar, : along the ties approaeh-of the train and i gon sprang in Hywadd Junction. J TM was fonnd J 0 The bo the ra this wi i we 1 EF gE * s HNSONBURG, oly of ly G&D Gn io feo Gini t 11 wf Li woo kpew the the in f tha trata. His boly was tukan to Bradlord witnoat being dentifi=d. There ‘ ara a number of tracka al the janction and while tramping if rid ith it ia "a ned i iy r i Leirame on the ter i front nt of the way, of it instead of getting © Mother ard Son Diowned, CerED)y, W. Va, Jaly. 2%. Mer. Wil lism Pierce aod ber sci, Frapkiio, w! game hera a weak or two agn from [y 3 1 - 2 ra snmpmer ont- the river al one Mrs. Pieres fell into the wate: from a hoase boat and her her He had raised bis mother and got her half way to the shore when the stroog current overwhelmed both. Their bodies were recovered and will be sent to New York $n pigh t : : : Mi in o'clock this afternoon. resins, $y Accidental Shootlog. Hagrignvna, Jaly 28. —Thia morning dently shot and killed on Cameron street by John Brcwn, white, aged abou! 17. ‘Brown was on his way home, with several companions, sod was showing them a new eelf conking revolver, when it waa discharged, the ballet striking Beverly as be came ont of home on the other side of the street. a foo © Valkyrie on the Way. CAMPBELLTOWN, Scotland, Jaly 28.— The yacht Valkyrie 111 is now well oat to British yaclitemen and many others. She sailed yterday for America aud was given ao eatbusiastic farewell. I Qusy's Termtory. publican primaries of Greene county have been beld ard the Quay forces carried ev- ery precinct. The couvention will be held to-morrow. '[be county has one State del- egate. : A Bud Singer Man. AoNtiNavox, Pw, July -28.—B. F. Wood, agen’ of the Singer Sewing Ma- chive Co., residing bere, has been arrest- Wreek of a Far Train io France, Twelve | | Satnrday evening 8! New | Obas. Bever!7, colored, aged 14, was acci-| ses bearing westward the hopes of the WaiyYNEsBURG, Pa, July 28.—The Re | WAITING ON THE OFERATORS. No Change in the Mining Situation Around Pitts eI burg. PrrrssoRrg, Jo’ 28. —Fulure develop ments ip the © ning wsitawtion in the Pittsburg district depends upon the ac- * tion taken by the operators oo the reqnest tor a joint conference, made by the die trict officiuls. This matter has rot been acted npon by the operators, bat the | oaspces are thet it will ba without for- ther loss of time, Tue sita«stion 8 be coming eo critical that they cant ot afford to entirely ivnore it. Yesterduy the dis trict « fcials, accompavied hy President 0 Connors, of Tilinoae, called op Presi- dent Zrbe, of the Oui» aud Penouyisa- pin company, in referarea to the confer- ence. It happeved that Operator Chap- man, vice president of ‘he Huilroad Cow Operators’ assoniation, was ii the ¢ffice ut the time. The miners submitted ther re the absence of President Bobbine, nuless acting on the rqnest of five members, | The operators gsemed to thisk thet tie notice given by the roiners wus shor’, They bald tbat they shonld have bee given at least 8 week's tine Aig the matter. Operator Chapman said: “The operators are undecided in thi matter. Wa do pot clearly anderetari jnct what the miners svsot. Atany rate, if a conference is decided npon, it wii pot be held until the latter part of pexr week.” 2 : The miners’ officials say tc-day thut they hud not yet received any word from President Robbine. They mil do nvoth- the operators have finally declared them salves yd : The Pennsylvania railroad company has district miners. Lae: night coal trains west, and a number of sccommodations accordingly suffered nn delay. Sections of freight loaded with fuel were everywhere in evidence. The company is apparently determined to take no chances oo a long and widespread suspeneion, for a traio- man stated laet night that orders had been puesed along tc let nothing inter- fere with the work of getting all the coal possible. : Forclug ‘he Ixsue, Caxton, O., July 28 -Preeident Rath- ford, of the Ohio mirers association, will go to Pittsburg to-morrow to consult with the leaders there. Ee says that if the operators of Western Pennsylvania refase or without company store, nil the miners in Ohio will be ordered out during this week either by circular or conven: strike will certainly follow the: failure of maintains that the miiners are not bound by any previous agreement. REVERSED, OF COURSE. ‘Better News from the Indian War Company - Gen, Coppinger Will Establish Communication. Sant Lake, July 38.--A Market Lake says: All ig quiet at Jock gsov's Hole.” WASHINGTON, DC. Jals 28. Tele grams received at tae War departmeoct Ctoeday from the wnt t t LAD if the Indian cinlila’ are © Auninraging nalare, lve denial of the arted * xy 3 OTHERS BRRUGT T0 LIGHT Four More Skeletons Out of the ing beyond work of .organization until anticipated the strike of the Pittsbarg nad the right of way oo the lines running to concede wages of 39 and 64 cente, with. tion. He saysthat s snccessful national ‘the Pittaburiz operators to yield now. He. i is quest for a conference, but ‘Chapmso, in reply, seid that be eonld dn vothicg in ' Charley Chapman. dispateb from | “Pay po at'eptior to wiid rumors about | [odian troubles niagara al Juckson's Hole was foljowsad by reports | ira gravifyiog SETA of a pacifie patare | hin el At received i the department. Coppinger, gays thut the troops from ihis ¥ w of reach Maryanitle noxt Toesday even: (len 1 ta bk 1 : " i so " COpPiuger ius Rrrangea with the lar ¢oustant communi pling i ris I ment hy means of courier service. MARYLAND Df MGCRATS ANGRY. Ih vy Threaten Defauit © Gorman Rulzs tha Con 100. i Barrisone, Md. 2%, | Corman will contr Jaty 1. the action of the : Demoeratic state convention Senator y which will | meet on Wedoes dy next to name canidi- dates for governor. comptroller and at | torrey general. Thera has been a very | decided opposition to Senator Gorman in ' many of the connties hut bis success was | finally clinched yesterday. Primaries | were held in several connties aud the | senator's friends ontrol most of them. | Senator Gormen’s enemies, the independents and the Cleveland Demo- ¢rate, aie asserting that unless | nominees are pat op at Wednesday's con- | vention they witl stay at home on election | day aod again let the state go Rapab- i liean. ! i » he at REPORT OF A{RIVER DISASTER. Forty of a Mississippi Steamer’s Passengers Said to Mave Been Drowned. Mzxpn1s, Tenn., Jaly 29, 1:45 a. mn. — It is ramored hers that the large steamer, ' Belle of Memphis, running "between | Memphis and St. Lone, sunk this even- ing about sixty riiles north of this city | and forty or mors lives were lost. It is | improbable that the ramor ean be either affirmed or denied to-night as every re- source has been sxhsasted. Stabbed in » Sanday Row. Reapiva, Pa, July 28.—Early ths morning Philip Wiedner, Jr., age 26, was stabbed 1n the sbdomem by Obas. Wil liamas and will die. Wiedmer - received five cuts, ali of which penetrated the m- testines. Willams was arrested and olsimed eeif defunse, He came to Read- ed charged with embeziliog $1200 from the company. re an ing from Brooklyn lnet May. bes i TEU. | evening, | Miurkot Laake | 5 olalock sod will} ive yon i 1 i 3 1 Holmes Chamber of 1[orrors. MARYLANDERS OPPOSED 10 GORMAA. They Threaten to Give, the Repoblicins the State by Default, CHicAa), Inly 28 - dence f st Holmes’ esta [ngiewdod was, 1» 5 n'oht, placed 1» ti bands of Inepeito ¥itzpatriok, Taar Jurst four people tol been erally m: dered her of horrors, 8 noc t/.. The skeleton m=, sapposed to '- } nnors, is row n= h : ity hall. May ober wilaech came: from the 8 De 0! 10a, will be placed ip hie poessesion to- minrow, and a fonrth body has heen traced to Philadelphia and its recipien’ thera will on donbt be dizcovered and the crime lolly nocovered. The inspector will pot at present make the name of his informant known, hut he said he wis a man who was hired by Holmes to moa v- : mrsd r lrg nis 8 practionl 4 one of (Toimes’ that of Mes Julia ¢ vie tov "wm off Win % » favinli, ‘| the skeletons of four bodies, three of fe males and ope of a man. This is the Skeleton Maun. CHicaco, III, July 28. —The name by which’ the man who mounted the skele- ton for Holmes is generslly known is | y na He has nck been for- | 154 heen reared in the course of count- mally placed under arrest but will pro- | Jags centuries an adamantine wall i 7 imistakible «vi. line for 1,250 miles along the 1 ern coast of Australia presents featarus nw SUMMER ‘WISDOM. 7 : The man whose’ itistotalel © The wenther as {i comes, | Foe Without n word of fuss, finde nee! A pudding full of plums. | He doen't care how low ". The mercury has got, f And even when it's mid Je He hardly knows it's hot. But he who when the mercury Goes up to eighty-five Makes such a fuss that every oB® Regrets that he's alive. | - Thus makes himself unhappler Than he was meant to be; And feels the heat at sevenfy-two As if "twere ninety-three. 86 take a warning from these lines © It's good advice, though free And when the hot days really come - Don't. watch “he mercury. ° Just go about your daily tasks Regard oss of the heat, ~ Apd you will find that every day Your life will grow more sweat. 3 : Eomerville Journslh bmn A MARINE WONDER. The Mighty Barrier Reef a Monument i. Minute Insects’ Industry. One of the marine wonders of the world is the great Barrier Reef of Anse tralis. This stupendous rampart of coral, stretching in an almost nnbrokens northeast’ of interest which are not to he equaled in any other quarter of the globe. Noe where is the action of the little marine insect, which builds up with untiring in- ‘dustry those mighty mountains with which the tropical seas are studded, more apparent. - ; EL -By a simple process of secretion them bably be as soon as the polica get from | against which the billows of the: him all the information he will give. It|sweeping along in ; { course of several thousand ig said that he knows entirely too much of Holmes and his skeletons io be ub in- pocent man. ! : Japs Lost 400 Soldiers. : ‘Keg, Japan, July 28.—A frightfyl ae- cident, ia which 400 soldiers perished, bes occurred oo the railroad ranving from here to Osaka. jog thers over 400 eoldixre, who were on A rain ‘Wag 000VeY- | which the wavy, gelatinous f 3 | 5 i the way from Chine; a heavy storm wus ragiog and as the train the train and derailiog the engine and iu them, aod they were :1i 8lied to their full capacity, wera drowned like rats in a trap. : JAP3 FIGHTING CHOLERA NOW. The Scourge Has Tawen Away Five Thousand In- habilants.--in Corea Also. Tokio, Japan, July 48.--Bivos the out- : was running along the sea wall on which the tracks, 68! they overreach the city are lsid, an im- J gain, menee sea leaped over the wall, separating | AY be. seen in the serene depths of pl | cid pools extraondinary forms of mar ; ( life, aglow alaven cars, which plunged cffthewnlland : _* = : dam ; es . and producing in their infinite into the bay, Nearly all of the soldiers | proc SN CU g an themselves in ineffectual fary.- Inclosed within the range of its projecting anns. is'a calm inland sea, dotted with a mile titnde of coral islets, and presenting st avery turn objects of interest alike to the unlearned traveler and te man of - Science. . : Here may be witnessed the process by -ens into stone, then serves as a ing ground for the flotsam and of the ocean, and ultimately into an island covered with a lng mass of tropical growth. © Here, with the most brilliant co riety a bewi'dering sense of the of the life of the ocean. —London Opinion. . TO CAN STREET CAR HORSES, | Canned Horse Is Ou Sale and Popular Is break of cholera in Japan there have’ been 9,000 cases and 5,000 deatns. The scourge 18 raging ia Corea and on Liao. tang peoinsuls. Lieut. Gen, Schofisld Commuuding. Wasursarox, D. C., July 26.--Lieat. ‘General Schofield arrived here this eveu- ing and will devote his attestion from pow ot to the suppression of the Bao- Locks. oe An Old man’s’ Miverze., . Matt Le Z ‘Sin miceres * PBeoansa the boys, Who were bis toys, Hava a king for Dan, The peopin’s man At Harrisburg. Don't you see Mat: Le, OF wysteras, Thinks he owes The Republican pasty ‘Bat veitaer Mate, Nar. Dan, Nor avy « Can no 0), No! ft doni’t go In politics While thete’s rocm for k gia. Matt's a good leader Begauae he's a geod feador Of plams And sich To: those who itch For government fruit—inicy aud rich — And because hs'a smurt Lin Right from the start [n the delicate nrt Politic. \ Bat he mast be quick Or he wou't get a trick In the run, with Gilkecon And the other map, The people's Dan At Herrisburg. Don’t you see It's miseree For Matt, ~ Who always stands pat 20 When he knows where he i8 at ? P. 8.—The above production may be regarded by some hot headed Republicans as factional; but its not, it's classical. i 1y aud bones. rR Re that, tis I A Regular Line-op.. First Cycler (vearing a road -house)— “Do you sappose we can get anything to drink here?” Second Cycler—‘'Just look at the en- ormous aggregation of wheels in the car- Horseless Vehicles Not Now, “Talk about these horseless vehicles,’ said Uncle 8i, uy eeen ‘emi long ago.” “Why, pa!” began Aunt Mandy. “Oh, but I did. Don’t you remember the ole ox-cart we rode to our weddin’ in?"— Indianapolis Journal. Vital Statistics. Tourist—Plenty of boys dying with their boots on nowadnye? - Rubberneck Bill—Naw. Bat they bus several fresh guys died with them yaller Muny Cities of the East * The anning of horse meat for domes tic and foreign consumption has belt inaugurated in the Northwest. Mr. 3M Herrick, of The Dalles, whe owas & ‘salmon cannery, hus converted parti - inery. He ‘and they have yielded ‘pounds of flesh. | they have been Lars served probably could account. fo¥ Ang caus, “be pa packing corned beef. that amount, his establishment into a horse meat cate has canned in all seven an average of 3 Mr. Herrick has disposed of & m of cases of canned meat in this cit eaten here. Patrons ¢ the establishments whera five-cent me some of the meat, and if so they 3 have nade any complsintsfabonst it. J number of cases have Deen sent Ei and it is expectad that quite a nil k Will be found for horse beef inside the United States. . ip The flesh resembles beef inappeanings and cannot be told from it by taste. The grain of the flesh is fine, aud, npon opens it certainly looks good enough Dozens of people nave sampled Cand are nnaniwmons 35 eat. i) x he canned horses i : He pronouncing it good, thungh there wa “not one of them but confessed tO 8 prejudice asainst the earring of Loree flesh, ! ; The only trouble Mr with in eanming mia Hyrrick has mek Ye flesh cannot © Kod into éans tightly enough by The difficnity will be overnome i muchin such as is ned i The dirst horse made sIX forty sight pounds each, but others Tana ttle under 2 i hand. by usin uy Sry tr2lliaad ¢ slag ER How She Got a “Hafety.” s A school girl who made a good mcond | at the high school and will zraduste with ‘high honors rend an advertisement na Chicago paper from a new biking pows der firm, reading someghing like this LeGirl ivanted to sell baking powder. Tw 'any girl who will send us 2 fort I do i : | powder, and show that it has i i A zon cans of our rapid selling been gold, we will forward at. once | ful ‘safety.’ —— & Co., — stro cago.” | She sent the money, and by hustling like: a house afire for three weoks and having the door slammed in her fsce no | loss than a doven times, she ‘managed to ! 3 anload the stuff, Forwarding the Usk of sales. she waited in hreathless antich pation the arrival of her beautiful bi cycle. It cime—the “safety” did--in am envelope, and it was one of those brass pins, horse blanket size, like msmms used to keep up our style with. -- Mane kato, Minn., Review. | ; ’ Gen. Wade Hamptons address ag! unveiling of the Confederate mondment in Chicago on Decoration day was, in part, a eulogy of Lincola. ‘The untimnee ly death of President Lincoln was res ‘garded by ail thoughtful men of the South as one of the mest serious evils which had befallen our section.” bis ssid “We know that during the war he de voted every energy of mind and be for the restoration of the Union, and at result accomplished, we felt that his big brain and his kind heart would rom him to deal kindly and leniently his felow citiens of the South.” Conan Doyle, Stanley Wey S. R. Crockett are said to . est literary incomes of any co ary writers. } Bismarck says thathe live to be one h wd aks ho may old ff he shoee on.—Indisnapolis Journal. | likes a th tl 1 — —— — — — rani —————
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers