5 TF FF t oo ee 4 © BEL pa Ia. gr 5, 2 3, Bile ET BE : Fier be nah on on i be AO AO rn a hr, By, it $ amici Marcellias, for . ‘Will be spend six hours shoppi i Tr Truman's coal. -7tf YosioBiowsst, of Houtalsle, wou rr Patton [—— guest of S8am’] Boyce Monday. | toons has posted a notice to the effect | There are about ohe hundred persons | that, dating from the 15th, the pud- spn AI Sorento PATTON PUBLISHING CO. Proprietors. a NEWSPAPER. LAW DECISIONS. who do not give express considered as wiki: r postofiice 1 they are ble until thei? bills and ordered them 4 oon serhirs move to other pe sent to the BT has urts have decided that refusing to s from the office or removing them onealled for, is prima facia [intentional fraud. evidenoe 8 Hf subscribers pay in ad vance they are to give notice at the end of the time If not wi wish to ontinae taking it; othe send it is to the subscriber will be peapamail; > until an -nntice, with onli all arrear- sent to the pu . every other Bunday at 5 and a mm. day school at 2 p. oni ro MurHODINY ErmcoraL—Rev. C. W. Wasson, Bervices al 19:30 &. m. and 730 p. m. nday school Rudy m. Epwdrth Missés Minnie and Sallie Holter are {visting relatives st Philipsburg this cot Wilh lo git cooled off stop in "to Hodgkins drug store and get a drink »f soda. Mrs. 8. A. Criste, of Gallitain, spent | one day last week visiting her deagh-/ ter, Miss Fannie. Misses Cecelia and Ada Mellon are | Reid | the guests of Miss Della Addleman at | Curwensville this week. ‘Master Duncan Sandford, who has | been visiting friends at Holidaysburg, returned home Monday. spring suit of clothes call on Lerch, the tailor, Mahaffey, Pa. -68tf P. W. Boyd, of Philadelphia, and Before leaving your order for as dlers employed will be paid! §3 per ton | instead of $2.75 as heretofors. The raise was voluntary. J. Dewitt Hepburn, proprietor of the popuiar Aldine hotel at Mahaffey, was in town for a day last week. His bright little daoaghter, Miss Bemi, was the | guest of little Miss Lena Gingery on | Walnut street while here. —Clearfield ' PobSetpin CLEARFIELD CLEARFIELD, Pa, Jul 22, 1865. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Showers, of Mor- risdale Mines, visited Mi. Showers parents over Sunday. This wis their wedding trip, they having: been but recently married. Some of the wheelmen ani horsemen are getting up a combinat on bicycle tournament and horse trotting event to take place at the Clearfiidd Driving | park about the middle of /ngust. A EsEwssrmc, Pa, July 28, so08, Mies Bertha Miller, of Hastings, Is the guest of Miss Emma Craver, of this | place. Miss Elocta Finica, ‘of Pitsburg, is visiting her schoolmate, Miss Maud | Shoemaker, of Ebensburg. Mr. N. Lobr and wife, of Indiana, | : drove to Cherrytree on Tuesday and then visited several of our towns im: the north of the county and on Wed- nesday night reached Ebensburg, where ‘they met a number of old friends, and | "on Thursday morning started for home by way of Nicktown. The Misses McKenrick entertained » number of their friends on Wednesday ‘evening at their home on Julian street. All report an esjoyable evening. A festival was held at the Episcopal church in this place on Wednesday evening last. A number of strangers from the northern part of the county were in attendance. Those in charge The Old and d New. ‘We keep a complete line of latest styles, as well as all varieties of foot gear. immense trade enables us to offer it at rock bottom prices. Such for instance, as these: Mets Rummstn any! Patent lest Sous oust 40 8 Ruseet §1 98 to $5 00 } The pension of Mr. Thomas B. merchants | Davis, a worthy Ebensburg veteran, The Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg John H. Bollen, Jr., of Pittsburg, were | large amount of money has already way they realised a nice little sum of | guests at the Palmer house Monday. been subscribed by the hotel men and . até p. m. Pryyss swoeting ‘ev every Woes | has been redaced from §10 to $6 per day evening at 7 | month. The Evening Gossip, after a sharp ' campaign against DuBois girls running of tains at. the Pakon Blaion are aa 21478 fe dark, gave up ie fig — | suspended—quit.—Ex. Arrives. Ma Closes. | J. H. Beckley, representing the - JU A “RAN 310 PM ‘5471 Pru Postoffice hours from 7 A. M. to 8 | wholesale grocery house of Love, San- | shine & Co., of Johnstown, had busi- | ness in Patton Tuesday. excursion to Rochester ard Ontario Beach Saturday, 27th, at $3 for the ‘round trip from Clearfield is quoite likely to prove a big success The Beech Creek Railroad company have announced a Niagaru Falls ex- cursion for July 27. Rates are very low. : The public fountain in front of ihe court house, which was blowed up by cannon crackers early on tie morning P.M | J. Dawson, J. Bracken, E. Miller, ,f the 4th of July, before daybreak, Train sinbers marked ‘N’ are | Misses Mary Christy, Alice Fitzharris, was put in running order ajain Satar- northbound and “8” southbound. i and Jennie Munroe, drove down from | iis i Cio | Gallitzin Friday to visit friends. Mariposs Park. | If you wish to spend a very enjoyable | day go to Mariposa Park, Berwinds- dale, Pa., and you will be satisfied. Every convenience possible are on the grounds. Hotel Atlantis, under the management of Jas. P. Roscoe, form- erly of DuBois, and a beautiful lake, a place for health and pleasure. Write AL PIERCE, Prop'r, 83tf : . Herwindaliale, Pa. The New Woman’ - Husband, Will his Booking | aus dyspepsia? Will. he ike : Eatable aphid ph or bhscaits Will he always burn | : the steak? win She never have 8 Sapper re ready, when wifie Wilt he Ghrenten io go back to his papa when | she begins 10 swear like a Turk? ng, and bay | butas of thread? 0 | daughter, Miss Bessie, will take charge When you take a trip to Ebensburg stop at the Blair house and yon will be ‘used all right. Accommodations ex- . cellent and rates moderate. -69-t1. : De Witt’'s Colic and Cholera Cure never disappoints, never fails to give | immediate relief. It cures just as sure as you take it. C. W. Hodgkins. The Emerald societies of Blair, Cam- bria and Clearfield will hold a grand picnic at Emerald park, Cresson, on August 21st. A big time is anticipsted. Patrick Fogerty, of Barnesboro, and Miss Mary Brennan, of Patton, were united in marriage at the St. Mary's Catholic church, of Patton, Monday . morning. The whereabouts of Station Agent : Rishel, who disappeared with some of the company’s money at Spangler last Major Wolfe, of this place, with his two sons, John and Charles and his of the Palmer house at Patton next And the Patton nine got “done up.” | Drink the new summer drink, Am- | brosia. i Jay Hoy and lady drove to Gallitelh Sunday. EL Smale, of Lock Haven, is’ stopping in town. od ~The dagoes have full sway at Ma | | ~ haffey now-a-days. John Ashoroft took a business trip 2 to | Cresson Saturday. Get your note heads and envelopes | i G. H. Hubbard, of Beech Creek, Pa., | who has been selected as principal of the | public schools of Patton, is a teacher | of much experience and comes highly | recommended in that profession. Wm. Meehan, who recently pur-' | chased the store formerly owned by T. : F. Mellon & Co., has a space in the ad- vertising colamns of this paper this week. It will pay you to read it. - Mr. Coffey, a brother of Druggist Coffey, of this place, arrived Monday ito spend the summer, but becoming’ | discouraged or disgusted, left for his | home again on Wednesday. — i Cortinbiient 10 Spangler Sentinel, fed by his wife, son Rollie, daughter day at the expense of the young man | who did the blowin’. The Senstor put on a great many country airs with his city tenm. A bicycle firm here has sold thirteen Gendron bicycles in town this season. Collector E. A. Bigle: han been vis iting his home and taking i rest from his labors at Pittsburg. A. E. Patton, of Curweriville, vis- ited Clearfield last week. String beans sold at 10 cents per large basket Saturday evening. Some- body shipped too many to the Amer- ican express agent. One of our butchers was selling mutton roasts and hind quarters at 8 cents per pound a few days ago. : Eggs 20c., butter 25c., new potatoes $1 are the present prices here. We recommend De Witt’s Colic sand Cholera Cure because we believe it a safe and reliable remedy. It's good | effects are shown at once in case of | cholera morbus and similar complaints. 1 C. Ww. Hodgkins. Cauttom Notiee. All persona are hereby cautioned not to meddle with the following property, I purchased the same on. July 13, and left it in his care, subject to my re ! moval at any time: '1 zow, 1 cooking ‘stove and utensils, 1 heating stove, 3 | beds and bedding, 1 book«ase, 1 cup- board, 1 sink, 1 doz. chairs; 2 rocking. chairs, 2 clocks, 1 sewing machine, a set of carpenter tools, 1 wardrobe and ‘1 extension table. CHARLES ANNA. | Patton, Pa. July 13, 1895. 84t3 Persons who are subject to diarrhea | will ind a speedy cure in De Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure. 1se no other. | It is the best that can be inade or that . that he is able to be about again after ‘of base ball which was being played lately owned by F. E. Farabaugh, as ‘third nine of that place, but when they reached there had to play against’ 3 xo Patent Leather 3 00 to $500 | | money to add to the charch fand. Ladies Shoes from §8c. up. All Toes 4. A. Boney, Tormerly of Bemeburg, | or. lV nav both f r a _ e will pay car fare both ways for any person making a several months, will move his hoome- ‘purchase of E 00 and over.) hold goods to Vintondale this week. us Simons, We wish yon success Bert. The many friends of Hon. 8. D. Pat- 1400 Eleventh ave. | PLTOONA, PA. terson, of Vetera, will be glad to know an illness of several weeks. E. J. Severin and Wm. M. McCorm- | ick, two of Pation’s promising young | men, were among the strangers who | 3ig came 0 Ebensbarg on Friday to nee the game of ball Burgess W. J. Donnelly of Patton, Men padjo bY Hin duster Mis Maggse, | and his daughters, Misses Agnes and Arna, and F. R Williams, enjoyed s BR : : J drive to Ebensburg on Monday. | ] Fbensburg’s school board met on : : ) Monday évening of last week and s- .. ‘ : : B ; : lected the following teachers for the : coming term: Room No. 7, Prof T. ys - : -— : " L. Gibson; No. 6, Miss Annie Jones: No. 5, Miss Frances McKenrick; No. 4, - Miss Maggie Shenkie; No. 3, Miss Myra Richardson: No. 2, Miss Annie Bey- non; No. 1, Miss Allie Lioyd The directora found it necessary to add another room this year and Miss Mc- Kenrick was chosen teacher for the extra room. The old corps of teachers. were re-elected. © We regret to state that Lora, the . 7-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs | SEEZEE LIGHT SUITS urday morning of cholera infantom. . Services were held at the residence at | 2 o'clock on Sunday afternoon after ' which interment was made in the Lioyd cemetery. . There was quite an excitement in town on Friday last owing to a game Of alll Summer goods Now On. For Mon, Boys and Children fhieny 204 the home: Seam, At first it was all in favor of the home boys | to 0 in favor of the home team; at the | 9th, 10th and 11th inning it was a tie, and at the 12th inning it was 11 to 13 in favor of the visitors. The third nine of this place went to | Carroiltown on Satarday to play the ‘Tan Shoes, Straw members of the Ist and 2nd nine. The ‘score was 30 to 22 in favor of Carroll- town. er rar THEY ALL MOST. GO. old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman - Connell, of Cresson, who died ‘yester- | Hats, Summer Underwear. Piabarg, stopped | Mary, Mrs. A. E. Patton and daagh- Niagara Falls Excursion. Tone of pas Edith, all of Curwensville, and Five dollars from Coalport to Buffalo | Misses Alive and Edith Dill, of Phila- and Niagara Falla Retarn tickets | delphia, were visitors to Patton on ‘good 10 days. On Tuesday, July 30th, | | day afternoon about 2 o'clock of chol- era infantum. Mr. Coanell, with his wife and child, came to Ebensbuarg to spend Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Connell. They intended Come here to buy your. goods. We will save | gueat, at the Commercial hotel Mon- | of Cresson, drove down to Patton Spe E. Rosenthal, a traveling salesman _ *G. W. Spencer and wife, of La Jose, | : Tuesaday. were visitors 10 Patton Saturday. | A wreck of freight cars occurred in H. N. Reffner, of Spangler, regis- tered at the Central hotel Friday. 1 For binder twine go to The Cambria | Hardware company’s store, Patton. 4tf F. P. Gardner, of Huntingdon, was the Pennsylvania railroad tunnel at Gallitzin about 7:30 o’clock Wednesday evening. Ten cars were derailed by’ the breaking of a coupling. Nobody’, was hurt. Passenger traffic was de- layed for a short time only. A. C. Fisher, of Patton, will thin | day. ‘week finish painting Albert Fara- Postmaster Thos. Callen and lady, baugh’s house. He is also engaged on the houses of H. C. Kirkpatrick and Sunday. - of Danville, registered at the Palmer | house Saturday. A lodge of the Independent Order of John Ott, both in Carroll township. | Mr. Fisher has done a great deal of | painting i in this section. —Carrolltown | News. . Another mean man has been Honsd 11865, ‘the Pennsylvania and North-. western Railroad company will run a Niagara Falls excursion; train due at : Coalport at 9:02 a. m., Buffalo, 8:00 p. m., and Niagara Falls at 9:00 p.m. same day. For further information apply to ticket agent Pennsylvania and Northwestern railroad, or to W. A. Forn, Sap't., - Bellwood, Pa. The most pleasant little pills for reg- ulating the bowels are De Witt’s Little : Early Risers. Cure sick }leadache and ‘constipation. Small pill. Small dose. C. Ww. Hodgkins. Notice. 1 take this method of notifying all ‘cooling to burns, stops pain instantly, to return home yesterday morning, but the baby took sick suddenly and died within a few hours. Drink Ambrosia. vou Big Money. When occasion demands its use, try B i 1 : i De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is - 9 cleanses, a perfect healer for scalds or skin eruptions. Always cures piles 'C. W. Hodgkins. Try Lerch, the tailor, Mahaftey. Pa. Local Market Report. For the special benefit of the farmers in the vicinity of Patton the COURIER publishes the following local market Finest line of Percales, Shirtings and Illumine Checks ever report, revised each week: opened in in the County. An assortment of Silk Wast Pat- Butter, ” itu : 15 cvnts per pound. The Clothier, Tailor & Hatter. ig 0dd Fellows was instituted at Vinton- from. A gulf storm blew an editor in- persons in the Borough of Patton who il resins terns alsa just opened; BB - = domen, dale last Monday. Wm. Boyce, of Brisbin, visited his | brothers, John and Samuel, of this place, over Sunday. : : will Thompeon, the Magee avenue : clothing merchant, visited friends at -. Carwensville last week. J. B. Hahn, a traveling salesman for a Philadelphia hovse, stopped at the Commercial hotel Friday. Miss Jesse Campbell, of Hazelwood, | Pa., visited her sister, Mrs. C. A. Rep- sher, Friday and Saturday. R. A. Laird, of Tyrone, si L A Brown, of Pittsburg, registered at the Commerciai hotel on Monday. : Chas. W. Goodnough, representing | DeHaven & Co., of Allegheny, stopped | at the Palmer House Saturday. Please observe that UL. S. Bell, the to the top of a tall pine, where he re- have horses running at large at night ' mained three days and nights. When | to keep them shut up and ‘all persons the owner of the land discovered him, whose cows have bells on to remove | he presented a biil for three days rent | them at night or shut theraup. If not and then had him arrested for tres- | complied with after five days, I will be otis compelled to act axpniegly by the Governor Hastings has dad the ordinance, nn ned py ex ose iogilutone : Chief of Police. to buy all blank forms, letter heads © or: Pa July 33, 1593. and stationory of every description’ There is great danger in neglecting used in the sheriff’s offices in the differ. | colic, cholera and similar complaints. | ent counties of the state, also to pro- An absolutely prompt and safe cure is vide all necessary furniture. Hitherto : found in De Witt’'s Colic and Cholera this has not been the case. | Cure. C. Ww. Eo Some of our contemporaries have | Champion Type-setting. | been claiming from time to time that! The Boston Standard caims for G. JOHN BOYCE, | Lewis Wissinger, of Conemaugh town- | W. Greene, a compositor oa that paper, | ship, aged 102 years, is the oldest per- the championship reconi for type- [oain ‘the county. The Hon. A. A. setting on a Mecrgenthaler machine, Barker informs us that a lady named 'stating that on June 28th Mr. Greene Potatows, lly = “= bashed Potatoes, new gn " " Ondons, 3 a | Ome, : ih # ww. 1 Corn... . =n - we a : Corn, shelled, a ”“ os Wheat, ; no. - wo Buckwhent, . “a = 5 .s Rye : + Ww “ Pe -~ + Hay, pressed, . $12814 Wo per win. > Cy ldren’s Gauze underwear 3c.7 Ladies’ ribbed underwear NOTICE : Men's halbriggan 23c. former price soc. The best qual- ities for the money ever offered. Building, wear Lingle's Mine, a gener- Ho. The public is invited to call and al Supply Store, such as Groceries, examine my goods and find out my. Af Full line just received. Good bargains at 10, 12, ts, and Flour, 1, Etc. Also Miner's Sup- rice. We se ow as it is poasible cents. I have now opened in the Mellon In Shoes I have special harraint for the ladies, QQ cents, plies of all kinds. to do, and make a specialty of ping 2 clothier and furnisher, has a new ‘ad”’ Mrs. Baum, of Susquehanna township, | set 13,850 ems solid agate in one hour, 88 Good Goods as the market can pro- in another column of the COURIER. | is living there, aged 104 years. Mr. making about twenty-nire typograp- ¢ J. H. Smith, H. Pifer, and R. W. Barker says undoubtedly Mrs. Baum | ical errors. This speed is said to be Johnson, all of Jersey Shore,. were | is the oldest person in Cambria county. | double that of any Wiegreiph a , : guests at y Nie Qentral hotel A Monday. —Morrellville Times. |in the United States. Butterick Patterns, Latest Styles. Come and See Goods. GEO. duce. Respectfully, Wm. Meehen. S. GOOD. BR a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers