The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 25, 1895, Image 4
© Smeriars Sates. | Last June Dick ‘drawford broaght | | Sheriff Coulter has advertised RICE po | following properties to be sold at sher- from infantile dianhoea, to) me. It zaTrON PUBLISHING co. us Pepriesars. |g pe nr fn Ebens. Bad been weaned at four months old | on Monday, A st 140d had always beet sickly. Igave it | THURSDAY, , JULY 38, 00. vi Ry lay, August bth, Ja os oi] TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. | The interest of Martha McVicker in | without benefit. The child kept grow- | "a lot of ground in the East ward of ing thinner until it weighed but little One copy, one year, in advance, . - . $1.00, | more than when bors, or perbaps ten A ey aing rates made known upon : 1, ps o on, 4 sted unt a ar The interest of Edward Farabaugh pounds. 1 then started the father to Pho Pig ni flim Conwy Sot in 98 acres and 34 perches of land in SiViDZ Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera publisies, Allegheny township, having thereon and Diarrhoea Remedy. a dwelling house and barn. bottle of the 25 cent size had been used : The interest of same in 62 62 acres of 8 marked improvemsnt was seen and | land in Carroll township, having ite continued use cared the child. Ite - " Entered. at the Postoffice at Patton as second- | 1 matter. COUNTY. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. weakness and pany sonstitation disap- ; Before one meaERs w oY. Record of Property Rought and fold in| Cambria County. Eimira Bock et vir. to Frank Don- | oughe, Gallitsin; consideration, $350. George Lentz et px. to Francis J. Donoughe, Gallitzin, $800. : Aagust Hoell et ux. to J. E. Menges, Spangler, $530. Solomon E. Dorer et ux. to W. Scott Bheam, Upper Yoder, $2,600. Jacob Erblet et ux. to Cambria B. &. L. association, Dale, $300. . George M. Reade to Margaret Dixon, Washington, $45. David J. Bougher et al. to Marie De- Cc GoTo DANIELSON & ENGBLAD'S SHOE SHOP #h Ave. near RR. Station. Shoes made order repuising of all kinds ame Nee dad moderate. Ht pg Dr. S. W. Worrell, PATTON, PA. General Surgery THE EYE A SPECIALTY. | Room No. 3, AUGUST K. HUBER, | STONE. MASON, Mellon Avenue, PATTON, PA, 1 am prepared sodos) kinds of work in my Hine at reasonable Gi taken and estimates farn guaranteed, Give me & call ist Monday of March ist Monday of Sept. | Ist ist Monday of June ; 1st Monday of Dee. | OFFICERS, thereon a dwelling house and log ‘barn. The interest of C. A. Farabaugh in PresipENT JUDGE—Hon. A. V. Barker, peared and its father and myself be- lieve the child's life ‘was saved by this remedy. J. T. Marlow, M. D., Ta nappe, Barr, $100. David Bracken to Christina Gough- nour, Jackson, $1,400 | i GOOD BUILDING. JAMES QUINN, P.P. Young & Bro. what is known as the Jolias Stich as HpscuraT. A. McGough, | brewery property in Corrolltown bor. Intasunes-J, 2 Barker. ough, having thereon brewery, dwell- RE rir perry Davis, Filmer ing, ice house, stable and outbuildings. “The Only” for 1895. The interest of Jane Ann Boyles and The: COURIER is phased to announce GON Ks. -P. J. Dillon, py: Lioyd, ' Benjamin Boyles in 9 acres and 100 its clubbing arrangements with The | CoMwssioNER's CLEgx—John ¢ Gates, . perches of land in Dean township, hav- | Pittsburg Post, the great home news . ‘CouNTY EE ing thereon a two-story plank house, paper of Pennsylvania, and to persons Sous AUDITORS Wm. J. Jones, W. C. stable and outbuildings. re who want the best daily or semi-weekly : wk CoNXISST NERS Anslem Weakland, The interest of same in one and one- paper published in the city, we recom- Wm. Miller. Martin “alf acres of land in Dean township. mend The Post. The Daily Post, a large eight-page City Drug Store. Davis. DisSTRICT ATTORNEY —R. 8. Mu aT Moore, James Bom- The interest of John Edward West- ty erville, Raphtel Hite. "| over in 61 acres and 8 perches of land paper, and The COURIER one year each BOROUGH OFFICERS. ‘situated in ‘Susquehanna township, ‘for $3.00. The price of The Post alone "Beli president; &. M. Cambria county, and partly in Burn- is $3.00. Send ns yoar order at once BumrGrss—W. J. Don Corxcrr— Lincoln S. F. Wise. P. FP. side township, Clearfield county, hav- and get seven papers a week for the Wilson, Frank Cam Young, Ralph Letsc .maroa, Il. For sale by C. E. Belcher's Kurtz, Lower Yoder, $800. Johnstown, Pa DRY 600DS, MILLINERY, ETC. y i Ellen MtLaoghlin et vir. to Theodore Eichler, Johnstown, $1,275. ; Wholesale Retail Dealer Margaret Rodden to William aya : rim FRESH MEAT OF ALL KINDS. Bologna, Lard, Etc. FIFTH AVENUE, . Patton, Pa. N. p Margaret Kunkle et vir. to A. J. Moxham, Richland, $350. 8. L Fries and Joseph Schmittle to Geo. W, Cree et al., Reade, $1. rt Henry J. Eckenrode et 1x. to Cam- bria and Clearfield Railroad sympasy, Carroll, $19. - Joseph Schmittle et ux. to William | C. Lovell, Reade, $1. Anson B. Cooper et al. to Catharine E. Waltermire, Coopersdale, §1. Leonard Hook to Catharine: E. {etuch. Scoot Boarp—C. C. Crowell, president; G. H. Curfman, Jetretary: W.H. Sand treas- urer; Josse E. H E. Barwon, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE-Jemt E. Dale, Jas. Melion. i TREASURER—W. H. Sandford. CLERK —Harvey Patterson. CoLLeCTOR—Jas. Mellon. Asspsson--Jos. H. Ricke ? Avprrors-F. H. Rin yd, H. O. Winslow, Gould. ; Jubak or ELECTION—Sam'l Boyes. INSPECTOR Walter Weakland., Curr or PorLice—John Boyce. STREET COMMISSIONER--A. ‘J. Jackson. - ie Tadioution Ef the rot al of bss ness is found by experts of the Post- office Department in the striking "increase in the issues of postage stamps and stamped paper by the department’ during the fiscal year just closed as "compared with the preceding year. "A special dispaich to the Boston Herald says: “The figures for the entire fiscal year are $73,889,508, as compared with $70,199,151 in 1894, $72,359,213 in 1893, $70,396,969 in 1892, and $62,550,- 775 in 1891. The larger portion of the aggregate for the past year, moreover, and the greatest percentage of gain, . are shown in the two last quarters, for which the total issues aggregated $38,849,004, against $36,607,261 for the corresponding quarter of 1894. The of postage have been regarded by | economic stadents as one of the best barometers of business conditions ever since Mr. Hazen made his careful in- vestigations on the subject ten years ago. He demonstrated that busness depression was always quickly followed ‘by a decrease, and business revival by | & great increase in postal business. - The falling off does not usually follow instantaneously the breaking out of ‘a banking crisis, because the effect upon wholesale arid retail trade is not - felt for a few weeks or months. This was noticed in 1893, when the business ‘of the last half of the calendar year: fell off somewhat, but not in so marked | a degree as during the spring and sum- | mer of 1804.” One interesting fact disclosed by postal statistics is that the | rate of increase in the postal business | is greater than the ratio of increase of | - the population, showing that the em- t of this means of communi- cation is Soudily. growing among the | people. FARMING Nt NOTES Of Interest to the Farmers Who Read app : Paro - the | ghore in twelve hours. Arrangements To order on ex- Fleas i To order on Emmett By rhe Patton “Courier.” Solitary confinement in a dark stable | il make a horse vicious. Our export horse trade is rapidly . increasing. ‘Breed to suit your market, and not: according to your individual taste. See that the collars fit the shoulders and that the hames fit the collars. Pawing is often caused by indiges- tion, worms, constipation or disordered | kidneys. It is ye tlinatod that in Oregan, Wash- 3 ington, Montana, Nevada and Idaho! there are at present 2,000,000 of half- | . breed wild horses, for which no market can now be found. ~ During the first three months of this | Jose £ Great Britain imported 4,353 horses, against 3,554 in the same period ‘Inst year. The number of horses im- | ported was 3,755, against 2,561. Horses multiply in Australia almost | like rabbits, living entirely upon grass, and never under cover from birth to! breaking. In fifteen years a few hun- dred has become a million. More than | three-fourths of them are fit for the saddle or light harness. : Cross-breeding of cattle and sheep is tolerable and is largely practised, be- cause, though the progeny may lacking in trueness to type and may | be very rcugh specimens, the meat valne is always a considerable asset. A | misfit in horse-breeding is, however, | an absolute Yous. Travelers find a , safe sipinion in De Witt’s Colic and Cholera Cure. A change in drinking water and in diet often canses severe and dangerous Mary Brvnan, Patton. complaints. This medicine always s cures them. C. W. Hodgkins. ‘ x ing thereon a one and a half-story price you formerly paid for one. muel house and barn. Excepting water The Sunday Post, ‘right of said premises. | ‘The interest of Henry S. Harker in ‘97 acres of land in Washington town- ship, having thereon a dwellihg house ‘and barn. The interest of Isaac J. Weaklen in . 40 acres and 90 perches of land in Car- roll township, having thereon a two- - | story frame house and stable. Except- ing the coal rights. * The interest of James P. Kirkpatrick and Jacou Kirkpatrick in 112 acres and 76 perches ana Allowance of land in Carroll township, having thereon a | two-story frame house and frame barn. A horse kicked H 8. ‘Shafer, of the ' Freemyer house, Middleburg, N. Y., on the knee, which laid him up in bed and caused the knee joint to become stiff. A friend recommended him to: use Chamberlain’ s Pain Balm, which oo di and in two days was able to be around. Mr. Shafer has recommended it to many others and says it bon excel- lent for any kind of a bruise o This same remedy is also Tones Tpragh: its cure of rheumatism. For sale by C. E. Belcher’s City Drug Store. Reduced Rates to the Seashore. | No other piace can compare with, | Southern New Jersey in seaside resorts, | either in point of number or of excel- lence. Atlantic City is the most popn- lar resort in America, and Cape May, | high standard. The Pennsylvania Railroad company, | whose constant object is to give its patrons the cheapest rates compatible with good service, has arranged fora’ series of excursions to the seashore, similar to those which were so popular last season. The next excursion of the series will leave Pittsburg Augost 1, i and the rates is stated below. The tickets will permit avtay or: ‘nearly two weeks, and a choice of | either of the seashore points named { above will be allowed. A special train | of parlor cars and day coaches will leave Pittsburg on the above men- { tioned date at 8:50 a. m. Train leaves | Cresson at 11:50 a. m., fare $8.50. A special train will leave Market Street Wharf at 730 p. m, Angust1, | for Atlantic City about 9 p. m., mak- | 'ing the run from Pittsburg to the sea- | {have been made for transfer of pas- | sengers from Broad Street Station to Market Street Wharf on arrival of | special train, or passengers can spend ‘the night in the city and proceed to ' the shore by any regular train of the following day. For further information apply to. ' ticket agents, or to Thomas E. Watt, District Passenger Agent, Pittsburg. : Marriage Licenses. The following marriage licenses 1 were {issued by the Clerk of the Orphans’ { Court for the week ending Thursday July 18, 1885: Ralph H. Veil and Susanna Weaver, | Richland township. ] Maggie E. Grumbling, New Florence, | | Westmoreland county, Pa. Edward Kepple and Carrie Habel, Johnstown. | George O. Hileman, ‘Hastings, and Mary E. Showers, Barneshoro. John E. Sellers, Gallitzin, and Teresa | L. Leap, Tunnethill. | © Charles Alvar Brown and Carolina | Scott, Figart. be.| John A. Lulay, Susquehanna and be| be | Mary E. Miller, Carroll township. | county, Pa., and Rosanna Oatles, | | Chest Springs. .A. 'W. Nicewanger, Cherryhill town- | | ship, Indiana county, Pa, and Ella | Mahan, Cambria township. | William Fearaley, Johnstown, and Gustie Hayner, Tanawando, N. Y. Patrick Fogarty, Barnesboro, and | Drink Ambrosia. Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Avalon, Angelsea, Wildwood, and Holly Beach do not fall far short of Atlantic City’s John J. Hughes, Walnut Grove, and Joseph F. Conrad, Newry, Blair ~The peices are | id to $3 saved ovir other makes. twenty pages every Sunday, containing as much reading as any of the monthly maga- - zines, and The COURIER one year each for only $2.25. The Semi-weekly Post and The Cot- EE Oe Sah oly Just think of it, The Post twice a week, and county paper fo: the price of one. i yous rite us for sample copies. W. H. Nelson, wh) is in the drug business at Kingville, Mo., has so moch confidence in Chamberlain’s Colic’ Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy that he warrants every bottle and offers to fund the money to any céunstomer : es 1s ot ansiic altar wig to Mr. Nelson takes no risk in doing this be- cause the remedy is a certain cure for the diseases for which it is intended and he knows it. [I is for sale by C. FE. Belcher's js Drug Store. NNUAL INNGAL - STATEMENT wn es Fractional - paper currency, nickles and Chest Springs Borough, Cam- ~ bra Connty, Pa. Anditors’ Settlement, Apr 9, 1895. M. IL. LEARY, BURGERS, ; Dr. To fines collected. ry, ; By order granted Treasurer THOS. C Al LAN, reet Covaminsioner. : ont To balance from Sept. 194. To order on Treasurer... cove niin To amount of dupliente. . in : To order on Treasurer, sat vivid Cr By work on duplicate... By excmerations. By back tax: wa ; By work on streets. wes asa gv sr ! By 9? days work at $1.50. Total. D. C. LITTLE E, 'TREASU RER. Dr lifted... « leary To license To order on M. | By Urtiars Tifled Total............... , School Seitlemenst, Jane, 1885 Dr To amount of duplicate I To amount of ropria tion. FéR|ure” To amourit of 5 pet cen: added after 8 months ......... sevens Jans oti Total. Cr By arnouant of orders paid By 5 per cent off. on tax By amount paid for cashing approra- tion . i By amount of + XOomera tins 15 By 5 per cent on coilecting $408.40 xn 17 By 2 per cent nm paying ut $57 ity fn 5 AR Wis 73 Bal. dae from Treasurer and Collevtor M8 ie tain : $667 14 OUTSTANDING ORDERS, No. 1x . in ‘ . 3 Nao. » No. 2] No. 2% with inte rest Rehool Warrants Total : 48 2% 3a 3M 00 an 3 0 Total... 11 0 Tota! amount of indehtedr TYE 2161 5 Having ¢xamine! the shove a~vount we ind it 1 be correct, DR H SSOMERY II ¥. ¢C. H. PERRY, INO. FE. McKENZIE. Auditors Wil, Bovctss FIT FOR A KING. 89. CORDOVAN, FRENCH A ENANELLED CALF. 9359 Fine CALF A KNGAY 13% PaUicES SOLES. | K 2 orn, 7 BOYS SCHLSHIEY. ‘LAD IES- A. TY W.L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our slices ave equally sefistactory | Jhey give the best vals fav the mms | custom shoes in style on sole. cannot sup ply you wecan. Sold by | | Correct— A tlest: Waltermire, Coopersdale, $1. B. F. Watkins et ux. to The Johnson company, Johnstown, $3,600. Mondells. Cram to William J. Jones, Portage, $600. FirstNation’ | Bank OF PATTON, Patton, ‘Cambria Co., §3 and Ir mm Chest Creek Land & Improvement company to James M. Speicher, Pat- ton, $125. Charles Huber to Salvatora Mont- uano, $50. There is one medicine. that will cure immediately. complaints. No delay, no disappoint- ment, no failare. C. W. Hodgkins. - EPORT +f the condition of the First. Na- | tional Bank of Pation at Patton, in the tate of Pennsyivania ul the close of business, July 11th, 5 Com smenved business October oth, 1998. RESOURCES, Loans and discounts, Overdrafis secured and onsecnred U. 8. bons tv secure circulation, Premivms on UU. 8. bonds 5 Banking House, farniture & Axtures Dre from State ‘Banks and bankers, Due from a; upped reserve agents, ‘Cheeks and (ther cash {tems ; Notes of other National Banks S$ 185,74 % 4 jsp =3283= 85 5 Oo. ppk b s2% M cents, ; Lawful mon: { Specie Sa on} ey .raerved « Lie in Bank. <n 0) Rodemption rl with U.S. Tress : arer, 3 per cent. of circulation : Total, . Crise LIABILITIES. i oe paid in Gminith Fon pane sin ct us fand : vided profits, eas €3 petiven and ages Wo . National BTATE OF PRENSYLYA ANIA, Las. County of Cambria “1. Wm. H. Sandford, Enlurer at tee ibove) ‘named Bank, do solemnly swear that the | shove statement is troe and correct to the | best «i my knowledge andl andl belief. Wa. H. SANDFORD, Cashier Slabecribed and sworn “5 wefore she this 18h | day of July IHS. Jrang F. Da 1x, Notary Publie. A. FE. Pavrox, }. Janes Kerr, - Directors E. C. Brows, } Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, PATTON, PA.! Office in the Good Building. uJ F. McCKENRICK, — Attorney and Counselor at Law, EBENSBURG, Pal Will attend to ail bukiness with promptness and fidelity. Office opposite the Monntain House, 5 WH DAVIS, — Attorney and Counselor at Law, EBENSBURG, PA. All legm! business promptiy atlended to. (MMce in Armory Hall W. E. Probert, ee ARTISTIC Barber and Hair Dresser, Ix ALL 1TS BRANCHES. 2 NEXT DOOR TO PUOSTOFFICE. TOBACCO and CIGARS The finest line in Patton at’ G. J. FITZPATRICK on Magee avenue, near P. R. R. depot. MEAIR AT ALL HOURS Restaurant M: AHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, (Clearfield Co., Pa. Accommodations first-class, Best of Liquors | and Wines at the bar. Stabling attached. GEORGE FERGUSON, otf Prop'r. RL GEORGE, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, GALLITZIXN, PA. ‘Solicitor for German National B. & L. association. {W. H. SECHL ER, Attorney - at 'EBENSBURG, Cambria County, Pa. . Law, We refer to De Witt’s ‘Colic and Cholera Cure for all summer BRENBH SERGES, CAPITAL PAID UP, gs0.000.00 . SURPLUS, $10,000. yAoconnts of Corporations, Firma, Invide- ble Sethe terms consistent with sfeand conservative ng. Steamship tickets for sale for all the Himes, ER Pats dt in the + will have our promptand Our stock of dry goods and trim- mings for the late spring and early summer season is not iam, Cotton dress goods pever were so handsome as now nor prices so low. Now is the time to buy. Come down or send to . JAS. QUINN, Clinton Sr. _ Johnstown, TD, Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Beer. Etc. Phoenix BrewinG Co.'s Beer. Flasks, Corks. Jugs. Ete., Pa. Adamant Plaster Gives a first-class wall 8 moderate ex- pense. Is the best fire-resisting plaster. Always ready fOr use in any season. ~ Does not hold gases or disease germs In he pur excellncs for puscuing; = Sig Fema, 3 ADAMANT PLASTER CO., Patton, Pa., Lock Box S45. your reading when you And are spending vour Good Round Dollars It will interest vou to know something of the bargains we are offering vou daily. REST ASSURED that we handle nothing but ‘First-Class Goods and any- ing that is not as represented bring it Tack ais, | ir money will be refunded. "Gn Word “To the Ladies! We have just received a full and complete line of Summer Dress Goods such as JACKONETS. SERPENTINE CREPE, DIMITIES, DRESS GINGHAMS, SILKALINE, CASHMERE IMPERIALS, SATEENS, PLAIDS, DRESS TIMMINGS, pr fit by +g Lia you ETC. ‘When 1m need of anything in our line give us a trial. Yours for a Dargai, ~ Patton Supply Co.