THO NEGROES EXECUTED Goode and Freeman, in the Jail at Greensburg. 200 PEOPLE WITNESSED THE HANI Crimen for Which the Penalty of orn Was Exactea. GreexsBura, July 18. —John Goode and William Freemsn, the negro marder- ers, were banged bere this morning abort gfter 10 o'clock. : . The march to the gallows began at 1007. The doomed men walked with firm steps. They mounted the gallows aseieted by the deputy sheriffs, and the ‘drop was eprnng at 10:08 Goode | wae given a glass of wine before the march began. The drop was three feet. Botb raen exhibited great nerve. | Goode’s pulse ceased to beat in 9 min. utes, and in 10 mivates and 18 seconds he was pronounced dead. Freeman's pulse ~ oeased in 1114 minute, and in 1314 min- utes be was pronounced dead. The bodies were placed in peat caskete. A great deal "of tbe expense of their burial was de- * frayed by contributions from the colored men of the town. Goode at the last mo ment forgave his enemies, and walked to the gallows with the firm belief that he bad been forgiven by his God. Phe men were placed on adjoining trop doors in the center of the scaffold and stood back to back. The noosee wers ad-- ~ justed by Deputies Gay and Swend. The ‘black cape were quickly drawn over their heads, and at the signal from Deputy Bwend, Sheriff McUeny, standing at the foot of the stairs, inserted his hand into the top of a rope connecting with the trap doors and pulled the srigger, | and all was st an end. - . : ‘The walk to the scaffold was %0 feet, There were present Sheriffs Richarde, of Allegheny; Mack, of Indians; Hoover, of Somerset, and Wilhelm, of Fayette. Jail Warden McAleese and Deputy German, of Piteeburg. Mr. MoAleese says that he has witnessed many executions, but has never seen any go off as smoothly as this one. Sheriff McCann is commended * for the manner in which the execution was performed. The spiritual adviser, ascoompsanied ty More. Nimmey, entered the jail at 7:30 this morning, sod at once began devotional | exercises. They found Freeman in 8 hap- py frame of mind, but Goode, an object of pity, crouched down on bis cot, with hie bead tightly covered with a blanket snd partly dressed. He moaned most piteous- ly snd tossed about. When he was arous- “ed the expression on his face plainly told of his great suffering. He was persuad- "od to pray and kneeling down, he offered up s prayer for the safety of his soul, Just before sunrise crowds came pour- tog into town, and by 8 o'clock the jail was surrounded by a curious throng ea erly trying to get a View of the condemn- od men. Geurds were placed at the door of the man entrance, with instructions to admit no person who did not present a} ticket. Sheriff McCann, already weighed | can down with. the nohappy thoughts of bis tearful duty, wea driven almost to distrac- tion with pleadings of acquaintances, who believed they bad been lighted when the distribation of pusses was made. They were all tarned away, for the fall comple- ment of tickets hed long been given ont. There were very few colored people in tke crowd. Nearly two bauodred persons witnessed the execution. They came from all paris of the county, and a faw [rom neighboring ‘eounties. The two jaries occupied places on the first floor of the jail corridor, with the medical staff, Jail Physician R. B. . Hammer, Dr. Portzer, Dr. Hunter Kling- -. ensoith and one or two visiting physi cians. The other persons were arranged on the balconies along the second and third tiers of celle. Rev. Fink and J. Marrow, of Greens- _ burg, took charge of the remains of Wm. Freeman and had them interred in St. Clair cemetery at Greensburg. The crime for which William A. Free- man was executed to-day was the killing of bis mistres, Gertie A. Timberlake; op July 25, 1894. : ~. Jobn Gonde, a typical African, shot and killed Max Slaughter, a fellow coke ‘worker, at Moorwood, on October 29. 18904. They were deep in a game of “grape” at the time. Slanghter had been drinking and became quarrelsome. Goode . was an expert at the game and readily won sll the money Slaughter had in his possession. Slaughter asked s 'oan, and his request was granted by Goode: ‘Blaaghter lost again, and then a quarrel ~ ensued, which resulted in the killing. rt mes THE STORY DON'T GO. i Poole Will Not Stick to What he Sai¢ About Gen. Harrison. OLp Fonor, July 18.—The denial by Msjor Poole of the story that Gen. Har- rison made an explicit avowal that he was Se ar wld not be a candidate for the pominstion for president surprised all those here who were familiar with the ' facts. In his denial Maj. Poole says that he did not teil anyone that Gen. Harrison. ‘said he would not be 8 candidate Yor the presidency. Ass matter of fac, while Maj. Poole and Joseph L Sayles were on their way back from a visit to Gen. Harrison, the former called his friends about him and | related to them what Ger. Hhrrison had seid about the presidency. The lavguage sttribated to the general was told to at Joast seven persons whose names are known to the United Press Saftenpoudsel STAMBULOFF 1S DEAD. He Could Not Survive the Wounds Received n the : Assault of Last Monday. : Soria, Jaly 18 — Ex- Premier Stambu- off, wi c way asessipusted io the street Monday, died at 4 o'clock this morning, from nis terrible wonnde. He wae 42 years ou Stefan Nicole! Stambulcff, who for years beld a power mn Bulgaria superior to that of the reigning prince himself, wis comparatively 8 young MAU. He was bint 42 years old. A more svegtin! fe tha his it would be dHenit to coucsive, H. wae hb ro-at Lirpova i IRS, and sinaticn! career. He wassent to the great seminary st Odeses for the study of the ology. There was more war then peace in the air at that time, and vastly more sonng man, The uprising in Bospia #oo He: zagovina Tarnished him ar opportuoi- ty of the exercise of a military instinet, and the character of cor flicte which sab- sequently 1dly developed his genius for plotting and schemeing. : Du-ing the Russo-Tarkish vir. 7 1477 18 hie service was drawn in the service of Rossis. Since then hie genine wes mote ¢ucossfnlly directed against Russian ay gression than that of any man in Earcpe It muy almost be eid thst for years in Bulgaria be held the Rassian empire at bay single-handel. Hie wonderful career began after Alexauder I. was ohoseen prince of Bulgaria. Although a very young msn. he became one of the chiefs o’ the hiberal party in Balgaria. me en rt AT SINGULAR Chime IN ENGLAND. Two. Boys Read Trashy hy Novels 1. and Murdered Their Mother. Loxpox, Eng., July 18.—A most horri ble case of javenile depravity and brutal- ity came to light this morning. Two boys pamed Combes, aged 13 and 11 were brought before a magistrate npon the charge of baving murdered their mother sod the accusation was sabstaptiated by their mother by stabbing her through the heart ten deys ago, since which time they have occupied the house with the woman's fast deesying body. After the boys com- mitted the crime they pawned a number of valuables and proceeded to enjoy them- | selves by taking trips to various places. The magistrate was astounded at the enol The minds of the boys seem to have been upset by reeding flashy novels. Supreme Conrt Decisions. PrrapeLrEIA, Pa, Jaly 18.—Among the decisions banded down to-day by the supreme court were the following from QOlearfied county: Rosvieasr vs borough of Osceola Mills, common pleas judgment affirmed, Irvin vs Irvin, common pleas jadgment affirmed, Comstock vs Clear- fleld and Mahoning railway company, common pleas judgment affirmed. AIMED aT ‘NEGROES. Louisiana Republicans Urged to Oppose sn Amend: ment that Would Disfranchise Them. New Orreaxs, July 19.—The Rapubli- ean State Central Committee bas demded to oppose the covstitutionnl amendment to be voted for at the next state election which limite the suffrage to those who $200, worth of property, and the confessed purpose of which ia to disliancbiss the | Degro. : The eoramitiee appeals to the Repabli- cans to vote against this amendipent, which, it is declared, is intended as an) the faw at the expense of the many, and | that it is an attack upon the 1dea of popa- lar goverpraent, in that its purprge is to divest of citizenship the poor avd tte nao lettered, two elements which are wot res- ponsible for their counditicn, and it will one-half the citizens of Lonsiana; that 1t education. against this extraordinary grant of power, | Lackawanaa Dalegates. of the first legislative district of Lacks- wanna county met this afternoon snd elected Thomas Philips and B. B. Ather- ton delegates to the state convention to be held at Harrisburg Aogust 28. W. G- Daniels avd L. B. Atherton were zlected alternates. The vote was 32 to 21, the latter for the two outspoken Quay men. A resolution was sprung pledging the delegates to Williard for judge, Ger. Hastings for permanent chairman of the state convention and Qaay for state chair- man. It created s great uproar in the convention when it was offered and was voted down with a yell. It wasn Has- tings convention and it elected Hastings delegates, but they will go to Harrisburg | without instructions. - : Running Down Stambulofs Assapsias. Soria, July 19.—M. Qeorgiell, for- merly secretary to Mejor Panifzs, who wae executed some years ago alter baviug been convicted of trerson, bas been ar- rested or suspicion of being one of the aseassius of ex Premier Stambaluff, {THE MN. GOLLINS VERDIGT 1a van WOUTER'S CONTEST FOR LIFE. was festined by bis parents for an eccle- ambition than piety in the natare of the | A Native of Clarion Coanty and Former their own confession. The boys killed! demeanor of the boys. He remanded them pending tbeir mental examinatione.: ean read and write, or who pay taxes on | The amendment is not favored i 53 all | reseritad hy the Colorado Bprings pews the whites. All favor the educational! papers. When Mr. Woodring knew Van. ‘qualification, bat thers is serious objec- | Houter he was temperate, industrious, tion to a provision in the ameniment trustworthy and horest, and he cannot which gives the next legisiature the right | believe he has chanied us represented. to change the suffrage qusiification with- | Those who know the Van Houters here to- out snbmitting the matter to the popular] day wil! also hesitate before believing so vite, and there ia a strong prejudice wicked a criminal, as represented in the which may be misused. It is by vo'a means certain, therefore, that the smend- | selves here in Da Boiti aud at their former ment will pass if the Republicare vote | home in Clarion courty. solidly against it, as they threaten to do. Sosasto, July 19.—The Republicans Murder in the Second Degree for Bhoount Ohl. A Numi r of butiule Posie Interested in uw Vimous Westirn Case. “weston, No J, Jaiy 18 ~The jary i the cass of John Colligs, the negro ou tril {+ the murder of Fred Ohl, the Princeton student, who also wounded Garnett Cochran, came 1n to-night with 8 verdict of murder in the second degree. AARON van HouTER' 3 CONTEST FOR LIFE. Hesident of Du Bole, Auron W. VapHouater, a former resi- dent of DuBois and su brother of Peter and Sumue! Vaulouter, of thie place, ie now ntuder sentence to be hanged at Car - yon City, Colorado. Taere is still hope, however, that he muy ‘et be a free map, Tard a brief history of the cause will ioter- eet Couriea readers on jiceount of the no- fortupute man’s acqudiatunce tere and also becaus. of the nequaintauce of hie brothers, who are well known in Da Boje and Leatherwood, Clarion county, their former hema, © The trial at which VeaHouter was found guilty of marder in the first de- gree took place at Colotado Springs, May 20th and 30th, at which "ime be was charg- ed with the killing of Richard Newell, Jr., at a cabin on the Black Wonder plain, Ball Hill, Colorado, the 19th of Dacem- ber Inst. It appears fr¢m the evidenoe at the trin!, pnhiiehed in the Colorado pa- pers, that Van Houter tad been hving at a cabin with a friend nlong the line of 8 pew ruilroad, known as the Colorado Mid land road. The line liad been extended as far as VanHoater’s claim and wus within a few feet of his cabin. The sar- vey for the extension of the road passed throngh his cabin and arbitrotors had beeu appointed to award damages. They bad attended to their duties when a. Super intende’t Newell sppeared upon the scene, coming to VanHouters cabio one after- poon and potifying him to get ont at once, 28 he wis ready to proceed to tear down the shanty. VaaHouter protested, claiming that 825 of tlie award for dama- ages remained nopaid sod asked for more tima. Newell insisted that he would tear TWD BAPTIST £75 VENTIONS Are Causing Some Lively Austing Just Now at a more. Bavrimone, nly 19. — Hiivaghee Pr. vivepee, Br xlyn apd Denver are sre igel 10 A good-uutured fight for tne | nuptist conventions of 1898 snd 1897, he present convention will pame the place fr both meetings, and a pice four corue:ed contest is on hetween the esst and the west. oi an Lust year, at Toronte, Milwaukee showed up a favorite for tha. couvention of 1898, bot Providence also had many adherents, sud when (he choice wes not made the people of Rhode Islad went into the fixht with revewed evergy. Both cities are very munch iu evidence, but the biggest busting ia being dope by Brook- lyn, which wauts the sonvention for 1897, Denver people would also like to have tha nnion go oat to Colorade in: the Sele year. Yrovidence claims to have the nuaui mons enpport of all the New Rugland delegates, on the grou' d that the unown although it bas met three times in the west once 1n Caveda and this time 10 the south, Brook!yu and Mil wankee have joined issues, for if the couvention goes west next year it will come east pext time, and Brooklyn will win. If, on the other band Providence oatehes on vext year, Denver will get the aonvention the following yewr, aud these two bave joined hands. Fhe board of managers will determine oight. ONE OF THE MURDEROUS MAFIA. Attempted to Kil a Raifroad Station Employe in Pittsburg. PrrrseBura, July 19 —Michael Cartelin, an Italian, made a desperate attempt to kill Mases Green, a colored attendant at the Union station, shortly after 8 o'ciock last evening. He made several langes st Green with a koife one of which took el. fect in his shoalaer, ivflicting a severe but not fatal wound. Carterlin wee ar rested and locked op in the Central police station by Officer Paisley. is eaid he has just landed ip Pittsburg frora New Orleans, where he was identi fled with the Mafla sud was competled to leave to escape the officers for crimes al. !leged to bave been committed by him. Ha 1s a stronger ip the city, heviug so far as i# known po [friends here. He 18 down the eabin the naxt morpiug, when a quarrel ensued which terminated fatal | ly to Newell, VanHouter baviog shot him with a goo that hong on the wall when the quarrel onginated, The shooting was witpeused by several trainmen and Van- Hout r's eabin partuer. VanHouter im- mediutsly gave himself ap to the sutbor- ities of the county, claiming the killing bad been done in self-defense. He was sent to the county jai ; where he remain- ed nuntil the latter part of May, when his trial came up as above stated. The tes- timony given by the witneesses at the trial was very Jdamsg ng to VanHonter's| a deeperste looking nan snd said he bad { heen drinking before he made the attempt to 1 tub Green. At the bearing to-day (ireen, with oth- or attendants at the Unios station, was ‘present to testify as to the fight. Green had his shoulder dressed snd while the would was troubling bim cousiderably bie was able to get around. He claimed that it was only by his gqnick work and tbe in- terference of the other station etaployes thet Carteiliu was prevented from tay ing out his St Lt ph to kiil nim. Who Koows What is Abead. canse, and the newspaper reporie of tie | trial and the editorial comments make it | appesr to his friends here that considers- : lo prejudice existed against Lim iv the community. As an illastration of thi a single remaik of VenHouoter's altar i | verdi ot of the jney bad heen returned, 4 Tr # may be gnoted | | fotiows: “VanHout.r ‘fra sbhont wha I FRpasiad; I'oa from | tht Le of Lhe Lit a Te rd Bia igs Mlbie, CL, Jull Hill, dul go Bu Elill man ean at | | jastiee in Colorado Springs " Tha news- | attempt to place power in the bande o tl papers speak of hn as a desperate char oF acter, dapgerons to the community, sod ‘a villian of the deeprut dye. " fiends | | here remember him 4g a Riel, nusssSUm- | | ing man, who attend:d to tie own aff, airs | | and yuve no man « ange fo r effence, Cap- | ‘tain Woodring, who >rotmbiy knows Bi piace in a state of espionsge more than | | better than any othr man in DuBois, | {he having been in Woodring's emp! toy | will rob them of all here, in that the state | three years, from 1840 to 1883, right here | makes littia or no provision for pub ie lin DaBois, seys thai he has wonderful Ny | i changed snes going west if he is a8 rap- Nesters papers, conlc¢ come from 80 pesce- ble a family as they have proven them- The doomed mane hope for life and liberty lies in an appeal to the Sapreme court of Colorado. When he had been foand gnilty by the jury a motion tor a pew trial was imme liatety made, upon the grounds that ths jury bad been al- lowed to separate during the progress of the trial and also that testimony in the case had been heard during the absence of the prisoner. The motion for a new trial was refused by tae lower court when VanHouter's attorney appealed the case to the Sapreme court ard asupercedeas was granted and the execution, which bad been fixed to take piace the last week in the present month, his been stayed. The pargument before the Supreme court will ‘be heard next Jacuary, when VanHouter will ba either set at liberty or the sentence of the lower court carried out. His friends Spamara were get 8d Wasamoron, D. C. July 19.-~Becre- {tury Oloey arrived here uuexpectndly thie afternoon from bis summer home st : Faimonth. Ha imriediately onlled a cou- forevce of the cabinet ¢ffiwrs who are in toan and tor two hans Secretaries Car- | Iiete and Herbart and Attar y {ieperal ELarnian wens olos ted with Lim. Mey | ai expected arrival an > it is smd that the | | paeeting wes cnnsed by a4 serioas crisis in 156 relations of this conotey with Spain. hose at the meeting refused to say an] 3th ing of the subiset nuder discussion | bat from the manser in which cone of | them epoke it wonld appear hut tha reason for the conference is a serions ove. While it can te only mera speculation ‘itis p srobable that the enndition of Cnbsp Luffuirs brought Beerstur Oluey bere. R y 3 The frequent complaints of the Hpavish {ministry that filibnstering axpeditiovs | {ura being copstantly fitted out in this | country for Cuba has caused the govein- | ment at Washingten much smbarrass- ment, and it is not improbable that it hes been decided by the president to take such action ae Will prevent claims by Spain aguiost us for viclation of nentral- lity laws. DEFEAT FOR THE Cusan INSURGENTS. Colonel Gualer, One of the Volunteer Officers of tbe Cuban Forces, Killed. New York, July 21.—A cable dispatch ‘to the Herald, frcm Bantiago de Caban, snys: Alpbcoso Gualer, a colonel in the insurgent army, wae killed in the battle fought near Bayamo, in which Captain General Campos wae attacked by a large force of rebels, under the two Maccos, The Herald's Havana dispatch saya that | according to advices received yesterday trem Baracoa, CGuaridas has attacked a large force of the insurgents. He has de- feated the guerrilla chief, Try Tejada, of Carojal’s band, killing two, wounding two and taking two prisouers. ASQUITH EASILY RE-ELECTED, One of Roseberry's New Peers Turned Down, How | . aver. Loxvos, July 19.—RBeturns today from ¥:feshire, east division, show that H. H. Aequith, liberal, won by 4,332 over J. Gilmour, unionist, who had 3,016 votes. In 1892 Mr. Asquith’s majority was 204. in the east will give al the assistance poe- gible, believing that the killing was done | | in self defense and thit Van Houter is in- | nooent of premaditatid 1 murder. iY ittie Marion Cleveland, A Brzzarps Bay, ([laly 19.—President | and Mrs. Cleveland have named the little | g'r!, now twelve days old, Marion. 3 The liberals experience grent relief at the success of Mr. Asquith with a large liberal gain, but this is offset by the elec- ‘tion of a unionist by a Iarge majority in the Stowmarket division of Suffolk to the seat occupied by Sydney J. Stern, liberal, who was raised to the peerage by Lord Roseberry. bus pever hed a conveution in the eesti, the question at 8 mesting to be neld to- Carterlin is nrable to speak English. It iy the Secretary's | GONE TOTHE BD TM OF THE SEA. The Mariap, © With 141 Passen- | gers and Crew. COLLISION iN THe BULF OF SPEZLIA, | Prineston Studen's Sapposed to Have Bren | ‘Killeg by the Watlike Baonocks, Sprzzia, Ital, July 3L—A terrible acoidert as oor usted near the mouth of | tie git of Bora The steaters O:to- gia +11 ol. ran into esch other «ul the iat, r was s Tally damaged that se | anne in short tine. She had on bostd | 14 neespgers in addition to the crew. § * t il wei diewned. nis FEARED THEY ARE LOST. Princeton Students Whe Probably Fell in With the | Bannock Indians. that & party of Princeton students have: diaus, Nearly two weeks ago the stu- dents forming the geological expedition | went through Urion Pass. They were ou | their way to the Nutiooal Park and were due on their return trip sbout the latter | conntry and it they are alive the fact re- | mains that the government has recently been stirred to great activity, as orders were received yesterday at Fort Washakie for the sending of an expedition of troops to the dangerous point. There are only {.rty-three men st the post sud the expe- dition cannot be very formidable, but it is the best that the army can do. PENNSYLVANIA BOYS IN IT. Prixocerows, N. J., July 21.—The re- port 1hat the Princeton geological expe- dition has been captured by Indians in none of the geological faculty are in town and po word has beep received from the party in Wyoming for several -days. Amoog the students who are with the party are, A. A. Doyee, of Iodiaos, Pa, Jobn H. Brooks, of Seranton Pa., and Jolhu Scheide, of Titasviila Pa.. i Bh te Se 55 ' Victory for Defeader, New York, July 21.—The new white and gold Defender made ber first dash for feme yesterday off Sandy Hook. Dr. Tee lin, with Mrs. Iselin, Himilton Fish, the invited gueets, boarded the Denfend. ar. Cupt. Huff and bis men were slready to Bandy Hook was begun. Although the starting hour was somewhat early there wes a large crowd of yschtsmen on the ola) dock to see the racer off. As she started down the bay there was a royal | salute from the tleet. : : All the way down the bay the big boat was greeted with salutes from passing | steamers and excursion boats. At o'clock ‘the Defender, after a short wait in the lower bay, in order to host ber main sail, passed out to Sandy Hook on ber way to tbe starting point, off Bandy Hook lighi | ship. Half an hour sfter the Vigilant al | 80. passed ont for the starting place. Bri cotast with the Valkioe wil take | place. he New Yors Yacht elnh offered | i i i | a 8200 silver enp for the big single stick | | ars, in order to give them a chance to try! i their jal ¢8 io the weter snd wind | | which they will ba most likely to sncount- | erin de Juuso of America's enp. It was | ' Datender's first rece aod her tirst tasta of | Bui dy Ho. k weather. The opportunity | to pew the pew boat and witness her bee | hefior wheo poshed by as good u yacht! ha Vigilaut is Known to ba, drew a | Flujze crowd to the [8wer bay. practical victory for the Defender: The Vigilant wes besten on un elapsed time | by but two minates and forty-five saconds | bosta are measured that the lapsed time | allowance may be sufficient to wipe out! tbe Defender’s small advantage. After the race the officials would not announce that either yacht hed won, bat contented themselves by saying thatthe Defender had catsailed the Vigilant on elapsed hime. According to the best no. thought that the time allowanpoe will be betwesn one aad two minutes, so that in all prcbability the Defender has put a is by an exceedingly narrow margin. HUNTING HOLME'S VICTIMS, The Remains in the “Stove Turn Out to be PFieves of Fire Brick. Cuicaco, Hls., July 21.—To the long list of murders ascribed to H. H. Holmes raay probably be added that of Mrs. L L. Conner apd her 12-year old daughter. The woman and child were last seen inthe company of Holmes in this city in 1893.. The bones foand in the stove in Holmes’ house here, and thought to have been the remains of the Williaa girl, turn out to be pieces of fire brick with which the stove was lined. A Defeat for the Turks. * Soria, July 19.—A serious fight has occurred on the Turko-Macedonian fron- tier between a foree of insurgents, stated to have numbered five thousand, and a body of Turkish troops, The Turks were defeated with a lose of six hundred men. Mrs. Wm. Barry, of Main street, is vis “Dexves, Colo., Jaly 21.—1It i» FI falien into the hands of the Bannock In- | part of July. They are io a dangerous | Wyoming cannot be verified to-night, as. Woodbury Kepe and Herbert O. Leeds, | aboard. The tug B. 8. Atwood soon had | a live to the racer and at 7:15 the journey The ccarce was ontside of Sandy Hook | : where the internat ot ale race ot 1893 wus | | 8i led and whers the triai races aud the Cie d0-mile ran over the course was 6 ard it may be possible that when ‘both | official measurements, however, it is victory to her credit in her first raoe, if it: iting in Bradford. ot Kir utiman Gor Company Gcitg - to New Orieaxs, ray 21 A party Pullman « x-employes buve arrived. Thess: jy snd their families are coming 19 | rinsing to Jooste as an experimen’, d | nrrangements for homes for them I | beet wnde in 8 Charles pi rich, josb | nhove this ity. Some of the beads of the American Reilwsy auviown; inolnding | Vice President Howard, coms- bere last | yenr, visiting Alabama aud other ciates LOU The Way, seekit @ ®ites for homes fof | some of these (opilie. whe they could wei Ife wow, iw He meeeei ers’ USO Detar aor ol (hive ye pale er abd hve deel vor r- pondio with i Leow rat pec pw siod sending emis: aries [liste wig the wo ge intention, Sw Hie Hg B00" miitee trom the | padi aia Guid 3 cate TO Louisisue, sud “8 ane te her places viated St Charles Cparieh.. They were delighted wit the: itty nbd fhe ‘elimae aud euthinosed over the groepeete of farming nfe in the on kb, sod. seve ral parties in 8¢, Charles : | ute selected 0 muke the experiment. Emplo ment hse been secared for those | who brvw eiready arvived, snd these men Lisve nyreed to stick together for at leant six months sud give taraing io the icin i a fair trial, ; Tug Fired on wt Key West. Ea Key West, Fia, July 21.—The tog George W. Childe, which bas becn ene Cnbe, left port this morning despite the beave to and was only brought up = the cutter fired two solid shot and. st after be-. The tug was brought back to . this port. Her captain 18 very indignant at baving been fired upon and claims bound for New Y¢ York. Workmen en Overcome Pvwreoms by Hent, Pirrssugre, July 21.—The tense best much suffering among the men employed in the mills. At tbe Edger Thompeon pegie furnaces snd tbe ‘Braddoek wire works, at Rapkio, several bucdred men bad to leave their work snd go bome, be: ling slmost completely overcome. The iiapell bands” ut the varione mille, takes been replaced. WILD ILLS HANDIWORK. A Lasting Memorial of the Desperados r Skill With the Pistol. of buildings known locally as Bartle ‘row, from the pugnacious bent of the inhabitants. These lapse into brawls and chance meddle encounters with an ease which should alarm. Up ander the oor eyes are sharp, the white paint interior - of the first O will show a hnddle of weather hued spots very well in the o ter of the letter. They are the handi- the border, Wild BilL It was back in the middle seventies when Wild Bill, ‘by request, * and merely to show his witchlike skill with i {those weapons, stood across the street, | full v 100 feet away, and with a 45 cal- iver Colt’s pistol in each hand put all. a 12 bullets into the center of this ’ He fired the pistols simultaneons- | I and the 12 shots made only six re- | ports. The town was smaller at that i time and in the interest of science didn’t mind a little racket now and then. So shooting exdited nothing bat « nupli- ment. Indeed Speers, chief of police then, as well as now, was one of the most interested lookers on, and emnhat- ically indorsed the exhibition as<onn of | the most skillful tricks with pistols it | had ever been is nek to see. — Washi ng ton Star. Keeping BE carat at It. 5 Genius is really ouly the power of making contivucas efforts. The line Lie tween failure and success is so fine that { wo scarcely know when we pass it—so fine that wo are often on the line and do not know it. How many a man has thrown up his hands at a time when a | little more effort, a little more Juitence; would have achieved success! As the tide goes clear out, 80 it comes clear in. In business sometimes prospects may seem darkest when really they are on the turn. A little more persistence, a little nore effort, and what seemed hong less failure may turn to. glorious suc cess. There is no failare except in ne longer trying. There is no defeat except from within, no really. insurmountable barrier save our own inherent weakness of purpose. —Flectrical Review. The Campaign of Assnssination. , Senator Quay, in his wail of woe to ox» Senator Davies, of Bradford county, onlls this a ‘a campaign of assassination.’ That is just what itis, and Mr Quay is filling the title role. No man who has ever heen his friend, but who now is exer eising independence of thought, is free from his attacks. David Martin, C. Lo Magee, Senator Filun and any other man who is opposing him is the subject of vituporasion. He overlooks his chief leu tenant, William H. Andrews, who was repudiated by the Republican party as state chairman. He is his chief adviser; the man who tought and lost Senator Quay’s battle for (George Wallace Deis mater. Mr. Andrews is now fighting and losing his last batsle for Matthew Suaiey Quay. ‘A Sty on the Eye. : When you feel the pricking pain om the eyelid that announces the coming of a sty, make a very strong applieation of moistened with a little water put small bag of muslin and placed on eyalid. As it dries moisten again, and if used before the sty gets under way it is said to be a sure cure, gaged in tlibostering expediticns to 2 signals of the revenue cutter MolLave to that be had regularly cleared wd wes of the past two or three dsye has esused etell works und blast furbsces, the Onr- al of during the past several weeks, have ar On the west side of Market square in ] : Kansas City stands a three story front nice of ome of the buildings is an Odd Fellows’ sign, “L 0. O. F.' If one's work of that long haired gentleman of | Wild Bill's exlubition of crack pistel black tea, or simply the tea bifvn = A EIR OT SH gs
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers