SESE HB “3 a 5 * Farrow ronnie vo. Proprietors. At Hodgkin's fre fe ~~ | Drink Ambrosia. : THURSDAY, JUNE 00, 1895. | nooner coal 67 Wall paper cts. 3 bolt st Goods. Meret Le stcwom. : who do Dot_§ive cxprom Drink the new summer drink, Am- ing oo. So hn contrary ary Considered wish- | brosia. Fie a i mts maining will Hot celdbiule the i} ArTeRTAgeS Are : Tom oul a of July this year. ir nts Tro © pomoffce Ag ke > r pe s e 10 w ihre their Hills i A onred thom Save 16 Her place pr | Crroltown Somdey. ih, Bormaer sadn, they are vy. wi auton’ he Goarts have decidid that refusing to Patton on the 4th of July. | ‘Joo cream freemers at The Cambria | intone Guta sins. 04 Deithrich, of this piace was a pension last week. Hastings penned trough & Ci pin CaTHoLIC—Father Marceiltus, poor. Mase The Cambria Hardware Co.s store. -S0Kf Ee atfand loam S95 | Alex. Monteith and B. F. Wise took Mernopisr Ermcorasl—Rev. C. W, Wamon, apn Services at 10:30 4. m. and 7:30 p. m. L ChoN ALP senting League até p.m. Prayer faeet W edn Carrolitown will celebrate the 4th boss James Nicholson, of this Place, lige and rl i Saye evening at TE i “and 5th of July by holding a grand’ ” Local Time Table. | plenic. The hours of arrival and departure The Delta Coal company at Barnes- of trains at the Patton Station are as boro is shipping thirty-five cars of coal | per day. 1} A M McGaugbery, off Clear- spent Stmiey in town viliging EY G. Cramer, 8 prominent atterney | spent the first of the week | in Ratton. Jesse E. Dale at tended the Republi- Mariposa Park, Berwin fe county convention st Clearfield dale, | Pa. Nutt, the murderer, weceived & grand 4th of July celebration wil wil] | # sentence of fifteen years in a Kansas be held at Mariposa Park, Berwindale, ' | penitentiary. Pa. on the Bell's Gap railroad. Two If you wish to get cooled off stop in games of base bal, morning and after- to Hodgkins drag store and get a oon between the Altoona Orickets, drink of soda. Bellwood and the old original Houtz- For wall paper, plotare mouldings, dale Reds. paper hanging, painting, ete., go to C. The foot races will consist of 100 and | | M. “Letts. -78t( 200 yard dshes ; } mile race ; long dis-| Men's and boy's shoes of sll kinds at tance race between parties from Houts- Wolf & Thompson's store, Good dale, Curwensville, Bellwood, Punxsu- | Building. -81tf tawney, Altoona and cther places, and | poo. oo does things by halves _ will be open to all amateurs. The man-| 4 on the 4th of July you will see it agement reserves the right to rule out | gemonstrated. or handicap any contestants. Sack, po- Ade : table you fond of good bread? If so, eb, foot, and other sul i ‘Gold Leaf Flour of Yothers, | Hastings, Pa.-80t4 Shi Contractor Hubbard is pushing the : 3 school building ad- | rey took mend ro 1 Pe | Cre oe uring entire day, also a good dition very rapidly. . orchestra will be thera. i Call and inspect the refrigerators Dancing, boating, driving, etc. Fire and ice chests at The Cambria Hard-| works in the evening. | ware Co.’s store. 80Uf trains leaving Panxsutawney | Before leaving your order for & and Bellwood at about 6:10 a. m. Re- | spring suit of clothes call or: Lerch, the J leaving Berwindale about 11! tailor, Mahaffey, Pa.-08tf pm. for each end of the road. Bee} (gy g Quay sinotoss Hredlt! eva ahuduieia + fw de, to} a candida fo huirmar ofthe Be : : J. Boynton McPherson surprised his Just the mA & day of recreation |P7e0s Seturday by azriving on the and vest. Fifterm acres of lake and Creek from Clearfield. delightful boating surface. Entire Hattie and Mary Sbarbaugh, | grounds, iake and hotel provided by | of spent a few hours visit- | eluctrio light. Good orfler will be guar- ing friends in Patton Saturday. - snteed. | Everyone should attend the Epworth | no The new Atlantis Hotel will be open- League meeting on Friday evening, ed to the public abcat July 1, under | June 25th. See notice elsewhere. the management of J. P. Roscoe, form~| Men's white and fancy vests 1.00, erly of DuBois. 11.50, 2.00 and up to $5.00. Look at; «Concerning who's the (mallet man, Fish can be kept from selling by! St. Petar fills thy noteh ; cutting off their noses, but there is no ' Becnase the Bible mys of him, { ap He slept upon his watch. (omay for cablinge and caulifiower. “The straightest man of ancient times | Was Joseph, smooth und slim, | ioe Spangler, Carrollton, | Because the king «of Egrpt made } Barnesboro, Westover and Mahaffey | A ruler out of him. : | people are coming to Pattcm on the os «The strongest man of whom we Kiiow 4th, ; Was Joni on & bens | While playing ball Saturday Perry ; For though the whale tind got him down, He couldn't keer him therc, ” | Thin Secuivel 8 very putstl ajar | tend - st: A : = ruck on nigh The le J. M. Click, a coal operator, of Car-! Of July in Patton. | rolltown, passed through Patton Satur- - Get your fortune told. en-route to be 0d home st Philip Try Lerch, the: tailor, Mahaffey. Pa. burg. Aland of gypeles sizuck the tows | Why be bothered wish fies when Monday. you can get a window screen for 25 Pittwurg on each of the above men- Stree hats ati Wolf & Thompson's |5c08 at The Combria Hardware Co.'s ox. Sonage, week a Te mise a grand spectacle if June 14th, 50.411. | you Joe Marks, of Altoona, was a visitor | 4th of July. to Patton Sunday. C. E. Walters, E. Bish and M. E. Tey Gold Leaf Flour, R. J. Yothers | Rhodes, of Knoxville, Jefferson county | Hastings, Pa.-80t4 Lan C. 1. Wolf, of Brookville, are stoy Say, don’t forget to come to Patton ping in town. | on the 4th of July. = Miners, farmers, slidible ad We have barbed wire. The Cambris | everybody is invited to the largest 4b Hardware Co.-80tf of July demonstration ever witnesed Lerch, the tailor, Mahafley, guaran- in this section, in Patton. tees & perfect fit. -88t( Prof. T. L. Gibson was re-cloted Every veteran of the army is wanted | principal of the Ebensharg public | in Patton on the 4th of July. schools Monday, a dignified posiion be | Sweaters—black, blue, wine, white— | bas held for several years. 20c., 80c., 75¢. up at Bell's. —80tf H. J. Patton, son of A. E Patton, The finest summer underwear in | retarned home last week fron Ogonts, town at Wolf & Thompeon’s.-81tf Pa, where he has been sttending New line Ladies’ Misses’ Child’s and school. —Curwsmsvilie Revie. . Men’s hosiery just in at Bell’s.-80tf When yon take & trip tc Ebensburg 1¢ is generally thought that Governor | *OP a the Blair house ans oR will be Elstings will veo the religous garb) CSL UL 00, A Geta hammock strong enough for | + se om or Contr Barras O's Come to Retton on store.-80 the 4th. trip to the county seat Mon- | oT | ra dm mmx Patton is the place to spend the 4h | purchased the Jordon timber tract east gop and reliable ressedy. IV's good | ‘of town, returned home on Tuesday. effects are shown st once in case of |™ Pat Finigan of Portage, while at- {SEoent wanted SSSA comp | : tempting to jump off a moving pass- | C. W. Hodgkins. enger train at that place, received very | |, conclnded ‘to close out my’ | severd bruises about the head and face... 0 of dry goods, notions, Tt is the general opinion that Walter poota, shoes snd groceries. will give | and Sam will never have to dance in yo some good bargains for cash. All the hog trough again, but still more ..,u,ne having secounts with me will | note on or before July 15, 1806. ACH. Perry, of Chest Springs, F. V. R. J. Yoruess, Perry, of Coalport, and J. B. Wilber, sus Sweaters from 25 cents to $2 a W Wolf more things than that has hap- please settle the same with cash or of Ebensburg, three prominent mer- De Witt’s Colic and Cholera Care | chants, were welcome visitors to Pat- | never disappoints, never fails to give ton Tuesday. immediate relief. It cores just as sure Sureary Mephie aa) fancies thut as you take it. C. W. Hodgkins. his oocupation exists. The strike is over and the men have lost the fight, |, speck of rheumatism. 1 used Sometime ago 1 was troubled with | ‘and he ought to kmow it by this time. | cy berigin’s Pain Balm and was —Coal Trade Journal. if Patton on Saturday, and in the eve- ivan to Gov sie Teuibdly £58 28 spon | were greeted by the Patton Ting highly of it. - Simon Goldbaum, and Tong band. Some ‘fine selec- Laois Rey, Cal. For sale by C. tions” were rendered. Beicher’s City Drug Store. John Nicholson, a brother of mine If you went to ive long snd enjoy had his right arm and leg badly crush- | Gold Leaf Flour. ‘ed in No. 8 mine Mouday by 8 WY of pu Yorsens, Hastings, Pa. gra Phere is one medicine that will care air Association is arranging 10 |... giqtely. We refer to De Witt's give its patrons a big treat in the way | op; 10g Cholera Cure for all summer of some fine bicycle races. A lisdies’ complaints. No delay, no dissppoint- Yate Will be Best Wile Pepe C. W. Moon ; : ment, no failure. Hodgkina. Ladies’, Mise’, Boy¥ Girls’, Men's he Voluptesr band of DuBois took v first prise at the band tournament held tennis shoes 34c., 40c., 45c. and up at at Philipsburg last week. The second Bells. -80f | prise was won by the Houtsdale band ; The most plensant, little pills for reg: ‘the third to Excelsior of DuBois; ulating the bowels are De Witt's Little fourth to Oseols and the fth to Early Risers. Cure sick headache and constipation. Small pill. Small dose. Last week Frank Pennington, took CW. Hodgkins. his little boy, who is suffering from a Clothing, Clothing, Gothing at very dangerous tamor or growth over Wolf & Thompeon’s store. Prices the his left eye, to a hospital to ascertain | weet 81t/ | whether it could be successfully re- moved or not. . He returned on Sunday There is great danger in neglecting with but very little enconragement. colic. cholera and similar complaints. Pdgtérson, 8. B. Jones, Wm. Cramer, ; are. C. W. Hodgkins. Haybs Wilson and Ed. A. Mellon rode to Mahaffey on their bikes Sunday. A {Children’s blouse waists. Something large number of wheelmen from other TW and pretty, 50 and 75¢. at Bell's. towns also congreguted at the same Persons who are subject to diarrhea place and a very enjoyable day was will ind a speedy cure in De Witt's spent. " Coli¢ and Cholera Cure. Use no other. In accordance with ite usual liberal It is the best that can be made or that policy, the Buffalo, Rocher’ + & Pitts’ money can procure. It leaves the sys- burgh Railway will this year sell ex- tem in natural condition after its use. | cursdon tickets for the 4th of July hail- We sell it. €. W. Hodgkiue | days, between all stations on pheir | lines, at single fare for the roend! trip. Tickets will be sold July 3d snd Excel led by None | ath, K5od foe semen Jugs wiih by 'Equalled by few, [SO i | ISTHE JERDICT | $10 for the Round Trip via Ponwyivania Ratifond. Everyone, old and young neds! | rest and recreation at soma ime dar- |ing the heated summer frm, and : where can it be obtained befter than at | the seashore? No other place can co pare with | Southern New Jersey ir seaside re- | sorts, either in point of amber or of ‘excellence. Atlantic CF» is the most | popular resort in Amica, and Cape May, Sea Isle City and Ocesn City do not fall far short of Atlantic City's | high standard. The Pennsylvania failroad company, whose object alwys is to give its patrons the chear i rates compatible {with good servie, has arranged a series to the seasore, similar to those which were sp popular last season. The excursion will leave Pittaburg July 18, and Asgust 1, 15 and 29, and the rates will Je as follows: Pittsburg, Uniontown, —onnellsville, Scottdale, | Greensburg, Butler and Latrobe, $10; _n Johnstown §9:25; Cresson, $8.50; Al- at prices “that Lely compet: | toona, - $8; Tyrone, §7:65; Claarsuld, tion. Wholesale or retail. $5.90; Bellfonte, $8.85; Bedford, $8.50 Humtingdbn, $7.10; Mifflin, $5.85; pro TRY IT rtinaterates from other points. ; ov C RS a8 ON POH. ry of And be Convinced. J. YOTHERS, HASTINGS, PA. * nearly iwo weeks, and a choice of R. sither of the seashore points named | gop will o2 allowed. A special train of: JAMES QUINN, ticn