have * i il Bains oo ge GF me—————"———li—— Sp ———is EBenshURG, Pa., June 25, 1895. adjourned on Friday evening 8. C. Thomas, of Nev: Brighton, Pa., SE — was in Ebensburg on Monday. TERNS OF SUBSCRIPTION. | Several new houses are being erected One copy, one year, in advance, - - . $1.00 | in Ebensburyg this summer. . S@rAdvertising rates made known upon application. s-No rearages Patton Gourier.| PATHON FISHING 00. Proper. | Cour * THURSDAY, JUNE #7, 1085. | rs A : | = John Anderson, of Nicktown, was a all ar. | visitor to Ebensburg on Wednesday. - | ¥ of the | Megars. E. E. Brilhart and P. Kin- 3 Entered at the Postoffice at Patton as second- | ports, of Cherrytree, were among the «class mail matter. visitors to this place last week. | ist Monday of Jane 1st Monday of Dec. : James Singer, one of Jackson town- 1eTER AND RECOR ; C. A. Langbein, of the Farmer's DisrRICT ATO } & W. Leech. Br ily. ; Jrwy CoxisstonErs—Anslem Weakinnd, g few hours in our town on Friday. erville, Raphie! Hite. J. N. Smith, one of Gallitzin’s estim- H. Curfman, « s ! : 3 urer; Jesse E. Dale, H. samuel | business trip to Ebensbarg on Satur ann Ricks in this place on Friday bust. PozicE—John Boyce ; Misses Victoria and May, daughters ‘he verdict of the jury at Ebensburg 'emy, and will spend their vacation here. papers discontinued until are paid, unjess at the option i i i i i £ i COUNTY. Peter Wagner, of Blacklick, was in TINE OF HOLDING COURT. | attendance to court last week as a ist Monday of March | 1st Monday of Sept. juror. : ovricEms. | ship’s leading citizens, uttended court Pazmipuxy Jenar Hon A y-Barker. jst week snd was registered at the pER—D. A: M~Gough. Central. : Tezasvresn--F. H, Barker. i Suexirr—D, W. Coulter. Ls Drury SHExiris—Samuel Davis, Eimer hotel at Garmantown, was in Ebens- E. Davis. ; a : : h xy -R. 8 Murphy. burg on business Tuesday. GS Sora P. J. Dillion, J. G. Lloyd, | 4 MissION K's CLERK —John C; Gates. | engburg on Wednesday attending to | sSurernerexpext—J. W. ese CorxTY BURvEYcR—& G. Fetterman. = | Some business affairs. Mf 4 Acsizoie-W mn. 3. Jones, W. C.| poo nel Scoulten, of Rid y.spent * Gonarega pr. George Martin. | J. J. Rhoddy, of Ashville, shook Drnecroms—R. Moore, James BOT: |pongy with his many friends in this BOROUGH OFFICERS. piace on Thursday last. Bose®. J. Dounelly. resident: 5, X. | able citizens, visited his friend : CIL— 8 nt; 8. M. “, many fr * : B. F. Wise. P. P, tison, Frank SE aPhell i h st xk pra EH. sna, G ar:| G.C. Burchfield, of Altoona, made a .. Barton, “ Jesrice or TRE PrAcE—Jesse E. Dule, Jas. day. : MEHR CORES. -W. H. Sandford. 8. P. Lantzy, of German’s Mills, was | CLERK—Harvey Patterson. warmly received by his many friends COLLECTOR - Assrasor—Jos. H. Ricker, Oo. Wiasio : AUDITORS I. H. Kinkead, H. 0. Winslow, Joseph Hogue, of Loretto, called on ChGE or Er.ecTioN—Sam'l Boyce. ' his many acquaintances in Ebensbury, «SPECTOR Walter Weakland. ; Lid CHIE? OF oo on Friday last. STREET CoxwrsmoNEn—A. J. Jackson. : “GOVERNOR HASTINGS vINDICATED, |Of P. F. Brown, of the Central, re-| : tarned home from Latrobe, where they ¢ on Friday awarding Goverpor {21 been sending St. Xavier's acad- ‘Hastings $3,000 damages for slanders uttered, in cormection with the late, Johnstown flood, is an eminent and just conclusion of hdeanigions cireusm- | P. E. Dillon of antbird The Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegraph 128 week attending to the duties of i oF th their office : , heirges that the ernor, . _, - > say at rt ator, way Frank 1. Farabaugh, formerly of at the head of the National Guard, had | C8rrolitown, but now ‘of Vintondale, iatid 1 . sums: out of the PETE Saturday and Sunday in Ebens- funds poured irto the stricken district burg. for relief of sufferers for his own ua, County Commissioners Geo. M. | Among the visitors who came to the Hastings-O’Connor case ‘were absurd. The melancholy event, which was to be tried on Thursday, | cansed by unprecedented rainfall of 9 or 10 inches in the mountains, brought out the philanthropic feeling of the ‘State, the country and indeed the world, to an unprecedented degree, ‘and this outpotiring of help assuming every possible phase that inte could indieste ss proper, led to the demonstration of organizing relief but was not until Friday, were Robart ' Notley, Frank Donahue and James Notley of Hastings; J. G. C. Bearer of Spangler, and Joseph A. Gray, of . Carrolitown. bor | .On Saturday afteraoon J. E. Weamer, accompanied by Misees Jennie, Ida snd | | Minnie Craver, of this place, drove to’ i i Wertz, of Stonycreek township, and | Of some to GIVE AWAY. EVERY TIM You make a purchase Ww pieces. J i “the amount bought and when you have the required sum in coupons we give you one of these elegant polished oak of the FURNITU RE we are going : | e give you a coupon worth ‘STANDARD WRITING DESK. Height. 4 foot: width. 35 inches; depth of ense. 1% Incass. Holds account books standing and stationery fat. Strongest, cheapest, and beet writing desk made. Osk and antique finish. beautifully esrved as per cut. ‘Remember it costs you nothing. We don’t tack on enough in the long run to pay us for it. James Ryan, of Pattcm, was in Eb-| : : Th : : : Our Stock of Suits is largest and best in town. In men’s at $5.00, all wool, up to $14.00, worth fully $20.00. You willl say se too. Boys 1.50, all wool, 2.00. $3.00 in knee OUR BIG STOCK - pants. Fully 500 boys’ suits to select from. . : Few Gives you a large assortment from which to make your choice. SHIRTS, UNDERWE HOSIERY, in great profusion at low p AR, PANTS, ar rices, not even livin NECKWEAR, BELTS, ETC.ETC. at % € prices, at that Best Stock Ladies Shoes in town, black and tan. Nicest Stock. Men's Shoes in black and Jan. Boys’, Misses” and Children’s in black and tan. ~~ Everybody invited here to see us L. 'S. Bell, CLOTHIER, TAILOR, SHOE DEALER. | “ASH—ONE PRICE. $ itself a proud monument to American capacity for self-government and sys-| tematic effort. Thousands worked, _and that there was no suggestion of maslversation or even of incompetence, be there, thence to (larmantown, where they called on the family of C. A. Langbein, formerly of this place, and then proceeded to Cherrytree, where | they remained until Sunday evening, | i when they wended their way to the home of Augustine Craver, an uncle of the young ladies, where they spent the | night and on Monday morning retarned | home by the way of Hastings and Carrolltown. 1 Tours te the North. disbursals, and their | ‘moet attractive report, printed in book form, closed method of spending a summer holiaay, | the tragic story with. all the credit to the Pennsylvania Railroad company all concerned in the relief measures, has arranged to run two delightful that could be gotten out of the melan- | tours to the North. The points in- choly occurarice. cloded in the itenerary and the country BE : "traversed abound in nature’s beauties. BANKER FOR SOUND MOWEY: Magnificent scenery begins with the Bradstreet s says that declarations in. journey and ends with its completion. favor of sound money continue to be “The names of the plices to be visited made by bankers’ associations in all re familiar to all and suggestive of : Parigof the Oy wonderland. No matter how much week alopted resolutions declaring Er bode ra ‘that the banks of that state pails, Thousand Islands, Quebec, Mont- their interests indissolubly |,.g Ag Gable Chasm, Lakes Cham. connected with the financial pros- ay George, Sartoge, or tbe perity of the people of the state, of the Hudson. The dates whether they be farmers or manufac- g..q for the departures of these two turers Or. W ; that they be- oo. are July 16 and August 20, and lieve it to be in the interests of the 1. round-trip rate of $100 from New people of the state to use in their busi- York, Brooklyn, Newark, Trenton, ness as good money as any other Peo-| ppiiageiphia, Harrisburg, Baltimore ple in the world, and that it is against _.4 Washington, will cover all nces- their interests to use any de sary expenses during the time abeent. dollar, whether it be gold, silver OF | 5 phegutiful descriptive itinerary can paper ; that they are opposed to the no rocqred from the tourist depart. free and unlimited coinage of silver at Lo. ;f the Pennsylvania Railroad; the ratic of 16 to 1 unless the other |, 56 Broadway, New York, or Room leading nations of the earth adopt the ,; Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. same ratio; that they favor limiting the coinage of silver so. that the gov-| ernment which issues it as money and receives it for public duties may be able at all times to maintain its parity or exchangeability with gold, and that they favor the preservation of the ex- isting standard of values. Declarations | Zimmerman and Johnson use them. of this kind cannot be without effect, | Don't wear “puff” dleeves, an it is hard to sail against the wind with : i ‘impossibility, since all accounts were carefully gone over by eminent busi- | Don'ts far Bicyelists. Don’t hold tos tightly to your handle | bars. The vibration is very tiring. Don’t borrow a road map. Get one of your own, so that you can lend it. : Don’t wear ‘‘toeclips’’ just because even in localities where the drift of opinion is in favor of free coinage. : ST —_. le ———— em e——— Don't do stants and fancy tricks on 1 have two little children who | the road. Leave that to the vaudeville | Don’t try to make dents in a two-ton track with a twenty-three pound Don’t take up the whole road in your efforts to gusrd your “bloomer” from collision. : Don’t ride up a hill with an angle of 48 degrees. You will feel better if you walk op. : Don't ride in the middle of the road, | or you will catch trouble “a-coming | and a-going.” : Don’t gay and try to ride through a flock of geese. You will be thrown every time. i i i Are you coming to Patton onthe 4th? (Tu be continued.) | Spangler, called on a number of friends | . Pittsburg Post, the great home news- | .mend The Post. for $3.00. The price of The Post alone reading as any of the monthly maga- | RIER one year each for only $1.50. Just - and Wines af the Nar. .R. L. GEORGE, r and fidelity. WH DAVIS, — : Three Cents a Bolt. G. 8. Good bas a fine line of wall diana, are never without a bottle of paper at 3 cents a bolt. See it. Gamberlain’s Cough Remedy in the The Couxren is pleased to announce [EERO 50 0 rn | its clubbing arrangements with The. ol oo cough in children | that yw mothers who know its worth are Wing to be without it. For sale by CC. Belcher's City Drug Store. | Say, »ve you tried Hodgkin's soda paper of Pennsylvania, and to persons : who want the best daily or semi-weekly paper published in the city, we recom- The Daily Post, a large Sight- PAS | watery paper, and The COURIER one year i= dr . : Reuel somerville, is $3.00. Send us your order at once Ars : and get seven papers s week for the 4 orney-at-Law, price you formerly paid for one. The Sunday Post, twenty pages ; every Sunday, containing as much : zines, and The COURIER one year each for only $2.25. The Semi-weekly Post and The Cot- think of it, The Post twice a week, and your county paper for the price of cne. ‘rite us for sample copies. MAHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. Accommodations first-class... Best of Liquors stabling attached, GrRORGE FERGUSON, otf ; Prop'r. The Pa ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, : GALLITZIN, PA. Solicitor for German National B. & L. association. PatToN, PA. Office in the vod Building. 'W. H. SEMLER, Attorne - at... [.aw. EBESBURG, Cambria‘ounty, Pa. ee OF... 7] donienOF tton Scho< District ——FeOM-- © > June sth, 1894, to ne 3rd, 1895. Receipts. From Cokie, including axes \ es Fron jpn inst year 31 Ba 3 From all other sources, as sales of honses or lands, Hguor Anes, &2 JF McKENRICK,— Attorney and Counselor at Law, . EBENSEURG, PA. © Will attend to all business with pronapliness 15 Total receipts. $0 om Fxpendituras. . Purchasing zroand - Butlding and Mmroishiag Dollses Office opposite the Mountain House. Piwrkx, (rlobes, Charts, &«¢ : Teachers’ wags ¥ uel and contingeiuies Fees of Collector $102 18, ard Treas arer $252 St. : Spiary of Secretary Ileht and interest paid Cither expenses Attorney and Counselor at Law. EBENSBURG, PA. All légal business promptly attended Wo, OfMece in Armory Hall. W. E. Probert, os ~—ARTISTIC— i Barber and Hair Dresser, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. && NEXT DOOR TO POSTOFFICE. Tota! expenditures Cash on hand... 8 1s 1d : Resources. § 4768 57 ™0 BD (nsh on hand : ; Amount due district from all sources Total resources : Liabilities. Amount dae on unsettled bills... Amount borrowed and unpaid, or debt of distriet - $ WMH S00 0 Total liabilities. Liabilities in excess of resources... $ 12367 37 Estimated value of school property... § 13500 00 Having examined the acvount and vouchers ‘of the Patton School District we find the above true and correct to the best of our f knowledge. y TOBACCO and CIGARS The finest line in Patton at G. J. FITZPATRICK'S Restaurant on Magie ivepus, near ; ~~ PRR : FC. C. CROWELL, MEALS AT ALL HOURA. President. H. 0. WINSLOW, | : F. H. KINKEAD, > Auditors. H.T. Gouoib, : {i H. CURFMAXN, i © Kecretary. “Many of the citizens of Rainsville, Wines, Liquors, 2 Hastingd, Penn‘a. $s ae § 17928 Te Go To ’ : DANIELSON & ENGBLAD'S SHOE - SHOFj { 4th Ave., near R. R. Station. Shoes made to order and repairing of all kinds done y. Prices paoderate. Fong) 18¢f. P.P. Young & Bro. i Wholesale and Retail Dealer in’ FRESH MEAT OF ALL KINDS. SET AUGUST K. HUBER, Etc. STONE MASON, Mellon Avene, PATTON, PAL { am prepared to do all kindd of work in ay line at reasonable . Contracts taken and astimates furnished when desired. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give me a call Bol ogna, Lard, FIFTH AVENUE, i Patton, Pa.’ FirstNation'I Bank Patton, anthria Co. Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP. $50,000.00. SURPLUS. $10,000.00. Loon nts of Corpormtinns, Firms Indlyidu- wis and Banks reenived apon the most favom- hie terms consiktent wily safe and consepvative banking. Steamship tickets for sale for all the lading lines, Foreign Dmfts payable (nthe priacipal ities of the Od World ! 4 2 All correxpoidende will have personal attention, Interest paid on { A. E. PATTON, President. COPYRIGHTS: Dave had F conaReniigs. of oe of mechan: wir prompt and ime deposits, ‘Wu. H. SANFORD, Cashier. - 33 \ LANTZY, Adamant Plaster, Dealer 1n Gives a first-class wall a moderate oF ” pense. : Is the best fire-resisting plaster. Always ready for use in any season. Does not hold gases or disease germs Is the par excellénce for patching. (an be papered as soon as dry. - Is recommended by all the Architects who have —— this country and England. ; Will give you a solid wall. Of itself will not crack, swell or shrink. : Beer, Etc. Phoeni% BrewinG Co.'s Beer: ; Flasks, Corks, Jugs, Ete. Will not cleave off when used as di- rected, even in case of leakage. Will give you a warm house. Does not ruin woodwork by loading it with moisture. 7 Admits of carpenters following plas- terers in a few days. Is capable of every variety of finish. ! parUsed on the Palmer House, Good Building, Hotel Beck, Hotel aston, L. S. W. Worrell PATTON, PA. >. C. L. & I. Co. offive., Patton \eneral Surgery + ——AND—- Also the Catholic 'THEYE A SPECIALTY. ™* ‘Room No. 3, GGp BUILDING. Church St. August- For prices and information, write ee ADAMANT PLASTER Of ~ Patton, Pa, Lock Box 36. } { | i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers