Ea ul TE fh —r I ti, kerk pe mt te A NOVEL READING. { i anit tii 4 i THE BULL MCOLZ. - wer YS IRAURGENENT ROUTINE. WORK i Ok Cassidy's Compe un ons tre Stock “sensed An Adventare With One of These Animals An Taeesive Amount of Jt Is Daclared to | Buidence Thee the Royal Ladies of ~ & Welsin Heavy Losers. - When It Hunted the Hunter. i 3ilitate Aguingt Marriage. © © | land Po Sometimes. e A correspondent writing from Maen. A writer ih oc monthly - reer ew, din. | The late Mr. Worth, the Parisian king | soma, Muskoka, gives an interesting ao | C.0g Mr. Ealfour's “'Founditians of | of dressmakers, once said that it fre {.oonnt of an adventure whic be had! Belief,” tikes ~—srien to say Uat'sclid | quently took him as long as three : | with a morse while eniployed in making | books, dealing in the great problems |g) educate the public up to one of 9 : : : | ‘a toboggan trail through one of the pine of mind and marii2, are no la gor redid | fushiors, and to have it adopted He of ASKS HIS FRIENDS 10 STAN) BY HiM, i forests in that section «f the country. ; except by i fos 3] “aligts Thut an ex : conrse has set a great many fashions | in a ? + | While engaged at work he came across a elusive diet of novel read no is extreme: | his tine, but the drossmaliens are not res ¥ {| moose yard and on looking around saw ly debilitating is pr : : Sra iErt Jane 20.— Force Gree Korerinily States His Candi’ acy % TOT " Republican League ae Eloi General | have raised havos srnand thie vicki) For State Chairmanship. McAlpin President. | within the last faw day Cassidy. who % § i hip : : | {3 Jumbering ot Jetlils ram, at t cans + mud couteut. Sh - | fomt Lis house, ’ i. SILVER TURNED DOWN IN COMMITTEE, '=t' boos: oor Cet a QGulich, wecretary; tremity of the cent, hat eb got off with However, an Attempl Will bs Made © Bring [i Betoré the Convention To-day. B Creeviasp, June 20—beyo md the | § YH election ct a president and nominations | for secretary practically nothing was se ! complished at to day’e eeesion of the cun- | vention of thn Bey ablicsy Lergoe of | Clabs. Adjatast General E. A. MoAlpin, of New York, was elected president anadi- -mously aod Jolm F. Barus, of Denver, and William Gract Edens, of Iilinote, yioce-president of the Tilinois leagzae, were nominated for necre’ery, bat the conven- tion ad joarned for the day before a. bi a'lot for secrelary was taken. Interest in the convention wef Oher shadowed to-dsiy by the work of the c-m- mittee on resolutions. The commiiles did not report to-daybat it is positively stated that it will recommen to the oov- vention that no adtion on the ficanaial question be taken bat that snch mstters © be left to the vations! convention in 1896, The cosomittee on. next place of meet- jog reported in favor of Milwaakee, bat the date bes heen left open. oRaND RELIGIOUS RALLY. Five. Thousand Young ng Workers Assemble at Mecle Park Near Bellefonte. - Brvvgroxti, June 20.— Five thousand young religiots workers from the coun- ties of Liyooming, Clinton and Centre met in a grand rally st Hecla park, wear here, to-day. Three religious meetings were helil, at which addresses were made ‘by Btate Senator 8. R. Peale. of Lock Haven; Judge H. M. Hinckley, of Dso- “ville; Stute Y. M. C. A. Becretary Bard, of Pittsharg: Revs. H. C. Furbay snd RH. Gilbert, of Tyrone, snd others. A cboras of ve handred voices faruish- ed the marie. Bands ot Philtpsbary. PHILIFSBUEG, Ps., June 20 Wilt music gnlore this town - is busudeomsly _decorsteil and crowded with people, the ocoasion being the fourth aonaal meeting of the band assocwation of Northern Peur- sylvauis snd Western New York. Nine bands srrived to-day. Tbe fullowing officers were elected to serve the ensning year: Henry Bridge, president’; G. Ww. Alfred Mitobell, tressurer, all of Clearfield. Jobn Fuge, of Houtz lale, was elected musical direc- doe The bards will contest for priom to- ail waa shoves ae the place for : Lisrmanys, Grasd Causal. : Kizx, Jane 20.—With imperial pomp and ceremony, snd amid the plaudits of thonsands upon thousands of people the great canal conpecting the Baltic and © North seas wns opened tu commerce to day. ; The weather was perfect scd the iv- suguration ceremony was Lighly success ful, eave in one partienlar, the grounding in the cunnl «f tie North German Lloyd steamer Kuirer ‘ov 1'belm II, épe of the ‘wessels that tok art inthe aval puree. ‘She took bots tir the serterp eas out damege. ‘Foar Faraone Hart. Avrooa, Jane 20.—By peglectiog or forgetting his orders to recurve a certain track for westbound freight trrivs, the telegraph operstor at Barre at 1:30 this ‘morning silowed an eastboand freight ov the track and scoomplisbed a besd. end collision. - Two freight trains were wrecked aud 28 cars demolished. The tracks were torn up for a considerable distance. The two engineers, 8. D. Boyle and B. C. 8hall, ae well as two tramps who were stealing rides, were bart, but but not seriously. ; Getting TY ng Knowledge. “Moxovaanera. J=ne 20.—C. B. Alex- ander, W. W. Hart, Churles Beott, W.' W. Greenland, J. E. Dunemore and J. J. MoMiebael, of the upper class of the mining department of Pennsylvania State college, under the leaderskip of Prof. - Mollsing, arrived in Monongabels this morning. They are stadying tha mini g methods in use ou the Pittsburg seam. They visited the Monougabela and Culs- burg mines this morning aod will leave for Oneil's mie in the Fourth poe! nex. A Big Fire In Seattle, BrarriE, Wash, June 90. — Early this morning fire destroyed aboat $200,000 worth of property belonging to the Seattle Consolidated Btreet Railway company The coripary’s power house, a brick strasture, wis totsiiy destroyed, togétber with 25 care. I'he electris plant, which was the most coin plete in the northweet, fs in rams. Fierce Morest Wires. Brrrxroste, June 20.--Firce forest "fires are raging ou the Moncy and Alle- gheny moundncaine. Miles of valasble young timber has been ruined and eev- eral saw mills and thousands of dollars ‘worth of lumber bas been destroyed. The woods «re very dry and there is » ‘way 10 beck the flames. a————————————— Ceptatn Aowgate Cenvicted, Wasmivorox, June 31.—Oaptain How- sate, ax: Uniled Btates mgnal officer, was nity bogs. a Bazird & Mais, vine, 806 830 Jad Hermon, Lis® hee ; i Sia 151 evening has uml will efford “orn res men who ave t ot taught of eral days pnd nights, wile fig fire, Blair Cionty Comm srioners Fricigh a. a presentment nine by wo grand jary of lair coniuty Jade Beli directed the d »- trict attorney this afternoon to pr pere the proper indictments agau anty commissioners Jemea Fonk ec. 4 Jobn -cffice of Leing concerted directly or io directly iv pr blic contracts. Aleoan 10 dictmwent sgainst Mr. Hard for |solisiciog the commiittic g of perjury. commissioners were phcnuiarily interested in the contract for painting and paperiog the court house snd lind anlewfally sp propriated to their own use $516, a peit of the considerstion oi this contract. The jury ales) found thet M. H. Fugley, the third eommiseioner, bad fiithlully dis charged ‘hie « fica! Git ine, | News from Cies lard. Creviraxn, O, Jove 21. ~When tie Lesgga of Eo pubiose clnom met this {tris rma. | sill state the rensons for my Horoitjayssrra, Pro, Jape 21. —U x 0 t {yo 0M 36 1 Hard, chsrged with the misdemescor mn} The graod jory foand that the two | Willi 8 ale Reasoas for His Candidacy on “the Fisor ai Ha risburg. Pala, Jane 23 —Renator | t ANONNeeMEnt oot soy for the ch our-! Siean Stats come nett WAS iiGe as leirman o! the ‘ee ” guid ‘he asx ns {rides through~ G5 nwa. bh to stand by me at ax on the Hour of the State cou- rrishnrg.” ; Sci OFF BY LIGHTNING. Blast a! Bucklprn Thus Started Under 3 Clear Sky ; RISGW0OD, W. Va, Jaks 22. Aw ex- piosion took place at the Basthoru stone quarry Friday wight. Lightoicg etruek the wire on the glectric bat'ery and fired a hiaet before thy men could get away. Adolph McVidker was probably fatally. wounded. Steplpn Ringer was badly shocked by the lightning, but wiil recov er. There was nojindication of a storm, | the lightning bresting from so almost slear sky. A large quantity of dynamite nearby ex; uted, wpeking severs! baild- ings sud staLLieg werybody for mies around. Tle qnarry is owped by the Standard Stove and me compavy, of Baltimore. : A 3 Sp ian A Fowaer Mi} Bown Up, moruing M. 1. Do<'ng, ol Mionesois, was elected morrtery, KE oo lnticns Were r enmvention and that tie cioh convention sheold ded gs I's fenily to the dbpn 5 can party sud wold bor its ow sees, “wer the reaclntions winch avis “d pled nitaoat naanicasly: : The election of & trussarer wo and the convention sd jonrned «i seutLve mATCH | POSTPONED. Change of Cate fue to an accitent to ihe Penn sy ivanias. PotoiRexr Ie, N.Y., Jane 2, — Tm race between Qornel!, Feubsylvauin sual { Colambis was postponed nuty Moudsy evening. Just se Peoueyivinia wae about to enter their shell a swell from » passing steasoer threw the (ruil “eral against the side of a lsuceh and stove » in four places, rendering it usiless. On its acconnt the race was postponed. | Lewves Milliims Behind. PrivaveLriia, Juse 21.—Heory M. Houston. for many years 8 dirextor of the Petinsy}vsnis Reilrosd eompany snd eleo closly idleutified with the mavagement of |» nomber of large transportation com- panies, died suddenly from beurt failure Philedvipbia. : Mr. tlostor's wealth is estitzated at trem 81, 000,£40 1 to £10 00,000. Vierdiol for Gove roor Fastingn, Joasirows, Jave 21. —Gov. Hsstirge {to-day got verdiot for £3000 against City Soliertor Fraves Joseph ('Corror, of this ¢ity, for slauder. The case was dispose of te five hours aud wes devoid any senpstions] mterest. > NATIONAL LEwWE GARE, New Yor, May 2 13 — Tbe following are the resulta of the National League games played Bsturdey ail to-day © At YBa. Philadelphia. i i Sh BrooRly bs wee vee iin JB 3H B Hatter|es— Me A, Caney and Puss Kiley: La- cid, Stet and Grim, At Boston, Boston. |... aici ane 313 New York... . omeora — 3 8 @ Sshiriver] 3 At Haltimone Baltimole - a 1m i Washinton. Sn vests fe - 4 2 32 Batter|os = Hote yr and Hobinsen; Boyd and Metinire TAL Pittdbang. Pittabnriz. ‘arian : ; 5 Louisvilie......... - 3 Batteries Hart and | Nogden : Werhing a Briggs. Bir ; Al Chicago. Chicago. antiss ftiivaiogse sian ve w R10 1 Batteries - Hat tehinson hand Donate: Wallace and Zinime r. t. Iouin BE Fone aie Siriaas $12 2 {2 nein. : . en 512 ii Batteries ~ Fin Hensteitt and Pitre; Parrott | and Murphy. Sunday Games. At Chicago. Louisvijle. 3 ein 19 Batteries—(irimib and Kittri dge, Knell and Donovan. At St. Louls, Cincinpatl.. i... ian 3- 8 3 Hatlesles~-Saley and’ Potts: Dwyer, Foreman and Mu w hy. Fell 110 3 Peet, SuanoN, Pu, June 23. — Wm. . Jones, a boiler maker, of thia city, fell 110 feet Saturday afternosn sud was instautly killed. In the deesent his head was crashed by coming iv contact with an iron beam. Whe picked up lite was extinct, Offered a Judgeship. Lane ; Pa, Jane 28.--J. Hay Brows, for te past 10 years law partner of éx-Attorvey Genera! W. U'. Hensel reported whine cand that fhe leagoe | should 1101 refer to puity; goestiens bat] eave thi to the sation of the realar {the plact end eansimg & las of $40,000, There wes not even a elow of mm Old ; (thee: buon was feit for a taiji OF 2 | hima ©! iat. So when | this morning st Lis couplry seat pear) RHE Batteries =Miehos and Ganzel, Clark ant i Cleveland .. . siya EI 4 Chicago. Rie ha ree 3 : i PHiArenPrIA, Jape 23.—1t 1s ani} St. louis... namie 331 A SHENAXDOAH, Jase 8 --The piwler imi of Roberts, Reese & Bedis, four nities from bere, eontrinitg 1400 kegs of [powdar, blew ap leet mg, demnlishipg | £1 the village of Hiagtown, fyg miles from ft NY, drei i Wn Sow of vary house ws broken & dsanmberof nig badly | se od ¥ Jugaged hy atnenssion, ve ek of i BE 5 1: @ EX PRON Ei AN Die Yt 5 the work of so toeenisry, Liaxcister, Po. Jura 23 dng Ure. § 3. i a : : i Lxpesster Lawyer Distiarri~ . { i { i § wiker Saturday flied an pinion Qabse- ring Lawyer G. C. K-noely. Toe cargoes | agninst him wars the mis Appropristn of { suey wirnsted by ciisats and the org. | Wg of jrwnrs of attorney snd promissory notes, © - ruising large anms ob the lester, Keuned: 's defense was ivsanity, buat Ya eourt be. the defense to be insufliciet snd orderwi thet his name be stricke from the roll of sttorneys. Meleased 0a » Writ. -HorLiDsYsBURG, Jape 28 —Jobhn Hard sod James Funk, the two Blair county commissioners who were indicted by the grand jury for malfessance in office, wera released from custody on a writ of habeas corpus. They were parcled in care of their counsel, Oa Monday afternoon the com Wiseion- era will be socorded a hearing ty the court. : Fzpiosios on 8 Sleamer, -Cmcago, Jara 23.—By an ex, ios cn the wisnleback stsamer Christopher Ocl- ambue ranpiog between here acd Mil wankee, ou ber return trip from that cily last night, one man wey ‘atally irjured, The explosion was cxavei oy & pipe of the boiler blo IID out. Srrike Plans to r "98. Crxcinnari, Juare 2% —It is cimimed to-day that the visit Lere of Gon pers, the ex president of tue Ameri an Foderson of Labor, haa a fer de-per significavce | It is told that | then hae Leen given ov! a gigaotic strike is being organised to ov- | cur, May 1st, 1806, employes to demand | au eighi-boar day scale. i | Euglish Cubiomt Change. | Lexpox, Jupe 23. It is flicially sp- {the corner of the room, jt thers svem.d ponteed thal the Rosebery goverument will 1esgu. Lord Balisbury will be ths reqaedt, and the jodd@ingisted. | sami owed by the qaeen to form a minis. | i i asd us cabinet wil proceed with pie’ | caggested the foremen ofphe jury, “I) | roatine business of the hovse snd thes | It is expectad that | 1 dissolve parliazent, le sctions wiil take piace nboat Jaly 10, An Toe Tewlamen Escaped. Jensstowy, June U3. —A big fre | wreek occurred Saturday moruiog or Ebecsburg "Ywaveh: A whole trai of | {cars was destroyed. All -the tra wien | escapsd § aupur!. i i ————a—— wy Ses gin Beaver for the Neprewmnw Coars, voavced cu good aatharity that Ex-Goy 1erbor James A. Beaver, of Bellefonte, has beens «fread 8 place on the superior eoar euch, | ; Tbe Amériocsn Miowig om vention has been called to sssemble iu Atlanta daring the exposition, ou the lirst week In Oo tober. The call was signed by Mr. Jobu posed to give a practical tarn to this displayed at this exposition, as never be- at 1 yee i three others badly iu.) ured acd pine more; seriously barred and scsl id b, 9 eam | “! apd laid his goo dows in theyrper. of North Carviios; Mr. T. H Maru, | manager of Dixie, and other geotlemer | interested in the developing of the min-! ing ivdastries of the south. It is pro- | day, ‘September 11th, will be an 1mport- ant session. - Bishop Vincent will preside. meeting, to the end that the unparalleled | I'he oléction of ministerial and lay de- | Stat rasources of this region, which will be egates to the general conference at Cleve- | | | one of the Vgtanta of tha forest’ plang ™e 50 yards distant. The story of | counter 13 perhaps beet i ont's owl v iE: “After ‘A moment,’ he vw mocse tnrned and walled be! which, though not high, = ran to theo P with ail ~pee get a view of the lordly erea made his wap through the be not see him at first, but on look the steep incline thers hie wae, not ten yards away. He turned to make off, but striking biz ribs against the proje ting. limb of a small hemlcok he was thrown down and around tha tree, and a+ ke rose he faced me It was now my turn to run, for the moos charged at me .with erected mane, expressing his rege by a fierce bellow. In tarning I stam- | bled, the gromnd being very uneven, and © his feet nearly came down on meas] dodged among some trees. I tried to, strikes with my hatchet, the only weapon I had, but did nit succeed in injuring my parser. With some diffienlty I at last got ont Into the deep sow where my snowshoes were of more nse to me The moose still purmed me, roaring at intervals, and one who has not heard a moose roar can form but little idea of | the terrible bellowisg noise. After sev- | eral attempts to strike me with his front i feet he balked and stond about 20 wards away pawing and rearing. I eagerly seized this opportanity to climb a tree, | and soon after the animal turmed and | made off. Of al] my adventures in the bush, and they nomber a few, the one | IT have just related came the nearest to, being my death’ —M ‘mtreal Withesa Working tp » Soma; As he entered the barber F shop D {he « 4 geomet aifeial of very promi . Bi, might be do wri bedd Gm sat down i went to The barter * ! of BOG Draigth offieiid thy Sat hom wiil hess the Sat : to a buster was light apd merry, | leased atid phtloscphival by turns, and | was well Plonsed with the expression that stole ower the official's face, so full of approbation was it. He knew that he would handle a pour boire of a quarter, if be did not get the pass. He was do termined to please, and when the official asked him if he had any cotton handy the barber sald he thought he had He, sent guickly 0 a store and secured a ja supply of the cottop, and giving it © the official that gentleman took two uall fragments ra Then the barber thought of Casey at that —&¢ Paul Dispatch My le have never even heard of 504 a thing, and it is not to be won dered ¢ for these mata are excee ingly rare, ad it ia-said by those who know | that ote threes of these beantify] cnri- | ositics cise tn the whole warld The one We gw writs aboinl is the largest | one mac It measures 8 by 4 feet, | and put them in his and thong made inn small Bil state | in the pgh of Indian has an almost | Greek desm for fea border. It was only used state occasions, when |b | the rajah gon ft fo sign important | | decumenta The original ost of the | mat is fabugs for 6,400 pounds of ivory were tad in its manufacture. The finest str of ivory must have | been taken off Ye trnuks, as the mas is as flexible a8 8 een styff and beaati- fully fine —Lady' Pictorial i i Recitleas Thygn cles snes. : | The jadg= of 8 Waurg court, in order tto secure a safer A3dgre civilizad cop! dition of sfairs in thaogrt room, asked the twelve jarymen 8the ten attirue ys | present to place their [ols in a pile in| [to be geome hesitancy in omplyiog with I! yoar Hocor will pals down first, " gees the balan-e of us wilkjjer suit.” Certainly, cents,’ repliecyig Hota or, | [na few miuales all the her had be same, eX wpting the Spi al ty, Wuo were nob veld | iweti s-ilires puto were reposit on oe 29 55. ’ “Now, gents,” said Lis [— whipping ont a gun, ‘the first ma that | goes near that pile gits it in the nec» | In ao in-taot every man's band wy to] his other hip pocket, and «e his Hor | dived behind the desk twenty-two vag! went through the wulow back of why he bad teen sitting, aod teu -lwom were waillog for him © stick Ls head ui bat be did nothing 8» ask. Yeux Sar, The Erne Covferwnce of the M. E | land in May next year will take place. { his fatbor's Christin | mother’s family name, in order that a ' York Tribooe nothing in particalar.”’ { tion of the fact that he saw ‘‘nothisg in | particular’’ is plain enough if properly Lod v a for cobtempt of court.’ —New : i ' Wilkes, of tbs Mecklenburg iron works, | ehnreh, which will nieet in Erte, Thare- | facts which are aleervablo in of the civ Nized workd Men every pms anor Uw Pei Plsie no joemdger marcy in anvihing bikes such rombers 21 they formerly did, and the reason is that they | wy pinck in them %o faa lives of o. r implicity on limited incomes. ~The result ig disustrons to woinen, in- | asimoch as it prevents many of them | | ever marrying. at all. For if a woman does pot r:rrv when rhe i8 yotimg tory | fowmmen «co ouocry ber when oo is middle ood Sen marry in middlo | fe, bat ther do not mrry women of their FR age. Th °Y marry ying wigan, The physinlazical racral is that it would be vastly better for both mea and wim: 3 Len to soa groin for recreation only, and when at work to read solid books which really exercise and devalop the brain. In practices the result of this would be that both men and women wonld have better and stronger. brains They would marry earlier and with more courage. They wanld face fhe world more hopefully. and sucosssfally. and | | they would become the parents of whole somer, healthier, happier and more ca ! pable children. Fioglish , Paper. Py Different Namen One of the foreign diplomats in Wish- i ingtem, who is seldom called by his right name, is Senor Antonio Lazo-Arringa He is generally refered to as Minister | Arriaga, which is his mother's name, his own name being Antonio Lazo. “In Central America,” he rays in ex- plaining the matter, Wie ri a son bers proper distinetion may ba observed be tween his sire and himself For exan. ple: My father’s name is Antonio bres I alae was pamed Antonie : that IT shunid not Le confmnd mrt father 1 added my mother’ name, which is Anriaum a You ; . 18 ARO Bim ad Antoni sand he may! stingyished tn his 3 father and myself, he will add his 20th er's—that is, my vwife's—family name. which is Morales. Thum tha threo gn rations tn my family, all Lazox, will be * Antemio Lazo, Antemio Lazo-Ania and Antonio Lano - Morales ""=-Jiow Information From a Man. The blcomer dress is a pair of tron. | sere, very baggy at the knees, abnormally { full at the pistol pockets nad consider ably fell where you strike a match The garment is cut deccllete at the | south end and the bottoms tied around the ankles gr knees to keep the mice out You can’t put it over your bead like you do your shirt, nor smund you lke a corset, but you panst sit om the floor and pall it on Jost as you do your stock- ings, cone foot at a time in each com- partment. You can easily tell the right side to have in front by the buttons on the peckband. -—Rehobith Herald, Thought She Was Sata, Judge—Youor age? Lady—Thirty yous Judge incredalonsly)—Y ou will have some difficulry in proving that. : Lady—{ excitedly You'll find hard to prove the contrary, as tiie church reg- ister which contained the entry of my pame was burned in the year 1845.— | | Texas Siftings. pio tri ep mesmo The question *aslted in the headline may sound odd to you if you have never taken the trouble to give the subject serious thought, but I venture the Mwoad statement that you sre not able to an- swer the question **of dd! It ia an admitted fact, I must confess, that the eye is the ‘organ of vision,” yet there is but little donde, oven in the minds of | | opticiand and (physdologists, that the phenomena of **seeing’’ is chiefly men- tal—in other words, that it is the mind and not the eye that “‘sees.’’ How often bave you seen a friend who seemingly was engaged in locking intently at some chject on the table, ut the opposite gide of the room or at some picture, who on being aroused from his day dream would confess that he was “lookingy at The explmn- get forth. It is becanse bis mind was 1 busy with other times and scenes. Faces, bits of wayside scenery, (te. | were being presented to view in the | | panorama of the mind, and the “mind's | eye'—or mental vision—was engiged | | in eagerly scanning pictures of impres. 4d sims made therean wont, yoam or scores of vears before. Anouler tut of this mind vision theory ia to shut oar eves tightly and then ply the ee dn to the task of recalling faces ! fora that have not been seen by oly eye for years. And, again, if you want to know whether your companion ooked at his watch with his briin or His eyes, ask. him the time of diy after he puts the timepiece in his pocket —St. Louis Re- public. - ae an supriea LOT The averse valde “Pat np thew gues,” be yelled; “pul furniture per house in the United ap tien gues, or 0 fee every d — oue ingiom is about £180. This estiucte ‘ludes the valnable pittures, plate, | res and carriages, whichdare agpen | foes of the more pretentions estublsh 1 eR Telia, alto called Indian tobacen, is keen ag a common herd, often growing Hon Seed in many parts of the United Guy was pamed from a west A? md worner pme he adds his ! anftnin azd in Februa “ | California peas must de brought inte | bloc as eurly as February, although wri od = Ss 174 ni vid 13 cnn series of | gponsilile for mo st of the changes thet - take place It is a simpler thing for & man like the Privees of Wales, wha is generally admitted to be the best dressed gentle man in Europe, to change a fashion in men’s clothing than it is for a lady in piety to che nue the fazhion of the time, ar to bring in a new one. Butanyof the = recogni ized fashion leaders, such as the venor or Mrs. Cormwallis West, ean, if they persist long enough, bring in & fashion which will soon become general Lr popalar. For instance, the Duchess of Portland, after her marriage, had a strong inclina- tion for Malmaison carnations as buttoll- holes, and wore them gp every possible ocoasican Before that time they were pot much songht after, bat very soon all the florists in Bond street and Regent street had a great display of them in their windows The Princess of Walcs is nota fashion setter, but ix one of those most sensible ladies who favor comfortable cretames snd tailor made gowns, and who does not run to the extreme modes She dressed, however, with excellent taste. Another matter in which the royal family are very conservative is the way in which they wear their hair. At the tis when the “bun chignon’' came nie ome of the young princesses although it was extremely fashionable Carled fringes, as is well known, are very popular with the royal family. Sometimes the fashions are introduced “iqnite hy chance. A few years ago, when » well known Dboduly was married tos young nobleman. the bride decrved hat ser bridesmaiile should wear dark velvet hatd with ostrich feathers At first ove ery oma was very much surprised, but ths idna eanght an, and during 1803 at Ihchess of Sutherland, the Countess of Irmdler, Lady Brooke, the Countess Gros- two-thirds of the fashionable weddings | dark velvet hats were worn with light © | dresses. — Pittsburg Dispatch. + : MILD MR. ROCKEFELLER. Without Getting Ruffled. I mover saw a mien take life less serds ously tan John DD. Rockefeller, says ‘correspondent of the New York Press He his an easy way of saying and doing things thas appeal to the wsthetic nature. | Nothing worries him, not all his mil " lions At times I have known seem nll I have known pecple tot him be a soft, slaw, rag fe mersed in raf gmall, black mustached man, eS difident in manner, entered, said ** morning," walked on tiptoe to the cor ner and exercised for a gnarter of am to ‘| hour. It became a bore to the ¢ 2 at last, unable to stund fo lmger, marked, with considerable heat and works. to the inoffensive but anuayitgg stranger: ww How Jo you expect me to do t work properly while you am with that —— machine? I'm tired «of it. Why don’t yon put it where it won't worry a person to death®” The stranger replied, with a blush: am very scrry if 7 anneys you I have it removes at apes.” .A porter took it away within an b A fow days later the clerk was sent by Mr. Flagler, whom he found in eg nest conversation with the small, b _mustached man. The Intter emi “seeing him, gave Flagler sone tions and left the room “Will youn tell me who that gon man 4?’ the young man asked, a li beginning to break upon him. *“T} is Mr Rockefeller,” was the re With a gasp for breath, the clerk = gered back to his offive to think. It wy his first acquaintance with the andl Oil maghate . Sweet Peas Whsbor avait. pens can h# moss fully planted in autumn depends ing is a nocessity, for this is the : way to give the plants a cool which to make a strong, early growta. Coming farther north, pet planting is gafe up to perhaps the lati | tude of Washington, where the chances are ahont aqnal between plarcing in lute bruary. In southern the nights are so gool there that they may be planted d Joring any month in the year. ‘The rule observed by the large seed growers is to plant Just ahead of the rainy senson. Indeed they have acres of volnntecr sweet peas—that MW, from seed which were scattered on the . ground during “ie bharvest-—and 4 miles south of 5.0 Francisco these vel unteer plants are 1» bloc by the 1st of May and often early in April Or. Wilde's Quer wnt. : By tiie terms of the will of one Dr. Wilde I =i Ives parish, Hantingdon- share, Eng piece of land in St. Ives, the annnsl rent of which was to be set aside for the pus chase of six Bibles at a cost of 7 shil- linge each To decide who ‘shall have them he requested his trustees to. '‘yee= pare n saucer with three dice upun the altar table of the parish church the Bibles be raffled for." Fuad his trustees were directs ed to vzpond £50 ia the purchase of 8 °F] ‘this afternoon convicted on two indiot: | apd fn: 24 years & member of the Lan-|fore exhibi‘ed anywhere, may reap the Tha gaestion of dispensivg with the | Tiomn wq. meaning ‘abounding | gn. wes oan Tn Tate as appirea * ments charging embezzlement. Eentence | caster bar, hee been offered a judgeship | ful] benefit of thre display by the Bune ioe limits in pastoral appointments will iy So to Ireland, were first used by Dr. Dren- wad defecrel, in the new sper! for arnt, : Jen ar godt ie ovesiaents of capital.’ [he con: dered, —Panvrtavrer News, ‘nan -in a poem entitled ‘Erin. '’
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers