& 4 Cake plates 15¢ ‘Soup Toureen and stand complete you special prices. We promised to visit y Patton Courier, for you will always find that we keep our promise. others do for same quality, you can depend upon us doing 1t. Household Furnish- ‘We have made some heavy reduoc- tions in Household goods of all kinds. We cannot mention all but give some of the most important. Al the cheap things mentioned here were cheap before this reduction, so I. what they are in value now: ; Decorated dinner sets of 56 pieces, ‘two colors, 4.98 per set. For this sale, $4.39 per set. 100-piece sets gold handies 7.29. “This sale $6.29 a set. : ' 112-piece set, two colors 7.98. This sale §6.98 a sot. -100-piece high grade porcelain 12.58. * Now $9.29 a set. A great chance. '11%-piece high grade porcelain 14.59. ‘This sale $10.59 a vet. Very handsome. 100-piece high grade English Porve- Tain 15.49. This sale $11.49 a set. ' 112-piece 16.79. This sale $12.79 a set. You never had quite sach a splendid offer as this. ODD PIECES DECORATED. If you do not care for an entire set, here are odd pieces of best English * Porcelain, decorstad, that are reduced 40 the following low figures: b and 6-inch plates 5c each. 7 and 8-inch plates 10¢ each. _ Bone dishes 10c each, Pickle dishes 10c each. Sauce Tureens {7c each. ‘Covered dishes 9c each. “Teapots 39¢. j Sugar bowls 20. Individual bakers 5c. Salad dishes 39. | Meat dishes 102, 15¢, 2c, 37¢, and $1.10. : These are all high grade decorated ' English Porcelain at figures cheaper then plain white ware. Toilet Ware. ‘No bedroom is complete without 4 Toilet Set that harmonizes in color # ou every two weeks until mid-summer, so here we are again From Silks to in Cations richness and simplicity, we carry the most complete line of As a tree 1s Roows by its fruit, so is a store known by its salves and in that respect ours bears a rich’ fruitage indeed. time we have been giving you lists of goods and prices. Summer = ‘Dress - through the pleasant medium of the If we promise to sell you first- class goods at lower prices than ‘Goods. From time to As the Spring time has waned and Summer already has a good start in the race, all in Prices and many things are considerably reduced, sorts of thin goods and articles belonging especially to the season have Dropped Never were goods cheaper than now, in the memory ot the “C dest Inhabitant,” nor were styles ever orettler or more attractive. You ‘can buy many charming things with a very few dollars. If you cannot come to us, send for the things you need and we will do our best done at once and in perfect condition. ‘with the gemeral tone of the —— ings. We have them in all tones, 12 pieces in sets, full size and all of newest. patterns and the prices are as follows. . Bets § 4.19, this sale $3.49. 4.29, 3.49. 4.29, 3.98. 649, 4.98. 8.79, 5.09, 10.29, 7.48, 8,00, 8.19. Are these not cheap enough to satisfy She Moot exacting? cutting bars. Our wt pric ro and how enough. : Parasols We have in stock White Japanese Silk Parasols, ruffled, white sticks and frames at 3.00, 4.00, and hw each. Plain white $2.00. White silk crepe with crepe de chine ruffies, white sticks and frames; $6.00 ench. With lace ruffies, $8.00 and $7.50, ' Not an undesirable in the lot. : A few in plain colors range to 1.25, ~2.00, 2.25, to $5.00 each. Hammocks. Every house that has s spot where ‘one could be possitly located, room or porch, should poesess a Hammock. We have them in all styles and prices, and all appurtenances belcnging to Woven hammock, all grades and sizes, 69c to $2.98 dach. Knit hammocks, eight to fifteen feet in length, 49¢ to $1. Mexican grass himmocks, 40. Take a look at dur hammocks with. pillow and spreader. Screen Doors. Here is a list of screen doors sizes and prices: 2-6x8-6. . 2-8x8-8. 2-8x6-8. - 2-8x86-10. 2-10x6-10. All sizes at 79¢ euch. You will also need cool easy chairs and here again we can ald you. See our line of fancy reed rockers, all styles and sizes with prices ranging from 1.29 to $8.29 each. : Rattan porch rocker, $2.49. We sell the zero hard wood refriger- ator, charcoal filled, perfect ventilation economical ice users, with and with. out water tanks, prices running from 7 to $21.69. Take a look at our splen. did line. To keep your an in good style try one »f our ‘lawn mowers, [2 and 15 inches, brass lined boxes and adjustable Plaid Parasols in different styles, the very latest kind, 2.25 and $4.50. Colored stripes. 2.25 and $4.50. ; Take a look at these late fancies. Childrens Parasols in Cotton Duck abe. Plain silks, $1.00. Fine Silk rufiled, 1.25 and $2.00. Colored Gloria . Silk Emirellas; Dresden knobs, $1.98 Silk Twilled and Taffetas all prices from 2.00 %o $5.00. Handsome enough for Parasols. Ladies Gloves. This is always a topic of interest and doubly so when we say that we carry the best and lowest-priced Real French Kid Gloves to be found in Altoona. - We know this to be a fact. Only $1.00 a pair. You cannot find the style and value for that price anywhere else. We guarantee them genuine kid. In the Standard P. & P. gloves there are: Tuxedo, 75c; all shades. Chaamont, $1.00; all shades. Berthold, $1.25; all shades. ‘Baltzell's Special, $1.50 all shades. Then we have Mousquetaire Suedes 3 buttons, in tans, browns, slate, mode and black, Fontaine, at $1.50 a pair. White Suede Mousquetaires, 8 but- tons, $1.28. 12 buttons, white, $1.73. 18 buttons, white, $2.50. - Ladies’ Skirts. Seersucker skirts that were, 856¢ now 53¢. We have not space to te Il you about our splendid line of PRIESTLEY - BLACK - Dh 60003 And our Colored Giles | in great variety, but they are here. Samples are cheerfully furnished. Striped wovoncker 75¢, now 86¢. Black and white striped satine skirts $1.00 now 89c. : Were 8c, now 7 Tan and grey duck skirts worth $1.00 now 8%c. Moreen skirta, deep ruffle, 1.50 reduced to $1.29. Moreen skirts, $1.25 now 9c. Moreen skirts, 2.25 now $1.89, Black cotton moire skirts, $1.25, re duced to 990. Handsome black M. M. E. Bush skirts, 2.50 reduced to, $2.19. At 2.25 now $1.98. : Black satine skirts, 5c, now 8c. Black silk skirts, were 3.75, now re- "duced to $1.39. Were 4.00 now $3.39. Black satin wkirts reduced from 5.00 to $4.59 each. These am all square fedutions. Have you tried our new Papyrus Dress Lining? It will wash and still retain ita original stiffness. A great invention, Corsets. Whatever eise a lady may imagine she can do without a corset is not in the number. they are still indespensa- ble in spite of all the efforts to relegate them. Note some of the chief lines found in our stock. : ‘Ladies Summer Corsets, Madam Warrens Dress Form, $1.25; Thomp- son’s Glove Fitting, 31.00; a good Summer (Corset, 49c. These Corsets insure a good form and at the same time comfort and coolness. Then there in our usual line, the largest and greatest variety in the city. Thomson's Glove Fitting, Royal Worcester, Ball’s Kabo, Werner's and many others, including Her Majesty and the elegant French lines; ZZ., P. D. and cthers, We have the Ferris Waist fur ladies, misses and children, also the Jackson Waist and a new Waist for infants, the Good Senne, at 40c. A new style of boys’ Waista at 50c. to please. w ‘Woolen : Dress Goods. To clear them out of the way of the summer goods we have reduced them heavily, every plece is a real bargain as this brief list will show. All our 29 inch Hennriettas, all colors; Sic a yard. : All 29 inch fancy Novelties, reduced - from 19% to We per yard sli light colors. All 25¢ light shade Novelties reduced to 20¢ per yard. 38-inch dress goods reduced from 35¢ to 12}e per yard 40-inch fancy novelties, ie and 40c, now 8c 50¢ fancy novelties, all to go at 3bc French flannels at 50¢ ro be closed out at 3b6c All 10e plaid goods now Tie All 25e Ln “IPs All 300 * 4. Be Ail 75e¢ i Su All $1 "om ¢ 780 40-inch all-wool serges, all shades, were 5c, now 28¢ 48-inch all-wool serges, all shades now 3%¢ All F Cashmers will go at 180 a yard All FF Cashmers at 19¢ We will close our entire line of Hen- riettas and Serges, all cole, that were “50c, at the handsome reduction to 42ic Henriettas and Serges 73c, at 58c Henriettas and Serges §1, at 75¢ These are fine offers fur goods are new and clean and easily worth first prices Men's Furnishings. We have selected the following on which special prices have been put for our out of town custom: Balbriggin underwear de, 35¢, 50c 75c and §% each : Fancy mixed, a nice line of colors, 30¢ Jersey ribbed, all sizes, 5c SHIRTS. We have sold more negligee shirts this season, laundered and unlaund- ered, than the combined sales of many of the larger stores and yet expect to sell as many more. Look at our line Goods can be returned if not satisfactory, if today: Unisundered from 26 to $2 - Leundered from 480 to $8 Ladies’ ‘Hoisery. We offer ladies seamless, fast black and tan hose, extra quality, double heel and tos, 100 & pair. ‘Think of t Past black, double heel and tos, 18e. | Were 20¢ Fast black Hermsdorf dye, white feet (Maco) best combed, two thread, only 19c # pair Assorted tans, fancy drop stitch, regular Sic values, 380 Ladies Underwear Our styles and great varieties are wearcely equalled in this city. Most ladies are aware of this as the Depart ‘ment is a favorite and the prices are al- : ways so reasonable. Rib vests in good quality and well made, 10¢, were 12}c. A beautiful line in Lisle and Sik from 50¢ ap Ladies’ Muslin Drawers, cluster of tacks and feather edge, 25¢; Tucks and embroidery in many styles from bc to $1.50 ‘Good rauslin Gowns, neatly made, 39c.; An An immense and varied ine from 30c up. Skirts, with rows of tacks amd deep : flounce embroidery trimmed, styles from 0c to §1; Umbrella skirta, the full, fashionable cut, 1.50 and §8 ‘Have you noticed the pretty white yokes ready for wear and rich addi- tons to a lady’s toilette? They sell at 1, 1.50, 1.75 and $2.50 each. The Dloaes trots is whité, similly ‘made, from 50c to $2.50; Children’s Fauntleroy Collars in white, pink and blue, 50¢ and §1. A great variety. - in SO BA AO - ars ttm, ce Capes and silk shirt waists are reduced, and the entire line of millinery. Visit us f possible and when you do come, state that you saw our advertisement in the PAT T TON. COURIER, and we will quote _ When you write for sample or goods, mention this paper.