Be i : ou I ibe Patton Courier. A A Ht AN SE ge Rp an PATTON PUBLISHING co. Proprivtors. pp LA A 8 - THURSDAY, JUNE , 1895. NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS. Bubseribers who do not give express on 0 the contrary art co dt as ah | TapacHDerS oP discontin gan ce | : periodicals, he ublisher may eon- to send them all arrears are | subscrt me to Jake fp to ‘wh directed, they are responsible “anit | Rave settled | thelr billy and ordered aned. -4, H mbeeribers move to fnforming the publish tha iy a + yn they ant | Courts decided that refng to hy ‘the Olen or removiog | mentions! fas for, is prima facia | vance they are ot the time if contintie SAking it: _ other Eee be reeponible hob nd lhe kL wit i the | an | all arresr-| i TROLIC ther roellias Mass fa pune sar Sand 10a. m. Sum. every other day school at 2 p. m. and vespers at 3p m. ; Mzrmomer Ermcorar—Hev, C. W. Wasson, Bervices at 10:30 a. m. and 780 p. m. school at 2p. m. Epworth League ©.’ 2160p m. Prayer meeting every Wodnes dxy evening at Ll Loreal Time Table. The hours of arrival and departure , spe if I troudle yoa,” VY, 2 have the kindness to explain | 0 me? ry okies you double v, Sw Bere Fame Te oe Host adit ts understand by | Jam donde V: = ES As NY, people may Attend The Fourth Of July in Patton. Try Lerch, the tailor, Mahaffey. Pa |g Wild strawberries are now ready to | . uiel : Straw hats at Wolf & Thompim’s | stare. S1tf Gus. Simon's “ad” is changed this Why be bothered with flies when | week. Read it. Lh se ml pe | pote } - Soda water eid | i |to Hodgkins drug A i A A A No os il J 5, At Hodgkin's Drink Ambrosia. ] Try Troman’s coal. Tif Wall paper 3cts. a bolt at Goods. Drink the new summer drink, Am- | brosia. Time for the organ grinder to make | his appearance. | Sweaters from 25 cents to $2 at Wolf iil | & Thompson's. 816 i i i i i mem} Ice cream freezers at The Cambria Hardware Co.'s store. S0tf i W. G. Comerford, of Loretis, w was a visitor to Patton Saturday. | Jaa W. Hoy visited ¢ ‘camp on Curry run Mon : { Bereen doors and winslow sesosns ut chard's od it | rye Cambria Hardware (00.’s store. Sf 50 MMEr Crop. i ‘Children’s blouse waists. Something new and pretty, 50 and 75c. at Bell's. Don’t forget that » big celebration will be held in Pattcm on the 4th of July. Get a hammock strong eavligh for two from The Cambria Hardware Co.’ # store. -80tf Every Pattern of the Spring and summer styles in ston at Geo. 8. Good's. -65¢t1. 308 Wabi so ut oooled off stop in. store and get a drink of soda. Lx Men's and boy's shoes of all | kinds at [Wolf & Thompeon’s store, Good | Are you fond of good bread? If 00,’ {buy Gold Leaf Fikur of ¥ others, . Call and ‘inspect the refrigerators and ice chests at Tha Cambria Hard ware Co.'s store. -80tf' : | The great house of Cook, Salmond &' Cowden, of Altoona, is represented on {the eighth page uf the CourrEr this week. fe i Mr. Rogers, representing the H. J. | White Co., wholesale grocers of Al ' toona, was in Patton: on business Sat. | urday. Roger Williams and wife, of West | patieis aves were happy over the , arrival of a young son at their home | Mies Edith Easticker and Daisy | | Wilson, who visited friends at New | Washington last week, returned home | | Monday. Te : you can get a window screen for 38. 4) of it. Simon Goldbaum, San Fame vores ‘or Interest to the Farmers Who Read | the | Patton “Courier.” . It is estimated that over 1,600,000 farmers rent farms (instead of owning them | in the United States. The man who sticks to raising first- class cattle and hogs, and does it with ‘good judgement, will find it reasonably profitable. A farmer who has tried several modes of destroying cut worms finds that an . excellent method is to use a stick three fect long and 1] inches in diameter, sharpened at one end, with which two “or three holes are punched in the ground near each plant. The cut worm is sloggish and falls into the - hole, from which he cannot easily escape. Do not overlook bees at a time when they can find but few honey- produciag plant on which to work. It is contended that severe winters ‘do not destroy insects, as they go down below the effects of moister, but x tin © The Dellueatir Is the women’s favorite magazine, and is issued by the famous fashion pub- lishers The Butterick Publishing com- pany Limited), at Thirteenth St., New York, at the re markable low rate of §1 for a year's subscription, or 15 cents per copy. Of all faniily magazines it is a great caterer to domestic needs and can be recommended for its cheapness, nseful.- ness, beauty, freshness and atility. at 7 to 17 West De Witt’s Colic and Cholera Cure never disappoints, never fails to give: immediate relief. It cares just as sure ‘as youn take it. C. W. Hodgkins Two Assignments at Carreoiltown, C. A. Farabaugh, the well-known made an assignment last Friday for the benefit of his creditors, appointing ex-Sheriff Gray assignet. Edward Farabaugh, conducting a meat market | at the same place, also made an assign- | ment. Sg The most pleasant little pills for reg- ulating the bowels are De Witt's Little | Early Risers. Cure sick headache and constipation. Small pili. Small dose. { C. W. Hodgkins. . For Sale. One-half interest in a raschine shop it isn fact that the severe frosts of ,.g4 foandry located in Patton. For winter do destroy some of them. Late frosts, however, which come after the | | particulars and prices inquire or write to P. C. toad, Des Dw, Pa, or - away the crows, but they will keep far | ow Jo 1800 8 ) There is medicine that will cure frost the in. one | ry @ goon immediately. We refer to Do Witt's ‘the red wheat weevil, which more | Colic and Cholera Cure for all summer | than paid for the damage to crops. | complaints. No delay, no disappoint- | It is only possible to keep the black Ment, no failure. C. W. Hodgkins. | 'birds from pulling com in one way. Ladies’, Misses’, Boy’, Girls’, Men's | . They are too brave to fear the lines tennis shoes 34c., 40c., 45¢.- and up at | spread around the field which frighten | Bell's. -80tf encugh out of the way of the man Drink Ambrosia. who has a gan and trys to shoot them. | We rcommend De Witt's Colic and | The best plan is to let them have corn, | Cholera Cure because we believe it a! not that which they would pull, but safe and reliable remedy. It's good! ‘corn soaked and spread around the effects are shown at once in case of ‘edges of the fleld, especially on the jehivjers mosbas sind similar complaints. | side next to the woods, whence most C. W. Hodgkins. of them come. It takes only a Tittle | "corr to stop them, and feeding them a Reuel Somerville, [Jon Ae aan oe insects Lu the Attorney -at-Law, corn kas grown too large to be pulled. Parron, oe ivi J I was Sroupled with (me in the G 4 Building. Chamberiain’s Pain Balm and was W. H. SECHL ER, completely cored. 1 have since ad- | A : _ 1 z vised many of my friends and cus < ttorncy - at - Law, tomers to try the remedy and all speak ' EBENSBURS, Cambria County, Pa. Pa § RF Gallaher had business in Al josute at fe Cambria Hardware Co's (1 yis Rey, Csl. For sale by C. E | | toy Satardsy. Try (loid Leaf Flour, RJ. Yothers, | ' Histings, Pa.-804 We have barbed wire. The Cambria Sdware Oo,-S0 ¢ * Lerch, the tailor, Mahaffey, gusran- | - ties a perfect fit.6L/ they are coming to ~ Everybody says : Pa on thet of ly. Corbett and Pitsimmons will fight at | Dallas, Tex., October Zist. Sweaters—black, blue, wine, white— | 90¢., 50¢., 75¢. up at Bell’s.-80tf town at Wolf & Thompson's. -81tf New line Ladies’ Misses’ Child’s und | Men's hosiery just in at Bell's. -80t¢ Butterick Patterns can be purchased at the store store of Geo. 8. Good.-85{. | ware firm of Grier Bros, of DuBois, nie Conrad, Chest Springs. Chas. Hile, a traveling salesmsn of = DuBois, had business in Patton Tues: day. The Diurktown fire origade will be a | novel festare in the parade on ths 4th | in Patton. Clothing, Clothing, Clothing. at | Wolf & Thompson's store. Prices the lowest. 8181 D. Bates Bell, of DuBois, was & wel | come visitor to the COURIER office Jast | Wednesday. For wall paper, , picture mouldings, nti an gsi ete., gow OC. | M. Lotta 7840 : : Patton never does Sap y Woven | le Fou Sia We pate It is the best that can be made or that and on the 4th of July you will mee it| ng and the residence of Joseph Snyder TONY can procure. Tt leaves the sys- demonntrated. : ‘The Delineator for June i» on sale | t Geo. 8. Good’s store. Subscriptions | d. there.-85tf : Before leaving your order for a spring suit of clothes call on Lerch, the | tailor, Mahaffey, Pa.-65tf Men's white and fancy vests 1.00, 1.50, 2.00 and up to $5.00. Look at ‘them in the window at Bell’s.-80tf Mrs. D. A. Buck and two children | . visited her parents, Mr. and Mr. W, ‘G. Comerford, at Loretto last week. W. B. Wilson, a leading official of | the United Mine Workers, of Floss- | burg, Tioga, county, was here on Tues- | day. "Phe contract for ‘the building of the | . . new school house at Spangler was | awarded to W. A. Lantzy. The price | Patton is the only town where a | d celebration will be held on the | gran 4th of July, and everybody is getting | : ready to come. | "The Beech Creek Station at Lock | ‘Haven was struck by lightning during | a storm there one day last week. No serious damage was done. When you take a trip to Ebenshurg | has proven of so much value for colds, complaints. This medicine always : Sudop at the Blair house and yon will be | ~ used all right, Accommodations ex- cellent and rates modurate.-404f. | store. -80tf : Miners, farmers, merchants and’ everybody js invited to the largest 4th | of July in this seetion, in Patton. I. 8. Bell, O. B. Straw, B. F. Wise, | aid Howard Addleman drove over to | Mariposa Park Sunduy. They report having had a very nice time. They | ware gusste at Hotel Atlanta. The best hotel stove made, Iron { Sides, 10, can be bought cheap of T. | W. Letts. Alga 1a of pron nil \ W. 0s Yeas, formerly manager of | | M. Thomas’ hardware store, but’ ' now traveling for the wholesale hard. ‘was In town Tuesday shaking hands with hus friends. o Mrs. Ada Warren and son Harry, of Ratton, were called to the pome of her | parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. BYchus, { of this place, on Friday, owing to the | severe illness of her brot i Cor. to Cherrytree Record. The fake ‘‘lawsnit’ between a Pat- | ton party and the traveling picture | agents on Monday furnished (onsider- | | able amusement for the “boys.” Pat-' ton will soon have a reputation for [aw things according to statistics, etc. + A. C. Fisher, the painter and paper hanger, has recently finished the paint- | on Fourth avenne. Both jobs are ar- | tistically finished and present a fine appearance. “Yachts and Yachting in America,” [Is the title of & very interesting article, (especially at this time, in the June {numer of Modes and Fabris; (ls- ‘town, ). Illustrations in half-tone cuts of the fleetest yachts in the world are {shown. In -anticipation of the inter- | | national yact races this coming season, | this article is of much interest to the reading public. If you went to live long and enjoy life and prosper eat bread made of Gold Leaf Flour. | 80t4 YOTHERS, Hastings, Pa. When occasion demands its use, try ‘De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It is cooling to burns, stops pain instantly, | cleanses, a perfect healer for scalds or | skin eruptions. Always cures piles. HQ. W. Hodgkins. “Many of the citizens of Ruinsville | Indiasa, are never without a bottle of | | Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the { house,” says Jacob Brown, the leading | merchant of the place. This remedy Srtp and ¥hooping cough in children | that fe ow ricthers o know its worth | are to be without it. For sale . by C. E. TE Hechers City Drug Stars. demonstration ever witnessed ' am | tributed free by James Quinn, Johns | water? Belcher’s City Drog Store. 2 Marriage Licenses. The following marriage licenses were ' issned by the Clerk of the Orphans’ Court for the week ending Thursday | June 13, 1805: : : Thomas Farley and Matilda Mullen, ‘Johnstown. : | John Andrew Sellers and Lacy Con- nelly, Gallitzin. Celestine A. Buck, Carrolitown, and Annie S. Callahan, Chest Springs. Anthony Noel and Laura M. Good, Excelled by None. Equalled by few, IS THE ~NERDICT James A. Kirby, Middleport, Ohio, and Mamie G. Skelly, Wilmore. . Henry August Alt, Daisytown, and Mary Ann Batting, Johnstown. : - Jowmeph W. Storm, Cresson, and Jen- | Henry Walker and Carrie Reighard, f | South Fork. John William Welsh, Carroll town. ‘ ship, snd Henrietta McClarren, Ebren- ! James B. Hetrich and Ettie Griffins, Hastings. John Gresco and Lizzie K ynarvowis, | Hastings. Franklin Pebble, Pittsburg, and Lot- | tie Cohran, Johnstown. 3 Henry F. Yaliner, Mary M. Bebe, Loretto. at prices that defy competi-| Pertons who wre sabjeet to diarrhea 110N-~ Wholesale or retail. will find a speedy cure in De Witt’'s TRY IT Colic and Cholera Cure. Use no other. 1 } ~ an And be Convinced. R. J. YOTHERS, ~ HASTINGS, PA. JAMES QUINN, Johnstown, Pa. tem in natural condition after ita use. We sell it. C. W. Hodgkins. Don'ts for Bleyellists. Don’t “wabble.” : - Don’t ride ‘‘head down.” Don’t ride a ‘dark wheel.” Don’t ‘coast’ withont a brake. Don't ride your sister's “bike.” Don’t wear a black sweater in the “4 $y j summer. Don’t ride on a sidewalk. cont you $5. Don’t earry an extra load. 80t4 9 - It may = One is enpugh for a wheel. Don't try to pose. Bicycle riding is not a ‘‘cake-walk.'" . Dont, oh don’t appear in public on . a wheel wearing a silk hat. ‘Don’t carry matches. It is Seder ‘to borrow, and mork sociable. Don't try to climb fences. The bi- cycle is unfit for the steeplechase. Don’t forget to take your tool bag, unless you want to lead your “bike” home. rest. Goo S and Trimm 5] vil Our stock of dry goods and trim- mings for the late spring and early summer season is not equalled. Cotton | dress goods never were 30 handsome | as now nor prices 30 low. Now is the | ‘time to buy. Come down or send to! : JAS. QUINN : J ton St. f Johnstown, Pa. | To he continued. Travelers find a safe companion in De Witt’s Colic and Cholera Cure. A change in drinking water and in diet often causes severe and dangerous cures them. C. W. Hodgkins. Say, have you tried Hodgkin! 8 soda 'SERGES, DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, ri) j brewer of Carrolltown, this county, ucewhost as a It grows on poor land but yields more largely if the land is rich. It is considered a profitable crop | for plowing under in the fall, being used for renovating poor land. Its blossoms affords excellent forage for Special bar= just now-—while they. Shoes at $1.98. Other - As well as your foot—and both equally well. | gains just now in every line. ‘We can Tast—sell you Mens Needle-toe Russet stores get $3 for the same Ladies Russet Polish Needle-toe at $1.50. - (We will pay car fare both ways for any person making. 2 tour hase of $5.00 and over. ) Gus Simons, 1400 Eleventh ave. ALTOONA, PA. $1.50; sells elswhere : i And rok by your r reading when you are spending your | IGood Rouno Sons: It will interest you to know somothing of the bargains we are offering you daily. REST ASSURED that we handle nothing but First-Class Goods and any- thing that is not as represented bring it back and your money will be refunded. - One Word To the Ladies] We. have just ' veceived a fall and mple Tine of Summer Dress Goods such as JACKONETS, SERPENTINE CREPE, DIMITIES, DRESS GINGHAMS, SILKALINE, CASHMERE IMPERIALS, SATEENS, PLAIDS, = DRESS TIMMINGS, - ETC When in need of anything in our line give us a trial. Yours for a Bargain, | Patton Supply Co Hastings, and | ial - ; "i Are You Ready For the Harvest Ther’ only oe way to got redy so it you can br ht you a ready | —and I am ready to get you ready with the World-Beating, > 1895. ring LIGHT-RUNNING McCORMICK STEEL, BINDERS aw MOWERS. i t Most Durubly Built, Lightes? In Deatt, Gr fa Capacity, Simplest in Construction. | All Camper ion Staid Away from the Mel, in the i Warld's Fair Tests Ros w-day ve selling a Yee of so-enMed “ chenp ** machines a pine Wille h wotild still be high, but profir to sell the high-value X at a price which experience wi most aseiredly rove is je. Giad to Qy recs these machines 2+ iris time. Cowoei: 2nd see them. J. S. McCoy, Chest Springs, Pa., and Mh Goode rha rm, Patton, Pa., are agents for the named machines. Call on or write for particulars All kinds of re above named handled. satest 1. r ~ mics L fadtgnt