mbm Sr AAR insist Patton Courier. | : PATTON PUBLISHING co., Proprietors. : TEATRESS dre paid, nnless at the ¢ ist Monday of June: Tuesday night, is st least entitled to) credit for candor. He does not at-| 3 tempt to beat stout the bush. He does not talk abou free silver coinage "and the same breath. ‘We are for free | THURSDAY, | JUNE 2, 1895. TERMS OF SUBJCRIPTION. ERT BE Wer a oLD wisEs’ ES LETTER. Fhe Writes About’ the he Picture Dealers in an Advanced Style. : : Had a twenty-one century man been | ! in town Tnesday he would have writ- 3 ten of the procecdings in this munner: ‘On Monday twp innocent appearing " E. Davis. Ba One copy, one year, in vivance, - - $1.00 gentlemen were entiond into a large FAG vertistng rater nade known upon room and terribly abused by the in- Then cy Smtionst it 15 em: the wee nt : | creatures | Davie appurently done no knew what to do to de- fend Da A ploture was : brought in from a vehicle outside the building and from the gesture I judged ‘the men were released because the looked so unlike the man | with whom they were holding the arg- . A. MeGongh. | ament with. After settling this ar! ference and when about to leave in’ Eimer order to save their lives thev were ‘“waylaid'’ by another party and made to go into a small one-story As I did not understand the | language, I do’nt know what parpose | this was dove, but from the pA the Postotfios nt Patton as second. | Slass mndl roatter. COUNTY. : TINE OF HOLLING COURT. of March st Monday of f Sept. | Ist Monday Monday of CT OPFIC IRS. paint Jovan Hon. A. V. Barker. NOTARY J. C AXD Sidi lo ¥. H. Ber FE W. Coulusr DeruTY SHERITrS—amoel Davis, wophy. — ’ erie. COMMISSION ER'S CLENK- ~John C, Grates, CoUNTY NTY SUPERINTEN EXT]. W. Leech. COUNTY BUERVEYOR—8, G. Fetterman. County AUprrons— Wm. J. Jones, W. C. Berry, James Jory Coss ERs — Ansiem Weakiand, Wm. Miller, z8—Dr. : Marti PrecTORS IH. Moore, erville, Raphiel Hite, sotouan armas. ro df i ATTORNEY--R. 8B, Mu oxens—P. J. Dition, James Som- | ' make so much noise it is to “preserve After much confusion the un- J. Donntlly. den . = Frank Campieil, Dale, Ww. H. Tumasengn Ww re Hbrny CoLLecToR—J Mallon. : Avprrons—F. H. Kiricend, H. O. Winstow, | UDGE OF Evpcriox.. in Bovee. Guizrc ag Por. PoLice—Jhn hin Boyee WHAT FREE SILVER MEANS. The New York Advertiser of June 15th says: ‘Mr. Sibley, who spoke at the silver mass meeting on and a sound and honest dollar in one silver silver,” Mr. Sibley aseerts, ‘De-, aries of life. should have gone 3 step further. He "the job complete. And while Mr. 8ib- Jey is about it he should explain how, “unless a person be 4 silver mine owner _. Jected the Stars aud Stripes thu dk | are teething thir hot summer weather | era and Diarrhoea Remedy and it acts he like a charm. I earnestly recommend | Liabilities in Ip xess Of FOROUNCES, - it for children with bowel ‘troubles. _ 1 was myself taker with a severe | Having examined the _paips in my stomach, one-third of a show just how easy’ it is for a man to eS manly 8p by {hw boot strap rot Dy ROAST, _ oped, tinctive national flag, _ last fully satisfied by the adoption of |! stripe for every staté at first, but the |. and doing my own housework. Mrs. |e C. CROWELL, CC W.L Dunagua, ¢ county, : Beicher's City Drug Store. canse it will advance the price of wheat | and cotton.’ In other words, he isin | favor of free silver becanse it means | uf the currency and | Ree and | beautiful gentlewomen of saghid, | charity w baby wards in hospitals, the famous | | baby incubator, and other featares 100 | “It is well that tho purpose of the | free (for three 2 cent stamps) together with a beautiful work of art, {in col ors) suitable for framing. promptly, as ¢dition is limited; when exhausted, stamps will be retarned. frankly stated. Mr. Sibley, however, should have added that free silver would enable every debtor to defraud his creditors of fifty per cent. of his indebtedness due them. While he is appealing to the cupidity of the ignor- ant and the credulous he should make Philadelphia, Ps. There is great danger i platting colic, cholera and similar complaints. | An absolutely prompt and safe cure is found in De Witt’s Colic and Cholera | Cure. C. VW Holgi STATEMENT sei} comers THE AUDITORS | of the republic. Apart from BE patriotic significatice which endear The Patton School District to every American beart, its —— FROM —— i June 4th, 1894, to June 3rd, | 1895. : Receipts. | ¥rom Collector, | Including taxes of ; ¥ camp when Washington took com- | Fro ao liso fant. your. | From all other sourcs, as sales of Bat like the ars houses oF lends, Hhnor fines, &1. appearance. At me fiction was maintuined of making war | Total recetptr._ in the king’s name against the troops of the British parliament. “Bt an the | F208 idea of natural independence devel- | T there catae the need of a die- | i or a dishonest debtor, anybody is to gain anything by simply doubling the | - price of everything. Let Mr. Sibley FLAG DAY. Friday, 118 years ago, Congress ve- | There is no flag in the world that can Ba 78 $15 $17 8 Bxpendtiares. 3 L500 00 wa 17 15% 99 18% 35 IN 554 71 a io Purchasing gm Putids To: IT va WRIIR x i Aveo eontingenciis. : Per hd Coleco ea 38, 4 and Treas which was A | salary of fecrviary_ = Debt and intercst paid. —— | Otter expenant.... Total expenditures. : Cash on hand |.. 166 (0 .. § 13827 WO $3 B23 the Stars and fitripes, a star and a| stipes were confined to the original | thirteen while there is star for very} state in the Union. | Cash on hand, Amount dae district Irom all sowie —————- —————————— I have two little grand-children who | Total resonsoes. Resourocs, $ Te © mw Liabilities. Amount due on unsettled bills. $ IB Amount borrowed ard | unpaid. or debt of Slutrtet.... 15000 m | Total Habilities. % 74 and are troubleil with bowel complaint. | 1 give them Chiunberlain’s Colic, ( Chol- $1200 WW Fatimated valve of schoo! property... § 13500 09 i account and vouchem of the Pattoli School District we find the i above true 4nd cortiet to the best of our know tack of bloody flux, with cramps and: H. OO. WINSLOW, ¥, H. KINKEAD, H.T. Gov Lb, (3. H.OURFMAN, Heerelary bottle of this regnec vy cured me. With- in twenty-four hours 1 was out of bed | ! Anaor. Pregident. FIRE Bon-aqua, Hickman | Tenn For sale by C. *l A department; of interest to honse- | keepers is home decoration. A great deal of money can be spent in luxur- | have a most uncomfortable ' appear- | Fabrics, (distributed free by Cook, Sal. June, gives sotae very valueble hints; . of home decoration as interpreted by | an artistic mind. ah * windows, ete. The article shows the | ions furniture and costly draperies, but | if not tastefully arranged, your rooms WORKS Of every description and | 4th of July. supplies will be furnished on short. notice to committees, etc. by: 'Harder's Gun W aris. CLEARFIELD, PA. Write for particulars. ance. Mr. A. L. Parsons in Modes and | ‘mond & Covrden, of Altoona) for! on decoration: the beauties of antique farniture, the arragement of corner | writer to be familiar with the subject { Drink Ambrosia. work of women, including | free silver movement should be thug | DUIeronS to mention bere. Fost-paid Address Ladies’ Every Siaviay Co. its clubbing arrangements with The om 0p for only $2.95. am FE ; of some of the FURNITURE we are going GIVE AWAY. sum. in coupons pieces. to You make a purchase we give you a coupon worth Bow ‘the amount bought and when you have the required ia of case. 13 Inches Hotde sonount books we give you one of these elegant polished oak od ‘Remember it costs you iti w e don’t tack on enough in the long © run to pay us sforit. Hl Our Stock of Suits is argent and best in town ‘willl say so too. ~ Boys 1.50, all wool, 2.00. $3.00 in knee pants. OUR BIG STOCK - Ga es you a large assortment from which to ‘make your choice. In nien’s at $5.00, all wool, up to $14.00, worth fully $2000. You | Fully s00 boys suits to select from. - - - SC LTE SHIRTS, UN DERWEAR, NECKWEAR, BELTS, HOSIEY, PANTS, BTC ETC. = In great profusion at low prices, not even living prices, at that. ~~ : Best Seek Ladies Shoes in town, black and tan. Nicest Stock Men's Shoes in black and tan. Boys’, Misses’ and Children’s in black and tan. Everybody invited here to see us 1. Ss, Bell, CLOTHIER, TAILOR, SHOE DEALER. 'CASH-ONE PRICE. Send | Go To DANIELSON & ENGBLADS SHOE SHOP “4th Ave., near R. R. Station. Shoes made to order and of all kinds done promptly. moderate. Phivce Conta» Bo, G. 8. Good has a fine line of wall | paper at 3 cents a boit. See it. “The Only” for 1995. The COURIER is pleased to announce LADIES Finest fine of Percales, Shirtings and ITlumine Checks ever ‘opened in the. County, An assortment of: Silk Wast Pat- ‘terns alsa just opened. 3 _ UNDERWE fh 18¢1. Chil dren's Gauze underwe ear 5C.; Ladies’ ribbed enderweds 5¢.; Men's balbriggin 25 ¢. former price 0c. The best qual jties for the money ever “offe In Shoes I have spc bargains for the ladies, 9g cents. Hose ece1v od | Pittsburg Post, the great home news- | paper of Pennsylvania, and to persons who want the best daily or semi-weekly paper published in the city, we recom- mend The Post. The Daily Post, a large eight-page paper, and The COURIER one year each for $3.00. The price of The Post alone 'is $3.00. Send us your order at once ‘and get seven papers a. week for the prion You Soriiesly uid Soe oti. The Sunday Post, twenty pages every Sunday, containing as much reading as any of the monthly maga- zines, and The COURIER one year each AUGUST K. HUBER, STON E MASON Avenine, PATTON, PA. { am prepared to de all Kinde of work tn my Hime al Mma aya hie prices. Contnacis AZen and estimate ftrnished when desired Satisfaction ee tre me a eall Aied ons The Semi- weekly Post and The Cov- RIER ear each for only $1.50. Just think of it, The Post twice a week, and ‘county paper for the price of one. Jour 2) FEE EER Por o ita a for sample toples. & CO. who bave bad six A tull line just r 25 cents. \ Butterick ‘Patterns, Latest Sage. Come and See Loos. LWT, Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Beer. Etc. Phoen BrewinG Co.'s Beer. Jugs. Ete.. Hastings, Penna a. Pa SSN Es 24 We bes Pr:-S. W Worrell, PATTON, PA. General Surgery Good bargains at 10, 12, 15, and MAHAFFEY HOUSE A Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. Accommodations first-class. Beat of Liquors and Wines at the bar. Stahl ag attached. GEORGE FERGUSON, otf Prop’r. RL. GEORGE, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, | Allaniant Plaster GALLITZIN, PA. Solicitor for German National B. & L. association, P.P. —— re Wholesnle sid Retail Dealer in od ) FRESH MEAT OF ALL KINDS. Lard, FIFTH AVENUE, Pattor, Pa. FirstNation’ [Bank OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria co. Pa. nisms. CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. SURPLUS, $10,000. 00. Accounts of OX Frome, Dadividus ywporations, als amd Banks received apon the most fAvora- hie terms consistent with safe and conservative hanking: Stenmship ticks for sale for all the ¥able in the pri Gives a first-class wall a moderate ex pense. Is the hest fires Always ready for nse in any season. Dow nor hold gases or disease perms 1s the per excellence for patching. Car Ye p speed as soon as dry. I« recommended hy ail the leading ts who have used it in ry and England. “a oeobid wall not ernck, resiuting plaster, 3 F. Mc KENRICR, " Attorney and Counselor at Law, ERENEBURG, PA. Will attend to all Dusiness with prompines : : and fidelity Offlee oppo! e the Mountain House B ] ologna, tC. Arcbire sshs. Corks, WH D AVIS, - Attorney i AF d Ce unselor ii L aw, Eagiisatrhi 3, PA. AH legs) business promptly sitended to swell or TH not cleave off when nsed as di- rected, even in case of leakage. Will give yon a warm bouse fa by loading hi Se in Armory Hall Does rot min woodwork {1 witli. pacisture. ‘Admits of carpenters follo terers ina fe Is 4 “Used 0 aia n W. E. Probe re, ee XRT ISTIC Barber atid Hair Dresser, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. #- NEXT DOOR TO POSTOFFICE. wing pias- ie aay < varity n the Palmer House, Good Hotel Beck, Hotei Patton, . LS & I LO ou Hee. Patron Opera, Li Mm. E. church, and on more than one-half of the plaste redl houses apd _ store rooms of Patton. Aliso the Catholic Church St. ne. : x » v AL : COTY i 3 of finish. TOBACCO and CIGARS The finest line in Patton at : G. J. FITZPATRICK'S Restaurant on Magee avenue, P. R. R. depot. MEALS AT ALL HOURR, Hines, Foreign Dats cities of the tld World, All SUITUSpULtizIey will have onr prompt and -— personnl atten " Interest pi on time deposits, igre 4. B. PaTroly Wi H. SANFORD, Angust- : ~AND—— THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Room No. 3. GOOD BUILDING. For prices & (nformat ion, w ADAMAXT PI LASTER CoO., Lock Box 345 ite near Patton. Pa.. EES