The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 13, 1895, Image 2
DHS | mm LIFE. James Stitt, of of Kittanning, Sui- cided by Hanging. ot wis AGEOSED b BARN BURNIN, Lens a Letter Protesting His Ianoceuce cf the Deed. Krrraxo, Pe., Jaoe 6 —J ames Stitt, one of the alleged incendiaries in the Bowser barn burping case, sommitted smieide by banging himself 10 his stable to-night. Hoe left a letter saying be died | jopocent and ignorant of the gailty par- ties. He says Frank Neal and Jobo Ken- * nedy fired MoOrma's bonse for whic be . (Stitt) was indicted, together with Oilin- gor and Lincoln Bhosmaker. Last Febraary Mes, David Stitt, when ‘served with subpoena by a constable, died with fright. Delendaots trial je fixau for Thursday next week. Stitt lived in Kt tanning township. : . QUAY COUNTY AL TY ALMOST ASSURED. Veterans to Mave Preferemse se of Appointment in the Future. : Hanmssveo, Janus 6.—After the pas- sage of a large number of appropriation balls by the senate this morning the su- perior court bill came up and was paced fically. The fire Democratic senators 2 sod Bevator OQobin were the only ones Abet voted sgeinst it. In the house (Jaay eonnty bill to make a pow county out of 1aserve and Schuy]- House bill giving prateronce ot appoint ment fo bonorsbly discharged soldiers, sailors or marines, who fought for the unidon, and bill texicg manunfsetorers of * malt or brewed liquors one thoussnd | dol- lars annually passed finally. 3 Commitése appointed to investigate pub- .- lio schools was sathorizad to inqaire iato . the condaet of Biate pormal schools. Conference report on judic’al apportion- ment bill was agreed to. The house thie eveuing passed fioally a umber of senatr bills and also defeated a nomber. Among the Istter were 21 ‘Ville on ioe) paseage grantivg pevsions and gratuities to members of the National ' (Gusrd who sontracted disease at Home- tend and Gettynbary. : nes TRANMEN ¥ KHLLED. A Bod Freight West ve ar ar Pottavilie Early This Porrsvrus, Pa, awe 6.—A treight | Eagineer Maser, of Tesgton lever n family. Fireman Kiees, of Tamaqus: married. Oondactor Botts, of Shatookiv, married. Moyer snd Kees were under the wreck tor sbout six hours before their bodies oould be recovered. A Church on Wheels. Mr. Osbarn, the drammer evangelis!, ‘bas devised 8 vew plan of ivtrodacivg the Gospel. The iden of Mr. Osborn se * a $0 reach se may a8 poegible of the close of people who do vot stteud church. He will build & large chariot and make a ml- - grimage through tbe country. This churoh on wheels will be large enough $0 bold s company of singers and a piso and will farnish a place from which the evangelist can address his sudience. It “will go trom town to town, deawu by four horses. The drummer evangelist . will receive financial backing from Mr. "Sheldon, s wealthy resident of Aabarn. _ SUICIDED in THE OCEAN. Prtesor aah Coid a 5 Omer ey to Esco : Wis wife. WENN THE CLENDR “raster ar prETON. One of he Victims From Wikiinmeport sod . the Other VW. om Kew On 50 Hi IFAM | grew tok physicians were obliged W be | with her ; sud keep ber ander the iefiamay == he ‘mother's grist Sunday eo i | Post Towssexp, Waen., Jase 6.—Frof. T. Nash, ch of of the British eduostional baresa of [edis, committed sno de iy jnapieg werboard | from the (hy fT per, Lor Thetioite Sonad, Alaska, The deed was u.diitied io the pre of his wil-, wii is (Le dsugtter of 8 Hit doo priors, ard iro pepsely wesithy, Mre Nah ; wdoceted sud qn e! pret. j«slons of ber Line Deis mar | so Eiri. : Woon rear Qrect ette Sonod, abont 4 clock eri oon, che eatled Peof. Nash ‘ron the smo Kinjg room, and going on desk, hegab To LeTate hrm tor soma nuknowy cans, lu the hesrieg of other passengers he 1o'd ber thet if ehe persisted he woald wp overvomd., Ste retorted that ehe would report to the cap- tain, sho womid place Lim 1» irons. As the wl torped be f round, ber has ¢ Wau wan i a EPs Mig Gey BS ins* Monday afternoon | merce they bed | All Night Session of the Senate and d House. { — ov:R APrRORRS dod us. Claey Becomes Reerpinry of State and Jad | son Barman of One, Avioreey-Gienernd. Hasrrpora, Pa, Jove 7.—In the ser- | ate this mornicg 8 resolation providing for the appointment of a commities tu £X- lam ine Into ‘1 op busioess andl re- : port to the rey 3s awl ~tnre was agread to. A bill to mit forfed tures of policies in I fe jusnrende « wan 4 gurl : A bil ports pricting, postmg. prd distri on yr a bite c.on8 cirenlers wae presed Tre bv ines this Borsiog — in the senate amendments and passed & jo- d:cial spportiopment bill. The bill pro- vides for five additions] judges. The Brown road bill wes defeated. the irs Pemsczrox, N J, Jase erik Pierenn Obl sod Garret Cochrsn, both both stadents in the Froeh- man class wi Friveston, were shot acd prrbepe mortally wounded in a gases jast pight with 8 vegro isborer remed John Collies. Cochran was eh. t in ta: month snd [he brilet lodzed at the 1. of the wsr. | Obi wey ¢bo® twos m stemseh. BE Collies ai aged 19, a] 1 avother negro named Doves i, end placed 10 the lockop, is stadente «f Prinodton be- nr in the streets sud thras's <f ire made the men were penton jail. n exiracted both tnllets 'r tet foiled to dislodge the cue Both ure in ac if was bat when t gan to geth iynohing w taken to To A garieo Onl today) neder (Coecl eal eondith Cochran in 8 son of ran pleyed bell teum Jjast year. Onl BrreEta ayy - L rar’ E eur, . a. : : is from Williamsport, Ps ac! state Senator Cochran. - Coch- fall back on the "Varsity foot. i¢ from New HR MAIDENS Drowned in the Waters of the Ma x . py 5 x Lenine Whi je Pp athing. TWO OTHERS OF THE PARTY RESCUED { Fr om he Same Fate by the 12riom of tne | Beventl and Ouly Other Ba her im the Georg A great geief hes overtafa: ths litth farming commannt at the north end © farma-¥ Janghtors, wo F war of the sf thm tomy, 4 viginn of sceiety, tbe Nsbbath school wl the oharah, are lying io their caskets ine turisi to-day at poor, all the re: rad Saturday sftarnoon sboat 5 o'clock. fet gg ll her to Biz Ro : z [4 Young Cincimst an Ram Sway From 4 Wow £0 tly last Sater | ig day wors gams of {ha Sor, the youthf | | salt of n drowning ace’ dent whiel occur | | cae : The Rimer family was ove of the i town, home for 8 number of yeprs on : | «venue, sail srs well remenibered by dog I the cider eitizwne. All of the girls drowned wera merabeny ‘of the M. FE. chared st Big Ron and af 1007 slock this morning fomr hearses willl | carry their bodies to the cliareh in (ime for services st 11 Colcek, the Rev. Me Viasian, their pastor, to condaet ther ere os; wd after the preaching they wil ult se mnred in the Biz Ran cemetery, the Auilooy sisters in » double ureve : NOT CUT OUT FOR A MONK. astery. : Crxersxaury, J ans 9.—Oa Wednesday morping next George Fritag, a thealog- | jeal stadant, sod Charles W. Wiese, 8 | mnsieisn will start fo walk around. the ‘world. They expert to be stheent (hres band deftly leaped over the roi ut totke| sen. A geversl siarm wis ened, sod a life banoy thrown bm, bot Le made no effort to reach it. The steamer was stop: ed apd boats lowered, and & most dilli- gent search was _ipetitated, bot without avail Prof. Nash belonged to a wealthy fami- | ly, living in Eogland, and sfter 15 yeary’ residence 16 India, was retursicg bome. When bie sprang into the ean he carried jawels on bis pepson valoed " several thoassud doliare. Liane Mit Very Well. The Rev. Mr. Lightfoot, pastor of the The revenue bill was reported to the sepste this afternoon with a negative re- oo mueodstion ard the jndges’ retirement bill wae recommiited, its friends declar- ing thet they wonld not sttempt to a it this session. finally with amendments. The house concurred in the senate res- olation providing thet the gevers! reven oe bill pegatived in the senste shall be certified to the suditor general for tent of {its provisions, Sections of the geuersl spploptistion S8onth Kpoxviile, Tenn., Baptist cl chareh, SN pecans ing 1Doiey Sor Sie LX tnes presched his furawell sermon last 8af-| 0,000) sffairs of Philsdelphis snd tbe day and took reoniion to say that politics public school sys Were. Dot erred and religion made a had 10 X70TE, and in : ne that his chareh wus to tue hands of relig- tons trinketers snd oo dioal ripg Stere. J.C. Ford, saperistes ict of pabile instract- ion of Kocx coauty, onl ed out that the minister was not #p-a¥itg tha t-ath. “You are a liar, and I coo prove what I esy by a d'z.n witpesies righ: bere” shouted tha inlariated presoner. There Inthe senate this evenirg report of elections committee ip the cuntested cnse of Heller va. Laobsch, recommending ‘the sestiog of Heller was presented. Oo the {sce of the retares Leunbach bad 47 me jority, but enough illegal baliots were fond fo have bear onst for both ecsndi- dstes to change the resnlt to eleven me- The general appropriation bail Pesmed treet nod sttempted to kill her by shoot | woald have been & personni entonoter batween the two men but for tae Interven tion of members of ths congregation, =Clev:iaad Word. Ose Place Where ¥ ¥hey Are Xl Tetibys, . The sweet grad giriaste will #0 up- soroli ber roll and hasten to tell as th: ot she is “standing wib ‘relootant fre. Augusta Chrosicle. : jority for Heller. Action vas deferred | anti morvieg. The house week at 7.350. this evening ar d sat nutil 1130 when a recess until 12:50 was taker. Ite prot- | able the bones will remain in wessior all | might, Oenai Jaration of bila that hed been ib i — |eculerence was taken np and several | | ware disagreed to, and theses swoate bil is | smotR others prescd vusmended: Forni- | icg vew townships out of parts of two or’ more townships; to prevent perpetual baildiu ye restrictioss apon the estate. I The ¢- nate beid several tev minute ses- sions bet ween 9 snd 11 to conenr in bouse | amendments snd thea took 8 recess anti} half past twelve. When the bouse reconvened at 12:90, conference committes on geDernl sppro- pristion bili reported unable to agree. The bouse refused to recede snd ordered farther conference. There is tbe veual disovier and last night, scenes but the calendar is being ‘cleared and there will be few bills left. asconsderad. : : Sbortly afterwards the house sod sen- ale took a recess anti] 2 o’elock to xllow conferrees on the sppropria; won bill time to Se aatt, na Armenia Secures Concessions, CoxstayTinos LE, Jane 7.— The Armen- A Woman's ‘Summer wn sg zine, Tha charm of listening to s femons man ss he tells of the grestest isflasuce upon his life comes very strony upon one in reading the article whioh the Rav. Robert Collyer, I). D., contributes to the Jane issae of The Ladies’ Horee Journal. It is in the megemme’s series of “The Women Who Most Inflasnosd Me,” and is at once the daintisst and strongest con- tribution to it. The persons! interest, 80 fascinating to moet of ue, is siso very strong in Arthar Warren's article deserip- | tive of “A Dumestie Court,” sketchiog the home lile of the King and Qaeen of Detmark. the home from whence Lave come tore rulers and potentiates thao soy other BEaropean court. Mr. Warren has told has story completely snd well, and: the artist hae sesistad bin with a serion ol particol-riy ieterestiog piotares of royal life eu fannlie. The Aroerican end of tbe Bouspurte family, the. Baltimore girl, Mies Patterson, » ho married Jerome Bons jrte. is weil written of and pictar- ever. The ports bas declined to estertsin isn difSeulty is po nearer settlement than | | years ath) IX mouibs, Cuetie, Pa, and is s brother of the fail The girls drowsed sre Mawes Sade M = Toe Cstholios of tins city sre cumedder tek of the Coreell football team. | * RY siee. of Aothotty' aged 16 years, Magpie E. Ar - | ably sronsed over the sondast of Gorge thony, aged 13 years, dengbters of P. J. | Boebm. He is 20 yeats old, the son of & ‘Anthony; Ross Rimer, aged stout 15] prominent sstholie fummly, sod sreversl years, dsughbter of Willian R'mer, snd years sjo entered the Trappist monet Cores I. Ragb, aged sbout 14 yeam, ery, pesr Loowville. He ws an ~othoe denghter of H. B. Ragh. jast: Af the ages of 18 be resonsoed bis Treee girls, in company with Lily Ri faraily apd bis neme and beosme Father | mer, aged 13, s sister of Rose, snd Dells | Polyesrp. A year 8g0 be wemed to grow spd Mary London, aged 13 snd 8 years, | restless, and told the soperior be wanted 1ef3 Rimer's bousa at 430 sod went fo to gointo the world agsin. Alter stalk | the Goarley dsm, about 33 rods from the | be was told be might go if the pe house, on & bathing expadition. Tuey said eo. That nigh', two weeks #igo, | | changed their clothing uni] went ioto the left his bubit bebind, jupmed from | water below the dam, where they were | window, snd fled to Indistispotis, where | seqaninted with the depth and surroned- | be remained s fortnight. Theo he came | ipgw, baviog been io there previons eed 10 bis family bere. His Tatber wil dinis- isons sud a part of the seven ~n oe | berit him. | previons cocasion this sear; sod befire | ; WISSIONARIES PY PROGASLY BASSICRED. | gotog isto the water ou this ossxsion bad | | bean ceuntioned to keep cut of the dep nme Some Wie Teepe uy planes, as pone if them cond swiss, Boen Loxpow, Jane 9. ~The lelegram will going into the water, Sadie, tim to-morrow publich a Shanghai despeteh # the Anthony wistirs a the saying 4 is simost certiin that all pes atta wee best. the water 18 song conn=ated the. english, French eo By her snw? of “and American missions at Cheng Ta have t the gird 4 Tors bold of v ither's ttre | | bess musrscred The Chinese admit that : and lormed s line, Swdie taking the lose | telegram bave beacon stopped by govern : and wiiking ont into the drop wnt rower | went orders, 4 French guohost Bas goose : its depth wes 8 feet. Laly Romer, the to Wa Chang oo the Yurg Tes Kinng fu CON TRF Anion recent'y with a promm | yoangaet of the Rimer sislers, oor st thie | | to inquire into the mstler Virtaully the | emt profusenr of thia State be declared | and of the linw pearest tha shor, sod She | whole proviace of Canton 1m 8 0a ‘oof 5 thx be wonld rot give he messurs LS wae the ously cue who retaine] a fooling | assreby. appranl, As the 0] fs faulty 12 AB on the botteza of the oresk. [he saw ; j straction , the tit'e rot agrecing with the Sadie snl thoes next to her goiey dow | ' | bendy of the magsnre, ie will be sable 10 gad called to them to hl taok, arr, I the : vato cn that groand. fa the weantime | which it was too late for them to da! sonnty yesterday sod the latest retarne some of the secret omirre are deloming | Lilly, at the time she called cut to the® | uepure (be avanimone resominetin of cio PREVENTS A CRIME. ne sg ne mmett Attempted | ts Shoot his Wile and | ; Commit Suicide. Rav Fuaxcisc, Joos 9. —~J. K. Em-i ett, the sector, darirg 8 (oarrel with bis wife Inet might, followed ber into the | Motor Frit € ber 10 the bead. Bat for the bravery of | “baby” Sypot, eight years old, a proege | of the couple, Emmett wonld probably | have kill«l bis wife spd committed aai- | sido. The child hang on to his srm and | prevented him fring a second tims at his wife and when be pisocsd the pistol to his | head srith evident intention of blowiag | bis brains ont the little girl dragged bis arm down and preventad bin from shoot. | ing. Emmet wis drook. He wae ar-| rested. The wife wes not seriously | wounded. His wife’ s stage name is Emily Lottar. The shooting was the eaiminatioo of tbe auhapoy hfe the past? fod. after ident ! wad #4 § wil other Ovary Sa enfin enol tantly Veto FL : 9 la C2 Harry Hanr's: mic nor Hestip ge «tas probably veto The feng (hovar Lem de wi He will: # Likin Pei haUs garh ou i Counter County Primary. him wih reqoests and demands t) sign 1. | sommenced palijng cut Dells London. | gy oi W.F or Be It is noderstood tist be strongly objats | who was uext to ber snd. who ww sl borat Sioger to it us annecessary sod aoconstitotionsl. | ready strangling io the water. She cw! ih ey. ning or -. : | ried Delia to the shore anil went back snd | sasoroRo maces | ed i Fen Sle oy ay. big ouly officers to elect Events Xoheduled for Asother Meeting of iin. line. Mary bad strangled oniil she ae Lake Brie Circa. was nsocoscious and she was laid spoo The Bradford Driviog Park sesoc’s- |p, papk where she was afterwards reso tion, which is in the Lake Ecie circait, | oo 003 Lily's hercism was pot yet over- will bold ite summer race meeting Juve come by fright and she again returned 256028. Those of this vicinity who are |... tps water to sesist her companions, interneted in. racing sre osually petrove { who were thea clear heyond any belp she | of the Bradford thestings snd this ocoa- | coald give thew. When she saw she sion will probably not be an exception. _ 13 34 no more she retarped to the Clasews sod purses bave been scheduled | bank of the creek and called for help. as follows: | The fatter of the Rizaer girls aod their ! i npotlisr heen ‘he call, and so did Wil Now 3. 2:40 class, paciug, $300. tiem Weaver and sos, Harry, Who Were Nou 3. 2:22 chess, trotting, | merchauts’ | coming np the roed from tows in & bug puree) $400. ' zy, the rond being the same distance from | WEDNESDAY, JoNR 26. the creek as the Rimer house, bnt on the No. 4. 2:20 claws, pacing, $300. , | opposite side. Mr, Anthony snd som, A. No. 2:17 clam, rotting, (produc lg yyenony, wers going down the road on dm—— nr 7 SoS Son. Tat ‘Crwcaco, Jove 9.—The whisky will shortly embark in a new yd — that of distribating its ows guods by . pany will be incorporated in New York with between $3,000000 sod $5,000,000 capital, It will establish sgeucies in all the big cities sod handle thr goods of the frost. While the distnbating company ie sud to be practically ensured, there 8 still some doubt abou’ the tank Line. TCESDAY, JoNE B3, No. 1. 2:45 clase, troitis, , 3300, Sax Fraxciscy, Juse 9—-Aes uital ] the testimony given st the faders! inqairy - pumbver of suits for damages wil be live of tsok cars. A dwtributing come into the cause of the Colim= Gensier, & . od, spd farciches 8 buppy addition to carrent Napocoue terest. Dr. Park- | barst, for the Brat tine, wiites of woman suffrage iv an srtigie, ‘Women Withoat the Ballo®,” which will probably eall forth ‘a storm of dimest. Edward Bok writes of "(irks Who Pose sa Trilby,” and of the * New Woman,” when be says doses pot exist. A pew verisl, “The Luck of the Pendenuing=,” by Eiizibeth W. Bel! smy, the Bonthern novelist, bain ter { sstingly nod gives promme of 8 strong the gosrsptees of reform which were de manded by the powers, snd matters look- ing to a solation © the difficulty sre st a standstill. The aruaxl fete in en’ebration | tation, which bas been torbidden for sev ‘eral years, will be permitted this year and will be held. on Jure®. Alter Blood. Laxton Ky. Jove 7.—A dochie tragedy was enacled bere this morvioe, when 8 negro oamed George Green went into the room where bis wife was sleep: of tbe granting of the Armenian consti | parse; $00. No. 8. 53 wie spun. 8100 TRONSDAY, JUNE L0, 2.34 cisee, pacing, $300. 2-37 elssn, trotisng. FNL 2:20 clase, paciuy, S400 FRIDAY, JUNE IN 2:3) olase, trottiog, SRL 2:16 pinsm, peoitiyg, botel purse, | N13. "No a, Noa. 1L $401). : No. 12 58 wile runsing, $100. Eotries come Jane 17. Rasuing en- | tries close at 8 o'clock p. @. the day pre- ceding the race, LAKE ERIE CIRCUIT DATES. | a load of bark sed they also beard the | ery for belp aud ran over to the das, | kpowing that the girls wers there nod [that scmething bad bappened. Harry | Weaver snd Siles Rimer bad srrived at | the scene and recovered Maguie Anthony's body from the bottom of the creek when A J. Anthony, who could ran faster than | bis Cather, arrived. Tha latter theo, with | Silas Rimer, went into the water and ‘re- | soversd Sadie’s budy next. By that time | Silas Rimer had become cousiderably o3- | hanuted sod young Antbooy weotin efter brought aginst the Pasc mail steams by! abip cranpuny. It 8 singed that he | company was criminaily segligent in the munper iv whieh it loaded the ship. : Evicting Pocahostes Niners. ih Wrrce, W. Va, June i. Shriking miners io the Pocabontas region of Vie ginia are being evicted from toe hooess they cecupy in large nambers. The offs corse chop their way : the barrie a batohet by a constable and seriously so —Olesn Demcerat. 1 piece of work. Alice Barber Btepbene | {iinstrates it. “The Flower of Jope"— EIBINMINGER HANGED, wd lisautifalls- the rose is u tithealy & an pio The Widow ot the Murderer 's Victim was 8 Witness | | tarsd -riicle by Nancy Maou Waddle ing, and sbot her twice tkroagh the head with a bull dog pistol. : Green then shot the woman's father and sttezapted to kill bimsell. Green's wife hed refused tc live | ‘Bambare, N.Y. Jove 18-21. — Geo. P.! Dick, secretary, wing, N. Y. Bradford, Ps., Jase I5-3.—~W. Weaver, seornlary. ‘the other girle. After diving twice be sored. Sstarday ve men were arrested {brought ap the body of Boss Rimer. | gt Poeshontas for beuting nnd frying to R. | There was one left sad bie went in agin, | sonugeel ‘by force some of the striliers to of the Execution. Waysmssosa, Pa., Juve 6.—Jobn Eie- : minis Wo ufored here this afternoon. Mis. McCoy, widow of the marderer’s victim, was present. Sbe called on hm * this morning nod in response to his writ- "ten request declared that sbe forgave hii. Oop the peaffoll Eininminger made & con- fession in whish he declared that he alone waa guilty. A Mine Accdent. Bert 8mith, of §moke Ran, was tsken throagh hers yestarday on his way to the ‘hospital at Philipsburg. He is suffering from the effects of a fall of coal recently, which crushed him sbout. the hips and back. He also received serious internal. injaries. —Hoatzdale Journal. State Fronibition Convention. Prrrssura, Jane 6.—The State Probi- bition convention effected a Perigsnet orgnmigzstioun with Rev. J. A. Bailey, of - Lawrence, as chairman, The Prohibition convention uominstsd W.H. Berry, tor + state treasurer. 8. ot V, Commander. AzrmxtTown, June 6.—C. E, Deifinder- ter, of Reading, was elected division com- mander of the Bons of Veterans this al- ternoon. The organization will mest at Cuitysbung ext Jour. Brewary Damaged hy Fire. Arroons, Pa, Juve 6.—The Empire brewery owned by J. M. Eotbrenver, o; Shi oft, wae yestly Seattored by dee thi | evening. lee #3 00 with one therd vo SNrRuYe, | ful O- itreprecs” snd “Deigos 1 Oro Women who Juve dainty usedlework wi will te de igh'ed will. designs for “Italien Rennisenioe Eratroidery,” “Some Grace- with him. aa Olney for Secrtary of sate, . WasHisaron, D. C., Jane 7.--The president this afternoon appointed Ric ard Oinay, secretary of state sod Jaden Harmap, of Ohio, Attorpey-geceral. . After 8 Missing Banker. ATLANTA, Ga., June S.—The entire de- tective force of the southern states is on tbe lookout for Banker John M. Smith, whose absence from bome is so mjysten- ons. : ; Sriith bas been cashier of the Moody & Brewster private bank, besides doing » money-lending business on bis own se count. He had collected several thon- sand dollars when last sees Thursday s week ago, and the theory of the detactives | is that be has been lured away into the | supburbs sud made away ‘with. Hw books show a discrepency uf only the amount be had on hia person the last time he was seen. ee eet wd Tetting.” “Tha Fashionable Wo ts (iws” is pictured snd described, and some very practical suggestions for «Cotton sid Woolen Gowns” are given Eben E. ii-eford writes of Our Poison- ous Plants,” nrging toast vigorous efforts to exterminxts them sball be made all | over the country. Oue of Alice Barber Stepheps’ pretty girls adorps the cover, The Joarnal costa ouly one dollar 8 year and is publisted by the Curtis Publish. ing Company, of of Philadaipbis. At Willismeport rt yesterday Samuel D. Gregor, who was ou trial for choking the ohilé of his housekeeper to death, made a oonfespion in court. He stated that the child bud been left in bis care, and to prevent it from oryiog be picked it up to insert his finger in ite mouth. A few min: utes after laying the child down it died. Gregor was settenced to pay a fine of $50 snd to undergo so imprisonment io | tha penitentiary of three years and six moaths,— Look | Haven Detnocrst. The Lock “Haven ven Express says; The first train on tha Pennsylvania railroad, ran into Hantingdoo Jane 1, 1850, forty- five years sgo. The condudtor was » man named Bailey. At Hustingdoo pas- sangers were trantferred to packet boats and procesded by canal to Holliday sburg. Muy 2, 189%, a train with General Nuper- | tert Loni Hang', psa? over the Jeet hevuy to test the ene. Harrison's Organ Speaks, Ispiasaroris, Jane 2 —The Jouruasl, the personal organ of ex-Pressdent Ham eon, speakiog of the interyiew of national Republican Chairman Carter in which be declares for free silver and Don [Camer- on, says: Itis a part of the unwritten law of the party that the chairman of & state or national committee has no right to express himself in regard to preferendes tor candidates in advacoe of the action of the convention. This ie *+kap to men that Harrison iv himee'! * caadii ste. a is + atiELy wi | bat after diving repeatedly and failing 10; io to work. 8. Marys, Ps, July 3-5 -We. Kaal, | fad ber, Le came cut snd be and Rimer | SeStelnry | tok poles aod went around the deep wa-| Guuewssvse, June T. —Nick Rewb!, 8 Orit wond's Winsion Day. ter, acd Rizaer touched the body with hie | | potoricas character of Kessington, pod Drirrwoon, Jace 7.— [be Driftwood | | pole. Yang Anthony dove down at that | jailed bere this morning charged i boys of the bat and ball bad po trouble | poiot so. 1 hronght up the body of Cora _eeaultivg Bose Moraski, ® ithtie girl of : in eating Emporiam alive to-day, sod | Ragl. the county seal 18 weepiny in outer dark- | | wad 5:10, aboat 25 minintes from the time | | a precunocas endition, sad may. wot ” pesa. Following is the score: [toe girls went inte the deep water. | cover. _ DRIFTWOOD. Messengers were aut to town for madi- | Cienso VE ! ; , hax sod New | oo ons Tia! 3 : j : 3 # = nates after trict Court Decl Me } 3 : -— Metionty = 14: Joes had been taken out. They ased the | Dus - Moms, Inn, Jans 10. —Jodge } | electric battery aad tried olber thethode | Spurrier, of the distriet conrt, w the case ' kpown to the profsséton for dren va. Pr 0, this Worning, #0 drowned persona, bat there Waa Lol AT |, 1 that the defendant sod his sssoctels 18 4 | spoosive sign of life in any casa Hy t bat | oloonkeepsrs had ool a — -w | time not less than 40 people of the veigh- quired, under {he recent supreme coatt 2 borhood bad gathered at the scene wud | inion, the validity uf the petition of i they tenderly carrie! the bixdies to the | consent suder which saloons ae licensed bomes which bad so latuiy been brighten- io Des Motes, and that the petition was : 2 ad by their presence is ful! health snd void. In order to avon injonction Pro 2 3 0 0 joyonaspints, o1" Sanday bandreds of people from the ili vedere od wobibioes Ms : aision the saloonkee pers closed hele ple oi of bosinéss as soon ws the decision Chtla May Net Becwver. AE iia es 8 NOW A ~3RY" TOWR. | At of the Salvens of Des Bom Bones Closed bs 3 Sine Rr ‘ 0 1 [eal aid sad Dre. Coclira ! somb arrived in aboat Totals NEPORIUM, = {mvenor e Hayes p . Clane i ; i b 4! T.Cavenor s. i } 1 © i Taggart 3... a 0 1 } Callahan 2 Canney | Rimeh mm Rshrak r Totals Deftwood i 1 Empuriam <2 0 Two-imse hits—Cave por, Laney, Ser Mot onde. Bishop, White, Mate rpetm gh. Thiressbase hit—Durneil. : Bases stelen—Dritwwood 13 Emporiam 4. Bases on Balis—Stofter & Hayes §, White 1. Struck out—By Staffer 7; by Hayes 8. Umpire— Roach. fe a | pluce where the drowning ocurred, and 311 Ca the tamihes are old residents and well | known many friends called st their sad a 1 oH a i } 9 dened homes. In the Anthony family there were six ehuldres, Dr. C. U. Ae : Coxcusvs, June 10 Flstcher Sells = ery rn. A Female Embersier. mapas, ‘Pa., June 9. Mise Cors Wool, assistant postmistrees at Counesat Inke, has been arrested, charged with em- were 1 the bathing party and were ™e- csed by Bis Riser. The inthegy 5.3 Bo mectan? an wi be aslement of $317. When all had heen recovered it! ‘that pines, aged about + your, She isin : 0 o «+a wadered, and Des Moines in 8 “dry” C