aia JOSTES RENEWED. Frcohnter Retereen Chinese Japs on Palm Isfand. “and GALIMA DEATH LIST GROWS LARGER. Miss Lavir, of Firtshurg. ana Mrs, Thee. 10u, of Shsron, Are Among Lie Lost.’ Lospox, May 31-—A dispatch from Bhsrghet says the Japspecn hava Jaded 0a Puim island, north of Formose, they tet with determined sud powserfal resistiince. The Japarece gradually drove the Chinese defenders of the jeland back and fighting was at last accounts still ib ogee: . CALIMA DEATH LIST GRUWS. Wiss Davis, of Pittsburg and Mrs Thornton of Sharon Are Among the Lost, San Fraxcisco, May 31.—It js now nearly definitely establiclia i that 188 per. sons were drowped hy the einkiog of tie Qalirsa and 96 svcd. Among the lost were Mee. Charlee Tooruton snd her companion, Mise Beesis Davie, of Piste- purg. The ladies were on their way fo join Mri. Thornton's hoeband, who is building a railrcad at Guatemala City. I ——————— ont HS wine KO APPORTIONMENT. "Gaited io Receive a Constitutional Majority When Viled ou in the House. Barnissree, May 30 -Wheb the house * miet lbis moroing ihe geperal appro priation bill wis recommitied to the ap ‘propriation ccmmittee. 15 appropriation bills passed firially, the principal ones being $300 000 to State normal schoole; $255,000 $0 the University of Pennsyivanie; $287,- 000 Weetern Penns. ivstitation for feeble minded sad 818000 for equestrian stat- - ute tn capitol grounds of Gev. Hartran/t. As was predicted the apportionment bills were d:feated in the house (his afternoon, The vote on floal psssuge _ was about the same on the three bille-88 | yeas; 78 nays, less than s constitutional mejority. Bill to eetablish intermediate _gourts, with an smendment reducing judges salery from $27,500 to $5,000, was pending when the homse a3jured at 6 o'clock to meet st 7:80. When the bouee met this evening cob * sideration of the mtermedinte conrt bill was resumed, the pending amevdment being to reduce the ealarics of jadges from $7500 to $5,000. Alter soma disovs- sion the amendment was defeated. and the bill finally paseed by a vote of 140 to 20. Bil’! to regulate the nomination snd election of public officers avd pucishing certain offences in regard to such elec tions, passe 1 Goally. - Houee adjourned to | to Monday afternooo. THE SnEsHAM “onesnam ossrourEs. Military and Civie Honors Attended the Chicago | the Funerat st Oakwood. Cincaco, May 30.—The remsins of Walter Q. Gresham were interred this at- ternoon in 8 veult in Oskwood cemetery | with eivie snd military hovors. The body will remssin in the vault until s finsl buri- al place is chosen. Thousends of people hued the route of the funeral proceesicn. AStike Practiéally Ended. Corexusus, O., May 30. ~The interstute miners’ convention adjourned to day with- out having taken any action regardiog the strike. The Ohio delegates are bold- _ jog n eooference with the operators, with | a view to siding the strike in thie state, | ‘President Ratehfod avid in him speech to the mmitiers that he thong ht it #48 a Wise taka to demand 6) cents por ton, dy Was done by the Obio miners’ convertion held bere three weeks ago. The strike is certain to come tor RI en od | ot once. Died From the Beas. : DIARAPOLID, Msy 30.—Rabti Louis Shetestsky, of the Sherah Tefells Covsre | ~ gation of this city, died from the bent this afternoon. Tbe day is a hofiday with the Hebrews sod the charch re. crowded. He preached for pesrly two! qunt rate. INCOME TaX REFUND. Money Will bs Paid Upon Proper Prot in the Course of Time. Wasa xaroN, June 2.—The fun fii - ures on the income tax collectioh csorot be sseetlsiued 2.111 the retarps gre n- ¢-ived by tre coumissioner of inteiusl revenne, which wil ‘be shuut the middie of this mouth 1 it 8 probable, gintement wii o Weis showing tie grgonpt of tex 0 oled in the various districts. formulate a4 prov ding for tie a finding | of (he? 5 collected avi no vew Nu Lew - wy a put into operation. hivi CIO YORIE BD «of | titider th RIEL Pr silo poof wr be Late BES obiurge thaw work med 0 Bde sil be repeid np tie rer re oof time, RFE ay “Prise pers FE cupped, Naw Erowewick, ¥. J. Inne. ~Th teen jomute ¢f the Now Jersey nicra wehool ut J akin “Pt ped after ple? AF hall, upd np to this time uli spiare them wera frunitlecs ir ing a gyms #fforta to ¢ Anong those whol £041 ned we! the wort boye in the shoo! a on were trusted Dees DRErs Or Servants, who wire a owed liberty occasionally and olwuys ramnrpied, Lynched Hint = at Last. Loaax, O., May 81. —Nelsos Feathe:- off, aged 50, who was nrrested yesterday oa a churge of sttemptivg to amuit a [0 yeurold girl on bis farm near Laurelton, wes takon fron hay gst night snd lynch- al, Lo s A mob of nour country people, which had snrronnded bie place of corfinement for nearly two daye, overpowered the of- ficers and tock the prisoner. He was hanged to a tree nod his body shot toll of holes. FoatbercT wai an uocoltared mar, and appeared : indifferent to hie fate. Be} had & w fo and a’ £ married daughters. Lake Bleamor Sunk. Arpesa, Mish, May 31 —The sterm re Norman aod Jel coli ed in a denre fog near Middle Islnd, Lebhe Haron, luet pight. The Noripan sink, carryiou fown the stevard’'s wif rod a deck bund. : The Jack wes eda at leet but in 8 bedly damaged oovditiso, Her captain, mates spl enpinesr © tose to leave ber, The balavce the Jack's crew avd that of the Norman took to I! rafts and small bos's snd were picked ap by the steam barge Picken and landed bere this mourn ug. a ev. po B wate: man Kr of # # ’ Down to “@ona Work. The Ieynoldeville schoo! board deserves great praise for the business like warner | they attend to what onmes before them. The schools have been in excellent con- dition all winter, The manner in which the board bas sone to work sestliog the vexing questions regarding the prelim. inary work of erecting the new bailding is wortby of tbe greatest praise. The people have rensun to feel that the money they have consented to be rimased this sammer will be ndmirably well expended. Of course they oaght to do well with $25,. 000 st their command yet a less bum ‘ness like bosrd e¢ould easily squander that ‘smount by mistnansgement. = Reypolde: ville Volante er er. Re tur from Chiesge, sod ealivet, exonpt Carlisle snd Morton, arrived back from Chisago this afternoon. Al wers well snd. ceeminaly unfatigoed. Tint Weather Record Breuker, Was mineroN, Jang 2.—Thae bot wive which bwe hovired over the esstern sud! tog the past few daye has been 8 record breaker, nod offiziala of the weather tu- rean are gosble at the present time to | predict avy rebef. : : Oblo Strike “Omcially Fuded, Coreupos, Jane 2.—The Ohio mine strike wae cMoially ended yeeterday and the strikers wil return to work at the 31 Thia is rqaal to the 60 cent " bodrs snd then started to walk to bia | rile in the thins pein ot Peonsylvanis. hots stout two blocks from the chareb. | - Heo loll at the gate sod diad withio s | bay boar. Virgisls Strikers Give op HBepe. -Vocamowras, Vs, May 30.—Frem the operators’ point of view the situation in | the Flat Top 20s! region is now brighter | ‘thao for several days pest, and the 00u- | census of opivion is that Laroless bes | "Jost the fight and the miners bave gained | nothing. Many of the strikers, sewing | the hopelessness of their struggle, are willing to agree to almost acy terme that the operators may propose. ‘Gov. Morton Overcome With Hes, Eleetnd nea Ac A, Horiparsnoka, Jane 2.—Rev. Owen Jame , pustor of the First Baptist chareb, | hae been “elected to rod accepted the! presidency of Rower Williams anivers | Naghville, Yen, © New Labor guia sation, Frreesoro, Jove 2 | to Lersafter be known ee the United La- bor League of Weatern Panasylvania was | organized in tiie city to-pight. Over a bundred deleyu es representing every la- bor organizaticu in Western Peoneylva- | ! ua met in ccowentiou and decided to! | amalgamatis into one organization. The | | Seventeen Fatal Ca ases ivgulations will be! HEAT'S HARVEST OF DENTH in Phila. delphia Sunday. "| PROSTRATIONS NUMBER MANY SCORES. Prospects © r polis! and Dremdful Suffering Feared for To-day. PHiLADELHIA, Jone 2 —Sdveuteen peo: pla were kilied 10 thie city to-day by the Litele A | boot. ua of oo nts, id {Judge Siupoutown W as arxaTON, May 31. ~The president | middie sections of the United titates dur | Among tha victims was Police an of 1he 2ud district. He was #toiche eyenige Nearly all those wae dred to-dug Lad been overcomd yes: ter iny kud wore uneble to snrvive the shock. It was pot #0 bot by 2 degrees as it wav yesterday. The highest voint be: 10g 95. Over ut Atlantio City it was 96. Thuuder showers this evening seul ile mercary down to 79. ‘Ibe reliof was not of apy loug dnrance and at 8 to-night the thermometer bad | mounted again to 81. Prostrations from the heat cum? er sev: eral goores, and on Friduy there were two denibe, threa yesterday aul the slimex wus resched to-day when seventesa per sons died. Tbe shermometer t-ilny 10 the weather buresa ¢flios at ity maximaw at 2 o'clock registered 95, two uwjrees CM of tale, « band lowest point touched by the thermonieter to-day was at 5:30 this 1 mornive, when it stood st 70. Fortunately the day wes Buuday abd workers in the mill's snd fmaonlieturing e:tablist metts were able to rest and seek what cocineis thay could, and vat fur this the mortality wonld undoabludly bave been wach higher thao it wae, be- gides 17 dentlis (hete ware scoree of pros trations reported by the police aud how many more there were it the honseholde “of many families they alone know. Reports received trom poiuts throogh: ant enstern Penneylvanin, show that the hent 10 that enction hes been es great as in Philatelphis, sithongh not sn deadly ip its sfTeots. [.i'te promise of relief 10. lower than yesterday's msximam. Tre The tonats Stearn Its Catestars of Blils. ~Fro- © ceefisgs of the House. HaxsisnoRa, Jura 3 Tus bones this afternoon paseed Ii ally the geiersl ap- 7 tint bills. jers orphevs schools from 14 to 16 years ference of appoint «nt cr stoplosment to who fought for the Union. The secicn of the ganete this sfternoun | wag devoled to first and second reading | © of the valve dar which wae clesred sod the confers red to he sppropriation oc mrmittes, ‘The bot . this evening agreed to s:uate smendment to the ‘religions garb” imposivg od ecbool directors a five employing teachers who wore religic. « garb. The honse refused to concur in seni te amendmettsto jadicia! apportionment tl) and it was referred to the commities cu | ounlerence. The eslecdar of the He-pate bills cu sec- bille pursed wes one chargiog the rate of tax.stico npoo egricaltars!, farm aod eu harban lend from owe balf to ove f arth, The bill fixing one slection esch yesr aus defented, The louse adjoarned at 11 o'clock vo- til to-morrow, Wren the Sanste met this evening the H. nse bill dividing ciliee into ibree clase- m8 with respect to population wees pasred as arsended and retarned tothe Honee for | SOT CATTeDOR. House bill {or Bxiog the time for anna al organization of board «! school oen- trollers in cities of the third-clase wea overwhelmingly defeated ou final pasesge Bill smendiog the liquor license law conetitational me) rity voting for it, At 10:85 the Senate adjourned outil to- morrow. : : : The June Forum, The Foram for Joue coutaivs fonrtesn interegting and trmelv ie held oat by the weather burean and another drew ilfat day of sofedog seems | is store for Phils wilde! phinns fo-niorrow. r War, Fight i zol stpow Sonth Carolina's Liqu Conompia, B. UL, Jevie 2 punts | fos whose Honor Les been semiten ty Dis TRImena 91 perasry ir jnetivy, Baws pads United States cop affidavit that tie their own personal uns st 4 der the irjanetion wut sab] Thess papers hase Deen fo sewarded to Jude» “imonton st Richmond, and it is expacte that be wil! order the wrest of the cou: ables who msde the seizures for sontempt of court. me sbi be vines AMER weds ! Bgaor 92 a was io thegelune, ie “ 0 BF ZaTe i Quurreled Over a hotee, Woncestai, Mess, Jone 2. George P. Woddis, 8 well known farmer in Rat land, shot snd instantly killed bis son-in- law, Jobn Adams, Bsturdey sod then shot himself. He died within a few rain- ates. Adams was older thau his Lather in. law. They qnarrelad about = borsa. Woddis wsoted to borrow Adams to] drive to Worcester, but was refased. | This led to the Shooting. Mivister Ransom Relornior, Raveion, N. C, Jone 2—A priv. egram from Miuister Matt Rivsoni ao’ the aity of Mexioo, says he ie on his way howe to North Carolina. - No reisou Ziven for his retarn and there is sore | sarmire that he may be tendered a cat:- | nent position. Some of his friends fac he is ill. . Expected ai Gray Gables. Brzzarps Pay, Juus 2. —Mre. Cleve land sud the children are expected at Gray Gables 1p a few days as the sol fen | approach of hot wenthwr will. require ber | | departure from Washing on with little | delay. Mrs. Clevelind will probably | i come here from New York ov tha Hows yacth Oneida as in former senroDA. te tele | | Io addition t to ‘the ususl variety of top ‘jee, the June Forum bas two atriking | features: the debate about *‘Cown’s Finan ein! School”; and a group of threw otrik- | — A vaw labor party | ng educational 'pspers—by. Dr. Rice, | President Thwiag, acd Mr. E. P. Powell. Gobbled by the Srachor Trust. Esie, Jane 2.—The Unitad States creck- er trust Las finally gobbled the Erie stenm | bakery owned by W. J. Bande &- Sone, | { Tos f Guswth él Anas tempting to Caited States baosme wn nation, and that | | fred. nationality, si sme fy ni { Riloer ating?" | Kiplie {er ia sontrih M ad tee (Fan, anes | Walker, Prectden: of tin Mma Atte of A v ; Caen av 4 UNE pala y whos Low an! waen it hos ail the obaractéPistion of well dee | He says that the most | do. pment of American pationality wae | vce sauranter of Washington, Argument” is discussed by Mr W. H. Harvay, nuthor ot **Coiv’s Finan- onl Bohool,” from tha stendpoiot of the Prea-cotpege advooates; on the other hand, the Hon. John De Witt Warner, of the Sennd Carrency Committea of the New York Reform Cinb, poiuta ont what be re- ‘personal utinence on the garda as “The Grotesque Fallacies of the | Free Silver Argument.” Dr. J. M. Rice, suthor of “The Public Sebool Byetem of the United States,” severely criticiaes the Report of the Committees of Fifteen on elementary eduoation, and sdvoostes +A Rational Correlation of School Stu. jes.” Mr. E. P. Powell lays down the American Educational System in Faot;” ‘tha prinoipal condition be thinks to be | the conenlidetion f smaller colleges with inrger ones, and a system of State control; ‘and he nrres millionaires to give to onll- | egen already established, instead of found- ing new ones. President Chas. P. Thwing, of Western Regeree University, discnsses “Callegn aby, Trieh lewler in tie House of Com- Fivaroes mone, writes a very interesting and enter. taining article on’ Joseph Chamberiain.” Charles L. Dana. “Are We Degeper- Mr. EV. “North-west Magrzive,” 10 of the Great Arid Waat” tells how small 8 territory wo really. possess in tha {ar eat that cap evar be of valas agri caitar- uliy, even witi the ui d of urigation—e Mr William Hen- oritivises “Mr. Mr. Herbert { Dr. very startling scticle. iy Bishop, the 0 jvelist, g's Work, So Far”; ! Potuam, Library, raries of the United States,” De. ER Lo [Gonld urges expropriation by onr large eties of crowi led wnid ipsavitary ten. | ments, end the making of pumerons small pure aod playgrounds «8 “The Only | Care for Slams”; Mr Fletcher Osgcod, an aathonty on voice eniture, explains | why “The American Counvareationsl Voi- | The trust waged & war on the Erie cous jg Bad,” sod the number closes with | | gern. quarter of a a million dollars. "Other Gas Explorations. i The work of getting ready to (drill the Naw York, May 80.—While Gov. Moc | | combired toe beni: will be over 23,000 | test wall for gas or oil which Lave & tor was reviewing the parade this morn- “jog he was overcome by heat snd, secom- panied by ex-Presideot Harrison, wine at | one drived to the Fifth Avenue botel. At 230 be bad sufficently recoverad to drive to Grant's tomb where he witnsceed the Decorrtion dey exerowe at the resting : place ¢ of the dead chieftair. Wo Agreement, Covi Msy 81.—No sgreement hau yet been reached between the Ohio emmy 1 0’ wag. The * conference adjourned at midnight to to- morrow on acoount of inability of the operators $0 sgres among themeel ves. The operators are now in a quarrel sa to differeutiale. The operators in the Jack- son end Massillon districts insist thet the _ gatoe price shall be paid for mining _ throughout the state but the Hooking | street Valley operators want a 10 ovat differ. Shy of Milver, i 5 : Loum, Jaue Br. committee by a vote of 10 to 5 decided | against calling s state convention to con- | fit said thas only eleven out of the 14 btm wi - Killedl by Street Cars. Mortara, (oe. June 2.—Two pe ople | were fatally injored and five sustained serious injury this sflernocon at 6:30 O'clock in a street sar accident at the en per of Green svenue and Bherbrooke street, Went Mount, a western suburb. Those fatally injured sre Conductor A. ‘omtial against those districts in their favor. . ou : brain and Jobn Groese, Italian "hover, 2—At last sights their monntain tract is gniug steadily on. seesicn the Democratic exacutive central | The engine for the well has been moved {How rizht along. As soou as the machin- sider the silver gnestion. ‘Chairman Mof- | counties ontaids of 8t. Louis bad made a | be | demand for the convention and that it ietter is not the province of his ocmmittee to! ; assemble the purty to determine ideas in | advance of the regular state conventions. | gration commissioner snd state Iubor | commissiotier have been investigating the Lemay, suffering from concussion of the | to | Hampbreys are going to pat down on | tm Fulls Creek, and the boiler is to fol- | ery 1s tu position the derrick will be com ' mouesd. It is expected that the drill wii started in a short time. — Lanes Milla 10 Brockwayville Record. : Jap Conlies Smarming In. Sax Francisco, June 3.—The immi- ‘entrance of Japanese coolie labor into Californias. They found that methods | bave been lax in the past, bat when a lit- tle more care was given to the matter, neatly 1,000 coclies went to Victoria, B. C., snd are. now entering the United States by the northern route. All seem to be headed one way—to the farms of Oalitornis, ifrod tress, pane leit in the peighborboud. The s'orm. for several years and it is nuderstood | lan encoursging though conserv alive ar I | that the consideration in the transfer was |... “The Improving Conditicn of | | Business.” wil Fignt nt ‘Dallas New Yong, Jupe 3. —At a meeting to- | day Corbett und Fitz immons practically | agreed to fight for Florida Athle tic club, which has its besdqnarteers at Dallas, | 31. A Short but Destructive Storm. Ciarveston, Tex., June 3.—News - hae | been received of a severe hailstorm ut Paint Rock, Church county. The stones were ni asally large. killed and injured. destroyed aod large timbers were torn There was not a window Tex., on Oat. was of short duration snd covers only a smal! aren: . Troops ‘Ovdared “Out. : Lyxcasura, Va., Jane. 3.—The tollow- ing telegram was received to-night from Richmond, addressed to Cept. B. D. Ya. ney, commander of Fitz Lee troop, ‘‘Re- port to Major Simons at Pocahontas by seem | (irgt train with all available men with car bines and ammaunision, dismounted. Sigo- od, General Anderson.” HENOVD 01 propriatiop bill en. seversl minor sppro | Bill raising the age of admission 0 sold- t passed finally, es did sls bill giving pre- | honorably dicoharged soldiers sud ssilo s Le und house bills were refer- 11 tl oud reading was taken Bp and emouy the | wes defeated on final paseage, less than a ‘tolae, The lead. Hreetts | y.owh traees the | it | the | “The Free | We. Justin M'Car- Sniallvy, editor of the | “* hie Fatare | librarigu, of the Bostun Public’ writea sbont “The Great Lib- Many sheep were | Crops were utterly | THE AOE kK. t Hondriek Deposed from Louis. Arveli-13ish pie ul St, onpn Ar hol 1d bd FOR At wEaTA LF Run. Jia Jose n Action New ry 4a Kain 23 vated to the shee © ig ely, Proang ths t this Boovrtiuw, alhinrn ts from ration that toe Cre omtal ine r i i sof Bh. J... + Joseph M100 18 Lew © sorted to The cago, Places. rag PAR J eee id pont). ¥ 4 3 $ 3 $ LAL Diathe i = fi cohareh, havitg wliye ir Taye CWELTERIVG pan, ADELPHIA. 1% Last Thres Divs Have broxen the Record for the Moath of june. ¢ Prtvaoruenis, Jouve 3=The first | tires days of the mouth have broken the record for beat iv June for that period and bave coms within three-tenths of a degree of bresking the bast rieord of the weather buresn for any three Jaye, Since June 1 the meen tewpersiure in Phila- delphin bas beeti 87 degrees. Toe ttermimeter to-dey wt 3 p. m. reached ite muximom at 96 degrees, one degre bigher than yesterday. From tbat time on the mercary weut slowly downward until between 7 and 8 this evening n thunderstorm passed over the | night the wenthier is comparatively pleas ant, There were 4) cares of. prostration to. duy and foar deathe, Cooler weather is pr. miléd by “be weather borean by to- “morrow evening, aud it ia bopad that the | present te reed haat will be broken. NATIONAL LEARUE GANWET. May 3 ~The +f the National gl to-dny 2 ‘]E, aro the rasnita SHILA Puy New Ye Lesgne At Break ¥n Brooklyn t ML Tonle Batteries afl Peita, HGiuiphbert and artic At Now York. Mow Yors : Pitta ; ids Pattertes Hinde - Witeap: Ana Hugden, and Hawley . At Philadel pita. | pitnac iphia : : TO Chitago Ratterios ~~ nxey and Clements; Hutenilson, Terry and Dox lage, At Baltimore, . | Baltimore A EE sit 5 Cleveland... Een 93 Hatters Hsper, r. Hoff and Iarke: Wallace, O'Conner and Zimmer, At Washington. Washington : fonisville | . Battier om. Server ‘and ham amd Welsh, Other game > atponed. y : a dng vavi 14 MeGutre: Cunning » 3 A Poses of Slave . After Him. Uxtoxrows, Juve 3.—A posse of Slave passed thiron gh here this morning, bot on the trail of a fellow countryman, who was breaking fur the coke fleld to bide with feends. The party was beaded by Aon: tid 8andar frenoon kept $450 looked ap I ATrouk Hn Ye room, They wee booting Jaa. Seophiowio bio was 8 Boarder in Dsmestar’s bonse. He broks pen the trunk while the family were sheent spd skipped with the money. The Sisve took sfter him ss soon as they discovered the robbery sod thivk they will esteb bim to- Iny. 13ICKS oF THE TOURNAMENT. The Wey the Amusements are 1 be Vasied st Philigsbarg. The Corrizt has been favored with | press tickets lor the band tournament, avd the amusements that are to go with it, to be held at Philipsburg Thursday and Friday, Juve 20 and 21. The rules governing the tournameats of the associ ation bave recently been published in this paper, tnt the fied vvents which the Philipshnrg boys have prepared to pro- vide for the occasion are somethiog vew an this aida of the “divide,” aad the pro xrem is, thavelorr, given below: HPORTING EVENTS. ist Day. —Roud Race. First, set of harness; second, blanket; Third, whip. Open ta all I horses that nave never mead for money | Running laos. Purse 3H0.0, Ope-hatf mile I odned repeat. Money divided 0-35 15 Thre { to start. aud Day. aml pacers. i 1st Day.— Foot Race, ! rae. Purse Sum. Sk Day. ~ Foot Hace, I Pars $40.00, Pay, hele lace, x Ha 2.00. t Dny.~Doft Race. rd handicap 1x i Firat, one pair of Siiver and Cat Glass Vases, pres; ned by Wim Parker, valaed st Forty Dollars, Second, Ten Dotlars: Third, Five Dollar ; ries odo June Bah. Two Hieyeho Baces cach day, ~- Horse Race. Z3 Cliss for trotters arse S100. on, HO yard haodieap foot Dividisd [5-10-40 : 28 yard handicap Divigted 15-155, 0 yard Sack Race, fot a5 7 fit Acidvin Bl. J. Goss Band convention first day aad contest se Pongd tay. Nporls to COMED al I o'cloek pp. im, each day; Sa A Good Resolation, * | Opeofths Bailding wed Limp seso- ! aiations in DuBois passad a resolution to | the effect that they would uot place avy more loans ou town property where the conl had been mined frm uader :f, When a conservative Gowucai institution like a building and loan sasoiation re fuses to take property ‘of thie kind for se curity you should bny nove of it. The lots offered lor sale on the Wilson Ter race have no reservation of any kind. Home seekers are assured a good sod never failing water supply, the very best | puted titles and more good, substantial Sige gloves lots offered for sele at Du- Inveutigate before you invest, Is ny ‘For full particulars in rd to terme, prices, oe. call cn or ress J. P. Wilson or Dr. C . A. Wilson, DuBnis, Lid Keo- : eity and cooled the sir materially, avd to- foliowing | | thonotary. CHAPLAW Me2ABE ¢ZABE AT CLEANFIELD. The Coonly Sent Gaye More Toes OnE sary Aftestion te Deenreticn n OCrmanrizip, Pa., May 81, 1605. The people in Clearfield and ings turned oat in large nambers to part in Decoration day services. pri forencon was epent in reotiving visitorses the truine, and the exercises did not be panies entered the opers hogs sa tollows : {irand Anny of the Reprablie, dons of VV: By lenrficid Fire orepary. Clearfield Cornet Hand. Enighis of the Golden Fagle xi Fullows Order United Amaerienn Machanies. Patriotic Onder Scns of Amiens. Satton's Drom Corps. After all the — nislos were filled the {cllowing program wee carried oot: Opening Prayer, by Rev. Dr, Stephstas I tle wit t+ Army agile, Mu by Memorial Chodr. Rerviees igi Herald, Amerfon and Ihiges. Fourty- id States in Order of Ad aatesion fmt Salute to the Flag by the /Firis ie Ln Gund from the Cle misid Ondets—. Song by € haplain Met aby, Introduetlon of Ortor, by Dir. J, P. Burchfield Ormtlon by A. H. Wood . Hinging by Memorial Chesir. Closing Prayer, by Rev, Dr. McKinley. ~The oclumb then formed itr reverse ore der oo Market street and marched to the square around G. A. R. Place. A chorus of girls vang “America,” the cererpony of strewing flowers on the. graves the Cadets fred # salote snd the bsod and Memorial choir gave several selections. The *xercites were oss with prayer by Rev. Mr. Trisbley imonard Gearbart amid Elbert Brows returned from Carlisle oti Tuesday, © The faveral of Mre. Arnvie Walisee took place from the residense of Mr. ¥. B. Irwiz at 4 o'clock on Thursday. © Cosplasin MeCabe's lecture on “The Bright Side of Life in Libby Prisov’" was pot well sttended Inst night owing to the bested vondition of the stmospere, but * those who beard the lecture were highly | pleared, Tlie thermomater registered 95 in the shade yesterday. Joseph B. Chase, of Clearfield, bas ap- pounced himeel! as a cundidute for pro- Joa deserves the sapportol all good Republicans. AT THE NOME OF ™E BUCKTARS. Grey Velerans in Blue Were on the Streets Early at Carwensville. % 15°56 | guet Dewenter,of Calitoruia, Pa, who an.’ conditions which should govern ‘‘An| : CORWENSVILLE, Pa, May 30.—Memo- r al day in this place dawned ss beautifal ss one could wish, At an esrly bour the men iv blue could besern harryivgtosnd fro in their esyeroess to Lasten to the peighboring cemeteries to decorate (he - aravee of the beroio dead, sud get buokte town in time to take pert in thesfierncon ceremonies at this pisces. In the fore noow a delegation of the 3. A. R.end & o! V'a, sccompavied by the bad, went i Bloomivgtop. A. T. Bloom address forthe G. A. BR sud 4. P. : talked oun the “Unkuvown Dead,” for the B. of V. delegstiovs, und slso went to Center and MoClare cometuries and dese - orsted the graves there. Iu the afternoon the line of march wae taker op of 190 he decoration ceremonies of the Gi. A. RB. dead literally covered with flowers snd formed and marched to the opsrs hone, whern farther exercises were held. Gene ersl order No. 1I'was read there, prayer was offered by Rev. D. Creighend. teste sang ‘Brave Hesrts Forever and then the orator of the dny, — | Americas Enfield, of Bradford connly, wes sunonnced. His talk wie one of those which will leave & lesting impres- - and to the point. Praising the men whe wore the blue, and saying nothing die ‘paragiogly sbout thowe who were cone quered. His entire taik 18 pod £5 be come pared with the bombastic polities tirade delivered her: isst year, snd instéad of leaving the town disliked, Mr. Enfield wormed himself deep info the hearts of the members of the G. A. EK sod many of our citizens who came in contact with bim darrog his stay. Carwenaville wes the first town in the loostion in this whole section, an adie |' a advantages than from any sonpty to commemorate Decoration i |i 1868, and hus never mised & your oi 3 that time. She sent two as brave fon to the froht daring the war as ever - served —Cempany K. Ist Rifles or Bueb- taile, EN by Capt. B. A. Lwin, ani company ‘149¢h, nleo Bocktsils, and it was the Jruves ot many of these that were burdened with lowers and gir lands to day. Sunday Fire st Bradford. The plant of the Bradford Tar Works way win -st totally destroyed by fee yo- terday morning. Abcut 4 0’ lek Levi Barlia, the night ra soci nes bp i Ap ing tar.from one of the zills. When Me. Berlin attempted to mpeu the stop cosk, it broke off and a strenm of tar ran down into the fire-box of the still. instantly, and Mr Berlin was forced to soanded, but when the fAremen arrived gn notil 2 p. m., wheo the various com. cetastery, where it formed in a bollow and the grave of the dead heroes were decorsted by the G. A. R. and Sons of Veterans. During o'clock sharp. Arriving st the cemetery chaplets, after which the lie wes me sion on the minds of the S00 priwons who heard it. His sentences were sbort wis were performed snd the graves of the stiliman, tried tu draw a emple of boil fla for his lite. In a few moments the still was « mines of flames. An slarm wes - 1 thie «renter part of the plat was burning, ;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers