The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 06, 1895, Image 1
$3 Magic ‘Cough Cure. ~~ % Prescriptions a Specialty. # 4 those mammoth signs which ~ R.M.THOMRS, ~ Northern Cambria has put up in all sections of the county. which goes to show that he is note that we handle | with the P S Shears for stony the market. Think of it, 75 town of Clearfield during last 1 VOL. 1L—NO. 79 Signs of Times ‘the man who advertises does "the business. We will not state thing in the line of general _ Paints, Oils, Varnishes, a ah . PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1895. RENE FN id 3 re i $1.00 PER YEAR. a _PEPSIN also see the Baby ELEPHANT. i Medicines Chemicals Cigars : Tobacco - Sauff Smoker's Articles. Toilet Articles Holiday Goods Always ; Goods s Base Ball Goods = FINEST SODA WATER. My Mock Drugs —=Manufaeinrer of Magic - Drops wand give satisfaction or Guaranteed to money cheerfully refunded. ze cums * |THE CONDITION OF TRADE DATION EDUMRMAGY spr bn veces ' FLOUR MAKES TE ; ] oh - Nails and bar iron are higher, and thers is a firmer feeling on all from goods. Sales of light hardware are| fair. The advance in leather contin-| ues, sole being up 2c. per pound, and ‘the recent appreciation in uppers has; : | caused shoe manufacturers to mark up | p Prioss of shoes from be. to 10c. per | pair on top of the recent ndvance. A SEs by Wabdels ul Triminge to the Grate wooon stock. It is held firmly. Gro- rope w ‘ontinune Mtroager. | : ; BosTON May 31.—The genarsl foul-| ney usinee oro Holding their own. merchandise, but the tendency is yet ip tant features. Wool receipts to operate conservatively, which keeps |g gg4 432 pounds. The increase in trade moderate. The moncy market oo; iation in grain has enlarged the closes dull and generally easy, which | 4... 004 for money for use as margins. is due in part to the holiday. Business qu. me oantile demand only moderate. paper of choice quality continues in o peitions generally good. Lo light supply, with rates at 33} per | |,gvnae May 31.—A seasonable |cenit., while corporation loans are .....4 : ’ b ti in general merchan- | quoted at 3iw3ic. and collatersl loans | gi, or fucrores in most lines are | | vance yet noted in the prive of boots | ing strong for best grade, both {and shows, in sympathy with the | purely and dark. : + {higher cost of leather. Union sole; Kanaas CITY, May 31.—The dry | | leather was advanced 3c. and hemlock | ye ther has affected trade in staples sole lc. the past week, while grain. . aerably and reordem are falling | (leather is also 1(i3c. higher. The in-\oy Collactjons are moderate. The. | ereased cost of heavy low cos: Brain | Lo. stock market is uneven, the tend- | {shoes from the very lowest point | oy being lower in price. 5d | through the advance in the cost of go PauL, May 31.—Trade conditions | leather has been from 25c. to 40c. per _ practically anchanged. Jobers ie ‘are having good seasonable busiriess BurraLo, May 31.—The weathar Oy the prospects as excellemt. | conditions have been more favorable Ts : : | Orop conditions are favorable. | for the retail trade during the past few | 5, yoonvriie May 31.—City and | days; the sitaston, however, is prac-| ;.v collections are slow. Retail | tically unchanged. Some improve. i oi jesale business is fair. The As Reported by Bradstreet's Commercial Agency THE DEMAND CHECKE Maybe you don't know that a Columbia crank is different from other bicycle cranks. Just drop in and let us show you the differ- ence. No keys to work loose. Narrow tread Easily detach- able. Strong and simple. The cranks are but one point in Elurs100 Buya , A The best dicycle-unsqualiod, snapproached. The Columbia Catalogue, artistic, beantiful, is call. of all Columbia, on eat of lower-priced machines s THE BEST OX EARTH. . C. W. HODGKINS, 5th & Beech Aves., =. Patton, Pa. Not the hard - times, but the leadin ‘hatdware man of You can see them everywhere, the man who advertises and in detail what is Kept at our store but when you want any- Farming Implements, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, {There is & spirit of unrest among the | ‘|carpet weavers, and a meetiog was |dry goods, although the unsettled gb 1oryet has been fair, with con- {leum remains drm, but orders are, {advanced 30 per cont. to 50 per vent. light, with a fair demand. Cotton is 4 | fuctories having been restored to their | prices for iron results in a betler feel- | ‘ling, and more prosperous conditions | are looked for. | as regards rates and volume of business. | | PHILADELPHIA, May 81.— Wool and | vegetable crop is larger than for the textile industries continue quiet. { y Mew ORLEANS, May 31..- The volume ' | of trade in nearly all lines has almost reached normal proportions for the held on the 28th inst. to decicie whether | : 2 prices. Buyers |to strike or not for higher. wages. | are purchasing more freely, exhibiting Continued improvement is noticed in | willingness to anticipate wants. | weather causes a falling off. Petro-| a. p10 activity in state securities. has been dull, arrivals light, and prices barely maintained. Stock of rice is moderate and offering made for immediate demands only. | Prices of leather and morooto have lon certain grades. Shoe mimufact- | urers are fairly busy, and anticipate ‘increased activity, wages in some quiet, with irregular and fluctuat- ing prices. The movement has Leen | SAN Prancisco, May 31.—Business continues good. It is reported on good authority that 2,600,000 bushels ‘of the falr syndicate wheat has heen | Prrrssua, May 31.—The volume of iter Tap A S000 44 business has not shown any: increase, iv ; but prices hold firia, with an upward Sigs are nominal st 37s. 6d. to Cork tendency. Buying for immediate con- poo0 La (General x sumption still rules, and while stocks Po vy May 2 | ness is fair, with no new have become low by reason of an in- yw 00 continues quiet. creased demand with the resumption mp, cous May 31.—There is no ma- of many idle industries, the inclina- | yo rial change in trade conditions. The tion Is to restrict purchases to nearly 8 o.oiher is seasonable and the crop cash basis. Iron and steel show some | 0.0100) is favorble. advance in price, with Bessemer iron ToroNTO, May 31.—Hot summer and steel billets in good demand, and | ther has stimulated the demand for it is believed prices will be further ad-| Ju lo dry goods. There is also vanced. An increase in the price of| ... improvement in hardware, coke is looked for, which causes larger | metals, leather and ; P i buying for future delivery. = = = ' | ote are good. Wheat is selling at §1 BAUTIMORE, May 31.—The dry goods 0 yneario points. : trade report a stendy increase in the — / es sale of summer goods, and state there . |/ DINED AT THE WHITE HOUSE. has been a large advance over 1884, Large Number of Wheelmen From the and collections are reasonable. The Surrounding Country Present. notion business has closed for the (On Sunday about forty-five bicyclists spring and summer season, bul; a large from the surrounding country met at fall and winter trade is expected. The | Juke Truby’s White house at Gaszzam hatters have experienced « dull spring | where they partook of a sumptuous, and summer season on account of the dinner prepared for the occasion. It former figures. The effort to ndvance | usiness ) os | in which to advertise prices. The spring and summer trade 4; DuBois. : : - Plumbing, Tinning, ; Etc., Etc., Call on us and you will save ey. We wish to especially the cele- South Bend Chilled Plows, ground—one of the first in the look for the fall appears to be brighter. | treatmen : The situation at present is ohio ih of ant they Sexi Is promising in this line, and collections | Following are the names of the bi- are reported much better than in 18M. oy cle riders from Patton who were CLEVELAND, May 31. — General present: C. W. Hodgkins, Frank wholesale trade continues in fairly Owens, Clurence Edmiston, Warren satisfactory volume, conditions being Shepherd, Hayes Wilson, J. W. Hoy, | much the same as throughout the E. F. McLaughlin and Harvey Pat- | month. | terson. : : od CHICAGO, May 31. —~There hus been a slight let up in the volume of business | i | with the wholsale houses during the, A large number of miners have, week, but there was a good trade for | faoved away from Patton to seek work the last of May. ' Orders for irnmediate | *lsewhere. Work here for the past use were generally small sized, but for | Taonth has been very sick. The pros: | fall dry goods and clothing orders are Pects for June work it is sald will be being placed with considerable free. 'nuch better. a 1 Mining Notes. of these plows were sold in the Yours for in Square Deal, : LM THOMIS, Magee Avenue, PATTON, PA dom; many of them, however, are sub. The coal firm of Hastings & Beaver, ; ject to cancellation later should crop f Bellefonte, has bought & large coal | reports be unfavorable. The feeling tract in Clearfield county. i on cotton goods is strong. There is no The new shaft which the Berwind- let up on the demand for pig iron, “bite Coal Mining company has been steel rails and billets. Good orders are | Hinking at DuBols, has been completed. | being placed and there is a stronger | The upper works have all been put in | feeling. Pig iron has advanced 350. | And shipments of coal begun last week. to 800, with fair sales including a= Beech Creek engine No. 7, which | number of fair sized lots. A feature is hauls the coal from the mines at this: that the advance does not check the | place, has been sent to the shope for | demand, but appears to increase it. | repairs. TF MOST WHOL: THE JUNE TERM OF COURT. | wits pesties having settled matter in- estate of Evan R. Bennett, ‘inquest lon real estate. ‘va. T. Wi. Letts, probated copy of ac- unsettled weather, but are making was a scheme of the Arrow Cycle club, ‘for public road in said township. View- a feport to the Division Rights and | preparations for a prosperous fall and of DuBois, and it proved to be an ele- ers appointed. | winter. Those in the boot and shoe gant manner Hardware, | burg, for land described in the petition | trouble and expense in in trust for said congregation. am, BA Sin A A A 5 {OLESOME BREAD. remem mm OGL ND GEAERAL NES. Confirmed nisi. two election districts. | Gathered Here and There by : » Barker. | Return of sale of real estate of Annie | he “Courier” cs Before Judge B Da by hot the “Courier Reporter : : Annie Rhiner. | : OPINIONS ARE FILED | Petition of Margaret Goughnour for HAPPY JUNE WEDDI CL | inquisition to determine the question By the Court—Several Interesting Cases are | of the innacy of John McAbes. Inqui- The [ .; Metre the Gunad Jury. | sition swarded to be taken before the Jewels McDevitt Solemnised. The June term of court opened Mon- | court st Ebeusbare, Monday, June 18, | A pretty church wedding was cele- day morning with Jodge Barker om! jgps. brated on Tuesday morning, Jane sth, the bench. Petition of Gottlieb Bantly, nesignee | in the St. Mary's Catholic church in N. I Roberts was called and sworn | of Aaron Emerick and wife, for rule : as foreman of the grand jury, which on Davis M. Davis to show cause why | i body then received their usaal instruc- gale to him should not be set aside; Haymen. The bride was Miss Jemsle tions from the court. : | granted, returnable fourth Monday of | McDevitt, daughter of James MeDevitt, . Pollowing are the motions and peti- | June. : {and the groom Mr. James Nolem, s tions presented by attorneys: "Petition for incorporation of First former Philipsburg boy. Miss Me. ' Report and return of Helena Mel- English Evangelical Lathersn church | Devitt was fashionably attired in a cos- : lon, trustee in estate of Henry Mellon, of Morrellville; taken by. the court tame of deep cream ‘Henrietta and deceased, to an order authorizing sale ' for consideration. : | wan attended by ber sister, Miss Grace; of real sstate to Henry L. Cooper for In the matter of case of Mrs. Ellie and Miss Maggie Ryan, while ‘the $600. Sale confirmed nisi. | 0’Rouke by her next friend, Francis | groom in conventional black had as Report and return of Joanna Durbin, 'Stattman, libel in divorce, va. Martin | attendants his brothers, Messrs, Matt- executix of last will and testament of | ("Rouke, subpcena on - defondant hav- | hew and Dennis Nolen. After the cere- Angusting Durbin, deceased, to an ing been returned n. e. lL, alias sub- | mony, which was conducted by the order suthorizing sale of real estate; pena awarded. Rev. Father Marcellus, the bridal unsold for want of buyers. Confirmed. In the case of the Cambria County | Petition of Joseph Rainey, collector | Bar associstion vs. Alfred Ashton, of Dride’s parents, on Palmer avenue, of taxes in the borough of Lilly, for Braddock, seeking to disbar Mr. Ash. | Where an elegant wedding breakfast leave to [file his resignation. Decree ton for conduct unbecoming his pro- | Was served. Ma of made declaring said office vacant. | fession, the rule of disberment was The festivities concluded with a bril- In re 8. Wilson & Co. vs. L Rabino-: granted and made absolute. lisnt wedding ball in the Good Hall ; ne : In the case of the City of Johnstown Where the friends of the happy couple volved, leave was granted to withdraw | yu. Albert Witt, the motion to strike Assembled to do honor to the cecasion. Retarn of sale of J. J. Rhoddy, as ceptions to the resurn by the Mayor | Were bestowed upon Mr. Nolen for signee of Theodore Benden and wife, sustained, and the procesdings re. having won so charming a life partaer, of Gallitsin township, real estate sold versed. ‘and that their life may be as fall of to Cltisens’ Building and Loan sssocias- In the case of T. J. Fear! va F. W, Sonshine as their wedding day is the tion of Altoona. Sale confirmed. | Clark, the motion for a new trial waa | With of the COURIER. : 4 In smgned este of BP. Rage, minoed. a avila of con : | In the case of the Excelsior Bdilding. Decoration appropriately In sssigned estate of William H. and Loan association vs. Mrs mE\ Decorstion Day wae pr Williams, order of sale continued. | Kennedy, the rule was discharged. | Every business house was closed and In estate of Joseph Fry, late of An application for the icorpors- | every person seemed filled with pa- | 8. George was trustee. view i Abstract of the Proceedings Hsin : Nuptinis of James Noleni and Miss ‘Reade township, deceased, petition of tion of the South Fork Hocial snd | triotic spirit as they participated in Ann E. Davis, a daughter, for writ of | Literary clab was refused. This was the parade and services. The Union petition on reale estate. done mainly because it seemerd evident Veteran Legion, of Patton, headed by In re petition proceedings of real | to the court that the club wus for other Patton's new cornet band and followed deceased, | than social and literary purposes—in by the Patton firemen and citizens fact that the intention was to make it composed the parade which marched s drinking place. The court advised out to the Cassidy cemetery and Chest the reading of this opinion by the at- Springs where the graves of the dead torneys as a means of obtaining some heros were decorated by imposing count filed with statement presented | light upon his views as to the liquor ceremonies. Great credit is dos Major for H. W. Storey, Faq. | question snd “social” clabs. * Robt. Tuttle and others for the interest Return of Geo. W. Stutzman, as-| Ambrose Noel, held by the common- | manifested in bringing about the sue- signees of Mary Jane Cook, to order wealth on a charge of sodomy, pleaded | ces of the day's procesdings. May of sale. | : ; guilty and was sentenced by the court the same interest always be. evinced Petition for appointment of guardian {to two years in the Western peni- for minor children of Jerome Knable. | tentiary. ! bond ap-+ : THE RIGHTS OF WHEELMEN, Ed. O. Fisher appointed and | An Act Defining the Rights am! Regniating | prove. | i the Use of Bicycies and Tileyeles. Confirmed nisl. Centrsl N ewspaper Union, Limited, soldiers living and when they ave laid to rest may the sons of the veteraps = thusiasm. : : : Petition of A. L. Miller for subpoena in divorpe from Ellen B. Miller. : : a ‘Return to order of sale in igi Section © ve suaniad & te, uA - estate of Walter Striker returning | propelled by hand or foot, and i: dh J | propelled by fou, all irred Wednesday morning property not sold for want of sufficient | persons by “whom bicycles, tricycles, | *'rTc WP 08 by bid. Réturn granted and alias order | and such other vehicles are rid- | the pitiable actions of aa insane man of sale granted em oe pT Dea In entiate of Daniel O’hara, in parti- | a subject 10 the same | [i Ae5inEs He became AuEErOus and tion, return of Michael O'Hara, trustee, i in the use therof, as are waa locked up by Constable Wealkiand fo ods of Teal . Returning! | ger: [alles & severe siruggle. During bis property as sold to Hemry McCube. |" ig : | Sasson struck a man, whose name | Reins confirmed ahd trustee tvexe) Acts was not learned, on the bead witha cute a deed. aan, repealed. | rock and inflicted an ugly wound on In re: ‘Dunmire vs. Dunmire, libel in 0“ JAMES A. BEAVER. Constable Weakland’s hand. The un- 5 divorce, William Williams continued |) JApProved the 38d day of April, A. | fortunate man’s mind has been unbal- as commissioner. a By the of the above will igs for dois Sime dnd he Wks #5 ah In cute of Bernard Selig & Co. va piu: Jaséage i ro Se an inmate at one of the large Thom: & Karr, answe:s filed toat-| Jo “0 r 0 oi pr et juste myles, tachment in execution. Court filed fee _.... ie voad aml in. otac: of Hie Firat Maas. for filing same at $10. abe ; I A ; : i ; Petitions of of Lower Vol | srespius Spon thous. SKIN Setuburs! Father a an of x. : township for appointment of viewers, .; . ney) who will, in turn, forward | place on Thursday, June 13. He was | born at St. Boniface and bas always ' Privileges committee for action. ‘made that place his home. He will be | Too much care cannot be used by ordained on Saturday at St. Vineet ' wheelmen or persons iriving and coliege at Latrobe.” On June 13th and pL a The streets of Patton were somewhat as of . Petition of the Right Rev. Tobias Mullen, bishop of Erie, and the Rev. : ' John Hickey, of Braddock, Pa., exe-' _, has been large, and the outlook for the. Cyclers were present from Patton, | cutors fall and winter is considered promising. | jrampian, Madars, Mahaffey, Ramey, | Bishop Dominick, late of the diocese the ivection ration While those in the clothing business (jlearfield, Curwensville and DuBois, of Pittsburg, for a decree of specific, Mme i. been fade bY) h. The picnic will commence im- : have had dull spring trade, the out | and all spoke In the. highest praise of performance of contract or a declars- U0, Sl arivers. This u| statiately ster Pather Hartman says patience should be exercised - dy all, | 14th a grand picnic will be held at the both in passing and those moving in| abdve named place by the Catholic Several com- | for the benefit of the ‘of last will and testament of tion in trust for conveyance of certain ; 1 lands in the Third Ward of Johnstown {ok Sosesmary. The aw is pina ad used for church purposes by St. John > Gaulberts congregation. Court made a decrve that the said land: One his mass. A large number is expected | to be present. ey 0 Indeed it Is } Te : of the prettiest yards about a: gd ; a | . 8. J. Luther, of near St. A was held in trust for said congragation town DOW is to be seen at the jail | 2 St. Angustine, : a ts ‘was in Patton the first of the week and directing the petitioners to execute | Deputy Sheriff E. E. Davis, who P| vir Luther has had the : ‘n Sd A0HV § 743 decd to the Right sides there, is an enthusiastic lover of |. Large number of aan Ricard Phelan, bishop of Pitts | posies, and he has gone to considerable | .\, a. : pretty ones and in renovating the | a aio Petition presented for order of sale yard. The inside of the jail, tools In| 5 40 way with o large number of Jackson township, deceased. Read inside and out, we don’t remember of | pi and granted. ' this institution ever being in any ester Ofec~ & 78 reward for the ronvietion In re rule on Isaac B. Bowser, ad- hands than it is at the prwsent time, | 2 LL minisérator of Jonathan Eckels, de. though it is not hard to recall a time | A Long Trip. ceased. Rule made absolute and at- when it was in worse hands. —Ebens- |, pyauday evening C. W. Hodgkins tachrgent directed to be issued. burg Mountaineer. started on his bicycle for Syracuse, N. ~ Petition of John H. Mor ley, assignee Cambria licreases Wiges. | Y., a distance of nearly one thousand of Jaines Jenkins and wife, West Tay- | qu. Johnstown Tribune states on! miles. He went from Pattom to Al lor township, praying for confirmation yp authority of Charles 5. Price, gen- | toona and will go from there to Wik of sak of real estate to Jacob Zimmer: | ory) manager of the C(mmbria Tron | liamsport by the way of the Bald Eagle mal. | company, that the company will in-| valley. He expects to wheel the entire om e 10 | distance snd will remain away a wéek Psition of F. W. Clark, assignee a of | crease the wages of all te Henry Croft and wife praying for con- | per cent. from . Nong firmation of sale of assignees’ real | 8s yet been p up in the yards, estate to John Gise. Confirmed. | Pine novelties al 14 conte a His report as auditor in estate of yard at Miri , & Kusner’s. | Tufte Moire at 18 cents & yard ab / Mirkin & Kusner's, Fifth avenue. 3 5 i € i { i coterie tepaired to the home of the | every Memorial Day in Patton by the . a