E i ‘AN up TO DATE FIREPROOF AND | BURGLAR PROOF DEPOSITORY. Skillful Workmunship Displayed In Its Sanufacture— Locks With Simple Mech: od You Don't Keow How, The latest burglar proof safes and vanits sre magnificent specimens of skillful workmanship. Although the doors often weigh tons, they swing as . easily on their binges @s a window shmt- | . whole safe a8 n bE unikin good dors to | : {In | boon thomgt t | garprised that | Btood with : watching i ® 0 CIETY Wheel shaves Off the Cages. a parts a hardness that defies the burglar’s drill. The screws are also made of com- bers has xo troubln at all : : bination, the safe has to be bored into. ". There is no other way of opening it. — * Chicago Record pistol and then®tempen:d by mddenly ummers- one of hard steel, then one of ni © fron or soft steel, and so on until the 1 diameter, fly changed by changing the screws in "distance around the dial and touched a little trigger which releases the bolts. the vaults are closad about 5 o'clock in ~The president of the’ baak shook his i pPeroly Tribune. ter. After the first great door is thrown back and displays its glittering array of bright locks, irs glass incased clocks and its smooth steel holts there is an. * other door almait as strong, with bolts | “and locks of its own. Wheu this is open it reveals three other doors. The vpper two are of thin steel and have no keks | Only papers and bools ate to ha Lept in | * the little pockets or pigeonholes which | inclose. ; nder thém and shutting in the cash drawer there is the third door with its | ‘own Jock and holts In this safe the | size of the cash repository bears aboat | the same relaton to the size of the | the pumpkin. And it isnot only bargler proof: but fireproof warranted, in fact, to stand for at Jnst 75 hours the great: est amecant of heat that any borniog building conld give it. i The making of n safe of this kind is | a complicated ard. expensive operation All the steel nsed coms in the form of plates from the works. After having the necessary screw holes bored in them they are heated to a high temperature | ing them in water. When they come out are often a little twisted md | , and have to bo rolled cold and | sometimes polished clean by a swiftly - moving emery wheel The noise of this operation is ear splitting and so rasping. that a man with ordinary nerves can + hardly endure it. When the plate is per- fectly level it is transferred to another machifle, where it is clamped tight, and The plates are now put together, first necessary thickndss is obtained From the iron the safe receives its tenacious ties—it cannot be cracked or bro- as easily as steel, and the steel im- - bined steel and iron. Each of them is caly long enough to reach through two , and the screws which join the third, fourth and fifth plates to the first never directly under any other 80 that there is no chance for a to bore down through a row of The plates are also drawn very together, for if any space was Jeft ‘them a safe blower might sac in getting his dynamite into it. the interior and exterior SASH he aafa Jargts smoumt of by. cement, combined with other in- ts, usually according to a secret , is packed solidly. In case of fire vo theory is that the water in the ce- ment—sabout 43 per cent—will, owing the heat of tho outside covering, be- ‘come steam, partially, at least, and be driven close to tho inper wall Here it . will remain and furnish a blanket im- pervious to heat. All the bolts arecylin- drical and from an inch np to two inches Combination looks are now peed ex- clusively. The nuchanism of most of ‘them is extremely simple. In ome lock ‘there are a number of round brass disks or ‘tumblers,’ each pivoted at the cen- - on a small shaft which runs through the safe door and connects with the lock Each tumbler has a slit in it just size of the steel sem which controls | bolts and reaching nearly back to the center. When all these slits are to- and pointing in exactly the same tha arm slips into them and * the bolts can be thrown. Bat if the siit © gether in turning the tumblers whirl, and s man Tight tam the lock knob a ro out onoe getting the slits in all the tumblers together. But the man who knows just how far to turn one way amd then how far back again according to the combination num- The combination and numbers are eas- the disk. Many of the best safes and vaults are now leing provided with time locks. Two and sometimes three clocks are inclosed in glues cases just in- of the safe door. When the door is , IO one cul open. it again until the clock hands have traveled tho sct More than one closk is used, so that if one runs down the others will goen and perform their duty. In the big banks the evening and set to open a little be- fore 9 o'clock in the morning. Itisa general impression: that an expert bur- | ‘glar can open a combination lock Ly lis- tening to the clicking sounds, but deal- ors say it is not possible for any one to do it If a safe owner forgets his com- The Next Dest Thing. . The robber presented his glittering “Have you a vacancy in your book: keeping staff ?’’ he demanded. : head. Well,” the outlaw sighed — he was palpably chagrined—‘I'll have to be contented, then, with what cash you have on d.” Stealing $17,413.18, he left Hepless, March; signs of collapse of thn rebellion. demoralized, and Gesortors, ‘whe: arr anism That Are Extremely Hard to Open - ‘which then geom : of Virginia, wh ; everron by the i ington, and grext nunibers | were put tc work in the gonartennzs Union airs. This was | on doty on the crest of one of the most should be made to the southern people vitation to cease fighting Coriously deat for negotiation and appeal from the unreasonable tary. | mit contain more than 1 per cant of lesd, tion whatever in regard fact boing the employment of cans in physiologists as to the effect of ead salts upon the human syste, the cimtinnal ‘samples of the solder applied shows that ‘and large surfaces of solder on the seams A Confederate Benda wi Hh Deseriied In » - Pedy to Was hingtin. 5 In the latter part of the mwth of 1865, Washington saw many! The | Confederate army app ared to he badly veut | ecnstantly in Lrg romiers, reporiod | that men from Alibana, Georg: a, Flor ida and the Car: Enss em} pected to have Dring the meorth of [fare t 8,000 deaprtérs wors nienivad 41 Ws worn quar tered at Fort Monror Annapolis ad other points nearer the lines, where dhe REL or Bi department or in the vaval service. One curiosity of the timed was n Con. i | federate regimental bated which had de | | serted in a body with its instroments and was allowed! to march threngh the streets of the national capital playing! one of tha signs of the final break np. Peagde re- called a story, told Hy Hooker, that when the Union army waled and oon pied Lookont Mountan a rebel sentry difficult precipices sa solid w cnr men pile np teem which hed And was fi to rin. bet to tha sprd, eiimbifny ap, and driving nti} ho wis Re. IiAEes Over inateoss hile he forgot feet rooted the Union fave and streaming yest kim the enemy for to the roar, left alone, a statue of tor covering himself at las, he threw down his musket, stripped off! his rete] gray jacket, stood on thers both, nd looking far off to the sunuy south stiretelied cat as a map below him, said “How are. you, Southern Confedersey But notwithstanding such indications of a eollapse of the rebellion at this very time many northern Union newspapers, led by Horace Greeley nnd others of his samp, were demanding that sppeals mo nHint. “to stop the flow of blood and the waste of treasure.’ and that some nwssape should be sent to the sonthernirs “so terse that it will surely be cirenlated and so lmcid that it ctamot be nriscon- stroed or perverted,” bw way of an in- enough, the nearer the time came for a final surrender the more fervid wns the radionls in the ranks of northern Unionists. But all this was soon to end, and whils a SY parey was asking, ‘‘“Why not negotiate?’ the downfall carne. —Noah ‘Brooks In Cen- Food Tia Cans. In 8 recent government report by Dr. H W. Wiley it is stated that in Ger- many the law requires that the tins em- ployed for holding canned goods shall while in this country thers is no restric- to the character of the tin used, the resnlt of this latter some cases oontaining na high as 12 per cent of lead This practice prevails, not- withstanding the unanimity among ingestion of even mimite quantities of lead into the system being followed eventaally by the most seridms conse- quences—painter’s colin, lead paler and other trying disesses well known to physicians being the direct effects of continual exposure of the system to any such minute porticms of lead salts It is said to be possible to eminde the latter by requiring that the tin shall not com tain more than, say, ig per cent of lead; also that the solder be ns free from lead as possille. ; In Germany the soldix made use +f in sealing the cans is not ullowed tc con- tain over 10 per cent of lead, while in this country the analysis of numercus. it contains fully 50 per vent af lead, in addition to this being tho lack of care to prevent such solder from coming into contact with the contents of the can, are often found exposed to the action of the acid contnts of tho can. j Tourists’ Glold 1: Ital Italy. At the British embassy to the kiag of Italy a calculation was piade some time ago of the amount of gold brought by travelers into Italy every year. By far the largest number of these travelers come from England mud thy United States, The calculations made it evident that no less than £20,00),000, or $100,- 000,000, are brought ixto this country and left here by these travelers In the scantiest years that sua has not been less than £14,000,000. while on other occasions it has risen 4o0°£22,000 000. Mr. Stamer, a writer on Raly, relates thut an old woman in Sorento nee told him that the people in lngland had no sun, because the Enzlisli had told her time and again that it was not for so “| pla ying gnakes Bor. os | plarer we i rn | I¥0 | #och | very well at ‘3 | the biz widest > ciety they had come to Italy, but to see the sun. Besides all the English were fair and ruddy. If they had had a sn in gf why were they not all sanbarnt ? If they | do get sunshine in Iu! ly, us they they pay very sweetly for in Letter ia Balti ore Swi 5 yaya | o meta Advice From tim Eater, i i Of the Dublin gall: rv Ips baritone, in his giscenpes, tells somo facetions of ** Fans t, in| which he played Valentine: “After the duel, Martha, who rushed in at the bea 1 of the crowd, raiscd my head ard held! me in her arms during the finit part of the scene. There was a deathlike sting. | ness in the house, which was inter upt- | ed by a voice from the gallery calli ng |! out, ‘Unbutton his weskat!’ "Dut Lin | Herald. - Suggested by His Helpmate, | Mr. Billus-—I've had a roaricg in my head all day. I think I'll consult a doc- ; % Yamons | i ry AOR, Gly “tar about it Eve Mrs Billus—Hada't Fou betes sult a Wheelwright (hie go Tui con- ihe a i the Hon i tho tramp : lanta Constitution. | while attempting to imitate the Sav. | iour's miraculous fast of 40 days They Orme Ouece Ia » White, but De Not Always Win Mueh, ““Theso stories abont men making big winuings by socidenizlly catching a straight fash when Juek seemed down on thn make me very weary,” aid ay ar nt P ier Payer, pos ing’ Coif eae wad, GT ever, nithing more in penny snte fund and fish | ing thar i lanes stories with T ¥ ey, THEY in thers Le Joe k-sitsdd ith baive bel nny ante” too “I have had just tao “roval finches’ in my experien Bo far as the neci- dental and surprising part of thera was ned, ‘het was all winnings—I rover caw Ory the evwitrary I Lhe OOntrary, NOL mim Bh oecasions, y handed an hot Tpporenti—] wos phiving tw games each time" imp ds sremonionsly. And I don't think 1 gave my hand away either. “The first roval fortune to hold in my hand was shout . 8ix years azo, when I was having a | traiet little game with an old friend. Ik Jckpt’ ponent opened it for a nickel I skinmnd my ha ned, bot could not find a pair. A king and qoeen of hearts looked pretty. and I chipped in my nickel and drow to them, “Imagine my surprise wien Wag A modest “Mv ¢ 1 A the Firnit an Ge, a ten and a jack of bert carne to me. | I kept mighty quis, hiy pg to Lass & ‘killing : “My opponent thn re wins Yel oki sd Leow it and raimd it nickel limit. He lay down. Es bad oot ber. tered a messly pair of jacks : : Bl P. be * tho “The other tirna 1 had a royal finsh was about a yeur and i half aga. My opponent asked me iff I had ever had one and said that be bad not. ; “The second hand after his remnark 1 had the lage," atl be suid in. bomghe | 1 may 40 call it, shjwed proper training | quecn, jack and ten of (ints and thonght I wonld try for a straight or finsh. The | king and then the sce of clubs came to | then said, ‘*'1l give i$ to you.’ only an ace high, with king next. ‘1 howe not ‘bettered’ his draw, while I—well, I pever swear in company, but I felt mighty like it "Kanna City Bat. Prince Charlie. He was a young Prince Charming, beantiful, brave, capable of enduring! hardships and, till his misfortone soured | him, not only kind, dat of an uncom- mon and almost tmpolitic humanity. | Well might Walton, fhe spy, him, with the blood of John Sobieski in kis veins, ‘‘a far more diingerons enemy to the Present establishiment of the gov- ernment in England than ever his fa- | ther was. *’ : In those days, when a kiag of some | sort was & necessity, England seemed to | bave in Charles a king born to be! adored. But the tendency of things was | mvincibly against him. He appears, 1 own to myself, to have had better qual- | ities than any man of lis line since ths | fourth James fell at Wiondden. There | ‘was nothing in his Sootch expedition, | till the fatal racrrow of Culloden. that | did not become & gentlaman and a king, | The Cameronians, a feeble, but viralent | remnant of the anld leaven of the vov- enant, publicly blamwd his ‘foolish | lenity and pity" to the '‘redecats whom | Providence put into his hands If his courage is acciised, #0 has that of Marlborough been, and the evidence of Malcolm Mcleod, ‘never was a man not a coward ®0 prodent, nor 4 man not rash so brave,” may bo taken as dispos- | ing of a childishly malevolent accosa- | tions, He was gentle and considerate till | misfortune taught him suspicion and hope deferred made the heart sick. The | exposure, which he bore so gallantly in the highlands, and the habits of that | country, taoght him his fatal vice, which corrupted and debased a character nat urally noble and EERE wugCrisan 5 | Magazine. } Sou} He Returned the Tip. that while Paderewski, the pianist, was | who bus been | and (on for shont 18 years, | TOE : * 3 ¥ fai any § WD | tmx for them. | ny { AT ON Te GN- finsh I ever had the { ‘My opponent skinned his hand and | DEhted doubtless if He bad | him my hand, and be vol- | ubly congratulated Limself that he had | J Days Oe Gare So winter, anys Ont wwentos | Yaa A aR i | Is there 5 lore to lem? Is there a froth to be $olia® Hath ihe pew dawn s ray that sever Sanh from the old¥ Day that Seonene tu wight, sight thot ! ome to day, { Wht bf moss ng of 2 they sey? i i i, what fa the word Eilener for ars. snd Hye, Bevo cOneh i Till tod! and iife and the doy are the night snl donth and pesca, ~ Join Ball POSING AT Padlerewski Thinks Performers Should : Look Effertivel While Playing. Whe Paderewsli was in New York, he was calling at a jrominent Wall street man’s home in Fifth avenue when the broker told him be would like to have ‘his opinion of his danghter's’ playing The great pianist) courtiomaly replied that Bothing world give him greater | pleasure : After the yorng lady had dashed oF several selections Paderewski sud: “To get the greatest enjoyment from the pinno the minis must not only be heard. but the performer shonld te Io: hgew in Reriimer's THE PiAND seen. The performer shonld therefore be | her poxition at the in- | careful of bis or sroment. “Iwill ba fran . that I preferred to poe rather than bear your demghter play) I might better say that I locked more than I listened © She held berself correctly. - There is nothing "1 hate mwwe than a ; | tare of the body while playing. “Them there was life in her touch Her fingers fairly sparkled as they ran over the board aml tonched the keys, | rebonnqding from them with a snap that | behold. Her manner | was exhilarating to of using her hands and her elbowing, if also. “I will therefore . bearing would hay had not been so completely moncpolized. complishment. *’ “There is wisdom in that, "paid the | broker in repesting the conversation | “Teachers of the piano shonld give far { more attention to this matter than they | mow do. ""—New New York Advertise. i § | Klectrie Light Test. | The public is be ing quits know | ing in many branches of electric knowl- | edgy, and in none 1 than in the de- ! | racy, of the efficiency of the electric light. | At one time 8 central station had no grest difficulty in fisting upon its cus- | ar las { She ordinary yas jet would be an im- | provement spon. Npw, however, people. | are more critical, apd they have a very | ting a8 much light as they are paying amd the heart beats | k with von and say | listless, careless pos- | add that wy ase of 2 been aqually de. | my semse of sight | I compliment the ypeng lady. cn her ac- | power a light thas | shrewd idea as to wihether they are get- : for. If they have i ject, it can be eaxilyl The lates: method mination ia based i that the gp | printed page, mist in order to render tk | just Jegrible, and tha | lomination so requi | mal eye, depend upon acter of the print. J let is placed in a da posed to illumination from a translucent | oroelain, which re- | ke sarface the light: be measarad.. The plate of glass or j ceives directly on it whese intensity ia te area of the trans! varied nntil the amo by the test character er of the illnminatic New York Time Fae tack. it is couple who think a other, and when ove | taken ill, and his wifh y doubt on the sub- sot at rest. of measuring illn- | upon the principle | falling, say. on a | ve & definite value | t the intennity of il- hb the size and char- rkemed box and ex- apent plate is then nt of light received | # just renders them | | visible. A scale is provided by reference . to which the exact dogree of candle pow- | mn is determined. — | Mila. town not far from | at Skanenteles—a good deal of each | i is il} the other does | | overything in the world for her or his in a nearby town recently he recetved a | $0 find some medicine in the house Fi- courteously worded letter asking to al- | low an invalid lady to call upon him | in retarn for ‘‘this great treat’ a dom- | veur of half s guinea, which was tender- | ed with much apology. The letter was | #0 worded as to be a cosrteous and deli cate appeal to the pianiet's generosity. | appointed a time. Punctoal to the mo- | ment, the Indy appeared, and Paderew- | #ki played her a few pieces. The lady | thanked him and slipped the promised | half guinea in the most gracious mode | of tip giving into kis palm ‘Ah! what | is this?’ Llandly asked the pianist “The half guinea I promiped you." “I really believe,’ he answered, with a | smile, ‘that I shall be. able to get to the next town without it,” saving which he returned the proffered lar bosred the lady ont and sat down terrupted breakfast gress, x i My 8 In -y a or Queer ti 3b Tramp's Opportunity. us world A an oid graveyard for a somnd y graves. Abont "LE AT Saptaeed awakened by a om fooling up he dis the act § t haben in i ide In el pe ane BILL'S Yivwl Kis ! r wlon chases to yawn’ Th strange pole, and soveryd an wecared convict in of filing hi< shackles. As the tramp stood up the sinvict, in superstitions terror, fell upon his knees, whepeapon arrested him, delivered him! over to the authorities at the camp Lear by and received a ew ard of ¥20. -——At- Bighon Fleming. In Li ire, England, } current belief that Bishop founder of Ligcoln college, Oxford: tb tnd hear him play one piece, promisin | cover ¢f the box to ti Ty F [OIRIDS | but as they resembled a certain liver pill that they mnst be. Seeds!" 1 his oF "{ntrodoced i ' 1100 y she came acres a box of little pills There the wife concladed the required thing | is no writing on the il what they were, She gave them to ber hubby regularly, and he seemed to | improve. About a Week after, when he The letter had the desired effect, and he | bad got down 10 the last pill, he chanced 180 tarn the box oven. He gave a yell | that startled the whole neighborhood | His wife ran to him, thinking that be was dying. Look.’ what it says on the bottom *’ as he bade her; and read: “Prime Crov Syracuse I Swore m In his rem 1854, Geeral Sir F story of a fighting § a conflict, was seer fell mast thickly. W voice was heard on with ““a wt wabulary | army i says will not bear after he was appoint command, and her n ask, ‘Has th DEW © 1103 ali a : ! Yes the apt reply; terday.’ £ es is na parts of all ovintinen dant, however, name has been obty high repute in medi | lightly regarded Australia means land now known by merly called New H The 4 abl let was TRAIN 10 n Flanders" *f ‘he sh ‘south, that name was for- | ** Read She did he eried ‘this was what wn Morning Glory ost. psclf In. 3 of the Crimea, velvn Wood tells a eneral who, wherever : bull hen not vigihle he RIASIT = I: NATO wed from * which Siz Es sn pepetition. Vor pd to the Aldershot pa jesty happened to yet taken up your majesty,” was re himseld during “Is his IS In 1 eral 3 the t ‘northern i5 most aban- Hira ts. 14 It in leeland, whence its | Formerly in ithe, 13 18 BOW. very ined. 3 and the plland.. A close fitting coat fired will, for a nore \ small printed tab- | she in - a friendly kinde of fight than a in ves- ! this eyes start out, Two AUTOGRAPHS. Went ¥im One Detter. | A grrme Gorman lady of rank, pos- | of great personal dasrms and sin. | : guiarly sinning manners, the daughter of a prominent politician, herself now a | happy wife and mother, (nes bepailed a brief vid 2 tr 1a Moltke, who wis paving ber father's comutry he in Silesin, into writing somscthing iv ber antogrash album. This was the oun Imm verges Waarlw't bostahy V. Moirse Pidmersiall in Dnglish wonid be: A Tin mrest £251; on, arth will Which = pam psi preys vain . The wily rod to Bla aurmel pony Suter imme patil she ghonld be Moltice's dicta. When ber family bad coun settled down in their Berlin anurters for th winter seem, Pripce Bismarck ealled vnie afternoon, and she showed him bor book, calling his attention to what the great strate. gist had written, adding mrtiessly: “Do Fon think the same, dear’ princes? haps you wrald like #0 add yofir come ment? And om. the same page? Oh, thank yon so vy moch! And mar 1 ide her t 3 to rpateh | send the volome to the Wilhelmstrisse © the Pi ‘The chanwelior next dar returned book, now a greatly trvasnred fami possession, and 1's is what be had writs ten beneath the coatribation of his eal + Iaroe: Wohl wedag ind dane in fener Welt Dre Wahrbel' stots don Sieg brhogt Doel gegen Layge Qlones [oie Eumpft selbst ein Feldmann ll vores V. Bwwanck, Ko Tavs Weiksnsior, Jor's lines might ething 1 : thie: In fatore worlds, hevond le pale, The trath ie strong and shall prevail But ‘gainet cnr mundane Yes. ‘tis plats, Field marehils even fight in vain — Westminster Gazetts, as Si Bo. LAMPS THAT ARE CLOCKS. They Were Commonly Twd In the Sew : emteenth Century, Of the various examples thut have | been given of early spedinens of the clockmaker's art not the least interest mn sin IRS One of these was of a kind quite com- sisted of a lamp burner placed at the base of a glass oil receptacles mounted vertically on a suitable standard The oil reservoir had attached to it a scale, facing the burper and sh the hours, beginning at 4 o’ckick in the aft- ernoon, at which time the lamp was to be lighted in winter, and ending at 7 o'clock in the morning = The lamp be- ing lighted, the. gradually descending ee the oil, as combustion proceed- ed, marked the hours. The other device, of latir origin, dat- ing back to the beginning of the present century, utilised the same principle It consisted of two communicating oil chambers, superposed by un clock dial. In one of the chambers was placed & night lamp 70 illaminate this dial, and | in the other was suspended a float from | & cord which pessed around! » small pul- ley. The latter wis mounted on a bori- zontal axis mding in the center of the | dial The ficat of course descended as o printed characters the oil was consumed snl carried the | | index hand along with it, thus making | the hours precisely as in the case already | citewl. At their best thew timepieces could have had only an indifferent de- ‘grea of accuracy, yet they probably are interesting at the present time an illnstrating some of the expedient: | adopted by mechanicians ¢f an earlier | i period oe Crisler # Magazize a ma An Independent Lawyer. A lawyer, with kis client, called ono | day at the offic of a» gentieman who is | considered th be one of the leading raen | of the Philadelphia bar. The lawyer | | had an important case, and he wanted | | to take the legal big gon iy as adviser, He explained his business snd said he and the client wiuld be back in the aft- ernoon. “I won't: be hee then,’ said the legal giant. “I haven engagement | | at 8 o'clock, and I won't bo here after that hour.’’ '‘Bat there is a $3,000 feo in this for you," explained the younger | lawyer. “Can't help it. 1 won't be here. You will have tu come tomor- row.”” : “But my client can't some tomor. row.’ : “Well, T can’t break my engage ment,’ said the senior. After some far. ther talk it was agreed that a meeting | be held that night That afternoon, hav ing nothing else to do, the young law. yer and his client went to a ball game ; The first man they saw inside the grounds was the great lawyer, who was hurrabing for the ‘Phillies’ with all! That was hia | ‘the vigor of his longs Tmportant engagrment. Needless to say tha lawyer's practice pets him enongh oF ¢ each year to mage bi independ: ent. —i ailadeiphia Inquire: ilads L013 Tome Fooliball Football has never been ou very gentle game, to Judge from what Master ~ Stubbes savs about 15 11 hin Anatanie { Abuses. peli in 1383 For, ss soncerning foothall playing, 1 protest unto you it may racher be called | kay of recreation; a bloody and murthering | practice than a sport or pastime, for dooth not every age Ive fn waight for his adversarie, seeking to overthrow | him and $0 picks him