EMA ois ®. 3 ii NEL era ab » } cy — news ! From Clearfield and Po Beech Creck Regions : Taken From Coal Traded Journal, : Accidents in the mines have Boon more numercns than usuel of late. James Fleming, superintendent of the Royal, Aeme and Royal colleries, | Patton Courier. Bots | PATTON ‘ruBLInNING co, Proprietors. | AtHoaguin's rb ; i Drink Ambrosia. THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1885. | (oncert to-night. pl — = ‘a od 674 Fy NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS. ae} Try Tramany ™ Hard ware Co. ha resigned. aij buceibers who do not | Gig to the Cambria Lae 4 i ” Application is to be iaade to the Fag ae ; Say, have you tried Hodgkin's soda | court of Centre county on the 4th day ig Greer secontinaance | water? of June for a decree for the dissolu- at eral blisher : tn send a until all arrearages are are | Ball game between the fats and leans tion of the Cozldale Coal Co. a 3 I subscribers or Ifuse | to take | ON Decoration Day. ‘Phe suspension of work in the Poea- : ented, they are n arorile nt Garden tools of all kinds at the hontus and Flat Top districts has not 2 have seiied ‘thei? bili ai ordered thetn | (sambria Hardware Co's store. a8 yet had the effect of increasing bY bers move to other with-| |. D. Morrow, of Tipton, Pa., reg- any appreciable extent the output : REET Be Jet sides hey. ars hid istered at Hotel Bock Monday. from these regions, although, if the The Courta bave decided that refuing w! All kinds of Hardware at the Can. *spension continues long; enough, op- {oped ‘io Ww peima in| bria Hardware Co. Patton, Pa. | erators will gain some profit out of it. : : | ‘While the agitation for an advance ' Walter Weakiand has hu oom | | in the mining rate is not as pronounced | et moved from Fourth ta Magee avenue, | | as it was, there is some apprehension . Hyon are inaking garden go to the | that it will be as much as ever by June Cambria Hardware and get your tools. | 1. at which time the Bell, Lewis & The recent cold snap paralysed the | Yates miners will be asked to go back ioe cream business, likewise the corner to the old wages should there be no | | loafers. advance in the Clearfield, Beech Creek | , Dunham and Mus Mollie Duke, and Pittsburg districts. | Barnesboro, drove over to Patton’ The committee appointed at the. on Monday. | recent miners’ convention to go 0 | Philadelphia and endesvor to bring ‘about the holding of a joint confer rb i wns DR b A Dim Ta Yeager Bros. are making several im- evening & M — Sp — ai rot ma i mo et provemsam en their juogerty on) a | eon of ope snd. minsry of She Sn. | snvera nen n- | Every Pattern of the Spring and | gylvania, retarned Tuesdsy. The oper- | summer styles in stock at Geo. 8. ators declined to become a of such | rig ein Good's. -85¢L. SEE them to } Y | 38 you saiah 0 ft cooled off stop In | any higher for mining than to Hodgkins drug store and get a | were now payl driokofsods. | Oriok Ambre ED. Welwood, s traveling salesman | Marrings Miseusen, - of Pittsburg, stopped at the Palmer my, goliowing marriage licenses were house Monday. jesued by the Clerk of the Orphans’ John Ashcroft and. family visited | | Court for the week ending Thursday | at Hastings, Barnesboro and | May 16, 1886 Spangler on Sunday. | Andrew Gratt and Anna Holday, | EJ ‘Hoover, a lamber merchant of | Bangs, Vinoent, South Pork, and Clearfield, was in Patton looking after | | Sule Fye, Lovett. business interest Monday. . Clarenee A. Be Patton, and Before leaving your order for & Mr Rank Conemangh, and Katie : spring suit of clothes call on Lerch, the Stadt, Lilly. | tadlor, Mahaffey, Pa. 857 ; Conrad H gy lio coun ty, | 3 Invitations are issued announcing and Annie Hl. Hasse, and Mary | Del- the marriage of E. C. Brown to Miss | jo South Pork. Fn Wednesday, June 5th. | John Welssmiller ani Clara Smith ; Say, just look at and read the “ad” M. Levergood and Edith M. ! of the Henderson Furniture company, | Hoapt, Sohnetown. gs | of Johnstown, on the first page of the will find DeWiw's Little | CoURim. | Rarly a : C. M. Letts is pushing the erection of | sor Cones lo rumedy | {his building on West, Magee avenue enmplainta. C. odghina. i very rapidly. It will soon be rondy | Dentiet in Patton. | fer occupancy: 4 , Dr. C. Kenney, the dentist of of Hast- | Wall paper eta. & bolt at Goods. Decoration Day wil bé sppropriately Magn, tl be + vaiding, Patton Jr LL ‘Try Lerch, the tailor, Mahaffey. Pa. observed in Patton this year: Every- Bihiinn Big sap m. to 5 p. m., pre- tho now Nn) 8 levied 15 yitiaipue tn Ven ind Bl al perdu al brosia. : manner. Dr. ney is esperially confined to the | less extraction of The fata and leans wil a tors sore. throat | Fina ertibciak platen. Decoration Day. | We hope that a day or two wil see him ‘He seanves satisfaction in all Clearfield this week. When you take a tip to Ebensburg Sick headache, constipation and in- Witt’'s © Lerch, the tailor, Mahaffey, guaran- {stop at the Blair hous: and yon will be, EE Ra Vee & perfect At. -48t0 : lased all right. Accommodations ex- | pila Bay Charlie rode to Altoona | | cellent and rates modernte.-69-tf. EE de on his bicycle on Sunday. =] ed Ralph Good, of Lock Haven, wasa | old-time vigor. One Minute Cough Patton willbe at a bargain. visitor to Patton Monday. | Cure is a reliable remedy. Itcuresand payments. Call or address X, X, Cov. Don’t forget the concert to-night | cures quickly. C. : | Sanford, stition agent at (Thursday) in Firemen’s hall. | Mr. F. C. Jones snd danghters, | Leger Cer Oo Ps., writes; Yon ava ss feenport, rogmarea ; " | recom. Minate at the Palmer house Monday. Davis and son, Robert, all of Ebens- | a 1 J. N. McCormick, of Huntingdon, | 07, 7° TH 1 Patton on Sat- stopped at Hotel Beck Friday. arday. 1 : The Racket stove- advertisement has Mrs. E. E. Cooney calis the atten- wo. combi Hardware Co. have an been changed thig eek. See it. tion of the ladies of Patton and vicinity | immense stock of Ready Mixed Paint , ‘Owen L Berlin, of Clearfield, stopped | that she has a nice line of millinery, bats, | ‘Oils and Varnishes. Call and at the Commercial hotel on Friday. ‘bonnets, etc., at tha lowest price, and | prices. Ready-Mixed Paints of all kinds at * also does fashionable dressmaking.-75t3 | a BR Fb, of Gravols Milla, Ao. a practicing physician ¢ the Cambria Hardware Co.’s store. E. A. Eason, of Lcck Haven, rep years experience, writes: DeWitt's ©. A. Repsher and bride have i resenting E. H. Young & Bro., of itch Hazel Salve has no equal for : apartments in the Solomon building. | Farrandsville, cigar manufacturers, indolent 3 on scalds and burns. It | instantly, heals a burn was a guest at the Cjmmercial roel lk and leaves TS C. Ww. | FOR REGISTER AND RECORDER F. B. JONES, H. C. Beck is visited at T. Jefl' yy 54y He ww+ entertained at i Bloom's, eas Ourweswvile, this week. |e Board of Trade cil ror rooms during Fr er Pay. ‘Butterick Patterns can be purchased evening. Jn Flags, Fireworks, Eltc., of all descrip- st the store store of Geo. 8. Good. 65. | Rice, of Hastings, Bennett, of tions at Hodgkins’ drug store. Thos. Williams, of Morvellivilie, Pa. | yop oer Woodruff, of Richmond, For whooping cough Chamberlain's registered at the Commercial hotel of | fndiana county, and Dr. Weida, of this | Cough Remedy is excellent. By using Friday. | place, removed a tamnor from above | it freeiy the disease is deprived of all The farmers say that trait will be | the eye of a son of Frank Pennington | dangerons consequences. There is no. ‘scarce in Cambria county owing to the on Saturday. The child is doing well | danger in giving the Eemedy to babies, Iate frosts. | at present writing. | a it contains nothing injurious. 25 sod Ed. A. Mellon rejoices over dhe dr-| The coal operators of Cambria and | 30 cent bottles for siie by City Drug, rival of a new postmistress at his home | Gieerfield counties think the strike in Store, C. E. Belcher, Prop. on Sanday. the Pocahontas and West Virginia| Three Cents » Boil. Will L. Thompeon, the Méges ave- | regions is a good thing for them, as G. 8. Good has 5 ne line of wall nue merchant, took Sip bo Philadel. they may be able to get back the trade paper at 3 cents a bolt. See it. "ghia Mouflny. ! that was taken from them when their | B. H. Bowman, publisher Enquirer, The Delineator for May is on sale | miners struck last year. ‘of Bre meh, Inu. rib Last Wek our : little baby, the on re We ve, at Geo. 8. Good's store. Subecriptions | Governor Hastings vetoed the Senate yay Br a.% with After two . rec’d. there.-85tf bill which provides that a married doctors failed to give relief, and lie H. Gans tra Ih salesm f a. k h d | was hanging oh a miele thread, we: tried | man, a traveling an of; woman we the same right an as 1 4 Altoona, Pa., was a guest at Hotel power as an unmarried person to wel | One Minute Cough Cure und fta life Beck on Tresday. | or otherwise dispose of her real prop- ; FP. K. Bradshaw and W. P. Black- | lerty. And also the bill prohibiting the | Person who sympathize with the ‘burn, of Pitteburg, were guests at the | | killing of pheasants and PATE for | | afflicted will rejoice with D. E. Curr of : Palmer house Tuesday. : | five years. | 1235 Harrison street, Kansas City. He Mrs. Jessie E. Dale and son Yre vis- | Mr. Thurman, representing isan old sufferer from inflammatory the | | rheumatism, but has not heretofore wing re. Dale's. yatetts ab Maderia, | Jolmstown * Pally Dumocral, spent been troubled in this climate. Last Clearfield county, this week. | Wednesday in Patton in the interest of | ot up into Wisconsin, and Farmers, drop in at the Cambria] | that newsy and popular journal. While |. 0 onence has had another attack. Hardware Co’s store and see their Lev- | | here Mr. Thurmax called on the Cou- | “It came upon me again very acute er Harrows, and. Chilled Plows. | RIER representative who found him a ‘and severe,” he suid. “My joints | first rate fellow uel § guasise hostler. | celled and became inflamed; sore to family, of Ebensburg, were welcome | Call again. | touch or almost to look at. Upou the : visitors to Patton on Saturday. { VJohn M. Click, a well-known mine grgent request of my mother-in-law I The CoumiER contains more news {foreman of this lace, bas embarked | ried Chamberlain's Pain Balm to re- in the than any other weekly paper in Cam- | and will soon be shipping coal fron, | duce the swelling and ease the pain, bria country. Sige it up and see. ‘a mine he is opening Cambria | and to my agreeably surprise, it did w. U. 8. 8tols, L. near Casrrolitown. = He has|both. ‘I have used three fifty-cent | his mine i ; Altoona, rode over | nama bottles and believe it to be the finest and Well, oll of Sanda coal for of thing for rheumatism, pains and swell- | to Patéon on their wheels y , DeWitt's SOB, the produc of ihe Poerions ings extant. For male by City Drug | scalds, burns, burns, indolent sores and never | tn the bust oa Jc. Click | iar, C- E. Belehy, Prop. : fails to cure piles. C. W. Rofgiin, 3 Bivenlnoun. cert; Pa. | Drink Ambrosia. La Grpipe is here again with all its - A beaatifal residence bullding lot in : | ongosentie Commercial hotel. i ao ag or SHE 1 WS SAAR cb, 5 Se CraameteLn, Pa, May 20, 1605. Friday night froze ice, and of course killed avery kind of vegetation that a freeze of that kind could kill. The grapes are about all killed. Tomatoes, | corn and other garden truck are pretty ' generally destroyed. Ben. Highberger is visiting bis father- in-law, Henry Bridge, on Market street. ; Clearfield huosiness men are trying to get up a celebration for the 4th of July. A meeting was held in the court . house Friday night to arrange for the event. Judging from the number of bieye Jon being sold in the county ome would never dream of “hard times.” The sesond planting of tomato plants is now in order since the freeze Since the death of Mrs Weich a val- uable of -will be thrown : : re upon "Wek Corner” Cocated i he. R 3 the plitehase of another pair- at the same south west corner of Second im 18 to please our customers so well that they cust streets, opposite W. W. Betts’ | hack and the fact that they do, Sav more for our A st Tooleys, La, sick | a w pdb a ‘styles and will please you both in goods, prices, ete. “prominent merchant of the town gave! (We will pay car fare both ways for any person making a her & bettle of Chamberlain's Colic, purchase of $5.00 and over ) Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He | Gus Simons, | anys she was well in forty minutes after | i taking the first dose. For sissy Cty 1400 Eleventh ave. ai ALTOONA, PA. Drug Store, C. E. Balsher, Prop. WHO CARES "The Finest Stock of | Por hank tipon? What's the use. the bast of it and saw wood. what wo are snd we ET FLOURand FEED Ever brought to Patton. And a complete line of QUEENSWARE rape pip se Grass Seeds, brought to this I) ow % say ous ew’ bey All La ~~ Hay, Grain, NOVELTIES “Lime, Etc, Etc. It will pay you to call at my store before purchasing else- for the household are sold by na. Don’t where. I am sure I can interest you. I handle the follow- fos hie Howobold are cold) by You wi ing spring wheat flours: “Perf ” “Nel Bly,” get one: if you drop in. 5 >olumbia,” and the celebrated “Diamond 1.” | Also a tull line of high grade winter wheat flonr. RACKET STORE, PRICES ARE LOW. | R. Pr GALLARER & CO. Sarm’l Boyce, Beech and. Fourth Aves.,, PATTON, PA. Signs of Times. Not the hard times, but! those mammoth signs which i A.M. THOMAS, tee leading hardware man of Northern Cambria has put up| G d Re d D Il in all sections of the county. 00 ou n Oo ars You can see them every where, which goes to show that he is| the man who advertises and! ‘the man who advertises does the business. We will not state in detail. what is Kept at our] store but when you wantany- ie ad Dhe Word Hardware, To the Ladies! Farming Implements, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Plumbing, Tinning, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Pte Be, ‘Call on us and you will save ‘money. We wish to especially note that we handle the cele- SERG ES. PL AIDS, brated Ca South Bend ~ Chilled Plows, with the P PS Shears for stony P tt S ply ( ground—one of the first in. a on H Co. ‘the market. Think of it, 75! of these plows were sold in the town of Clearfield during last You will Find It to Your season. | Advantage to buy at QUINN S, Clinton St., YoumtorsSquae Deal, | ~~ Johnstown, ‘Carpets, I Cloths, Linoleums, : | ‘Mattings, Rngs, Ta Curtains, Carpet as | M THOMAS 2] low as 20 cts per yard, Lace Curtains at 50 ets. . mH eo a pair. The largest assortment of Dress Goods a in the city. Ladies Coats and Wraps. Millinery of all kinds. Good measure, lowest prices. JAMES, QUINN, “And profit by your rearing when you are spending your. It will interest vou to know somothing of the we are offering you daily. REST ASSURED that we handlé . nothing but First-Class Goods and any- your : money will be refunded. We have just received a full and complete line of Summer Dress Goods such as JACKONETS. SERPENTINE CREPE, DIMITIES, DRESS GINGHAMS, SILKALINE, CASHMERE E TMPERIALS, SATEENS, DRESS TIMMINGS, ETC “When in ne-d of anything in our line give us a trial ~ Yours for a Bargain, Magee Avenue, | PATTON, P: Al ‘anything we could say. We have all the latest and best thing that is not as represented bring it back and JONSTOWN, PA. I a DI ES, * a 4 \ . oy 0 ¥ ER i Tn i . . 4 \ ¥ x . i i x 4 i 3
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