who regard the book 8s proving many | : _ of some of Chicago's most prominent | but this is the easiest method. ~. and those who pay none, and the leg- State cannot allow any of its future A% SBA M5 ANIL SN RN 5 a tout Harker Report. Tor he pil Beto th farms an hal the I a 7 m Pevimud each week: 2 ents per pond. | | Patton “Courier. J se or mint. FN 1 PA’ TON PUBLISHING co. Propriewes. THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1895. | Ee | Eggs, Potatoes, . fonlcim. whi Fins famsans “ dozen. boshel | wi IT a ~- A = seis: TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, . One copy, one year, In adtance, - - . $1.00 ites known ‘a Advartimng rates made pon | | Buckwheat, | Hay, pressed Entered wtih) second | J. A Richardson, of Jefferson City, .* y at the Pos fice at Patton - | Mo., chief enrolling force 38th general i assembly of Missovri, writes: I wish to to the merits of One Minute ‘Cough Care. When other so-called | cares failed. I obtuined almost fasten, relief and a wpeed i One Minute Roosh | kina. = hm To look “Fag 10 ob vou stock then come to us and we Hats. Shoes, Shirts, Ties, ete. No pers dtscontinoed until al} ar oe JO 3 uniess at the option of ; TIME OF HOLDING COUET. i Qur store contains 3 Monday of Murch Ist Monda ol Sept. 15 Monday of June Ist Monday of OFFICERS, Torx JUpoe--Hon. A. V. Barker. ROTARY J. i, mein AXD RECORDER—D, A. McGough. | ¥. H, Barker, ry—D, W, Colter. Snen(ryr—Samunel Dav in. ion. 7%: : on . H. SECHLE R. Ateoray - at | EBENSBURG, 6.50 | Cambria County, Pa. 8.00 a Hr Td : 10.00 “ A | Me n's Suits. worth 8 7.00 - 9.00 10.00 15.00 16.00 ‘ Law, $ 5.00 TTURNEY Sa 5.50 i 6.50 9.00 10.00 RL GEORGE, : : : a JORY me ay Ansiem Weakiand, 12.00 m. Miller. or =. George : Dr. hg James Som- | erville, aa hier Hite, ! somos ress. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, GALLITZIN, PA. Solici tor for German National Buca | Lu association. Sysams-W. 1. Donngl 8. president: 8. M. i : | i ——— - Fipon. H. L—Linootn & Bell, president; SM. mti—-C, C. Crowell G. Scmuoi. Boa CR JP iSHdent: GO. : dB: Noonad, H. E. Barion, Namoe | dritomion. THE PEAcE—~Jesse E. Dnile, in| Reuel Somerville, -Attorney-at-Law, 3.00, 3 30, 4. 00, and £4. 50. Mon Ara. H. Sandford. sxx —~Harvuy Patterson. eal as. Mellon. g—J. It. Cornelins. wAuprrons_F. H H. K inked, H. 0. Winslow, FIONA, O; Abbot. Mullen. I aaratan PATTON, Pa. | | —— Office in the Good Building. Ladies al $135 F. MCKENRICK, — 3% " Attorney and Counselor al Law, | EBENSBURG, Pa. | $175 $13 280. ‘3 00 200 378 . 400 . 275 Ladies Oxford Ties—Black and $150 JUDGE OF NEPRCTOR—A CHIEY oF PoLICE—~Jas. sre EET CoMMIMION ZR—Samuel b Adiomas, | woores FINANCIAL SCHOOL.” around before buying your Summer outfit? will wager that you will stop here to buy your. Clothing, 7 fimes the amount of goods that any Cure. C. W. Ficdg- ‘| does and our Prices—well just read of a few) items. . Don’ t take my word. Examine Qualities fi rst. Fine Shoes. Mer’ s Fine Shoes. $150 29% 250 3 00 We say ves: Look at everyones - oilve? clothing otis in’ town cn smn Children’ Ss Suits. $ 2.00 worth 2.50 : - i“ . % 50 3.00 id 4.00 s ge . 5-00 hy 6.00 $ 3.00 | | | | rah Sa AAAS ABBR MARSA nn UH Mer’ = Fine All wool Dress Pantaloons. ~ Boy's Dress Pants accordingly 25 5¢., 35¢., 40¢, 50C., 75¢ — $175 Children s - : 750 . 2% 350 ] “ 1 . Tan 75¢., 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, $1.75. will eg 10 nll business with promptness | si an Sei oo "tics oppostie the Moantain Hone. Mens bal. Very fine, : Cheaper. grades also, is, | i i a i 1 | and i i pal. Underwear. | Boys bal. 25 suit. Colne Financial School is pronounced |» oles trend. Itis said 0 javoteen| lawyer whose name ey, of Chicago. a WO DAVIS, = written ‘on nn sensational plan and Attorney and Counselor at Law, Sustogsel by comic pictares upon | EsENsnURG, Pa. | Jariotly opis The New York Tr-| Ail legal busines prompfly sttasded : : “It pretends to be are- Ofee in Army Hail. Our mer’ = shirts are fine. i oF erie” of Moston, aim | . v i the ; : : { z | Grmsyompmindereme pp Young & Bro, + - bankers and financiers, and these | gon 7 For lack of space will have to stop. No juggling of prices with us. Wholewd ¢ and Hatall Dealer in - +1 FRESH MEAT OF ALL KINDS. has crested no little excitement among yo ye the advocates of Rt Bologna, Lard, Etc. ‘things for which they contend. : “The conception of the work is a novel one, and the book itself has been successful as a financial venture. As an addition to the literature upon the | subject of ‘Free Coinage of Silver,’ however, the book is of little or no | : ~~ OF PATTON, “value whatever. : Pe lar “No such ‘school’ was ever held. No Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. Most” opular such silly questions as are set forth in | aren from ref.able rifao- the book were ever propounded by any | CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. scturers that Bave gaind a go of Chicago's business or professional SURPLUS, $10,000.00. : a meri. The book ia little more than a | uit sou ensy oad Sesh Lor tom fevers: | tho, Sor trick. The suthor states that certain Bie tevin cuniet ont WIA salen SUAVE VY pier Lins intelligent gentlemen were actually y | e nip thelcets for wile for ail the leading | present in the room and then be puts | Hii othe dia Worid various questions into the mouths of po these men. He claims that those men | Interest paki on time deposit. were there and asked the questions of | A- E. PATTON, Wi. H. SANFORD, ~ him. He then proceeds to ‘demolish | ; Pye fumt. Cashier the men of straw which he himself has | : ‘Adamant Plaster set up. He cunningly uses the names | Gives a first clase wall a moderate ex- pense. CASH-ONE PRICE. GET THE BEST When yot! ire aboet to bay a Sewing Machine do pot be dete vod by siloring advertisements and I to Sivieik you car get the bout duane, i _ FIFTH AVENUE, i i Patton, Pa. | 1 First Nation |Bank|: AAHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. and Wines at the rar, Stabling attached Groray FERGUSON, Proje. og Mschaical gun. : struction, duradi working | fineness of I ork ¥ } ” of has as many SegeSyemmts 48 The bas Amtomatic Tension, Double Peed, ines | | of needle \ BO other ‘ued men, and manages to wake it appear | that he has one by one demolished the views of each of his questions.” : Several prominent people sach as Is the best fre-resisting plaster. Always realy for use in any season. | ‘WRITE _FOR CIRC FOR CIRCULARS. Lyman J. Gage, president of the First: Does not hold gases or disease germs National Bank of Chicago, J. Law- | Is the par excellence for patching. THE NEW HONE SEWING N {CHINE (0. Fra-s 71 £50 1 raved ever over poet, rence. McLangblin, R. G. Horr and = Can be pspured as soon as dry. | Omasem, Mame. Bosvow Nase 88 Bwos hecuts, *. I your ded unc wap youwaas. Selby others who are quoted as giving infor- Is recommended by all the leading | Sun Puadomer sieeve IMIBKIN é KUSN ER mation for its publication strictly deny. ~~ Architects who have used it in. the accusation and denounce the book | * golia sow and & AL. : in every particular. ve you a solid wall. . Are Y R d s—— Of ituelf will not crack, swell or re # ou ca y 1 - 9 5 : | COMPULSORY EDUCATION. = Soin Setvo ot whe 5 De ; not cleave off w used as . Hm ————— A Residents of Pennsylvania who are rected even in case of leakage. For the Harvest ? ; opposed to the education of their chil- Will give you a warm house. SEES Demmi dren, and aro determined not to send Does mot ruin woodwork by loading Xnenw's culy ove way 55.40 ready 45 Ska on is be i hk you 221 Yo takce of at least two miles from a Admits of carpenters following plas school house. There are other ways of | terers in & few days. LIGHT RUNNING SEuriug <xvmpcon fous the opiTaion Is capable of every variety of finish. ; Far compulsory education law, | yoy 100 op the Palmer House, Good Of | Bailding, - Hotel Bec, Hotel Patton, course this does not require the at- ~ tendance of children who are mentally or physically unable to profit by edu- cation, but it requires that all others CC. L. & 1. Co. office., Patton Opera, house, Mm. E. church, and on more than one-half of the p - houses and: ; store rooms of Patton. : il between the ages of 8 and 13 shall at- | Also the Catholic Church St. August- |! terd some school in which the common ne : y — English branches are taught, for 18 : " For prives and information, write . = weeks in each year. ADAMANT PLASTER CO., ~ : It remains to be seen how the law | : BESTINTHE ; Patton, Pa., Lock Box 346. will work. ‘Compulsory education is: ChE i. Li mot new in other states or in other | countries, but it is a new thing in: Pennsylvania. There is a good deal of aversion in the public mind to com-| - pulsion of any sort, bat there seems to | be some need for a law of this kind. Pennsylvania makes liberal provisions, for the education of its children. Own- ere of real estate are taxed heavily to ‘provide the means of education, which are open alike to those who pay taxes STEEL BINDERS wo Lightest in Draft, Greatest in Capacity, Siraplest i: Construction. All Competit ic on Staid Away from | - the McCormick in the | H—— k : , - " 3 World's Fair Tests |= -Z = aee 1 wight to-day be selling a lin» of so-called “cheap” machines at a price which would still be high, but prefer to seil the Aiph-vabe MeCormick at a price which experience will most assuredly prove is ‘ow. Glad to show * my friends these machines at an: tim: Come i and see them. JS. McCoy, Chest Springs, Pa, and 4. M. = Gooderham, Patton, Pa., are agents for the above named machines. Cail on or write for particulars, All kinds of pare for the islatare has decided that those means must be used. The law-making body has acted upon the that the citizens to grow up without at least an | A : — ne | : 5 At Seige ate seeury cERLIBASS. SLs, | Shove named Underw ear - All STRAW HATS 5c to 1 25-ALL STYLES STIFF and SOFT HATS. - - - You come and see Us. If I can’t save vou dollars no one else can. Yours for a square deal, THE EYE A SPECIALTY lll Ee LADIES 736 the Suit. | 10,18, 28c. - sh SA A AA. ‘stock soc., 7sc., 1.00 [a a i he Ae el 0 a 4 A + AA AAS AO MS SAA er So 3 Sl tt SS AAO A SRA new mg em an tn a We'll use you White. L.. Ss. Bell, CLOTHIER, TAI LOR, SHOE DEALER. Accommodations int-clnss, Best of Liguoms Dr. S. W. Worrell, ‘Wines, Liquors, | Beer, Etc. | Phoenis | Brewtn6 Co.'s Beer. Flasks, Cirks, Jugs, Etc., PATTON, PA. General Surgery a ANDi Room Noe. 3, GOOD BUILDING. W. E. Probert, won § RT ISTIC Barber and ‘Hair Dresser, IN ALL 17S BRANCHES. #3 NEXT DOOR TO PASTONFICE, Go To DANIELSON & ENGBLAD'S SHOE - SHC SHOP googie os of all kinds done promptly. Li AUGUST K. HUBER, STONE MASON, { Mellon Avenue, PATTON, PA. fam prepared in do all Kindvof Soil I reasonable line at entiintes Ti wl. Give mea onll CADIES Finest five of Percales, Shirtings and [llumiue Checks ever, opened | in the County. An assortment of Sik Wast Pat" terns alsa just opened. Ladies’ ribbed underwear The best qual- G. J. FITZPATRICK, RESTAURANT, And desler in. all kinds of Confectionery Cigars and Tobacoo. Meal wu mrved at al ogre, MM: AEP Avenue, xt dnor tk § Omit 9 wre ( uN Mone. Hani Children’s Gutize anderw TWear se. - 5¢.; Men's balbriggan 25c. former price joc. ities for the money cver offered. and 1H speci: ai HOSE In Shoes 1 have argains for the ladies, 99 cents. A fall line just received. = Good bargains at 10, 12, 15, and 25 cents. Butterick Patterns, Latest Styles. Come and See Goods. - GEO. S. GOOD! and Misses Hose, . * Hastings, Pea { PAE a grr iT 4 0 - 3 WL a Mpa a Fi Real we SA EE Te Rl > Vo of N RT 48 Lah kl 5 0S ; 2 ; CE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers