Fa tures, and There Was ‘Nothing Worthy PET watt Al . proach to Chicago is thus described in the account published in 1825: _ stroyed by the Pottawatomies. No traces | “We fomnd in it no ‘® tion of the climate A VILLAGE WHICH PRESENTED NO i “THRILLING PHOSPECTS.” The Country Thereabotit Offered Few Fea. of Exlogy—A Report That Failed Com pletely as a Prophecy. : The Chicago of nearly 75 years ago did not present an inviting appearance. . The party of Keating and Lang left Fort Wayne in May to discover the source of the St. Peter's river. The ap- Wea were near the gonthern extremity of the lake. The visw toward the north was boundless, the eyuv meeting nothing but the vast expans of water which spread like a sea, ils surface at that time as calm and unrnffied as though it were a sheet of ice. : “Our path led us over the scone of the bloody massacre which occurred in 1512, when the garrison of Chicago was de are now to bo seen of the massacre. “Oy the afternoon of Jane 5 we reach: od Fort Dearborn (Chicago). Fort Dear born is on the south bank, near the! mouth of the Chicago river. The post at | Chicago was abandoned a few manths | after the party visited it. | Irs extiblioh- | ment had been found neveirary to intimi- | date the powerful tribes of Indians] which still inhabit this part of the coun. . "We were much disappointed at the appearance of Chi ager and 1S vieinity. | 1a to. Justily the great enlogium lavisiyid upon iv. by Me Sehooleraft, a late cler, “The best comment upon his descrip: | snd the oil i= the » : a ; i fact that, with the mst active vin lane | ‘on the part of the officers, it was impos- ; gible for the garrison, consisting of 70] - mncheckered by islands end unenlivened by spreading canvas. a The ing not the least trace of comfort. ‘wild onion.’ Mention is made of the] Perot, who found ‘Chi residence of a powerful chief of the Miami ges: “not exceed the cargoes of five schoonars, © oven when the garrison received its sud- - lation proportionate to the produce which they can yield, Chicago may become one “between the northern lakes and the Mis | mies, but intermixed with Ottowas and acknowledged by the Indians themselves, © and it has been uniformly admitted by the interpreters und traders whojave and if be can eat of his heart, which by them is considered as the seat of all between the British and Americans he into the British service. Wells was killed After the action his body was * divided, and his heart was shared, as be- 2 long resided with them. £6 $0 men, to subsist on the grain raised | in the country. : aE “The appearance cf the conntry near Chicago offers but few featnres There js too much uniformity in the sceacry. The extensive water prospect 1s a waste . village presents no thrilling ts, as notwithstanding its antiq ity it consists of but few huts, inhab. | ited by a miserable race of men, scarcely | equal to the Indians, from whom they are descended. Their log or bark hows es are low, filthy nnd disgnsting, dispiay- ~ “Ohicago is perhaps one of the oldest settlements in the Indian country. Its namé, derived from the Pottawatomie| language, signifies either ‘skunk’ or as having been visited ic 1671 by a’ to be the “As 8 place of business it offers no indacement to the settler, for the wliole snmoal amount of trade on the lake did from Mackinaw. “Tt is not impossible that at some dis: tant day, when the banks of the Illinois] shal) have beén covered with a dense population and when the low prairies which extend between that river nud Fort W shall have sequired a popn- of the points in direct communication “The Indians were chiefly Pottawato- Among many charges ust these Indians there is none more horrible than the charge of cannibalism. This has been denied, but it has been It is a commom superstition with then that he that tastes of the body of s brave man acquires a part of his valor, ‘ the share of bravery which ar- rives from it is still greater. © “Captain Wells is still mentioned as the bravest white nan with whom they: ever met. He had almost become one of their number and had nnitod himself to a descendant of Little Turtle. “At the commencement of hostilities sided with his own countrymen, while the Indians of this vicinity all passed ing the most certain spell for courage, and part of it was sent to the various tribes in alliance with the Pottawato- mies, while they themselves feasted up- | on the rest. ’’~—Chicago Times-Herald anon The latest joke at the expense of the! French Society For the Protection “of | Animals is to the following effect: A countryman, armel with an imniense club, presents himself before the presi: - dent of the society and claims the first | prize. He is asked to describe the act of | ~ humanity on which he founds the claim: | “1 saved the life of a wolf,” replies the countryman. ‘I might easily have killed him with this bludgeon,’ and he " swings his weapon in the air, to the im- | - mense discomfort of the president. “But where way this wolf?” inquires the latter. -** What had he done to yom?” ‘He had just devoured my wife.” was the reply. The president reflects an instant and then says, ‘‘My friend, I am of opinion beard of that side grows longer than that that you have been sufficiently reward. ed. "~—New York Post. : : . Hair. ~The hair grows better in light than in darkness, because of the stimulating ef- fect of light and sunshine. It has been often noticed in the case of men who sit in offices with one side always turned toward the light that the mustache or, on the other. enthusiastic votaries of faro were old 1 latter had put 19 chips ‘nstead of 20 on i the card, snd consequently he fy nine | chips and a split, of half a check, on it ‘he had $245. little, then erouches and finally hes flat ‘the tnoment it saw any other creature ‘observed as pure convention, one which | and other local dignitaries, are enrolled | in a company, Which is divided inte i grasshopper. and at first the significa: | eigarral, or the place where the grass | host, specially to 1 i sn modified form, to te apg | habitat of the grasshop; ! ald. Some years ago, when gambling fionr- fshed in Washington, two of the most ‘Bill Lunsford and Adam Koch They usually bucked the animal togéther, and when they had a winning eireak the bank proprietor wis ast to walk the floor nervously, and there wonld be ghift- ing of dealers every quarter of an hour) or 80. When the ficlile goddess frowned npon them, however, there was joy in| the heart of the man who carired the roll, and pheasants and vinison were lia- | ble to mark the next ‘night's supper. | They always played the limit, which: was $73 to‘ ‘cases’ in mist of the rooms in their day, whether their luck was’ good or bad, and ermsenquently they won big money or lost their stakes in short, order. One night Koch went op into Jones’ | place, over Charlie (Gedirey’s saloon, on | E strect, without a cént in his pocket. | Lunsford was spread out before the far] table, with red chips pt 81.25 a stacked up in front of him and stacks] covering the case cardi on the board. He) was tipey and nnsociab le, and when Ke ch | - i rawr | suggested the loan of a couple of stacks | he was met with a stormy refnsal | He sat down and wate hed the play, how: | ever, und at last [onsford, who was palling for a small tottle every other | turn, got dronkee and pot a pile of chips] on the king, of which only one h i shown. In a moment tea kings folio “nd | | each other in {he dea, wed Jim Davis, who was dealing, took down half of Lunsford 's bet. In doing so he fonnd the Lunsfard was wild He hated a split worse than any gambler who ever played a system, amd he turned on Rock, “You wanted a stags, durn you, and now yom can have it,” he exclaimed, and be threw the split at Koch. The latter coolly pic op the 6215 cents and pat it on a carck owen. He shifted tha chip to another place, and it won again. Here and there he moved thei chips over the table, pow coppering them and pow playing them open, and every time he won. Ar the end of the deal be had 830. At thd end of the next The mows got out on the street that Adam Kosh had struck a winning streak. ‘Ths was enough ic crowd Jones’ place with curious and ex. cited spectators. At midnight Koch was $1,400 ahead of the game. At o'clock in the morm.ng he arise and called for a bottle of wine and paid the boy with a $10 bill out of oa roll containing just $2,690. That was thie luckiest gamble ever known in Washington. And Luns| ford went broke trying to copper Koch's steady luck —Chicago Times-Herald _ Canine Etiquette. Conventional rulés are most nseful in intercourse with straagers, and this feel ing, the result of doliberate reflection Among men, seems quite as well ander stood by animals. Ths number of steps which a prinee or embxissador might ad | vance to meet the otker without derogat ing from his dignity, and the frequent halts and bows, find a parallel in the amusing form of canite etiquette, when cne dog **spies a stranger’ as a distance. | The first dog stops short, then trots on a down, with its nose oa its paws, like a skirmisher ordered t¢ open fire on the epeniy. The other clog, which was less quick sighted, sometimes lies down, too, but more usually trots slowly ap, with occasional halts. : The action of the first seems clearly tc be a survival of a tims when a dog nat urally cronched in order to conceal itself which might hurt it or which. ou the contrary, it might want to stalk. The radden drop is something like that of 8 setter when ‘‘crenping’’ up on to the birds, bat more like the crouch of the fox. when it sees 3 hare or wants to con. coal itself from persons whorn it sees while ft is still wasven. Bus now it is is obviously mere show, bat to omit which would be s brench of canine eti- guiette which might and sometimes does lead to a fight. ~—~ London Spectator. SM mn ein Begging an Xadustry. There are numbers if villages in Rus sia in which begging is the staple indus try. No one does anything else. It i stated in the labor corimission report on that country that ‘'pearly 3,000 out of the 3,500 persons in the districts of In- zar and Saransk are beggars,’’ and that the whole population of the village o! Marinin live by raeans of begging. And these are by no means isolated cases In many other districts precisely the sam style of things prevaila 2 “In a real beggrs’ village all the in. habitants, incindirg even the starost: parties. These perties go ont in turn « : troduction. ‘ ¢ rapid flight. of a bright October day, observations ‘only five seconds between the greatest telegraph. We succeeded in identifying York World begging picnics. The booty they bru back is regarded as common prope; and the population desonds pon it 1 their sapport —(rood Wards The Werd Cigar. The word ‘cigar’ is believed td oc oi from the Spanish cigarra, meaning and propriety of the term seem gues tiomable But in dpasish a garden © bopper sang. Tolucco was nsnally grow in a cigarral. and when the leax 1 rolled np and troag a guest 1} rend the p net, was careful to state that grown in his own cigarral. Thus word which means grasshopper care, iv to the cigar, whose materia there. : He Neele:d One, Cholly Champleigh—vas ont leet night. Had a head on me tis pion? Miss Coldeal—H I were yon, I'd ; out late every night. —Xew York Ilo | briskly. land?" “1 the farmer stranger, vanlti “1 traversed | serve: "1 farmer. | tively, ] back. — Providence Journal MARBLING BOOKS. atta our The Slow Old Process by Which tle Faney ©. Edgws Are Made. : : Almost ever since the first books wore | made the fashion of rearbleizing the | edges of many of them has been in | vogue. It used to be, however, that only | the most expensive volumes — those bound in foil calf and elsborately let- | terad—had their edges thus garnished, but now such finishing is left, for the | most part, for ledgers, daybooks and other blank books intended for business rea. hi Though long before gilt edges ware ihought of the ornamenting of the plain | white edges of books to imitate marble | was popular, there has heen little or no change in the process since ite first in- It is generally supposed that all such details have coms upder the stamp of | the bookmaker's art until there is hoth- ing left in them to remind one of their first and earliest days, but not with marbling. As time has gone on the pop- nlerity of this method of embellishing paper has grown less. Consequently i there has been 10 need to devise moans | by which it could be more speedily done. There have been some improvements in the original methods, bot mest book- binders still stick to the old way as; good enough. : machinery cpe after anther and takiog on their marbled edges in some mysteri- ous manner, as might be supposed, each book is taken by bud separately and the leaves dipped, tightly held together, into the lignid that marks their edges with the many colored little veins, be. fore the covers are put on . A trough abont two inches deep is filled with gum water, on the surface of which various oolored pigments bnvo been. thrown and disposed in various forms with a comb and ¢oarse wire teat ‘The cans of lignid paint are ranged along the sides of the troogh, and from them the paint is taken by dipping into | them long, =oft hairbtroshes that sre | held over the water and allowed to drip. | One color is put down right over thu | other, and the wide, coarse comb drag- ged through them, The books are ex. tremely dexterously dipped into the wa- | ter, and the colors adhering to their, edges are set by dashing cold water over | them. But one of the three edges at a time can be marbleized and set vp on end to dry before the book can be han- | dled again for another dipping. Thos | the variegated edges of books and mar- | bled papers for the sides and covers of | them are prodoced. | The process may seem a little slow, | but it answers all the needs that the bookbinder finds for it, —St. Louis Re- | publica. ss ———————y . SPEED OF WILD DUCKS AND GEESE. The Ducks Make Over Sixty-six Miles an | : Hour and Outfly the Geese. i Of all the migratory birds the Ameri | can wild pigeon and black duck are well | up toward the front as regard Jong and | Tie spend of the pigeons can only be estimated, while that of the ducks can be stablished by obeervation. Some years ago the writer and a scien- tific friend measured «ff on the shore of a large western river a line exactly three miles long, and each took a station at opposite ends of the line. The object was to note, by means of 0 signals, the time a flock of wild ducks took in passing up or down the river, pear the stations. During threo hours on the morning were noted of the times of passing the stations of nine different flocks. Upon comparing watches it was foand that the average time was 3 minutes and 42 | seconds, thus showing the epeed per | hour to be 66 3 miles, or one mile in 54 paconds. As showing how uniform was their flight, a differmace was found of and the least intervals of time. As pumercus flocks of wild geese were daily flying in the same neighbor- bood observations were also taken to test their hourly speed. Two points twenty- pine and one-third miles spart were se- lected, both of which were connected by four out of seven flocks which passed | over both places during the four days | we were on the watch. The mean bour- | ly speed was found to be a fraction over | 54 miles. The wild goose has been long! to be the swiftest of all water | fowl, but this experiment shows that he | is far behind wild duck — New A Loug Road. Farmers down in Dixie, like those in| New England, have a very grim, but pone the less indisposable, sense of ha- | mor on occasion, if this anecdote from Georgia is to be credited: A farmer returnipg from town with an empty produce ‘wagon overtook a young man plodding along with the dis-; | couraged air of acity man unused to { dirt roads. Le “Hullo, Jersey,’ cried the stranger “(mn a man get a lift to Vine 1 don't see why he éan's,”’ responded ait wanmittal wy. I'l tLe a ride,” suid the rhe wagon and *3 3 1 Then vp PmaRing Dol I eal oliatae, After tired or four mis had bern wor pinsed in his in 21 taik long enough to ob tae SEY consonant “It's quite a distance to Vigeland. SEN it $a dg tana 1 admitted th Yes, 18 18 § aistance, Pain ittesd] tie ‘Another mile wos passed, and | the stranger pgnired «+ About how far #5 1t-to Vinelan “*Well,”’ replied the farmer medi “keepin straight way we're gulp DOW, it's about 23,000 ale { miles, but 1f you'll get out and hoot it back, it ain't more’n about six or sev en.’ a This stranger got out and “hoofed’” 1t j | goled for the alstinence of thess great | pence? Thackeray once declared that he | Lamb, toiled after tobadon ‘as sate men after virtne.’ At a certain dehite fn | gmoking he told the story of Ril carly | | antitohacconists th confasion. Justead of books whizzing throogh | { ftobacen had been a deadly polen to ; BOTY five hh atteennt i tions, ] I sn Ticiona [Groans | From that siement I) 1 tea or kill yourself by eating too many | potit of the antitchaccorists snd com- | the celestial bodies, which they do by ours in goodness. They have likewise “central orb, a peculiarity bass upon no { son present at the meal picked cut with | his fingers such bits as he desired. Uma Eunest 3. ‘knives then ced,” and it turned ous to be something was some. new kind of dress goods. "'-—— = fy The following from Edmund Yates’ “*Racollections’’ appearsd in a Losdon periodical: *‘ Mr. Gladstone *Qeitrats’ 1o- bacco: Mr. Mutthew Armold abuses’ it; Mr. Buskin hetes the man who *pollutes the pure air of the morning with cigar smoke. | Bot aro we not con- men by the devotion of others of emi- did nt despair to see a ‘bishop lolling out of the Athenenm with s cherost in his mouth, or, at any rate, a pips stock int his shovel hat’ Bot if sre have not a smoking bishop, we have a smoking pact lnnreate (alluding to the Inte Lord Ten- nyson ), familiar with tobaocos, Latakia, Connecticut leaf, Perique, Lone Jack, Michigan, Killicinick, Highlander ‘or any of the English brands.’ “How did he take the gentls weed? At his feet was a box of white clay pipes Filling one of these, he smoked nutil it was empty, broke it in twain and threw 2 ents into a bo epars ST i : the fragments into a box prepared for | opens, and upon the platform appear their Feception. Then he took another | pipe from its straw or vrooden inclo- | sure, filled it and destroyed it, as tefore For years Professor Haxley, like Charles strugeles in a way which atterly put the | “For 40 voars of my life,” he said, me. (Lond cheers from the antifobae- | In my youth, as a medical In vain! At) my insidicns {oe to on the foe conists | stadent, T tried to moka stretehed me jae % peated cheers] IT entered the navy 1 hated tobaren. Ioomid ai- art $0 ANY Ins with defeat mist tution that had for its tlie the potting 1 of tobacon ouokers to centte {¥q a Ors 1 wenn Yaa — ave ent my | cheering. | “t+ A fore pears oe I vrs in Pricey with some { We went to an J They began to smoke, - They locked very happy, apd cotside. it was very wet and | dismal 1 thoneht 1 wonld try cigar [Marmurs. } Idid sa Boel that eigar——it was de. pla [{ireat expecta- was a changed man, and J-now feel that | smoking in moderation is a comfortable and landable practice and is productive of goed antitobaceonisia the smokers, | “ “There is no more karts in a pipe than | there is in a cup of tes, Yon may poi- | son yourself by drinking too mnch grees i Dismay and confusion of the | Roars of laughter from beafsteaks For my own part, I consider that tobacen in moderation is a sweetener and equalizer of the temper.” [Total plete triumph of the smokers |" : A Curious Fart. The Popular Srience News calls atten. tion to a most remarkably acconat of the posifion of certain planes as located in “Gulliver's Travels This book, writ- ten somewhere about 1736, contains the | following words: “They. spend the greater part of their lives in observing’ the assistance of glasses far excelling diseoverad two lesser stars, or gatellites, which revolve abont Mars, whereof the | innermost is distant from the center of | the primary planet exactly three of his : diameters and the outermost five. The former revolves in the space of 10 hours, | and the latter in 21%, so that the squares of their periodical times are very pear in the same proportion with the enbes of their distance from the center of Mars ™ ; One hundred and fifty years before it was known that Mars had a satellite, when the theory that it had coe would have been met with ridienle, or at least disbelief, the author of his remarkable book described the exact number of satel. lites that Mars possessed, told their loca tion and unusaal speed ; also a peculiar ity in the relation of the speed to the principles with which astronomers are familiar. A careful study cf the state- ments made by many writers of marked ability will almost inevitably lead vs fo the conclusion that certiin imagioative minds have the gift of prophecy, or. at all events, there may be flashes of divi nation possibly unsuspected by rhe wnt ers themselves : : Meals In the Dark Ages. : Few references can be foand as to the manner in which a meal was served and eaten daring the dark ages. As near as we can learn, the soup ‘was put jaa hig bowl with ears, called a ‘'porrirger’ There was seldom a spoon for each per son. Those whe had spoons.dipped them into the porringer; and the liguid was | carried directly to each mouth. Those who were without spoons drank thew soup from the perringer, holding it 1 one of the ears, or else borrowed a spoon of their neighbor, Se The meats were placed in a large ves gel in the center of the table. Each per or twy knives answered for half a doar were withont kill borrowed from those who had one. As A role, the gnests at table nsed their own i There is no evidence that nap kitis were supplied to guests at this pe rice. At ag te. po mention is made of Those who Disappointed. Mrs Wickwire in 4 wav befoxemn threw down the pape! & some UT fation. “What's the matter, dear? asked Mr Wickwire **(h, nothing. 2 here was something What von must know, 3 SAW 8 Line in the paper about ‘Chinese worst 1 thought it about that jirescome war. Indiapapodis Jonrual A HOROLOGICAL WONDER. The Complicated Time Keeping Oddity Tn: The prize wonder in the shape of a ¢lovk is the invention of a Russisn Pole nuined Goldfsdon, The inventor is a closinnaker of Warsaw and boasts that he worked over 2,000 days on this time keeping oddity. The clock represents a railway station, with waiting rooms for travelers, telegraph and ticket offiees . aml a very pretty and natural platforis, ‘London. Every quarter of an hour the | well lighted and having in its center a flower garden and a sponting fountain. There are also signal boxes, lights gwitches, water tanks—in fact, évery- thing used in conjunction with a well regulated railway station. There is a diad in the center tower, which shows time at New York, Peking, Warsaw an station begins to show signs of life First all of the little figures of telegraph opsrators begin to work their machines, the head antomaton going throagh the “form of sending a dispatch to the effect { aronnd the station honse —3t i Republic. day he saw his neighbor in the aet of thnt “the line is clear.’’ Then the door thes station master and his assistants Next a long line of little figures file up | to the miniature ticket office. After this the porters appear, carrying Ingzage, the bel! rings, and instantly 8 | mipisture train dashes ont of a tanned aud halts before the platform of the sta- tim house While the train is waitings mnistare figure tests the wheels ahd axle with a tiny hammer, another % | pomps water into the tank of the en- | gine, while a third busies limself stow | ing away small lumps of coal in the sil- There is one signal | ver plated tender of the bell, whervapon the door of the "1 single coach opens, and the little figures | : : : { slide in on an | Again I tried to smoke and again met | ga cruning closing after them | ord tap of the bell is the signal for the i | wheel tester, Waterman and fuel carrier | | to retire into the statioh hones | After the third signal the whistle invisible wire, A sox almost gives two toots, and the train quickly disappears in a tunnel opposite. to the ono from which it emerged five minutes When tha train is out of sight, fore. the station master and his assistants | leave the platform, the dows close bes | hind them, and they all retire to the | gaher side of the station bonse, whens, al the expiration of 15 minutes the train again appears, and the passengers | fils out and seat themselves in the build- | ing preparatory to taking another ATip louis! LOPSIDED HENS. | How » Cape Elizabeth Man Produced » Breed of Novscratchers, ‘Speaking of hens reminds me of a worthy townsman of ours, J. Fairfield Tuttle, who had a small patch of straw- berries so sitmated that only a fence, and a poor one at that, divided them 's henyard. and these same hens bothered o 3 Y much by getting throngh the fenocs snd swratching up the strawberry plants Our friend tried many ways to rid bimself of them, but failed until one setting another hen Now, it's necessary for you to know that the hens above mentioned ware of what is known. as the Shanghai breed $nd had very Jong legs It cocurred to cur friend Tuttle that he saw a way cut of the difficnlty. So procuring half a dozen bantam (short legs) eggs he stole over during the night, took out six of the eggs that were gnder the hen and replaced them with the six bantam. What was the resnlt? When the chicks were hatched, each one had one short und one long leg, and when they womld stand on the short leg and try to scratch with the long one they would only suc- seed in throwing themselves over. ‘When they would stand on the long leg, the short one would not reach the ground by several inches, and so ii the matter of seratching they were no’ in it, #0 to speak. —Cape Elizabeth Scatinel Names of the Centiped. “The word centiped in the mouth of | the old sailor, as. of the negro, becomes ‘santipede’ or ‘santifse,’ but I think Joe (Galbraith, a Hibemian ranchman of New Mexico, should be credited with | giving it the most remarkable twist from its dictionary pronunciation,” said | the topographer in a surveying party. “Joe caraped alongside us one night on our wry to Camp Grant. As two of our | men in the morning were shaking. al blunket which had been spread next te ground a centiped six inches long! ran ont from the under side of the blanket up the sleeve and face of one of | the two men. The man’s whiskers saved | his face from the needlelike feet, and he | brushed the reptile off to the ground | without sustaining injury. The eenti-| | pod was killed, and the party gathered : yon to lock at it. among them Joe, pager to alr his knowledge. “+Dan’t you know what that is?’ he said wisely. ‘It's a Santa Fe. They say they're pizener'n hell’ "—New York Sun. oar friend very ow | Josernt a trade, and who afterward gained {prominence in affairs, made now and then nneonsrions revelations of hisearly truining. During one of the campaigns | in ‘which he was engaged he foond him- | melf a* a country hotel where the table was bonntens, but the rooms few and ‘small It wns necessiry in order that the | whole party might be boused for each: . bed to be occapi ied by two persons. The governor's roommate was a young pol- titan, who could not hide his warprise | when the gyvérnor jnst before retiring rolled the #leeves of his night sxirt even ‘as fur up as his shonlders, and them beithed his arms in cold water “You wumder why 1 do this,” maid | the governor. ‘Well, 1 conldn’t sleep ‘anless [ dick When I was a youngster learning the tanners’ trade, I used to have my arms in the vats all day long, ‘and at night my skin would mnirt as | though 1 had been stung by settles. I | eonld not bear to have any cloth touch them. So I got the habit of willing my shirt sleeves as far as I could, snd thus : i T have slept ever sine.” : When Jewell was minister to Ruwds, he played nn Yankee trick upon the Rus . glans, the benefits of which we are reap Ling even to this day in this country. Like every other Americsn tanner, he had long wanted to know the secret of the process of manufacturing Russias limther. He had experimented with a | few dollars himself, only to learn thet dhe secret ‘was not to be dissoversd. : | he professed great interest in Russian industries mul wax shown through many + of the marnfacturies. there. By and by | there came an oppartnaiiy to go throagh a factory ywhere Russia leather was mums- | ested in those things which really did | not interest him and wholly blind to the very things he went to that place to gre. But he was not so blind as they thonght. ‘When he same ont of that fae- tory, he had discovered, as be believed, the process, and he brought the diseoe- ery back to this country with him, = that by and by the United States begmn to turn out a very good article of leather | resembling the Russian prodoot. — Phil 1 adelphia Press. SE — A HISTORICAL MYTH. | The Story of Geversl Jackson's Cotton Bale : | Breastworks » Pleasing Fletion | There are few of the schoolboys on . several groerstions preceding the pres | ent who do not remember being taaght that General Jackson won the battle of New Orleans by throwing ep a breast- | British sssauit behind them. | A dramatic account of this was inall | the school histories snd severnl others, | and the novelty of the affir appealnd | vividly to the imagination. sold | facts of later history prove this have been fiction. Henry Admns, history of Madison's administs | soribes the battle of New Ori "| mentions no such feature. McMaster, | in his latest volume, refers to the story in a note only to say that there were two | or three cotton bales used in ane place, | and they wore either set on fire or | knocked out at ance. | Jackson's line of bresstworks was of earth irmsgularly thrown up and of vary | ing height along its length. The trained | sharpshooters of the west did great work | a marksmen behind it and so galled | the heavily laden British troops that they | bad no alternative but to be shot or ve- | treat before the American lina The schoolbonk story used to be that | the Americans lost six killed and seven | wounded. McMaster places the figures | of killed and wounded at 70. The Brit- ish, it svems, were not all repulsed ao- line of the American troops was driven in, and the British left advanced a mile in the rear of Jackson on the way to New Orleans. : : Jowell, like all wen brought up So When at the cont of St. Petersbung, vfactured. Jewell was all smiles and | courtesies and seemed profoondly inter- the He was really flanked by this soooems, but the terrific slaughter he inflicted ap-~ on the British iu the center, involving the death of the first and second in command, compléiely dispirited them and induced the return of that wing their simy that was on the way to the 5 | pity. —Boston Herald, The following is a story of Abraham Lincoln which, if it is not true—as iS probably is not—is at least entitled to & place in legendary literature: Lincoln was once. riding along a lonely road when an ill looking man, who held a cocked revolver, suddenly faced him. “What do you want, my friend?" 1 am going to shoot you, answered “Well,” said Lincoln, “I don’t mind being killed, but I should like to know your reasons.’ “1 ance vowed,’ said the man, “that if I ever met a man homelier than Tam . I wonld shoot him. ”’ Tides stad Storms. When a tempest is approaching or passing cut on the ocean, the tides are noteeably bigher than usual, as if the | water had been driven in a vast wave befors the storm The influence extends to a great distanee from the eyolonio | storm center, so that the possibility ex sta of foretelling the approach of a dan- gerons hurricane by means of indications furnished by tide ganges situated far away from the place then occupied by the whirling winds. : : The fact that the tidal wave outstrips the advancing storm shows how extreme. | lv sensitive the surface of the sea 18 to] | the changes of pressure brought to bear | upim it by the never resting atmosphere. | » . % : } —- Youth's Companion, The Engagement Broken. A Frankford bard wrote a poem to his | inamorata which was published ina sub- urban paper. He said her mouth was like a cuwslip. The printer spared it and it read ‘cow's lip.” Unhappy bard '— | | Philadelphia Rocord | Lincoln locked critically at his assail- ant for a minute, and then said: “Well, if I am any homelier than you are, then for pity’s sake shoot!" Making Steady Progress. “Yeu, sir.” sid the long haired bosrd-- er, “I am fully satisfied in my own: mind that woman should be vested with all the privileges of man. 7 : “1 dom’t see why she shouldn't be vosted, ’ chipped in the cheerful idiot. | “She has been coated the same a8 man, and if this bievele business keepson she will be trons’ '— : The dinner bell rang, and in the mad rush ensuing the rest of the cheerful idict’s speech hit the enpty air. —Ine | dianapolis Journal “ist © To Keep Sunday Whole, Effio— Please, Uncle Arthur, do come and pliy chess with me. : » Uncle Arthur—Oh, Effie! remember? It's Sunday. ce Efie—Well, we can let the bishop win '—-Pali Mall Gazette. po Don’t yon at il * Ne # CrUATERTY A pad fy Ren ty