Patton Co uri ev. | PATTON PUBLISHING 1, ‘tinge to send them untd they are direc expr : ages Train No, Ci —— PXXs denn, A A tt. 0 AL A ot ig 504 Ce, Propristors. THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1595. NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS. Subscribers who do nat notive to thi: contimry are con awk leresl as ng to renew thud subs (ptic IT subscribers oder 1 fseontin ner may "con of their periodicals, the If subscribers neglect or refuse to cals from the postoffice to hae 'h ted, they are responsible until they have settle wl their bill and Srdered them anand. 4. If subseribers move th other waees with out informing the publisher, and the papers are sent to the forin er address, they are bold respIBRbIc. The Cou tae periodicals from the and leaving them uneatied for, is evidence of infeintional fund 8. If subscribers ‘pay in advance bound to give notice at the end of the they do not wish to continue meng iL; wise the publishers is ant horifzed, to we and the subscriber will be respon sible un ti i} An ess notice, wit hopuynient of afl are fx sent to the PEttigher paid. thelr pertodic rts have decided that refusing to; office or removing prima’ fucia Cy TY tine it other it 1 CHURCH NOTICES. CaTdoLic-Father Maredliiuy, evry other Nan dav at Sand day school af 2 poo ind ve Alin sun- in aston a. In. Mm apace nl Sop JW ASNON, and 740 pom wrth Lengua rv Wednes- f 1 E Yee METHODIST Brisooral pastor. BET he Sunday school af 6530 p.m Privel day evening i wal Jed a $d ting t 7:4 focal Time Table, The hours of arrival and departure of trains ut the Patton Station are as follows: Mail fom oo jo 2 310 Y 47 A. M. to 8 T mA 1082 A $0 Pr H lid ¥ TERA new. TOR, T08-N Postoffice hours from P. MN Train uber marked NV northbound and “8” southbound. Fishing Fever. I don’t know how to ‘count for it, Rut every year in March A homesick feelin’ gits mo Jos* sort o lose my stanh, (iit thinkin’ of the old hame Up where I was born, Af how the game-cock rooster Used to wake me in the morn, Seem to see the cherry trees Burstin' into bloom; Altnost smell the fmgmnec Of the hyacinths perfome. Wond rin’ if the honey bees ‘Li git to business soon, Thinkin’ {f the trout brook! Rings the same old tune. Oh, the dancin’, riplin’ trout hook! An’ then [ jes’ git wishin’, *At business was in Halifax An' time ‘nd coms for fishin’ ~'Tin Horn, ~ A AM Pr I ¥ Soda Soda water At Hodgkin's Jee cream season is here. Go to Kinkead for fish. -72tf - will Menorial Day be observed in| ~ Patton? Read the Sheriff sales in another oolumn. : Jas. Mitchel, on Tuesday. Have you gathered any arbutos yet? Latest styles of men’s hats at C. H.| Perry’ 8.-78t2 : ~ Straw hats, good ‘ones, 5c. ‘each— Bell, The Clothier. R. C. Kduffman, Altoona on Monday. came over from: § "DD. M. Trout, of Altoona, was a guest | id Hotel Beck Monday. N. Wayne, of Spangler, registered at Hotel Beck on Tuesday. ! Fred Nagle, of Houtzdale, was a vis- | itor to Patton Saturday. Lock Haven is to be visited by two | large circuses this season. The Euclid mines at South Fork were closed last week by the sheriff. give © Xpre RX MoE all ATPCATHECS Are | take are a up from Clearfield | adn Mais Tey Truman's coal. -67tf The tree will soon awake. Try Lerch, the tailor, Mahaffey. Pa. | Wall paper at 4 cents a bolt at Letts’. Sdy, have you tried Hodgkin's soda | | water? : Fresh Shad and Herring at’ Kin- kead’s. -72tf Lerch. the tailor, Mahaffey, tees a perfect fit. -68tf If you want to be ‘‘in it”! put an ad in the Patton COURIER, TT. G. Cronover, of Lancaster stopped ‘at Hotel Beck Saturday. A female clown travels num’s circus this season. The roads have been excellent in this section for the past week. T. W. Graffins, of Tyrone, registered at the Palmer house Monday. Lon. Rhody, of St. Lawrence, was a ‘ guest at Hotel Patton Saturduy. E. H. Evans, of Lock Haven, was a guest at the Commercinl hotel Tuesday. Butterick Patterns can be purchased at the store store of Geo. 8. Good. -85tf. Just received at C. H. Perry's, Chest Springs, Pa., a large lot of wall paper. 73t2 Send for mond, edited by | guaran- with Bar- of the Biack Dia- A. Bischoff, Chi- cago, Til G. E. Hipps, of St 1, awrenoe, rode ts Patton on bicycle Wednesday | morning. : a copy “HH: his should Mellon's All persons wanting coal leave their orders at Jas. | office. -72t2 Every Pattern of the Spring and {summer styles in stock at Geo. 8S. Good’. -85tf. Chilled plows and 5 tooth cultivators at C. H. Perry's. Cheaper than ever before. -87t2 If you wish to get cooled off stop in ito Hodgkins drug store “and get a | drink of soda. Mrs. Edith Allport sud her daughter Janet visited Mr. sand Mm. R. Me- | Pherson over Sunday. E. D. Welwood, a traveling sales- ‘man of Pittsburg, stopped at the ' Palmer house Monday, A. M. Thomas, of Lock’ Haven, is stopping in Patton this week looking | after business interests. : L. 8. Bell, the energetic wievoliant; is to the front again this week with : another “ad.”” Read it. Before leaving ycur order for a spring suit of clothes call on Lerch, | tailor, Mahaffey, Pa.-88tf G. J. Fitzpatrick has just placed-a ' new and attractive sign in front of his restaurant on Magee avenué. ; Mrs. W. W. Kerr and child, of Du- | Mrs. Jesse E. Dale, this week. For cough colds and sore throat try Magic cough cure. Guaranteed by C. Ww. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf Philipsburg hase ball enthusiasts ‘ have organized a crack club for this season. John McC Noakey in the man- | ager. . | Chas Hodgkins has three fine speci- | mens of mountain brook trout in his | fish aquarium at the drug store. They | are beauties. The repeal of the oleomnrgarine bill | was defeated at Harrisburg last Thurs day by an overwhelming njority of, - | yeas, 80; nays, 114. lee Hong Quong, a Chinaman of Philadelphia, was last weei convicted tees every operation. : safe for children to take. ‘Dentist at Hastings. Dr. Richer, of Hastings, has recently disposed of his dental office. Dr. C. Kenney, of Erie, has assumed charge. | | | The office has been renovated, new | | equipments added and people living in | ' this vicinity now have an opportunity to obtain dental work of the best class at moderate rates. Dr. Kenney isa | dentist of the right kind and guaran- He is a special- ist in the painless extraction of teeth and deducts cost of extraction from price of plates when they are tr, be in- | as : : ' You will notice serted. Hasting, being 80 easily access- ‘able, our citizens would do well to visit Dr. Kenney when in need of any | dental work. For all grades of fertilizers, choice seed oto EK. W. Shar- T1t4 oats and grass seed g baugh, Carrolltown, Pa.. Our better halves say they could not keep house without Chamberlain’s Congh Remedy. It is used in more than half the homes in Leeds. Sims Bros., Leeds, Iowa. This shows the! osteem in whicl: that remedy is held ‘where it has been sold for years and is well known. Mothers have learned that there is nothing so good for colds, croup, and whooping-cough, that it cures these ailments quickly and perms anently, and that it is pleasant and : Twenty-five and 50 cent bottles for sale by C. E “Belcher's City Drug Store. The Butterine Produel. ~ The Farmers’ Review says: ‘‘Last year the butterine, or, as it is technically known, oleomargarine, sold in the United States bearing the marks of Chi- cago manufactures amounted to 38,000, 000 pounds, valaed in round numbers at $6,000,000. The manufactures are the packers, although there are two concerns devoted exclusivly to the busi- ness whose plants are more modern and complete than those of the big stock yard men. The capital employed in the various plants aggregates, it is suid $500,000. Probably 2,000 persons are employed in the industry.” DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cures gealds, burns, indolent sores and never fails to cure piles. C. W, Hodgkins. It. will be an agreeable surprise . to persons subject to attacks of bilious colic to learn that prompt relief may be had by taking Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy. In many instances the attack may be prevented by taking this remedy as soon as the first symptoms of the dis- ease appeir. Twenty-five and 50 cent bottles for sale by C. E. Belcher’s City . Drug; Store. “Black Diamond." Every person interested in the min- ing of coal should make it a special point to subscribe for the “Black Dia- mond,” a journal devoted to the coal trailing | Bois, are visiting her parents, Mr. and industry in all ite branches, which stands at the head of all jonrnals of this class. It is only $3.00 per annum. If you send for it, following is the ad- dress: The Black Diamond, 845 Temple Court Building, Chicago, Ill J. A. Richardson, .of Jefferson City, Mo., chief enrolling force 38th general assembly of Missouri, writes: I wish to testify to the merits of One Minute Cough Cure. When other so-called cures failed. I obtained almost instant relief and a speedy cure by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. C. W. Hodg- Patrick Carney. Patrick Carney, who occupied the positig of weigh master at Frugality for eral years, died Monday night, «1 about 40 years. His death re- Now is the time for the Patton of marder in the first degroe and was gultod from consumption after several “board of health to look around. We keep scientific suspenders. The latest and best—Bell, The Clothier. , sentenced to be hanged. Ex Cashier Wise of the suspended bank of DuBois was arrested last week months illness. He is survived by a wife and several small children. The funeral took place at Ashville, on THEW Gus. Simon, “Altoona’s Leading SHOE TAN Makes the following good offer to the Readers of this | ‘paper: Anyone cutting out the coupon below and taking: sane to his immense Shoe Store will receive ~ Halt of Their Purchase Free. ] Ma rked Men We don't “Tack On”’ TWO prices on our goods Thats the reason we sell twice as much Clothing, Shoes Ow Shoes are and furnishings as any one m gp oper town al Ladies’ up. Children’s Plain Figures. trom in 's. Shoes 21 ‘Shoes from 1gc up. we ‘This Offer is Good for One Month. als. SIMON'S LEADING SHOE ROUSE, 1400 1ith Ave.| si mer mere - Ladies’ Oxford Popular prices, Cut thig out, bring it ha f to my Ties just came in. Store and get yout puar- 75¢, 1.00 and $1.25. : chase (ree. Ladies shoes. 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, New stock of Gus. Simon, WE ARE THE Clothiers. COME AND SEE Our Stock. FINE LINE OF HATS. Anathier new invoice, : 1.75, 2.00 and np to $4. Tan Bluchers in this lot. Excellent Neckwear. Sparkling Spring STYLES. Spring clothing for men and Boys. Boys good shoes 85¢, 1.00, and $1.35. Misses Dress Shoes 1.00, 1.25, $1.35. ir iimemyiom We can furnish You with just as fine a suit of clothes, for the least money that can be had outside the large cities. We have made a special effort in select- ing our Spring Styles to suit the people. Just come in and look around and yoo will be convinced that we can SUIT you. Best Dress Shirts 45¢, 75¢ and $1.00. 0 Men's All Wool Clay Suits $10, worth $15. This is where we cut a figure. Our clothing stock has 3 suits to any other stores’ one. Put a pin in this. | Childrens Spring Suits. We are showing some exqusite styles for the little ones. Our stock is e wre, arest and dantiest you have ever looked at Styles to suit every taste and prices to suit every pocketbook. Just Received A BIG LINE OF DRY GOODS. The larg- est and best assorted line that ever came to Patton. 0 You are cordially invited. L. 3. BELL, Clothier, Tailor, Shoe Denier.) Signs of Times. Not the hard times, but those mammoth signs which A. M. THOMAS, the leading hardware man of| Northern Cambria has put up! in all sections of the county. You can see them everywhere, | which goes to show that he is the man who advertises and the man who advertises does the busiriess. We will not state in detail what is Kept at our store but when you wantany-| WIRKIN & KISNER anny 2 NIYUIW Prices’ STORE IN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. Moderate. Three ofa En WHAT TOBUY, HOW TO BUY, \WHERE TO BUY. Read the answer on this Ad" The clever and successful laboring man is always wide awake. The wide-awake man is always looking for bargai The man looking for bargains is duty bound in due justice to his own business interests to read this “ad.” The woman or child that reads this will fully be convinced that t y Turn your eye to the last page of the | on a charge of embestlemert. He gave Wednesday morning. — Spangler Senti- thing in the line of general CoURIER and you will save money. For table and floor oil cloth call at | bail for $2,500 for a hearing. The contractors for the new convent nel. B. H. Bowman, publisher Enquirer, C. H. Perry's, Chest Springs, Pa.-73t2 at Cresson are getting on material a) Bremen, Ind., writes: Last week our Jas. C. Rowland, of Philadelphia, was fast-as possible and expect to have & yop. ii baby, the only one we have, | was taken sick with croup. ‘doctors failed to give relief, and lite a guest at the Palmer house Tuesday. , C. H. Perry, of Chest Springs, w a welcome visitor to Patton on Mon- day. r ; It will pay you to rend the new ad- vertisements in the COURIER . this weal. : A. M. Thomas, the hardware man, is to the front this week with a new | advertisement. ! The Delineator for April is on sale at Geo. 8. (Good's store. Bubecriptions rec’d. there. -685tf Wm. T. Smith, of DuBois, is viaili i competed by his bw O daaygiiters, Salle in town. He is the guest of J. Myers on Beech avenue. A.D. McDonald, a traveling sales- men of Pittsburg, registered at the : Commercial hotel Tuesday. ‘Try Magic drops for pain internal | _ and external. Guaranteed by OC. W.! Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf 8. B. Crouse, of Philadelphia, and D. E. Murphy, of Bridgeport, Conn., stopped at the Monday. John 8. McCoy, of Chest Springs, and Frank Williams, of Glen Hope, stopped at Hotel Patton on 3 Thmray of last week. Sam’l Addleman, ex-street oohtiis. sioner of Patton, who is now employed at Curwensville, spent Sunday with | his family at this place. : John M. Click, of Philipsburg, who | J was formerly superintendent at the a Wigton colliery near here, registered at Hotel Patton Taesdsy. Jarge force of men at. work in a very rt time. For the third time W. E. Rothrock’s clothing store at. Driftwood, Pa., was robbed last Sunday morning. = The vaiue of goods taken imounted to about two hundred doslars. W. T. Sanford, mation agent at , Leeper, Clarion Co., Pa., writes: 1 can | recommend One Minute (ougn Cure as the best | ever used. It gave instant relief and a quick cure. U, W. Houg- Kins. Geo. 8B, Good, of Lock Haven, fact; and Minnie ana son Harry, were vis- |itors to Patton Tuesday and Wednes- | ‘day. Mr. Good has just recenily returned from an extenaed trip to the great § South-west where he is interested | in the building of a new raiiroad. Aaron Williams, late candidate of the | Democratic party for Congress in this district, died at his home at Port ‘Matilda, Centre county, on Monday health ever since his defeat last Novem- | "ber and his mind became affected. He was a useful citizen and leaves a com- | mendabie record. He wan 67 Jon age. Clearfield Monitor. L Freeman Williams has temporarily | | opened up a barber shop in the Boyce | building a ite hotel Beck, and in- vites all his friends to call and see him. | (Mr. Williams is a barber of many years ex | of friends in this place who formed his | a cncohyed at Houtadale and ita sur- , rounding towns during his residence j i i Teures quickly. rience and has i large clre to | After two was hanging on a mere thread, we tried One Minute Dough Cure and its life was saved. (. W. Hodgkins. Notice to Ladies, [ am now in the Sclomon building on | Fifth avenne where yoa will find every- | thing you wish in the millinery line. | Prices are reasouable. ALICE A. ASHCROFT. - Doctor H. R. Fish, of Gravois Mills, | ~Mo,, & Practicing Physician of many || years | Witch inch y Latops § quickly af Early Bim SOT cnm plaints.” A beautiful Cornmercial hotel afternoon. He had been in failing | Patton will be sold of | payments, Call or | | RTER office, Patton, Pa. La Grepipe a here old-time vigor. One (ure is a reliable res C. ¥ He Geo, 8, (oe a | fine wel | latent patie Mick lw \ digestion & Littl E fi pills. C. mon = CON SNE MONE ‘and the people who wants to save money will not hesitate visit our store and take advantage of the bargains we | offering on our stock of winter goods. We will, for ti.c ng |30 days, sell them at cost in order to make room lor « spring “stock. : : ~ A full line of the De st grades of flour hand. We handle he following popular Winter Wheat Flour: 1g:—PITTSBUG'S WHITE RIVER. SWAN and BISMARK. Rye and Graham. a trial ‘when in need of anything ‘Yours for Success, ATION SUPPLY Co ar a : Hardware, Farming Implements, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Plumbing, Tinning, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Etc., Etc. : , reed - al \ ol wel brands | Call on BEST. MINNESOTA 2A J For or SN SH AAT RAY i