The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 18, 1895, Image 4

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    Entered at the Postoffioe at Patton aa aecond- {
Patton Courier.
ab bt ti 5 Si
in the total cunt of » money I
the people as well as an increase in the |
| cirenlation per capita, the net ares
| for the month amounting to $9,649
The chief “item of increase was in a.
: coin, amounting tof1(, 925,799; the next |
| in importance: was an increase of $7,207, |
One 0opy, one year, in advance, Cf 900 in the araount of Treasury notes
Advertising rates made known upon | and lastly, there was an increase of §3,-
: ap. Musritinoed will 0) ab 201,980, in national bank notes. The |
i pid, orr— at the option of the {be | most important was one of $5,062,499, .
publ 'in United States notes. Other items
were decreases of $2,664,580 in gold
certificates, $2,069,659, in silver certifi.
| cates and $1, 067,551 in subsidiary silver.
' Standard silver dollars showed a de-
crease of $731,508 and. currency cer-
tificates a decrease of $100,000. The fig- |
ures exhibiting changes in the money
| and bullion in the Treasury daring the |
| month of March show a net decrease of
{$941,681. The largest item of decrease
{was ome of $7,5682.068 in Treasury |
! notes, and the next in importance a
‘decrease of $5,967,041 in gold coin.
A Among the increase the most notable
Count CANE 3 ones ones, W. C. | items were a gain in United States notes
PATTON PUBLISHING co., Proprietors.
el axs mall matter.
ist Monday of March 1st Monday of Sept. |
Ist Monday of June ist Monday of Dee. |
PresroeExT June Hon. A. V. Barker.
A C1
Treaster -F. H, Barker,
Suerirr—D. W. Coulter.
DerrryY SHERIFF Samuel Davin ;
DisTRICT ATroaNyY_X. 8M urphy
Comission gws—P. J. Dillon, G. fiova, |
Geo. M. Wertz.
CoMMmsioNER's CLERK—John C. Gates.
DTC Coen ov Ansiems Weakland, | corresponding with a — in
mn . circulation referred above, an
—Dr., George Marti
BE Hor: James Som: | increase of $6,860,257 in gold bullion. |
ervilie, Raphiel Hfje. | The figures exhibiting the change in
B imi Th the circulation of national banks show
r Wy .
Goowert: Lincoln R"Bell, president; 8.3. | 8 total, outside the ast day of March, |
Fe D Beck, BF. Wise. Young, | ‘amounting to $207,450,144. This repre- |
RCWO0L BoA nn. (, Crowell, provident; G. sents an increase of $2,497,750 for the
= Dr. J. 1B. Toy: H. E. Barton, Samuel | ' month, iy a dcureate of mo 1 for |
m ‘the twelve months ending with March
- E. Dale, J
Mellon. BY Sric Phscs-Jome F. Date ** The portion of the circulation based |
TxEAse =v. A Sandton. ' on the deposit of bonds amounted to |
UpLLECroR Cds, Mo 179, $47,383. This represents an in- |
_Whbprrons FH H. Kinkead, H. 0. Winslow, crease of $3,362,321 for the month,
FI Li Them POH ON--4. G. Abbot. “but a decrease of $1,724,008 for the year
ZStecion Alwabjui |} lien 'ending with March. The portion of
a i
STREET Cowmsmmionzr—-Samuel Addleman, the circulation secured but the deposit |
of money amounted to $27,602,761, which |
RAILWAY RUILDING. represents a decrease of $864,571 for |
A very gratifying revival of activity the month, but an increase of $1,393,334 |
in rallway building throughout the for the twelve months ending with |
United States is announced by the Rail- | March. [It will be seen from these fig- |
_ way Age. According to the table pre- ures that while the portion of the cir-|
pared by this publication, some 20,647 | culation based on bonds was increased |
miles of new road are now either in| during the month, that based on money |
- course of construction or are about to shows a decrease, while for the year!
_- be built in the near futare. The 20,547 | those conditions are reversed
. miles of new track comprises many |.
ete.’ During the year 1894 less than 2,-
. worthy financial backing.
. designated by the Comptroller for the
: matter larg 10 mabe rs of these farmers
new short lines and extensions on old | THE sEIZURS by “the Japanese of a
roads in forty-six states and territories. . British steamer with a quarter of al
The state of Texas, with a proposed Million cartridges on board for Cyne
new mileage of 2,918 miles, takes the! {shows that England is up to her o
lead, California ranks second with 1,390 tricks. . Of course, tne London a
_miles of new track, Arkansas with 1,877 {ont in a statement to the effect that |
"Pennsylvania 768, Mew York 383 miles, the vessel's ovmers were in entire ig-
inorance of ths real character of her
P00 miles of track were laid in the | cargo, supposing it to consist of “bam-
boo and steel,” but this statement is
United States. It is stated that the
construction of the 20,647 miles of pro. More bumorous than impressive.
posed railway is assured by trust- Tug NEw YORK WORLD says that it
is not likely that this country and Eng-
THE NATIONAL BANKS, - land will get into any trouble over
“The correspondent of the New York ‘England’s dernands for satisfaction
Commercial Bulletin writes to that from Nicaragua. If the English der
journal April 0: {"MThe completed re- mands are just, Nicaragua shouold a!
turns of the condition of the nati cede to them. The United States will |
banks of the United States at the date ‘oppose the extensions of European ter- |
ritory on the American continent, but |
last report, March fi, 1895, indicate a it does not propose to protect the |
somewhat different condition of things bumptious littis Latin-American repub- |
from the reports of last antumn. The lice in all their rocked conduc
Banks of the northeast, including those | The Editor's Mali.
of New England, New York, Pennsyl- 1h. dior said
vania, New Jersey and Maryland, were | | Anat dorm thin momairous iat} bag bY a]
the first to recover from the depressed A ou nder here
condition following the panic of 1863, a biaching snd blooming word |
and made a more favorable showing “Spring.”
last summer and autumn than those of Then be shiddersd and cried,
As he bitterly sighed;
the south nd weet, The last reports | J For the rest of {he mail he Knew.
show that south and west have | EOr the poeta are in it,
overtaken the northeastern banks and | i oy worl 30 wan, It was -
show a heavier preportioneof increase | “Wit. Nipiah in Pitisbrig Post
in their principal items of account than | “The Only” Sr 1896.
the others. The banks of the country | The COURIZE is plensed to announce
as a whole do not show quite such large | its clubbing srrangevents with The
discounts as appeared in December, | Pittsburg Post, the great home news
and show also a slight loss in individual ‘paper of Pennsylvania, and to persons
deposits, but there is condaiderable in- | | who want the best daily or semi-weekly |
‘crease over the figures of a year ago in | | paper published in the city, we recom-
both tems.
i pM
. = The Daily Post, u large eight-page
CHARITY FOX THE NEBRASKANS. | paper, and The CoURIER one year each |
The Philadelphin. Press makes a for $3.00. The price of The Post alone
strong plea for the farmers of Western | 1s $3.00. Send us your order at once |
Nebraska, who are just now in great and get seven papers a week for the |
need of grain for seeding purposes. | price you formerly paid for one. t
Wheat is their greatest product and it. The Sunday Post, twenty pages!
is, therefore, wheat they stand in need | every Sunday, containing as much
of most. In pressing the urgency of reading as any of the monthly magn-|
the situation before the people of this ' zines, and The COURIER one year each
state the Press says: : i for only $2.25.
~ “Pennsylvania’s contributions to the | The Semi-weekly Fost. and The Cou- |
seedless farmirs of Nebraska ought | RIER one year each for only $1.50. Just
"now to be well advanced. The farmers think of it, The Post twice a week, and |
of Pennsylvania feel the competition | your county paper for the price of one. |
of these wheat fields of the west, but Write us for sample copies.
nevertheless their hearts are full of Marriage Licenses.
sympathy for their brethern in dis- | The following parriage licenses were
tress, and a few of whom are natives | issued by the Clerk of the Orphans’
of Pennsylvania. Out of their abund- | Court for the week ending Thursday, |
ance they can casy alleviate the needs + April 11, 1896: !
of large numbers who now,
season of planting, have nothing Barnesboro:
wherewith to plant. The farmers of a Steen and Annie Keith, Sus-|
MWestern Nebraska in the long period quehanna township.
of drought from which they have suf- W. Reese and 1 Pri
fered have consumed all their grain. hay ny Lea -
Pennsylvania ought to contribute Cathari
~ promptly and liberally seed grain for’ Wissinger ea ne,
their spring p! lanting, ‘ Abram Rively hcrland So wahip, |
“if they not assisted in this jand Q Fant x affer,
who have weathered the period of “Siepben Barto and Kate Ruieniok, |
famine cannot io in any crop this! W. H. Garitson, on, Johnstown, acd |
year at all. For such there is no hope. | Loretto 8. Lewis, Dale.
They must abandon their farms and | J. A. Richardson, of Jefferson City, |
. give up the struggle where they are, | Mo, chief enrolling force 38th general |
~ even though they see no bow of prom- | | assembly of Missouri, writes: I wish to:
ise anywhere else.’ testify to the merits of One Minute
Cure. When other so-called |
yr oe tt Woh rae et tor tn
MONEY IN CIRCULATION INCREASING. Be failed. I obtained almost instant
The latest Treasury statistics mark a | relief and a speedy cure by the use of |
charge in the course of the circulation, | One Minute Cough Cure. C.W. Hodg- |
showing a net inerease for the month jigs.
os rd Ser Sm tr A A i i
' mend The Post. be
. John Brown and Margaret Cline, |
Conemaugh |
‘OLRARPTELD, Pa, April 15, 1895.
John Troxell’s log drive reached’ bicycle . :
agents ought to be able
yJeata Jonartey a is JOU 34 tive to supply the demand in Clearfield this
out of the creek the men’s services jp Mrs. A. F.. Boynton are’
ety Sls W1%, and a spending Faster week at Atlantie |
’ i
She naj sty ploesle w a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fielding are out |
the town waa alive with calked boots. °F ©*™™
filled with well filled logmen weaving It will be an agreeable Supine. 10
to and fro up and down the streets. persons subject to attacks of bitious |
“No names were mentioned.” ' colic to learn that prompt relief may '
Amos Kennard and bride are here be had by taking Chamberlain's Colic, |
' on a visit from Roanoke, Va. | Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. In|
* Dorothy Biddle, a. three-year-old many’ instances the attack may be
child, daughter of Mrs. Blanche Biddle, ' prevented by taking this remedy as’
died of scarlet fever Friday, and was soon as the first symptoms of the dis--
'buried Satorday. Mrs. Biddle’s two ease appear. Twenty-five and 50 cent
remaining children are not expectad to bottles for sale by C. E. Belcher's City
recover from the same affliction. Drug Ktore.
i Fouche the 7-fot. Sood}. oy. Yurch, the tailor, Mahaffey. Pa.
Dr. J. G. Hartswick has met with Our patrons will find DeWitt’s Little
great success in the treatment of the Early Risers a safe and reliable remedy
three children of Asbury Chase, Faq.,' sor constipation, dyspepsia and liver
} who sre down with scarlet fever. They | complaints. C. W. Hodgkins.
SW. Worn connERtAL |
Cenaal | Surgery
Room No. 3,
Dealer in ont.
Wi nes, Liquors, | and cold water on every
Beer. Etc.
~ Phoenix BrewinG Co.'s Beer.
Flasks, Corks, Jugs, Fte.,
Hastings, Penna.
Who is that man?
‘Why" that’s Warren, Mgr. of the HARDER'S GUN WORKS.
Parton Painting (o
_ “The 5 Palit
8 R. Wilson, Prop.
A Modern Hotel
Pane sleeping rooms.
All new furniture.
Heated with steam through
Cooking and dining depart-
ment in skillful hands.
: Magee Ave.
When in Johnstown cal on
The Finest andBest Within the City.
That we have the largest and most com-
plete line of Building "Hardware. Ready a Fork done rts
‘Mixed Paints, Oils and Glass i in this section Patton and surroundings.
of Cambria Co. . Our Cook Stoves and
‘Ranges are perfect workers and we guaran-
tee them fo giv ¢ satisfaction.
Magee Ave., Patton, Pa.
At the Clothing Emporium of
WOLF & THOMPSON and sail
down the river of
A full line of guns, pistols,
pocket cutlery, razors, scis-
sors, opera glasses, gun ma-
‘terial, amunition, cartridges,
loaded shells, electrical goods,
canvas coats, belts, leggins
‘and hats.
Houses, Signs and Carriages of every
Drop # Card
To BOX 232,
Patton, Pa., if you want a good job of
"Repair Shop.
, ‘Our repair shop is complete with ma-
chinery, tools and material for the
, repairing of guns, revolvers, bicycles,
. safes, knives, umbrellas, saws, keys,
trunks, satchels, sewing machines,
es door bells, baby carriages, shears and
ee everything needing repaired.
bow to ob. ra . .
Electrical Work
no of all kinds. Our workmen are the
Ss | best to be had. Write to us, all letters
in ‘cheerfully answered.
RE SERS Harder’ Gun Works,
Clearfield, Pa.
1 oS AA
& Co. pord
o-, n
Deanen, with piss, Shas snail
TN A yo a Soul
Address :
House-clcaning time coming.
[ have everything needed to
aid in the work: Brushes,
Soaps, Stove Polish-
¢s, ctc., etc.
Butterick Patterns just in. Spring
A bl line of General Merchandise. -
Call and inspect my stock.
Good Block, Patton, Pa.
The money saving currents are
alway strong and steady.
We invite with confidence your
attention to the following show-
ing of goods which is only the in-
dxex that characterizes our offer,
$3. ‘Now
small sum
We will send to any address
former price 2
marked down to
of $1.
We also have 50 more pairs of a
different ot that we were selling
at $3 and $3.50, now $2.
Underwear, former
but now only 63c.
apd ;
\ clean. inte resting, up-to-date Republican National
Newspaper, conducted to mmstruct, entertain,
amuse and edify every member
of every American family
Address all orders to The COURIER.
nd vour name and address to New York - Weekly Press,
Park Row, New York City, and a sample copy will be
.l Sailed to’ you. -
$1 to $350
Clothing ;
A handocir
Summer samp!
make your sci
“Wolf &