The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 18, 1895, Image 1

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    © pir a
2 ne Wo hei 6 aac
VOL id NO. 7a.
$n .00 PER YEAR.
mm :
Crmne and
: My Stock. ELEPHANT.
Stationery . Confectionery
Cigars Tobacco
Toilet Articles
Holiday Goods Always
Fishing Tackle
Sporting Goods
Base Bail Goods
Knives Restny | - are Shears | fellow had been shot through the stom- salter than the ocean?
* Strops
— Manufacturer of
Magic u Drops
Magic Cough Cure.
Guaranteed to give satisfuction or | after the battle of Kennesaw Moun- COURIER. Two separate guesses sent | | to the improbability of a strike at this
Prescriptions 3 Specialty.
Nour camiort io tid me. Finally gangrene got into my
fag depends much on wound. I began to go down.
imi tonic gi
And also wee
the Ba
The Coumier will free to an
Writtén by One of the “Cou- person in Northern Toyo Sor South. i Clearfield & Beech Creek Min-|
ern Clearfield counties one year's sub. ers Will be & Representa!
| ipion to the Patton COURIER, and a
ear’s suscription to the New York |
rier” Contributors.
i THE STARS ¢ & STRIPES Weekly Press or Pittsburg Semi- (AT DuBOIS ON FRIDAY.
| Weekly Post, if the proper answers to
Three Years and Five Months With Old the following questions are sent into; Win Probably Unite With That District in
; Glory Peculiar Incidents. { this office on or before Wednesday, 2 Asking for it 3-Cent Advance.
| {Co inued from last week. | | April 25th: PHILIPSBURG, Pa, April 15.—An- |
| The tripto Chattanooga was a sad 3 Whi
‘one indeed. © The sufferings of the!
| badly wounded was heartrendering in | Dvnck writing and T will tell you his ery’ amsociation of a convention of
! the extreme. They not only saffered 3 Where is there a lake of pitch 13 | miners to be held in this place Wednes-
| from their wounds, but also for want of miles in circumference? day, to send representatives to the dis- |
water: Added to this we were lying 4 What people have 355 days for a | Jick convention to be held at Du Bois
| on the hard floor of a box car and the ¥ What aninial ever sloop? ay, Jaw brought to the partic fhe
‘road was in bad condition. One poor g What body of water is nine times {ERT ok Sh Scart 358 Booh |
‘ach. He laid beside me, and during 7. What is the nearest American of Du Bois in a demand for an advance
| the trip, which lasted all night, he was 0% wn to Kuro { of five onnts a ton.
tinually begging f: ter. There 8 yu "ni ny. chau
| pontin ng or wa
y g HE al has tr gravest | izntion said to-day that he did not re-
| was no water and no one to help him. . What
| When we reached our destination five 10. What king of England died in | gard a strike as possible in view of the |
| instructions sent; out last Saturday by |
poor fellows in our car had pmssed "7 "yr Vag reon die in England |
‘away. This was war with glory left hetween | 1 > be 14, 1752? gland | gq president of the miners’ national
out. Six of the above questions answered "olen WouEh I was probably a de
After a short stay in Chaftanooga properly will entitle the one who sends 2d for an advance would be made
we were moved back to Nashville and them to six months’ subscription to the | | Local operators take the same view as
stands on 26 islands?
| tain, in order to make room for the to us by one party will not be consid- time and claim that they are less able
| wounded, we were movad to Jefferson- ered. Address all answers to the ‘“Pat- | to pay more for mining than they were
| ville, Ind. This, at least, was coming ton Publishing Co., Patton, Pa.” - Shia Hime Just your.
' towards home, and this thought Jeep eaensaunc. 1 Muy be Marder.
np our spirits. ! CLEARFIELD, PA.. April 15-On Sat-
There was a very large hospital at! Esmwssuno, Pa., April 16th, 1805. [nrday afternoon Policeman Dan
| this place, but it was full. so a number
' of ns were put in tents until they could ' jail. 'roughs employed on the new poor
make room for ns inside. My wound | One hundred and thirty- two inmates house building to make less noise when
| was beginning to trouble me some, but are accommodated at Cambria county one of them, a negro, drew a Thior ad |
| the thought, of getting home sustained 'almshouse. ‘made a lunge at Mitchell who struck
Ebensburg Normal school opens on the would-be-murderer a ‘blow on the
In a Monday, April 26th. ‘head with his mace and then proceeded
the forethought of the Short time I was tight in my bed with E. E. Brilhart, of Grant, Indiana to defend himself by firing five 33- |
maker of your bicycle. il the prospects against my recovery. county, spent a few hours in Ebens- calibre cartridges at him. The tough, |
7] Means of adjustment MY thoughts of home faded away and | burg on Monday.
at be many. ‘Let us show yur: the im- | the thoughts of death took possession,
provements insuring highest comfort in | 80d beld full sway for about a month. | visitor to Ebensburg yesterday.
Covumsia Bicycees '100
= or Hartfords #80 860
Days and Girly Hartfords, $30
x The most beawtit #1 and : comprehensive Cats. |
: Sage vit issued can Le had free Uy calling.
- 5th & Beech Aves., . - Panom, Pa. |
Did you say you wanted a
nobby suit of clothes. If
- did just come to the pel. J deste ro Same being one lot of Mines, down the Blacklick, last week, |
black and white, ran down the railroad
"J. G. C. Bearer, of Spangler, was a tracks towards the poor house. In the
evening it was reported that a burly |
(I was not to die here. Infloences sot Stanton’ Davis, Congressman Hicks’ | black man was found near the poor
necessary to mention turned the scale | private secretary, is homie from Wash- ‘house dying from three bullet wounds .
in favor of recovery, so that when the ington on a visit. : ‘in his body, and later developements
| turn came, for the better I built up rap-' Mra. Philip Collins and Miss Blanche proved that Mitchell had hit his man |
Hidly, but although my time was oat | Henry retarned home from a visit to in the stomach, shoulder and arm, and |
; did not get my discharge until Novem- | Bellefonte on Tuesday. | that he was suffering great agony. To- |
1 ber 18, 1864. The Ladies’ Industrial society, of the | day he is just alive, but death is looked |
This compietes the story of my Presbyterian church, held its weekly for at any moment.
service with ‘Old Glory,” ‘The Stars meeting at the home of Mrs. E. M.
land Stripes,” a service which | never Bowman on Thursday afternoon.
{regretted. I now take leave of my A chicken and waffle social was held |
| readers, hoping that the many imper- at the home of Mrs. V. 8 Barker on!
fections found in my narrative may be Tuesday evening, which was elegantly
= Legvared. by the broad mantle of charity. gotten up and well patronized.
' Many minor details of interest were = Milton, son of Joseph Bearer, of
left out on account of the time elapsed, Carroll township, has been very ill
{and the great length of the story, which | with pneumonia, but we are glad to
| must have taxed the patience and the state that he is much better at this
| fortitude of the gent!smanly editor of writing.
|the Patton Coumams. Mrs. M. D. Kittell, of this place, was
LUKE BEHE. called to Leavenworth, Kansas, on
Friday by the sudden illness of her
father, Dr. Thomas, of that city.
There was a strike at McFadden’s
A Lamberman’s Delight.
; nelley, the lumber merchant of West
| Magee avenue, has been in his glory.
| He has i large force of men running
‘ the logs from the woods down Dry run
known as splashes which are produced |
from several smal} ‘dams at intervals
| along the small stream. At times the
| work becomes vegy exciting and inter-
esting. The creek is so narrow and
' erooked in places that the magnitude
i of the jams which form cause consider.
‘able work to liberate the timbers so
they will move down the stream again.
A representative of this paper was
(The End.)
For Sale.
Valuable real estate situated in Pat-
where you can get good goods ground 50-foot front on Fifth avenue Dut We understand the trouble has been | | present during two of the splashes on
_ for the least money and that and running back 150 feet, to an uiley, | Settled and. the miilles are again FWB-1g Lg.
is at the ECONOMY.
Vou also say you wanted a
_ fine dress pattern at a price | day evening at 8:30 (Volz
- that will make you wonder ject will be “The Three Friends’ ref.
why you have never called at Job-chap. 2, 10-13 verse. . All ar cor-
the NOMY before.
Need a pair of shoes.
‘you ever h
again, Come in and see our
stock and you will
‘that we have the finest stock |
and finest goods, at the least,
money of any store in ‘Cam- | publishes the following local market on Sunday.
bria County outside of Johns- I
town. The place is the
conom y,
Next te Bank,
| armad meetings.
If yon
do why we can just fit you out |
‘in the finest piece of shoe wear fine selection of wall paper, all the Ob Saturday, April 15th, was exami-
or or ever will have latest patterns. 85-1.
Carrolltown. pe : rr to per toa. | : Eg |
(having thereon erected a two story ning. ai y ia]
a two i have all of his | at the mill d
| frame. store building 50 x 100 feet, the The congregation of the sew Matho-| 527% H1°¢ hie log
'same being known as Yeager Building. 4/st Episcopal church, in this place,
| Por farther information call or address | received and set up a handsome new
i R. SOMERVILLE, ' organ last week. The church will be!
7063 Patton, Pa ' dedicated on Sunday, April 28th.
Mai ing Improvements.
Adam Woleslagle, the manager of
' the Corner drug store, is making sev-
4 a Mr. Ernest Rhey, who was discharged eral improvements in and about the
i , Epworth League.
| Special attention is called to the and who was at the home of his sister, | ap an elegant ice cream parlor in the
| services of the Epworth League in the Miss M. Rhey, in this place, had to be , rear of the building and is at present
| Methodist Episcopal church next San- | went back again on Thursday last.
ik The on | © ST. LAWRENCE.
ST. LAWRENCE, Pa, April 10 1806. |
| made.
{dially invited to attend these devo- |
‘chased Mr. Deitrich’'s farm near St.
Lawrence, is going to build a fine wig deet in the vate : Puueylvasia
“house in the near future.
Isadore Liley, of Patton, moved to
St. Lawrence a few days ago.
Miss M. Joy Singer's school closed
pril 10 with & grand cutertainment, (ior und wre Them.
which was a success from beginning to H. 8. Buck has just veceived a new
| end. Miss Singer will take a post line of samples of carpet. They are
graduate course at California Normal beauties. The carpet from the old
samples will be sold below cost. -70t3
: Proposals Wanted.
'nation for graduating from common Sealed propobals will be received by
‘school. Herman Jones,” Kate Emp- the secretary of Patton School Board
| fleld and L P. Yabhner, gil of Hastings, | up until noon of whe 23rd day of April,
| composed the committe. Diplomas 1565, for a four-roomed addition ti the |
: | were granted to Herm: in W ents George "Patton School Building. A certitled
'Tibbens, Anslem Warner and Harry check made payable to Treasurer of
Leiden. ‘The first two attended F.E. pytton School District for 2 per cent
'Wentz's school last winter, and the of the amount of bid must accompany
latter two Miss Singer's school.
Local Market et Report. Mr. Gill, editor of the Tribune, and ghogsand dollars ($7,000) will be ex-
For the special benefit of the fiurmers ‘Mr. Glasser, the merchant, both of geed from the successful bidder. Plans
{in the vicinity of Patton the Coyrrer ' Hastings, were visitors to St. Lawrence | ,,,q specifications may be seen at tie
' office of the secretary, Patton, Pa, or
~ B. H. Bowman, publisher r Enquirer, | the architects Robiusson & Soyder,
dea. ‘of Bremen, Ind., writes: Last week our | Aitouna, Pa., after April 10th. The
iPoRioes, ....... o.oo... “ cw Sushel “little girl baby, the only one we have, | board reserves the right to reject any
FATS ont ni TE 22 | wag taken sick with croup. After two jor all bids.
|r... rms 89S Fdostors filled to give relief, and life ~~ C. C. CrowsLL, Pres.
— fe | was hanging on a mere thread, we tried | (3. H. OurrMAN, Sec.
Gora: shelled ; hon ie | One Minute Cough Cure and its life! . PATTON SCHOOL BOARD.
Buekwhini, 1 & {was saved. C. W. Hodgkins. | Rosnson & SNYDER, Architects.
FRANK OWENS, President.
Notice 16 Ladies. |
I am now in the Solomon building on
! Fifth avenue where you will find every-
‘thing you wish in the millinery line. A
| Prices are reasonable.
a misderaeanor to transport, sell or have |
lex cellent one.
. Wall Paper
Geo. 8. Good has just received u very this summer.
Her npeciaity,
The gameof er she knew not,
Of whist she Knew no more,
And ceribbage sha could never learn
Rie could not Reep the score.
Bezique, casino, eachre, too,
To her were untried arts;
Nor Pedro, seven-up, old matd—
She always won at hearts.
~New York World
Yeport, Tevised each week :
7 oe nts per pound.
4 i
“ “ i"
| nouncbment made this morning by of: | propriately
‘Show me a man's | ficials of the Philipsburg checkweigh- total, 57. Average attendance, males, Episcopal church by impressive Easter
An ex-official of the miners’ organ-
"During the late floods W. J. Don-.
to his saw mill by the aid of what is
‘having the city water connections
{each bid. Bonds in the sum of seven Ne
| As Prepared by the Principal, W. H. Thom. |
son-—-Good Report for Lower Grades.
The following is a report of the Pat-
ton public schools for the month ending |
April 15, 1895:
. Number enrolled in high school |
| during month, males, 11, females, 30; |
total, 41. Average attendance, males,
| 8, females, 21; total, 20. Per cent. of
| attendance, males, 90, females, 85,
| Average per cent. of attendance, 88.
Number enrolled in grammar school |
during month, males, 28, females, 31;
i 19, females, 27; total, 46. Per cent. of
attendance, males, 90; females, 87. Av-
children’s missionary day, being com-
ducted by the Sabbath school scholars.
The floral decorations were elaborate
| erage per cent. of attendance, 89.
Number enrolled in the intermediate
department, males, 30, females, 18;
total, 48. Average attendance, males,
| 26, femalas, 15; total, 41. Per cent. of
attendance, sudles, 90, females, 83. Av-
{ erage per cent. of attendance, 87.
Number enrolled in first primary,
| males, 39, females, 35; total, 74. Aver-.
| ag attendance, males, 34, females, 27;
total, 61. Per cent. of attendance, |
males, 90, females, 84. Average per.
cent. of attendance, 87.
Number enrolled in second primary
i daring month, males, 33, females, 29:
total, 62. Average attendance, males,
30, females, 28; total, 58. Per cent. of
attendance, males; 97, females, 98, Av-
erage per cent. of attendance, 95.
Total enrollment for ‘month, males,
139, females, 143; total, 282. Average
attendance, males, 117, females, 118;
There are 95 prisoners in the county | Mitchell ruquested a mixed mob of total, 233. Per cent. of attendance,
males, 91, females, 39. Average per
cent. of attendance, 90.
That Pittsburg and Eastern.
In imi to the extension of the |
amish A
Gleaned Here = and “There by
‘the “Courier” Man.
At the Putin Methudtet pooped Chareh
i —Other Looal News.
‘Easter Sunday in Patton was ap-
observed in the Methodist
‘services both morning and evening,
the former a responsive. service for
and beautiful, the altar transformed
into one mass of fragrant flowers, while
trailing wreaths of evergreen were «
festooned upon the walls Pressing: a
with bright carols and anthems and
was heartily enjoyed by a large and
| appreciative audience. The children
| all enacted their parts in a most credit-
‘able manner and the story of the resur-
rection was beautifully dipicted.
The program, as follows, was pre--
sented in a truly delightful style:
“The Day We Celebrate,” Duncan
“Coinforting Easter Bells,” Boyd
Recitation by six little gills repre-
‘seuting Japan, China, India, Africa,
Turkey, and Scattering Missions by
Mamie Jones, Daisy Wilson, Jennie
Crain, Bulah Bonner, Ruth Reese and
: Belle Turnbull
“Good Tidings to all People,” Mise
8 Minnie Holter.
“Is It Nothing to You," Miss Virgie
. mence on the road which connects the Dale
Beech Creek at Mahaffey, with the
Pittaburg, McKeesport and Youghio-
| gheny at West Newton, Westmoreland
‘county about the 16th of this month. .
“The road will leave the Beech Creek be-
low Mahaffey, cross the river and run
along side of the hill at Whiskey Ran,
‘ there a viaduct will cross the P. & N.
|W. and the Peonsylvania tracks and
the river, then up the river to near
i Cash Creek where it again crosses to
‘Springs was thrown into excitement by
, the west side and follows Cush Creek |
to the summit, then southwest through |
Indiana into Westmoreland and crosses
the Pennsylvania near Latrobe; thence
southwest to West Newton where the
connection is made. This new railroad |
will give Clearfleld a splendid connec-
tion west and make the Beech Creek a
| through trunk line between the east
and west
1'Art de in Mode. 7
The current number of L’Art de la,
‘Mode fully upholds the reputation
“established by the publishers as leaders |
in original and authentic styles. There
ard many fashion journals in this
country, but L’Art de la Mode claims
to be the only fashion journal which
imports and publishes exclusive French
| styles. They further claim that these |p,
styles are abeolutely original in every
respect and have never previously ap-
peared in any other journal. A glance
through its artistic pages is convincive |
that L’Art de la Mode is the brightest |
and most attractive up-to-date fashion
35 centa. $3.50 per year
Mook. Insurance Company.
| The Spangler Stock Insurance com-
| pany has been organised with the fol-
The bill which passed the house at’ ‘lowing officers: M. D. Koonts, prosi-
Mr. Singer, of Altoona, who pape} Harrisburg prohibiting the killing of dent; y
H. Ager, secretary and P. C. |
i Flick, treasurer. The following com- |
stock: P. C. Flick, J. G. C. Bearer and
icompany is to insure owners of cows
| against loss of stock by accident. —
‘ Spangler Sentinel. -
© Will Build Seon. Li...
Chas. M. Letts, the painter and paper
hanger, has purchased a lot on ad
| avenue, west of Fifth, and will proceed |
to erect a two story building thereon, to
be nosed as 4 dwelling and paint zie}
Charley is a hustler ;
t Krause's barber shop, and W. L
{ Parry's confectionary store in Altoona
! were destroyed by fire Sunday morn-
wall paper store.
and the COURIER wishes him success,
A Great Pacer £
A. B. Clark, the liveryman, Tas put-
chased a yearling cuit from Fo G. Ba
ford, of Columbia, Teun., which has
quently paced one-eighth of a mile |
pha WW osecolus a ddl cup when bat
‘ 3
8s moulie vad.
iL wbliigs Tribune i
Ceraniod oo asiu,
According to the peasion burcan’ re-
port of lust week James McDevitt, of
this piace, who was an old veteran in’
{the cote war, was granted an original |
pension in the issue of March 30. He
wii reusive eigint dollars per month.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures
| scaldd, burns, indolent sores and never |
Sulla Jo cary piles. CW, Pugin i
“It is all to Me,”
“What Modie Did,” Miss Eva Crain.
Exercises by four little girls, Iona
Sandford, Carrie Holter, Edith Holter,
Edith Spencer.
In the evening the puilor Chas. W.
Wasson, delivered an eloquent dis
course from the text, “He is Risen.”
. Fire at Chest Springs.
On Friday night the town of Chest
the cry of fire and the residents rushed
out to learn of its whereabouts, and
discovered that it was the vacant house
‘belonging to Vincent Maloy, known as
‘the McGuire property, which was com-
‘pletely enveloped in flames and be-
yond the power of quenching. It was
totally destroyed. The house had
| been abanboned some time owing to
ite antiquity and preparations were
‘ being made to have it torn down and
‘a new one built in its place, hence the
i lows was diminutive. This is the first
| fire to present itself in that locality for
(several months. The MoGuire prop-
| arty was ote of the first built in that
| town and was considered a fine struct-
(ure for that age. The true cause of
JR 1 4 Nalno ys bot le Song
: To be Built at Ebenshurg.
A summer home for the younger
children of the Home of the Friendless,
‘on Washington street, Allegheny, will
'be erected this spring in Ebensburg,
| from Dixmont as cured some time ago, store this week. He has recently fitted | journal published in America. For sale | | opposite the fair grounds, by Mrs. D.
by all newsdealers. Suge stmbers |
C. Philips, Geo. M. and James Laugh-
lin, Jr, in memory of their mother,
i the late Mrs. James Laughlin, who was
one of the founders of the home It
{ will be called the Laughlin Memorial
‘Blair- White Contest.
"In the Blair-White judge contest in
for a period of five years and making it | mittee have been appointed to. solicit ' Indiana county the testimony is all in,
| the argument concluded, and the Cher-
in possession daring the period is an M. D. Koontz The purpose of the rytree Record says that the judges
' have 1600 pages of testimony to go
over and 40 distinct propositions of
, law to rule on, and it will be over. The
| judges expect to sit continuously until
i & decission is arrived at, which in all
probability will not be for several
| wean yet.
Firat A Hoon.
The hardware store of J. P. Degen-
hardt, CO. W. Sickles’ grocery, C. H.
ing. The rooms over the stores were
occupied by people who lost all their
household goods. Loss $15,000 half in-
| sured,
The Evidence.
A good many people in Patton are
'using the Cinderella Range, which is:
‘the best evidence of its merits. Sold
' and guaranteed by A. M. Thomas.
: For Sale.
A beautiful residence building lot in
Patton will be sold at a bargain. Easy
' payments. ' Call or address X, Cou:
RIER office, Patton, Pa. :
Now is the time to plant your trees.
‘Miss Myrtle Crain,
NERD pet AG Amiediseni sae Bao
Ae CRN > :