BURGL ARS SCARED OFF. a Prize on Eighteen Thousand Dot- | tars. Apnl 4. —A bold wtomit| bh the Lorsip connty tress i i SHENTSIP nu PASSED. ! Eynt A Cy, It was made to; Iv One Vote Ww. a: . A grainst Onh v x sridod T bis mpeorotng £3 Ita ba : 5 sf the bye Lee Te SOnun the door to the trenuiry office Lud bind vag i, #4 1 TRAIN ROBBERY BILL §0FS THROUCH. | the «oot : : I had heen drat'ed sng filled with troely- gorine, The fase wie | §. 4 {the burg tare hn ng it oe Fhe er of vanit. Th who were evideutly professional erscks. reed and that, tn the in i or prt pit at A Mussure Aimed uf 1he Sppressios of | «Pluck me" Stores Intrpaseed. Harrissoro, Apnld ~The bonse open |, ed its session to-day with the report of = pamber of bills from estmittee. Khortly | Before the opeding of the smeion two or| three committees met in the hall of the house and took astion on some bills they bad in their possession, not caring to waste time or energy in chmbing the stahs to the committee rooms Ina short time committee work in the booee will be over, when an order for night seesions will again be issued. The chairman of the committee on rales to-day offered a resolution which : fixed Monday night to consider senate | bills oo second reading which was agreed Mr. Fow, of Philadelphis, by nnavi- mons consent, this morning presentad 8 . bill to prohibit the eale of sir gous snd other dangerous firearms to minor cbil- ‘dren. This action was prompted by the wounding of ex-Speaker Faunce, of Philadelphia, by a ¥lobert rifis in the bands of a small boy while on his way to ‘Atluntie Oity Tuesday. Mr, Omalley, Lackawanna, also pre- sented a pew bill to prevent physicians froma &isclosing 10 evidence upon the trial of case, any information acquired 1o et a patient in a professional ca brian Tia uo Nuns tly A awry, fait Down TRIES A tivde mace font] uvet men, : . The county officials Lave: telegraphed for an expert to open the door as the) conmder it dangerous to tumper with the vault in ite present condition. There ie abont $18,000 in the vanlt, bot to get at the money it would bave been NOASIBATY for the robbers to drill itto a heavy heve taken conriderable t timé. KILLED aT mEYNOLOSVILL ¥. A Youth of the “Miure reli tt: Aer the Wheels of a Box Car. cident occurred Toesday eviuing in the East End, near the oid R. aid F.C R R. scale office, 18 the miners, were return. iog from their = wk on tha i train which hauls them beck and forth. and which cost a 16 year oid boy, by the psma of Downe, bis life, D:fferent stories are sfioat as to now the mccideat occurred. Ove is to the effect that the hoy wis jeao- ing against a a box car door, apd the door being loose, he lost his balance and fell out, and i» doing this be made an «fort to grab the door and hold bimsell from faliing. The effurt to save Limes turned him under the wheels of the moviog train, mangling’ ove leg 3nd severely braismg the other. It vu decided, by medical authority, that the log eho: Id be amputated, but the dodtors, Hilukivg be! sould pot possibly enrvive, waited to see what the indications wonid be, mod as | thonght, tha boy died dariog Wednes-| day night. ; At 11:30 the bili to regulate the enn ployment and provide for the safety of perons in tepement bounes, etc., was cslled up for final passage. This bill ie koown here as tbe “Baker Sweatebop Bill.” : Before a vote was taken on the bill Mr Foelit, of Union, made the gtntament that | : jt wae 8 ‘measure that receivad the en | domement of sll labor organizations in| Abe State and was ove of great benefit to that olsss. ‘Mr. Bliss, Delaware. hoped that the ‘bil would become a law for the sake of suffering humanity. He considered it - ome of the best measvrés before the legislatore for the relief of the poor Mr. Dambuoey said that if there wasany objections to the bill it would be on so count of the number of rew inspectors "thet would be added to the factory de partment. If the house voted against this increase it destroyed to unity of the bill, snd would not give tbe relief intend- od by the bull. Therefore, the bill had to be voted for in ite entirety. The bill then passed Suslly be s vole of168to 1, Mr. Kerr, of York, being the only person who voted against it. The train robbery bill was passed Mark d the Top Noten, Uxtoxrows, April 4. — Last week prob- | ‘ably marks the ‘high mark of the oo ke | boom for the present. The shipments sg gregate 2.221 cars, 10 cara more than the] ‘previous week and the top noteh of ship | ments in any week since coke has been made in the Connellsville region. The present week will show a falling oft all aroand. It ie eaid that W. J. Rainey bas banked a great many of his ovens, perhaps one-third, and the Frick Coke. company has aleo shut down 4 grest many This slamp was expected to follow the jump in quoted prices from $1 to $1.3 pec ton, although it is said the latter price is being shaded, as the dollar mark bad been cat before the advance. The millions of tona of coke stosked at far paces costing $1 and lees will now be joonedmad, and the region will ses a de- | pression until the surplus is out of the fimslly. It reads that any person or per- | road. An authority states that the Car- ‘sors who shall remove, displace or irjare negie Steel company tins 450,000 tons of | any switch, frog, rail, tie, bridge or | Soke piled at their farnasces, and the ad-| trestle, or who shall place upon avy pails | VADICR in pric S mesns & SAVIBE © te wbout | rosd track any obstruction: : fap | BOO t 5 that conearn alone, ‘sobstance, or enter into nny pons : therefor, wiih the design of sloppiog tzain for the porpose of robbery ou av - padlway in the Stats snd eball they rob o attempt to rob, maim, woud, mjiara or kill any passenger sgent, employee or person or persons, or ehall rob or attempt | to rob an express company, mail eosch,! three seata. baggage or car of any motey, or valuable thing whatsoever, either the propersy ef wach company, agent, employee orf pae-| Rbode j«tand Flettion. F Apnl 4 raiity for the head of the Rapablican tick- povinesce. R 1. {ot governor Brown last year. The Deraoceratic vote fell off over 8,000. On | sesembly tickets the Democrats gained * en an 4 A Arrow C.ub's Races Sanctioned. PHILADELPRIA, April 4,—Among the ‘sapétione announced as granted by the itor poy PILE Re 4 the; | Belnire, Zanesville and Cueivne't ruil 1 ro tw no olne ty the mbbeors, { this |} 1 fore renching = Adonble sale inside the vault, {which would REYNCLDSVILLE, April 4, 1895. —An ac ~The plu-; Let will be 10,801, ge compannl with 8, 507 ssnger or other person ot the pro another in bis or their care or custody | perty of | | racing hoard of the Lesgue of American | Wheelmsen, ie thet of the Arrow Uycle shall if convicted, be guilty of train. rob-! Lelab, of DuBois, in Pabeh for July 4 . bety snd shall be punished by eon fine- | ment in the penitentiary for a term of not lens than fifteen years. Land Bb. Three Batldings earned, A covflagration occorred ou the river Harampono, April 4.--In the house! front Jast night about 10 o'slock, in which the Seifert bill proyidiog that no school { | taree buildings wera reduced to sashes. It | WENT eA yr as rock {rn finld prawn! i = ihe, CEMALAS [¥*™ CTIY EH SENGEAR | Lisnil] hil goof Fire grim Sloek wrt Mei Dest ro Zasp yan O Apni bh —At Wing five toile west of Summerfield, on tbe for Thetr Pow’s $3 ros, awinl wreck took place morring. A eoach on the #estbonnd pasa per train jomped the track jst Be- 1ieatis which epsns 8 small sirenm. The struclore 1s bnilc on a enrve, and the wsoh, after ropniog sloog Rl * 4 the epgine from the reils and the trestle went down, The engiveer and fireman both remsin- od at their posta. The former was ine stant] killed and the latter fetally irjar- ad. ples. A wife snd several chiidren sar vive him, The Broman, Jessa Jobhus, one svmarres. Mrs. Yonog sud ber hittle dangbter, of Somme field, xnd a resident of Bealaville, whose name is nnknown, were also instantly killed, Several others were sitghtly dvjored. COURTEOUS #5 SENATORS. : The House, However, Dide’t mind Wr. Walton's Sarcasm. Harniesrne, April 5. —~There were mADY empty = *= in the hoose this moro- ing when Speaker Walton called it to order. The nenn! Inrge number of pe titions acd men niles were piled oo the gposher’s tutile sod pearly bslf en hoor : tribating them to the different comm'!- tees, When original resol ations wera ip order | abont a dczen members with resolat ons A TESTE - fe i i Near Nu mmer | |W HD. | * ie, x Fed almost the ties nny wimost acroes it, dragged Ta epgiveer wes Eli Laoss, of thie wis taken np in readiog them and di lin their bands tried to gain the atteotion Lof thie speaker. All the resolutions were tor special order on Jooal bills. Mr. Foe, of Philadelphia, smd thatit was not neces: | gary to want special orders for those bills, | £8 thare wonld soon bs & 1>eal calendar | tor the consideration of legislation of tlie | character. Tae speaker reiterated what Mr. Pow bud said, but the house paid 1 po attentiop, but went on Jemandiog |apecisl orders, apd this prompted tbe spesker to remark that ssustorisl cour tesy was taking bold in the bouse. Not- withstanding the hints the house contin: aed ou the special order business snd did pot stop aotil moré then 8 dcz:n ware placed on tbe calendar. Mr. L wrence, of Washington, was granted « special order for the considers. tion of the senate bill relating to the com- evidence in qnestion of simulated or al- tered bandwniting; sod defining some of the existing rules of law upon these sub- jects, which was taken up at ovce and passed second reading. : A namber of bills of first reading wire disposed of and the bouse adjoarved, | after being io y peasion aboot 45 minntes, ? Armas for Revolationists. {New York; April § - Ivforman ‘ reached the Sa east th sp fine rw 5 r wiki | § lot of arma and amma ether f ba rey ni pred | hera to-morrow and Cx leotor- Kil Was ri quested to prevent such a sbi - ment. Datectives soon d scoverad that a "thousand stand of arme sud 500 000 curt rid ges destined for Savanilia, Columlis, bad been put aboard the Atlas line stenr.- or Atlené, which saile to-morrow. Kii- | breth eould not interfere, as the arme are not shipped to Caba, volironisig w ws st reach the Caban inenrgent:. Decline 10 Pix a Scale Corcunea, O., April 5.— The Obio mi- fers’ new officers decline to fix a wage sole. Another convention will ba called | when the Pittsburg strike is ended to fix district shall share in the state sppropria | was te burning of what is known smoog | a neale. A resolution declaring the Ohio Sion o schocls nutil it bik levied a aX Of | {ha boys ne **Bumtown” or the “Bowery,” | miners would preserve the nine-cent dat- two mille for school purposes, was de- 4ud threw shanties went up in smoke. | ferential protecting them from the Pebn- feated. petency of experts and to the rules of | The Spanish offi- | ' tanh cinls are sure tbe arme will even a. 7 ba ffey, this connty, with the Pittsburg, osc CONVICTED. of Against Him on the Charges of Unnatural P dciices. a %, Apil 5. - us cise of Osvar iden Baeinet the er gris of Queensberry rbd a 8 elope this TH to foul pot ape 2 wok utils of i Bry yor Fret deg wus BEY ig a veidiet in ft of the dele dup! Sit ¥ ‘sy the ile at ity dunt Wap Flog 3 ARM 1S i ol Supot the } o {ri “ badd Se ET STey TE HR 3d f pets made for the prlsie goin. Tre Od Bailey court-roam was crowd- to suffocation ils woriog | when Mr Carson resutned Lis epsech uo behalf of the marquis. It sonld be bis painfal duty, be said, to pnt npon the witness stand men who would sy esk free- ly of the natare of their compection with the plaintiff, Wilde. The ages of the men varied from 13 to 23 yvare. They were of the class of ser vente and valels not beloug'og to Mr Wilde's station in life, not interested in litersture or art, yet they sddressed this distinguished drsmatist by his christian nsme, O car, be in torn cailiog them Charlie, Freddie, ote. Mr. Usreon seid ‘he wonld produce overw belming evidence sgninst. Wilde, Sir Bdwwrd Cinrke interrupted Mr. Cmreon sid ssid be bed oopdertakem s gre t reepousibt ity 10 defending Wilde agninst the obargzes made agsinst bim by the M-rqmis of Queensberry. In regard to the hterstare which Wilde bed pab Lislet, nud apon which Mr. Carmon had qoestivued him, be (Sir Edward). bed come to the pawful cvoclusion thas it could not be expected that the jary woald tind a verdict of guilty on the sotual words need by the defendant, vis: That Wilde was posing ae a devotee of unnat- Wilde in the tuterim of the adjournment of the ¢ourt kud io order to save the aoart the painful det ils connected with the rest of the ¢ ee he was prepared to seoept a verdict of the jary in regard to Wilde's literatore. : The jadge interposed and esid if the jury were justifiad 10 agreeing upon a | vardiet ou one part of the case they must returo a verdict of guilty ur sot guilty se re gurds the entire case. The jory then readered a verdict of pot guiity, to which Sir Edward Ciarke ss- sented, and supplemented their verdict with the declarstinn that the charges made by the defendant against Wilde, which constituted the libel complaint of, were true, and that they had been Tande in the publio interest. . When the verdict was rendered the mar- ‘juis of Queensberry left the dock amid jond cheers. The jodge granted an order requiring Wilde to pay the costs of the detenve. Wilde wae not in court this morvniog. Sir Edward Clarke held his consaltstion with Wilde within the precincts of the court this morning. The “Westminister Gapatte” says: Wilde hurriedly left the bailding during Bir Edward Clarke's statement. Wilde was arrested this sfternoon ‘snd lodged in a cell. -Rhot Bis Jaw Off Tuesday yoong who has made his home 1X48! tast at Madera a Ceillnap, ene DR i mR of wy. of hie of ry w ! haf i 3 aad part tae Us WE f » tiie tare discharge of a shot gio in aia now at the Philipsharg bospital and the dogtors say he will racovar.—Clearfleld Spirit". prem tii hands of bis brother, The Plitaburg and Esstern. | It in expected that work will cothmenoce | on the Pittsburg and Eastern railroad, | whieh conpects the Beech Creek at Ma. | MeKeesport aud Youghiogheny at West | Newton, Westmoreland county, abont the 15th of this month. The road will leave ‘the Beech Creek below Mahuffey, cross | the river and run along the side of the hill to Whiskey Run, where a viaduct will cross the P. sand N. W. and Penusyl- vanla tracks and the river, then up the river to near Cush Creek, where it again | There wae no ineuranoa oo the buildings gylvania miners wig applaaded thie morn- | crosses to the west side and follows Cush Bill to prohibit misici and manufac "+0 the loes ia total. The shanties wera of 10g, but not acted on. turing corporatione and limited partoer- three ply boarde, tin roofed and well fio- | ships from carryiog on company stores ich. (ff on the pside. Glarng pict ares | or general sapply storee; to prevent the eozrcion of employees off sach corpora tions or limited partoerabips ito dealing led tir b at, snd with stores control hy ead corporations or lim pol by etockholdere, sharebiolders, mene “agents, cierks or énipl loyres thereof; vidirg & pena) fty {or violation of the ese spd waking dnty ¢ cil fartor tor aud A to Ine tious, pnesed second réadfog. ¥ shed ers . - a £% 5 FER 4 Ex Ir + 4 nk Gig urpl ie nt A whe. Suicided in a Pet, Mnwivkee, Wie, Apnl 4. —Bortha | Hautinet, aged 17, commiited suicide this | morning because Ler molber slapped her in the face. . Tue girl returoed bom sboot midnight last night aud ber mother demanded to know where she had been. Bertha. re- fased to say and her mother slapped ber. The girl then went to her room. Boon afterward the family was awakened by a shot and the mother found ber : daughter lying oo the floor with o bullet through ber bead. . Ciash Between Misoers. Orrowa dows, April 7.—600 striking stiners marched $0 Cinciznati, lows, yee- | terday and indused the men there to ome out. The Cincinnati men say they | ‘will return to work to-morrow sud the! .atrikers, who are camped there, threaten to prevent them. The military comnary hae been ordered to De ue rendu, bat the Cignr: ka were erected 1 which utd recline at their ese. tn the pamber of tho sed on the walle, aid all these to- their ooking and beating i ba ’ a3 18 ABOS Were Rt ow pitt LE 5 2% th were | fi the ae forms of As the flames 1it op. 2 of the ight the shalowy f 8 “ry ny boys were geen flitting to snd fro; orror wea depicted oo cach blancued ; soistenance as they saw the flames lick- "ing up their property, and shouts wounld 20 up as each crambling wall fell with a dull sickening thud. The next morning the sun shone on a diffurent s08Re, — Panxsutawney News. -— ini Hiring Alabama Fire-caters. : " Cmicaeo, April 7.—A Birmingham spe- cial says agents of the Cuban revolutioo- ists are hiring men in Alabama to join an expedition which is expeetad to sail soon from Florida for Cabs, Eiectrical Works Burned. Kewanx, N. J., April 7—Clark & Wheeler's electrical works near here were. barved this morning. Over $50,600 worth of motors and dynanos were de stroyed. The total loss is $110,000. of viriety sctresses ndoroed the walle and | boys | ™ l:oked np in the devouring ele. * f Mr, Mansur Not lmproved. WssHINGTON, April 7.—~There was no egw went in the gon wdition patty compteaiier of the 5 a 2a Hy EGTY, ha iy erit rat any § noascning ng aad dentl 3! 0 « Mr sI'% Climo it TREQIL Somien?t ! : © vy dla. th evel | BIG 12 LOW With 4 Lrdi mati = $3. a Yieferred ta New Yor ntbhracite sos} ym Hoard i 4 8 RK, Arril grien the 3 a J ing to-day an ! allotments, [ferred to the board of arbitration consist. »e \ co 3 ! oe yong hel power to make tinal settlement. Shot Fis Wile. Nzw York, April 5. —Jesse N. Gregory, a 'loogshoreman, shot and killed his wife Clara tonight. The marderer eecaped. Gregory's wife left him receutly on ac count of hie brutality. One Robber Kilted, Hexvessay, O.T, April 5—A battle took pimoe beween Marshal Medsun’s deputies and five of the Rock Island train robbers at Cimarron last evening. Ove robber wae killed and another wonuded. Death ou the Rats. WrLLiAMSPORY, April 7--Oce man was killed and four tujured by tbe derailment nf & irecht tratv on a Comwal and PB nb iewt meiiwa) yestendun). To Prevent a Massncre WassINGToN, April 5 Urgent orders | have been sent Admiral Kirkland to as- ! semble shipe of his command at Smyr- woe, to prevent the threats. ‘ us ro Afra 3 v ed unscoiie of shrstisue, of Charles | dott t Maasor's a third meet- | cnsesd percentages sud | The. question was finally re- | Glenn, a negro-desperado, ran pba this i | Creek to the sommit, then southwest throngh Indiana into Westmoreland avd | svosser the Pennsylvania pear Latrobe; | thence southwest to Weat Newton where the connection 18 made, This pew rail- | rand wif! give Clearflald a splendid con- Cre sek | a the oe nat | otinn west nnd make the Beach #iryyte Mur morte imo he pais im b An west SRT Os SP rit. RAN AMUCK. jerado Xiiled Two Men and Wounded | Theresa Cthers. Fla, ~ Brit | JACKSONVILLE, Apnl | morning aad as a result two men are ing of five of the presulents, who have dead and three wounded, one probably fatally. The killed are Napoleon Stacks, a ne- aro porter, sud Edward Minor, s police man. The wounded are James Cletagns, colored, wound probably fatal; Jamin black, name unknown. Stacks was killed first and it wae while resisting arrest that Glenn killed Police- ‘man Minor and wounded the others. Chicago's New Head of ot Police. Police Brennan. resigned yesterday and the mayor appointed Aseistant Superin- tendant Kipley to the vecant position. Disagreement with the police ccmmis- sioners over the discharge of extra men whom Brevrnan wished metained ia son pored tis bave gaavend Lie ros tation, [i 5 INDIGNANT. wi ¥ tthe iar Log e. fgiae | ural practices, He bad ocousuited with | man | : i Snow THEY HAD ed oF JESSE JAMES. | And Indinas and Wild avd Woolly West mod Teain Robbers $na woech Thi ge. "oy Wal taw sud Ed. Hie o sud will - { Golde vauia tiesd yunog were Wasninar 8, April 7 —When the busines sod evidently coms port of the spasch male in the Metho ist 7 aded it @onld best for them to hold up aaloruites: wn: tile Sunt bv Tem in freagint treio wa sn experiment before : tackling a passenger trai, sitbongh the Mog spd » sahseqrently published witer- | : : view with Lansing scensing President! possible amount of plunder that coald be Cleveland of intemperance, were shown (carried away from a freight tein could to the president this evening be said: | 20tte competed to what wight be gethe “This is simply oatragecns,. | canpnt jared Ob & passenger train. Al all events avord a fesling of indigaation that apy | the wonid-ba outlsws did hold ups fovight one sssaming the role of a christwn mto- train one day lst we-k and = day Isler jeter should pew wit hinss!f to besome the | were landed ir imi}. fortnostely before diepeminator of wholessls live, Dot less they bad Killed any person. They bad stupid than they are crnel snd wicked. | | been remnding Wild. Bi” literature dar- The elements of a most approved ontfit ing the long winter and lust week cooclu- tor placing a false secasstion before the {ded to start out co a rampage After public appear to ba first, someone with | supplying themselves with revolvers sod bos:ness sod motives snflicient tu joveot | kuivee they started scross. the ocunlry, it: second, a minister witl more galiibil | | travediug several miles from bome before ity and love of notoriety than piety, g . making an sttempt to give vent to the ily willing to listen to and gahble it, “and'| #9Irit of warfare thut enrged ander thelr third, pewspapers ansionsly willing to flannel shirte,. They came to the Peuo- poblish it. { aylvania rar'road tos mrles from St. Maryse “Por the sake of the christians religion | 80d est dows 10a wild snd sacladed spot I sm thankfal these scand.l-moogerivg for & train to ovmme along. It wes only 8 mivisters are few and on every sceoant [ | Short tite aotil a freight train rurobled sm glad of tke American's love for fair 1° sight sud tivey placed themeelves in play aod jostice and that despite all ef. Position to Hag it. Tobe engineer saw the forts to mislead them they are spt to form | 0 ©a the feck ahead of him s correct estimate of the character and la- | waving their hats frantieslly, and think bors of their public servants.” (10g there was dapger came tos atop. al - | had po scorer done so than the thres men flushed their revolvers spd commanded him to get down. from bis perch »t the itheottle, The engiveer saw at once that the train had been etopped by outlaws instead of getting down from bis box Caorge and Rivetol 2 Hayec, three sonug men of foo pow in the Ridgway Fk = it Bre %i if the pext term of it § EYERELY BERTIE t~% the Sinary se a lis Nol Lewy ji Then Crael ana Wicked, { treet ” nk ’ . 4 3 Br z Marys i hen ‘ bl the x ®t Xa d= Exumve ou oo. $35 Coins Maude in Greal Quantities and no Record Kept of Them, fax Francisco, April 7.— The stor tage ‘st the Carson, Nev. mint, has developed. and a rotten state of sffairs. Io many: ways | he opered wide the throttle sod pulled stealinge bave been made, and the latest (ont with &!l the spaed possible. The three discovered 1s that iv in the ontpat of 320, | | tongls fired shots st the departing train $10 snd 85 gold pieces, more alloy has and stoned the cure ne they sped past bat been pat into the coins than the law al did pot succeed in doing sof farther dam- lows, apd in consequence, parsons who | SKE. They then procesded merrily on have gold pieces with the letters “C. .C.” their way in the direction of Glen Hezel, nnder the eagle may have movey that is "holding vp snd rotbiog several wa) larers pot worth its face aloe. {op the road, The trasinmen wired from Secret Service Agent Harrie has se- | St. Marys to Renown that they had been oured evidence showing that a large pro- | beld op sod Detective Vernes aud Police portion of the gud coin of be Caren 125,12 ary sung mol coco tk mint issned daring the last 10 years be {yy obs SM =e Youu, of Ridgway, and low the standard. {started 10 8 rig for Glen Hazel, AY that vere aw ali be veered that 85 | place they came 0p with the men they gold pieces have been coined in great wote after and took them st ovo to the quantities, of which co record bas beet Ridgway jal. The R.&P. C & I. Go's Ofiur. Puxxsvrawsey, Pa, April 5.—The BR and P. C. and I. Co. issned the following : ciroalsr to the miners to-day: ; Poxxsvrawxwr, Pa, April 4, 1895, To the Employsss of the R £E P.O & L The San Francisco Mining stock: asso- ciation bas opened correspondence with the United States tressurer regarding the subject, with the view of baving all tbe} gold ovine bearing the letters “C. C.” re called. When theese are remeited the full | extent of the robbery will be ascertained, snd pot before. San Francisco banke have already begun the work of sifting ont coins bearing the Carson City stamp, and will demand their redemption st the . . spprectst + onr «Torts herstolore, from gub-treasary. rhe Bret of last July to November 16th, “We have evidence that the mint hae to restore spd ne ntas the $3 ent pes heen dishopestiy condneted for 10 years.” Fron rate for nintog in this region, waieh, Fenid M. W. Fox, of tte Minicg Stack as Fyou are fa dud, by payiog i" this 40 & ftir std One 4 5 “141s pritie vif FH OF tha gdine, a8 Our spewer made to your committes ‘representing our Walston, Adrian, Risaly 5 pora and Beechitree minee, asking for . advance to 40 cenis per pet too for mining on April 10t, 1s as follows: You assure us thst our employees folly HY nWwate We ute far mnag fot “hat we did rnd wot that! . offi Tat 18] SOMITE, BUF . & 1st fo wen edd na they wonid be, alisha} fisg $a? sent iy TE | tha raaonlity of the mint fla extended rors w bya ) yon fay “Wa ’ to the length of coating silver bars wilh sopper and passing them off es god bars. 2 Bataraliy, tute, cutis The plav, of course, was to 2et a reesipl i i ploves ts ark 38 Sr AN Cn of the ballion tn bulk aid to trust to the | make any {s, autil the 63 cent rate ‘melting process to cover up the steal. is set shed wu the Pittsborg region, 054 of these spurious bars wes Wiad, apd the 40 out per vet tub rate is estab v lished in tus Clesrfield and Beeh Creek ver, and in the holes on the boltom side region, args pieces of copper were found. Ail will realiza and sdmit that we can The upper side, being smooth, bad the vot pay 40 cents per pet tor, with our apoearance of a gold bar, and readily de fUerehage, 4 ag. iy to competitors mining for & less proce, ‘Dor onived the eye. Endeuce hee been with. ered of one shipment of balliou of more thao 500 foe, and this was dupiiosted with silver bars that previonsiy bad been washed 10 copper. 1! the truth was known, this shortage of 390,000 would be swelled to five times that smonnt.” Placed Gudrr Arrest. Xew York, April ‘7.—The by the extraordinary grand jary yester- | were arrestad Saturday morning. persons | They | He 18 it for yoor interests thet we ba on & higher basis thun othere. You are fully aware that sven the low coal in the Beech Creek region 18 vow being mined tor 40 eente par gross too, which inequive aleut to one pies of 35 cents per net ton in high coal. We haraby, however, agree to sid yom | in making wn possible for us to once more | pay yon $v per net won for mining, by © | meeting you se ‘ollows:— If onr em {ployess agree to work uvinterrapedly : { during the present month of Apni, 1895, against whom indictments wera retarned | st the present price of mining, we agrees to advanrs the price of mw to (1s t er net ton on May 1st, 1895, and to [ pay al! Inbar, welding coke workers, the are : (;. C. Clansen, formerly the board of park commigsioners; samme prices, sud restore all conditions exactly as 1 eitsted when we last paid $n ton far minim, with {) 1. president A. HS $y ne v Minor, police-lieutenant and s vegro boot Cmicaco, April 7.—8uperintendent of | Tapper, formerly pack : Brady, - balding re: Police C afta J. BR, i pat rolman rommiisionar; 1. form ar’ i ys a ‘ ¢ len; T Uri Embeizied Church Fanas | Tiros: Geo; LE, Pa. Apri 7 { hus been arrested charged with f | ing 8500 of the fands of St RB { copal church of which he was treasurer. James j1i@- He Was wu Specenimtor, Laxcasren, Pa, April 7. cashier of the First National baopk, of Marrietta, is a defaniter for $25,000. Grady lost the money specniating, - Re iin Robbed sod Shot s Minister, Haxxessey, O. T.. April 7.—~Three of | the Doner train robbers entered the house of Rev. Mr. Godfrey Friday aod robbed him of money and valuables. Godfrey toliowed the robbers aud was shot to! death. A po wee 18 1D pursuit, Rasor tn His Necktie. Lenaxon, Pa, April 7.—A razar eon- cealed in a pecktie was found sosterdny sentenced to be banged May 7. (Garrett bad boasted that he « hh ~T. M. Geady, | tha hiatinnt cretanding and Lr HO ERPAr, that. iW uot hrrongbt ap Ar Lelld 30d Beech « per nal ton Ob 10 vou will resame sind after June lat, 3 i, , td work SIGUE Are rat to n re ¥ pe ITI 1 fully ren mE, whsn we sulle ime to restore wet ton rate for mining. ter sud IMittsburg Coal and fara t wrt hy an, i Alt oatabiislisd = hl Hee al Ge the 40 conte par The Roches i fron Ce ARPS Y Leocios W. Ronissox, Gen. Man. 1 0 thaws ! : bas been arrested and admits his guilt | : Grady has been with the bauk twenty | The Savior says come, ind the price nin view | § upon Chas. Garrett, the wifs-muarderer, wonid never be! . The Come let us partake Of the jovs that await The faithful and true; “Invitation. Let vour faith be sincere, Fa from doubting and fear, His promise is sure; Thigh carth pass: AWAY, His word will endgame. “The spirit says come” To seach sin stricken one; No longer delay, For the noontide of ife is passiog away. In death's cold embmos, We will end life's short race; No respite is given, Our life must be pure, or we'll never reach Heaven. v Rut If we relent, And for sink we repent, He'll freely forgive And ak » nk on high, there forever to live. : ~—R. B. V., Dukluis, Pa.