a FARMING NOTES ¥ atton Courier. of a to the Farmers Who PATTON PUBLISHING ©O., Proprietors. | Patton “Courier. lini | Milking machines continue $0 be pat- " THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1895. Read the | ented, but none of them appear to have | come into genera! use. | Every farmer should have a hive of $1.00 bees, not only for the honey, but in order to complete the fertilination of 83-No papers discontinued until all ar blossdms, the bees being agents for that “ are paid, unless at the option of the purpose. : Po atch at the Postoffice at Patton as second. | The supposition that an orchard will : : class mail . | thrive with small application of fertili- pe “TTT T7777 pers has deprived farmers of yields TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One oopy, one year, in advance, - - . Advertising rates made known upon i, i a Sb. ———- cepa te COUNTY. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. Ist Monday of March | 1st Monday of Sept. | Ist Non of June ist Monday of Dec. | OFFICERS. most desirable in orehard is potash. ,and it will not be extravagant to ap- | h d acre. PaesipENT JUDGE—Hon, A. V. Harker. ply as much as 1000 pounds per Proroxorary—J, C. Duroy, i RroisTER AND RECORDER—1). A. McGough. | gmount of work, and especially when Taeasvres—F. H. Barker. . SEE aly mers, [CMe buy. Aor bariues DISTRICT ATTORNEY —R. 8. Murphy. _ |is now one of the implements ased in oS psioN Ens. J. Ditton, J. Gi. Lloyd, the West. It cuts down the stalks and Qos RUPERINTENDEXT--]. W. Loe bundles them, Yeady Rov Shoring, the GovxTy mi mv Evom—Henry feanian. . | same 28 with wheat. : UNTY ACPiToRs—Wm. J. Jones, W. C. Wood ashes is a fertilizer particalarly Berry A kis Anstern Weakiand, | adapted to dry weather. In dry seasons Martin. no fertilizer produces better results cn Moore, James Som-' strawherries and potatoes. As we can . "not forecast the season, if ie a satisfac- . tion to know that they have no bad OvunerL-Lineoln 8. Bell, president; ¥. M , effect shoul d the season be wet. This a Bock, B. F. Wise, P.F. Young.” j4 one of the things which can be used ‘Betoor. Boarn—C. C. Crowell, proddcny; cr. on almost any crop, on any land at : Th Noonan. H. E Barton, Samuel | any time. | ee oF THE PEACE-Josse Fy Dale, Jax. 3 oultry manure is usualy kept dry Mion. mW. FE. Sandford. : mixed with earth, but it wili be more | Guamx_Harcey Patianion. poervicullie if Raph moist (50k rut} id IL LECT tion. ; . Jt ma mix , Ammon Rinvead, H. 0. Window, an equal balk of dry Nets adding a CREE I Mae tard mee nthe dy : CuiEr or PoLIcE ar Fuel Addleman, i dropping are due to silicates, which rts - ‘form when it is kept a long whilein a pvERYRODY HOPEFUL. dry condition. A few days ago a prominent merchant | The May number of Toiletds, that of this section returned from a New York and they have for many months. It is gen- for his, or we should say her, outlay. erally reported by the newspapers that For here are depicted, besides a charm- a gradual recovery from the buisness ing spring costume by Doucet, some of torpor of the last two years has com- the most fragrant flowers of May (ap- menced, and although there is no di-' ple blossoms: in sweet profasion, giv- rect indication of it yet in Patton it may ing welcome promise of the summers be accepted as true. When the hard dawn. and of our early release from times was felt in the great commer- winters grim dominion. The’ inside cial centres first, and it was months pages too, which were again lately in- after the slump in New York when it creased to 38, show a delightful variety "commenced to pinch right hard here, of early summer styles, all arranged in and it is reasonable to expect the recov- ' artistic groups, and minutely described , what ever it amounts to, will be in a few words as to combinations col- quite tardy. This hopeful feeling bas | ors and material. Every inch of avail- become general all over the country. It | able space seems to be used to the best is not more prominent in the large advantage, with the one great object in cities of the East than it is in the West. view of giving the largest possible va- The St. Louis Globe-Democrat, in an | riety of brand new designs, consistent COMMISSIONER'S CLERK John C. Gates, Burarss-W. J. Donnelly. says that the commer- | come to hand. Its outward appearance editorial review this week, nsed in the with the most artistic make up and fin- ‘first paragraph the following encour- | ish. Price 20 cents, at all nowsdealers. aging words: ‘The trade revival which | Oni er began to manifest itself two or three . ; weeks ago became more marked CO a time passes. On the stock market the | boing ArAngsmen] improvement is particularly noticeable. | of P ou I great y Hews Not only is the volume of sales larger { paper SRASY Vania, $o petsule than they were early in this month, but | who want the best daily or semi-weekly the prices are higher. This is true of Senn all the solid stock. Even rail[T md THOR. re way earnings have already begun to y out, a large eight-page feel the improved conditions. In the | PAPT and The COURIER one year each latest issue of the New York “Finan. | [OF $3.00. The price of Tha Post alone ¢ial Chronicle’ there is a review of the | January statement of railroad gross and met earnings, in which that paper finds there is an increase in both items, for | the first time in nineteen months, with | the 1 A . reading as any of the monthly maga exception of August. 1 is be- | zines, and The COURIER one year each Heved that February's severe weather | ; | for only $2.25. : will make the showing for that month | The Semi-weekly Post and The Cou- price you formerly paid for one. The Sunday Post, twenty Jess favorable. The indications, though, | o =o year each for only $1.50. Just sre that the March exhibit will cidedly encouraging.’ : BARKING OF BLOOMERS. The woman in bloomers has collided | School Report. with the police away off in British | Report of Wills school in Allegheny Co'umbia. She was riding a bicycle at | township, for five months ending April the time. It was the first pair of bloom- | 5, 1885: whole number in attendance ars which had broken upon the view of | during month, h the citizens of Victoria, and the town average attendance during be de- | think of it, The Post twice week, and | your county paper for the price of one. Write us for sample copies. month, turned out to see Miss Ethel Delmont girls, 14; boys, 15; per cent, of attend- go by arrayed in her mew garments. ance during month, girls, 98; boys, 86. When Miss Ethel returned home, after | The names of those who were not a refreshing spin on ber wheel, she absent one day during month; Pelicitas found a policeman there with the warn. | Moran, Maggie Scish, Edith McCoy, ‘Ing that if she appeared again in public | Blanche Moran’ Ida Ivory, Gertie clothed in bloomers she would be sum- Rhos, May Moran, Stella Ivory, Susie moned to the police court, and re- McCoy, Stella Rhoa, Jobin Moran, Allen «quired to answer to a charge of creat. | McCoy. : eh : ing a disturbance on the public streets. Those who were absent one day This seems like a queer charge, but jt during month: Howard Moran and shown as if the police of Victoria thinks | Clara Moran. : ; that bloomers are loud. The outcome | Those who were present every day ‘of the authorities’ antipathy to bal- | they belonged: Raymond McCoy, Jos loon trousers remains to be seen. The . Sciach, ; leopard Seymore, Gilbery Woman's Council is thinking about Ivory, Dorothy McCoy. taking up the matter and making a Local Market Report. test case of it being of the firm con-' For the special benefit of the farmers viction that woman's right to wear in the vicinity of Patton the COURIER bloomers must not be abridged. publishes the following local market ! : report, revised each wesk: i Hotter, : rine 4 cents per pound, En, 13 Jy Art de la Mode, ~The current number of I’Art de la Mode fully uphoids the reputation. established by the publishers as leaders in original and authentic styles. There | ‘are many fashion journals in this country, but L’Art de la Mode claims I "tobe the ony fashion journal which ii}, imports and publishes exclusive French | styles. They further claim that these styles are absolutely original in every respect and have never previonsly ap- peared in any other journal. * A glance through its artistic pages is convincive that L’Art de la Mode is the brightest : and most attractive up-to-date fashion I have 25 dozen boy's bc straw hats journal published in America. For sale ready to sell whe its a little warmer. by all newsdealers. Single numbers Didn't they go last year though? 36 cents. $3.50 per year. : i: BrLL, TEE CLOTHIER. Fags. - SC doen, Potatoes, bashel Apples, i) fmions, Tarnips,. its : Corn, N Y Ours tor DUCeess, “PA FO ~N SUPPLY CO: in our line. You Will Find It to Your Advantage to buv at QU N N'S, Johnstown, - Car $1 ths Mattings. : jow as 20 cts per vir : onrtan a pair. The largest ossortment of Dress G -in the city. ladies C vik Wraps, Miller) of all kinds. Good me. lowest prices. JAMES QUINN, Te JONSTOWN, PA. Clinton St. L.inoleums, Rupes. 1.00 > ; Carpet as vt TY ots : sods Sire, SUBSCRIBE NOW We will send to any address THE NEW YORK WEEKLY PRE riteresting, nn-to-date Republican National ! to instruct, entertain, and edi vy member of every American family The COURIER * Ber, copduciea ro v8 i Sw ii y wv Na ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $125 Address all orders to The COURIER. Send your name and address to New York Weekly Press, 38 Park Row, New York City. and a sample copy will mailed to you. bey &