The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 04, 1895, Image 8

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    ‘Daisy perbups dying."
in pi § we mms 2 A ce en
Ths street's bleak and Jong, and the rain’s
The! dye Hwa , grown weary and old;
They Im in the wind and rain.
AR, fio! I'm st home in our castle in Spain.
In the glow of the firelight you stand by me
I flickers and plays an your shadowy hatr.
Outeilie, in the city, I seek you in vain,
But still you are found in our castle in Spain. :
1 hear not the roar of the traffic; I hear
‘Your acoent s» low, and so strange, and so
The voice that could bid ome forever to remain
With you in our castle—our castle in Spain.
Phut castle's so fair, so enchanted the ground,
The springtime abides in it all the year round.
There lives never wither, as bopes never
wane : :
Tha lime trees ave Bloor bs
Yet the winds that blow o'er the whole earth |
"Amd the stream ‘neath its ramparts has flowed
fhe world through,
Anil read in your eye a love deeper than
Love stringer tham death in our castle in
» Bpan!
Wherever you wander, ah, you I love best,
When you from our refuge realities wrest,
I wonder if you are as glad to regain
Our fortre=, cur haven, our eastle in Spain
— May Kendall in New York Ledger
‘A womnan sat at tier dressing table, in
front of the mirror, and dabbed cheeks
that were livid with patches to pink
‘eolor. - Her maid folded and put away
sone drapery that had been flung down
an the bed and watched ber mistress
furtively. Down stairs there were prep :
arstions for a big party, and the daylight
shone on the silver and orchids om the
dinner table much ae it shone on the
face of the master of the house, with
the odd pucker of discontent between
his brows, ready and waiting. in the
pruotty drawing room. It shone on those
obstinate blotches of color, which had |
to be renewod so often; in order to hide
the wife's ashen skin. :
Mrs. Marston had run away from her
first husband and been the subject for a
fainods divorce case. The companion of |
ber flight, Lewis Marston, bad married
ber directly the divorce was made, and
a certain less particular section of soci-
ety consented to overlook her lack of
marals #o lorig as she had a good chef.
and gave amusing parties,
There was one child of her first mar-
riage left in its father’s care, and this
little girl of ten summers was lying
dangerously ill. The glass reflected eyes
that were stained and wild. She pen
oiled a black line under the lower hid,
and she thought as she did so:
“They cught at least to let me seo
ber. To be turned away from the house
Was cruel, bot Charles was always bard,
Be will never forgive, and then that
‘other woman will be bending over her
bed, will listen to her poor little weak
voice, will nurse her and will make
mach of ber, will take my place.”
She blackened one eyebrow, and a
tear fell splash on to one of the silver
brushes. :
“Ouiy just to bave secu her for one
minute—crept in like & stranger and
looked at her face. Three years rgo!l
Only three ycars sinco she saw nie, and
yet they will have taught bic to forget.
My darling little girl, my own little
girl! O God, belp me!’
fibe began on the other eyebrow, bot
her band shook.
“What a fright 1 shall look tonight!
Marie, bring me all wy diamonds. 1
can't do without them, my eyes look so
dull. Bother this rouge; it wou't stick
on, There, I'll make it somehow.’
8he thought as the maid fastened »
glitter:ng tiara in her hair that if the
child died that night she could have no
means of bearing, and she suddenly
started up and sat down at a writing ta-
ble. Ehe wrote to an old friend, a mau
who hud stuck to ber first husband and
eut her dead when she - passed bim in
the street, and the letter ran thas:
Dear Bin Josin—~Cour pity's sake,
know hiw Daisy ix. I am half mad w Ahsan.
fety. Fiemse let the pain I sm eullering ex
ens the Hberty 1 take fn troubling you
She sent the maid with the letter at
oboe, with a command to find Eir John
Deane and get an answer if pussible.
Then, with a walk like a qoecn, in a
dress from Yorth, with her beddaanond-
ed head and the roses on ber checks, she
descended to the drawing rovin to re
ceive her guests. ;
“My dear, you're late,’ said her hus
band. :
- Bbe bad long ceased to expect any
companionship or eympothy from hin,
80 she spswored careles: ij:
“Am I? Jt doesn't matter, as no one
has arrived.” Soe
“But it does matter''— he began, whe
the door opened to admit a guest.
There was 8 young guardsman with
a fair face who thought Mrs. Mui:ion
a “good gort’’ and flirted with her ose
perately in ap . elementary fa -hion.
There was a society doctor,
plapsible manner, gray hairs aud ken
enjoyment of the symputuy und inter
- est of pretty women. Hewat next stout
‘ Jady with a eonteated smile aud pluad
blue eyes. She was Mrs. Marston's Lust
friend and a little deaf. Most of tre
‘women were fast, and most of the wes
were horsy, and they all agreed at dine
per that they had never seen their hoot
"#88 looking so well. : :
“We shall meet at Hurlingham to-
morrow,’ whispered the gunridom. o.
He was a nice boy, ail 10 do? ded
Dorothy Marston when hr own six re-
* wiled her. ;
She thought, “To Hurliugbuwm wud
“TH come. I candrive you a, Ha
Yke. You had better lui. :
“Charmed, of course,’
The mun on her right a «
Bad won money on. ti
fancied she heard her mo
the bull, and she wondércc
surved with any news as +:
“I made u little. Lewis
anlucky. Be insisted on
Deu: tly outs der.”
Then she Innghed, sinn
pagne and glanced at
our castle in |
es frie
with a
| mare way down th
{ woman at the other eid cangizt the look
and hated her for it. The recipient was
the girl's husband.
‘‘And pow tell me some delightfully
paughty scandal,’ Mrs. Marston said to
the horsy man. ‘The latest and best
you know.’ :
“Mrs Graham?’
“Oh, she’s an old story.”
“Give you my honor—new edition’ —
“‘Really! Go on."’
“Warned off the bockstalle
Well, I'm not a bowskstall.”!
As be paused she thought: “Marie
* ean't have found Sir John. I wonder if
they have a good nurse. They might
i have let me see ber ju-t for oné moment.
Children rarely take to a steproother,
but Daisy used to love every one."
“8g Mrs. Graham has even overstep-
ped the bounds of modernity,’ she said
“Taken the barrier in one stride.”
“Bravo, I am always grateful to a
‘woman who gives me something notori-
- ous to talk about.”
And she thought: ‘1 wonder if she
suffers much. I wonder if sbe is oon
scious. They said, ‘No Yeiwer.' Could
that mean she was worse? How all
these people would chatter and whisper
if they knew the situation tonight! Not
one of them would by sarry—yes, Hilda
would, poor, frightened, little woman,
. becanse her baby died, aithotgh I do
flirt with her husband. And my baby—
0 God, how bappy I was over Daisy!
- and now—it's my own fault for leaving
i her, but how could I know she was go-
jug to be ili7" : Nl
~The room, with its brilliant lights,
| ita sound of voices and its Moghter faded
. from sight. In imagioation she was car
ried far away to the little bedroom
pext the nursery in the old house. She
bent over Daisy, who slept and dreamed
of mamma— ihe real mamma, nos her
pew one—and she said to the cold,
stern faces around hur: ‘Have pity; let
me kiss her ounce. T won't distarb ber.
| 1 won't wake ber.’’ Perhaps they might
| comsent and let her creep away, having
geen her baby and kissed her, as in the
old bappy days
question and replied at random:
“Yes, [| am going to act as a Greek
goddess It's a queer kind of play, but
| ope can da snything nowadays, and
Lady Lane acted in it, so that makes the
whole thing so eminently rvespuctable.
She died of dullness, poor old dowd.
Her husbani’s a nice boy--he got me
into the show.
She stretched out Ler hand and pulled
an orchid to picces, and the room faded
from sight again.
She stood near the little bed. Daisy
| was awake and knew her. Thay weren't
angry; they wore kind, they let ber
hold her close, let ber stay to nurse her,
Jet ber sovihe her only ass motber,
| even the most degraded, can, Charles
forgave for the baby's sake and let her
| stay just till she got well
Sha pulled herself together and rose
to leave the room. In all ber dreams she
, pever saw a s3d picture, save that it
was ead to seo tho child suffer. Of
eourse she was cortain to get well
As the fontman blinded her the coffee
when up stairs she nsked carelessly:
“Has Marie retrirned?”’
“An hour azo, mum,” be said
She started. With no letter for me?"
“No, moum, She said not.”
“All right. Mrs Barker has changed
Cher mind and will take some milk
Hand it to br, please.”
So she oon ‘t heur thus wight. The
potion minds Ber jer fair,
placid friend shouted some gossip in ber
| ears as fs the manner of deaf people
The prentiemen jnned them, and asinger
sat down at the piano. Tha song over,
amifl loud a) plause a footmian opened
the door to ait o gentlemsan. He had
, asked to ses Mr. Marston alonc, but the
man bad binnderesd, misunderstood hin
and anpounoed Li as one of the even
gs guests :
“ir dobn Duane
T= i ; y, RORY
frie qd rea t ¥ fret bios,
anid she knew
why be was there as well as if he had
- spoken
He murmured some excuse and drew
ber hostond out of the room.
Thu whole place swam belore her
€hn wis struck pamb. Only sub
ty could have furced him to visit
to iin Daisy dead! Bbe had read it
fy the troobie io bis face. Daisy dead,
dead! Flow cuen little baby cold and
diad, aod Lo wot there to bold ber in
ber: ., to Kiss ber just once note, to
wi Pt hr. {po
Her fricusd waa speaking She strug.
gleil ba to conscicosness, to bear her
say in ber ond, blatant voice: ‘Fancy
Sir John ming to visiv you again,
Dolls! What a triumph for you to-
roomfoel of people heard,
: 1 at Mr. Marston, Bho
smiled fairete: tha eo'or in her checks
Md po: vary, por were ber eyes dim
but hur Lips, for von
had tnricd bine
Li LS:
she a»
might haat
“How fanny yo
tonal t
i yu
i YOu:
¥. £3
Tie Telephane In Korea.
In bi: work, “‘liores,’” Mr. Hepiy
v ! a
tosis at 3
53 Tes orf i
Borie months bo re hes
nw foreigner pad vi
ing url Ts fro
72 w The } $ os bof
tmmerirotoox, al great
ug by ta ne
f the areen doy rger with the
cap Mary hones a day were
swat by his jeajesty nod his
stening at trend of thatele
4 A wRWHR was kept all
ase tha queen dowater should
aol bir ue cual sleep. Bat
age, or ax und, OF & murmor,
heard The ! ug was disgust-
o telephure was vouden ned as
v his majesty of Cho sen.
shont ening
talile. A tiroid little .
She beard the guardsman 8k her a
. ¢ircumstances would permit,
- might suppose, because he was a partic
wife of his old
Boecont Statistics Upset the Calculations of
German and English Prophets.
It would be a misfortone for the world
{f the French people were to disappear
from it. We have beard for a good
while of tho amall birth rate in France,
under which the births per year were
Jess finmercus than the deaths, and we
‘have seen computations by statisticians
that if this disproportion between the
births ans deaths were kept up fors
certain period of years thers would not
be a Frenchman on the face of the earth
at the end ‘of that pericd. We wonld
have. been sad over this prospect if we
had believed it could ever be realized,
for the world would be flatter than it is
if the French were bot in it. A crowd
of Germans or Englishmen or even
Irishroen could never make vp for the
Jost French. x
We are happy to be abla to rélieve
any apprehension which may have been
creatsd by the statisticians. France ber
self, ever ready for any emergency, bas
some to the relief of the worid. The
French government has just issued the
population returns of 1893 (we ought
to have thoss of 1804 by this time), and.
they are joyful. There was an excess of
births over deaths in the year 1533, pot
a heavy excess, but still encouraging
The number of French in France at the
end of the year was greater by 7,146
than at the beginning The record looks
all the better when we compare it with
that of the previous three years, during
which the births fell 80,000 behind the
deaths. It is a record which gives evi-
dence that the tide has turned, and, if
_Jast year was as good a year as the pre-
vious one, the growth of population
must be such as to knock out all the
computations of the pessimistic statisti
cians, most of whora, by the way, are
either Germans or Eaglishmen.
It is first rate pews for France. The
‘army must be kept ap. It is good news
for the world. We conld pot afford to
Jose the Freoch. How dull cid Eorope
would be without French politics and
playwriters and presidents and artists
and novelists and women, without =
French esprit or penses or olan or fa-
tigue or other things that belong almost
exclusively to France!
France and the Frepch aro greet. The
Gearmansg, English, Italians, West Al.
ricans and others had better 1 tindalge
in any hope of the disappearance of the
French. — New York San.
It Stood In the Way of the Recovery of
the Body of One of the Fibe Victims.
"Dickens, who so often studied with
delighted interest the applications of
English law to particular cases, would
have found a sabject worthy of his
grimmest humor in the fact, cabled the
other day from London, that wien the
master of a fishing smack, cruising near
where the Elbe went down, saw floating
in the water a dead body, which was
doubtless that of a victim of the great
disaster, he made no effort to rescue it
fron the waves and carry it ashore for
identification and burial. -
Instead he sailed past and away from
the doleful bit of flotsam as quickly a8
308, 4s one
plarly hard hearted and cold blooded
mariner, but because ‘recently, alter
landing a body, he had been forced to
pay the faneral expensex.’’ Curious ns
that experience had been and delight
folly ilinstrative as it was of “crown-
er's quest’’ wisdom, the captain had no
inclination to repeat it. One lesson bad
beet enough to teach bim the great
principle that common sense calinot bay
allowed to interfere with consi: sucylm
the enforcement of a parliamentary act,
and what in comparison With that isthe
continued agopized nncertainty of some
German wife or mother’ —New York
Tires. ; ;
A 810,000 Bachelor Dance, :
Of course everybody is talkihg abons
the Hitchooek-Balkley dance,
Iz is said to huve cost those young
bachelors about $10,000, and, as there
were only about 200 people present,
each person bad to absarb about $30
worth of pleasure and refrexmnent
It was anounced that every ove could
order what he or she chose for supper.
It was pot surprising then to see terra-
pin und canvasback docks washed dosen
with rare old clarets and champagnes
costing #8 a bottle
Horse of the dudes either deliberately
ar stupidly misunderstood
blinche idea of supper, and, when the
waiters came to them for orders, asked
for new dress suits or diamond scarf-
pins. : : :
I should think thas one dance like.
this on soch an elaborate scale would
last society for a long time
Like overything else remarkable,
Aladdin's warvelous lamp gets wre
some when swung aroiand too promiscu-
ously. —Choliy Knickerbocker in New
York Recorder
Worked at Gieeley's Elbow.
Johoa Barstow, ntidonbtedly
¢ compositor in the coun-
srghite.sixth birthday
Cont. , recetitly. His eye
#18 1.
Hired by age, and bu;
ws, Uncle Joshua waa
Cardeley’'s most lulimate
friends He mt type at Mr Greeley's
eh throneh the Harrisou aud Ty-
; 1 reentis with pri
the two raced to
ote uf Fh
ie tog
Wo tue Cheaper Thun Water.
A Greek jJonrnal states that so great
is the quantity of wine pow in stock oi
the island of Cyprus that last yuil's
crop Te aiug a glut on the market, wud
if we are to believe further accounts
wine there has become cheaper than wa
“ser. In the village of Tschakistra a nicl-
chunt who was baving a house built is
said to bave provided tbe mawons with |
wine instead of water to mix with the |
mortar. — Public Opinion. {
the carte
Ln Wanted! :
People to know that C. M. Letts is |
the leading Contract Painter and Paper
Hanger north of Jobnstown. Best of
references furnished. -60t2 }
DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cures
scalds, burny, indolent sores and never :
fails to cure piles. C. W. Hodgkins.
November 20, 1893, to March
1 CO
11th, 1598.
From A. J. Jeckson, Burgess, Fines
and flieenss
Magee Avy, mwer acount
F.R. Barker, io. Tr. Ligoor Lis
Iaiiasle | .
Testi Bomigh Bonds
WwW. J. Donnelly, Bungess, fines
amd Hewnses ;
R. Somervilie, Attorney, Bom,
board walks acct. ;
Carroll Twp, Balance due Boro
poet. road fond, RRR
Fas. Mellon, J, PP, fines
is “ Colt on Tax Dup:
is ; Xm
Bal. due Trensd eer
Tetad.. : . RANT al
fides pa Ad meet street work * 245
H ” - gmber sine work 88
rrading iron bridge,
Magee Ave - #41 3
wwer pipe Boro
wT pe,
work on Mages Avy
Police services
Boroongh Clerk
ORL for street mm ps
Printing and Pub
Ondinances. | aunt
Ballding snd fuarn-
wehing enuncil cham
ber and kwkap
it pay ment on Boro
R. 1. Goff, Engineer
and map of Boro : ad
ORB Swope Baro
. Aorney ries ui
“me year rent | fr
walter plugs iw
“' Pire PE 150
© Fees pald Treasdoer
“ehnl Board n
Foww pai ied WJ, fea
nelle Retvnl Fund
CO Paanation set
Foe on”
Tntorssst ofr Honeds
fora, irders
Tr 13d
4 t3, Mise,
Teiie .
3 H Mod Orme
Berard of Hloeadl
Prurdons, Phgest and
» va
i .
Hecording Pavsogb
sheryl, 2 Pe ent
BC Tore ers GRITS. : SAY mi LB
pinks 1 SAVE ww ion
Tota! ;
: Liabilities,
Busine Pad 3 rossuly
fmt re @ Mtl
Ponds omstanding
Re scirees,
gncollectat on Tax Dup. IN
5 hig sal
wider peda wierd 2nd linn
f the Pir
¢ examined
Poa THe sELiiae
rivet and
‘wo Papers For
THE COURIER is pleased to
apnounce its clubbing arange-
ments with :
The Pittsburg Post
the great home newspaper of
Pennsylvania, and to persons
who want the best daly or
semi-weekiy paper published
in the city, we recomraend The
Post. :
a large eight-page paper, and
THE COURIER one year each
for $3.00. The. price of The
Post alone is $3.00. Send us
your order at once and get sev-
en papers a week for the price
you formerly paid for one.
twenty pages every Sumday,
containing as much reading
as any of the monthly maga-
zine, and THE COURIER one
year each for only $2.25.
The Semi-
Weekly Post,
vear caclr for only.
: Just think of 1t,
The Post twice a week,
1d yout county paper
: :
the price of one.
us for sample
Solicitor for German National B. &
1. association.
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
All legal business promptly attended to.
Office in Armory Hall
i wt pO AS A
Mellon Avenne, PATTON, PA.
1 am prepared to do dll kinds of work in my
fine at rusonable prices. Contracts aiken wid
extirnates Nu ralshend when desinad, Satisfection
gaaraniocd. Give mes cali, :
WwW. E. Probert,
Exp. ¥
Met? Moss
Barber and Hair Dresser,
P. P. Young & Bro.,
and Retail Inter (a
Whos bs
Bologna, Lard, Ftc.
Patton, Pa.
Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.
CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00.
Accounts of Corportions, Firms Individa-
alk and Banks reeeivid apon the most vor.
Ble terns consistent with safe and cotmervative
banking :
Steamship tiekets for ale Sr all tw leading
ines, Foreign Drafts payabis in the principal
cities of the Old ward
All corppspondence will have
personal Aftesition,
Interest paid on thine
oir prompt ard
A. EB. Parroxn,
ry tw
; gS a)
. x z & * ed
2» i 4 1 ea ial
4 ” oe ¥ >
4 Tm
oe Seating ARSC
So + : >
bo Le he".
tin wa
it 5 i Sd
MONEY _ § Wager"
. ; wl, pr
yom spachlaes chonper ilin
wot elnew Bore, The Xi W¥
curisest, bul Wwe make casa
ether Filet Sew Pal Nteksi
BewioT Ba eines for3liOun a
Card oir our a, end
yet fre Lg dniRid ¥
Feoaweee Jealivor wil
ive tt. We ahallenges tha wea
stance ww BETTER 450.90 3
Lav aie Sor 350.00, 000
} oie Tor $i
Bowl y (ross Gee OF OUP ALCL 5,
youve wr RTT
f Loco RuHIal dali.
A. “ X
B.R. &
The Short |
Bead ivavt, Saiamas :
agra Falls, am witli in iw
Un had aller Nov, 3 IM, peewee Drains
will arrive $154 jo fsa t oy ¢ ih
Sration, daily, Feet Suaodny
Noinh ds Eiko DUANE wand BOchostor adie ar
Brockwavyille, Ridew Tohnwonbirg VW
Jewett, Bradford, Salanmaca
Rovhoslier oon :
P&E train 3 fer Wileax
Corry, sand Ei
m3 A Bk Aeeh
ew, Buy Ran,
it am A
Jonson burg,
P, Time Table.
ay pe ¥
= fet lows
i . RI A
Ware, Warnes
wry rtaods ton For §
vd Puaaxsalawney,
i frond Bradford
rem «wad Vii
wermned li {ela
Pho xsutawney
rvs LRN
Ridgway, Johasoniairg
310 pope. Madl For
Po Punssulaw nes, aiid by
Tralos Ar TARY
ston sd Ta
mandation from Pan Ceutawney: nig p
C. & M. Division.
Yop. tL, Bett
Train hartield wil
Dron ii . a iv ‘
P Haven Jorary Shore, Witham
phia and New York, aad bas Pullman Sleep
ing Car from Dubleis (o Phd Yelp
“Thousand mile HeRets al two conte pot
Fond Dor parasesanls Betws fi sagt 1 1 !
RG. Marrurws, EowarpU Lave
Lahde, Saji, i Pus
Hochestor N.Y Raxh
| Sor Passengers are reguesied Ww
tickets before ctiteriog the ons, AR exee
{ charge of Ten Cents will be collected hy Con-
Nix 74 connects ot
FiestNation'IBank ==. o.
| ductors when fires ae pad ob trains, from adl |
| aun where n Tioket Offer is maintained
Beech Creek Railroad
Hom York Central § Hodson River BR. R. Losses.
Rend ap ’
Ppmpm :
LL © Westover
W012 Mabaffer
#215 1 WK orrinwer |
Kerrmons in
New Midipwort
? sok i 1
Gr Rn
Lit At
B® 1 EB
an | ew
nl BR
13 BR St
WIN ar Clearfield Junetion Ly
B40 GE Ld. Wosd bgad
wooo : wi.
eh og2 Wallnewidon
7 0 Dorvisdaie aes
7 0 Ia,
#55 ix
wm Ar
Mourns % AT
Pit! FINE" 12 At
ay + oe
wy i.
NOW mate
Hepa it Lvex
Yokdhaeiae se | WAN Tie
- Fea funetion
. i yy ura
P ! t . poor
PW AY W i La, M2550 5
327.2 ai LA ii zwei TR
¢ = ant Noi Na ” BB 0 0
hg “
Fost of fabegty Std
3 i te. ania)
THIN. mm series
Through Pullin siveplog Car between Da-
Mode Tovar lt, all interamwsdiate podnds, and
Phitbidednhin ia oth dinetions daily
peda y, on ruins Nix vial eA
CONNPOCTHONS Willlamisgort with
Philwdedphiie as Pooadding Ratined, AT Jomesy
shores: Junition Jd) Brook Rajiway for
ants in New York State and the Wimt. Af
i Fadl with Contra! Batlroad of Pennsy is
vans At Phitinsbres Perinsivanis
Katirond, AL Cieardeld with Butiaio, Rochester
wl Piteshary Ballwal Ni Mash fey wml
Patton with Samhbrin gnd Clearfield division
AF Pennsylvania miooed. At Malisfley with
Pennkvivania ant North Western mitrond.
superintendent, Gen] Passenger Agent,
: Philndelphin, Pa
P.R. R. Time Tables.
. Mais Later 1 od 4) Vastwani.
sep, Shoe Fapross
A frosonis Aoeonpodiation
Tran EXpanows TH
Alfons Aeon
Sail Express, daily
Phitadeiphilg BE xpos
Loshinsiow sn Ai
Paeitle Bx pve
Way Posse nner, aii,
Ma Pricey, os :
Fast Line, dail
RBs LOWE Aodain., wie Kdais
: & and.
Maorotng free for ENthon and LU resson ene
Masbiatiey ad wr doy ba dome, dw: Westover,
Hastings: oid Hastiogs ©8k
TA Patton, TIN Brad
Cavior, TO4, arfving at
Afternoon treln for Patton
« Mehmifey at 20 pom; La
cas, ard Westie or, 281 Garway, (or Hast.
Ths! 287 Hastings, 247; tsmrway, for Cresson
R10: Patton, ha Hradiey Junetion, SE Ray
ar RE, vison al $315.
frarwny, for ress
Jaci, 7
resend gt el aon
goad peat len.
y i yr
ervivingr ut
Morning tno leaves Crosson for Mahaffey at
Ray sor, oni red ley Juntion GA Pals
won, Ke2s Omri for Histings: 10043 Hastings,
for Mo bua tT wr famrway, for Mabmiley:
Piadh: Westaavoer, 14.0% LL } i gr, BTTIVING at
Maha vaoat | Aran
rit Mushy Lawes re § Ran
cil Buadiey Jilin,
ay Au
so Pation, » 10 (sar
+ Hastings, dor Muha
for Mahaffey: T01 West.
dus «1, arriving at Msabhatlesy
wis vs fier Wests
£23 UA Cg WEY
EE es at as
spe iagler ada Carrodlilown
coin With tain fod Crenesin
Cherryisree at 258
. Ror, oak Cartoillown
few te With train for Crys
Mik ives
xy Junction for
Carnditown eesd, 108%
irnatwboro, LSE, grriving at
Ried Ley
vex Breede y Jusetion fa
tarredlzowny Roasd, #17
rues, 827, armviog at
wishing Hmneh tins mye
veonadly al TID a aa, BESE a
Je ese or EL i
pe innts on the arsival of al
mek West, both orising and
agvaly or
Hi0 Eifthy.
spade. ty tie
A. WW. Is
JK. Win
Geneial Mp.
i Massages ;
P & N W Railroad.
Rawat wy flosad down’
hy, ax it “ N+ » No in
i : om nm
i We ar Panysatawn’yl iv 5 1
: Mic sees 5 58 wn
Mahatfev! 2405 aM
Pay Joan 15 nS
Beswindale oH A
Lrvionn 4 a8 B-
Oued peoartd 1 i 4
henvilsn ily HW
i iv RBullwoesd ar 11 1
nee With Buffiio Rochester and
; Fo 2With Bewel Creek madirosd.
mitt and Clearfteld milroad. 1With
arthoud milroad, AWith Penns
sued, 3
Brash = Trains aves Medios
phell at Hr® am and Be pom
sees from hen Camplsedl ot 7
miioad arrive and
ay follows: Eastward, 750
IN BM and 9
M, BIR TAT and R08 pom
Dy, Rupr, Beiiworady Pa.
W sot Wind 3
$33.30 Fine CALF &iGAARDR
are? * 3.89 POLICE, 3 sues.
\ | 22% WORKiNGMEy:
C ver One Miltion People wear the
? orl)
W.L.Douglas $3 & $4 Shocs
All uur shoes are equally satisfactory
The Tua the Dest value for the proney.
They equal custom thoes in style and fit.
io wearing qualities are
I » mel hymen poform secstamped on sole.
Fiov 1 ty Sy evved over other metiag
i yous wealer Caanst supply you we can, Sold by
Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa.
A wommodations Arsteclass, Best of Liquors
purchase aid Wines at the tar. Stabling stiached.
: Prop'r.
in Effect fob £1898 as . :