The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 28, 1895, Image 4

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    Geo. M. W.
atton Courier.
es i
4 ™ pow if she could tarn in her own house
« from a beaming recognition of some
{stars of contemporaneous fashion to
One copy, one year, in advance, - - . $1.00!
z I. ed mtes made known upon |
papers discon tinued antii all ar
are paid, uniess at the option of the
Ew. at the Postoffice at Patton as second- |
class mail matter.
Monday of March ist Monday of
hat Monday of June ist Monniny of ot
Eresunmxr Juan. Hon. A. V. Barker.
¥. H. Barker.
sSuesivr-D. W. Coulter,
- DEPUTY SHERL rr Samuel bay In
Arrorsyy ~R.8. M
: Qoxestoxexs-—P. J “Bitton,
: Rurveyor— Henry Scanian.
CouxTtY AUDITORS Wm. J. Jones, W. C.
; Berm: James Daily. :
= Dr, George Martin,
> : Moore, James
. erville, Raphiel ‘hbel Hite.
. BunGess-—-W. J. Donnell
wigan i Cer, 8, Bell present
ison, H RB. F. Wise
Som- |
. Young,
: t; G.
Eh LG Crowell, president:
Dr. J. B. Noonan, H. E. Barton, Samuel
or. OF THE PracE—Jesse FE. Dale, Jas. |
TrEAsURIn W. H. Sandford.
on. Mellon.
Asspsson—J. R. Co neliux,
wa STs F. H. Kinkead, HH. 0. Wi
nslow, |
Fam Pu
Gets A Casubri Gounty Chin Specs ba Mind
tn Regard to the Gard Bil.
' 8¢. Augustine, Pa., March 25th, 1805. |
Now that the fate of the “Nuns
Gard” Bill is decided it may not be &
the camp. When he soled Sows mR miss to comment on the same, what
got hin sences he fined himself $50, he ‘the J. 0. U. A. M. the A. P. A. and the
being a high mogul justice of the piace. ‘legislature propose to accomplish by |
‘When he fined himself he told the con- this mad freak of intolerance, is beyond
stable to put the culprit in jail at once’ the ken of ordinary mortals, and it is
if the fine was not paid. The editor very doubtful if any member of this’
| and justice of the peace had to go to enlightened legislature can give a
7" | the damp jail. His wife roared like a | satisfactory answer. It is very certain
er "| lioness and vowed she would burn the that such a specimen of public bigotry
To lay down a law for the nse of the jail down if her precious consort were has never been witnessed since the |
os, | Word in the present condition of Amer- ' not Hebrated at once. The. newspaper | Salem Witchoraft, or the banishment |
ican society would, I think, puzsle the | man and justice of the peace who stood | of Roger Williams. :
most ingenions makers of social codes. | behind the bars as a righteous act of While there is and can be no , doubt
| Por the time it must remain a matter | his justice, told the constable to stand that it was a blow aimed at the Catholic |
| of intuition when and where to spply firm sn execute and respect the order religion, other denominations will be
| the gence} cotivteey tele of * of the court. The woman fainted, and the only victims. This may sound
T raswmawores by this time the community was aronsed strange to some, but it will prove itself
from centre to circumference and there ‘true if the act is enforced.
Of Interest to the Farmers Who Read the | was limberger cheese on the moonanda’ The sisters have ample means of
Patton “Courier.” | graveyard impression on the faces of a living even if there never was a free
4 warren smione
The Editor as a Jadge, T
16 would never enter into my head to
hay op To
John M. Lamb, editor of the Delamer. |
Idaho, Nugget, got on a rampage the |
other day, unslung his gun and took |
| bestow a frozen greeting upon & social
. make-weight, or a poor friend of other
days who had not kept pace with her
| in progress up the ladder of society,
| writes Mrs. Burton Harrison in an in-
| The way to apply lime is to broad- large throng of troubled people. The school in the state, and it is a fact that |
cast it on a.newly-plowed field, so as to mob made a mad rush for the bastile, ‘they never teach from choice outside
retain it near the surface. | and in their frensy twisted the door off their convents. In districts where the
Mustard is a plant that farmers con- | ite hinges and requested Mz. Lamb to | | population are almost eutirely Colic, |
sider a weed, but it can be put to good | walk out. He refused unless the fine ‘the directors prevail upon them to)
| use, however. If not allowed to go to and cst were paid. The mob wanted teach because of the superior quilifica- |
| seed, it is very easily kept down. | to know what the fine and costs would | tions judged from the Catholic point of | -
| For many years the value of wood be. Fe took a good look at the infuri-| | view. 1 ask, have Catholics no right
| ashes as a portion of the diet of hogs ated mob and told them $295. ‘A paper to an opinion in the matter? Or are
| was unknown, but experiments have was circulated and the money was they incapable of thinking for them-
| shown that when wood ashes are al- raised in a jiffy, and handed the finance | selves? If such in the case, it is very
| strengthened. Ground bone also gave land paradoxical scribe. He paid the our thinking for ns. They doubtless
excellent results when given to them. constable $10 for his fers and gave the imbibe their love for us from the bible
If every man who owns and dives jailer $5 for his lodging and $10 to have | that wonderful book of ‘“Truth and
‘horses really knew the difference be- | the door of the jail repaired. In the Charity”. Assuming that our legis
tween a good horse and isferior ones, | meantime the escapade told the speo- lature is Christian, they have studied
| there wouldn't be ensign good ones to | taters to be present the next morning | the teaching of our common Saviour.
lowed with the food the bomes are ts the eccentric justice of the peace and | kind of our Protestant brethern to do,
- Good Block,
: Who is that man?
“Why" that’s Warren, Mgr. of the
Parton Painting Co
—They Paint——
House-cleaning time is coming.
1 have everything needed to
aid in the work: Brushes,
Soaps, Stove Polish-
es, etc, etc.
| Butterick Patterns just in.
A full line of General Merchandise:
Call and inspect my stock.
Pattg, Pa
Bra Manion.
a , Coun stor kn Same Addleman, |
0 Around, 45d fie commis would be |
ju of cast off, valueless horses, says a
mr PA
} OR EE wt pudyon, shamgotis
| ofl or C1up. Test the milk and dis-
pose of the profitiess cows. Sell the
scrub horses and stop feeding them.
Get rid of the surplus cocks snd the
old hens. Weed out everything un-
profitable. Itis true to-day that the
at his temple of justice.
About 9 o'clock a. m. the judge and |
bland editor opened court. The first
{| Hence all these acts of foolish bigotry |
| are intended for our good.
There is another phase of this ques
Etcinen, Signs. and Carriages of every
Asn aie
5A. wien, Prop
‘thing he did was to remit his own fine | {tion upon which I would like very!
of $50. The journalist and peace officer | much to be informed. Why did the | ; 4
the | then informed the audience that he had | Hon. Mr. Spangler, of Cumberland, | DropaCad
$200 dollars in cash that had been given | waive the stars and stripes while he |
the previous day. Ae asked as a favor | eloquence against the “Nuns Garb#” | Patton, Pu. f you want a good Job of
A Modern Hotel.
seven lean kine devour the seven fat |
| kine.
: There is no need of making butter at
| 8 loss with so wide a demand for a gilt |
edged article, yet plenty of people con- |
tinually saffer this loss, and do not |
seem to know just how to locate mor
remedy it. It is safe to say that ninety- |
nine farmers out of a hundred never
| have any right appreciation of the pos- |
sibilities of intelligent dairying. |
When feeding wheat to the cows.
about one-half the bulk should be
| ground out into flour for family use,
“ber of men enrolled in the war,
that every individual who had plunged ' I am an old soldier, perhaps he was a |
‘up a.cent toward his liberation from soldier too. But even then I fail to! Retrancs on Al work right here
prison come foreward and give his understand his act, unless he was try- | Patton and surroundings.
‘name snd the amount he had sub- ing to insinuate that Catholics never - ERB
| scribed. Just 112 men and a small boy upheld the stars and stripes. If my -:
arose and moved toward his honor. surmise is. corract, let me call the | '}
Dealer in
Wines, Liquors,
Beer, Etc.
Poeuty feleeplogroma
~All new furnitpre. =~
Heated with steam through-
out. ca
| Hot and cold water on every
| Cooking and dining depart-
ment in skillful hands.
Magee Ave.,
It was a case where each man put up particular attention of Mr. Spangler |
: two dollars apiece and a boy one dol- and likewise the good people of this
‘lar. After considerable figuring and’ | great Commonwealth to the fact, that |
bookkeeping on his books he vocifer- | Catholics side by side with their |
ated in a baritone voice for the 112 men Protestant comrides not only waived |
{to march up in front of the railing. ‘the American Flag. They did more,
The man of judical ermine and a | | they poured out their blood on every
Napolean Bonaparte eye for cute journ- | battlefield worthy of the name, and -
alism stood before his friends and | their noble acts are spread on the pages |
pecorded a net increase of nearly 90,-
by that time reach its highest limit and |
begin to decrease. He referred to the |
fact the the falling off in the presenta-
tion of new claims was shown she,
‘Inst report of his predecessor, a
tion having taken place in the sien,
of claims from 788,081 in
Clctober, 1892, to 711,150 in July, 1863, |
a circumstance which led him to ex-
| pect & rapid diminuition in the number | If
‘of new claims. At the same time this |
meport, which was submitted in 1898, |
000 on the rolls during the
fiscal year covered by the report.
payments on account of pensions dar- |
ing the year amounted to $166,740,467. |
~~ The next report submitted by the
" commissioner recorded the fact that
the number of pending claims. in
the burean had shown a decrease of
over 90,000 during the year, and that
the large proportion of new claims
- filed were for increases by pensioners
siready on the rolls. At the same time
the total number on the rolls showed a |
‘net increase for the year of a little
- over 3,600. The statistics of expendi-
tures for the year, however, seemed to
" bear out the commissioner's View,
amounting to only $139,804461, and
~ there was & balance of the appropria-
tion left in the tressury amounting to
‘and the rest mixed with an equal trembled for a while with mute emo- of History and there they will remain |
‘amount of bran; certainly should the tion. He had eaved a lovesick sigh and While bravery is cherished in the heart
| bran be added if the wheat is used en- | handed each man a two-dollar receipt of man. The Catholic and Protestant
tire. Wheat is apt to founder if fed in for delinquent subscription to his blood was shed for our common
reduc- Guantities called for, but shorts never | | newspaper right there on the spot. country, without special legislation
i do. : | Everythihg was so still in the court. from the horde of which Mr. Spangler
Although the wibier has been severe; room while this was going on that the is one. This is not all. The Nuns
with snows and rains in abundance, yet sizzing hum of a little peanut roaster were there too, in their “garb” min- |
shocks of cornfodder can now be seen | would have sounded like the thundering 'istering to the noble American Soldiers
in the fields along the railroads. After intonation of Vesuvius when belching Who were stricken down--asking no
| such exposure the fodder will not be forth its red-hot In This is the only questions, but doing their duty, and in
! very highly relished by stock, and its instance in the history of the world some cases dying on the battlefield,
| valoe is 80 reduced as to render it more | where a newspaper man made $190 by thus proving that they too bad not only
suitable for the barryard than ss food. | fining it.—Shelby El Dillard in Phila- read the wonderful Bible, but were
{Bach waste of valaable feeding ma | | delphia Times. putting its teachings into practice and’
terial is not creditable. that too without pay. Were they look-
For a few rows in a garden the! The Delineator ing foreward to the year 1895, and the
planting of onion sets may be dome For April is called the Spring An- ‘Nuns Garb” mouse that was to be’
carefully, but where they are grown nouncement number, and is an excel. born at Harrisburg, sired by the J. O.
extensively the rows are made shallow lent specimen of this most (U. A. M. and the A. P. A. and nursed
and the sets scattered along the row woman's magazine. Supplementary by a body of men called, the Leglelatare |
without regard to their position in the ' to the regular issue of patterns there is | ©f Pennsylvanialt Luxe Bee |
rows. In this market the Danvers, or a timely article on byeycling, with il- oicxens w our. i
ly, the same as if carefully set in the | lustrations of costumes, that will inter-
rows. In this market the ancers, or | est all lovers of the wheel. The papers Reed ot ropes Tous sna sid tn
yellow variety, is preferred. on The Voice, which were interrupted AW Busketal to J. C.
Marriage Licenses. bY ve MinCen of Sh Auzhor. are Te- white, consideration, $535.
~The following marriage licenses were were | Sumed Sere begun a mou Cambria Iron company to Henry A.
issued by the Clerk of the Orphans’ | series oe rsryMicn Ribiett, East Conemaugh, $350.
Court for the week ending Thursday, Renovation, instalment treat- A Cram to Stephen Hadden,
March 21, 18906: : | ing of the Putting Away and Care of assignee Croyle, $1.
{Pars. Mrs. Roger A. Pryor writes
Charles Heflley, Pittsburg, and Lucy |
very entertainingly on the Etiquette of
Kessler, L
M. D. Wills et ux. to Patrick W. Finn,
Phoeni% Brewin Co.'s Beer.
Flasks, ( ‘orks, Jugs, Etc.,
Hastings, Penn'a.
de aA im AN A ly WAI
A full Vive of guin pistols, 2
' pocket cutlery, razors, scis-
sors, opera glasses, gun -
The Eye and General Surgery
Special attention given to
fitting Spectacles and Eye
Room No. 3,
terial, amunition,
‘loaded shells, electrical
canvas coats, belts, leggins
\and hats. =
Repair Shop.
Our repair shop is complete with ma-
repairing of guns, revolvers, binycles,
safes, knives, umbrellas, saws, heys,
a; sewing machines,
door bells, baby carriages, shears and
| everything needing repaired.
M. Hentz, Johnstown.
Carle M. Hogue and Annie C. Man- |
over $25,000,000. The report showed |
im effect tht the expenditures for the | gues, Morrellville.
fiscal year had decreased nearly $17,- Charles VanScoyoc and Ada Kuhn, |
900,000 as compared with the preceed- | Reade township.
ing fiscal ywar, and over $1,200,000 as! Andrew Pittman, Green township, |
compared with the year before that, Indians county, and Lizzie Mahan,
though the payments for pensions still | | Cambria township.
continued in excess of those for the, Herman Lape and Mary Ellen Gles-
ysurs preceeding those mentioned. ' mer, Geistown.
Apparently, however, the commis- | Jacob Shingler, Orbisonia, Pa.,
sioner does not expect to see any re- | Katie Skatchall, Johnstown. ;
doction in the expenditures for pen- Ludwig Wirtz and Minnie Miller, |
sions during the next three years, | Morrellville.
according to a statement made public . :
by him this week. The reason for this | ‘Perhaps you would not think so, |
and |
First Calls and Intruductions, giving
the accepted usages and formulas;
| the second paper on. The Experience of
a Training School Life increases the
interests already felt in the subject.
{The Dean of Barnard college con-
‘tributes a charmingly written article
‘on a Girl’s life and work at the Uni-
| versity of Chicago, of which she was
ia Fellow, 1503-84; Belle Pierson
Bpringer writes forcibly of Typesetting
‘as an Employment for Women; Sara
lee Kirby gives further instruction
n Kindergarten Teaching. How to
hi Doll's Houses is shown in Crepe
Clearfield, $3.
Cambria Iron company to Frederick
Krorsen, Johnstown $225.
James A. Bradiey to Mary C ‘royle et
al., Gallitzin, $1,500.
Thomas Sweeney et ux. to
Kiskitako, Johnstown, $1,545.
A nd rew
Jeremiah Shall et ux. to Simon Muar-
phy, Scalp Level. $1,400.
John McDermott et ux. to Margaret
I. Kaylor, Johnstown, $4,750.
L. H. Anaman et ux. to Harry Heinse,
Johnstown, $1.
Alexander L. Black et ux. to Thomas
J. Itell, assignee, Johnstown, $1.
Caron Leahey et ux. to Martha
Electrical Work
| of all kinds. Our workmen are the
| bout to be had. Write to us, all letters
1 | cheerfully answered.
|Harder’s Gun Works,
Clearfield, Pa.
Attorney - at Faw]
is that, as experience seems to show, |
the falling off owing to deaths and |
other causes is about counterbalanced |
~. by frst payments on new pensions.
silowed. These payments are swelled |
by reason of the fact that there are
usually arrears to be paid on all new’
pensions dating from the time the ap-
~ plication was filed. It appears to be
conjectured now that the appropria-
tions for the-eurrent fiscal year will
~baye to be supplemented by a deficiency |
“appropriation. Still, in the absence of
farther pension legislation, the expend-
‘i%ores cannot in the nature of things!
gio on increasing, afid the commissioner
expects tliat after 1808 the pen-
sion appropriations will experience a
‘rapid diminution. The date for the
decline in this item of expenditure is]
postponed sonte years longer than it
.avas at first by the commissioner, but it
is at least interesting to note that he
expects it within a calculable distance
of time.
| Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
but a very large proportion of disesses and Tissue Papers, new and exceed-.
in New York comes from carelessness | ingly pretty designs are given in Ve
about Sucking seid seni Dr. Cyrus! netion Iron Work, Knitting, Tatting,
Edson. a simple thing and | Netting and Crocheting, and the cha
10 Soamon Ut very. ove people; ai ya he a Sau E, TL Sap : Harey Higas to Catherine Auman,
less it is a case of pneumonia, pay any | fllustrations and information of the pi ps fo ne pr Phelan t Pon
attention to a cold. There are a great necessary tools and implements and on ify : Joh >
many cases of catarrh and consumption | adviee to beginners. The Cookery a oed company, Johns-
Which have their origin in this neglect ; article gives recipes .for some new John Ld ner to Samuel Wis-
of the simplest precaution of every day | dishes, there is a paper on the serving sities ve agh, $390.
life. The most sensible advice is, when | of Pineapples and Grape Fruit, one on Ee Sema A vddy. Galli
you have one, get rid of it us soon as Table Decoration, and the usual con- towns Stoy to J oedy, Galliean
possible. By all means do not neglect | tribution on Floral Culture. Around "poo br ¥o
it.” Dr. Edson:does not tell you how | the Tea-Table is bright and entertain- v or he Eiger o 2700
to cure a cold but we will. Take ing Mother and Son is earnest and in- A phen: - Phomis H
It will ! structive, and A Novel Salmagundi M : a z yo. A ig ot Ron. >
relieve the lungs, aid expectoration, Party suggests a delightful evening's i ya : a Sitts
open the secretions and soon effect amusement. There is also a review of : : Pip lo LaSalle TOS
a permanent cure. 25 and 50 cent the Newest Books, some Instrumental oo $1,200.
: bottles for sale by C. E. Belcher's. City | Music and an Easter Carol.
| Drug Store. i. . 1am now in the Solomon building on |
la Grpipe i here again with all its| Our debons will find DeWitt! @ Little Fifth avenue where you will find every-
‘old-time. vigor. One Minute Cough Early Risers a safe and reliable remedy thing you wish in the millinery line.
Cure is a reliable remedy. Itcuresand sor constipation, dyspepsia and liver Prices are reasonable.
cures quickly. C. W. Hodgkins. | complaints. C w. Hodgkins. ALICE
Leahey, Lilly, $300.
Cambria Iron company “to John B.
Green, Johnstown, $220.
fo Charles
Notive to Ladies.
A. Asa ROT. i
Cainbria County, Pa.
2 ad oon ced Fa
y und Counselor al Law,
W tis atiend
i business with promptoess
amd ideiit
Office Nppoite the Me wantain Hoase, {
Solicitor for German National B. & !
lL. association.
. ]
and Counselor at Law,
All legal business promptly atlended to.
Office in Armory Hall.
H.C BECK, Pro.
One of the Largest Hotels
Northern Cambri
1G 300d Table and Bar S
with Choiest Brands q
The Pupuiar
of PA