The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 28, 1895, Image 2

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“This Will Not Suit Clearfield
County Vv ery Well
fi Amendment to Apportioomer t iil 15 That
1 Pffeet Adopted in the Hoase,
~~ Mampmswora, March 21. The bonee
this afternoon resamed consideration of
: the jodieial apportionment bill. The
amendment attaching Cameron to Potter
end McKean counties wee finally sdop-
The following amendments were aleo
: adopted: Makiog Olinton avd Clearfield
. the 46th distriet; adding Elk to Warren
and Forest in the 37th district; striking
out 35th district composed of Clinton,
- Owmeron and Ek counties and making
Jeferson and Olarion the 2h dist riot
fashead of the bod.
An important amendment to the 10:h
section wee adopted, providing thet iv
: districts baving two jadges reserved law
Brarviogre hilt before both jadies
‘and in case of disagveement tbe decision
of the jadge who sits at the trial of the.
. oaee shell be the jodgment of coart, bat
: fn all other cases the deswion of the pres-
3dnt jodge sball be the jodgment of the
evar. Tbe bill as smended psseed sec-
ond reading. :
Thieves tek a Thriy Stav Whe' Carried $700 on
Umonrows,. TL. —A startling
“ale of sttempted marder and robbery °
‘he of a great mine is reps
No. 2 mines
ne , John 7
doy miner, bas vo
ind the Ange
: ae came to the
| .ew—he carries contivnally win
even when be is in the mines. Vest.
while he was working alone ».
» thember in the mine, two Eonglish-
speaking men esme in. Ope engaged hie
* uMuntion by sskivg the los of » pick,
_ while the other made & vicions lunge at
Mai from bebind with a keen knife, which
‘slashed off the side of his ace. :
| Riteko screamed, hoping to attract the
sntion of some of the Have working
. wboat him, but sound travels only a few
* fool ander ground, and no help came.
The men. frightened at Ritgko's out-
aviem, sitecked him from each side, Ritz
ho fighting hard fo ssye bis lite and
wowey. He bad three deep gasbes on
uma side of the Deck, besides sisebes on
the bead.
Ta bi strogale to ward of their blows
with s pick be knocked the kvife from
ene men's bavd, sod it wes found sfter-
ward, but efforde vo clue to ite owner.
without securing any of Ritsko's movey.
‘An hour Ister a driver found the Siav
lye insensible and bleeding profusely
__ froes his wounds, He was removed to
Me bosrding-bouse, but refused to bave
‘# doctor called, because of the expense.
"fhe sompany ordered cpe in attendance,
smd be ssys Ritsko will recover. The
© thieves were evidently fellow-miners who
Anew of his babit of carrying movey. The
. only entrance to the mine is down e shaft
450 feet deep, and pone but employes
: could go down. Amovg 400 misers,
: tle as of whom ae Nuown to Te,
inayat baw base usable to plack bis ae-
© safinots.
: 10 ovata paooueTION :
a Uontig Operators in he ClacBld Repos Ores
; Pooling
trade in Penneylvania is to be corrected
~ olthe Clearfield region met bere to-day
- snd formed sn organisation to be knosn
tnt preliminary discussion of the ques-
lou, but it was decided that the oatput
should be lessened and that the pripeiple
: "of the assoetstion would be the pooling of
. the produ tion of the entire region. The
officers were elected, Presi-
dent, E. J. Berwind; Vice President, Jobo
©. Hoott; Secretary pro tem, William. J.
Victory for the’Contrastors.
Mew Youx, March 21.—The electrical
workers’ strike bas resulted in s complete
sociation and defeat for the bosrd of walk-
- ing delegates and the/various trade unions
which bave been conducting it.
Senor Murugus Resigned,
Map, Mareh 21.—Benor Murugus,
the Bpanisb minister st Washington, ce-
“tiled bis resignation on March 14. The
Rasigy uffnirs minister refused to apcept
| No Jacision wee diveo, bat;Choynski bad
mush the best of the fight. Oreedon was ;
The Prisoners Pussrd ® Restloss Nigh wnd |
Came [ote Coart Nervous sud Haggerd.
Brrravo, March 21.— Twelve good wen
and frue, the jary seléctad to d termine
the fate of Clarence and Satis R bison,
came into court at 10 oetwd tue
degree, and 8 «die giity of manslaughter
in the firet degree,
It was 8 night of ternihie wy .ty i
Clarence rod Sade, ax bev war uw their
cells tu the Brio oouuty jal aod waited
fo. tha dacistn of those twelve men,
There was little doubt that it wonld be
one or the other and’ on'y question was
which. Bat little sleep visited the pris
oners daring the long hours of the pight.
Sadie was particularly oervode, aiter-
nately pacing her cell and throwing ber
self on her cot. A rey of hope cams fo
them when the jury failed to report at
the opening of court, at ¥ o'clock last
evening, and they took it ss cmen that
josticewas to be tempered with marcy in
the panisnment awarded for their «me.
At 2:40 o'clock this morning sf -r weary
bours ofjdeliberation the jary reached so
agreement. The verdict was record d
sndjsealed nud then the jarors repaired
to the jail to pase the ‘remainder ‘of the
= Nobody koows, jout how early® the first
sarions lonngerfwas silthe city ball this
rived, the hallways and corridors were
erowded with 2,000 people. When sourt
opened there was(a wild raeh for sdmis-
# ¢ police were on band iv force
daring the last terrible daye.
ed only epough persone tog.
rtably “MH the court 4 com.
tore, 8 * Lopinie sita-
‘+ ell present
o'clock Judge Hatch
we court and took bis seat.
torney Kendrick and Assistant
Attoruey Qoackenbush took their
sod the attorneys lor the defend-
_ made room for Clareuce spd Sadie
to sit beside them. Then tbe prisoners
came in.
Clarezce was somewhat confosed snd
his beads were trembling slightly. He
was making an effort to keep op the
perve that has obarsoterized his demesnor,
Sadie wee
dresved in the black drevs sod the blue
bet. The little woman bad passed s bed
pight and looked baggard. The judge
sentenced Clarence Robinson to life im-
prisonment snd Sedis Robinson to twen-
ty years.
Poses Negotiations Tattod Over Yesterday Ww
Smeowoszx1, - Mereh 21.14 Hoox
Obang, with his suite, bas left the wer.
ship, on board of which be bas remained
sipoe his arrival, snd is ocoupying quer-
fers in the town. The negotiations be-
tween Chinese suvoys sad the Jspevese
representatives begin fo day, Mareh 21.
Loxpox, Msreh 21.—A Hoog Kong
dispatoh to The Globe says the Japenese |
bavs blockaded the port of Tameni,
ou the northeast 65ast of Formosa.
A Central News dispatch from Sbang-
bai says: Jepavese war vessels have
been searching British and German mer-
cheotmen in the Gulf of Pechili for eocn-
trabsud of war. The Japanese flest has
since retired from Taka and tbe Chinese
bave a cumber of janks ready to be sunk
ot that place in order to block the en-
trance to the Pei Ho river.
Mew Strest Signs Going Up.
At the January meeting of couveil the
street committee wae iostructed to bave
‘steest signe made snd the names of the
werions streets snd svenues placed at the
corners for the better guidance of citisens
sod strangers, and sleo as 8 preliminery
step to the securing of free delivery of the
meils. The contract was awarded to
D. Frazer, who agreed to furnish the
sigue at 15 cents each, snd the first ones
have jast beec pisced to position. Trey
are made of tio, painted black with white
Asthraciis Mon Meet.
New York, March 21.—Presidents of
sptbracite coal carrying and produciog
railroad companies met bere to-day. All
anthracite roads were represented. A
committee of five was appoioted to cov-
sider the question of production and per-
insure Larmony between the various com-
panies and to > slop demoralizations in
trade. Ti Ee
Three Children Incinerated,
SpaisarzLp, Mo., March 21.—Three
children of Lucinda Bmith, colored, were
burned to death last evening. The moth-
er left the bonse ‘early in the evening,
years, and 6 months, respectively, were
burned to death.
ly ill at bie home in Washington, Hemp-
stead county. Ho was vaccivated Wed-
ing and reported their vardict tka Clar- |
ence was goilty of mirder in the second |
morning, bat an exceedingly early boar,
| and long before the daily employes ar-
‘| pany the article. Miss Tarbell’s
centages aod endeavor to devise a plan to’
Spain Will on to the Bottom of
the Allianes A flair.
It Xo the Right No Awwer Will Be
Masie 1) Gresham's Demand,
Wasninaron, Ma sb 22 —Tae Spanish
vaval commander st Huvans is etili in-
vestigat.iig the firing upon the Uuied
Htutes stesmship Alliances by the Spanish
wanbost Conde de Vendito. As su en
dence of the thoroughpess with which the
Spauish goversmeut is looking into thie
matter it is 8'a’~d that the investigation
wade by th- nivel commander wul be
entirely separate.-from any report made
by the Spsnish captain. When the naval
comma ter shall have finished tis inves
tigntion bis raport will be cabled to Ma-
drid. The fall text of the Spanish cap-
tain’s rep rt wee forwarded to Spain xe
Havana sutbsrifies.
lis MBaiaity stated that Speia will
wake DO reply to Secrrtary Gr -sbum's
telegram yhrongh Minster Taylor regaid
ng the Aijiapea case, nitil the puval
COMMADJarg report ehali be in the hauds
of the ofc of foreign sff.irs. The
Bpeniel, government feels that it would
2 UDYise to commit itesit to any reply
outi! jt Bret sball have been plaowd 18
POgagsion of ali the information bearing
pon tue wetion tuken by fhe Suptete of
their gu. boat,
There is high cffivisl authority for the
statement thar Spain thue far bss only
through Mivwster Taylor that the dispo-
sition of the Spanish government is to
aot fairly acd that a detailed snewer will
be made to Secretary Gresham's dispute
at the very moment the government is in
a postion to speak in ‘intellige otly.
Me Had he Ditincion fo Dance With Qusce Vi
PRILADELPHIA, arch 22 — Ez Con
greseman Bicherd Vaux, who has been il}
nt hie home in thie city for several days
with the grip, died this morning. Hews
74 years of age.
He was the only Philsdelpbian sod per-
haps the only American who bad the die-
tinetion to devee with Queen Victoris.
: tamages For Infringement.
Nx~ Yeax, March 21.0. M. Lood-
borg, tbe Swedish naval architect sod de | per
signer, has rued Oramp & Bons, of Phila-
delphis, to recover $300,000 damages for
alleged infringement of petent, which
Lavdborg says was need in covetrocting
the steamebipe St. Louis and 8t. Psal.
Evawercx, Wyo, March 21.—At noon
to-day it was definitely koown that 00 is
the death roll of the Red Csaon mine die-
ter which last evening.
There sre 50 widows and 250 fatheriess
children in camp ae a result of the dis
wayville and other placee, are famitier to
the readers of Lbo Era, was food gniny
ns indicted at Little Valley on Monday,
aod sentenced to the Elmira reform tory
notil discharged by Jaw. —Bead’ord Er.
| MeClure's Magazine for April.
A talk with the sathor of “Trilby,” Mr. |
George DuMaurier, reported by Robert
Bberasd in MeClare's Mags zine for April,
tells as good s story, with ss charming »
candor sad cordislity as “Trilby” iteelt.
The son of a man of talent. whose ready
projects were always disappointing the
high bopes in which they began, Da
Msuriers's youth wae fall of wanderings
sod adventures. TlLese he relates with
the same bumorous frankness with whieh
he confesses Lis surprise at findiog him-
soll to-day a novelist oo the *‘boom.”
Incidentally glimpses are given of bis
present home life and of bis way of work-
ing, both as artist and novelist. Portraits
of him and pletures of his home accom-
Lite. of
Napoleon covers, in this number, an ex-
cellent scoount of the retreat from Moes-
cow, the exile to Elbe, the trinmphsnt re-
tare, tha defeat at Waterloo, ard the
death at St. Helena. “Twenty-four pic-
inres from the collection of Mr.
bard illostrate these great and pictar
esqae events, and Napoleon's sspect snd
Learing in the midet of them. Conan
Doyle supplies s story which is the conn-
terpart of the Sheriock Holmes memoirs,
being the eonfession of a man of the
class whom the Sherlock Holmees are
always in purenit of, namely, an ‘‘oid
offender.” Other leatures of the nom-
ber are the first of a series of ilinetrated
papers by E. J. Edwarde, dramatic chap-
{ ters in the history of that remarkavle po-
litical organization, the Tammany Socie-
ty, which was fourded ss far back as
1789; s Pinkerton story which tells of
the stealing of fifteen thousand dollars
worth of dismonds of a man's person by
| open assault in a crowded railway car gn-
der full speed; an sccoant, with namer-
ous pictures of the fraude practiced on
the Bask of England, and of the beok’s
manner of dealing with financial pasice;
and » stady, with portraits and other pic
tares, of Prerre Loti sa be sppesrn in
private lile—writing bis novels, adminie-
tering his office of commander in the
French navy, or taking his diversion—a
stady written by Madame Adam, who, se
editor of the “Nouvelle Revue,” inte.
duced Pierre Loti to the reading public.
8. 8. McCrons, Lap,
Rs 30LaMareits Pics, N. XY Cn
800 as it was placed io the hide of the |
stated to the United States government
uk Mead, the Olean and Allegany
| burglar, whose exploits in DaBoie, Brock-
About 60.00) 000 Fes Feet of Logs Going
the With port Miia
Tae Lock Buven Lemoorst says F.
Blackwel:, in bis corpuration drive fro.
| the head of Bennett's branch, will briny
‘down the river sovut 40,000,000 feet of
timber. At other potots on thi side of
Benpett's be bas goten out timber thst
wil: swell toat number to 47,000,000 feet,
From the Keating region oe velitinies
that 5,000,000 feet witli ecw wo toe
river, while frown Kettle cresk. om bis
source of formation he toir as thera will
be about 10,000,000 leet. )
The sumoer of jogs thut be «ii uy
down will be about the same © © 48
Just year. Nearly all of 1t #0 b. iniouk
round timber. He estimates that thre
will be about 5,000,000 feet. of
timber some down also.
Mr. Biuck well stetes that ll lhe job | + peaker ‘desk, which took him more thsn
bers buve their log” on the Jandings, avd
sre ready to drop them dow the strane
a8 Soon as the river and the booms ure Iu
#oud covdition to float and F-oni"® them. | wore round fn place:
It is the Biggest Ever Made in SL Louis —1 Con
"sisted of 700.000 Bushels of No. ¥ Com.
© BT. Levis, Mutoh 22.—Tba hexviest |
sale of graiu 10 volome ever made in thie
mnrket wis consummated yesterdny. The
silv ane. made. by the Usitnd Eleesto:
compuuy to the K. B. Whats Grams cota-
pany. It consisted of T0100 bnsbels of
No. 2 coro. :
The shipment ie to Le z.uds Between
sow aod April 5 sod goes un rai! to the
Atlantic seaboard. Abe sina of the St.
Loos grain to the Atisnhe markets bes
been enhanced fally. 3 of a cent per
bushe! by the appearance, condition and
weight of the grain that was shipped this
seapon, amounting to pearly 3 000,000
bushels, from St, Le, by to thaee markets,
A Self-Confessed Bout. all
Bearow, March 22.—“Color i Willism
Allen Hootley Sillowsy, alisd “William
Huotley,” who for years bs beet ‘ ‘Jing
op” Grand Army poste Lirougbout the
country, is a seif-conferend bast, He Las
received hundreds of dollare from mem-
bere of the (3. A. R. - Assistant Adjatant-
General Moore, of the Massachusetts de-
partment, investigated the ‘‘colonel’s”
war record and found be bad none. He
was confronted with a veteran ba claimed
te be soqoainted with, and confessed that
be was s frand and wept like a baby.
Warships Colitde.
- Hoxa Kowa, March 22. —Adviors have
been received bere stating that two of
ber msjesty’s warships recently bad a
narrow escspe from disaster. While the
‘British sqosdron was weighing anchor in
the barbor of Wei-Hai-Wa during o
| eros gale, 8 heavy ses swept over the
forecastle of ibe flagship Osuturios,
drowning s ssamen named Edwards. |
_Atracy came into colhwion with the Cee
tarion and seriously demeged her bow
pistes. Both ships drifted dangerously
oesr the lea shore, but managed to get
clear and steam oat to ses. :
Robisicne Ge Te Anbare, :
Borraro, N. Y., March 22.—QClarence
Robinson was takeo to Anbarn prison by |
Jailer Fieber this mornirg. on the 30
o'clock accommodation train over the
N-w York Central road, Clarente was
qmiet aod showed po nervouevess. He |
bud bis fins! interview with. his wife ee
1 serday afternoon.
The matron in charge of the women's
‘department of Auburn is expected bere
to-gight or to morrow for Sadie Robin-
Jape Atinek Posondore Isinads. %
Loxpux, March 22.—A dispatch io the
“Pall Mall Gazette” says the Japaneses
are making an attack spon the Pescadore
ion of the largest of the group. These
islands are sitnated between Formoss aod
the Cbivese mainland. ;
Her Doagivier Tavtomtis Kittel.
Massrirox, O, March 22. — While driv-
ing bome to Fox townehip, Carroll county, |
with ber 3-year-old dsaghter, Are. Has-
ard Duplsp lost coutrol of ber bores. |
Both were thrown nut of the buggy, sad
the child wae instantly Killed.
yottrwe Block Burass.
Jorxsrowx, Ps, March 22. — Mrs. Cav-
anaagh’s block, lately parchased by the
Pennsylvania railroad company to make
way for the pew branch into this place,
was destroyed by fire this morning. The
loss is 84, 000, with no insarance.
Tweniy-Kight Fisherman Drowned.
Besriy, March 22.—A terrific storm
bas swept over Lake Knmmerow, in Pom-
erania, daring which a number of fishing
boats were swamped and 28 fishermen
were drowned.
tot ary Eomasaeva wa.
Oesonxwe, Isle of Wight, March 22 —
Sir Heary F. Bonsouby, secretary to the.
qneen, is in a very eritical condition, and
hie death may occur at any moment.
Made Happy.
Wasamvaros, March 22 —W. Ww. EI-
lenberger was to-day appointed postmae-
ter pt Sherrett, Armstrong county, vice
8. F. Booker, resigned.
: Poenl Agent.
Harnissvaa, Pa. , Mts 23... Caveter
Hastings bas appointed A. D. Hazen
‘otate flocal agent at Washington.
The Corpses Sereamed.
Corvus, Ky., March 24.—Mrs. Jeo.
wims Emperson, colored, died and wee
Inid out. During the night, whilea >
was in progress, the corpse begs
esoream; scaring the mourners almo
Tt is heheved she will recom
! cities, boroughs und townshipe to aporo-
‘coal snd known aa the miners’ bill, bas
‘ment of Jodge Gordon. Mr. Newlin ap-
proached a pumber of members with the
| oblige him. He olssme that the know!-
ied civil engineering. Last year he was
e House will Hest Two Ad
«dresses On Money Poli-
oN cies.
_— og
Bei oo This 1¢« the Elementary sep in
: Favor of Good Roads.
B \gweone, March 32.—it was 15
mint 3 pust 9 v'clock to-day before Spes-~
Rec \ ton called the house to order.
This J oo sccouut of there pot being
& 410i present al the proper time. A
sarge b ‘ob of petitions for sud agsioet |,
piuding legislation wes piled on the
#) mi susie to dispose of. “A large pom-
be: of were favorably reported from
sommitteds. The following new bule
Mr, Jumes, Venango, foc 8 peosion for
I. M. MoUlintook, sergeant in Company
F, -Zixtosuth regiment, who contracted |
wp " Homestead.
rv. Reed, leipbis, appropristing
$1,000 to the German Home society, of
Mr. MoCisio, Lancaster, suthorizsing
pricte moneys for Memorial Day.
Mr. Hershey, Lancaster, suthorizivg
historionl worke relating to services of
Peuosylvanis volunteers during the late
Mr. Talbot, Chester, making an sppro-
priatioa of $1,000 for the erection of s
suitable monument fo commemorate the
patriotism and mark the restiog place of
sddiers of the revolutionary war, the
M.ziosn war snd the war of the rebell-
ion in Upper Octocara, Chester county.
A resolution graotiog the use of. the
bouse to Hon. Ct aries Emory Susith, of
Philadelphia, to deliver an address on the
sound money policy oo Thuredsy night,
March 28. This address will be in re
sponse to one which will be delivered by
George Herbert Clarke, of Philadel bis,
who will spesk to the members on pext
Tuesday night on the silver question.
Two special orders were granted, ote
for the bill encouraging the nee of broad
tires used on vehicles on the public roade,
the otber for repealing a special law in’
the boruvagh of Darby, Delaware county.
Thirty-one new bills, which were intro
duced during the week, were read for the |
first time, snd ibe house sdjourved to
mest again on Monday vight.
The Mast bill for weighing bitaminons
been reported from committes favorably.
Hie other bill requiring sn examination
ay oma will be let oat pext
The Smith road bill has been placed on
oder Tt requires that the road
tax shall be paid fo cash snd not worked
out, which is now optional.
lieved to be the elementary step in favor
of good roads. ;
Something of a secestion was created
ou the floor of the house by the sppear-
suoe of James A. Newlin, of the Philadel-
phia bar, with s memorial for the impeach.
request that they present the memorial,
bat be failed to got any one willing to
edge that he had the petition came to the
officials of the house, and that they would
pat permit i$ to be introduced. Mr. New.
lin bas & grievance nguinet Judge Gordon:
in the Hare Powell case. = He asserts that
Judge Gordon held a secret court, dispose. |
-de of the ease and pever filed his decree.
Mr. Nowlin claims thet be preferred
charges of bribery against Mr. Worrell,
the master in the cass, snd that Clordon
disposed of the cess in ssoret session,
never filing the decree. Mr. Newlin does
pot accase the judge of bribery, bat of
arbitrary active. The memoria! is in the
bende of Speaker Walton.
: General Greenland Dead.
Craniow, Pa.. March 24. — General Wal-
for W. Greenland died last night. He
This is be |
Steured $300 and Severs Gold Watches
trom Putimen Occupants,
Vicros, Colo, March 24.—a& south
boand train oo the Florssos and Cripple
| Creeks raiirond which left bere set sven- 9
ing, wes beld up by masked robbers joss
robbets who boarded 1he train st Vietor
eutered the sleeper and and swakened the
PhesvDgers, relieving them of $500 and
watches. Another bsudit climbed over
the tender into the engine,
the engineer to stop the train ot & polté
li miles south of Vier, where five
otuer roobers were waiting. The latter
broke open the mal acd express cam,
bat wok sothivy valawbie. Toe’ robbers
EY wt the Su ptass esMSE 4 ;
lead, sud going through the
conclies obtained several gold wstches
No one was bart.
Flot The Tobey Tia engineer started
to return to Victor, bat the robbers or
4 to pull om ayy which ‘be
A PEWS, wa Waves.
Me Speks Duparagingly of the Choracter of thy
Women of Virgisis.
‘Wararsoron, March 24—An Alezen-
dria special says Harry Hines, of Alegsn- -
1 drin, was tried yesterday for assaulting
J. 'C. Weese, 8 Pevosylvanisn, who it was
sllezed, bad made remurks derogatory to
Vireioian women. He wes scjuitted.
. As Weese left the courtroom be bad to
puss through s doable line of women, sll
srmed with rawtides, who beat him so
unmercifully that & paysicien bad to be
summoned. :
The sttorney who appeared for ham
was compelled to go down on his knees
aod spologina,
Yoosa: tows, O, March 36.—The im
tional bank ut Canfield, 10 miles fresn
here, wae broken into Friday night and the
vaait dynsmited, essing the destruction
of the interior of the building, bot the
Sol stn seit th toon of 48 Aft
aged 21, ran up and fired « pistol in bis
vy the police. Li's wound is not danger
ous. ;
Wc —— ot ————
$now begine to look as it be hes & basd
Sght bead, with » prmepect for defend.
Wasamworon, Mares 24—The scored
service bas discovered a new ocoanterfuit
$5 silver certificate of the series of 1801;
Grant bead, W. 8. Rosseraus, Sec’y, B. 8.
Nebeker, treasurer. The note is printed
trom & wood cut and the workmanship is
very crude, Severs! words were spelled
oo Dope 1
Weer Usion, O.; March 24—R W.
wan adjutaat-general daring Governor
Pattison’s lest administration.
Greenland was born at Coatesville in
1848. At the age of 16 he enlisted in the
125th Penna. Volunteers and served
throughout the war. At the battle of An-
tietam the standard bearer of his regi-
ment was killed and Greenland picked
up the colors aod bore them through the
rest of the battle. After the war he -tud-
Democratic candidate for secretary of
internal affairs.
At the Bedside of Wis Dying Sister a Brother Tries
to Shoot Mer Betrayer,
Nzw Yoax, March 24 —A sensational
episode oocurred yesterday at the home
of Loretta Hannigan, a youug lady type
writer, who was the victim of a criminal
When Solomon H. Mann was brought
to the dying girl's bedside she duciared
him to be her betrayer. The girl's broth.
er thereupon drew a revolver and aimed
it at Mann, bat before the "ammer de-
scended a detentive pre } hie thumb
ander is, saving os brother
Treber, 8 prominent merchant, is on the
| Republican ticket for ‘member of the
{ hoard of education. His wife is on the
Populist ticket for the same place. The
fight betwen the two - very bitter.
Professinnal Palibatrars Wanted. S
. Hewnensox, Ky., March 24 —Oltizsens
bere are petitioning the city couseil to
appoint a fores of men who shall act as
pallbearers and grave-iiliers at every fu-
nersl. The men are to do nothing else.
William Congratnistes Biamarek.
Buru, March 24.--Emperor William
marek, sent & telegram to the ex-chanel
lor saying: *T have to somvey to your
serene highness expremsion of my pros
found indignstion at the resciution the
reichstag has adopted. It is in complete
opposition io the feelings of all German
princes and people.”
Bunun, March 34. Emperor William
received at 7:15 this evening the follow
ing reply to the message be sent to Prince
Bumarpk this afternoon: “I pray vows
majesty to accept the respectful expiess
sion of my gratitude for the mast gressous
message by which Jour majesty hastrans
wae AST at.
| formed the action of say polieal oppe-
ree, coomnng whch | am ak 7
iy informed, Into & Somres of;
The National Zeitung that a tele
Vein resigning thé vies presiden-
outside of the city limits. Ove of the =