The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 28, 1895, Image 1

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male fos
25 eta Sp
- VOL. IL _NO. 60.
amie be Lf Sn it 9
00 o PER R YEAR.
i rama skids A hk ban do
ao we |
: i
and Se Articles.
Holiday Goods Always
‘Fishing Tackle |
: | Base “Bal Goods
Knives i
mst "SoD WATER.
: Naaatvor.
Magic - Drops
: : Magic Cough Cure.
Guaranteed to give satisfiction or
| 0d. but gahore
money cheerfully refanded.
Prescriptions a Specialty.
Ww ritten by One of the *
rier” Contribittors.
4 | Three Yoars and Five Months vith Old
| Glory—~Peculhir Incide
[Continued from last wodlch 4
4 It is proper to state here that the
Soufl | western army iad up to this time dong enemy at this poh
all the fighting. They said that the
3 Army of the Potomac never did any-
thing except to “‘eat-soft bread and
| wear °° ¥ collars.” Our performance |
at Wauhatehie, Lookout Mountain and |
; | Mission Ridge materially modified
sion Shears | their ideas of our fighting qualities. ' right
| Many of their men were heard to say, '
| “The Potomac fellows could fight
| After our great victory a lively par- |
| suit began in which the western army |
| was determined to show us all about
war. Our corps reached Pigeon Moun- |
‘of November. A portion of some
| western command formed on our right.
oe in front.
, to charge the
|enemy ot $a m. y of our men
' did not He down, in
impending ‘battle, 0 that about 3
'o’clock we were awakened and ready
- | for the order. The western soldiers,
without awaiting orders, advanced at
+ double quick yelling like demons and |
. being in the woods made enough noise
‘to scare “Old Nick.” In fact their
| noise was such that one of their colo-
| nels, who was on horse back, jumped
ot bié Bors aad made good time to
the rear. This coupled with the fact
| that the enemy had left immediately
Te Yew Comury wlan Lia stands
easily at tie head of Mt fully
: renaerscand will success
ly maintain 18 igh shpat in
rs have esiablisked
details concernirg its new
. Ful bs in the Columbia catalogue, |
‘which 3 a beautiful book and full
{ 0f fntietest, Free upon application.
© rN I bn Hons |
4h & Boosh Aves, Patton, Pa.
a ipo
- -
| after dark formed an episode which we
‘turned to good advantage in ali our
subsequent relations with the heroes of
the west.
Next morning, Noverhber 27, we ad-
| vanced in parsait of the fleeing enemy | On the 14th of May a very severe battle Gibson.
| until we reached Ringold, Ga. Just
beyond the town tie enemy wis posted ,
‘on Taylor's Ridge. Without hesitat-
ing 8 moment we formed a line of
| battle with our right at the railroad
and thence to the left about a mile. |
support us we advanced apon the en- |
‘emmy confident of an easy victory. Alas!
Never were men more quickly de
ceived. As we neared the top of the
hill a most fearful fire was opened on
los snd in ten minutes our
| brigade was almost destroyed. I never
a u sa : wanted a a
yon ss of nes | If
ad just come to the place
: where you can get good goods |°o™
for the least money ynd that
Inatthe ECONOMY.
You ales sayPyon A a
fine dress at a price
: 7 that will make you wonder
5 have never called at
fhe HON
OMY before.
Need a pair of shoes, If you
do why we can just fit you out
iece of shoe wear
or everiwill have
f in the finest
~ you ever
in. Come in and s see our
Sock snd you will
that we have the firiest stock
at, the least
of any store in Cam-
of Johns-
0d finest. goods,
nT pit the
Se fr, Carrolite
saw such a sight. Our poor fellows
-| were rolling and tambling down the
steep hill trying to escape failing into’
the enemies hunds. Fortunately the
oll | formation of the ground protected the
Sompanies A, F and D. These three
companies stood firm and thus saved
our dead and wounded. Even these
suffered severely. Of our
part in. He was a veteran of the Mex-
ican war and was reputed bravest
of the brave. Hig
brigade, under General about three miles. It will enable the | witness in a case to the triad of which DighS.
The 3d : I jw as > Junction, in a deep cut the engine of a |
train hauling a string of empties to
the track. Seven flat
Green, also suffered a heavy loss. At
8 o’clock p. m. we took the hill, and
ber of men from other regiments, feil
back to Bridgeport, Ala.; built winter
quartersand remained until May 1st,
Tne winter at Bridgeport was un-
eventful so far aa movements of troops
were concerned. The only apparent
activity was the erecting of two im-
i mense buildings on the bank of the
Tennessee river, a short distance above
- {the railroad bridge. These buildings
were intended to hold the supplies for
the next campaign. When they were
fill two or three steamboats were kept
' | moving the stores up to Chattanooga.
Ceneral Sherman commanded the de-
partment and it was his intenticr to
sccumulate immense quantities of sup- |
plies 50 that he could dispense with bis
primary base at Louisville, K. Y., for
months at s time. The enemy's cav-
airy unde: ‘orest and Wheeler made |
repeater’ *s to destroy our com-
mani at without effect.
yr (1864 found an army of |
ith that incomparable
mmand. He was seo-
men 3 Generals Geo.
. EB Hooker, H. W.!
‘oward, J. B. McPher.
| tain a little after dark on the 26th day |
|The enemies camp fires were visible
| Aon and John A. Logan “ighting
Te 9 Howker! commanded the 20 So
was the old 11th and 12th co
Sh The first week in oy]
'OU- we received the order to advance. Judges Barker
Hooker was on the right so that after
passing through Missionary Ridge we!
turned to the right taking the Lafay-
HAST. |THE STARS ¢ & STRIPES ette pike, and keeping a southwest |
‘course, we reached Dug Gap-
through one of
Dalto: where theo
under |
3 Pass |
ridges covéring
nemy 56,000 strong |
Johnston awaited |
No atfack the
it, The ridge was,
‘heavily wooded on both sides of the!
‘road and was fortified and heid by a |
‘strong force. Very little coald be seen
on account of the timber so that we got |
quite close before any firing began. |
Our regiment was on the extreme
and was near the top of the ridge |
before they fired upon us. Their fire
| was 80 continnous and heavy that itis
| doubtful if any of us would have
‘reached the top. Our officers very
‘wisely ordered us to halt. While in
| this position I saw a number of the
| eneniy through an opening in the wood
coming towards our left. [ asked our
‘captain to let me fire at them, and
; with his reluctant permission I sent a ©0sts
ball in their direction. 1 could not see
¥ oy r=
mle RH © 10
guess. The route was that about a
rand Miller are |
Five and: One Hall Yours in ihe Western |
Penitentiary snd $250 Fine.
At 10 o'clock Monday’ morning the |
reguli- Mapch term of court for the
trial of the civil lisc-agmmanoed with |
Judge Barker on the Beno His
Honor’s illness two weeks ago, and the |
Joss of time occasioned thereby, od®
‘with the large number of cas®® for |
trial, made it impossible for J
Barker to make much headway
| and Judge Miller, of Mercer count?’
assisting him this week.
When court convened the first bas | |
mess transacted was sentencing the
prisoners who were convicted during’
the first week of this term. The |
heaviest sentence given was to Ellis B. |
Reed, who, in a very sensational trial,
| was convicted of raping Leona Spencer. |
He was ordered to pay a fine of $350,
on the Bench.
A Monihly Report Prepared by the Prine.
ple, W. H. Thompson.
The following is a report of the Pat-
ton Public School for the month end- |
ing March 15, 1885. This report shows |:
the condition of the different depart- |
ments daring the last:
Number enrolled in high school |
during month, miles, 9; females, 30;
total, 30; average attendance, males, 8
females, 20; total, 37; per cent. of . at-|
| tendance, mules, 95; females, 86; aver |
age per cent. of attemdance, 91.
Number enrolled in grammar school,
males, 27; females; 32; total, 50; aver
| age attendance, males, 21; females 25;
total, 49: ‘per cent. of attendance,
males, 90; females, 93; average per
cent. of atfndance, 92.
Number enrolled in ateriodiite de-
i® partment, males, 33; females, 19; total,
| 81; average attendance, males, 20; fou |
| males, 17; total, 46; per cent. of at-
tendance, males, 92; females, 39; aver
age per cent. of attendance, 91.
‘Number enrolled in. second §
| males. 3%; females, 28; total 6
age attendance, males, 29; fen
itotal, 53; Per bsp of »
males, 96; fo.
costs of prosecution, and to undergo | . cent. of attendanu.
an imprisonment in the Western Peni- | xumber enrolled in
‘them when they stopped, #0 I fired by | tentiary for a term of five years and six males, 39; females, 31; tots.
| months. Charles Glavon and Daniel
| age attsndance, males, 35; fem.
. safer position. One of them, joss fora] | conte, and five months in jail. William | males, 04; females, 91; average :
joke, sent a ball through the top of my | Boyer, for stealing a sum of Money | cent. of attendance, 98.
cap, -but [ continued to fire in
direction and succeeded in scaring
many More away.
Wa continued the battle until even. |
ing. A namber of our company were
wounded, but none were killed. After | | raised the Cambria Iron company check | | cent. of attendance, 92.
dark we fell back to an open fleld
where we remained for a short time.
Our movement was a feint to enable |
General McPherson to advance on our
right and take possession of Swvake
Creek Gap. Having secured this Gap
the army rapidly advanced towards
Resacoa, a railroad station 12 miles
south of Dalton compelling Johnston |
to abondon his strong hold at Dalton. |
was fought at Resaoca, in which the
enemy suffered fearful losses. General
McPherson, on our right, placed 12.
guns on a hili commanding the ene-
my's position from which he poured
broadiide after broadside into them |
going on our corps massed in solid |
column and advanced in our front
capturing four guns. This was all we
| could accomplish that day. We ail
| thought that in the morning the de- |
! cisive battle would be fought, but dur-|
ing the night the enemy escaped leav- |
ing piles of dead behind. g
To be continued. |
A New Road. -
A few months ago a petition was
' handed into court asking for a pubiic
road to be built irom Patton to a point |
on the road leading from St. Lawrence
to Chest Springs. The proposed road
Soupany CF) I do not remember all of Will intersect at the Anthony Kline :
the causslities, but Lieutenant Peter place, where Jacob Stevens lately re-| The ‘popular Park was crowded at
Kaylor, J. W. Stevens and John Lane sided. The length of the road will be both performances yesterday
were mortally wounded. Lieutenant ' about one mile from the borough limits “Side Tracked,” a. new railroad com-
oO wae dows GEE Solr and to the intersection, a direct line from | edy, was
was wounded in every battle he took beginningjio end with the grade ox- ‘time. The railroad scene is side-split- |
tremely favorable. The Las long |
been needed and will sh 2 the dis- |
tance between Patton and St. Lawrence |
residents of St. Lawrence and Coaiport |
and points between these places and
this ended olir campaign for 1863, and ' Patton to reach here without the long enjoyment. There are many special-
© after falling back to our old camp at drive around by Baker's cross roads. | ties of a high character and a funny
Wauhatchie we built winter quarters. The order was granted at a recent musical
It was at this time that the regiment term of coart and the viewers, E. C. (0.) Daily Morning Journal, February
reinlisted and went home. The re- Brown, engineer, J. R. Cornelius and | 124,798. At the Hastings opera house |
mainder of the regiment formed a T.M. Sheehan met on March Ist and Friday evening, March 29th.
- | company of 100 men, who, with a num-
on the following day located the road.
The people of Chest township should
be unanimous in advocating the build-
ing of this road, as it is much to their |
interest in the way of travel, ete.
Now that spring is about here do not |
let the scheme drop.
: Was a Good show.
A large number from Patton at-
tended “Little Trixie” at the Hastings
opera house last Friday night and re-
tarned home very much pleased and
speak in the highest terms of the play.
Manager McNeelis is to be congratu-
lated in securing good companies. | sisty-nine-cen t rate.
“Side Tracked,” which will appear in
the same opera house on Friday night, |
March 20th, is equally as good, if not
better. A large number should go
to Hastings that night.
: Modern Housework.
May be done more easily, more con-
| veniently and with fess expense on the
| Cindrella Range than with many oth.
ers; all the old objections to ranges re-
i It will save you time, money
‘and hard work. It is a good baker
{and is sold with that understanding.
{Sold by A. M. Thomas. ;
| Colornds Sabet Woy’ wis.
izations are Beneficial to the Workmen. |
from a fellow-lodger, in the Eighth
Ward Hotel, Johnstown, got a fine of gi “1S UT "on™ Carage at. |
| $20, costs, and one year and three |
| months in the Penitentiary, William |
| Petrukivitch, the Hungarian who |
| from $18 to $46, received a reminder of |
' $10 fine, costs, and six months in jail.
The court then called the Bar list, |
and the result was the presentation of
a large number of petitions.
Institute Program. :
Program for local institate to be
held in Ashville, March 30, 1895, at 1
o'clock p. m.:
Vocal music in public schools, TL
Square and cube root, J. W. Leech.
Mental arithmetic, R. H. Biter.
Penmanship, G. E. Hippe.
Grammar, R. E. Davison.
Ideals, A. J. Swope.
What relation should exist between |
Without a single plece of artillery to during the entire day. While this was. teacher and pupil, N. Neason.
~ Spare momenta, D. L. McMuarren. |
Evening Session.
Fmprompta class, Stella Will
Exercises by school. :
Patriotism, D. L. McMprren.
Recitation, Jennie Abernathy.
Debate: Resolved that Labor Organ- |
Afirm—R. E. Davison, D. L McMur-
ren. Deny--George P. Bell, Martin
A. J. BwoPR,
“side Tracked.”
was for the first
ting in its drollness and every char-
'acter true to life. Besides the side- |
tracking of the tramp, an important
he is hastening. There are many
other minor realastic scenes of great
Miners Will Win,
The following 1 ssn from a
this morning, at which they heard ve- |
ports from the different districts, and
upon which they prepared suggestions
for this afternoon's meeting, Several
thousand miners are striking for the
ct oa —
on Monday annpuncing the sad intelli-
gence of the death of his father who
resided at Karthaus, Pa., and on Toes:
day he departed for that piace to attend
op pp
leaves two sons and three dsaghters.
pected at any time during the past
Yoar. i ————a—
Huve you tried John Tramaa's coal
Joba P. Bonner received a telegram |
the funeral which was held Wednesday. |
The old gentioman has bovn very fheble
Total enrolled for month, males, 139;
| tendance, males, 123; females 134;
total, 247; per cent. of attendance,
93; females, 91; average per
Operators Form an u Association to Kimit
: the Protection,
The demoralized condition of the
bituminous coal trade in Pennsylvania
is to be corrected by the operators
Sanibel sone
region met in Philadelphia on Thure
| day and formed an organization to be
known as the Operator's association of
{the Clearfield region. The object of
the meeting was to discuss the curtail-
decided that the output should be les-
sened and that the principle of the as-
sociation would be the pooling of the
| production of the entire region.
The following were elected officers of |
| the sssociation: President, E. J. Ber
wind, of Berwind, White & Co.; first
| vice president, John C. Scott, of Jobn
| Scots & Co.; secretary pro tem, Wm.
| C. Scott, D. E. Williams, Edward J.
In Extra Session. on Monday :
Evening And :
To Pili the Yacseies of Chivl-sf-Poliee
Street Cotamissioner and s Coanefbman, .
The Patton borough council met in
uxtra seasion in the office of Dale &
Patterson on Monday evening, Mareh
35th, with the following members
present: President John F. Bonner,
P. P. Young, B. F. Wike, 8. M. Wilson,
Ralph Leisch and John Boyce. The
minutes of the last two meetings were
| body was the seting on the resignation i
of Councilman Jobn Boyce, which was.
‘Then came the
| of Chief-of-Polive Jas. McMullen, which
uly deceptedt.
~ pames of 8. E Jones and John
‘were presented to coune®
« for Chisf.of-Police.
vesulted in" the ele
* GPG Crawl,
The names of Frank Campbell, L. 8,
Bell and Joseph Marks were voted for.
to fill vacancy caused by resignation
' of John Boyoe from cosncil. A ballot
| being taken vesulted in a tie vote for
| Frank Campbell and iL. S. Bell. The
‘| vote of the president being received
resulted in the election of Prank Camp--
bell. :
The council voted to pay the police- ;
to wear a uniform provided by council,
and the cost of same to be deducted
from his salary.
The: following Sills were presented
and orders drawn for the same: Pat-
ton Publishing company, printing, .
$22.65; A. M. Thomas, hardware, $8.43;
Will L. Thompson, suditor, $12; F. H.
Kinkead, auditor, $12; H. 7). Winslow,
anditor, $12; Jas. McMullen, police
| service up to date, $43.33; Harvey Pat.
terson, clerk for two montis sian,
Council then sdjorrned to meet at
| regular meeting night.
The following, taken from the Amer.
|J. Nicolls. The following board of The
directors was also elected: J. B. Coryal, |
‘John C. Bradley, Wm. H. Piper, John
Brown, John L. Mitchell and Thomas -
C. Heine.
After the meeting an operator who | Wien
| wai present stated that the object of
the association at present was the car-
tailment of the output, but eventually
it would. result in an rene i the
price of soft coal. oe
Beech Creek Wrecks.
were piled oun top of it and the engine
~The Columbus ¥™
EE cam, eS pint, rook acccurred on
a ton. The directuts hol: & MOSUNG) the save rus below Pusle. Which du-
nth bet own.
BI that’s the we
ne beni
Tet your
EEE the Jeus 1h pays.
place run re a § disgrace the
Preaching by the Pastor at 10:30 &. m
and 7 p. m. Class-meeting at 9:30a. m.
Sunday school at 2 p. om.
All are cordially invited to sttend
| sexvices,
W. A B Little, - Prominent Ben
chant of Loretto, this county, made aa
assignment Saturday morning for the
gaged in general merchandising. The
extent of his linbilities is not knows. :
: © Wall Paper
Geo. 8. Good has just seceived a very
fine Minchin’ of Wall. paper, all the ~
man a salary of $50 per month and be .
benefit of his creditors. He was en-