RR © “WHY 80 sap, WILLIE A Lemdon Police os Comet Imeldont Ait vie test ot Vii Poem sepa 1a ; Mande Even Lady Homerset Laugh. AN! London is Ianghing now over a | rh tay dt given in the ; on Lady Henry Somerset's ® Sala The London unio pal. | own Dr. Parkhurst : Lady Henry | = 8 termined to take the bull Tb ant collect evidence her 8 She secured atjother Indy as zeal- | . ous ns herself as a companion, and the pair obtained the services of a young ‘curate of their acquaintance as male es- sort. ! Now, it happens that Lady Somerset | is a woman of very ghnerous proportions ‘and withal so handsomely made that some of the ungodly have been wicked enough to suggest that her ladyship would make an enchanting. living pio- i It chunced also that the rather the larger of| the two On the other’ hand, the young curate was slight ‘and weazened, with a pale, roild face, that bore a perpetual, air of melancholy. The trip was made, and when the de- fective party was pladed upon the stand every during the hearing the justice asked her Iadyrhip if in her travels about in the: ' slemeshe had been rholested or accosted \ In aay offensive way Lady Henry wus \gompelied to reply th i she had rather re. fer companion gave ate took the star.d, » same question of aocosted. d the little man ina at she had not, but. HOLS OF PRESIDENT FAURE” ————— Duys of the Commune. 'M. Faure, the platens ob tie Fronoh | republic, is well known by a prominent French American resident of New Or- ‘leans, who was with M. Faure during the French commune. He describes the | pew president as a man of al mag petizm, of splendid executive ability and | bravery and firmness. "Faure | i business as a small com- mission merchant in hides, wool, eto., st Havre years ago. From that, by en- , economy and thrift, he prospered, bis business increased until he was | one of the most extensive commission merchants in that city. He became also pue of the most prominent men of the city politically, and just before the Franco-Germar war he was made first ““adjoint’’ to the mayor of the city and was a staff officer of the army, althoogh | his duties did not require his presence | on the battlefield. He took an active in- th of course, in the war, and it was owing to his efforts that the commissary department of the French soldiery was kept well supplied. He was also a close | adviser of the officials of Havre and in manner demonstrated great execu- tive talent and a born leadership. It was in 1871; during the French commune, however, that bis personal bravery and ability to confront desperate oles were tested. While acting in the capacity of ‘adjoint,’ or adviser ‘of the mayor at Havre, a request was made of him from the mayor of Paris for firemen and engines. The city of | Paris was in flames from one end to the | other, and aid was being asked every- where in engines and firemen. Faure at once called for volunteers and urged - mpon them the necessity of responding to the call He thus raised a company of firemen to go to Paris and fight the | fires that were raging everywhere Faure showed hie courage and won the bearts of the firemen and people by r . ing with the volnr’- : gnc Yors 4 | en BACTERIOLOGY. Baeciling AT Spresd So as te Make Ts All Little Nervous. Of Campbell's livis of the lord chan: ~ osllors, in the sncocession of which there was a possibility that he might himself appeer. Lord Bromgham said that it had a new terror to death. Life has Deen so stuffed with now terrcrs by the Smotariologist that thers fs hardly room for another, and him the most ‘pwolix and prosais bin and biog rapher becomes ai jnnooent and Hprm- ‘Jess figure indeed. There is hardly any eal or condition which pot now fitted of that micro- ven with "diabol- wonld Ty bs a ‘relief not Yo know : #0 much of the minute organi- satious which accovipany morbid path- ological states if there were any way of escaping it. The doctors have to know, of course, Hut the knowledge might be confined to them, as tho sacer- dotal mystories used to be to the pricst- hood. It would save no end of popnlar anxipty and alarm.; With every synip- tom the patient is bd assured that ho is ssmniled by a new und virulent micro- oooons, and the constantly published re- searihes of the microscopists tand to in- flame his imagination and inoresse his alarm. Hove is an Itali bacteriologist who says he has discovored the bacillus of old age, and when he has fourd out the ight sort of salt to put on its tail its savages will be at sm end, and old age, as a condition, will pass away, subsist ing only as a thedry or remote rotro- ‘apect. He has not yet disclosed “the structural outlines of this curious reptil- fan debutante, and! it may be only an after dinner vision, to which ‘science will deny a recoguized place, leaving old age, as it was , an incurable Suidision. with an. invariably progress. ive tendency, in ud need of bacteria to ~acoderate it. —N York Tribune. ert iy ic} Colored Sierifiiane In Clover + Nothing will kil a8 young negro but |» charge of d ite, and their atom- ‘solv must be w lly and fearfully male The freeze; was an onmnitigated - blessing to them, and they luxuristed on frozen oranges for two weoks after wand. It was fun to see them. They would gather arotind the various ship ping points, and na lot of fruit was ordered to the tor they would help themselves before'it was hauled away Souis of # the bore would eat two dosen ah writting, or standing, Stun cenigd — Jom: wid pot seem to i : ko lighten abd newsboys made a point of buying & ‘cents’ worth of frogen oranges every day for their dinoer "They could get a dozen large ones for a nickel, and they would eat them way down to the yellow hide. A white boy: who attempted the same performance ‘wonld have had several different kiuds of cramp colic in less than 1{ minutes. — Florida Times-Union. : Bears With His Mouth. A boy whose mouth is wonderful, in that it does the double service of tasting and hearing, was in Ban Antonio today His name is Jobn Mihand, aud ins bone 4s at Sabinal. He was born ten ye.ucs. ago. Both ears were closed at birth, aud they bave never been of wrvice hin. But by a remarkable freak of uv ture his mouth has done what his « ooght to have done, and he. is not : .oommoded in the slightest. Several lo. doctors examined and tested the pov of the mouth and pronounced the » phenomenon without a parailel. -— Antonio (Tex.) Dispatch. : ¢ Our Actors. ; It is a remarkable fact that mo the po called Irish comedinm: = ii eountry are Amerioans, and 1. Boglish actors are Irish. Ns i Vrnegwee never flinched .fts bacillus, the - Some of tons 1 With atl -* ...y anything .. oat, fought the flames. Faure did the duties of a fireman, and | on one occasion, when one of the men was usleep from [atigue, rather than awaken him took his place and did his work. He was in a dozen perilous posi- tions during that three days’ fight with | fire, in company of his companions, and In every instance he proved himself to be s man of determi- pation and courage He was first in every danger, and at the most critical times he never lost his self possession and will power, and with his volunteer firemen be did yeoman service in trying to save Paris from the embrace of the fire fiend The people of Havre never forgot M. Faure’s valiant service on that occasion, and afterward, as a Republican, he was | “elected to the chamber of deputies He served with several ministers as private | secretary, and of late years has had move | . important connection with that branch of tho government service. He has pros. pered in business as well as in political | affairs and is said to be one of the! most popular as woll as one of the ablest statesmen of the French republia ~New | Orleans Times- Democrat Mischievous Mme. —— No prima donua was ever more de. | ligbtfully capricious, more full of mis- where she was to ''die’" at nigh. It was important for Romeo to know, but sll he could get was “not sure,” ‘‘don’t know, '' ‘can’t tell,’’ or *'it will be just | as it bappens, according to my humor; sometimes iu one place, scmetimes in another.”” On one occasion she chose to ‘die’ close to the footlights, her cum- panion, of course, being compe led” to “die’’ beside ker, and thus, when the curtain fell, a conpln of footmen had to “earry the pair off, one at a time, to the intense amusemont of the andienoce ‘John Templeton, the fine old Scottish . tenor, was probably never so miserable as when he was cast to sing with Mali bran. - Very often she was displeased with his performance, and one evening she whispered to him, “Youn are not _mcting properly; make love to me bet- ter,’ to whieh, 30 it is said, Templeton innocently viplied, ‘Don’t you know I am a married man?’ Evidently the lady did pot think there was anything serious in the circumstance, for not long afterward, when in ‘'‘Somnambala’ she was on her knees to Templeton as Eivino, she succeeded in making the tenor screan: with suppressed laughter when be should have been singing by tickling hin vigorously under the arms. ~Combil} Magaiine Pronty Good Guess. The New Orleans Picayune says that a teacher, in explaining w her pupils she differences bteween civilized and an- civilized races, insisted upon three things as requisite for civilization— food, clothing and shelter "The next dav she brought the subject up again by way of review **What are the three things necessary to a civilized map?’ she saked Sevaral of tne children remembered food and clothing, bat’ the third requi- ‘pite seemed to have escapod thelr recol lection entirely Finally, after the ques. gion Lad been repeated two or three time, one little fellow lifted his band and said “A wife.’ Whether the teacher sent him to the | bead of the class we are not informed. Women Win In South Australia. Ll : DICNERS WW DIT. Record of Property Be Bought and Sold in he J.C. Stag of et ux. to South Fork | Water company, Adams; considern- i | tion, $300. : | Amanda Parabaugh et vir. to Praneis W. Ebig, Gallit=in borough, $408, : Francis W. Fbig, to Edward Fars 'baugh, Gallitzin, $420. Joseph E. Parsons et ux. to Ianiel . L. Parsons, Johnstown, $1. | Daniel L. Parsons et ux. to Minnie | | Crofford Paryons, Johnstown, $1. J. C, Stineman et ux. to Joseph Charlesworth, Jr., South Fork, $1. A. J. Haws et al. to Peter Kershen- stein, Lower Yoder, $350. Bridget Lynch to Mark Laffy et al, Johnstown, $500. Edward Horner et ux. to John A. Strayer, Johnstown, $2,000. A. C. Griffith et ux. to Washington Building & Loan Association No. 2, of Altoona, Morrellville, $1,000. Fdward Farabaugh to Albert Fara- baugh, Carroll, $100. Edger B. McCormick et ux. to Thos. | . Barnes, Susquehanna, $22,087. Jacob J. Strayer et ux. to Pennsyl- vania railroad sompmny, Momeliville, $2,500. Cambria Iron company to Rummel] Uhl, Westmount, $825. A. C. Buck et al. o-Goorge Bye, Gal. litzin, $400. : James M. Shumaker, trusted, George W. Cree, Reade, $520. Theodore Benden et ux. Rhody, assignee, Gallitzin, $1. Annie E. Powell et vir. to Patrick Harrigan, assignee, Carroll, $1. Amos Grambling et nv to T° MeAnnit to , sewsibesuOru, $50. Anton Riek to Paul Myers, Lower | Yoder, $250. * Peter Wingard et ux. to Daniel Win. gard, Richland, $1,365. J. C. Lake et ux. to Charles lidger Luke, South Fork, $1. William H. Piper et al. to William | C. Aurandt, Lilly, $250 Ephriam Findley et al. to Leonora. | Statezman, West Taylor, $1,600. - Leonora Stutzman et. vir. to James ‘W. Hunt, West Taylor, $1,600 . James W. Hunt et ux. to Leonora Stutaman, Rosedale, $1,200 Benjiman L. Davis 0 Hattie M. ' Davis, Morrellville, $100. Seventh Ward Fire company to Thos. ' R. Marshall, Johnstown, $2,000. John B. Horner et ux. to Ananias Bomgardner, Adams, $1,650 German .B and IL. Association. to Geo- Messenger, Dale borough, $1,700 Sheriff of Cambria county to Goorge | | Kredel and Frank E. Farrell, Morrell {ville, $150. Samuel J. Miller et ux. to Mary A. , Howard, Upper Yoder, $200. D. 8. McAnulty et ux. to Indiana ; Baptist Association C Burch, Burnes- boro, $1. Adniinistrator of Conrad Suppes to ' Elizabeth K. Unger, Johnstown, $18,000. Freda D. Suppeés to Elizabeth K. Unger, Johnstown, $1. Spangler Improvement company to William Whalen, Spangier, $275. Johu Hollfelder et ux. to Pennsyl- vania Railroad company, Jounstowy, 1 $3,318. Thomas R. Daley to Pasny unit Railroad company, Johnstown, §1,050 A. A, Barker to Ebensburg & ee lick Railroad company, Blacklick, $1. Joseph P. Shero et ux. to I. D. Bearer, Susquehanna, $150. Barbera Clark et al to Mary J. Blough Johnstown, $1,000. Our patrons will find DeWitt's Little | Early Risers a safé and reliable remedy sor constipation, dyspepsia and liver enmplainta. C. Ww. Hodgkins. It May do nn Much Yor: You Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving; [iL writes ‘that he had a severe Kidney trouble for many years, with severe pains in + his back and also that his bladder was affected. He tried many so called Kidney cures but without any good result. About a year ago he began use of Electric Bitters and found relief at ‘once. Electric Bitters is especially adapted to cure all Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives almost ‘instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price only 0#0c. for large bottle. At C. E. Belcher’s (City Drug Htore. : La Grpipe is here again with all its oid-time vigor. One Minute Cough Cure is a reliable remedy. It curesand cures quickly. C. W. Hodgkins. New York has 3500 physicians, Gives Word hus come from the president of | the W C T U , Mrs Nichols of Pros- pect, that in Adelaide, Suath Australia, | adult suffrage has been carried, giving | the women a right to vote on the same | terms as men and with po barrier to | Bsc 1 paritame ut The bill now only | awulis the queen's consent. Mrs Nichols says, ‘It is a grand vie- | or u bard and well fought battle | oy v waawre BIGYGLES to J J} Cough of Patton, certify that we have exsinined « March, 186, Chest Creek Land and Imyrovement | com to Abraham By Patton, ehief than the famous Mme Malibran. | pany gas | At the rehearsals of ‘'Romeo and Ju- | Het’ she could never make up her mind | AUGUST K. HUBER, STONE MASON, * RY ani are ws agin ba Beech Creek Railroad How York Central Bb Hudoon Hiver K. RN. Lessee. (ON DENWED TIMETABLE. [———— of Gravois ams | Mo., & practicing physician of many years experience, writes: DeWitt! Witeh _Hasel Salve has no equal for ™ indolent sores, sealds and burmese. It! Mellon Avenues; PATTON, PA. stops pain instantly, heals a bum) dln prepased to do aif ins of work in ny and leaves no scar. (I. w.| o— and a of 5 9 - ssa resacnable Contracts taksn estimates furnished when deadred, atl Anetion He, Give men cal. STITEMENT OF AUDITORS w- = Probert, —OP-— ‘Barber and Hair r Dresser, PATTON BOROUGH IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. — PROM NEXT DOOR TO POSTOFFICE November 20, 1893, to March P. P. Young & Bro, 11th, 1895. Ww holesale and Retnil ender In Receipts. From A. J. Jackson, Burgess, Fines © and Licenses. 8 FRESH MEAT Svs OF ALL KINDS. Bologna, Lard, uM + Ave, sewer peeount . “ F. H. Barker, Co. Tr. Liquor | 14 FIFTH AVENUE, Patton, 3 88 Sn hed i= - ® FE | - 3 ~N 5 goss | Kerrmnoor. “New 2D peut... “Me tehetis, Ly Clearfield Junction Ar. _CLEARFIELD. AXDS® ueannl ne pt 13 a =| Rl Te. Ee » = . AE 4 rhe lenrlien Arie J metion i «Wosdisnd..... Bly Wallwewion. Murrisdnle Mines. Munson... ind Lv_ PHILIPSBU RG. Av PHIL TTT ~~ —— os 5 A wl onaon ; ME EXD EES: SESS * sasgs i wisi 18 GENES Nae aS = = Liv... - 5 - ee El » “am | 2 | 5s fT | cones... : Jue Borough Bonds. $ 4. Donnelly, Burgess, fitiex “and Heenses R. Somerville, Attorney, Boro. hoard wal kx aeet, i woh Twp, Baianer due Boro. road fund, 188... Jas, *Seiton, JP fines Coll. on Tax Dap. a I MERLE CBRRD -3 - Po. P- TuBWNRE HECIZBe XEEHIchn BUEREES PRET Win br Gand Eada mea —- Ee gshs Ena ta _ Etc. 8&5 38 Raaiaue slvals as soleal fp py ay Hal, due Treasurer Total. Pa. ar » zgssx 3 SES % MST dv. FIL ADE] Pi AAT, New York Ar. (Pook of Many sirdet.) | —e Orders paid aot, strevt —— amber xireet work LEuge iE ES Egan » TEFL. - r— *Dally. AW eokdayx, am » m. Aaniay. TT ag! Pyliman So Car betw Du re 1 CY en Bods, Clearfield, all von} tate points, snd : ; Br w: FirstNation’ [Bank ne OF PATTON. = |HBumnh ty Ti lit Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. CONNECTIONS — AL : ok an Manger Ave. WET. ‘ oo . Philadelphia and hi | Jerney » with alt as in New York Sta isl a ga Tint New Central i vanla, At with. CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. Ralinad. AtClen Accounts of Corpomticns, Finns, Individe. 204 Pittaba als and Banks reevived upon the most favors. Patton with ( Gn 7 | bie terns consistent with safe and cnservative oh tmnking. 1 Remmnahip Heleets tor sale for ; all the lending | Agent + Shaner -FAorenigg 1s yuble in the: Pru cities of the Old ord - - Philadetphia, Pu. All corres ndence will have our prompt and | P. R. R. Time Tables. ¢ personal atien Re. Bild Trenunpe J Inthrest Hn on Vinine depends, 1d W_ J. Doo- 9 nelly Sehool Fund. : A. B. PATTON Wi. H. SANFORD, Donation acet. howe : President. Cash: enrt Intent on Bonds Of] for street inn pw Printing and Pub. Ordinances ; Buliding. ar Tri site Ty ham- ber and lockup. lat payment on Boro with Tain nhris snd Ke Ia Goff, ; Engineer wd nol Boro, Om oy “vope Boro, a a Pe ov wt HE fre : water plugs . Fire hose PALGP i Roperintendent. nin br ma— In effect May 27th, 1894, - Main Line, Lenve Crenson- Wty week days. Hoone Avcowmodation, week aap 3 A Day Ex) Express a ation, daily. Noir ro daily Philadelphia Express, daily... Main Line, Lenve Crosson West Johnstown Aevom. Weel BAA... Orr, BIEENE 3 CUTE gSEEPE FIEEE? we - | Pat Line, daily... : Johnstown Aceom., week days... CAMBRIA and CLE. ARFIELD. CModithward, Moming train for Patton snd Cresson len ves Mate they ot ham; la Jou, oo; Westover, - : Garway, (for H ‘ ., 845; Biiliii AEA 2 Patrick Ril Jus, Mellon, J Met rsh - Rend Bill end, “i H. Board of Health LNNEY ETE e and Boro, Orders Boro, Real ras Bill “John Yahner, Hend E. A. Mellon, Me. D.C. Dale, or anny Digest and XPress Police twisters, one Td of ‘veal Recording Borough Charter. Troms 5 conyis sion, 2g per cent Total gs = E47; Garwny, (for Cresson gel is H 30 yp Junction, L8% oa) Tor, arriving at Creswon ut 415. MADE wt Cremon ut we OR OUR DEALERS can sell yi... yg leaves Crowson for Maha tiey wt ‘you Sam (dk K ; Jumethe : .. vt eswhore, TRC HRW 3 you wy lor Pr wn 10:08; Linbilitien. Balance De Treasury Orders Outstanding Bonds Outstanding. Total Resoaroes., fal. uneollcctiod on Tux Dap. 18M “ order patd Paul 8hort Zod thine, ey | ray, for 18% Westover, 11 19: Ta oy “1a, n Mabaffiy nt 1: 50, Afternoon train for and Mahaffey leaves Cresson at fic Kaylor Sell: irndley Junction, a. Patton, &15: Gar , (for Hastings: 6:32; Hastings, (for bib ) bub txnrway, dor Mabatley: 708% ave or, TOF La Jose, ra, 7:88 pon. NUSQEUEHANA EXTENSION Eastward, Moming train leaves * Cherrytree al 635; Barmeshorn ro, fei a Carroliiows Rowse, 7:14, sd connects with train for Cresson at Riss bee yv Junction at 78. Afternoon trl lenves (herryine al 200 Harnesboro, 22k Smngler, 285 Carrolitown Rowdd, 255 and connects with train for Creveon af Bradley Junction at B45 & Westward, ‘Moming tmin lenves Bradley Junction for: . Cherryiree st 1&0; Carrolitown Road, 1S Srmngler, eS Barnesbaro, 1102, arriving ot — B. R. & P Time Table. EE Bradley Junction for wrrytree st fo, Carrolitown Reed, ®I7; The Share Line between Dullobs, Ridgway, angler, 8s Hoorfiewboro, 37, arvivibg of Bmdford, Salamanca, Butfhlo, Ronhester Ni Flree gt £55, mo Fails, and points in the upper Olt mn the Ebensburg Branch tins uve on. rg for Cresson ut 778 a my, 1600 a m ments with On and after Nov, Z, 184, passenger trains 80d 330 pom. Leaves Cresson for Ebensba Pwill arrive and depart from Falls Creek and intermediate points on the surival of * Ntation, detly, except Sunday, as fillows: = The Pittsburg Post tenis from Fast and Went, uth morning and R55 a. me uitalo and the great home newspaper of Jus hoster mail—For "ne i i 1 te Rroekwnyyville, Ridew Johnsonburg, Mi. 3 oR, TEA Pe cle iq apg o oF ay, nis PRE Pennsylvania, and jo Xrasus 1. R. Woon, who want the best Jowett, Rindtond, satainanen, Butfide, and address Thos. FE. General Supt, semi-weakiy paper published Roehestor monn: ceting ot Johusonbarg with Ave, he io in the city, ‘we recommend The P & N WwW Railroad. P.& KE train 3 for Wileox, Ki apie, Warren, PREVOST, Post, Head ng : . 07 Noi 14 DAI LY POST, yo and Erie phon perm Manager. and Nols : The # m age paper, and Tam. ACCOM wha thon — For Dr Bois, “Ey Con, Big Run, and Punxsutawney, pm a8 in ion 102 a large ei THE COUl one year each 107 on. me Accarmiodation from rad ford, Jonhsonbury, Ritfway. Broek wayvitle, and intenpediate stations, for DaBols Pho xsatawbey. . 2X p.m — Brudford Acre mutation For 55 ad 1015 507 i 6 i for $3.00. IER price of The in 3 Post alone is $3.00, Send us your order at once and*get sev- en papers a week for the price you formerly paid for one. Beer htree, Broek wav ville, Eilmont Caron, i130 a 1 Ridgway, Jobusonburg, Mi. atid 3 0h twenty pages every Sunday, Bradiont. 5:10 po my, Matt For Da Bots, SEyves, Big Ron, PN mW iv Bellwoods ar - Connections With Buffklo Rochester containing as much reading as any of the monthly maga Punxsi a ACY, and Walston ; Trane Arrive~T45 0 mn, arevmimevdation from Pittsburg i’ RH. 2With Beech Creek -milrond. SWith Cannlets and Clenrfield ralirond, With zine, and THE COURIER ane year each for outy $2.25. Panxsutuw nes Ba. iri, Madd from Wald. ston ana 1h Lid pl HL, AU0OIR. Cremeon and Clearfield milrosd, 5With Penn csv ivania milrosd, mexintion fom PO RRR WY: 510 p.m, Msitl froon Butfee and Rochester, Cash Crwk Branch ~Trains ves Motos for Glen Camnpbell at 1099 om and 50 and THE COU RIER one year each for only C. & “. Division. 2 = vrrive sit eo from Glen Campbell at 740 $1.50. Just think of it, gm anid 2 pm. Pennsylvania miltoad trains arrive and lave Bellwoods as ollows: East Tr | «en The Post twice a week, and your county paper for the “price of one. Cand 11:47 a ny, EROR, Rik &1 and . om. Weostw nr IX am, 1:24 52 TOT and 30 pm. Write us for sample copies. a ol Flatod snd up. ©“ tors bs Wo wild © Toul \ , Auditors he Bor. We, the undersigned udifors ¢ arriving st the nhove acconnts and vouchers for the sume and find the above statement to be cornet and true. Witness: (mr hands this the th day of can bay from us, or our Agents, THR NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. ~mEESSS Em FOR SALE BY Wine LL. THoMsoN, HH. ris WaNsLOow, F.H KiNkean, } Lentitiome Two Papers For Only $ THE COURIER is pleased to announce its clubbing arange- NTATIONNS i ar Ponxsstawn'sl iy Motives Mahaffey? Tas Jownd Berwindale irvons Comiportd Lioydsville Jowett, w* oem ? SEEREBISEF U n Th Va . A. FORD, "“apt.. Betlwood, wensyille Wr FALLS CREEK AND. ~ CLEARFIELD a We 3 vet Yao Milton People. * Flug. i Tmin No, J i Punxsaiawan, ford, BuMilo, o Train No. 72 oun tx at Clearfield for roe, Albis, Hu a ant Harcisburg. Trin No. 8 connie in at Du Bois for Bradford | | and Pittsburg wd bas Pullman Sleeping Car from Philadel paia to Dall Trin No. 74 snneets at Clearfield with Beseh Creek H.R fr Philipsburg, Lock i | Haven, Jemey shop. Willlsinspeort, Philadel: hin and New York, and has Paihinan SMeépe Hig Run Brud- 1 Pra iiods fur yy Jolinsanbung, ats Tr R. L. GEORGE, Al Wks shoes are geal 3 They give the best vaiue ATTORNEY AT - LAW . : ual Shoo GALLITZIN, PA. Solicitor for German National B. & ‘L. association. : WM DAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, . EBENSBURG, PA. | AH legal business promptly attended to. Office in Armory Hall. by. iA MIRKIN & KUSNER M AHAFFEY HOUSE Mabaffey, Clearfield i Fa. Accommixiations fi and Wines at the bar, GEORGE FERGUSON, ny (ar from Dn ois to Phils wel phis t. i Thousand mile tickets at two vents per mile, ood for passage between all stations. |R G. Marruews, Epwann OC. Larry, tren. Supt, Gen. Pas. Agt. . Rochester, N. X. Rochester, N.Y nEers are requester to purchinse rh eign entering the oars. An elcooss | eharge of Ten Cents will be collected by Con : ductors when fares aie paid on tmins, from all stations where a Tleket Office is maintained. otf tabi a Stabling atta tact