et SA ed AA SAA ro a A 5 ~~ : i RR : : = | A passenger on on vp town electrio | ENGLISH ARISTOCRACY. i CHOLLY AGITATED. The System of Nmining Strocts Tn Salt Take oar hud reached her stroot and wanted Ie Is Rlowly Lettie Down the Bars of Class | 1® Thinks the Time Has Come For Hb City. lis Confusing, to get out. The car was { { people Exclosivencss, Crowd to Organize Against Foreigners, : ! © standing in the ais and nso throad. Not £0 Jorg aor the ling betvredn the Bravo, little count! Milles felicita- ivyel deve dcoldedly drawn asl Jt | A MORMON. PUZILE : Ta the Wrong Car. | i “SCOTT SHAVE HEAD. NO CASH “TIS” FOR WOMEN. | They Get Only Smiles and €mirks From AN INDIAN DUEL AT THE STANDING | Mm at Restaurants. i ~~ § wip oe i Fs ives po " ey £% i ROCK AGENCY. In restaurants where woinen are em : wed as wailars the AVATage MAN seems i “be of tha opinion’ that smiles or oe Hifi ’ r to let her pa a inn riy 2 mnt f(t Crow (mt of a Quarrel Over a Quarter eaten awh Cuno 3 ' al : : 3% i ws ‘ aril : ’ ‘ . 4 ras ina I Is, al re of Beef Crooked Neck Made a Biaoff and $i 3 they cost tl as ae'st bil . i Was Calicd Down — Rifles nt Thirty Yar ed her way they oser 1 ! aristocrat’ thor clases of the com. | Hons on yom pleck and perseverance! aed iv t every young Frenchman who to ira to complete his in a girl kd Anna fi) into the bar- Ld und ¥ i! i to a Finish, i pirhars oy } $3 ie ’ ’ lito 3 ION Woh TR etn. af "A Lut at ) % Fam Lo : 2 j iti nie Gar | oly of : a ‘ CANT 3 A wh {3 ¢ J thoy shia 10 (a Hane jsn’t as god lookin “A duel which I witnessed in 1875 at es Wie : P : i ] bot TE an : ; sh 3 i Wil Btanding Rock agency, Dakota,’ sai oa ; : : pe, ar it canbe cas ie in ind SI Harriman 2 ww Prince Batten } . ¥y J . : J . " y . i § PERE TAi802 3854551 i aR TEINS » di~ n old scont, ‘‘butween Stout Shave : : : : : } 1 ‘ 4 nn noriiv Cn SE : yy ry 114 3 : atnit y Pern Ww wii ; ¢ : ! 3 8 ANAT, ‘ sys i 1 : bers tik bar, yet he has pot what all thae chap- Fond and Chi Crooked Nock ¢ he i oe > i " . = ; Hg is yntarce, Win Lh oe Lx i 8 3 in ii oe i a yD Hunkpapa Sioux was a performance that 1 : : . 11 over : : oo er I ind can " ey rimitt Hp a > . « : { @ y i wh K * slag OO om} TIN esi J - jl rey Oil ¥ 1%: nan fron ha . : Hi yi . : $x) 3 " ir > wy : 1 fed - ¢} sa ? & ad x woud have ® led for apy ianse from the Ponting s } 1 ; worn i gris ; > } ralnea ¥ WTS striging on fase Zavicioh' is the in ilo that may AFT LRITotga ino prssibilitios on ated by most eritical andienr that ever wit Th, i : . - Jirmamed | East . rx il over it.’ Ha 1 rude uch an eg ; } Yai ? fila reiea for hin SNE OF : f ! ‘ ‘ C1 £4 i VET 3 : ban td § aries or TN such an engagement, it will revert first tranish hall ive cir Teas in § i 3 ; . TL . in rp . ; 3 Lo : . . i i 1 Mg : ey! : . * i pl b fignt. SAVE 45h ad, Ltr hie he fornint vii: Gin 4 ' §eTnp : : hay ay think § shonld stazd np rifle dnir The $i Of i bo the high born father herd mother of 3 TY a rag 16 1 xe | 31 v x 1 “t 5 3 - on ehshadiat, ¥ 3 sis 3 Iv din: lic ha oy "kil J io hil the { capabl geilvin have reoe} | YAY Ee : and hold it, sneered 8 man Who Wak | q.gi0ry is ra pated to d wal by | the young adventurer, the Marquis and of Whe & ¥ yr ‘ : ¥ PP iawn] 3 s voriss ool thi l p a3 we & tak > 1 FER. ES 3 ~ ? 3 ad x ‘3s : 1 : or nr pe ils a i be Tn | with several “walt es” cn toe ; " yt mae : : incipal comfortably seated, while a dozen Wo | 34 ton “No agents’ '—such are tis Marquise de Castollane, living perhaps mptin 16 Arrest o iting Y i ' f y City { wy R f A a cniv Franch fos = pting 2 Bull in jeet, wl the ¥ havo h 5. } £ city, and men stood. : | final words of dis nobleman’s adver. OB air, as only Franch people can, yet ia by os Poi ge¥ ¥ ig $3 a Ze thin on < 134s § . 3 abe § #1 A ren tui » Main No, sir: I think you should ride in| figment, pat in just as any trader born | Still maintaining the stately dignity of Re ] 4 x i the fall of 1860. In 1876 I was inter | they wonld infinit its 1 ie preter and chief of scouts at Fort Yates, | ilee more especially as their pay is | rect. The first street sonta of and par- | a eattle car,’ said the angry woman a8 4.4 prod might put them in. This de- their old French chatesnx. nen. Roe k age ney, where 1 so small that the fem of cing allel to Sent inl >t rect 18 named | she ROA A with her life and looked | soent from aristocratic seclusion into the | Imagine tiie cable received from thelr 30 Bionx- indian seouis and r MY | hath ends meet is for them a par? First South street. East of Main street | daggers aftr the retreating oar. —De | grans of commercial conflict is not con- | adored son gone: to the utterm:st parts Semtpan who A rolected ivy Pie ly hard one . | of the world to search for thy where. en( mands and quartered at the . S ain street itis West First South street Se i ; d 2 : : : y 1 It may be said in defense of msc. | Main street 10s West Fur t Douth street, dupe PF I Titled ladies under dizgnised names withal: military post with their {families Tre Li ee Sa wa The pumbering of tha hagses begins at gry Fixe I 1 sig mao tout, belle {oY pep il : | line custom in this matter th bei 4 : : x ® 1 One of me sons. aged 15; went with carry on millinery establishments and | ai gagne. tout, belle, riche et pene. " ro : tri vd runs easel av. BYOrY ne of 1m sons, 4 5. ' ! § Ra’ Yes: military anthorities ‘issued rations only | quot of the recipients of these amatory | Main street And runs eich Way, every. ots ov 3 : " rs Bt WIth | can cafes Their dainty fingers, too, are reuse’ —[ have won all, lovely, rich and to the scomts, while their families dros Wig - linia caemld Yaxtife th ... | honse nn r having an E or an WW ap- threa other boys to bathe in Inglemere | x ; willl to give fr th 1 t Th beet demonstrations won id Justify ¢ Opin | i oss iad : id BOSE A soot : I i pot above manipeiating Rowers for in ng fi up! om tha Indian agen! 10 beef Was | ion that they prefer them to small pe- | pended, as 3708 wading south each > 5, b HE SR Peg So ,. € | profit. 8. generally indeed has the Already the news is known in Paria ALK i the wate about the | t. y a he water to about the | red thirst for gold infected the upper France and ail ver Earope. ton that, whereas they were wont to ba | Already other frugal parents are bid- slaaghtored on the cast bank of the G {lon sho emnlnments, but the cruel fact | strect that or 3 in is nnbered in i y thyen Se qn ONINg Jo oats Ley | 18 that the girl emp wed in a restan: fratation, : Flsizd South, | pth o 3 £5, Vea hy vente out | when they went { ¢ their beef: About Pant who Sooer’ i B0t Jnote Or eS AE d | Bast and We t hh large ‘fish canié up accused of. living in idleness, they aro ding other advanturons sons gn wiry and 150 Texas hi ara kiTled itis carp flirt stands no chance of re taining her | oa te il ah avid os and tonk his hand into its mouth | nose acenand of taking the bread out of | good speed on the ie depart: for New A ro EX Ory TWO | position. "A complaint of a customer's | ¥en TICLE, Gash Alt Mi * HOE WOR ; Ca Sh : acl HL | the months of those who depend entirely | York in quest of other heiress weeks. These wero parceled out to tho [yg iliarity instead of causing him to be ple, and at a cor ng the street ee able 10 fwaiiow it apon business for their support 1 Wa will soen be inundated several bands, beginning with the lar. | pd wonld more likely result in her running north and south are divided for 0 it i# Eas: Fh Sonth strest; west ¢ ott Free ross | : fyi : : west of | trot eo | fined to the male portion of our nobility divide wld students’ of American , and the boy, turn’ | - ‘ A 3 i his ui Far beneath these noble ranks Zan be who will hone ts take some! ger, ‘who woul 1d receive 13 or 15 head as wn dismissal Jt isn’t alone for wait- pumberisg, and each wing is given its || ; thd f rah sty ritreat | traced a similar descent, Street musie, | Hoty share, the an 10 or 12, and ¢ ii ing that she is paid Kho is expected to prefiy of North or South \ I yon £ : 5 : wi AW el fis | 26k inctanin, Gd to ba Siseoareed ty } tangible than. “in rR he smaller bands, who wonl ita er If +4 irate IF tart ont to find a nnmber of Bast Fifth EARL x Pod He as last as bop vebfoid 4 “then two om thre a, wording 0 th r Nn aks hers i . Shoat a La Fo w#p vr 1 : ¢ 5 1 hy Hs : Se " 4 - i a : pussy ber. Lastly, single families, not bers of bands, were given beef by ‘galves, ono steer to four famili guarter to each” The scouts, hal Papran Met ard. ried | ter © ¥ Bh . Pay yy i atsly began skinning tho a irray on waren tess je i Crooked Neck approached the econt, and : New York Herald iia Nel 3 PH Si Cita IL W Wall. | ued t he nad cai fa Ls antiy they induct a te + promises i hi red or iz shonlder Fen : AY INT y ; ; ; , 1 : vie} ; Ith hen : Jy 1 drill, gh is pea ing hi * hi nd on his shor pa ! ) : : Se ; the Inw Sesinst begging. In { chap- I 4 i t > ‘ ET SAF LAL iT WAS NOT I $ 5 x : ? Ccustoni of sinning an hae «t iy 1% at all ¢ y he af re 051 h v0 : . Rs "ne fi ay HN do Gut in 3 2 3 1 3 » . .} m ii wo G x ry boat? - cipal a: pd ny : . fui kes the Rieycle gut of the sare necessity for those o WY Gal sROW BYE Wa [iad misters” =. : ' P I : ur ¥¢ not » . _ A Professor Whose Medicine Was Most rr ike : mn ‘. F Hah a oo : . obits Biovel want not to incriminate themselves ! gtoml not pore hah 50 feet AWRY. ive : tt pws ss 1 Fett Want Ot ion to tha bleyeis - ‘ i tt, , 3 svely yy Wy 8 i bib : of a fu ¥ fective In the Bottle, : > : Ee ariavaertad anny Now yon will bé in the saloon bar of a | ray be ns love } r Hi ul 1¥ Waood- 341 $AL i £1 TY 5 x x zat : ad ii SRE) aii - EE i hil DART Ler ay + ho 4 ¥ § : 3 ave 10 fiance at ern is a connected with the i : ” : or : : ats first rate refreshnient hoose Io comes Hi as many ¢luss as Bill his ANNES LY i 1 » In i FIVITSIIY ol : 1 ha a hal . ; ce : : 3 . x i Ee : : a tap Batted, well dressed man wi ara pot the kind of Seip saooessful 8 hroker, vou Hows 1 iris want to IkTy. here, I gaid, print 7 : rooked Neok “I hat of sayin ; 3) rom catch the idea? ‘ x fin ad : ek oe y : on Lag. pO m0 man haa drive mr [RE AwAY from my beef. | qh youn wen Who ars his charg gymg y IER Laat Jerstiman Weal : fom = : : i F ee *¢ think, 1£ 1: be mn the the name, Lie dreary It 1 was not under your command, IT | when he has made or tried aake a OB i Sn ; : 8 eh with A FOUN | wou are the victim of a del 1 chia dawn eastie, that catch the won'd know what to do, but now I point in his lectures at th wiz oY VUMy brother ws wife had a fin ke 1m Th = and her bean ar | [oo oo as well dressed veap ch gird ev, amd we hiayo neither await vour orders, Hf yon leavos me free Ones he “i LH hn fi I : fre tha float principal, holding Bis , 1 oe ia 1 «| of those ¢ 1 m dit -, to act, he is not mar enoug th to keep me | private g a ; wor 9if) : fan over the bridges you and asking yon to Wd % hax of vik | won my word, it makes my heart BWAY from nn y beef, Pdent to vo with Gim tosea it. Toe pia owing well when oho Gay tae Who ny, oi hi under them. "'—8¢. | tas. Well dre ssed Women ar ig | sick, and persamdes one to g » out and wives hima 4 aE Sl lio ns hud tient eas 5 wa 1 SS Flat xpiained 2 tie filled oq bi e RIplOh. a Sah — 2 about fram public house to pubiie : | Bot los d a the ham: 1 db hink that a therfore his, nnd Iie had a perfect right | o Into a falfy : 1) Fo tag the thing. my broth rf Jan vi fii one w Wiers fe Gof J pulsing imo Sia beh § Bite frog sate Toucan uh blow | : discase to the student and told him that | "0 ny when ‘the meh : "he little son-of a weil known phy-| Wolk 100, do these people, ters | into Now York and in a month's time i to take it wwe fers iy en the meil began to : aw he had sent woman some medicine EE # ot i . gieian was entiriaining a playmate at | 3,000,000, with a ‘wed- i * i i i! fair amount f education trail Lo pacoumniate. 8 vary swell and ( N. : o fai} at man 3 ni = bet foro wkicE be wos ponident a] nn . and the w Ri ie hanes As ehildrar will’ have any ding present f 2,000,000 thrown in. keep. way 1 en a i thi wold he r. Ho explained the come troop of chickens w re waddling ar | es ; Sa ol # tok sd _— wy the aristocracy trenching ; i If the law w , help as, | say that keep | a ; rete 5 a ar] with er oy their pegnlar siz an oo y paisach ry 199 Bo, ter 8 tory. sures this voir i Fwa dudes ought to organize isto some- compa 7, #71 as authority over | rjeplar combinaticn.of drugs would ben: every chicken lookin bik 0 bass craig in — o o i a mn grounds of sn ing em : : hing like old time Know Nothing him. ' age fit this disease and then entersd the Seam TE 8 gitiag Hane U Eo% which ‘ # i at r ots Bie Ee a ing the jastranents of thts std assoriation an { hamstring avery decent ik Very " ¢ i said f ho 0 i . sy 3 elsinke oF : : 1 : . 31 in : it! ; JY ” ota, among whie ‘A thus oe ise A 1 y 1 anparently i mii f : 4 4 * that 8 on these takers beef. i tains th | ow Aa you Le wily meining. Mes on le ln bean grr 1 walt wicsloton. The strange boy rar cla +} shot os and cannot prove - Sav isn't . : pi : n ! tis wi American bein ‘ WITS y 01k Recorder ENH KLEPT OMANIAC. ( 3 3 bengate > to ww ay f bey # ire ‘ny o i a tr Et plied the pat «land it won } anid yn: sax frightened when he first beheld the ors 4 iy drTiigh, Ha ig Ths ; : a WH Nz. . : H fy (aC replied the patie cite to Teoremt $lins rt ng remnant of what onee had been needy are ariven lower Ri. a 8 5 ‘viiat co You. Say, i: ek Cutting, Crooked Nick, This time Lin gave wil ‘son havs no iden how much botts ; 2 bhi don i bird starr A Ie pees . : ; fa v aid Jim Farley, are yous ance to that savage grow! which, onoe | fog] : here was ne or - rive help op ® Buman being and 4 artod to ran away aL : I i | isi Gr aida mutesh Rts hear + we Fre ! Torey rie A mv br tr ioys Fier wrifa #0 tora however, °3 ad seen the charitabl A AR, lusiate Bicone Eileen E. Shant asl Cholly Koicker- heard, can nev be forgotten, ant There. young man. said ny |! +L : i : . xs elimbing out of the slaoghter ie Ein tertained for the north side, and taking his rifle from hot] his wife, he turned to the left, doming “yes dootor.! eontinns so sick! ® ) ghia 51D bright int t esp: M0 ot ye . Er : : : t out on that side of the porral facing the rotisnis, 20 i + % wi ei Bh nid. The ch Tyo {cn}; 3 i yl laving th , T 3 of hi Coron Gory and the Folding Sk How He Was Nipped and the Eien river. Crooked Neck, seizing his rifle, Col 16 medicine Tr Barca Pickens and Lromeht the her, and (TOI Botan youngster beg Bl ew routes the. Toxas saithat t Goethe Medallion Recovered, want out of the corral onthe south side sph d : drints L, o Vath her huttonhaol } ro Cur a 312 a } and rat i Im Ary ones Tio : a g w ol hd on an fa The superb medallion of Goethe by and turning to Whe right tha two com: : ‘ Well i renlieds the patior Bilt In BOL OH f their rroy : . 3 ee H ur at ; eo : 8} tia plark : stepdad hin is still In h unogs «inintor, David of Angers, batants met face to face on the west “Yor see. by hosband ves detatnid) 7 164 out - the cormm Niches THRE BRAG. CS BOK b RAGA 3 1a tives wi will allow him th i was recently missed from the Paris side of the corral | Between them was © away from home last sight, ang lds 1B0Ir crops cut and. sewed them up ir 73 A a a ory in his: own vs “He. had .. | Lonvra.” Watch was set upon: the other the agency wage a, which was backed | get it at 210 : ; again. The chicken med grateful t enh PR Be S or awful Jong i, 0 clothes and a red necktie, and | 3 treasures in the room 3 which it ap to the fence to receive the beef. The Cf don’t ink. '* broke ia the stu. ! They were Fort gui 1 ra eonpin ch : tae. ; : what kh R's know Wasn't worth | had been shown At length an old man, first hot was d by Chief Crooked | dent, ‘‘that I exactly ¢ t the iden" | days, fed lightly, and every oneaf then. | knowing. When he started up to his i respectably dressed, was discovered try- Neck over the rear end of the wagon. | And the doctor hada’ ta word to .sa recovered... New York Sup. Mary Ie nds of Days Ia ome: room at night, I told him the pis ng to Gpen a ORG by anscrswing the The driver, supposing that he was the | -Buflilo LE pr FY Speaks From Experience, ok ¥ is fhe average or folding bed in it, and, if be wished? PInges tn being arrested be declared object of attuck, frantically whipped up _ A Tort from: Santis Datuk: Nidhi ean of Ail th parent solar r days IB helix y woul I show him how it work that hie was tightening the screws of the his mules, leaving a clear ficld between | Napoleon and His Pipe. | list of questicnis about woinau 3fTFage A year. RI ating Situs is that shown poe Ge mach. He didn't want to be | hinges, not taking them out. He was the twos ed warriors, who were not | Napoleon was a snuff taker in a mild in Wyoming It is enough to say Hat] ii urs F BU aba Slack o watah, shown anything. He knew ; : | detained fn custody. and 8 Jape in more than ten ¥ ards apart.. Talk about way, smelling of the tobacen rather after . trying woman fF ” 30 di ay pare 1d So:ar Line is that shown two about the city, ‘he dic, iis " if nade of his 20S: Here was found the ‘an Indian war dance! Here was execut- | than snnffing it, but never leattied to] years. st have ate eatie atiafiod by . Ww constructed sundial. The | did live down on the rang x missing medallion, togother with a large ad a dance thar surpassed anything y of smokin Once only, according to his! with its workings and unan sly Sn 3 Hib Fonte nelwenn the two at any time | “86 I let him go, and next morn i number ot ethyl dfk troasums and bits the kind I ever saw. Shave Head was | valet, Constant, he tried a pipe. The at- | corporate «i it in our state onstitation ad 1 pis i Te Bo ume sid ny Rou | he paid his bill without a word |-of bric-a-brac. There ware also tools nos the more agile of the two, jumping | tempt, of which Constant gives a bu- | the EE law of the land. We lo 14 minute and 21 seconds. The as- | went way. |About noon I happend © | like a hose tbreaker’s. from side to side, rearing high in the | merous account, was on this wise: ae of the evil results teas ia eay eg us at ne and the bé on {that floor, and a chamber. | The kleptomaniae, who is a bachelor sir and again bending low down to the | An eastern embassador, Persian or! pre dicted by old ogics. and its effects’ CIPI. GBF the preceding midnight. “called jme to take a look in his of 83, bas ben ascertained th be a man ‘ground, all the time keeping his eye | Turkish, had presented the emperor have been cnly good. and that conting he sidereal and mean sotnp days are | And what a sight met my eyes! of considerable fortune, who spent large fixod on his foe and his gun ready | with a handsome oriental pipe, and one | ally Ey (Wy : y Sentinel. : both Iavana. ey Bat ane day of the lat- | botto drawer of the bureau was pol | sums in artistic salesrocma. It is pro- for use. The corral had been surround. | day the fancy took him to use it. Con- i ’ : m——— : ler 3% sana to 1. day 3 munutes not ! out as far a8 it would come, and nig posed by. the Fingistes ate to keep him in ed by not less than 1,000 Indians, men, | stant, at his master’s request, got every: She Tupes Planos. 3G: +0 Rom ids of the former. | were all therugs in the room, w it } af custody for ra w days and taen release women amd children, but when the fir- | thing in readiness and applied the fire. | © Miss Jean Day of Boston is a skilled Self Examination. ; | towel spread over one end for a prliow | him, his friends depositing 10,000 francs ing began they had surged .to one side, | It remained, of course, for the emMPETOT | iano tone r This young lady is el. wot pet sleep fall upon thy eyes till | Evidently he had tried to sleep ther | ua security for his good behavior. — leaving the. space in the rear of each | to set the tobacco alight by drawing iu ing with the opposiu which a we iT an: thou hast th too examined the tranaas: | for pinned spon the glass was a sar Paris Letter. combatant clear. | his breath. So his valet told him. always encounters in enter im gD a tioms of the “day. Where have 1 | tic legend reading: ‘Gol dern yors { = oe ‘*The second shot was again fired by | “But,” adds Constant, “‘at the rate] povel line of wark bat ahi W x given | turned asid rectitude? What navi} ing beds. Why don’t yon makes Ce A Shosking Sa. : Crooked Neck, but he again missed his | his majesty went to work the thing | cotyplete saticlac tion to ti a THe Lave been doing? What have I' left undone | longer and put more kivvers onto. 'vin | A hotel in Chicago is so heavily mark, and during the instant required | woold never bo dome. He content Ad SOG iittod their ey t - to hes Ears which T oaghi't hase dana? Begin thus Mebbe you expect a man to stand charged with electricity that the guests by him to throw another cartridge into | himself with opening and shutting his| Miss Day was tei ing ediaited a - ei] from the first act and proceed, and in | and sleep in your durned old cubbesd | cannot move around without getting a his piece Suave Head, who was still as | lips wi ithout breathing the least in the! cian and she roi nies. hat, conclusion at! iil which thom hast { The ‘durned old cubberd’ was ons ¢ vy | shock which is often painful. It is so a statue, took aim and fired. The ball | world.” } was compel bod a a . i aot dimio De troghlod” aril rejeice for the best folding beds. ''—Denver Field anc | bad that when one walks across the ‘strack Crooked Neck in the hip, which Finally bo put the pi pe into th we valot’s | tng to th sh ) ' i hae mariloaid Perk a : Farm. : © jroom a spark. Wid leap over a space of crippled bir so that he had but one leg | hands and commanded him to light i stabi «Bester =a is i ¢ ol 1h ye rae 3 ging . wo inches. The gnests have had some io Qanes Ox As soon as Shave Head | which the valet did and returned the me . ; "1 $s § ping coe man's club has do: " The Middle Te cmpie's. Secret, funny experiences. Une man came near wri 3 ou i a Aa: ieee Wine. but tn adint A hil ¢ ‘some alterations on [getting a gash out in his face when he | bis dancing, keeping it | pipe to his majesty. Napoleon took or : iT jaa, Maes : : : ; t sonist fired again, when | good puff and was as awkward tis . gent men oF African descent oh pre iddle Temple ball for the usta : 3 soe = But i on; because: he vo 1 crser tactics, pausing | time as before ae smoke got into his : : Cihoiy gh “3 requisites of intel] f the electric light into that rely | startled by a spurx from dite razor. Then he took aim and fired. | windpipe, and instead of being expelind - ir eral nieiis 2 Rood ba i and “clubabilit) lifice the workmen found a boy ge FRC Lh rman thought he had stepped on meht Crooked Neck | through the mouth it cam ot of the Tock Collen, i Wh women ninst show to get in, | & ; ina recess of the wall near the | Duties when 49 got into a bathtub. .t through his breast | nostrils and eves Su Constant says at Everybody Enoaes tha meh of the . gof, It was opened, and init they sa This peenliar condition of the building + his face, his gun wn. al} avai i . | srisallod Mecha coffee sold inthe nite Mice Mur Ei eee rs Noor leet +1 a sheleton in a perfat state of pr wu! priies § the ¢lactricians, and some think jerids. pressed forward, | The emperor was nearly strangled, | Sta s Ho such thing, bat onl SUDLY igi one we Tio tion. From wu se whole- anv will: have to: be aver. hands and calling upon | and as soo - as he recovered breath he | few persons know how some of sans CDoszlias [lis {ics Mury [| 18 mast have lain hidden there hauled : viel —Chicago Corre the so0ut 10 desist. He had killed bis | cried: it Mocha 1s mash Fhe’ ben vy for Stanley nty. ad siderabia time ~—perhaps a couple of spondent saan. : “Pake it away 3 wwitden thi 7 i : i st. limbs “i : ry in for Hughes coun “tures or more. Whe ‘the the skeiot “But Shive Head was determine Wd to | It makes me sick.’ that of a lawyer or a client make it a sure thing. First pointing his Lo It was more than an be ascertained, or it may even | gun tow ard ‘the crowd to warn them | recovore i his equanimity, Secu framewerk which has been in an atomical demonstration to The Name Sprassd In Tho Journal Officiel appears a no. tice to the offvct that another Cap : : ; Dreyfus of the artillery and of thes buck, he advanced to the prostrate In- the cud f his career as RB LGKET. GooRpne port: lamous lar La coll ry ols 1% BD . OLE . is de aol we the muzzle of his gu ‘s Compal : sont thenee Fey ld ak SOCioty \{othodist iscopal trate bow mach the law can tak 18 Gesirons or. changing his name to dian, and holding tho muz ie of bil in: Youth's Companio { nodal i - : of Deslanrens.. This officer was § st of his vic fired threo A : fu 131 hing. . chur It kas 8 12 canizations, | & al What the skeleton wis LO . within tog Son of his victim fi ; ! . : y y Nanev in 1555 and is stationed shots into his head: He then resumed | Fhiladelphia Foresight. rath | I members. | and how it got into the box 1a 3 FE oa re ON 3 ficers: s : 1 1 « a ¥ ] i onan Mores § 35 i his daring. and facing the crowd he! The Philadelphia Record tells of a Might Dave Deen Bath, : Temp! e hall are mysteries. | pignan. 1 ero are now 58 9 eer fF iares? rs Too Banrdore. WW} ie Freirs) <] Wily Si ve | Tolegran i name of Dreefus in the army list ‘moved backward to the river, and leap- | eareful citizen who refuses to walk in i fess bia FR i 7 : Aion Ps i : AT th ‘ery, 13 in the esrb i EY based ah ain § are the urtiiiery ing into a bont was rowed to the west | the mic dle of the street when the side pret: has hardly eaten of 1 150, go university, has been go yay : io : i gt Toiicews Settee cali 2 1.1790 a handkerchief cost #9 ong is in CHGINeers sghtin glide, where 1 found him later away out | | walks are mwippery, because if ho st ould a SAETS Wii MLD CREA BALE : pris : 2OWOIan 3 webar in Massaschu att per hilo a ” r of : re tord Moa i ad 3 soci! bb rediow : Lain y ‘4 i a A bond Vik -, WW 101 AT OF } i : EOE Ti on the prairie pe sforming the Indian | slip down and sustain an injury on the | pconil Poardor—-i 5 [ove or poaey-— | ment I 2 tif, Uinleshard, ia tgs ¢ 75 cents. and potatoes W my ’ wir 2 Tai oka = w wt Ta * gst “ws tL I 3 3 yoo - wn 4 rite for parification after shedding | sidewalk he could recover damages from 3 Tr A ey, ™ : ] | gents a bush ot hn : Death For Traim iva blood.’ i} incinnati Enquirer te city, white he could not if he was | Mady ss cangth - gi Tribune, | A bpt eloth a nd the mol will belp | : " : | mit ket ck bimmansisai — walking in tho middle of the street. ein en oo {jelly or ices to come from it without | : on a a ¢ TE — * The averagy wheat yield in England ; Ax BA Thal) in Riis RIMS. COE | shit King : | afrense has oe nen : : : sé Yoean yv 1s boxed 9 souri legisiature is said to bo 86 bushels t to the acre : ; legisla N t } i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers