The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 14, 1895, Image 1

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on Zhen:
VOL. IL—-NO. 67.
$1.00 PER YEAR.
$100 diven Away.
With each Dollars worth of goods
Souget at this store we will give Five
Gl Miner Grier and when Twenty
to us at one time, we
wil Ee them, giving One dollar in
pi or merchan for them; or we
will accept them one or more at a time
Jars ying for a bill of goods pur-
any one time at this store
Amcuning to fifty cents or more.
Patton Pharmacy,
Drags. Medicines, and Chemi-
Stationery, Confe(-
tionery, Cigars and
: wAgency for COLUMBIA & HICKORY
. 9a" This is Drag Store i
Patton where here host nly Dn ae ag
be had. :
We are doing the business
of the town
about it. Our stock of
Dry Goods,
‘Boots and Shoes:
and Furnishings
Is the best to be had in
the County.
QOur prices correspond with
the name that tells you
where to buy your
goods at a reas-
enable price
and that
‘is at
and no doubt
‘be should have commanded
Right Double Quick, March!’
‘off the road in some fashion like a
|last of April, "63.
“Fighting Joe,” as he was called, was
Written by One of the “Con-
rier’ Contributors.
Through the Confederate Lines, .
Story of the Late War.
Comtinned from last week,
During our stay at Bolivar Geary’'s
division of the 12th Corps, to which the
Regiment was atteched, made a
mm to Winchester. Just out-
side of Berryville a portion of the en-
(emy's cavalry, taking advantage of a
bend in the road made a furious charge
‘on our twenty cavalry men, who were
some distance in advance, taking them
by surprise so completely that by the
time they had turned about the enemy
waa at their heels. On they came yell-
ing like demons. ‘Oar infantry and
artillery were thrown into a panic. |
was marching at the head of the com-
pany alongside of the captain. Im-
mediately in front of us was a piece of
artillery and before it could be un-
limbered and loaded the enemy rode
A Tine
; up to the gun’ s muazle. Major Chap-
man, of our regiment, came running
back shouting at the top of his voice,
“Get off the Road!’ Instead of which
We got
flock of sheep, but when we had a line
formed the enemy was gone without
the loss of a man.
This incident occasioned many a
laugh at the expense of the officers.
However, we were glad it was no
ranting ‘0 our camp we were
| shortly after ordered to the Lower Po-
tomas: to reinforce General Burnside
Houma memorable slaughter of our
brave men at Fredericksburg. On reach.
ing Dummfries we were again ordered
into winter quarters. While here
. we had a spirited brash with General m
Hampton's cavulry, who, by coming
‘on our cavalry by surprise captored
about 100 men, but when they reached
the infantry we whipped them with
heavy loss,
We remained here until towards the
General Hooker,
preparing to attack General Lee, We
., were advanced and took part in the
memorable battle of Chancellorsyiile.
Shame almost prevents me from
giving an account of this disastrous
battle and it might be said thai we had
‘no officers. - Although no braver man
‘ever lived than General Hooker he lost
Of Carrolltown.
When you are :in town do
not fail to call and see us; we
will treat you right.
The Big - -
is still going on in full blast.
. Remember the Place,
Wext to Bank, Carrolltown
H. C. BECK, Pro.
ns lr
One of the Largest Hotels in
Northern Cambria;
Good Table and Bar Supplied
with Choiest Brands of
The Popular
of PA I I ON. fo - Da or New York. |
well carried out.
‘son, and to him was given the
the battle simply because he was not in
‘his proper place
in the rear. There
can be no doubt that the plan of battle
was admirable and the first part was
Jee was certainly
surprised, but he had Stonewall Jack-
regaining the advantage and history
_ records how well he¢ accomplished his
purpose, although every man in our
‘army knew where the blow would fail,
‘squarely up to our front.
‘were anxious to fire upon them and
fact Jackson's
Our men
were only prevented by the officers
who said they were our own men.
‘Alas! The next morning undeceived
‘even our stupid officers. The column
‘of Jackson pounced upon the unsus-
| pecting 11th corps while they were mak.
ing coffee. Their arms, which were
stacked, were abondoned and a wild
| stampede ensued. The breaking of the
11th corps imperiled the 12th corps,
‘ which was on their left almost before we
| could realize it the enemy were on our
| rear, and at the same time opened fire
Our position at this time
on our front.
‘was withina V shaped line, and our
only hope was to move by the left flank
‘at. the double quick, many of our best
men went down, among ‘hem Lieut
‘Peter Kaylor, a veteran hero of the
He re-
Mexican war, was mortally
“and left on the field for dead.
‘covered, however, and was mortally
wounded again at Ringold, Ga., an
account of which will be given in
, proper place. .
This engagement does not deserve
the name of a battle. It
on all sides that if our army
properly handled General Loe
is conceded
had bres
would have been destroyed, instead of |
-that our army TAFTOwly
The army after its ude feat returned to
its camp at Falmouth, where it remai
ed until the movement of Lee's army
on its second invasion of the north
compelled us to follow.
The: Chancellorsville campaign was
so disastrous to the Army of the Po
tomac that General Lec felt assured
| that he could invade the north with
impunity and dictate the terms of
escaned ds
‘being daly
ments and intentions remained in camp.
just long enough to secure the safety
. The army,
cross Scuth Mountain, was tarned to
‘desperation on both sides.
tank of
reached the above verdict.
ity of the
Acting on thie conviction he called to
his aid the finest army thai ever went
forth on American soil. The rank and
fiile were jobilant. 1 might say they
were drunk with vietory, at the same
time they had the most supreme con-
tempt for the northern soldiers, who
they began to think were mere toys to
up and then be knocked own
for military past time. General Hooker
‘apprized of their move
be met
of Washington. Sending out the en-
tire cavalry foros to locate the enemy,
soon learned they were moving towards -
Nolan's and Edward's Ferry on the.
Potomac. This ment invasion at
some point above Washington.
General Hooker mobolized his army
and started in pursuit, covering Wash-
ington all the while. This was neces
sary because Lee's designs were un-
known. Our army reached Frederick
City on the 26th of June. On the 27th
of June General Hooker was relieved
of the command of the army and Gen-
eral Meade was appointed in his stead.
which was marching to
the right and by the 30th of June the
12 corps were in the vicinity of Littles.
town, Pa.
July 1st we moved north and soon
came in view of the battle smoke rising
in dark columns, at the same time the
distant roar of cannon assured us thai
there was work ahead. Reaching the
vicinity of Gettysburg in the evening
we were immediately placed on Culp’s
Hill on the right. Our regiment was
advanced to Rock creek as a picket.
This faced Benner’s Hill, upoa which
General Ewell was advancing. A por-
tion of our division was recalled and
sent to Little Round Top where we
remained until about midnight. We
were then ordered back to Caolp's Hill
where a division of Ewell’a troops had
taken possession of our breast works.
As soon as it was light enough to wee
the battle opened and was fought with
Our fire
must have been very destructive while
that of the enemy did scarcely any
harm. HE
{Tos be romtined
Hadings Rapr Cas Decided In Just
sixtovn Minutes,
‘In the Hastings rape case the jury
residered a verdict declaring Ellis B.
Read guilty of raping leona Spencer
in manner and form as indicated.
The testimony was completed Fri.
day night, and when court convened
Saturday morning the final plea of the.
defendant's counsel was made. Mr.
MceKenrick constructed the defense
His plea two hours in léngth--was a
masterly effort to overcome, by every
known method of virategy, tact, and
the cold facts of the defendent’s
Mr. Alvin Evans, for the prosecution,
closed his side in an address an hour
long. He carefully reviewed the few
facts in the defendant's favor, dis
proving them one by one,
mony adduced by the Commonwealth's
witnesses. His argument was most
eloquent. Having everything in has
favor, he fitted fact to fact, skillfully
constructing the story of the crime in
a manner calcalated make
strongest impression on the jury.
After he finished the court adjourned
until 1:30 p. m. when the charge of the
court was made, Clearly and im-
partially the law was laid down and
the jury carefully instructed. After
out sixteen minutes the jury
Religious Garbs Bill Difealed.
At Trenton. N. J. the senate last
Thursday defeated Senator Rogers’ bill
making it a misdemeanor for any pub- ~
lie school teas her to wear any garb,
insignia, emblem or marks indicating
that such teacher belongs tO any set
or teligioas order. The vote was 18 to
5 against the bill.
Her Socorro,
The secret of SnCee ss of the Cinder-
ella Stoves and Rang
into the
are sold guaranteed to be
ex is the su
f hat construction:
have ne
th 3 dirt
5 § *
perfect roasters,
Vi Apiiogs.
versight in the business
Y ahner last week the
appeared where it should
to apologize for the error.
LIwing io an «
review of John
name “Paul”
have been John wishes
« ambria County Farmers,
The Pomona Grange will meet in
Patton on April 1st and 29nd. An
interesting program is being prepared
which will be published in the COURIER.
Look out for it.
by the testi-
sald ?
Extracts Taken from the Cot-
RIER'S s Exchanges.
Ie the Journalistic Moite in Which tthe
Newmepaper Fraternity Always Practices.
The Patton COURIER msoed an edition
of twelve pages last week containing
cuts of the principal buildings of the
town and many of the leading men
men who bave been in the lead in mak-
ing the town what it isthe business
centre of Northern Cambria county.
The edition gives a great deal of infor.
mation which makes it the most val
asble one imsned since the week the
paper was founded, as a source of
reference and ws a representation of
what the town has become in competi-
tion with older piaces in that region of
the coal country. The edition wan issoed
under the direction of Mr. E Will
Greene, who has bad the managemet
for =bhiout 15
of the Patton COURIER
months. — DuBois Morning Courder.
The Patton CoURIER comes to us this
week with twelve pages, giving a com-
plete history of Patton. It is a wonder-
fal story, and the COURIER is a wonder
fal namber, giving pictures of the
‘principal buildings and business and
professional men of Patton. The Cox-
RIER is a credit to its community.
Morrellviile | Johnstown | Times.
The Patton COURIER came to as lit
week in the shape of a souvenir edition.
Beside the general ard local news of
the week, there is published in the
twelve pages of this issue a history of
the borough of Patton and a review of
ita leading enterprises, institutions,
and business men, showing the devel.
opment and prosperity of that thriving
town from its founding up to the pres
ent time, the whole being embelished
with cuts of prominent and energetic
citizens and important buildings of the
place. As a whole, the publication is
neat and clean and reflects crediv upon
the CoURIER proprietors and Editor
Greene. —Johnstown Tribane.
The Patton COURIER last week in a
twelve page issue publishes a history of
that prosperous town and gives a re-
view of the kading business places
Among its most energetic merchants is
given the picture of A. M. Thomas, of
this city, and an account of that gentie-
man’s large hardware, tinning and
spouting establishment. — Lock Haven
Daily Democrat.
The Patton COURIER reaches us this
week much improved and enlarged.
Glen Campbell Comet.
The souvenir addition of the Patton
COURIER has reached us It i a 12-
page edition, and is well illustrated. It
gives a history of the new town and a
list of the buildings erected. The
COURIER is to be congratulated.
Carrolltown News,
The Patton COURIER was issued on
Tharsday page edition.
It contained much well written infor-
mation concerning this new amd floar-
ishing town in Cambria county, and
the publishers are entitied to not a
little credit for their enterprise. —Al-
toona Tribune.
The Patton CGURIER comes to us this
week enlarged to twelve pages in
which is a vivid description of the
town, ita business houses and portraits
of the town’s business men, many of
which we recognize. The COURIER de-
serves a great deal of praise for its ef-
forts to advance the interests of Patton.
The number before us is just us neat,
tasty and readable as it could be made.
Brother Greene accept our best wishes,
Carwensville Review.
as a twelve
This week the Patton Cot sier will
be increased to eight pages. The com:
ing boom mast be materialiting up
thers May it swoop down this way,
too. Clearfield Monitor.
week in
are devi
husiness industries,
Patton Cousens came cut ast
twelve page form. Four pages
fel to & review of Fu
with ii detures of the
the town. The
of Patton.
fending merchants of
paper 3s very creditable to
and tho
Attoona Sunday No
The Patton COURIER this week prints
a 12-page issue. It looks ax if the en-
terprising editor is determined to give
his patrons a good paper panic or no
panic. Johnstown Theocrat.
The Patton COURIER came oul last
week with twelve pages, containing a
full history of that prosperous young
‘town and biographies of its leading
It is fuil of illustrations of the
leading buosihess houses and private
rdsidences and of the most prominent
citizens among whom we recognize Mr
John Ashcroft, formerly of Philipsburg,
, NOTH as 0 mplioatis sip
“indignant at the insult
but now an influential representative
citizen of Patton. The Patton Se:
RIER is an extraordinary good w
paper and deserves the liberal ky
tising patronage it receives from the
Patton business houses Philipsburg |
E: Will Greene, editor of the Patton,
It Was Postponed Until the
Cambria County COURIER, one of our
most valuable exchanges, is visiting
the city to-day. Mr. Greene Has just |
issned xn industrial namber which is a
remarkable evidence of enterprise on
the part of the business men of Patton
as well as the active publisher. -Al-
toona Mirror. :
The Patton COURIER reached us last
week semewhat enlarged. | contained |
12 pages. neatly printed and was gotten
out as a scavenr edition, and contained |
the likenesses and biography of many
of Patton's most prominent business
men. It reflects great credit upon
editor Greene. — Gallitzin Times
Emterprives Manifested on Every Fund and
Advance the Watebhword.,
The following is taken froin that
enterprising and ably edited daily
‘newspaper, the Johnstown Democrat:
“One of the liveliest towns in Cam-
bria county outside of Johnstown is
Patton and it is also among the young-
est. It is less than three years old, yet
it now boasts a population of about
2,000 and its public and private build-
ings are among the best in the county
while in the energy of ita business men
and the prosperity of its industries it
takes a foremost rank.
“The PATTON COURIER has just given
a fresh proof of its alertness by pub-
lishing an illustrated account of the -
genesis, growth and prosperts of this
hvely borough.
obtain a very fair notion of the town
and its surroundings and of the push’
ing spirits who have contributed to
the development of the territory of
which Patton is the centre. One ex-
cellent proof of the public spirit of this
new community is found in the large,
handsome and substantial school build-
ing that occupies a commanding posi-
tion in the borough snd adds impress
ively to the general air of prosperity
and progress that marks the scene.
Patton has also commodions and hand-
some hotels, several weil built business
blocks and a large number of elegant
private residences. It has also the
only national bank in the county out-
side cf Johnstown and its coal and
lumber industries supply empioyment
to as thrifty a population as may be
found in this part of Pennsylvania
The Chest Creek Land and Improve-
ment company is the leading factor in
Patton's industrial development, bat
other enterprises share with this con-
cern in the general activity of the com-
munity and with the passing of the
depression that has so long affected all
kinds of business and the further
atilization of the rich natural resources
of the neighborhood there is every
© TeRMOD for the faith of Patton in ita
own fotare”’
To Offset the Garb Bill
It was announced in Harrisburg one
day last week that Captain French, of
Washington county, would introduce in
the Legisiatare a bill permitting relig-
ions societies to use schoolbouwes in
townships. The measure makes it law-
ful for public schoolhouses in townships
to be used by any religious societies for |
worship or religious instructions at the
discretion of the school board, provid-
ing that soch use shall not interfere with
‘school hours or the management of the
It is intended to counteract
the effect of the Smith Religious Garb
bill, should it me a law,
decision of the Supreme Court in case
against the nuns teaching in the public w
schools at. Gallitzin, schoolboases can-
used for religious instruction
Mr. French has
not be
even after school hours,
received a letter from a constituent
Cannonsharg stating that the schools
-in that locality are being used for this
purpose by the Methodists and other
denominations without objection from
any quarter : ]
Uncle sam Insaited.
ser Alliance
The Columbian Line stean
irom Colon was fired on by a Spanish
man-of-war of the east end of the island.
of Cuba. The firing is liable to ke ad to
5 a4 5d nt pg
7 stand 5 3 LE
the Spani ard wanted
man could not
gnless it was Gat
the American to salute the
The owners of the line are very
and say they.
will demand a reason for the attemp to
stop an Americal mail steamship on
the high seas in time of peace.
Let Fer Sale.
A valosble lot 386x100 feet on Magee
avenue, next to postoffice, is offered
for sale at reasonable terms Inquire
.1 of or write to Jas. Mellon, Patton, Pa
From this one may
Under the
Xo One Conid be Seenred to Fil Hie Fines
No Licenses Granted.
There will be no court held at Eb
ersburg this week, becaos: of the ill
ness of Judge Barker and ibe imponsi-
: bility of getting another Judge to act
in his piace. As soon as it hecame evi-
dent that Judge Rarker ccald mot sit
telegrams were sent to the Jodges of
several ‘surrounding detriem, but ge
one could be secured.
The Judge was not weil the lstier
part of last week, and by the time
sours adjourned was really ill with a
‘severe cold. It has grown constantly
worse, and he is now threstened with
Of course, no decisions in the cases of
applicants for liquor Hoenses were filed
and the anxions applicants are very
much disapointed and are in “hot
water” for fear the decisions will not be
made antil after their present license
will have expired. In all probability
the decisions will be made the first of
next week. :
All the jurors were discharged for
poned until June term. By consent of
antil the fourth week in this month.
Packs Prepared by Father Kittil That Mave
Neo Countrrpmr..
Father Ferdinand Kittell pastor of
St. Michaels church at Loretto, Cambria
county, has nade a careful compilation
“of the marriage and baptissnal records
of the parish since the first entry was
made by Prince Demetrins A. Gallitzin.
These show that from 1500 fio 1840 there
‘were 470 marriages and $113 baptisms
Ytzin acted as shepherd of the faithful
in the little cluster of families located
in the mountcins any then known as
Outbalic church in this country This
function occured March 1k 179%, 100
years ago on the 19th of the present
month, and was performed by Bishop
Carroll, of Baltimaore, one of that famaly
which was distinguished in the pre-
evolusionsry days by Charles Carroll,
the only signer of the Declaration of
_ Independence who named his place of
residence after his signature on that
immortal piece®f parchment. Father
Gallitzin changed the name of the little
settlement of pioneers to Loretto, by
which it has since been known and is
famous in Catholic annals.
Father Kittell has been engaged in
the compilation of the records for over
six months. He had blank forms
printed and arranged the names al
' phabetically for convenience of ready
reference, and these have been since
bound into two handsome volumes
It is father Kittell's cpinios. that these
books are onique and that there are
none like them in the workl, and he is
‘now at work classifying the resords of
the parish up to the date when he be
came rector, which was in [581
3.000 Miles on Horsehack.
There has appeared in several ex-
changes an article about a cow boy and
kis wife riding all the way from Wy-
oming to this country on broncos, s dis-
tance of 3,000 miles. The story is true
and npon inquiry the COURIER repre
sentative learned that the ¢ow boy was
Wm. Pearson, whose parents live near
Dysart, and that the young westerner
came all the way to Peunsyivania to
see his father who was lying il at the
Altoona hospital, and he survived jost
a few days before his ceath Mr
Pearson and his wife were four months
making the trip to Cambria county.
They carried with them a few cooking :
utensils, clothes and eatablis. The cow
boy is well known by a large namber in
this end of the county, and was always
gnown fo be of a roaving and wild
wil Finish thw Two Moths, |
wes of HM Gooderham, 8
oung main of pleasing manners and
| qualifications, is sevared to finish tench
ing the Wills school in \liegheny town
ship, which was formerly taught by
Miss Banoo. Mr. Gooderham Te
evived his schooh education at the Cars
rotitown schools and st Ada, Hardin
county, Ohio, and has already taught
two successful terms in the county.
fhe sory
“The COURIER predicts for this promis-
ing young man loads of success. The
school directors are io be congratolated
in securing soch an able ome to look
| after their interests.