The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 07, 1895, Image 2
dr Bill to Employ Noe bnt Amer- ican Citizens on + Publi ic W ork. —— ir isiriin s WN. L wisn SUCCEEDS BISSELL. Reece ves the Portfolio of Pustmwsier Gen ernl #s Bis Reward, HARRISBURG, Feb. 28 — The auditor general, in complisnce with & reson’tion, farpished the senate wih information as to the cost of che State normal schools It showed the approprist sve for build ings have been $767,500, for education of teachers, $516,000, avd geusrai appro priations $620,060. The senate nasged finally the bill " establishing a department of agricultore. ' A sensation was created in the sevste by Ksuffmso, offering a résolation to recommit the Markbam pipe line com- panies in order thet some independent producers might have a chavee to be beard on it. The till passed, yeas 29; Daye 9 In the house 8 biil prohibiting b zing and providing pensities for the same wae reported tavorably by the eljunetion oom: mittee. Among the bills read in place Was One by Hicke, Philadelphia, providing for the employment of none bnt American ethizens on public works and providing. that violstion ehall work the forfeitare of the contractors boude. BisseL’ $ Successor. President Cleveland Gives the Porlfotio to William L. Wilson. Wasairaron, D. 0. Feb. 28 — President Cleveland to-day sent to the senate the followirg nominations: 'Willism ~L. Wilson, of West Virginia, to be post master general. Joka H. Brickenstein, of Perueylvania, to be exaniiner-in-chief in the patent office. 1 FEW PuACES. Fue. The New York Burling. Trader Rewgciation Wljag to Arbitrate. New York, Feb. 28 —Aflter the meeting of the board of walking delegates of the ‘building trades to-day President O Brien said reports bad been received from all points where strikes had been ordered on account of the dispute between electrical workers and employers and that while 4,000 men had struck, only six non union: ists bad been employed in their places. President Seward, of the Fidelity and Oasaality company, asked the strike com- mittee whether they would soba’ the trouble to srbitestors. The ocoamittee replied favoring seoitration apd Mr. Sew- ard said be wonld advise the contrastors to agree fo the proposal. A VICIOUS SPUEMAKER. Fatally Stabbed Ww wad Himsedl And Houmsorox, _ "Feb. 28. —Crazed with liquor Jobkn H. Herree, a shoemaker, lest evening fatally stabbed bhis wile, Killed he 4-yearold davghter Favnie ———— aod then committed suicide A shoe kvife was need. Herres had a bad temper, but yester- day be was more thsn ord marily vicioue, "and shortly before 5 olelock startea sp unprovoked actack on his wife. With a knife used ic his shop be slashed sn ngly gosh io ber thrust sod stabted ber re- postedly in the reset. Believing her dead be pest atiacked Faiiuie, almost . gveriog ber head from ber rody and then, with the same instrumes!, slashed bis own throat fromi ear to sar, dying almcat instantly. The other children Wore abeent. A SERATOR'AL SNARL. iat Orbieonis. CH angEs BASESCLL RULES. Toe Big Mite Will be Confined 10 the Cetrh- | er und First Baseman. The following are the most impor at ra'eé chavged by the Natiovul Leagoe 1 maguates st the New York meeting: . Rule 6 has been changed éo tbat the pitcher's plate will be 24 vy © ilclee 1D-. stead of 12 by 4 che Bale 14 —“ Lhe vew pail the pitcher may discolored but by po other player. In noweyer, be ehisil Li than ra ito and d-Jiversd to i by Lam, = ey doo 1 oho 1 i Jame? § wkd pn ti 11 leds sured {rudy piayer Tu plaier Ling bern sme deal rth” thay ent! ed or Rae 10g the word ‘eotirel) the diameter of the bat je increased from 21 inches to 27; inches. Ibe mach-taiked of glove or mitt guce- tion was settied as follows: *'! be cutcher apd nrst basemen ar: permitted to wears i ix shat aud * it ts pilin | wits fs All other piayers are reetricled to fhe ee of a glove or mitt messonng same | ference arcund the palm pot cve. 44 1.ches and weighing not more then 1U OnRce 8. Rale 40 —Is entirely stricken out nes | tha following adopted. A bout bit iw ui deliberate st'empt on tbe pari of the | bateman to Lita bali slowly witbio te | infield so thst it cannot be felded by svy | infielder in tirne to retire the Latemarn. | Rale 43 —A il pew Section 6: ** Ihe aw- | pire will cali a strike ot ail Sipe eanght by the catoher Withiio the ten fot {ons . pe.’ tarn will be declared ont ie the sabstaro of another amesrdment, One of the Fattion The venerable RK H. Wigh death vocurred at Philadeip! day. and was noted 10 Saturday’ was born at Bproce =P year 1818. Eis first coal In 185, he tion on Broad Lop mOLLtAID. saceeasfal man, and pieces, but his largest operations wera st Broad Top ard Morrizdale. tion with Wil i igdon, sud PD. W. Hol, Fhilipsbare, he opened Mosriedale mines in i: was 8 very large and very fine operation, and the gentlemen made a great deal of money out of it. In 1876 Mr. Holt re tira from the firm, snd in 1881 Mr. Wig- | too associated his sons, Ap rmiors Ldiger, it be | ¥ he, 5 resi. t cperat: Fae ¥ Al C Lf oO ‘ i Fa Hew. gn operied 10 many Iz conuee- tam Dorris. Sr, cf Hant- ’ 4 1468 William sand Frank, with bim under the firm neme of R. B. Wigton & Sone, which name cor- tinoes to-day, although Mr. Wigton with- drew from the eopoern several years ago. Besides the coal operations at Broad Top an] Morrisdale, the firm opersted oosl at Paticn and Saitsbarg, in Indiana county. They bave aleo s fine large fire brick mill at Philipsburg and a large iron ore oper-| ation at Gateltown. =Poitpwy Ledger. : Met With Isstast peath, Ringway, Ps., oocurred in the machine ehope of ibe, Hidgway Manafactariog company sat 4:50 this afternoon which resulted io the in- stant death of Robert Van Ormer; a young | man shout 24 years of age, who but recent- | ly came Lere from Altoona to work in the stops of the above pamed company. : The y ung mas was engaged with other workmen 1n operating a $ravaliing irame, ‘by which a tight engine was being remov- ad {rom a rairosd car to the shope. . Ibe accident was cansed by the bresking of a! jsrge bLesm sapporling the machinery’ with which the engwe bad beeu taken from the car. Vas Ormer was stasdiog on the euspetded engine aod Jowering it and the other men were engaged in mov- ing 1t forward wheo there was a sodden | erash. The beam bad brokes ander the weight of the engine and it fell on the | bed of the unfortanate yourg mar, kil ing him icstantly. : "William Van Ormer lives near the works sod the body was éarried to bis boose. | The body will be taken for burial either | to the young man’s f.rmer bome at Al-| toons or fo McVeytown, Pa, where the family burying ground elevated, WITHSTOOD T The FLo0s. i SL. Joseph's Church in Johnstown Dentraved » i retorpn feame slong a # bigh rite | pine vo j Oaly the bateman who playe cat of bie: } ad Ly ‘the river gorge holds them. THE Be LT EROS. of Wale: mives bay = ; . " Lowpox, Feb. 28. — Tus negotstions for’ s revision of the #i:divg scale in the Nouth intled 6nd the vei Sixty five Lives Lot in the MeXi- ong will notify the uu thst cottrects wil Can Raiircad Wreek. CARS PLUNSED DOWN (NTA A CANON. te the Fos: fut» Cry ¥ An FE 5 rw dirg Crvshe Fie} : . Muros 1 Dy the wrecking of at yakin a (el Cur Now od cyt The lntest ¥X ¢ jt of flied exour- orate ratiromid aaron tran vo ter d : Jiis} ud gaty Se= a IND if wi 0) Wiis from this ot ‘track and we capop. T (rain wey 8 ¢ roam the shrine al Sao y 3 3% - : 53) ’. In wid los tha r 5 ¥ Mrs oars of the tra i8y i dusoward 3% we with po tar os sre Uwe nl, A BEALING EXPRESS WRECKED glove or mitt of any #za, shupe or weight | Crashed inte 2 Coat Car With Fala Resu'ls - Cobs ssid: the Enginecr and Fireman. New Yous, March 1. ~The six o'clock BX ews Ul Lhe Resdiug wea wrecked wt! | 8.40 thw eveutng st Buyouve.: A Jerve 1 ousl train going the same & rection on | | another track broke spurt ard efterwurds | cams together and. threw a oval Jmmy op the passenger track jist as the + XPress {he the i ti F ¥ # Oar Bi i FIX Ker 1 1iiete wreck) gt 4 Ye Bg. engine, bagosy exp Ped ware repudered a oon the engiresr snd Srenien lied FY gpgers bas 3 bak sat pases san DONGS AT HARAICBURG ppt ” Tawyry F House AY The Ee. ARTY Rea Arg 1 tig fear re La dita mag, der ¢ i gah rol im ; =i ste Ph lad al glia, rp he ad the vate und that t was a li of & srvhis the gro naters ard affected bat tao 1 wile 1p his commonwealth, Sach g bil, pe contend. shonld pot be takep the aatonomy of nthe nn In preferenos the to bil'e that sn Toct stata. He oslied ? a HAY EO » ang or LEE and rosa ation the vote resented, ayes M4; pass 2. The bill in sovordaro= with the i + spacial order then prased first reading, Niles Tioga, fered vidtog for the Brel adj It wert over nunder A reéonhion pre-; mrnment of legis intdre ou April Zh the rules. re ‘Speaker Walton svpoung the ap: pointment of Fow, Kankie sud Merrick. as a committes to irquire into the adewi- | bility of the state owning its electrie hight plant. The bouee adj arved until Moo | day es ning. : | 3 | i ! S. nstors Betore the Governor. Harsi=rveo Pa, March 1.— The gover- i por had several senators before him to-day i i to give him reasons why the hill to in-! crease the number of employes sboaid be! signed It wsesbown to bim that the | | practically in e¢x‘s‘ence for yeas, ther | { salaries baviog been paid cat cf the ococ- ticgeot fond, As Goverpor Hastic go dis- | sonragad snch meathode 10 bie jsasaguar- | a]; it wae thought wies to pass bills fxing ‘salaries fur the men neadad. Jee Uebr Kitrassisa, n%e riéen only 1wo begat. As it is thought ergit will be peoesgary 10 uve lhe ROTA, will sot go withoat more rein. Cr and Rad Bank creeks are vre-sking Ritrans 1 4 ken =»: sg 2a, Maren fret Siow $e 37 fel Last 8 representative of Mese;s K (« Halinge, of Pittsbarg. prope ts town ecouncii to start the gor.e with dyoemite. His price was £3 00) Coaoetls refused the offer, el Four Chiidren Barred. i MoxTeouErY, Als, March 1. - Sew received to day of the borrible death four children, four to fourteen years of s ot age, ou & plastation cear Glenville you | terday. Tur: sod Dora Williams, left the | children at home snd sttended a dance.- { When they retarned they found in the | | smoking embers of their boase the charred remains of the children. : { fie Was "Cosmdered ‘Honest. i the scale wii expire ag ht a@ be terminated st the sod of Merch, when unless revised. Abogt 100,000 mivers are affected. Tbe deuimion of the ocoers will cense much bitterness and exoitement, : Big Force of Losoox, Feb 2B Tie © resphodent 1a Hei Cheng {moese are pow Lelwes or Lacon river. Their ! Oy (Wx LB Ines Lemire’ Fudy Fon : Cp Cress Lo Rigtesis : them have Be Chang sipo- the 21st, 1 been no seriene attack Des. Bred $e vy FE Well Equipped Hewvole! 1% Pritspuiraia, Feb, H— Morsies, of the Untied Cabeap clots salen asked to-day copoerning the outbre .& 1b “It will be & bloody fi hy; io the jest revolt our party WHS Lainpered rie Presrdent oy isch of arma Now we have 10 ine 1 tsiavd saff nent stores to arm apd egoip thirty fhonsend men. Appointed Pustmaster at Comlport WaisHiNGToN, Fen. 28. —Foartt-dlwss poet masters wera apuotsted In western Penney ivanis ‘o-dey as follows: Clear Jed 3. W. F. Wagner, Coal rt county, Leooard Freeman, Crossing ra nants, Brown: atid Craw ford Yiile, 1s B sr: J if wh 3 LOFT Hatley eli: U iste i - 1? r i § % ug ne, Passed Fir. Feb. « ‘abitehment inl! » Rs %, ~ Li xn int n=a of comm he } oF Farireme {ar nf the Kaif Mass Fdanrd inst weask of F wits 1:8 wah Barry iY Pargotny . Was taka mad J Saat tduy after a danghter Eurry, ung township, Who has been satment gt the Adrian Hoe- | home by ber father vers beaith. For tha Ig Prewegr i improved i Sim z venra the yi lady Lime fares. tend free nae wah linsoky to i 14] med dad ali afording pb ti $ ¥ - ge 31% La 3 ry ¢ 8 fw howe . od i DET, SnmelitThe wn b o> tnre . A $ . ” ia - hanson rR TE relied. but seeming nothing of a permavent ny aald oy i ‘y § 3 done arrest tha r 2 tha Bas © that was yoacg : sloely but on ving ber ghee was taken wpitel a here sp el F As a jnst resort to the Adrian H wis per! i about fonreen weeks ago 1by Dr. Willinme and other members of the bospiial staff, Fonr ribs on the right side SHIT sup fe rym ra fy ror 471 3 were cut away sod so abscess was taken | away from tte long. Since that time Mire Barry las shown signs of improve ment, the songh with which she had pre- viously saffered, baviog almost disap | peared, snd er frisnds sre bopefal of her | a.limste recovery and besides are very | gratefal to the members of the boepital | "Feb. 28. —An seeident | | ploche sunght to be erested bave been, staff and to the nnress and all connected with the inetitation for the kindness and’ "attention shown the yourg lady while ander their care —Poanzsatawney Spire. Popular Frieud of Edacati A. E. Pattog, o [Foesday cf igs? of 217 cast rector in Be harass grescsviile. who 157 ££ week Fob a iP | oar cast | df 1 34 cu ow wa Weduewday snd received the ibe of bis! piBgrain Jrsman's J res is — R yr- uh wl 5 Miz which was organ zad The Natiopal gfartarers Aspire: son; in Cineinnal; 120 representative mar n- &i I the folowing Tew sicg ibe Cotton anu [.tersational Egpositicn: “Whereas, the Natiopal Associsticn Maoafacturers sees in the Cotton States sod Ioternational Exposition, to be beld in Atiaats, from September 18th to Dec- ember 31st, 1295, a great opportunity to extend the market for American wares | inst week wilh fastiurers present, adop ation egdor tes 5 tor sa Lo “3 of ‘and prodaets, to develop resources, and | stimalste progress throagh edacstions! exhibits of machinery sod metboda, | fore, be it Resolved, “That, representing every | | part of the country, we congratuiste our | Southern fellow citizens ob aa enterprise | ! TRAFFIC BLOCKER ON THE P. AND E. ‘trucks from Qaeen's Lan i -8T, CT be#wts Natur “meres ‘ce gore it Linden, -; frog Bere, THES OF THD ORS... id Grn ile Ul Daag Ai Ajong| ihe Dy] ied ha. 21 TE sea Facts Tru i he Sry bee he Sagres Sax Fravcoseo, Mere The rogue to the reported sergice 07 Amer can off (cers of the United States gaubost Cons Loord 1s brought by the stesser City of Rerun « fey y Pottite in- trate i Me The Big Gge wt W ime tizhh Waler nl : 4 iis oid «fii * ~ assig Wt i Hever, sod that it ale oont 1 the chau west | of i At 3 5 [80 SE w Syig-day the divs operation, awl peg Teds iM n it Tin coud ition, the f Ry ar ran, PiFCe 18 mouth 1 muti east of Hever, the oe i» immed aud overtiomiog the tracke, . and Buu tha bridge 1s io imo seut danger otog ont. The ce pried ap til =n ate parked epaived ihe under side ewer 1 ut De the bridge, and water 1 backed np over the toy wife, mil the way fr m sec) thie evening 1t 3a ptaty pesther reing n The; i ary. rfsh Hg. 1 skont § «ut [onden ems! in Nhore (rubs e rie s* Jory which ba tranke Ciinlaod, sosmaboning from Drift- * * : By onhle td noy point railroad repsiriug riiay he ibe tas Went snow back mihi wanther it Ehonnd get BIA Wee hd Bs * I ioe nn wor fa snd i deep LLe|lwster up. 111 Lider the odd wounid go down very rap- 1dly. All the shop Lands bers, who pum. ber aboat #0 are held in resdinese to go imwedistely to soy point where the need | of their services is reported. TANS conse UNSOVES. 1 Flood Continpes Grest Si. Weil 30 Dome oa : Pittsburg. Prrseres, have not yet moved owing 'o s lsck of water. : A large gorge bss Eddy, pesr Templeton. The water ia 5 feet higher than the ocd of 1N65. A por- tin of the Hotel Thompeon 18 8 feet co- stn! severs] hogses are mondat to Ford City. Uo tha ® corse heavy damage dvr water The river 15 clear joss 8 radon * w Test, 2047S N VSE Back ¥a'er from the Linden orgs Fiosgs 3 Portion @ Waitiamsport March Famifus re- 3.3 of Larry's creek WILLI: Me PORT ging pear Le u mpriled to lav alter: above low walr mark, of bacgwater frit an 10a seven mies e their honses io The river st Wers euve re. OGL want ia 103 pantie 10 being the resnit tial At Jersey shore there 15a 19 foot flood, with the river risizg fonr inches sn Lour. Te lower part of the town is submerged sod the people are greatly alarmed over: the ; t o .. At Lock Haven yesterday morming’ the | when the beil rang for & session of court, | | the people took it for a flood alarm sod © ' rushed to the river. In & moantain gorge ai Ferny, the! Penneyivania tracks for five miles are! this Jock | (J wes's! od of! which mente that. it 29 fest! migh und it sserme that shen the ine moves the bridge most go too, By this j-m the 08 | Furrsnde- | to # {wet deep, = at Mnger ran. this point snes last oight the March 3 — Reports ‘show | that the lerge ice gorges st Kittanoing 'oresed ut Pearl's’ ~ Peiing. The Concord arrived st wing on Pebrosey 3 or 4 On the lowing day three officers of the ship, 8 ealensot and (so ecasigor, and tee satlors went gurning ou shore. By see sdent ope of the sveums wonoded 8 Clitese ind in thé leg with a charge of irisbut The paetives becumes grestly exci ed, and demanded the srrvet of the Tvder. The officers surrendered to the sutbhoritiey, bo: seat the lanvel bar to the whiz with wetroction to tf # cotrmunds ig < fiser 1o cote to their wl, jo case ruy tr smanle shoa'd ossmr. Toe esmer Tstupg, of the Chinese merchant ome pany was just shont to Aart south, sad b-fore sha left she was hosrded by several Amsroavs; who bavded the commander a dwpateb, with the request to fie 12 to the American newspapers. The dispstet was the seusational cablegram recwived here some weeks 80. A lsuvch Sled with armed then was sent sshore sfter the officers, with instrustions to sfford pro- tect:on to the prisopers. By the time the bost bed resched the landing the sfmir hed been satisfactory expimived. snd the prisoners were allowed to 20 back fo their ship. Susoay Riven ews. ! Situation wt ¥titanming Eurty = the Dav - Danger of a Deluge KiTTaxsiNG, Ma; March 3. — Ahibough : the water 16 the river has falivp sop. mt ert anti to-day 15 810 | very threatening. ; oot Hod and the ire here 1 atid but at Ford City, thres miles hee ® moviog-ont. : There 18 & great gorge 7 iniles above thie place which 16 cansiag very high wa- ter as far worth ss Red Basak sul! East Brady, and it is the possibility of s sod- dep hreaking awsy of the gorge that puts - this town 1u sericoe dsoger. A sudden preask wound release beck wales encnph to . deinge Kittaboing. ; ap 18 ¥ it ow, 816 FIRE ™ TORONTIM Over 2 Withon Dollars Worth of Poaperts Destrmed : Sumear Wormizg Toroxt:, Marsh 3. Fire carly thes etroved Simpson's departmed- tal glore, Jamiesas’'s clothiog ore, Sat. oliffw’s diy goods, McPhersov's boots and shoes, damaged Wantiess’ jewelry, Bop- pet's gevts. faru'shivge, Imperial bank, Mise Brisley's milligary, Adams & Co, house furnishings, Brown's carpet store, Milpe & Co., hardware, Tremout boll, ' Kuights of Prthiss bell sad the Kuos | Presbyterian cbarch. Three Sremen were ivjared. Losses amoust to $1,300, - 000. Losursnce $580.000. Jobooy Ball will probably notice thet | there is considerable difference between secnring sb swsrd snd ooliecting nel money. — Washingtos Post. ; “*Are_you the boss bere™ . Mr. Meekiy—"Do I look like s men that woald sllow be wife to get slong ithoat 3 ook. “— Chicago Inter Ocean. PETE TAYE ng . “I naderstapd there wasut x 4 7 eye in the room whea Mise Elohats Soished ter pstbetio recitation.” “ wasn't. There onec't acy ther kicd of 8 eye ners, ether — Chicago Record. “1 ree to a gestion of persocal privi- age.” exclaimed an agitated lady member of the Colorado Legwintaure, asdiressiog “the speaker. ‘ [+ my bat or strmght?"— . Burlington Hawkeye. - “Well some people have gall’ Booo Mubliso. : : “What is the rouble” asked Vartan “Rere is somebody writing to the psper | over my signature” — Brrokiyn Lite | “Does Georgie Jeaks evs rao ied trom school?” Robbie— “Nope; he doses a lof scree, thous. : “What is #7" Robbie. —' ‘Why, be likes the teaches.” | —Chicags later Ocean. said Pro 1 i | covered with ice and water. No trains on | | that road have reached here from the | north for two days. At this point there Firs Tuo Spectators injured Jomssrows, Ps., Feb. BooBt, Joseph’ " German Cetholis church, which with | i of truly national character, already large’ I ly international in the scope of its “exhib its, and ove in which every Americas may | ; i 71. Locis, March 1.—J. J. Grucy, sesc- Give s southwest Genrgle darhey » Le Backeye Bailding snd Las | : ‘chaw” of tobaseo snd you're s “caps” tood the brunt of the flood in 1889, wes | barved this morning. Severs! firemen After the fire was gotten under cootrol, Louis Plarr was fatally injared and man named Bolts badly injared by being di Seagué under & tsling Wail wife ionlciag ‘| ot the rains. Big Damage Clam Afirmed. Corousos, O., Feb. 28. —Tbe supreme court has sfirmed the decision of the common pless court <. :ipox county in the of Charles E. Sbarp sgainst the Clo- | veland, Akron & Columbus Railway com- pany. The plaintiff was isjared while switching cars and sued the railway com- pany for $35,000. A jadgwent for $10,- 000 was given in the common plees court, which 1s now affirmed by the supreme eourt. : Progress of Grant Mosamest Fund, - Nmw Yoax, Feb. 28.—At the annual | meeting of the Grant Mooument associo elected. The president's report states ‘that the present rate of progress indicates one year's time. £ Telephone Company Chartered. - Harnmswono, Ps. Feb, 38. —The Blaire- | ville Telepbove company, of Indians county, capita! $1, 800, wae chartered to- dey. tion to-day the forme: officers were re- the monument will be completed in about | asseuciation, ie missing, snd his sccounts | *** ‘are found to be short nearly $1,500. | Grocby was suppose to be of bigh morsi | character; wes 8 prominent church man, ! and st one time was president of tle, Young Peoples Society of Christian Eo-| | Death Warrants (oo be Signed. deavor.. _Hazameres, March 1.—The pt, will ot next Toesdsy sign the desth war-| J. Bisemenger, Greene, sod Ches. Ger: rott, Lebancs. The custom bas been to fix the bour for the banging of murderers 60 days from tbe issuing of thedesth war- | rant. Trafic Sospended on the Cigde. Grasaow, March 1.—Traffic oo the Clyde is completely suspended owing fo the vast quantities of moving ice. Eight river passenger steamers were torn from their moorings lest night, and one of them was sunk. Many landing stages are adrift, and » vumber of small craft have been crushed snd sunk. Jee Safely Away. McKxnsrort, March 1.—The Yough- iogheny river poured out its ice thw morning. The ice began moving oat about 6:30 o'clock snd po damige was done. The gorges above the city were scattered by the high water. i i } i | take pride.” | The Association voted to mest this fall, | | at some place to be selected by the Ex-| ecutive Committee, and it is not anlikely | thet it may meet in Atlanta daring the: E a = g 3 Wilson's Nominaties ( sefirmed. i Wasarscrox, March 1. ~The senate to | | day confirmed the nomination of William | rants of D. Wesley, of Allegheny county; | i L. Wilson, of West Virginis, to be poet- | | pected. master general. Insecure Stractures. New Youx, March 1. —Shertly before 10 o'clock this morning the foun floor of a building st Forty-tbird street sod Teoth avenue, known as the old malt house, fell carrying down with it a dosen or | more men st work apon it. Three men | were killed and eight injured. The | began falling last night snd stall {9048 oir 403 ole: ball. Noo stage. | Posple Nesr the Mouth of the Susguehanns are . Moving to the Second Stories Port Dercarr. Md, March 3 — Rain contin- ges. The Susqguebinns rive: bas almedy | risen three fest. The most disastrous ‘flood ever kvown in this section is ex- In the lower part of Port De | posit people are moving their goods to | the second aod third floors, preparing for | a long siege. A Lock Haven dispatch ‘says: The ice ou the Susquehanna river ; is broken st various points between this city and Resovo. The Philadeiphis and Erie tracks between Farrandsville snd : Glen Union, seven miles are covered with ice and water, snd in some places two or | three feet deep. All trains west are held | § | and you're s genersl for the rest of | life. — Atlanta Covetitation. | right sway; give him 8 gill of corn whisky, oe. | 8 Couiviatieg. i Old Drywster—My boy, in all the cree |tive you won't find aay suimal exengh ' man mabes 8 babsit of smoking. Yoong Puffe—Yes, ar; but neither do I goew any other szimal thet coches his meals. — Harper's Basar. at such times as be coaid be oconveniemls ly let out for eserciss.—Chicago Ree Pragtie—He— Woman is ¢ wonker vessel. . : Sbe-—But I nutice thet balding, whieh dix oinry sow wan be. | in thus esty, while ail traine east stop at | who is always : ing torn down. street fell withcat warning snd ro of workmen were carried into the solar with the falling walls. Oce msn is be- | lieved to be dead in the ruins, two preb: | “Can. you tell me when the wil te of] Colonel Longbora— "Yer, sbly fataily hart and eight others sericas- | ly bart. The material used in comstruc- tion is claimed to be faalty. The contrac | tors have been arrested. | Renovo. The mercary has dropped be- | “Yaly— “Is Mra Blinks at bome? Servant—“¥No'm.” home?” “As soon as she get the parioz dusted, | mam, an’ she’s «most finished now.”— London Ti*-Bite. | broke.— Detroit Tribune. ‘| where in the bosom of my donk —New | York Herald. # | much fighting that whee 8 di some kind is not taka plae | gather to sve what is the don Tid Bits. ’