* ‘potice “discontinued. fo CO, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1595. NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS. 1. Subseribers who do not give ¢ XPress ing to fenew thelr subscriptions. If subseribers order the discontinuanes | the publisher may coh all arreamges are | ! guest at the Palmer house Monday. of their periodicils, tinue to send them untt) 3. If subscribers negloct or refuse to take thelr periodicals from the postoMee to which they are directed, they are responsible until ry have settled their bills and ordered them 4. If subscribers move to other places out thiforming the publishers, Tol the are sent to the former add rong, they are responsible, 8. The Conrts have decided that re fusi ng to take periodicals from the office or removing and leaving them onbatleg for, is iin fincin evidence of intentional fraud. 8, If subscribers pay in advenee they are bound to give notlee at the end of the time if they do not wish (0 continne taking | other. wise the publishers is authorized to sent it and the subweriber will bw responsible anti an express notice, with payment ages. ix sent to the publisher. pawns seld Locul Time Table, “The hours of arrival and departure of trains at the Patton Station are as follows: : Train No. Arrives. THE =, ; 2AM a 142 AM T00-%, WPM THX rr we Postoffics P. M, Train nombers marked 2 northbound and ““S’’ southbound. Mah C owes, PZ AM 10 2 Pe AM 5 10 PM ATP = hones from 7 A.M to RB vy are How They Named the Baby. . They talked of Medor, #urora and Flom, Debated the questions of Helen, Honam, Clarisa, Camilla and Phyllis and Fay. They thought of Minreella, Estella and Bella; Considerad Ceellin, Janette and Pauline: . Allee, Adela, Andittte, Ambella, And Ethel and Eunice, Hortense and Irene me liked Theodom, . nother Deano: Romie argued for “dith and some for Elaine, For Madeline, Aduline, Lilly and Jan; And then, after all, they decided on Jane. Soda Soda water At Hodgkin's Read the Pittsburg Post offer. Lerch the tailor, Mahaffey, Pa. For fruits go to Kinkead’s.-40tf Soda water on tap at Hodgkins drug store. Jas. Ryan, came up from Westover ‘Sunday. & ‘United States contain 13, 000 medical students. J. M. Robinson went to Williamsport Monday. ; Just received a shipment of salt fish, Patton Supply. 6201. John A. Hilman, of Gallitzin, was 8 that covering the property of the Santa visitor to Patton, Monday. Patton Supply will sell you new Salt the Phanix Fire, of London, Eng., is in Herring and Mnckeral.-62tf A. F. Smith, Hsq. of Bellefonte, reg- minum of $170, 000 to carry, istered at Hotel Beck Sunday. ‘A. W. Grant, of Pittsburg, stopped ment to act as corespondent to the at the Palmer house Saturday. H. N were visitors to Patton Sunday. 8hoes were first mentioned in Egyp- | tian annals 2000 years before Christ. Look through the COURIER for the stopped at Hotel Beck during iast week. | day. hotel. per year. Every Pattern of the Spring and | Writer's association of Philadetphia, was | summer styles in stock st Geo. 8. in Patton this week, looking after that | it has come to the knowledge of this: Good's. -65t1. Ls 8. Bell, the popular cloth two large advertisements in this —~Read them. Boyd A. Werty and R. H. Daugherty. “of Clearfield, were guests at Hotel Beck Monday. Wm. Taylor, a traveling salesman of Willizmsport, registered at the Palmer house Monday. H. H. Hubbard, of Beech Creek, is . visiting his brothers, W. C. and Joseph, | at. th. p.ace, this week. Ve Nashville is the first city in the world for hard wood lumber, and the larguopt milling city in the south. Try Magic drops for pain internal and external. (iuaranteed by C. W, - Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf Of Mabel and Murcia and Mildred and May: | Patton Courier. | PATTON PUBLISHING Proprietors. | the contrary are considered as wish- | with. of all arrear | ton COURIER only $1 30 per year. by fire one day last week. Huontingdon Tuesday, owing to the serious illness of her neice. and the Patton CoURIER for only $1.50. See offer in another column. “be pleased to learn that a daughter was amount $17, 006,000. . Reffner. and lady of Spangler, surrounding conntry, and his first let- ) | ter appeared in last week’s issue which speaks for itself as being of a legiti- Dr. J. 1. Hatch, has moved to Phila- delpbia. There is a chance for a first- class dentist in Patton. Who will. locate? : : Joseph Hubbard attended court at: Lock Haven Jast week, after which he | visited among friends at that and at Mill Hail. = ‘Jas. McKeever, representing E. J. Crippen & Co. wholesale grocers of Philadelphia, was a guest at the Com- mercial hotel Monday. Miss Alice Ashcroft is removing her | millinery store from the room in the Good building into one of the large duty on Tuesday. He was broaght | rooms in the Yeager block. Dr. B. F. Wendell, of Ft. Wa, Ind., spant a few days among his man ment betwosk Patton and Fienchtows. : appreciative audience. Tuesday for an extended visit to Lo- rain, Ohio, and other pgints West. tailor .of DuBois, business interests in Patton Monday. ' Sentinel. amounted to one-third of the this country. been shipped {rom San Francisco for ase in the 000,000 of it was in Mexican coin and the rest in bars. ‘adapted for this kind of work and his letters will surely be appreciated. voter, C. R Richards, of Patton, ac- companied by their families, enjoyed a Thos. H. Kane, of Lock Haven, reg- big sieigh ride over .a greater. portion [istered at the Commercial hotel Mon- | of the county last week. They stopped | | at twenty towns and villages, calling J. T. Rinkead, of Pittsburg, spent! on friends and relatives, reaching one day last week at the Commercial Clearfield on their homeward trip | Monday. —Clearfield Raftsman’s Jour- _ Bubscribe for the largest paper in Dal Northern Cambria county. Only $1. 0] Are you “in it?’ a comumcaTION. Asheroft’s millinery store-44-tf Tea ia raised in South Carolina shelled oysters at Kinkead : Friend in Patton. Bio Lorriri, P. O. N. (., Feb fust 95, DEAR Vancu: ince Yow went to Paton I hav bin 'pinted squire so when backin’ mi letters yew kin put the squire to hit fur I am titled to the dis- tinkshun. Yew ‘member, Vance, our Gin wnz to marry in March, hits al up. woreg'ern a sknonk an she got a idy Sim wiz stingv as he had not sot up evin the leminaid or groobers (peanuts) cince he har bin sparkin hur so she tells grany, an grany wood not bleev Sim wuz stingy but ced if he wuz thar wood be a black burth mare on his off leg. she sed it wuz a schure sine an’ al stingy peple haz them, so whot duz Gin do but git Lark Grifie an’ a feller by the naim of Bil Blathshite to find outen "bout hit. Barney Cornses mune shine stil an’ - filled him up fuler 'an guse on *Cingin’ Sal” whiskey an’ skunt hiz closs an’ found the shure 'nuf burth mare. Tha ‘ported to Gin and she got grany to 'splain to Sim an’ tel him she wuz dun with him. Grany thank ap a plan an” whe wuz threw with he jus snuck outen the door 'thout sain’ ‘a word. Wel, Vance while this wuz goin’ on I wuz mity oneazy fur I wuz ded in luv with 4 big red head gal fram Ohio named Cate Lewis an’ I wil tel yew bat yew musunt tel a livin’ critter I hav one of them ’'ére black wort burth mares on that identikle leg an’ 1 woz skeert of Cate a ’spiciun me an mout fling me so I wuz az genewros az any- thin’ ever cince. Only last weak 1 giv hur a nickelis wuth ov mint sticks an’ pop corn an’ last nite I wet hur a slide ‘on the selér door an’ my oh! but she wnz affully tickeled. I kalkulate on fochin hur rite sune. ‘nuf ced. SQirE GG. W. CLusni, - B. 1 mystook Mr. Bil Blathshite naim hit air Bil Shathbite. "SQIRE G. WC. Fresh | restaurant. Did you get a drink of soda at Hodg- | king’ yet? Go and try it. Fall styles in ladies Hats at Alice A. Asheroft’s millinery store. -44-tf D. E. Jackson, of Pittsburg, was a Sim Cros an’ wel D. 1. Kline, of Carrolitown, called at ‘the CoURIER office one day last week. Wolf & Thompeon are again to the front with a big advertisement. Read it. B. F. Flemmington, of Pitteburg, stopped at the ( ‘ommercial hotel Sun- day. A new telegraphic invention will convey 2000 words a minute over the The Semi-weekly Post and the Pat- Just think of it. E. W. Gray and C. A. Read, of the DuBois Courier, were in Patton Tues- and Wednesday. Ladies hats reduced in price at Alive A. Asheroft’s millinery store up-stairs in Good building. : : The German Catholic Church at Johnstown wus completely destroyed Miss Maggie Watson was called to Get the Semi-weekly Pittsburg Post T. J. Valentine, will leave next J. H. Ross, the energetic merchant was looking after The many friends of Mr. and Mrs (Gi. B. Brandon now of Carlisle Pa. will them last week. —Spangler be rn to Rite sune. READS ANOTHER RIOT ACT. A Gentle Reminder to Constables cones Granted this Week The consumption of coal by Jocome- the United States in 1893 50,000,000 tons or about tives in No Fid- whole production in Besides announcing on Monday afternoon that the license. applications would not be disposed of until next week, and thas placing scores of hotel keepers on the anxious seat for another weary week, Judge Barker hauled the constables up before him and indicated in very plain langnage that it was his belief that they were not Keeping vigi- lant eyes upon the salonkeepers, instractions to the during his address being in the nature of another reminder that it ix biz Axed to rigidly enforce the license law, let come what may. The withholding of decisions in connection with: license petitions until next week is accepted by suspicious ones as a sure sign that Judge Barker is still examining evidence against li- cense applicants. The grand jury, R. H. Nixon, fore. man, being sworn, Judge Barker took occasion in his remarks to that body to give some pointed instructions as to | that part of the duty of jurymen in making presentment in case of viola- tion of the law known to them. The constables of the county were next called before the court to present their quarterly returns of their respec- tive districts. The court lectured them in no uncertain terms as to their duties . Since 1875 §208,000,000 in silver ‘hie Asiatic trade. Over $111,- fire insurance is Probabiy the policy in existance, or ever writlen, LARERL his. Fe Railway company. It was issued by purpose and tases a pre-. D. H. C. Warren has made arrange- . Pennsylvania Grit from Patton and mate character, Mr. Warren is well ' J. 8. Richards, of Bower, and his : their districts. Among other things the gJohn IL Rankin, representing the ' court said : “We feel satisfied that some middle division of the insurance under- been negligent in this matter. Recently Mr. Rankin was, prior to court that the liquor laws have been jer, ay ing with this association. ‘deputy violated, and the violations have been aucitor of the treasurer for the post 80 flagrant that it must have been | fue. | it is just as | office department at Washington D. C... known to the constables. | ander tbe administration of President much a violation of the law to sell to a | Harrison. "child who comes with a bucket, and we | School Report. are informed this is done, although the The following is a report of the Pat- child comes with an order from the paz-4 ton school for the week ending March ent, as it is to sell to any other minor.’ 1, 1895 : There were other pointed remarks in Number enrolled in high school 38, the talk to the constables. ‘We shall average attendance 36; namber enrolled | Make it our special business,” said the in grammar school 56, average attend- | court, “to scrutinize carefully hereafter ance 51; number enrolled in intermedi- | the retarn of the constables.” ate 55, average attendance 4%; number Grist Mill Burned. enroiled in second primary 55, average The grist mill of Mr. Jacob Thomas, attendance 44; number enrolled in first two miles from Patton, was burned to primary 67, average atte ‘ndance 62, the ground Monday night between 10 A Good Entertainment. and 11 o'clock: The miller left the Prof. A. H. List, of Pittsburg, gave mill about 8 o'clock and left a small fire a piano, organ and song recital in the in the stove. About two hours later a Patton Methodist Episcopal church on %08 of Mr. Thomas, who had retired, Saturday evening to quite a large and Was awakened and saw a bright light His elocution- shiing in his window. Looking out ary recitals were elegant and his wit it was discovered the grist mill was en- id | compelled to remain idle for a few | { Owner can have same by calling on A BE, en John Boyce and Paying for this notice. ings at 10: and humor very clear not withstanding veloped in lamas. ‘An alarm was raised ‘that some of his jokes were quite bat nothing could be done to save tie local. His rendition of the Battle of mill. Mr. Thomas places his loss at Gettysburg was grand. He is an ele- $6,000, partly covered by insurances. gant performer on the piano. The mill was run regular and at the Hurt in The Mine. time of the fire had considerale wheat, Ed Dolen, who works at McCormick's Is, Jona: corn and buckwheat in feng ich WiSk 4 Yory punnd Rocke Thomas in 1574 and remodeled, being y breaking ght foot,” w On considered the best water mill in the | tor hl place Mrs. | | Sona It will be; rebnilt in the ‘and a physician summoned io 8 Big Anstion. r alleviated his sufferings. He will be | I will offer at public auction at Mel . lons store near Magee & Lingle's mine, a ai | commencing Saturday, March 30th at Church Notice. {2 o’clock Pp. m. to continue until all’ Pastor Chas. W. Wasson of ho Bro ls to “Jom. LAURE. Assignee. morn- to all. a bargain. Sa Saat ay Writien by a Southerner to His Pa i enlar Gin hates a stingy man #0 tha gits Sim down to. . The Ladies Aid Society of in relation to unlawful sale of liquors in | of the constables in this county have It was purchased by Mr. ad | at the store store of Geo. 8S. Good. -86¢f. EBENYBURG, Pa., March 5th, 1596. Court convened at Ebensburg youtags | day. Mr. John M. Topper, of Baltimore, registered at the Blair house on Thurs. | day . Mr. J. G, OC. Bearer, of Spangler, was a visitor to Ebensburg on Friday Ex-Sheriff John A. Blair spent a few days last week in Indiana Esq. Robert Hollen, of Mountaindale, was in Ebensburg on business on Tnes- day. Mr. Christ Shinafelt, of Morrellville, paid his old home in Poensumg a visit on Thursday. Mr. J. B. Mullen, Lilly's enterprising clothier, drove to Ebensburg on Thurs. day. Mr. W. A. Scanlan, of Johnstown, was in town on Wednesday looking up “his many customers grocery trade, : County Treasurer, F. H. Barker, was confined to the house by a severe cold a couple of days last week. in the Con- gregational Church, met at the resi. dence of Mrs. ¥. C. Jones, on Satordgy afternoon. : It is rumored that the . American Mechanies of the county will put a beautiful silk flag on the Court house, in this place. Hon. B. D. Patterson returnad Harrisburg on Monday after a a week at his home in Barr township. We were glad to see Wm. R. Hughes, of Carroll township, who has been con- fined to his home many weeks by ill- ness, in town on Wednesday. the A party of Ebensburg young folks enjoyed a sleigh ride to Cresson on Monday evening and stopped at the Anderson house, where they partici- pated in a ball held there. The train on the Ebensburg Blacklick Branch made two trips to Kawlor's Station this morning in order to accomodate persons who were ing to Ebensburg to attend Court. ‘Messrs. John IL. Stough and V. Barker of this place, and Simon tha of Balsano, represented Post 558 (i. R., of this place, as delegates at ene ampment al Waitsnipen Week. George COm- on Strausser, the horse dealer who was in town on Wednesday bought only three horses but here again to-day (Tuesday prices paid were very low, from $35 to $50. will be The Ebensburg Normal which opens on April 22nd, will be conducted by Professors T. IL. Gibson and RE. Davidson, under whose management it will no doubt be as successful as in years agone. Both are capable getic instroctors. ene. CLEARFIELD. CrLEARFIRLD, Pa, Mar. 5, 1885, The ice broke np and went out of the river here last Friday night, and Satar- day and Sunday ice passed from above as far as Carwensville. The hage blocks were #bout 30 inches thick on an aver age and passed down the river on an 8 to 9 foot ficod without doing. much damage here. At Curwensville dam the up-river ice is jammed high in a ‘great gorge. At Renovo, Lock Haven, Jersey Shore and Linden great gorges are formed and much damage has al- ready been done. After a heavy snow storm yesterday forenoon rain set in, which looks threatening. ‘Fred Weaver has given up the study of law on account of ill health. He was a stadent with Murray & Smith. A. O. Smith, Esaq., has returned from a visit to Watsontown, Pa All the honorables who came home to spend Sunday have gone back to work again. Republican politicos may be indulged in with impunity in “Giant” Irwin’s | NeW Cigar store. Ellis Irwin has rettirned from Phila- delphia, where he was summoned to the bedside of his brother George, who is finishing up his medical studies. He reports George recovering rapidiy. The Monitor printing office has just put in a gas engine and shafting to run their presses. This will be a big im- provement in that office. The DuBois Morning Courier is the first daily that reaches Clearfield by two hours. [tis much sought after on account of ita telegraphic reports of i im- portant happenings. . Sheriff Cardon’s Witmer,’ Ex-Deputy Sheriff Dan Wisotzkey's new cigar stand is doing a good busi- ness. W. Ross McPherson's mili around the. corner” is kept bony from early morning 'til late at Tom Anderson is around with scription paper raising fapds with which to employ an atto to work new hotel, the supreme conrt in the fnterest of his son Joseph, who is called by the vulgar “Reddy,” now | ‘in the Hunting- don reformatory ag the suggestion (7 of Judge Gordon # last term of ¢ erim- inal court. “Reddy” and Paul Gear hart borrowed (#| $68 from John “8.” | Brooks, colored while he alept. . “Red- dy’ helped to Apend “twenty cases’ of the ‘loan’ and was sent ap, while Paul blowed in forty-eight of them ‘and is still on earth resdy for another job. Butterick Patterns can be purchased | and The ’ ranging’ ' ia pearly ready for a “Tittle gst ANNOUNGEN We wish former patrons DRUG STORE have now .opened up for busi- nest. on: the corner opposite the Palmer house. The store gy : be known as the e. to our CITY that we to announc of rv} Will GlNER DUG oTOR Where a full line of drugs, patent ‘medici ines will be kept. A ter tion be Hang of and cigars special at- given to the iptions. Dresser i S| - REMEMBER - last | J. A. Woleslagle, AGENT. Ask Your Friends LADIES, where to get the latest Spring styles in adics Fine Shoes: or Oxford Ties—See our Dress Shoes at $1.23, 1.50, 2.00.. The 5 gad white stetching at 2.50, all prices up to £5.00. Ask Your Associates GENTLEMEN, where to get the Shoes, Ties, at the Suits or mn - Hats, lowest prices latest Pantaloons town. - al The answer unvamably will be, “Why at Bell's, next door to Com- mercial hotel.” New Goods Arriving DAILY— Men's © suits $3.50. 5.00, 0.00, and 7 7-00. The pick the stock at Sl. 0 No fake sale. All goods marked in Plain hgures. 4.00, Come and be Convinged, L.. Ss. BELL, THE CLOTRIER, TRILOR and shoe DEA