Patton Gourier.| PATTON PUBLISHING co, Proprietors. | ; | . England supports 200 daily papers THURSDAY, FEBRUARY: 28, 1885. NEWSPAPER LAW DECIIORS. : 1. Subseribers who do fot give expriss | notice to the contrary are considered as wish. ing to renew their subseriptions t If subseribers order the discontinuance tinng to send them un ail arrearages are 8. If subscribers © their Joals £ from they are direc t re responsi they have HE EY bills and ordered them diwontin 4 T¢ mabmeribers move to other out informing the publishers, an are sent to the former address, they are the papers eld np “The Courts have decided that refusing to! foals from the office or removing * ne leav them tneatied for, is prima facia 8 If Ee ¥ fry advance they are bound to give notice at the end of the time if they do not wish to continue taking it; and the submeriber will be responsible until an ox notice, with Ear of all arrear- Ix sent to the pu - Local Ttime Table. ; The hours of arrival and departure _ of trains at the Patton Station are as Mall Closes, glect or refuse to take e postoffice to which | ble until | ; support their husbands. with. | other wise the publishers is suthoriized to wond it! Uncle Sam has a Chinese paper. Asheroft's ‘millinery store-44-tf For fruits go to Kinkead’s. 40tf ‘Chinese eat 2,000,000 Gogs anually. Canada has but one Sunday paper. United States have 1868 daily papers. Just received a shipment of salt fish, Patton Supply. -62tf of their periodicals, tl a may eon; J. B. Arandt, of Altoona registered at Hotel Beck Friday. fa New York has 27,000 women, who Patton Bupply will sell yon new Salt Herring and Mackeral.-62tf Look out for the large edition of the Patton CoURIER March 7th. in Patton on business Tuesday. Frank Masbee, of Aitoona, was a | guest at the Palmer house Monday. Chas. W. Brooks, of Phiiadelphia, was a guest at the Commercial hotel Friday. The Ebhensburg branch was again closed by snow drifts on Friday ot laét week. TC. Jones, a traveling salesman of Philadelphia was a guest at Hotel Beck x Friday. . Train numbers asthe WN? northbound and “8” southbound. Ground-Wog Day. Grén'pap argifies, he dil. He's shore ex shore be; I EY aetd 80 obstinit oF feller such as bhé. An’ Maw and me we waiched out sharp an’ we say thot he didn’t, i Fer all i day ong jong the sun behind a cloudy «ky | fot Graarpop srgines his way and keeps on - An’ says fer once th* sun kem out, the grony hawg saw his shadder. “An early spring,” sez Maw an’ me but Gran'- paps obutinit; “The groun’ hawg saw his shadder, we'll git more wintér yi.” i An’ there he sets 5 confident, an’ says “he did, ; Ie all the while wi know the sun behind rfoads was hid. Bat, like as not, no signs Il eount, we'll get . more storm an’ snow, : White, Jan pap by the ehimbloy told ver sof «ite un’ Says, Puck. Court next week. Coal gas dates from 1739. ‘Read the Pittsburg Post offer. Lerch the tailor, Mahaffey, Pa. Unele Sam leads in gold coinage. New York has 10,500 telephones. Racine, Wis., reports a bicycle-boat. | Liquor dealers are on the anxious Business promises to revive in the spring. Sce Wm. F. Gables & Co’s. new “ad” rhis week. Fresh - shelled oysters at Kinkead ! restaurant. : . Typhoid fever is raging in the city of Johnstown. Every prominent Susiten will be. represented in the Patton COURIER | next week. E. D. Welwood, a traveling salesman . + of Pittsburg, registered at the Palmer house Monday. ' Ladies hats reduced in price at Alice | A. Asheroft’s millinery store op-stairs | in Good building. The Delineator for March is on sale at Geo. 8. Good's store. Subscriptions rec’d. there. -66tf R. T. Shields of Altoona, made Nis headquarters at the Commercial hotel . Thursday while in town. Emory Beales of Williamsport, is assisting in the culinary department of the Paimer house this week. The valuation of the labor of our ‘hens in eggs 5 ‘d spring chickens is. every year estimated at $200,000,000. For cough colds and sore throat try Magic cough cure. Guaranteed by C. W. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf Everybody should read the. contin- ‘ned war story on the first page of the COURIER written by a spinal corres- pondent. Sessets Valoutine; Edvard 3 Howe : of ‘Mrs. 8. M. Wilson, of Patton, came . over to DuBois Satarday evening to spend Sunday with her daaghter and friends. — DuBois Morning Courier. W. H. Bell, Jr., a successful merchan of Reynoldsville, Pa, visited his’ ‘brother L. 8. Bell of this place on . WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY | Betingly Ober: 4 I by the Teachers and Children of the Public School The public schools should be kept open on! Washington's birthday was warmly 'o : discussed this year in different parts of - the State. - Surely every true Ameri- | can is anxions that his children be! taught patriotism. Now stop and con- children will learn more patriotism in ‘ roaming the streets and idly spending the day or spending the same timie in the school room partaking in exercives | pertaining especially to the life of tils | great man whom we so ardently ad-' ‘mire. The question need not be asked | in Patton for it was fully demonstrated | Peter Campbell; of Carrolitown, wag favor of the lattér by the presence of so. many patrons responding to the invitation to go and spend the day with the schools. In the upper grades the forenoon | was little altered from the: routine ne ot of work while the primary departments spent the entire day with interesting work concerning the birth, life and death of Washington, relating such stories as that of the ‘cherry tree, ” the “colt” and other interesting ones from which true moral lessons are | to be obtained. All those in the first primary wore a hatchet for a badge. All the rooms were beantifully deco- rated with flags—not numbering less than 200. At noon the children in their wild | | glee and anxiety to participate in | exercises of the day arrived fore the doors were opened. 1bell gave warning that the ‘exercises had already arrived man visitors were found to be present; others going at such times as their his Cares would permit them to do so. At 1:30 the rooms were called to and the exercises commenced. The programs were opened by a song, after which recitations, biographies and essays were delivered by those designated in the program. Those at- tending the high school received in addition to the regular program two ‘recitations, ons by Anna Kinkead and one by Eva Crain. The programs weré long. | - As hour ‘not long enough to be tiresome and every one seemed to enjoy the time. spent there. The parents deserve special praise for the manner in which they encour- | aged the children by their presence to _' stody and pay tribute to lives worthy : ; ‘exhibition given in the opera house of attention. Habits formed in child: hood are those which will have to be. ‘accounted for at the end of life's jour- 4 dey and it is of the highest importance the beacon light of every youth be sach that is worthy of the highest am- bition. It is very gratifying to the teachers ov know that the parents are 0 inter- ésted in the schools of Patton. The teachers extend a strong invitation to Chas. A. Rogers, of Altoona stopped | Wednesday and Thursday of last week. | ‘go and sve them in their daily work at Hotel Beck Monday. The finest line of ladies’ fancy goods During the day the principal, W. D. F. Kilgore, of Pittsburg stopped “and millinery to be had in the north- Thomson, was presented hs ~ at the Palmer house Monday. ‘Heating ‘stoves now at cost Cambria Hardware Co.'s.-68t2 Fall styles in ladies Hats at Alice A. | Asherofts millinery store. -44-tf at the | 'erm part of Cambria at Alice A. ! Ashcroft’'s millinery store, Patton, Pa. 6 " The work on the new ME parson- , age, which is being erected on Palmer avenue is being pushed very rapidly | prized cushion by the scholars of the high scool. A Day With Washington. The manner in which it was spent by the primary schools. PORENOON. Be all ready for the COURIER of under the supervision of Bloom and Singing —Good Morning Song. ‘March 7th. It will be a stunner. Look out for the souvenir edition of ‘the Patton COURIER of March 7th. Miss Mary Bebe, of St. Atgustine, is | visiting friends in Patton this week. The Clearfield Monitor is adding gas power to its mechanical department. A. E. Patton, of Curwensville paid T: Whitney, Rev. Robert Collyer, and pa this town a business visit last Friday. Butterick Patterns can be purchased st the store store of Geo. 8. Good. -65tf. Mr. Pitzpatrick’s new building on | Spencer the contractors. Natural gas has been used in China for many centuries. It issues from fis- | sures in the earth near coal mines, and ' “lis led through bamboo tubes to the point where it is consumed. Elizabeth Staart Pheips, Mrs. A. D. | Walter Besant are all going to tell in {The Ladies’ Home Journal of either the man or woman who most infloenced | their lives. - On Sunday John Beuder, ‘who live ‘Reading of Scripture and prayer. A talk on the life of Washington by the teacher. Lar.guage ~The Hatchet Story. Writing ~The name of Wasnington. - Number work. For busy work the children colored and then cut out cherries from heavy. AFTERNOON. Singing — Marching Through Georgia; children play that they are Washing- 's Army marching. ‘Reading - A class: A boat represent. ‘Magee avenue » aptly nearing com- | | east of Patton received a very painful ing the one in which Washington "pletion. D. E. Murphy, of Bridgeport Conn., regiatored at the Commercial hotel Monday. Every Pattern of the Spring and summer styles in ‘Sock at Geo. 8. Good's. 8541. : The COURIER especially directs the ladies attention to the ‘‘ad”’ of Gen. 8. Good in this issue. Rumor says that this place was vis ited by a “show” in Goods hall a couple of nights last week. Get the Semi-weekly Pittsburg Post and the Patton CoURrier for only $1.4 50. See offer i in another column. Max J. Herrman, of Houtzdale, was in Patton Friday and while here stop- ped at the Commercial hotel 0. B. Straw, the hustling clerk in - Bells store and John Mitchell, spent Sunday with friends at Irvona. R. B. Wigton, the coal operator, . well-known in Patton, died at his home | ‘in Philadelphia on Friday evening. Try Magic drops for pain: internal and external. Guaranteed hy C. W. . Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf B. L. Dunegnan, wife and son, Harry, . of Van Ormer, visited his mother, Mm. . Dunegan, of this place, on Monday. . After march 7th the Patton COURIER 3 will be increased to eight pages—the | - largest paper in Northern Cambria. - John T. Gilbert an old army veteran, | "1 ¥ in lying serionsly ill at the home of | John Degarmo on Fifth avenue with ~ dropey of the heart. ' accident, by being hooked in his right ‘eye by a cow. ‘Although not serious ‘the accident will eanse Lim consider- | able trovble for a few days. " Richard Williams, the son of John Williams who was operated on to re- lieve a bud case of diphtheriaetic croup, which mention was made in this paper last werk, is reported to be out of crossed the Delaware, in which are placed slips of paper containing such sentences as‘'I like George Washington, he would not tell his papa a lie,” étc. Each child takes and reads one. B class: On the cherries made in the morning sach words as red, ripe, sweet, "ete., are pinned on a large card board tree. Each child is allowed to pick a cherry and if he pronounces the word ‘a two-year-old daughter lost her life. “a boiler full of water off the stove and accident, danger and recovering rapidly . distinctly, is allowed to take it with Ten thousand tons of freight, in- pin, (Calisthenics: Children make be- eluding 1500 live sheep, 441 cattle, and lieve they are George Washington flour, cotton, lard, wheat and the like hopping wood with his hatchet. In in enormous guantitiés is the cargo of formation lesson--Elizabeth Hunt re- -a single ship now on the oéean between | cites: “Where did we get our pretty Baltimore and Liverpool. The shipis ga Our own red, . white and blue, the Ulstermore, a four-masted ste¢l with jt. stripes and stars and crimson steamer, 400 feet long, 48 feet wide and bars, And its fleld of heavenly blue?” 38 feet deep. She can make 35 mile Teachers then explain the origin of a day, and her cargo is worth almost flag; two little girls sing Red, White $400,000. and Blue, and school join in the chorus. The last half hour was devoted to On Tuesday an accident oecured in recitations and singing. the family of Marko Suma in which A sad Accident. Thrown in the Basket Again the COURIER is compelled to throw another communication into the waste basket, for the reason that it had not the signatare of the writer Mrs. Suma was washing and had taken sit it on the floor, and the little girl fell backwards into it. She was scalded so The CovmiER will not publish any bad that the flesh dropped off. She communication unless it is signed in died in about eight hours after the . by the writer. : School Report. . Charch Natiee, * Number enrolled in high school, 40; Rev. Chas. W. Wasson, pastor of ¢ the average attendance, 35; number en. Methodist Episcopal church, will preach rolled in grammar school, 53; average In this place next Thursday evening at | 7:30. Everybody welcome. wall Pape r . Good has just received a very | iB all the. | attendance, 50; number enrolled in intermediate department, 54; average attendance, 50; number enrolied in sec- Geo. 8 ond pri , 04; Average attendance, 38; namber enrolled in rat primary, fine selection of wall paper, 65; average attendance, 62. Intest patterns -85-¢f. : Eszxssuno, Pa, Pa, Peb. 36th, 1606. Mr Philly Cilish, Woo Sa Yeeu 3) il whether or not 09% | for several months at his home in | place, died on Saturday evening 8 o’clock, Miss Mand Lather is visiting friends in Johnstown. Mr. Jacob Warner, of Chest township, aot | ‘was a visitor to Ebensburg on Tuesday. | ‘sider for a moment whether yor. H. J. Hopple, of Barr township spent a few hours in town on Tuesday County Superintendent Leech visited |a number of schools in this county last | week. The Ladies aid society will hold a a social in the opera house here this Judge Barker is in Hollidaysburg hearing the cases in which Judge Bell was formerly interested as counsel. The Harvard Quartette sang several choice selections at the Congregational Church in ‘this piste, on. Sunday even- ing. L.A. Craver departed yesterday for Cherrytree to attend the funeral of Dr. William Kinports, which took place in the afternoon. Mr. Hosea Evans, of this place, has ' purchased the lot below the Scanlan property in the Fast ward and will erect a dweliing house thereon. Last evening a number of Fdwin You Will Find It to Your Craver's friends very pleasantly sur- prised him at his home here. Various games were played and refreshments ‘served. Ali report an enjoyable even. ing. Mr. { Sherman Tibbott who has long held this position having resigned. Ebensburg people have been pat to great disadvantage the past week on account of the burning out of an armatore at the electric light plant. We expect to have the usual namber of lights in a few days On Friday last, the Ameria Mechanics presented a large flag to the schools of thie place, and raised it 01 a pole in front of the school build- ing. The schools had exercises befit- ting the occasion and several of our prominent citizens made brief ad- dresses. : CLEARFIELD ‘CLEARFIELD, Pa., Feb. 25, 1885, The filremen’s minstrel, a home talent Saturday night, was an overwhelming sdocess. The room was packed and receipts were close on to §300. The performing was really good with the exception of the last act, a drunk scene, | which ought not have been produced. Court week again. It seems that our court busines: is always behind. Clearfield elected two good couneil- ‘men last week when James McLaugh- lin and W, returns show that many Republicans voted for them; those gentlemen are always in for honest government. The new postoffice room in the opera house is being fitted ap for J. M. Bloom, who war recently confirmed by the Little Louise, daughter of T. W. Moore, in very ill with spinal men- ingitis. Her life is hanging by a very fine thread. ] The funéral of Glasgow Read takes place Tuesday afternoon at Pine Grove. Clearfield Golden Eagles will dttend ; 7 Banquet at Crews. + On Friday evening the Ebensburg lodge of mason held a grand banquet at the Anderson hoase at Cresson which was said to be the finest ever heid in this section. Johnstown, South Fork, Wilmore, Portage, Lilly, Gallit- gin, Patton and Hastings were repre. sented. The banquet table was charm. ingly arranged and the menu elaborate, Ed James of Ebensburg was master of ceremonies and among those who re. sponded were Alvin Evana, George A. Kinkead, Henry Taylor, William Mitchell and county superintendent J. W. Leech. The foilowing people from this place attended: R. McPherson and wife; Joho Ashcroft and daughter, ; Maggle: W. C. Baum and wife; Dr. L od wife, L. 3. Bell; Dr. 8. oy Worrell accompanied by his two sisters Emma and Minnie, of ( Nearfield. Antitaxine U woul in Patina X Dr. 8. W. Worrell, of this place, ‘per- formed the use of the wonderful new diphtheria remedy antitoxine, on’ the children of John Williams at Mc- Cermicks mine one day last week with gratifying results. The discovery of antitoxine as a new agent for the pre- vention and cure of diphtheria was announced by Prof. Dr. Emil Behring, of Halle, about four years ago. Al- though received at first with more or: less incredulity, the new remedy has * borne successfully the test of actual use, and it is now recognizd by high authorities as one of the beneficient - and interesting discoveries in modern © pathology, Horses are now exclusive ly employed te farnish the blood serum in which the antitoxine is developed | and contained. - Diod at Ebensburg. Phili Collin, familiarly known the state as Colling, Rt known as a railroad con- a died at his residence at Ebens- burg Saturday evening at 7:45 o'clock. : Willard Jones, of Ebensburg, | has accepted the position of assistant’ | agent at the railroad station here.’ Ross McPherson were: elected. Both are Democrats, bat the John Somerville and wife; . Weida | | ANY SUIT | "In the Store Will be ‘Sold for Two Weeks for = 05 This means “20. 00. 18.00. 16.00, $15.00 Suits. Your pick of the stock in fact. Dor’ s Forget This Now. The Overcoat Sale at half- price offered last week 1s still on and Its a success Come Here—Don't go any place else and pay double. ah BELL, TRAE CLOTRIER and SROE MAN. Advantage to buv at QUINN’S, Clinton St. Johnstown, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Mattings, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Carpet as low as 20 cts per yard, Lace Curtains at so cts. a pair. The largest assortment of Dress Goods in the city. Ladies Coats and Wraps. Millinery of all kinds. Good measure, lowest prices. JAMES QUINN, __JONSTOWN, PA. When in Johnstown call on ScoTT DIBERT SHOES, The Finest and Best Within the City. CORNER MAIN & FRANKLIN STREETS RIPANS ONE GIVES RELIEF. THE CARFARE Adamant Plaster Gives a first-class wall a moderate ex- pense. “Is the best fire-resisting plaster. Always ready for use in any season. Does not hold gases or disease germs. Is the par excellence for patching. Can be pspered as soon as dry. Is recommended by all the le ~~ Architects who have ag this country and Will give vou a solid wall. Of itself will not crack, swell or shrink. Will not cleave off when used as di- . rected, even in case of leakage. : Will give you a warm house. Does not ruin woodwork b loading it with moisture. y Admita of carpenters following Plas terers in a few days In capable of every variety of finish pr Used on the Palmer Ho Good Building, Hotel Beek, Hotel Patton, . C. 1. & I. Co. office., Patton Opera, Bo A church, and on more than one-half of tie plastered Bouses and store rooms of Patton. Also the ¢ ‘atholic Church St. Sg ine. TRI From PATTON To ALTOONA ROUND and Return Isonly $1.68 votesn save TG TRIO 30 20 10 For prices aod information, write ADAMANT PLASTER CO., Patton, Pa., Lock Box 345. JAS. W. HOY, The Popular ER. OPTICIAN, and Dealer in : Musical Instruments Is to the front as usual with a large stock of goods Times by purchasing Sewing Machine at & CO.'S, Altoona, Pa. a good 0%: A BLE ood 3S purchasing a at GABLE & C Pa. ° Times by far cape Altoona, JEWEL 3 and & procuring an fit for your Kitchen: dining room at GABLE CO.’], Altoona, Pa. Times by Times by vurchasing a first- class dress pattern and trim- mings at GABLE & COS, Altoona, Pa. Time, at the least ealention, on every purchase of $5.00 worth of Goods of any kind in ‘every department. TAKE THE TRIP 10 ALTOONA! WATCHES CLOCKS. " WARE, and : everything kept in a fm clase shore of this kind. VIOLIN. + ITAR and BANJO pings and all kinds of small musi cal § will be kept constantly on SILVER It pays fo do itl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers