Belcher, city drug store’ pms i He movers won. | Patton Courier. Recent ot Proper Bowne Hi S | a he 2 ALS Speci} casinos a i i A TT FORE Women co. Proprietors. EET sry ax. to Penneylvania | 3a a DAY, FEBRUARY = 1896. . | asout Tn Jolmstown, eon; | reams ” SUBSCRIPTION. : | John G. Jones to Pennsylvania Rail: | YO of said Pa Tr Ome copy, one year, in advance, - - . $1.00! | road company, Johnstown, $4,000. EE tion was duly. passed: . Murphy to Pennsylvania | ‘are now outstand- Nagwres McConanghy et al. to | j afta Eo In pasate Caleb George, Morrellville, $1. | ander date of June first, 18684, sel er John A. Barker et ux. to Mary A. justin of a resolutien _ Sweeny, Hastings, $350. IS the holders ; | Louis A. Gels et nx. to James Quinn, ad receceiving payment, in| $15,000. : WHEREAS, The floating debt of said | - James Quinn et ux. to Lois A. Gels, | Boron to the sum of . Johnstown, $1,500. Heirs of Patrick ous? to | George Lentz, Allegheny, $800 Guardian of Annie McCullongh. to. George Lentz, Allegheny, $200, 4a No papers discontinued until all ar rearages aré paid, unless at the i of the | btiaher. Postoffice at. Patton us wins! clans mall InAtter. COUNTY. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. ist Mo of March | 1st Monday of Sept. 1st y of June et Monday of OFFICERS. PRasE OR ies Hon, A. Vv. Barker. ProTHONOTARY—J. C. Dard : REGHTER AND RECORDER — y. A. MeGough. Tezasuren—F. H. Barker. : Smerivr—D. W. Coulter. prreTY SHERIFF Samuel Davia : : A AT Bon Te G. Lioyd, COMMISSIONERS—P %. ( © “Gea. M. Wertz. Sone tl Kioto A. Quartz, Cresson, $1,000. Sovxty. OE re Tod W. Leech Alex T. Kennedy et ux. to Edward De less than 2 Overdorff et al., Morrellville, $200. Cou NTY SURVEYOR—Henry Seaman. : J. E. Long et ux. to Edmund Over- Entered atthe now amounts to - to pay off the whole of said i “ReoLven, T gente Bi for Ihe ing tha represen indebtedness of $5,000.00 = eent. of the last ' CuUNTY AUDITORS—-Wm. W. Cd James Dail BT Courtine Asien Weakiand, dorfT, Morrellville, $100. gr i X Gowonun.-Dr. George Martin. : $5,000.00 hereby authorized to wk in- | | curred, the proper officers of the Bor- hereby authorised | Poor DIRECTORS Moore, James Som- arville, Raphtel Hile. BOROUGH SPEER. Buzozss—W. J. J. Dound Cor president; lem. HC. Ber OE BF, x, pr P.P. Youn | " Ellén Deyer et al. | ough of Patton are ‘crued interest, bonds ohn B. Denny et ux. to Joseph, ' name of said Borough of Patton, num- H. Curfman, oAxD_C. Crowell pre: eas. | Brown, Ebensburg, $4,000. } Sou one | to ten inclusive for Ger De 3: Noonan, HB. Baron, demae Joseph B & ux. to Patriok F Payable mm JUwTICE OF THE PEACT--Jésse E. Dale, Jas. Brown, Ebensburg $2,250. of Feb A ' Herman Baumer, assignee to, Doro-| | First gay Fo to or, thea Keiper, Johnstown, $106 nid Done: Shout a to num Avprrors—F. H. Rinead, H. 0. Winslow, Johnstown school district to Penn-| I (Ferm of Bond). aL sylvania Railroad company, Johms-| poxr OF THE BOROUGH OF PATTON. ‘Jupae oF ELECTION A, G. Abbot. | town, $20,000. lxta Fron A jas. McMullen. Sarah Cavanaugh to Pennsylvania $00. : Speen iis Satine) Adem, | ' Railroad company, Johnstown, $5,000. SXTED mates or AwEmtcA. A. A CANS USE ore than 90,800,000 000 | Charles Von Lunen te Rev. Bishop | obra County. Sate Gf Feaheyivania so | : pounds For the 1 | Phelan, Jala ows, $1,200 | Enawieges toa indebted ines to pay | als olions Jour. Be rey T W. Rosenstee! to John E. Rosen-| REI ; to China and Japan. In 1893 China gave 45,663,172 pounds of tea, and | Japan 39,602,519 pounds. Very quantities are obtained from other countries. Tasastues w. Jk: Sandtard, Gotuporon: Jae, Mellon. Ferumiy 4.0. thereon at the rate of | per cent.’ Na 1 The late issue of R. G. Dunn & Co's. | fhe smemed ners a of ta | Weekly Review says: The surprising | | one of a series of ten each of like tenor THE AVERAGE ann ect W | saccess of the new loan and the great | Fie. amount, CLL Ry prising a ‘oan of of silk since 1888 has been 5,000,000, 43ence it has given to investers on Council of mid BF Pation by resi ~ pounds; half comes from Japan, one- 4), sides of the water and to business | | pareuancs of the provisions of an At of As ony A from China. ‘may be the beginning of a real re-| | of increaztng the indebtedness of municipal aa ——————— | avery, ties, de.” the 2th day of April : FARMING NOTES ‘subscriptions supposed to have beeu | dette ; of Interest to the Farmers Who Read the at least five times the amount of bonds | - oun of Patton, Pu, lt: : Patton Courier.” offered, snd in two hours at London bewrer February I, 147, the sum of It is cheaper for a farmer to have & they were twenty times the amount | Eure at the First Nationa! Bank of Patton, large garden than one that is small. offered. | Bod No Farmers are not partial to hand work “Considering the power which oon- | pay existing indehtedness. | in & garden, always preferring the trol of these bonds give to regulate of compl . horse. They will not use a spade, hoe, | foreign exchanges and to prevent ex- | ions of the Act or rake unless compelled. If the gar-! ports of gold, the transaction has in- jin heey juiet a and 3 Ansooned spo al) den contains plenty of room vege ‘deed greatly changed the financial of a A tables can be grown 80 a8 to permit situation in spite of the fact that | for borrow; yay of . of the use of a horse hoe, ‘but the man- government revenues are still deficient to g at least 8 per eentum ure required for & large area will and that domestic trade shows scarcely © indettriinan 3 of smd Jarough necessarily be greater thn for ! small | any gain As yet. - The industries are nn an Hithorie d Ja ich 'not enlarging production nor have ment, will be sufficient for, and shai. It is reported from Maine that an prices of farm products improved. be applied exclusively to the pay: orchardist put the pigs into a failing Bat a very important source of ap-| | of the ntacens oe principal o orchard and they tore up the tough sod prehension and hindrance, for the time | debt, ima S Satie becomes - to the great benefit of the trees. at least, has been removed.” | tinge until said bonds are paid, on | It is not an advantage to have spring | «The Only™ for 1895. ; ! interest. . ore April. Severe RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Pigs a ing Pn 2 Apr ‘hat, they | _ The COURIER is pleased to announce ceeds of the sale of the above bonds 4 WheY ita clubbing arrangements with The bereby authorised. shall be 3 be kept very warm or they Pi P news. exclusively first to the nt In fall | ttsburg Post, the great home news- checked at the start. of Pennsylvania, and to "of the above recited e OM eilosed “the ost | PTE y Perens ef the aid borough, and he ba ‘month in which to cut green timber for | who want the best daily or semi- ¥ ance, to the street aceount. the | paper published in the city, we recom- | W. J. DoxNELY, Burgess, for durability. Charring pa The Post. HARVEY PATTERSON, Secretary. ends that go into the ground and for | Dail iach | that the above is a correct six-inches above will prolang their The y Post, a large CPaEE | cops of of the Council of Huh. | paper, and The COURIER one year each | the Borough of Patton duly adopted | durability very for $3.00. The price of The Post alone ur 3 oo tholr inure 2d hat, Before you spend nftich time in 100k- |; &3 6 ‘Send us your order at once | it correctly shows all the procesdings ing for a purchaser be sure that your | 4 | 309 astiof of sid Borcagh butter has sttractive merits about it. I tion ey If you are in doubt about this improve | ‘The Sunday Post, twenty your methods until you are sure that | levery Sunday, containing as Pages| - your butter is good enough to bring reading as any of the thy © Two Lives Saved. top prices. = Always remember that zines, and The COURIER one yer ich Mrs. Phecbe Thomas, of Junetion when your butter goes into a butter. for only $2.95. | City, TIL. waa told by her doctors she | merits and that butter not up to stand- JUER one year each for only $1.50. Cuil no hope for her, but two bottles Dr. ard will bring just 3s mean a price In | pink of it, The Post twice a week, and your bome market, if not meaner. your eounty paper for the price of one. No hen will lay an egg every day in i - the-year. Even those that are non-sit-4 Write for sample 0 | Prancisco, guffered from a dreadful ters will not do it at seasons when they A Des Moines woman, who has been cold, approaching consumption, tried * are moulting, and there is nsually a troubled with frequent colds, concluded | without. result every thing else then rest of a day or two, if not longer, be- to try an old remedy in a new way and | | bought one bottle of Dr. King's New tween the different hatches, when the ' accordingly took a tablespoonfal (four | | Discovery and in two weeks waa cared.’ natural time comes for the hen to set. times the usual dose) of Chamberlain’s | He is naturally thankful. It is such “The time of Moulting tay be shortened Cough Remecy just before going to 'resuits, of which these are samples, by care and good feeding, giving the bed. The next morning she found that | that prove the wonderful efficaty of hens the kind of food, meat, etc., that her cold had almost disappeared. Dur-| this medicine in Coughs and Colds. ired to make their new coat of ing the day sha took a few doses of the | Free trial bottles at C. E. Belcher's: o ' remedy (one teaspoonful at a time and City Drug Store. Regular size 50c and bpm ore Sr |at night again took a tablespoonful $1.00. Backlan's Avaien Salve. : before ‘going to bed, and the next Compicie Stories Given Away. The best salve in the world for cuts, morning awoke free from all SYMP. The Be offet Dow before. the sores, nlcers, salt rbeum, fever | (oms of the cold. Since then she has, ,ghlic is made by the Pennsylvania sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, ' on several oceasione, nsed this remedy De in givin ol complete ye " oorns, and all skin eruptions, and posl- | jp like manner, with the same good re- py the i yy I tively cures piles, or no pay required. | suits and is much elated over her dis- BY Shei Des a ash. The on py I is guaranteed to give perfect satis- | covery of so quick a way of curing a tracticns offered by Grit iwelf, sup- faction or money refunded. Price 35 cold. For sale by C. E. Belcher's Ouy | demented by a complete story each cents per box. For sale by Br C E {¥ y P ry per . Drug Store. | week, make a combination never be- 0. W. O. Hardman, sheriff of Tyler {ore beard of. Agents and newsboys Zeal Market Report. '| county, W. Va, appreciates a good ‘ will furnish Grit, including the story, Por the special benefit of the farmers | thing and does not hesitate to say so. for five centa.-84t2 in the vicinity of Patton the COURIER | He was almost prostated with a cold | Right You Are _ publishes the following local market ' when he procured a bottle of Chamber- | FEpuEty FeVisod cach week: 'lain’s Cough Remedy. He says: “It buries it; if # merchant makes a mis ; SO . J ooger pyr oe. | gave Sie Prompt refi I find it to be | take he never tells it; if a lawyer makes ? “ doen. | ' an invaluable remedy for coughs and a mistake he crawls out of it; but if an bushei | ; colds.” Por sale by C. E. Belcher's’ | editor makes a mistake, he puts it on | City Drag Store. : Property For fale. : | A corner lot with a good dwelling | house and outbuildings thereon, on | | Palmer avenue, will be sold at a bar. Jogits of JAMES McDEvTT, Patton, Pa. #ng outstanding bonds, Coupon No. x months on ApH 20th, 1874 there | cured her and she says it saved her life. ; Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139. Florida St. San { world to look at.- —Connellsville Cov : Coal Fer Sale. : John Truman is prepared to furnish "his trade with the finest coal for gen- covmurvsiouny "your order. Terms cash. -53tf et on COMMERCIAL, Fiabe Bream, Stonycreek Np. Shertian, Johnstown, and | ari Advertisng rates made KROYR "| Railroad company, Jobnstown, $1,300. ing. bonds of the Borough of Patton Catherine McDermott, Fioutadale, Pa. PF. C. Sensabaugh, Dunlo, and Zoe ' Fleming, Cookport, Indiana county. Henry A. Stoltz and Maggie Risk} are patrick, Carrolitown. John Bentel and Kate Fork, Frank Thomasberger and Augusta, | 135 in: enn’ 2 and it is now deemed he Beital, Johnstown. Frank Konicsak and Rosalia Bach. of leda, Gallitizn. vere-' Albert M. Jones and Mary J. St. (includ- Clair, Lower Yoder township. W. A. Stormer, Johnstown, and out. Sarah A. Davies, Wilkesbarre, Pa. Isidore Farabaugh, Carrolitown, ‘and | Elizabeth Kline, Elder township. - floor. : William Aschom and Minnie Walters, | | West Taylor townshi £ sud or Yeager pot” Charlotte M. ment in skillful hands. Michael A. Quartz et ux. to Henry resented by asid outstand. one John G. CO, P K ohn a., | Clearfield Railroad company, Munster, | | sell at ot Tes hey and me ther L. Berringer, Mahaffey, Pa. issued in the! C. ‘W. Hodgkins, proprietor of the | Patton Pharmacy, and who is also P. ATTON, y, dated First day | recognized as the efficient agent for the | D., 1995, Maturing celebrated Columbia bicycles is still at | | the front this season in the interest of the Pope manafacturing company. : B 0- | resentative has seen this year. It has | Patton of | 4 number of decidedly - improved | : lo pa | changes. are (#900) wwfa Columbias have been in the past, they the Udited States of Amerion on the | are far better and more satisfactory | "in 1886—models of lightness, strength, ro | and graceful constructionfbeaatiful in | a | design and finish, and embodying im- ses | | provements that will captivate every ! lover of bicycling. Mr. Hodgkins is F : . ' truly the right man in the right place or a when it comea to handling bicycles and | : he undoubtedly will meet with mach quaster from Europe, and the pero encoarage many fo hope that it Heth "ALTE Tepe ube maa #0000 the coming season. In twenty two minutes here | D. 1574, for parpme of paying existing ow A new § = going 1, be all the ‘rage this winter. It is called the For v to “onion game’ and is played as follows: | | 8ix young ladies stand in a row, one bites a piece out of an onion, and the fellows pay ten cents each to guess RESOLVED FURTHER, That for the who bit it. The correct. guemer kien [= : 8 g with the provis- 1. ener five girls while the ansuccess- | § or eo : , for $0 ened February 1, 1866, to all fal kiss the one who bit the onion. — Indiana Mewssnger. THE COURIER in pleased to announce its clubbing arange- The providedor | The a large ht- "THE C oh ~ you formerly paid for one. Yi King’s New Discovery completely The SUNDAY POST, The Semi- for the copies. Reuel Somerville, “If a doctor makes a mistake he : Office in the Good Building. | a large sheet of paper for the whole R. L. GEORGE, ATTORNEY - AT - L/ AW, | eral use in this section. Call and leave . Solicitor for German National B. & L. association. 7 | ’ Dealer in ‘Wines, piqued? Beer. Etc. Phoenis Brewin Co.'s Bey, Flasks, Corks, Jugs, Etc., : S. M. Wilson, Prop. tr ———————— CO Ss 5 A AS ——— \ 1 S A Modern eh : Twenty-four sleeping roomis. ~All new furniture. | Heated with steam through-| Hot and cold water on every| Cooking and dinily depagt- @ ! Magee Ave, An Fiegant Wheel. NEAR R. R. STATION, a PENNA. Br 1 One day last week he received an 1885 model of the Columbia wheel and it is $00. | 3 fine machine. It is very much su- perior to any wheel the COURIER rep- | Good and satisfactory as ro PATTON Sty 0, A full fine of Dry Goods, Flear, Feed and Hay. For di Salt by the re For Cail it Oujon- Easy. Maple Syrup. The elebrated “Peps wv Flour. We uarantee Every The High Sewing - For $25. Yrscrire Two Pa ers For Guarranteed for five years. % | 3p - - — _ We are Selling hh Heating - Stoves —ATA— ments with Pittsburg Post the great home newspaper of Pye iania ed 12 pormons ‘Great Reduction. semi-weekiy . paper published _ in the city, we reconyiend The Post. We are headquarter for everythig | in: Hard- DAILY POST, ‘Ware. for $3.00. The Eres ; Come and See Us. Ee The Cgmbria HARDWARE CO. Patton, Pa. your order at once and get sev- en papers a week for thé price twenty pages every Sanday, containing as much reading an any of the monthly maga- zine, and THE COURIER one year each for only $2.25. Here they are! Weekly Post, and THE COURIER one year eac h for only $1.50. Just think of it, The Post twice a week, and your county paper price of one. Write us for sample THL BUTTERICK FASHION P Is And Patterns are now in and a | cordially invite the ladies of Patton and surrounding towns to inspect them. Any pattern you wish can be purchased here. Ty stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES is more complete than ever. - Call early, Prices are right. - GEO. S. GOOD, 00D BLOC K, PATTON, PA. Attornev-at-Law, Par TON, Pa. GALLITZIN, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers