in ak 7% vor. HN NO. 63. PATTON, CAMBRIA Co., PA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 189s. $1.00 PER YEAR. py EPSIN " FLOUR MAKES THE ‘MOST WHOLESOME BRE LAD. $100 Given Away. Vi ol CENT MONEY ORDER of goods we we will give Five ers, and when Twenty uy. 8b one time, we One dollar in © t them one “or more at a time . Ee of goods pur- any one firme at this store Soar to fifty cents or more. Tallon Plarmaty, - Ls Ww. HODGKINS. Drug Medicines, and Chemi- cals, Stationery, Confec- tionery, Cigars and Tobac(o. : Agency for COLUMBIA & HICKORY Bicyeles. 36 This is the only Drug Store in : ae where these oney Orders can rest of the party We are doing the business of the town and no doubt about it. Our stock of Dry Goods, (lothing, Boots and Shoes and Furnishings Is the best to be had in the County. +through the city from sunrise. Qur prices correspond with the name that tells you where to buy your goods at a reas- onable price and that 1s at the Econom A ,. STORE of Carmitown ; When you are in town do not fail to call and see us; we will treat you right. : The Big - - REDUCTION. SALE Cis still Going on ih full blast. Remember the Place, The ECONOMY, Next to Bank, Carrolltown. BECK, HC BECK, Pro. meen com One of the Largest Hotels in| Northern Cambria; Conducted n MODERN STYLE. - Good Table and Bar Supplied with Choiest Brands of Liquors. The Popular HOUSE ‘of PATTON. ‘met General Banks. REMINISCENCE OF THE WAR. Written by One of the * ‘Cou- rier” Contributors. “THE GREAT SCOUT.” Throu gh the Confiderate. Lines Sty of the Late War. % Trae Continued from Last Week We drifted, | do not know how. into Penngylvanin avenue, making inquries of nearly everyone where to find Gen- erals Banks, Pope or the provost head- quarters. But notwithstanding the parade of authoritative insignia all seemed to be chaos, and we could not get the desired information. We trav eled wearily up one street and down another seeking vainly for someone to tell us what to dv with ous prisoners ‘till about 11 o'clock. We had got ‘hack to Pennsylvania avenme and had concluded that on reachigg the other end we would turn our prisoners loose. Two or three of them had become ex: ‘hausted and dragged along some dis- tance behind. I remained with them | arging them on as fust as I could. The. had got some distance ahead and were rapidly jeaving us when passing Willard’s hotel, [I espied Colomel Clark, of General Bank's staff Exhausted as I was [ fairly leaped for joy. I.grasped him by the hand, and although I was ail rags and dirt, - as soon as he recognized me he gave me a hearty shake and with unfeigned surprise asked me where the rest of us were. | told him we were gli there at the same time calling in true back woods style for the others to come back. If we had dropped from the sky Col .onel Clark and the many other officers ‘around Willard’s could not have been "more sarprised. We, of course, had to tell in brief of our adventures among the Confederates, also of our march The sympathies of the Colonel were fally aroused. He took us to General Me . Clellan’s headquarters where we also They gave usa most hearty welcome and Generai Me- Clellan said that such a feat had never ‘been done before or could be done ‘again. He gave us the. freedom of the | ety with permission to stay as long as we choose. He also direcied us where to take our prisoners, but to go first to the soiter’s relief and get something ! ie we + ere refreshing ourselves a trai load of soldiers came in fresh from home. The most of them had Prem a Rebel and they flocked around to look at them ‘till we were | almost suffocated. Poor fellows! They ! little dreamed that more rebeis than {it was healthy to look at would soon meet them on the battle field. At | Antietam many of these same men fell, | having been pushed forward to front i the veterans of Lee. { In marching to sad fro through the | ety we observed the sentiments of the people. I was surprised at the namber [of rebel sympathizers who fHocked | around our prisoners tendering little * presents and kind words. But I remember one old lady who 1 spoke to them her mind of an opposite tendency. She was dressed in deep . mourning having evidently lost a dear friend in some of the late battles. She wanted us to kill them all, saying if | she were a man she would see to it’ i that none of them should ever see { home or friends again. After she had . vented her patriotic indignation toward ‘the South and Rebels, we passed on toward the old capitol prison, where { we tarned our prisoners over to the iguard. We bade them farewell ard " retraced our steps to the soldiers re lief. : We would huve liked to remain in | the city some time as we were come | pletely exhaosted, and needed rest, but { our stay was brief indeed. Our cloth. ling was so worn that at various ex- | posed points our persons not only | peeped but broadly stared out at the open world. A soldier does not always {carry a pocket full of money or we | might have easily replaced the worn tout articles, and to receive from the : | rogur supplies we must report with ' our ment. We were ashamed to be seen, 80 after a stay of only one day ‘we resolved to follow the army and’ report for duty. : The army was moving slowly toward Frederick City, Maryland, having to await the developement of Lee’s move- ments. We overtook it near Rockville, of our regiment. The news soon spread forward overjoyed to see us. Every’ one had abondoned the hope of our’ retarn. He then commanding the regiment. and among the first we met were some | throughout the division and all came ‘We made report to Major Tyndale, | conpratalatod us on the snecess of our istion and on our fv ~tunate snp. hen returned to our places Baton all But a we came near Prede rick City a grand A Large Numt ovation awaited us. The division wus Case formed in a hollow square, the order: ns of Crenéral Williams was read and we | were given thrée cheers. We pest] + ARE you ONE OF THEN? Hed forward to bloody Antietam. You will ask, did we receive the commissions promised? No, but when the yoarly settlement came ‘round we The Criminal Court calender, as sob- found an account kept of the knap- mitted by District-Attorney Murphy, | sacks, sts, shelter, ‘tents, ete, for the trial of cases in thé Cambria which we had been ordered to. throw County Court, commencing Monday, away, and their value deducted from Marek 4, 18565, will found below. our dues. : : The following announcement is. also My told, although made: Frosecutors and = witnesses more than a quarter of a century has for the Commonwealth must be present pissed, the adventures of these eight on the days named below, when cases memorable days have been fairly will be presented to the grand jury. burned into my memory. Looking Defendants and their witnesses nesd back over this remarkable adventure it pot be present until the day named seems incredible that thirteen for trial of cases in which they are formed and armed soldiers should pas concerned: Te through the ever vigilant army of c General Lee; and this feat becomes all the more difficult from the fact that we held and brought away sixteen Con- fer soldiers, marching them through a camp of their own men, and across the Potomac river which, where we op was, including thes island, at legst a wide, Several | ana died, bat of the men there are pro them living yet. Of my comrades who composed’ this detail I need not speak, as this history abundantly shows that there wis no mistake in selecting them, and no better man in the army could have b the adveu suceess than F. BL M. Bansal, Orady was the ranking Sergeant’ took command of the party, bat seeing the desperate nature of enterprise asked to be relieved of Horton Cansingfiamn responsibility of commanding it. His : Riga, request was granted, aud P. M. RB “ti George Clark. : oy ® . pi . George W. Smith, fornication Bonsal the next ranking Sergeant, took bastardy; Elizabeth J. Pote his place. There was nothing in this | 0, Edieblute, fornication and change that ¢puld reflect on the char- tardy: Ray Ma = i ig . sii + Bally ns rab. acter of Sergeant Grady, as he was: qu 00 Makin. fornication and ite young i f hi A she quis 3 28 f ths cinmimand of big) tardy; dennie Gordon. By 7} ¥ Sa % Pu. h . inant ho © Grant Wood, fornieation SAVE Lael Vos, Laat Ll Ea il HALF HVE, Nn tardy; Annie Crumbling. S FAS 104 party Albert Yeager, fornication pany to which each belonged together tardy: Charlotte Gioughner. With his a ae | « William Ross, fornication and 5% 14 T a; =r ML.ohonsl, Ye 1, tagdy; Mollie C. Feathers. iving.: : a IIE : Caan H. Frankia Horner, Sergeant G. H. Grady, Co. G, living. batter . J. Beegle. Ny , 3 3 3 Sergeant H. F. Ely, Co. I, living. Eg yy Oh John rai, fornicarion and bastardy; Sergeant Samuel Diftenbaugh, Co. Elizabe: ~ Englebangh. O. dead. ; Su ; ; ad . Margaret Fitagereal, Corporal A. H. Hayward, Michael Logan. dead. $ : / Mary Ruskey, Corporal Doaglass McLain, Lotlisr.: | ? living. : : : . ei Flora ° Corporal Lake Behe, F. living. Miller Corporal A. B. Spink, Co. I, living. : ‘B P Lung, letting Rowse for im- Corporal Olman Smith, Co. K, dead = sal parg n i oii : es T fleran ic" Yup 0 arposes; Osc: aroick. Corporal H. Carse, Co. M, dead. Mary’ Fiscus, fornication; Corporal John O'Connor, Co. RB a : ans, living. ‘. : ; : PT EN iiiiew pa A [eCloskey, Private L. Frazier, Co, B, living. C ue Sh : key . Private Charles Hickey, Co. C. living. Silla r Savd Al those tee data! the ih. Emsy snyaer, tegiment Pr Bray Gls Volunteers, Somerville. The official notice of the return of Madd the detail, with the general order rela- Burma. tive thereto will published next Samuel, week. : bastardy; Canes for Grand Jory Tuesday, CAIMINA COURT BOOKED. FAS OVer, to Cone Up. burg Monday Mareh 4th GV HRrNy be story is and uni- ance for G and Jury Wonday, March {th Commonwealth vs. Anna Edmund. son, larceny; prosecutrix, Flla Jones. Anna Edmundson, larceny; Florence Lung. : Cassey Yonker, Smith. Even Goodwin, fornication and bas. aly, Annie Stark. Vard Rhoads, fornication — Eva Shrader. : . B. F. Lung, selling liquor without Hcense; Oscar Yarnick. M. J. McKenzie, burglary. Miller. : Julian Hunter, fornication and bas- tardy: Rebecca Green. Joseph Miller and swanlt and battery; Nora Crissay, fornicat! ‘on and bas- tardy; Emma Wise, the : lerats assaglt : Catharine and were Ose, «41 mae roke de PWD and bas- ably nine of 3 fare a Sergeant | and for- the hewn found fo make Alden Stiffler, James P. Shadle. felonious as. and bas and was afra an i and bas. ware possible, and the com- : . and ba assanit and fornication: Ca. D, ' *. Co. Lash B fornication; autlinger, fornication; P. R. Co. N. | Ww, E fornication; A.M. fornication; Janes £31 Reed, fornication; W, be "P. Haddle, fornication and : Annie Viola Gore. CANTEEN March Sth. 1 shaukid Sot Be. lar- CaMBria County, Pa., Feb. 25, Epfror COURIER: What Commonwealth vs. Lee Good, ceny; prosecrutrix, Bertha Crouse, [ran Sallivan and Charles Glassoun, with the peopie of Patton? esteing a shop; Nelson Béltzeron. strong and growing impression among Dian NSallivan and Charles Cilasson, the peopie of the surrounding county, ente ring a shop; . Alexander Black. that a portion of the peopl: Patton Charles Shoafelder, larceny; F. are at daggers This fact ® Renpninger. fa causing considerable comraent aly Williaro Boyer, robbery; Jacob Cole. unfriendly character. It the Hegiry Dunlap, Mutthew Mwers and for one class of people tO manifest. Joseph Lloyd, entering a shop with such a spirit towards any person what- jptent to commit felony; Adam Bower. ever, Priority of residence, superior & BV anostall selling bguor with- accomplishments, or wealth are unable ut license: G. C: Felix. of themselves to Richard cis entering a nobility or even gy ntifity, to those papse: Ellen Clark. be, Epbriam Dorman, OB Charles B. Amby. religion, wr politics. The Repjamin Stoffer and M. parties at variance, ought, if they do ‘barglary; August Rosbaugh. not know already, that théy afffict- pEaward Nagle, zssanlt and battery; ed with moral gangrene in its worst Michael Nagle. divest them. pepjamin Stoffer and M. C. Baldwin, selves of this malady, the better it will entering a building; Daniel Bailey. be for all, even from a pecuniary point John Appleman, assault and battery; of view. A man may profess any re- paghen Ott. ligion he chooses, or he may hold what- john Appleman, ever politicial views he thinks best, and gooben Ot. still he a gentleman. John Appleman, malicious mischief | Reaben Ott. ku : James Dougherty, tery; Mina Jacobs. 1865. is wrong There {8 a of B. points. of tafe in wn day, confer a patent. of “dwelling whose mission seems to larceny by bailee: their neighbors character either avcount of “are form, and the sooner they AN OLD FARMER something For Nothing. To get something for nothing is contrary to the laws of natare and man- kind; if you want a Range, that is a good baker and a perfect roaster, try i the Cinderella; it is sold at a fale price, and will give you good service. It. ; lightens labor and Lessens care. Sold : Elias B. ‘by A. M. Thomas. Advertise in the CounEr and’ | will be surprised at the results. Samuel J. Ferguson, embezzlement; | W. W. Bailey. Reed, rape; E. F. Spencer. T. Baker. N. B. Harvey, arson and conspiracy; Bracken. ; James 8. you Annie has- | C. Baldwin, | William Petrukerich, fraudulently making 8 written instrument; David Thomas Alstadt, false pretense; E. 1 of Important . The Regular Term ( SRI at Ebons : : car; Samuel M. Snyder, ‘Ploose, nuisance, Johnat ! tardy; Mollie C. felonious asea alg, assaalt and bat. | i 1 Charles A. Howe, defranding a board | ba) Annie M. Lavely: .. Euskaskas, larceny and receiving; J oh Karshook. Daniel Hoffman, forcible entry malicious mischief: Daniel Allison. Martin Anderson, defrauding 4 board- ing house keeper; Elizabeth William Fdesinds, exhibiting ob- scence libel; Wilham Kimmell, Michael! MeArdle, entering a railroad and Harry Singer, larceny: BOY, - Thomas MeClarren, bastardy; John Reed, Frank Dod. fornication and Lizzie Croley, Hollock, larceny: Victoria Andrews, fornication and bas. | tardy: Stella Kimmell, Harry fornication and tardy: Mary Adams. William Harshberger, and bastardy; Mary Noon H. H. Rush, livceny Frank E. Willett. Peter Henock, falee Yeager. Richard Michling Jesinl Grove. bas- fornication and receiving; pretense; F. C, and Johnathan violating road law; M. (. Westover and F. H. Bener. Ellsworth Davis, raalicious mischief, an Reese, Harry Davis, tardy; Jui {anes {or Frid Monday, fornication and bas- r Charles, Murch th, Commonwealth vs. Michael Hart- nett, surety of the peace; prosecntrix, Margaret Hartnett. - Sewn McGarry, desertion; Maggie ~ McGarry. : William W acburg, and battery; Josepir Whitmore. Isiah H. Bittner, assault and tery; Mary E. Besbing. AO. Brown, furnishing lignor to winora; B. ¢. Myers. : Henry Shaffer and John Frank, sell liquor without license; John Ream. Robert Pugh alias Robert Meclare, Agree Asani and battery; E.E ‘elton: Miiton Notely. cansey Smith. Samuel Seeley, felonious assanl it bat Westover, perjury; D. E Yonker, assanit; cathurine 1 nsapport; Elien : Seeley, John W. [eibtried Bertha Leibfried. Canes for Trial Tuesday, Aerio: rs, Marel 3th. Commonwesdth va. Anns Edmund- son, larceny; proseerutrix, Ella Jones. Anna Edmundson, larceny; Florence Lung, Even Goodwin, fornic ation and bas- tardy; Annie Stark. Ward Rhoads, fornication and bas- * tirdy; Eva Shrader.. Julian Hunter, fornication and bas- tardy; Rebecca (ireen. Nora crissey, fornication and baas- tardy; Emma Wise. George W, Smith, fornication and bas- tardy; Elizabeth J. Pote. Dick Edelbinte, fornication and bas- tardy; Ray Marsh. Thomas Makin, fornication and bas- tardy; Jenuie Gordon. (irant Wood, fornication and bas: tardy; Annie Grambling. Albert Yeager, fornication ‘and bas- tarday; charlotte Goaghnouar. : William Rose; fornication and bas- | Feathers. John Frair, fornication and bastardy ; Elizabeth Englebaugh. Margaret Fifagerald, Michael Logan. “Mary Rusky, Luther. Flora Tautlinger, fornication; P. Miller. . Mary Burns. Ann Mecloskey, fornication; A.M connetl. Maad Ruud, fornication: W. E. Burns. Samuel. P. Haddle, fornication and bastardy; Annie Viola Gore. : Eaey E. Snyder, | fornication; James Somerviile. Harry Grove, fornication and bas-- tardy; Mary Andrews William Rashi. fornieation sind bastardy; Mary Noon. Harry Burns, fornication tardy; Julia Charles, fornication; fornication; Losh R. Ww. E. Fiscus, fornication; and bus- Citses tor ‘Trial Wednesday, March 6h, onwealth va. B. F. honue: for immoral purposes: Lung, let- | pros.’ he welling. liquor without. Annie | Joseph Miller and Alden ° Stiffler, as- sault and battery; James P. Shadle. " Horton cunningham, felonious as- sanlt; George Clark. Prescott, ! assanlt ‘ ing-house keeper, entering a shop: Alexander Black. charles Shonfelder, larceny; P. B. Renninger. William Boyer, robbery. Jacob cole. Henry Dunlap, Matthew Myers and Joseph Lloyd, entering a shop with in- tént to commit a felony; Adam Bower. S. B. Vanoradall selling liquor with- out Beense; (3. ¢. Felix, ‘Richard Lewis, enveding % dwelling house; Ellen Clark. Ephriam Dorman, charles B. Amby. : . Benjamin Stoffer and XM. c. Balwin, entering a building; August Resbaugh. Benjamin Stoffér and M. ¢. Baldwin, entering a building; Daniel Bailey. laren ¥ by bailee; Cases for Trini Tharsday, Mareh 7th. - Commonwealth ve. Edward Nagle, and battery; - prosecutor, Mi- chael Nagle. John Appleman, assault and batte ory: Reuben Ott. John Appleman, Reuben Ott. John Appleman, Reuben Ott. James Dougherty, tery; Mina Jacobs. - William Petrukeriteh, fraudulently making a written instrament; David arry. Samuel J, Ferguson, W. W. Bailey. Ellis B. Reed, rape: EB. F Thomas Alstadt, false p T Faker . B. Harvey, arson and conspiracy. I iy charles A. Howe, defraoding bill; Annie M. Lavely. E. Enskaskas, larceny nnd receiving: John Karshook. Daniel Hoffman, foreilide entry malicious mischief: Daniel Allison. Martin Anderson, defranding a board- Elizabeth ‘Prescott. William Edmunds, exhibiting an ob- scene libel: William Kinmell, Cases for Trini Friday, March Sth. commonwealth va Michael MeArdlé, entering a railroad cur; proseeutor, Samuel M. Snyder. : ‘Harry Sager larceny, son. John Reed. H. H Bush, larceny Frank FE. Willett. Peter Henoek, faise pretense; F. Yeager. "Richard Michling and Jonathan Diose, nuisance, violation road law; M. c. Westover and F. il. Rener. Hlsworsk Davis, malicious misc hief- Jonathan Reese. felonious assan it : malicious mischief: assault and bat. embezzlement: Speneer. retense; E zi board and Frank Dod-- Hallock, larceny: Victoria and receiving; Cc. A SUDDEN DEATH. John Willlum Burkey Pisers Away st His Home on Linwood Ave, Saturday. The COURIER very much regrets to learn of the death of Mr. John William Burkey, of Patton, which took place on Saturday afternoon at 2:9 Mr. Burkey was taken suddenly il on Sun day night, February 17th, but not thinking his disease a dangerous one, consequently did not call a physician until Tuesday noon; when Dr. Murray was summoned and after a most care fol examination diagnosed his ease as developing appendicitis, which later showed symptoms of diffused perito- ‘nitis, the prognosis of which is very ‘grave indeed, and on Friday after everything known to medical science “had been practically tried with seem- ingly no improvement, iis only hope left was by tho art of surgical science, and Drs. Rice, of Hastings, Murray and Noonan, of Patton, met in consul tation, and after explaining the serwoas condition which existed to the family, they concluded to take the. only chance left and consented to an operat m. This revealed the fact that he had gangrenous appendicitis which had ruptured letting the contents of bis bowels into the peritoneal cavity, this ‘of itself being enough to have caused him te perish in a very Tew hours. “However he lived about fifteen hours : after the operation and was conscious to the last moment, denth being due. to shock resufting from perforation of the vermiform appendix and from the resbeorfition of septic matter ons cl.culation of the blood. : Mr. Burkey was aged 27 years and leaves a wife and two children. He moved to this place from Trust P. 0, ' Adams county, about ono year age and ‘was an industrious and conscientions man. The funeral servic: were held 'in St. Benedict's Catholic church a Carrolitown on Monday at 10 o’elon | a m. and his remains were laid to 18 at that piace. Tn ceremony [eedacedy voi fea A Bargain. H. Franklin Horner, assault and bat- | ; ;
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