oe Patton Courier. Proprietors. | PATTON PU BLISHING Co, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1895. - NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS. 1. Rubseribers who do ing tn) renew thelr subscriptions, ng If sebsertbers order the dseontinuanes | of their periodicals, the tinue to send them anti 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their pericdicals ron 5 they are dirveted, they are responsible until | they have settled their bills and orde red then | dishontiived. {f subscribers move to other places with- on Informing the publishers, and the papers are sent to the former address, they y are be 1d ansible, the Llourts have devided that re: fiAing toy take periodicals from the office or removing and baving them dnealisd for, is prima facia evidence of intentional fraud, 8. If subweriters pay in advance they are bound to give noties at the end of the time i they do not wish to continue taking it; other he the publishers is authorized to send it and the subscriber will be responsible until an express nddice, with mivment of all arrear ages. ix sent to the publisher. all arreamges are © Loenl Time Table. The hours of arrival and departure of trains at the Patton Station are as: follows; Train No, Mw. 10 Mu, . 3 TON-X. 607 p a hours from 7 A. P. M. - Train amb. marked GN - northbound ‘and “8” southbound. . T02 AM 0X am 110 rN hel. vm M. to 8 Arrives, TAM. 32 A MX... rom mrs are An Angelic Husband, | There are husbands who are puvetly There ae husbands who are WRN : There are husbands who in public are as smiling as the morn; There are husbands who an: healthy, There are hustsinds who are wealthy, . But the ren! angelic husband, well--he's neve: yet been born, : Rone for strength of ove are noted, Who an really 8) devoted, That whene'er their wives are absent they are | lonesome and fortorn; And now and thin you'll find one, Who's a fairly good and kind one, Yet the rend angelic. hosband.-oh, his never yet been born, Ho the woman who is mh ted Ton man who is mated ; As “pretty fal,” should cherish bh forever and a day, : For the real angelic cresture Perfect, quite, In every featare- He has never been iscovered, and he won't be, #0 they say. TE Aldrich in the Forum. . Election is over. Missouri has 5257 saloons. Read the Pittsburg Post offer. Lerch the tailor, Mahaffey, Pa. Ashcroft’s millinery store 44-tf The lucky officers should set ‘em up. - Jacksonville has more negroes than whites. : . OA. Repsher drove. to Carrolitown | on Sunday. : . Fresh shelled oysters at Kinkead restaurant. Thanks to Dr. 8. Ww. ‘Worrell for a sleigh ride on Sunday. de L. L. Brown, of Hastings, was seen | _on our stree.s Tuesday. E. 0. Brown drove to the county seat Saturday on business. Patton Supply will sell you new Salt A.W. Lyda, of Johnstown, was a’ : Heating stoves now at cost at the Cambria Hardware Co.’s.-58t2 Fall styles io ladies Hats at Alice A. . Ashcroft’s millinery _ Ashcroft’s millinery store. —44-tf ; WC. Baim and wife took advantage | A ek a Cees Dr. I. J. Weida and Jack Scheid took | a sleigh ride into the country on Sun- day. a D. Bloom, Jr., of Williamsport, | registered at the Palmer house Mon- | day. Raphael Hite, of Carrolltown, Wb A} Lizzie Kline of Hastings were: announ- every Sunday, . welcome visitor to this place one “day | last week. Eo The Semi-weekly Post and the Pat- | ton COURIER only $1.50 per year. Just think of it. : ~ Julius Hoffman, selling barbers sup- plies of Johnstown, stopped at Hotel | Beck Moaday. - Jas. Mellon and family, accompanied | by A. J. Jackson, attended church at | Carrolitown Sunday. or i. J.C. Blair, of Harrisburg, and A. C. ‘Burkey, of Hotel Beck Saturday. Thos. Peach, of Ebensburg, and E. H. Kinkead, of Johnstown, were visit | | ors to Pattor Sunday. Dr. Somerville and S8am’l Kelley, of | the Facts and Figures, has been re- | { duced to a six column four page paper. | ought one bottle of Dr. King's New ..4 Hettie Wi Chest Springs, were welcome visitors to Patton on election day. && The institute which was ts be held | at St. Lawrence February Sth will be postponed until February 23, 1895. <... Jas. Allport, of the Allport Coal | company of Hastings, was looking | after business interests Leré Friday. B F ‘Wine, the energetic lumber | merchant of Patton, is making an ex- | tended visit with friends in Jarret, N. C. Everybody should read the contin- ued war story on the first page of the COURIER written by a special corres- ‘pondent. . : W. L. Thompson, Elery Haftzhorn, Miss Grace Jackson and Miss Ida Deckhart. drove to Spangler Sanday The COURIER representative and = b Jife heartily enjoyed a sumptuous din- "ner of roust goose and stewed chicken at Hotel Beck on Sunday, the guests - of the genial proprietor. not give express | notice to the contrary are considered as wish. ublisher may econ- | 1 postoffice to which | Mall Closes, | day. Philadelphia, registered at | Did your man get elected? - For fruits go to Kinkead’s. 40tf { Germany has 23, 2587 physicians. "| Uncle 8am employs 373,210 teachers, ! World’s railways employ 204,000. | World's copper production last year, | + 330,500 tons. Jesse E. Dale, Esq., visited friends in! | Clearfield county last week. {at the Palmer honse Monday. Thos. Welsh, of Pittsburg, stopped at the Palmer house Tuesday. Advertise in the CoURIER and you will be surprised at the results. | a reading circle composed of a num- ber of Patton's young people, was | organiied last week. The first meet- {ing was held at the home of Miss Grace | | Jackson on Palm ‘day evening, | Albert Flick landlord of tne Gray | hotel at Carrolitown moved part of his personal property to Altoona last! week, and fter the expiration of his | toona. A number of enterprising citizens of Spangler are taking steps toward the location at that place of a plant to avenoe, on Satar- | EBENSBURG, Pa. Feb. 91th, 1895. Hon. AV. Barker was in Indiana { last week, Ebensburg on Monday, Prof. D. C. Herron and E. J. Severn, of Patton, spent Friday night in Eb- J. W. Lane, of 8t. Louis, was a guest license in Carrolitown will embark in ensburg. the hotel business in the city of Al-! Miss Maggie McCabe, of this place, visiting relatives and friends in Phila delphia. Policeman, F. J. Sharretta, of Gallit- zin and 8. M. Snyder, of Conemaugh, Be all ready for the Courier of manutacture boits and nuts. The peo- were in town on Thursday. March 7th. It will be a stunner. Look out for the nouvenir edition of the Patton CoURriER of March 7th. The wonderful Pittsburg Post clu} offer is meeting with mach success. J. B. Hahn, Ro at the Commercial hotel Friday. A. Z. Wolf, of Curwensville, was in Bs this week locking after business interesta. Walter Dale, the livery man of Fru- gality, made Patton a visit the first of the week. : Ladies hats reduced in price at Alice A. Asheroft's millinery store up-stairy in Good building. . The Misses Mellon and Snyder, of Patton, were visitors in town Thurs-' Hasting’s Tribune. ‘of Philadelphia; was a ple of Spangler propose to raise §15,- 000. and the company locating their plant at that place to invest the sume amount. ££... : Talented Clergyman. The following is from the Bellefcnte Gazette: “Sunday morning and evening the Bellefonte Presbyterian church was filled almost to its utmost capacity. The pulpit was ably filled by Rev. Harvey Gireme Furbay, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, of Tyrone, who is one of the most talented und gifted ministers in the State. He is young, but is fifteen years in advance of a large number of the classical | students of his age. His sermon was delivered extemporaneously, clothed in eloquent language and benatiful Some of Ebensburg's young folks will attend the bail at the Junction House, Cresson, on February 21st. Frank E. Taylor, who represents the firm of Thompson & Taylor, of Phila - delphia, was in town on Satarday. Capt. Thomas Davis, who has been confined to the house by illness the ‘past two weeks is able to be out again. H. L. Work, the enterprising editor of the Cherrytree Record, spent Wed- nesday night in Ebensburg. The Confederate Spy which was played a couple of weeks ago by home talent, was reproduced at the opera house Friday evening last by request. Harvey Roland Esq., of Hastings, and Joseph Waters, of Johnstown, were among the guesta at the Blair house on Monday. The Dauntless Fire company will C. M. Schroeder, a traveling sales | yontiments which commanded the at- meet in the enginé room on Tuesday man of Philadelphia, stopped at the tention and admiration of all those evening the 19th inst. for the purpose - Commervial hotel Monday. America exports 8072,861,378 worth of goods and imports only $746, 736,293, faring man though a fool’ could not INR establishment from: Centre street’ according to latest figures. and the Patton CoURIER for only $1.50. See offer in anothe or column. John Brown, the elficient landlord of the Anderson house of Cresson, business in Patton Monday. E. F. Taylor, of Columbus, 0. and W. 8, Stewart, of Cleveland, reg- istered at the Palmer house day. After march 7th the Patton COURIER will be increased to wight pages--the _ lirgest paper in Northern Cambria. * | present. His illustrations were of the highest type yet so plain that a ‘way- fail to understand. = While the sermons they contained the sentiments of a true and consecrated man of God.” The editor of the Patton COURIER cation, being a warm and personal friend of Rev. Furbay. He has, besides, other close acquaintances here. : Modern Surgery. On Wednesday of last week Dr. S. W. Worrell performed a very intricate piece of surgery, known us trachey- of electing officers for the ensuing year. R. P. Robley, has moved his tailor- to Colonnade Row, opposite Johnston’ 8 Get the Semi-weekly Pittsburg Post Were brilliant in word and thought yet residence on Loyd St. The venerable Richard Tudor is lying very low at the Cambria house, in this place. He haa been ill for some had publishes the above with much gratifi- time and little hopes are entertained for his recovery. Mr. L. A. Craver, sccompanied by his danghters, Jennie Ida, and Minnie and his niece, Cinda Cole, visited friends at Spangler ‘and Garmantown on Sunday, : Mr. H. W. Westover, one of the leading otomy, that is, making an opering in- to atténd the wedding of their nephew, ‘und prominent citizens of Westover, Pa., made Patton a very pleasant visit Mouday. Ex-Sheriff Jesse E. Dale, of Patton, attended court this week. Jesse looks ‘well, feels well and is well. Clearfield Public Spirit. M.S Dietrick and lady, Andrew Lantzy and wife and I. E. Bender and | wife, all of Homits drove over to this place Sunday. J. M. Click, of Phiiipsburg, superin- tendent of the Wigton mines and who is a patron of the COURIER spent last Thursday in Patton. Miss Birdella Morgan, one of Clear- field’s most charming daughters, is the . guest of Miss Lizzie Mulson. —Philips- jong Bituminous Record. Louie Gazou and wife, of Hastings, i Youle Barbut, and wife and Frank Gay- | ett of Patton, drove to Elnora mines, | Jefferson county Saturday. dees The finest line of ladies’ fancy goods and millinery to be had in the north- ern part of Cambria at Alice A. store, Patton, | Pa.-62tf A new railroad uniting the Atlantic and Pacific is nearly completed. It ‘crosses the Andes and brings Buenos {Ayres within forty hours’ travel of . Valparaiso. The bans of matrimony between Isa- | dore Farabaugh of Carrolltown and {ced in St. Benedict's church of C arroll- | town, Sunday. Le RL George, attorney-at-law, of Gallitzin, and also iepresenting the to the throm by cutting the wind pipe, on Richard Williams, the two and one- + half-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, who live near the McCorin- ick mine. The child was suffering from diphtheriactic croup, being ill for several days, but without any profes sional assistance. On the above time mentionnsd the child became so bad ‘that the doctor was summoned and on _ arriving at the house was told that it was beyond all hope. The doctor dis- covered that its heart was still palpi- tating slowly, but all other signs of life were extinct. He at once performed the . ‘difficult operation and the unfortunate child was given instant relief. The little. fellow’s throat was completely closed. At present writing the child is doing very well and its chances for recov ery are very encouraging. “The Only” for 1895, The COURIER is pleased to announce. its clubbing arrangements with The Pittsburg Post, the great home news- . paper of Pennsylvania, and to persons who want the best daily or semi-weekly paper published in the city, we mend The Post. The Daily Post, a large eight-page paper, and The CoURIER one year each for $3.00. The price of The Post alone | is $3.00. Send us your order at once! and get seven papers a week for the! price you formerly paid for one. The Sanday Post, twenty pages containing as much reading as any of the monthly maga- zines, and The COURIER one year each | for only $2.25. The Semi-weekly Post and The Cou- | Howard Fv: ans, who when in Ebens- burg made his home with them returned home Thursday. CLEARFIELD. CLEARBIELD, Pa., Feb. 19, 1595. Presiding Elder Dr. D. &. Monroe preached in the Clearfield Methodist last Sunday morning and in the | church West Clearfield Methodist church in the evening. : Ice is 24 inches thick = the river at _ this place. Attorney-at-Ice Bradley has a block of it on exhibition in front his office. W. J. Betts is home on a visit from] Philadelphia. Ex-8heriff Cardon returned Satarday from a business trip to Pittsburg. The new hotel Witmer will soon be ready for business. A verdict was rendered last week in | ‘our courts against the Pennsylvania and Northwestern Railroad company in favor of the heirs of Engineer Moul- tou and Fireman Ake, killed in a loco- motive boiler explosion at Irvona, Clearfield county, May 4, 1892. The FECOM- case was tried before Judge Wickham, | of Beaver county, sitting as a special judge for Judge Cyrus Gordon. Thirty - witnesses including goverment experts | In steel and chemistry and a saperin- tendent of the Baldwin Locomotive works testified. The jury was out seven hours. Moulter's heirs receive $2,411.50, and Ake's heirs $1,936.50 The amount claimed ‘by each was $20,000. ‘Marriage Licenses. : The following marriage licenses we {German National Building and Loan KIER one year each for only $1.50. Just issued by the Clerk of the Orph | association, made the COURIER a pleas- think of it, The Post twice a week, and ' Court for the week ending Thursday, ant call Friday. In 1893 no less than 12,132,311 bushels | of buckwheat were raised, ground into | meal and made into cakes, to be duly | t served with butter and the very best | quality of maple syrup. Thos. Hoover, steward at the county Alms house, spent a couple of days in | Patton this week, and while here added ' his name to the best newspaper in Northern Cambria country. [ The existing hard times most have been hard on the Snancial end of their! ovaiziens. : | The life of a locomotive is fifteen [ years. It will run 270.000 miles, carry 600,000 tons, or 1,000,000 passengers; f and earn $300,000. [Its first cost is $10- | 1000, and ite general average is 300 horse-power. i Ike Wartelskey, the representing Monroe Bros. & Co, | wholesale shoe dealers of Philadelphia, | spent Sunday in Palton, and before leaving called to wer the COURIER | office. ; Dr. Parkhurst's first article women in the Ladies’ Home Journal has proved so popular that the entire | huge edition of the February issué of | the magazine was exhausted within | ten days, and g second edition of 45,000 copies has just been printed. i enterprising | Jeweler of Hastings, and G. E. Harker, | your county paper for the price of one. Write us for sample copies. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Pheobe Thomas, of . City, IIL had Consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles Dr. King's: New Discovery completely eured her and she says it saved her life. ; Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St. San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful without result every thing else then ! Discovery and in two weeks was cured. | He in naturally thankful. { results, of which these are samples, [that prove the wonderful efficacy of | this medicine in Coughs and Colds | Free - trial bottlés at C. E. Belcher's City Drug Store. Regular size 50c and $1.00. seriously IL. J. able father of Mrs. John Bender who resides one mile east of Patton, is lying | dangerously ill- at his home in that | place. Mr. Flick is eighty seven years | of age and owing to his advan- | ced years hia recovery is considered | extremely doubtful. He is one of the! to | oldest residents. in this vicinity, and! pave a tendanc his many friends will regret to learn of his serious flinean, Another shipment of Pepein flour | | just in, this time in cotton sacks, same | | Patton Supply. -62tf. | price as paper. Cash. ~P. 8 Co. Tunction was told by her doctors she It is such Charles Flick of Loretto the vener- | February 14, 1585: Thomas W. Barnes and Lillian McKeever, Johnstown. Paul Beleviles and Caroline Balser, | Washington townsoip. Timothy J. Crowly, Johnstown, and Rose White’ Morrellville, Evan D. Lewis, Lorain, Sadie Lewis, Johnstown. "H. E. Me Kinley; Oil City, Pa, Phen- etta Vickroy, Johnstown. Michael Sackman and Mary Brazella, Ohio. and The new Williamsport Sunday paper, | (cold; approaching consumption, tried Johnstown. - William Henry Temple, Johnstown issinger, Stonycreek ' township. : Charles W. Carter, Westmount, and Gertrude Cunningham, Morrellville. . Milton J Kirkpatrick, "Elder town- ship, and Annie McQueeney, Pa. John Farabaugh, Carroll township, and Ella F. Adams Allegheny. Reduced Rates on Acoust of G. A. R. En campment. The Beech Creek. Railroad will have ‘ on sale February 25th to 28th inclusive, round ‘trip tickets to - Williamsport, { from all points on the line, at one way | fare for the round trip, good to return iuntil March 2nd, 1898. This arrange | ment makes a very low rate a trip to Williamsport, and certainly should number of people to attend the (i. A. 'R. Encampment February 27th and | 28th. Just received a shipment of salt fish, Mr. F. H. Young, of Sonman, was in Edward Griffith and wife de- | parted on Tuesday last for Pittsburg They y to attract a large ANY SUIT License Court convened here yester-' In the Store Will be Sold for Two Weeks for —510.005— This means 20.00, Suits. Your pick 18.00, 16.00, of the $15.00 stock in fact. Don’t Forget This Now: The Overcoat Sale at half-price offered last week 1s still on and 1 : Come Hete—Don and pay double. | BELL, TRE CLOTAIER and SHOE MAN. You Will Find It to Your Advantage to buv at QUINN’S, Clinton St, Johastowa, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Linolenms, Mattings, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Carpet low as 20 ets per yard, Lace Curtains at 30 cts. a pair. The largest assortment of Dress Goods in the city. Ladies Coats and Wraps. Millinery of all kinds. Good measure, lowest prices. JAMES QUINN, or JONSTOWN, PA. w hen in Johnstown call on SCOT I DIBERT 1 S— SHOES, The Finest and Best Within the City. CORNER MAIN & FRANKLIN STREETS. ONE GIVES RELIEF. ts ad SUCCess, . any’ place else as Adamant Plaster Gives a first-class wall a moderate ex- pense. Is the best fire-resisting plister. Always ready for use in any season. Does not hold gmc or disease germs. Two Papers For Only$1.2 " THE COURIER is pleased to. ansounce its clubbing arange- Ia the par execilence for pitching, Can be papered as soon as dry. Is. recommended hy 3 the ) provk-a- this country and Bp Will give yoo a solid wall. : Of itself will not erack, swell or shrink. : - Will not cleave off when used as di- rected, even in case of leakage. Will give ¥ou a warm house. Does not ruin woodwork by loading it with moisture. Admits of carpenters following tlas- tervrs in a few days Is capable of every variety of finish. #2" Used on the Palmer House, Good Building, Hotel Beck. Hotel C CL & L Co. office.. Patton Opera, house, M. E. church, and on more than one-half of the plastered houses and store rooms of Patton. aase the Catholic Charch St. Angust- ments with The - Pittsburg Post the great home Aewspaper of Pennsylvania, and to ™SOns who want the best daily or serii-weekiy paper published in the city, we recommend The | Post. The DAI LY POST, a large eight- age paper, and. THE COURIER one year each for $300. The price of The Post alone is $3.00. Send us | your order at snee and get sev- en papers a week for the price you formerly paid for one. The SUNDAY POST, ' twenty pages every Sunday, containing as much rondiag as any of the monthly 1 zine, and THE COURIER - year each for only R25 ‘The Popular The Semi- JEWELER, OPTICIAN, and Weekly Post, musical Insti Instruments Is to the front as usnal with a large stock of goods ato] ADAMANT PLASTER co, Patton, Pa.. Lock Box 345. JAS. Ww. HOY, Far prices woud ink write and THE COURIER ‘one year each for only » $1.50. Just think of it, The Post twice a week. and. your county paper for the’ price of one. Write us for sample copies. Reuel Somerville, Attornev-at-Law, “PATTON, Pa. - Office in the Good Building. CLOCKS, SILVER-. WARE. and everything kept in a first-class store. of this kind. - IOLIN. GUITAR and BANJO ings and all B aie of small musk .&! TE will be kept constantly om WATCHES. R. I. GEORGE, ATTORNEY AT - LAW, © GALLITZIN, PA. | Solicitor for German National Le association.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers