VOL, IL —NO. 61. PATTON, CAMBRIA co. PA, THU RSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1895. ‘$1.00 PER YEAR. ‘PE ~ $100 Given Away. - FIVE CENT MONEY ORDER. With each Dollars worth of goods at this store we will give Five Orders, and when Twenty Soma Bae tor of 0 any one time nt this oh to > ay cents or more. Patton Frama. 2. W. HODGKINS. , Medicines, and Chemi- als, Stationery, Confe(- tionery, Cigars and yu Tobacgo. Aine fo COLUMBIA & HIC KORY Bic ycles. pir This is Store i Patton Te ny Dr ney Orders can be had. : We are doing the business’ of the town and no doubt ‘about it. Onur stock of * Dry Goods, ; Of Carrol Itown. Clothing, ~ Boots and Shoes, “and Furnishings Is the best to be had in the County. Our ‘prices correspond with | the name*that tells you - where to buy your goods at a reas- onable price -and that 1s at the - Economy, STORE ¥ When you are in town do “not fail to call and see us; we’ will treat you Figat. ~ .The ECONOMY, Next to Bank, 2 "The Big - os REDUCTION. - SALE is still going on in full blast. : Remember the Place, Carrolltown. HOTEL H.C. BECK, Pro. erent Yim One of the Largest Hotels in| ~ Northern Cambria; Conducted in ~ MODERN STYLE. _ Good Table and Bar Supplied with Choiest Brands of Liquors. ‘The Popular + HOUSE of PATTON. 4] stationed. at the place we were stopping. PSIN' FLOUR MAKES THE REMINISCENCE OF THE WAR Written by One of the “Cou-- rier’ Contributors. “THE GREAT SCOUT.” Through the Confederates Lines. A Trae Story of the Laie War, fContinned from Inst woek | Once across the road and intc the woods we felt pretty safe; but on pass- ing two men on guard, one of ‘them said, “Look, Yankees!’ closely a moment and then answered that it was only a picket going out. “This reply lifted a load off our minds. We felt that unless the men in the road became alarmed at our passage, we were safe for the night, and we would travel a good distance before morning. To make sure that all was right we halted on the edge of the field and I went back some distance. | could de- tect no noise or stir, and feeling con- fident that we need not fear pursuit, again joined the party. | We entered the field and took an easterly direction. It bad not been tilled, and was covered with a growth of wild sunflowers and other weeds five or six feet high, and as the dew had fallen, we were soon drenched from head to feet. Two of the prison- ers gave out and we had bard work to : keep them up. | At length we reached the Potomac river; although we were uncertain of it ' at the time and travelled two or three miles down the bank before some f the’ pasty would believe jt to be the noble streams we sought. It happened. that | we were opposite an island, which we | mistook for the other bank, and were | thus led to believe that the river was too narrow to be the Potomac. We halted at an old shed, and two of | the party proposed to swim across and’ After about | two hours they retarned, and we set ‘explore the other side. about devising some means to get over. We tore the straps off an old fashioned | grain separator which we found in the ‘shed, and all hands went to work | gathering rails to make a raft. With ‘the straps we bound it together, and’ ‘ when it was three rails deep launched it, and found that it wonid sink below | the surface with three men. | The first trip we sent over two pris | oners and one of our men on the raft, | and two swimmers along side. When J they got to the island the swimmers | were exhaasted, but one of them man- | aged to get the raft back. We kept the | work of crossing up 4s best we could ; i ‘till morning, and found we had made but little progress. When morning | came one of the prisoners found hidden ‘along the bank a boat which would | carry fourteen men. There was a full’ {load still to cross without the negro. {some of the party suggested that he | should be left behind, but | {not think of such a thing. could He bad | fairly earned our gratitude, and I | was determined that he should have | his liberty. We all got into the boat ' and bade farewell to Old Virginia. We were not off a moment too soon, howe “er, for when the stragglers began {to move and fire off their guns the ‘whole country on the Virginia side | seemed to be alive with ther. : | After landing on the island we i crossed over to the Maryland ade, and : building a huge fire prepared to have | a feast. The old darkey proposed go- ing back to Virginia for corn, and one | of the men went with him. They soon | returned with a full supply, and after | disposing of it we crossed over into. : Maryland, and thought our adventures | ended. : : We marched down the tow-path of | the Chesapeake and Ohio canal until ~ | we reached the Seneca Aqueduct, where : [daackisenty of the 1st Massachusetts | cavalry and 3d Maryland infantry were Thinking us rebels, they {fled at our approach, leaving their ready cooked dinner behind them. [We took possession, expecting to have a feast, but we could not | pork and beans. | ‘There was a man here looking after ‘Ia boat load of lime, He came and i made full inquiries, about us and our FE and left apparently alright. But as soon as he was ou of sight he | Ba spurs to his horse and was guing at i full speed when he was met by another man also going to see about some lime The latter hailed his neighbor and inquired | what waa the matter. Our late visitor isaid that a squad of Yankees had a . number of Confederate prisoners down "| at the Aqueduct, and that he was go- ing to Poolesvillo, where there were ' rebel cavalry, to start them in pursuit. ‘The questioner being a Union man, | there goes a squad of The other scrutinized us COMMONWEALTH OF PA, | : Perscnally appeared before me a aforesaid | go’? the: cheered him on, and after tosvitg came also at break:neck speed to us. He told us what was up, and advised vs to hurry down the canal, hoping some- thing would turn ap to save us. We did not relish the prospect of be- ing captured on Union soil after all our hardships and scapes on the other side of the Potomac, yet it looked as if that was what would happen; for Pooles- ville and the mounted enemy were only a few miles away, and our only means of travel was on foot, by which method we were too much worn out to make much speed. However, we hur- ried as moch as possible, and soon came to a plage in the canal where there were a number of locks close to- gether. At the lower one an empty ‘boat had just passed through, bound ‘up the river. I told the driver that the cand above was swarming with rebels and that if he wanted to save his boat and mules he had better turn and get to Georgetown as quickly as possi- ble. This had the desired. effect. The hoatman turned immediately and we all got aboard for Washington. preparations to cross the stream that divides the two cities, The sun came “up bright and clear and the day prom-’ ised to be very warm. We could see into the upper end of Washington, the streets were thronged with people, it ing Sanday. a grand display. Approaching nearer it seemed thut the entire population was cornposed of officers. Everyone was dressed in his best. - Broad shining eppaulettes, gilt buttons and scarlet sashes were sported in pro- fassion, feathers and gold plated eagle sur- mounted the whole. and, least J must mention the snow white gauntlet gloves reaching half way to the elbows, Your first impression on com- ing in sight might have been that the army was composed of brigadiers and a few others, but our experience on the battle field had taught us better. CANTEEN, To be pontinued A Reztement. CAMBRIA COUNTY, : Justice of the Peace in and County, Joseph Maddison, Thomas Quinn, Walter Rowley, Law len, William Gregory and Wm. Row- ling, who being daly sworn ong to law, doth depose and say: That they have been informed that their names have been handed to the Hon. A. V. Barker as persons who bought liquor from H. C. Beek, or at his hotel, in Patton Borough, evening. in with their names attached they are signed by them nor with their know- ledge or consent. 4 That they never aothorized any one to send in such informrtion. : That they never bought liqaor of any kind at tise hotel of H. ( Sanday or after ten evening. o'clock in the Mr. Beck and his hotel and have al- ways known him to close his bar-room at ten o'clock in the evening and not to sell after that time, and have never known him to sell on Sunday. { SIGNED | $i: Joseph Madison, ix Lawrence Cul- len, Thomas Quinn, William Gregory, Walter Rowley, William Rowling Sworn and subscribed before me the 19th day of February, 1566. Jas. MsLrowN, J.P. xX sarprised. about eight o'clock last Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Elebert Bender, who live two miles east of Patton heard a noise at the door,and*when the door was opened were much surprised to see that two sleds well loaded with young, folks had come to spend the evening with them. They were all kindly invited in. The crowd was composed of Cecelia Strittmatter, An- nie Strittmatter, Annie Shrift, Barbara Shrift, Emma and Ellen Weakland, Rose Anna, Maggie Wilt, Jeunie Buck, Mary Lambarn, ClarneMeAteer, He- ena Long, Mary Bender, Lizzie Loag, Isadore and Peter Strittmatter, Isadore snd Charley Bender, Isadore and Steph- en Long, Piss Anna, Otto Anna, Pius Shrift, Wis the evening spent very enjoyable? Well | guess. Man: thanks are tend- ered Mr. and Mrs. Bender for the much - trouble they were caused and the kind treatment shown io the crowd. : (ONE OF THE PARTY. Her Experience. The saying that “there is no substi- tute for experience,” is true. She had tried other Ranges, but found the Cinderella the most uniform baker and roaster. scld and guaranteed by A. M. Thoinas. c Flarry Gronbd Arriving at Georgetown we made ‘We expected to make A ponderous hat with ostrich | last but not rence Cul- | under, so that if spring comes, a8 come - it probably will, the matter will drop on | bie ; out o hit. Sanday and after ten o'clock in the | “°F of Sif % Boek on ‘not even excepting the labor element. problem, and besides it would cost less. | plausible objection could be made to a 1 Harry Buck. Walter Weakland.- MOST WHOLE : THE TUESDAYS ELECTION In Patton Borough Passed Off Very Quiet. AN | INCREASE OF DEBT, Was Carried by a Vote f 138 1) 76 Resilts from Phila: iphina. Following is the result of the Patton Borough election which was held on Toeslay: “* Inercas: a y Debi. Debit may be nerves Noy inwrvase of debt Citizen's Ticket. ARRERSOR J. H. Ricker : CRUHOOL DIRECTORS HE. Barton, 3 year Joss FE. Dale, 3 vears Sam’! Edmiston, | year FOUNCILMEN. John Bovee Raiph Letwh AUDITOR. JUDGE OF FLECTION, Sam't Boyes . ; INSPECTOR WW. 7 Basia fudependent Ticket. ARNERSGR J. BH. Rieke r, : SCHOLL RECTORS Harry Barton, 3 ssams John A. Myers, ven Thos Presseott, | var J. B. Nootwn, | year COL NC HLMEN Frank Cainpbell W. €. Hubban! AUDITOR s Harvey Patterson % UGE GF FL LECTION, ‘Melaughiin INSPECTOR. awd Ed. F be Walter Weakl he The officers elected are indicated by un star (* preceding the number of votes received. Ex-Gov. Pattison Defeated. At Tuesdays election in Philadelphia (Charles Warwick defeated Ex-Govern- or Pattison, for the Mayor of that city by a majority of 60,000. All other im- : portant Republican officers in Phila delphia were elected. ; COMMUNICATED Another Letlier from the Cambria County “Kicker” on Pablic Legisiation: CaxMBRia CoUNTY, Pa., Feb. 18, 1505, SDITOR COURIER: —-] expected to see more “Kickers,” on the drifted roads problem. Probably the snow - did enough kicking, or snowed the kickers is there no wav to bring our congress ¢ priniatl 3 thei Se That if such papers have bees handed and legislature to their senses y far as we can see the only daty they under- : {stand is to draw their salaries, which Forgets thy same Sob having been | devoutly to be hoped they do aa regularly and punctually as they drew refreshments at the maternal fountain. Our law makers in Washington and : Harrisburg are doing more to inaugu- rate a conflict than any other power, It has been asserted time and again , I a : That they are well acquainted with | Shat our law makers are Sought up by corporations like cattle. Is this really true? Their actions would seem to force this conclusion upon us. And yes there is a remedy as simple and as | practical as there is the snow drift Vote for no man for these offices who will not give a sufficent bond for his official integrity. = Petty township of- ficeras give bonds. Why not all officers | elected by the people? Our law makers when elected have nothing to guide them bat their own needs. They sel- dom consult their constituents, and in general terms ignore them altogether. It is difficult to understand how any reform of this kind. It would be no injustice to the officials, as all should be treated alike. [ say emphatically, try it! : The Deiineator ‘1s the Woman's Favorite Magazine, and is issued by the famous fashion publishers, The Butterick Publishing Company, Limited ), at 7 to 17 West Thirteenth street, New York, at the, remarkable low rate of $1.00 for a year's subscription, or 15 cents a copy. Of all family magazines it is the great caterer to domestic needs, and can be recommended for its cheapness, use- fulness, beauty, freshness and utility. “od Died Turwday Morning ‘Chester Martin the eléeven-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Brewer died Tuesday morning at 5 o'clock after suffering an illness of nearly s week. ' The childs remains were taken to Will- | iamsport for burial on Wednesday morning. | Mr. and Mrs. Brewer have the heartfelt s mpathy of their many | Rigas in Patton in this sad hour of] t 3 child. ww to -Ebensburg yesterday draw immediatly, and he did so. ‘of Okio, vice president, and re-elected ' Webb Kentucky; J. Pennsylvania; J. W. average attendance, HIS. ‘Cambria county ‘eral use in this section. IN JAR. FOR RAPE A Hastings Man Charged With Outraging a Littde Girl. The following dispatch is taken from the Johnstown Tribune: “Among the prisoners in the county : " jail at Ebensburg is Ellis B. Reed, of Hastings, who is charged with out raging, Volona, the fourteeen-year-old danghter of Edward Spencer, whose nome is near that of Reed. “Reed, who is forty yeam of age and a very large man, is the owner of a restaurant at Hastings. It is alleged that Volona went to his place on Tues- day to see his adopted daughter; that “his, ( Reed's wife was not at home, and that he took Volona to his bedroom, and, after locking the door, committed the henions crime upon the innocent “The little girl made the matter + known to her mother soon after it oo- curred, and she left at once for an office of a justice of the peace at Hast- 5 ings, and swore out a warrant for the arrest of the fiend, charging him with | ,¢. Pape and assanit and battery. “The accused was arrested and taken | before Mr. Spencer was informed of the outrage. It is said this was done thus secretly in ‘order to protect Reed from the rough . treatment he would doubtless have re- others ceived had the father and “lemrned of his crime.” new. E MApATYE At the Umited Mine. Workers Conventinm Hell at Columbus, "The final enc ing of the MeBride case, in the U. M. W. A. convention, in sess. ion in Colambus, was as follows: By the ananémous report of the committee of fifteen was reported to be not guilty | ‘of the of the charge of corruption in. connection with the Hocking Valley | Railroad company strike. The com. ! wittee’s report said that Mark Wild, | the railroad man who preferred the - charge is a demagogue and self-posses- | sed correptionist. Thereupon a reso-. lution was adopted extending a vote of | eodfidence to John McBride and or- | dering Mark wild to leave the hall. Mr Wild endeavered to obtain the floor, but the demonstrations against: him were so pronounced that the presiding officer advised him to with- The conventicm then elected P. H. Penna, of Indians, president; Cameron Miller, Patrick MoBride Secretary and treas- urer. 2 The followi ing members of the exe- outive board were elected: W. C. A. Crawford, Ill- inois; T. A. Bradley and John Fahey Feynolds, lowa, and Fred. Dilcher. Patton School Report: The fullowing is a report of the Pat- ton school for the month ending Feb- raary 16: ~ Number enrolled in high schoal, He hoys, 19, girls 34; average attendance 36; boys 8; girls, 28; per cent of attendance, 90; boys, 89, girls, 90; number enrolled in granmpar school, 60; boys, 26; girls, MM; average attendance, 32; boys, 23; girls, 30; per cent. of attendance, 90; boys, 90¢ girls 90: number enrolled in intermediate, 85; boys, 35; girls 30: average attendance 48; boys, 31, girls, 17; per cent. of attendance, 81; boys, #3; girls, 89; number enrviled in . sec- ond primary, 538; boys, 31; girls, 27; ‘average attendance, 47; boys, 27; girls, 20; per cent. of attendance, 82; boys, 89; girls, 75; number enrolled in first’ primary, 62; boys, 33; girls, 29; aver’ age attendance, 50; boys, 27; girls, 23; per cent. of attendance, $8; boys, 56; girls, 88, number enrolled ‘during ‘month, 279; average attendance, 233; number of males, 135; average attend- ance, 115; number of females, 144; They Gal Lost. Two prominent and well known | gentlemen, of the north-east end of home near Fallen Timber, became lost ‘in the huge snow drifts and landed in Patton very much frightened, thinking it was Johnstown or some other. city. Gentlemen you are right; Patton does present quite a metropoliton air, es pecially after night, with its numerous street lamps and its extensive thor- oughtares. : Church Notice. Rev. Chas. W. Wasson, pastor of the ' Methodist Episcopal church, will preach in this place next Sunday morning at 10:30, at which time communion service will be held. Everybody welcome. Conl For Sale. John Truman is prepared to furnish his trade with the finest coal for gen- Call and leave your order. Terms cash. -53tf California ha 20,000,000 fruit trees. SOME Hastings ‘house and outbuildings. Wushington ; Apples for a Penny while driving from "| Ebensburg Monday night to their BREAD. CAMBRI SHERIF SHES At the County. Seat on Mon- “day, March sth. PATTON ISN'T “IN IT.” This Report Does Not Mention Those in the South End of the County. Sheriff Coulter will offer st sheriffs sale at the court house in Ebensburg - on Monday, March 4th, 1885 at one o'clock P. M., the following properties. The terest of John A. Platt in a lot of ground in Hastings borough, having erected a large two-story frame house with basement and a stable. The interest of M. D. Wills in 9 acres of land in Clearfield township, having thereon erected a large two-story frame dwelling house, a plank bam and | a water saw-mill. The interest of the same in 82 acres and 121 perches of land in Clearfield township, having thereon erected a iog house and frame barn. The interest of the same in a lot of ground in Ashville borough, having thereon erected a frame dwelling house and storeroom combined, a stable and other outhuildings. The interest of the same in a lot of ground in Ashville borough, being known as lot. No 17. The interest of O. P. Bloomquist in ‘a lot of ground in Histhugs borough, having thereon erected. a two-story frame dwelling house. The interest of E. B. Cresswell in a lot of ground in the borough of Ebens- burg, haviug thereon erected a plank engine and boiler house and power house, together with boilers, engines, dynamos, shaftings, pulleys and other . fixed machinery; also his interest in the rights, franchises, poles, lights and wires of the Fheneburg Light and Power Co- The interest of Annie Weakiand and |S. Weakiand in a lot of ground in borough, having thereon erected a two-story frame dwelling The interest of John P. Eckrison in three lots of ground in Elder township, having thereon a two-story dwelling house with kitchen attached and out- buildings. The interest of Charles Anderson in ' ghree Jot of ground in Elder township, having thereon erected a two-story frame dwelling house with. a kitchen and out buildings. The interest of John A. Berkstrom in three lots of ground in Elder township, , havnig thereon erected a two-story frame dwelling house with kitchen and cutbufidings. WASMINGTON'S BIRTHOAY Will be Observed ™ "the Potton School With Hoar, - Following is s program which will - be rendered in the Patton Public Schools on Friday in honor of Wash- ington’s birthday: High and Grammar School. Help § iim ‘ Imnean Nant ford Anne Kinkead | Cry of Freedom Hunadr MeUnwken Agnes Donley Katie Kinkesd Pabile Musi Washington's Chitstanas Paul Revere's Ride... Moxie... “s Battie Washington's War Lite The Glory of Washington Music. Barta Friv the Days of Glorioas W ashingron Washington's Politi Lafi : Music Homton Boys a Crowning ushitn Twoentv.second « Mundie. Memory Ametion Fanny Medilon Kathe Wilson foartiet Rowland add ri Dunegan. LH Myrtle Umin WOrORTY Just Before the Battie, Mothes ; Virgie Dale Washingtor's Life, ‘Minnie Holter The Grave of W ashi ngrton Bella Tarepbail Music The Sar Spangled Baaner Intermedinte Room. CAmerios Mary Fedon on se Ten arts dohn Crook - Jennie Crain Reed, White ht Blue Tra Bluom Beuiah Bonner Three Girls Tweive Bo W hippor Wil Andrew urasdly w ashington's Birthday Washington's Monument Washin Ww Our Flag. Bong. : Honors to W ashitngton Colamia. A myerioni Flag La Months... Washingion * + Birthday And Will be Buti. The Yown of Patton, Cambria county, erected a $10,000 school building but even that provision for the edueation of the children of the borough is now found insufficient, and the rapidly growing population demands addi- tional room and a vote on a proposi- tion to borrow $5,000 to increase the accommodations wil! be taken on Feb- ruary 19th. Clearfield Monitor. The COURIER is pleased to inform the above named newspaper that the vote to issue $5,000 bonds wns carried. at Tuesday's election by a vote of 15% to 78. : . Another Building. L. K. Christoff is having an addition built to his building on west Magee avenue which will be used as a dwell ing when compieted. It will be 12x 34 feet, two stories... Contractor J. F. Bonner and his erew of men are doing | the work. Ww hit atid Blue sertie Noonan
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers