AEG PATTON PUNISHING €0., Prapridgors,| THURSDAY, JANUARY #4, 1895. reams OF susscaIFTIOn. : One COPY, ODE YOR, in advance, - - . $.00 S9-Adverlising rates made known upon application. 3 No pers . discontinued anti! al ar ro rt paid, unions al the option of the publisher. ES at OSE Pama AT PETIA ax seoongs lass mall matter. a bp tl, po Ar da COUNTY. : TIME OF HOLD, ¥G fer ET, ; 1st Monday of March 1st Monday of Sept. Ist Monday of June ist Monday of Dec. OFFICERS, PResiDENY JUDGE—Hon. A.V. Barker, ProYyHoONaraARry J, C. Pa REGISTER AND RECORDER--D, A. MeGough. . TREASURER -F H. Barker. : ¥ RHE muel Davie Ds reer ATrORREY COMM ISRIOX ERS CF, :¥ Zig MW COMMISSIONER'S CLERK ~Jehn S tes COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT]. W 1 msoch, C¥TY SUNVE OR Rn. eon na a m. J. Jones, W. C. Berr y Tons Coxxramsiowens J. J. Kidd, E J py lLdoyd, ComoxER—Dr. G Poor DIRBOTORS epviile, Raphiel Hile. SOO a once W JoTRCiE Linco =, Re Mr Long, James Som- a presiden wa M. C. Beck, B. 7. Wise, P. PP. Young, F. Ae wip C0 president; O. G. secretary; W. H. Dr. J.B. Noonan, H. E. Barton, I~ or ene Pracw Jew E. Dale, Jas. WW. H. Sandford. CLERK — Harvey Patterson, CoLERCTOR. Jun. Melon. 3 " Avprross—¥. H. Kinkead, A. 9. Winslow, | JUDGE oF ELECTION—A. G. Abbot, DE PETON Abraham aye cu-—-Sam’l Jones. . Brier Counbaion En Sa revere] Addleman, THE SCHOOL QUESTION. : Owing to press of other master we wert anable to comment on the action | of the school board as indicated by the “Notice of Election” published in last week's issue of the COURIER. Increased | school accomodations for Patton is an | absolute necessity owing to the pres- efit overcrowded condition of the schools and the probable’ increass in Set at Paphis by resaon of prov in popilstion that mast be provided for before the next school term ‘There are over 300 pupils now-—divided into five schools-Lin four | school rooms, an average of seventy- five toa roomy. [tis beyokd the abil- ity of any teacher to properly govern and ‘instract this large number of i pupils, and is the opinion of the State . Superintendent of Common Schools and educators -as well as the . spirit if not the letter of the school law that no one school should obtain more than fifty pupils The law farther imposes a penalty upon direet- | eligible pupils of any school district. The wisdom and foresight of the Patton Courier, | oe ci Si ceeson : £ bradches of the Cam- _bria county subordinate granges met The ¢ "at Loretto on Monday and Tuoesdsy of last week and organized a Pomena Grange. ; The pateans present were very much” + pleased with the hospitality of the citi- zens of Loretto, es .0f Rev. Ferdinand Kittell, of St Michael's church, for giving the ase of the hall Mrs. Helen S. Johnson, of Corry, this State, was present with the members throughout the meeting and also de- livered a very able and interesting _ lecture on Monday evening which was very much appreciated by her hearers. Mr. T. W. Hughes and Hon. J J. Thomas also gave the members short The following officers were eledted: Master, Alex. Strittanatter, Carroll- town; overseer, John Right, Wilmore; lecturer, T. L. Parrish, Loretto; stew- ard, A. B. Kirsh, Nicktown; assisant ‘steward, M. Farren, Ebensburg; chap- ladn, Michael Noon, Loretto; treasurer, J. H. Rodkey, Belsana: secretary, G. W. Garrett, Munster; gate keeper, W. A. Baver, Loreito; ceres, Mrs. T. L Loretto; pomona, Miss Ella Bennet, Ebensburg; flera, Miss Irine . Ebensburg; lady assistant stew- tive committee: M. F. Farren, chair- main, Ebensburg; LF. Sankers, Loretto, and A. 8. Kimh, Nicktown; finance committee: H. M. Gooderham, chairman, Patton; Chas Parrish, Lo- retto, and John P. RBedinger, Nick- town. : i Lims ARE not the omly things thet come home to roost, all evil things de. NEW COURT RULES. | Judge Marker Surprises the Attendance by | .Malring Very Important Steps. At the opening of argument court in Ebensburg Monday Judge Barker made two important rulings, one di- rectly concerning hotélkespers and lignor dealers and another affecting students of law. The raling conocern-. + ing hotelkeepers and liquors dealers is as follows: “And now, January 21, 1985 it is ordered that there be filed with each license application, and attached there- . to a certificate in the following form, signed by the attorney representing the applicant: I bereby certify that mn who have signed the bond of , a8 sureties, sre each the bona 890 0 owners of real estate in Cambria county worth, over and above all in- | cumbrances, the sum of Two Thous- | and Dollars; that said real estate is sit- ‘uate as follows (naming ward of ' borough or city, or township), and espetially the induem Oo . an extraordinary pedi- known to have : ye and get 4 ' Bottle Free. Send your name and ad- ‘ dress to H. E. Buckien & Co., Chicago, ‘and get a sample box of Dr. {New Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide 10 Health and Household In- mien: 28 ott the Forms Whe Sead - Patton “Courier.” wy short aotice st A M Thomas' hardware store:-60tf . The addition: of one pound of well- f We are closing out our stock of hats: cooled oil meal to 100 pounds of bot- | termilk greatly increases its valoe as a | : food for swine. i ing will sell as quickly as a fat horwe. A poor horse is a slow sale, tinless he is Those who profess to know predict that pork will be high this. year | Whetber it will or not, the pigs can be made to utilisy many waste substances that are of no value except. as food for them, When the stow melts the farm is in a sloppy, disagreeable condition. © Drains or openings should be shoveled out, if possible, and the water carried away from thn barn and the stables as soon as it will flow. The sheep it Bot as hardy as may be tection, but woal will not keep the rain from chilling the sheep. They. should be sheltered and given straw for bed- | ; | Its markets are complete: and accurate. ‘It is admirably illustrated and the best ding, which will also keep them clean. Boys who have mot the peculiar qual- ificatione requsite for successful farm- ‘ing should not be mrged to stay on the | ‘ farm simply becamse they were raised there. The farmer needs special guali- callings. | Warming milk im the winter fy a {Ser Po temperature of 130 to 130 degrees makes the cream rise more quickly, | churn more easily and improves the quality of the butter. If the milk is heated too much the butter will be soft | as it is in summer, and. the quality will | The Philadelphia Early tometoes bring high prices | also be impaired. One way to get them is to begin now, ‘and sow the seed in a box, keeping the box im un suitable place in the ‘house. When the plants are large enongh transplant them to a cold frame outside, which is carefully protected and well covered to keep out the frost. In the proper season put the plants in the open groiind. Care will bave to be used, as the plants arc quickly in- jured by cold. _A dozen hens, well cared A Wy this season will produce twice as many eggs as a flock of similar number which iis neglected. In fact, on handreds of farms where large flocks may be seen no egw are secured in winter, simply because the liens are neglected. An egg is composted of several important constituent materials, a lack of any ‘one of them rendering it inipoesible for the hens to produce eggs. Give the boy or girl something in which to take an interest on the farm. Remove the young stock off the farm ‘and much of the pleasure of stock-rais- ing will be gone. A few bantam chicks ‘in Cambria county. “By THE COURT.” The ruling will no doubt create a | sensation among a number of hotel- is shown in the term of the loan, thirty years, and the rate of interest five per cent. per annum. The children thet are now receiving the advantages and benefits of our schools, second to none in the State, as the years go by will bear their share of portunity with other communities to ~ secure an education in schools well equipped, and such as could not be provided in any other way. As has’ | keepers, especially among those who have had more or less difficulty hereto- fore in securing proper and satisfactory ' endorsement. The other ruling made by Judge Barker requires gradoates of law ‘schools to pass examinations before THE RICHEST are generally the sting jest. TON Never be Anvwered. been before stated, there is no improve- | “Doctor, do you think that the cigr- ment of a public character that will etts habit really effects the brain? add so much to the welfare and ad- "That is dqueetion thet will prulibly vancement of the interests of any never be answered." community, especially a new and rap- | “Oh, Doctor why?" , ,. idly growing one such as Patton, as “Well a man of brains has never been good school properties and schools. discovered smoking ome.” Sach we riow have and will have, as it| Fe wuo ‘expects a friend without iS¥eEY quidebt that. the Sa.payers -of faults will never find one. Apres the Work i! Coal For Sale. > Tm ighed by fhe acho John Truman is prepared to furnish his trade with the finest coal for gen- and grant them the necessary means to provide for the needs of the ‘eral use in this section. Call and leave ‘munity and continue the work so suc- your ortier, Terms cash. -53tf WHENYOU owe & debt he a “ian of Detaille, the French painter whose mone or a long tailed rt” and face | ory AL ; | Toe name of Lake Ontari was 8 Bt | was alsa, at varions times and by dif- Iroquois, and Lac de St %0 bresk | make a bed. ‘will create ar interest on the part of a child that owxns them, and the step- ping-stone to a more active interest in all classes of animals in the futare will be laid. Boys and girls will stay on the farm without invitation if their early days are made pleasant and farms life attractive. Notice of Election. (Oving to the over-crowded condition blic schools at present and the is nga in Sehdence next reascn oO growt in ia- an AUS Wt itis necessity LE additional school po Sa) wi dincus! whorl accom: The school directors of the of Patton resolved by vote du phi ido of Sruvary Sgr ey Ba Patton ia ceed five per cent. per annum payable semi-annually, clear of taxes; the said foun lo cones. of ten coupon bonds of denomination of five hundred dol- Fins and interest ational Bank of - atton and et from one to ten inclusive for the of erecting and furnishing an additional wing con- IT school rooms to present The last annual anpensnd FAbzation of of the 9 Fusion in $257,230 ea, Ro ‘viz: a. purposes, $10,- The proposed purpose FS, f indebted- of Posten for the Jor Hie, yu ses per cent. asesmed pety-Ave one hondred C. C. CROWELL, Pres. W. H. SANDFORD, H. E Barrow, Sawn EpMIsToN, J. B. Noonan, : Directors. GOH Cumrusx. Sec. gon me a, : Reaches Rnstitutr. A teachers local institute will be heid on next Saturday, January 26, 1895, at | Carrolltown, Pa, for the districts of Carroll, Patton and Carrciltown. | Friends of edviestion cordially invited. Drews Making. Miss Libbie Bottorfr, late of Phila delphis, is now prepared to do all kinds of fashionable dress making at ! of Ruben McPherson, on supposed. Its wool is given as a pro- | rank of journalism. ‘ly & family paper. It devotes a depart- ard, "Mary Diamond, Wilmore; expou.’} SEStions Juss uu muels au man of other | centage of th an. The peri, e nerease denominated Lac de Fras. | the last lien ' Daily, including Sunday, month, 85; st cost -sotf Patron Supply Co. : Al Pree. ; Those who bave used Dr. New Discovery know its valoe, and | those who have not, have now the op- portanity to try it free. Call on the King's structor, free. All of which is guaran. teed to do you good amd cost you nothing. C. E. Belcher's City Drug Store. “THE ONLY IB KING. THE PITTSBURG DAILY POST gives all the latest news of the entire world for one cent. It is in the front ment daily to women and their printed. In short, it is bright’ clean, newsy, and costs only one cent, and is read by many thousands of people daily. Terms by mail Daily Past, one your 4 Daily Post, six months One Fone Sembweekiy Post. «ix months ne Rw A » i A free copy of Semi-weekly with every club of 10. send for sample , copy —A ddress THE POST, Pitsburg, Pa North American, Daily American News- in Is the only paper that is Everything. FIGHT PAGES, with all the News and plenty of Special Features One Cent. Published every dav mn the year except Sundays, at -or1 Chestnut St. Philadel phia. If your newsdealer has not got it, let us know. Give the paper 2 trial and you will | read it always if You are An American. JUST A LITTLE BETTER, JUST A LITTLE BRIGHTFR, THAN ALL OTHERS Is what you want in yoar : newspaper. THE PITTSBURG CHRONICLE TELEGRAPH FILLS THE WANT. t is the leading family paper Western Pennsylvania, Fastern Ohio and West Virginia. It gives all the news of the world. Its news from for- eign lands is full and accurate. The Only Paper in Western Pennsylvania ) Ciaied Ph the day reports of the Asso- ciated Presa . MARKEY REPORTS. Its Market Reports are recognized authority, always being complete and correct. lis general political news, editorials and discussions are Souspre: : hensive and interesting. 8-10-12 AXD 16 PAGES OXE CEXT. Delivered in all towns daily for SIX CENTS A WEEK ‘Mailed for 25 THE }X PRESS Philadelphia. DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY Pennsylvania's greatest family news. paper. It prints all the news. Pre * a month ently a family paper. appealing directly to the interest of ev ery mem- ‘ber of the household by the absence of anything of au objectionzbie character King's It is pre-eminent- large of w— es id r Astrort 1 wlling Bb cont - | Aes 35 cis, oie goss sta (reduotion. Have you read The Philadelphia TIMES This morning. Tay TiMes ix the most extensively circolated and widely read ne per published in Pennsy jvania. Ite ; sion of public men and public measures is the most interrest Wt pubic smugly, honest government prosperous in- dostry, and it knows no OF per- sonal’ allegiance in treating iamnen. In the broadest and best sense a family and general newspaper. Tait TIM: aims to have the Hyon circaiation by deserving it. and claims that it is a i all the es sentisls of a great metropolitan news paper. Specimen copies of any edition anit free to any one sending ‘their address Tiss daily, $2.00} per annum: $1.00 for four months: 30 cents. per month: delivered by carriers for 6 cenls per week, Sunday Edition, twenty-four , handsome pages--168 columitus, elegantly illustrated, $2.00 per annum; 5 cents per copy. Daily and Sanday, i per annum; 50 cents per month. “Weekly Edition, 50 cents a year Address ali letters to THR Tiers Philadelphia. THE TRIBUNE. Fruit to relly from the overwhelming defeat of MEL The New York Tribune petienly inbored for Dw vers to awaken Use seeping ladgment of the Xathor., Possessing an vnirraoasolniis. Son, wyuipped with a «taf of cimnpetent and honest stodents of polilic aueetions, sr leelf having no obieed to serv 2xowp t he welll of ? the tikes open the fertas and in the shops, wonrning Hes sensations) appeals, and satisfied merely 1 pheew the rath before its remders, The Tribune has wnt half x milion onrnest and fleeting people, weediy, a hadget of hon. ont fais wade arguments pnd friendly og: He ut asd The work iat ast of the pepe IHRE TY Nn XI witiel wins oof | Wg dv wn nowetier, only halt done 11 is te plate L8G She hale whieh Grover Clevedand pest sebivrmesd, a donstructive statesman Repeats | hiv. psi The Trbume tow ads thar su peort of every lewdrew a return of the Ian linith To fees ad! and invites A vertioan citi 2! whey wif 1 o” “gawd ire. Roswell 3 Harr, ex-Oongressoosn ror Mirhigmn, bul now of New Youk City will eon. tinoe fio discuss Tar Correney, Cotasge snd labor guastions ir The Tribape, By all odds the mwwt witly, and wedi-infosrned spe Kar apn thie stamag, he ie every 5 by The Tribone 10 abd the loesl ant pains in cxvwegw part of the oesiintry. He Gant toteh with the people Bows thelr wants ared adi rewaew Bimal! in The Tribane direcdly othe (Romphts whieh are in thedr minds and rkkes hime? auderstond. He will gladly giestions, asked in good Sith by PR et gt wert LES redder 441 4h Fae ovat Lip aaedd WO Wishart: news is saipplied, we regular femtures of The Tribune will For Western peaders, a «pevisl Fir Bast. wi ithonn ix printed ¢ TTR rr vader alr Faster Ben tion Tas ipfal th fartneru and mechanios Hx wrparate department in 1 Tin: and the new (nyveation of a wis Leitk the means lo ox plot the prodooer of Wins, sev ad vdrtieed foe of charge (0 the hase r (ir a Partner iis tw guake the (mw esiwi i ty otek “land Yas Thr ty Tysgw of finding a pd The market many of The Tritmne, Roowindged to te the best in the oonntry, will mite thelr old dandard, and the usual vartety of foreign news eer seemed pon Bore Joptos, DOOR eviews articles an chess ong ae s¥aed eek The md itordsl piges of the paper i” the taint fra pws rem neers of the day, HERE BERET I, “TRE Wty The Tribane aim, five the ladles. the very “latest fhxhlons from Paris dod London, sod thw tions, dd acted By a capable writer, in whieh | all vii ipod ieaen of the peviple an ntweeilaneons | apRew fre one fail y Sneed The Sent Weoekiv Trbane abode paper for reside mange of The Daily Frit fe, WY Rew = BRN Te par ix who oe hevond the tt And 1 meow | mal aad NEM Lloyds of the wietd ad lange. oR prednin ies an gna ty fired od The Tribaroe is condially ny ited fad for smomple vopies and teria’ and mike dH sulweribend We wonkd be ow N plemswsd Gis wee 7 inrge cinte of resders » i “inb pew iii} Yer) workshop 3 1 Romi Weekiv, 88 The vemr. The Tribone Al vom Janusry, 38 oentx a Tg Tare, ‘New York. BABA Thu $30 a The Weekly Irmiiy WPribune, mane HHH rowmcd SO in either ita news, literary or adver. tising columns. As an advertisang medium The Press is among the best in the United States. Press Want Ads’ give the greatest results. The peo and ase. them Re Press prints as high as 4.450 want advertisements in a single issue and has received 15,089 answers to Press Want Ads in a single day. This shows why Press Want Ads ‘ gives the greatest results | Rates fr Classified Advertiser nis Prepaid: Half cont a wont ong conf a word Two conta a word Two sents a word sun. Two.cents wird Week t iy cvntaword situations wanted Beip Wanted Boarding Raowonis For sale and Business oppor ini die TERMS OF THE PRESS By mail, postage free in the United - | States or Canada, Daily, except Sunday, one year, $8. Daily, except Sunday. one month, 50c. one vVear, including “Sunday, - ne Sunday, one vear, $#: Weekly Press, one year, $1. Drafts checks and other rémittences should be made payable to the order of THE PRESS (COMPANY. Limited. Phil adeiphia. Pu $7.50; Daily, believe in them Yes, Bargains are ev ery thing frail in Lhe "GERMAN. o Kew In oo’ ‘ist Nat” ehvekemmand fuisccitany will te presented | oa departswenl of “Answers Wo Ques anffiorvsd (an render ald JAS. W. HOY, The Popular JEW ELER. OPTICI AN, and Deader in i on Musical Instruments Is to the front ae sual with a large stock of goods CLOCKS. SILVER- WARE, and everything ep ina first-class store of this kind. VIOLIN, GUITAR and BANJO pines and all kinds of small mosi- cal goods will be i constantly on WATCHES. The Patton INSURANCE Tl epre SC nts the follow - ing old reliable Fire Insurance companies: ROYAL, of Liverpool, HOME, of New York, f Pittsburg. Also the Equitable Life Insurance company. of New York, the largest in the world. Dale & Patterson, fc ns Geo PATTO N, PA. HOTEL BEC K, H. C. BECK, Pro. i ‘Ome of the Largest Hotels in Northern Cambria; Conducted mn - MODERN STYLE Good Table and Bar Supplied w ith Chotest Brands of : 1 Aquors. ‘The Popular 7 foneh with the best thoughts | i | HOUSE of PATTON. NS during the present stringency in the Money Market. YOU MUST LIVE And | ive as cheap as possible, therefore buy your Dry Goods, Sroceries, “FROM btl. GOOD BLOCK. Flour, Feed, Etc. §. 6000, PATTON, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers