Peo of Coalport, were visitors to our town The (learfleld novelty works given] DICKERS fv DiRT. i 8. B. King, the popular propridor of | | Patton Courier. ‘Hotel Brandon, made Patton a pleas- |employment to an average of over 100 | Reesrd of Fropesty Hem and Sold tn | ant call on Saturday. PATTON PUBLISHING oO) Proprietors. | The ission of the passionist father | : THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1895. -t- { with gratifying results. Bookamire, the murderer, is sup- | posed to have been seen in the moun- ' tains near Tyrone lately. The annual consumption of tobacco in the United States is about sixty | ‘ounces to every inhabitant. Mrs. Wm. GG. Comerford, of Loretto, visited her son, W. B. at Pitteburg, during the holidays. Try Magic Jdrops for pain internal and external. Guaranteed by C. W. Hodgkins, droggist, Patton, Pa.-tf E. James, the popular druggist, of Ebensburg has something to say of much interest in another column. H. C. Beck, the popular landlord, in | erecting a new ice house in connection + with his hostelry on Fifth avenue. | LD. Vanderberg, American Expross route agent of Geneva, N. Y., was a welcome visitor to Patton Tuesday. Mall Closés. The longest continuous strect rail- .. 102 a % way in the United States is the $2-mile NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS. CL Bubseribers who do not give express Jia to the oomtrary are considered ms wish | to renew thelr subscriptions, Ing I sulweribérs order the discontinuanee of thelr periodicals, the publisher may eon. Hnue to send them antl all arrearuges are “If subscribers neglect or refuse to take. ir periodicals from the postoffice to which | they are directed, they are responsites until they have settled thelr bills and ordered them | discontinued C4 If submeribers move fo other plaice: with- | out informing the publishers; and the papers are sent a ihe former address, they are held The Conris have decided that refusing to | * periodionls from the office or removing | and leaving them unealled for, ix prima facia evidence of intentional fraud, —@ If subseribers par in advance they are * bound to give notice at the end of the time if they do not wish to continue taking 1; other wise the publishers is authortiged to send it | and the subscriber will be responsible until an | expresx notice, with Jy ment of all areas | ‘ages, Is sent to the publisher. : : Local Time Table. The hours of arrival and departure . of trains at the Patton Station are as follows: Train Ne. TH. an : ~- + en x strip from Lowell to Haverhill, Maas. Rx. ( iiins BAT PY Postoffice hours trom 1 A. M. to 8 P. M. . Train numbers sourked “NN northbound and “8’' southbound. ‘Magic cough cure. Guaranteed by C | Mrs. Francis Farbaugh and Rosa: i Anna, of this place, are visiting friends at Summerhill and Johnstown this | week. ; : A festival was held at the parochial | hall at Loretto last week for the benefit of St. Micheals church which netted | about $100. i P. K. Kurfman, a traveling sales ‘man of Altoona, was in Patton Mon-' day and while here was a guest at | Hotel Beck. i Charley Martin, wctomputiied by a | friend, drove over from Patton and spent a portion of Christmas in town. —Houtzdale Journal. The Ediwr. Ww ho doth your modest * RNNoOY By calling you his paps 's And says: “He sitios - it a boy? 1 2 editor. : Who, when you get a band new wife Tells Sikn that you are free from strife, And wishes Fou 4 Ba happy nee Who tells about it when you're sick To Jim and Harry, Tow and Dick, And hopes that you'll recover quick? The editor. - Who, when at last you come to die, Of your good qualities wii! lie, And Te you beyond the sky? e editor Who ix a bad financial wreck, Of trouble has almost a peck, And always gets it In the neck? Comerford, | ‘men. The past year has shown won- | derful increase over iast year in nales. | Boston for 12,000 sleds. EX. The residence of Mr. David Allison, near Marchand, was burned to the | ‘ground Saturday ‘night laet about 9: o'clock. . The fire was so far advanced | when discovered that but vary few of ' the contents were saved. Marion Cen- | ter Independent. Out in Indiana county, where they ' sell the hama, shoulders, sausages, ete., and live on flitch all winter, every school board erecta a scratching-post | on the playground in order that the! neighboring fences and trees may be | spared. --Clearfield Public Spirit. In perforating postage stamps a die- plate is placed below the needles of a' machine carrying 3500 needles. As about 180,000,000 holes are punched a’ day, the wear on the die-plate is ex- cessive; brass plates wear out in a day, and even steel plates are rapidly de- stroyed. R. F. Bhields, representing the large | brewing firm of Geo. A. W. Arnholt, of Altoona, made a business trip to this sented the COURIER representative with W. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf ® fine morocco pocket case which is Kintz, Johnstown, $1. : trustee, to John. | given atray by the enterprising firm he is traveling for. o Lane & Humphreys, of Lanes Mills, have induced a colony of about 60 people from Pittsburg to settle on their lands, and the new-comers are ex- pected to soon arrive. The same firm has contracted with Pittsburg builders. to erect for them a glass factory that will give employment to from 100 to 200 hands. — Pittsburg Times. Rev. M. L. Weaver, editor and pab- lisher of the Theocrat, a live weekly i printed in Johnstown in the interest of the religious world, preached a very interesting sermon in Good's hail on ‘Sunday night to a large and ap- D. 8. MeANalty to borough of Barn- | at Loretto closed on New Years day | They have juat received an order from eaboro; ” $n. D. 8. McAnulty to David J. Bougher, Snsquehanna, $100, F. C. George to John W. Bradley, | Lilly, $150. Elizabeth Watt to Albert C. Conrad, Chest Springs, $74. RW, Christy to C. & C. Coal and | Coke company, Reade, $1,000. Joseph A. Croyle to Maude 1. royle, Upper Yoder, $250. | Samuel Ripple to Leonard Hofecker, Richland, $425. Charles J. Edwards wards, Jamestown, $125. Executor of Samuel D. Yoder to Geo. Fye, Adams, $1. Joseph P. Miller to Abraham L. Good, $404. to Annie Fa- D. J. Bougher to Abraham L. Good, | Barr, $50. John A. Gessler to Caroline Gessler, Hastings, $100, : Henry Strayer to James B. Hill, Mor- rellville $400. M. F. Hammers to Robert Helsel, Portage, $52. Maud Litzinger to Mary Litzinger, ; For cough colds and sore throat try (place Monday and while bere pre- Chest Springs, $100. C. J. Mayer, assignee, to John P. J. L. Spangler, | Krug, Spangler, $45. Jeremiah Paul to Susanna Hiteshew, Johnstown, $555. Mary Miller to Ann M. Kiel, Port- age, $1. Alonza Rodgers to Michael Moran, Johnstown, $400. Melissa Anderson to Willis J. Nugent, | Susquehanna, $25. Melissa Anderson to Willis J. Nugem, Susquehanna, $1,250. Assignee of Aaron Emerick to Brown & Otto, Stonycreek, $72. Charles Von Laren to Jeremiah Paal, Johnstown, $300. Samuel Dunbam, to D. W. Stohler, editor, When you go to Johnstown stop at preciative audience. While here he tonycreek, $20. - Ponxy Bpirit, April Yith in easter day. ‘Women edit 22 Kansas papers. Lerch the tailor, Mahaffey, Pa. Asheroft’s millinery store-44-tf For fruits go to Kinkead’s. 40tf _ West Virginia has 2000 oil wells, | Jarvis H. Eldred, one of the young Rice paper is not made from rice | and prosperous merchants of Mahaffey, | World's railways cost $33,500,000,000. | spent a few hours in Patton Tuesday | | while on his way to points west. Prussion milkmaids wear trousers. : | The representative of this paper is | A Police cost NewYork $5,500,000 Alon ter obliati ne to Walter Weakland, | year. the Fourth avenue merchant, for, gi ertous railways have 750,000 €m- | favors tendered during last week. yes. 4 ~ Fresh shelled oysters at Kinkead | restaurant. : Read Wolf & Thompson's new “ad” | fine calenders.— Hastings Tribune. # _ this iasge. i Try the COURIER for job work. | season is given away by C. W. Hodg- Prices moderate. | kins, the druggist. 8. M. Hess, of Lancaster, Mapped ati } Hood, the well-known sarsaparilla | James w. Hoy visited his pee) at DuBois over Sunday. House, Patton, took advantage of the “Pepsin flour once used will ever be/ 00d sleighing to pay a visit to Car | the pride of the housewife. rolltown on Tunmday.~ ~~Carroiltown J. Aarons, of Pittsburg, registered at News. : : the Palmer house Monday. D. A. Moore, of Williamsport, yepre- Harvey Patterson Bide, a business ®enting Barnes Safe and Lock company trip to Ebensburg Michael Lucey, of res. was a guest at Hotel Beck Monday. | Carpenter's hotel and restaurant, if cents. 139 Franklin street. Clearfield county has applications | for 117 hotel licenses, 22 restaurant, 3 | brewery, 18 wholesale, 1 distiller’'s and | one wholesale and distillers, ‘surance man, called at The Tribune; ! business interests in Patton the past | : few days. ; : : T. G. Cronover, Yh pleasant little _, Poker oy ii Tog cigar man of Lancaster, was in Patton tered at Hotel y Monday and while here called at this Heating stoves now at cost at the Moe. Mr. Cronover is a patron of Cambris Hardware Co. 's. -H8t2 : “the COURIER. : Falatyjen 1n lddica Hata at Ale A, | The CoURIZR extends thanks to A. A Ashorof pip Pautibaesy wopped at | DAnllson, of the New York Life In- : . 4. Gall, taburg, stop the Commercial hotel last week. surance company of Johnstown, for the neatest and prettiest calender re- Seven million miles of thread are an- | ceived this year. nually used in the United States. whe United on y half Michael Thomas, who lives between the quinine produced in the world. Ward Richards, of Mansfleld,, waza - guest at the Palmer house on Friday. J.B. Clapper, of Martinsburg, reg- + istered at the Commercial botel Mon. Business locals published in the Cou- ®.2 arc five Cente: par line for each issue. ; W. C. Clark, = traveling salesman of | : Aitaat, Hopyed of. the Palmer house | : Turedsy. The Coalport Cornet. band sere- - naded Patton people on Wednesday of last week. | A. P. McLeod and W. W. Helman, low with pneumonia. ©° Mr. Thomas has a large cirele of friends who hope for his speedy recovery. 'W. Harry Thomson spent the holi- | -—~Bower Cor. to Clearfield Monitor. line of the Pennsylvania at ‘8 0” | tower between South Fork and Ehren- and five cars were completely ditched. The Coalport standard says that C. Clearfield jail to answer for the charge E. | of robbing a jewelry store at Woodland, . Batarday. i Alice A. Ashcroft is selling 45 cent Inst week. ribbons at 25 cts., Sud our goody ou | A new building 60 x 100 is to be built Elephant sking are tanned to make | will be used for a gymnasfuin. Exten- carpets. They never wear out, but | | sions will be built to the male and fe- are expensive. ‘male wings of the building. Jersey The new brand of flour call “Pepsin” Shore Herald. is the best on the market and your The Philadelphia Times Almanac for ZS grocer handles it. 11896 reached the CouvRIER last week. Ladies } tuced in - at Alice It Is an interesting encyclopedia of Li : stairs | Ct6 and will prove of inestimable 2 A fubsrott i Pinar u i. i valne to all Pennsylvanians who are lucky enough to get one. Be The doctor is seldom a visitor in the Har 3 id 4 1 Sa hine & Co's | ~ “Pepsin flour is used. | Glarway for some time has been lately | WB. Graham, » traveling salesman {removed tc Patton office and Mr. of Harrisburg, was a guest at the Com- | (!. H. Brooks, who had charge here has mercial hotel Monday. been removed to Garway. (had charge of the telegraph office at | oy Hea move from us by ‘of Pittaburg has been looking after [riend and fellow teacher William Mec- | afflicted relatives our sincere St. Boniface and Hastings, is lying very | days at home. He has been elected to | | the principalship of the Patton schools, vice W. McKinney Smith, deceased, | A freight wreck occured on the main | ' field last Thursday in which one engine | 'McCondy of Carrolltown is in the | ; el ‘He was locked up on Wednesday of Miss Minnie Spottswood, who has made the COURIER a very pleasant call. at this office sas an exchange. Dr. 8. W. Worrell now enjoys the comforts of a good winter. He has had his lively little horse, Skip, brought to | this place from Clearfield where it has been in the care of his father, and has | | parchased a bran new sleigh to match | the animal. The COURIER representa- tive wishes to thank the doctor for a very pleasant sleigh ride, the first of {the season, behind his well- named , Skip. With the new year, work in the i Harvey Patterson, the Patton in- | Cambria company and Johnson com. #335. ‘pany mills has been resumed. The creasing its manufactured products. orders, #0 much so that the contem- ‘rain, 0, cannot be made without ‘loss, and will be postponed several Landlord Robinson of the Palmer A Months. RESOLUTIONS Of Condolence om the | Death of William McKinney Smith. In His infinite wisdom, Father has seen fit to re- | w y our beloved therefore in view of the by his relatives and RESOLVED, That while we bow in Kinney 3m} ith an humble submission to the will of Him who doeth all thin; Sie kite 9 out frie) 0 federate hope that ei we deplore oly bb with ‘those who having fought the fight here; are enjoying perfect happi- ness in a hetter world. bp RESOLVED, That we tender to his condo- lence in the time of affliction at the loss of one who leaves a shadow that will be déeply felt by all his friends. RESOLVED that a copy of these reso- lutions be printed the Clearfisld Monitor, Howard Hornet, and Patton COURIER; and a copy transmitted to the bereaved of the W. H. THOMFSON, J. W. GRANT, JOSEPHINE DOWLER, FrANCB GREGG, IDA DECKERT, Teachers Patton Schools. Sev the World's. Fair for Fifteen Cents, Upon receipt of your address fifteen centa in postage stamps, we will mail’ | you prepaid our Souvenir Portfolio of the World's Columbian Exposition, the regular price is fifty cents, but as we want you to have one, we make the price nomiaal. You will find it a work of art and a thing to be prized, It con- tains full page views of the great build- ings, with descriptions of same, and is executed in highest style of art. If fot satisfied - with it, after you get it, we ; will refund the stamps and let you kee | at the Lock Haven Normal school. It py y Pp) the book, Address H. B. BuckrLex a Co. ; Chicago, Til Estate of Christopher Carlhem, Deceased. Letters of administration on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the sald estate are requested to make payment, and those having. claims to present the same without delay to Jacos C. KARLHEINM, Administrator, i Patton, Pa. The Anesth line of skates in town at | the Cambria Hardware conipany’s 53t8 i store. -52tf i Margaret McConaughy to George you wish an elegant meal for only 25 Hereafter the Theocrat will be Feostved | W: Smith, Johnstown, 83,00, Albert L. Johnson to Louis Von Lunen, Jonstown. $300. L. B. Cassidy to Mary A. Wertner, Clearfield, $27. George Fye to Joseph 8. Yoder, Adams, $6847. Blair Iron & Coal Company to Cam- bria ron Company, Cambria and Blair counties, $182,320. Mary Sopha Dietrich to Martin Die trich, Hastings, $600. Administrator of Edward C. Horner, : "to Wm. Horner, East Taylor, $500. J. L. Spangler, trustee, to Joseph | office yesterday and handed us several ‘former has under way plans for in- Kirk, Spangler, $200. C. Sheridan to Jennie M. Slater, One of the neatest calanders of the The Johnson company is crowded with Lower Yoder, $800. Cambria Irori company to William It is put up by plated moving of the rail mill to Lo- Wright Fast Conemaugh, $17 Daniel Custer to William Wright, Jr., East Conemangh, $400. Samuel W. Blough to Lavina Yoder, Stonycreek, $50. Annie E. Powell to Frederick Arble, | Carroll, $400. Thomas Briggs et ux. to Altoona Building and Loan Aseoriation, Went mont, $1,400. Blacklick Land and Improvement company to George Blewitt, Vinton- dale, $300. Blacklick Land and Improvement company to Vinton Coal company, Vintondale, $300. ‘Edward Farabaugh et ux. to John Doyle, Carroll, $800. Annie E. Harrington, Carroll, $45. C. B. Moore et al. to Emma Me Namara, Ebensburg, $1 James Condron et ux. to William McCombie, Dysart, $75. Mary J. McDermitt et al. to John 8. Hogue, Cresson township, $40. Mary J. McDermott et al. to John Trexler, Cresson township, $40. J. Alvin Long et ux. to AL. Carney, Jackson, $204. J. B. Green, assignee, to Mary Ann Aulters, Summerhill, $400. Joseph Hogue et ux. to Martina Trexler; Washington, $50. Thomas Barnes et ux. to John Wil liam Stine, Barnesboro, $250. Abner Griffith et al. to Ebensburg and Blacklick Railroad company, ensburg and Cambria, §30. te Frank L. Driggs et ux. to Lewis Orris, Wilmore, $1. trich, Hastings, $1. Philip Hopfer et ux. to Joseph Hop- fer, assignee, Portage borough and township, $1. : J. L.. Spangler, trustee, to Mary Lynch, Spangler, $150. Walter Hankinson et al. to W. Confer, Portage township, $300. Alexander Dearmin et ux. to William B. Dearmin, Jackson, $187, 8. Joseph ‘Hogue ot ox. to John Hogue, ; Cresson B Hoptkr Ellen B. Hopfer to Philip Hopfer, Portage to p, $1. Eliza Jane Seni et vir. to Charles RB. Bolsry Walnut Grove, $100. J. , trustee, to William HL estinger et ul, Spangler, $75. J. L. Spangier to William 'H Daniinges et al., Spangler, $300. J. L. Spangler, ‘trastes Sa ' H. Denlinger et pangler, | Toit. Gardner et ux. to A. W.! M 1 Upper Yoder, $1,200. mons et ux. to Sarah But- lor, “Johnstown, $1,500, Cambria Iron compan | Warder, East Conemaugh, $350. Joseph Elig to Andrew Elig, Carrell, Powell et vir. to Patrick Eb John Becker et ux. to Albert Die- : WONDERFUL - to Robert A. | SLEIGHING IS GOOD! Come y Altoona | for Winter Coats OVER 1-3 SAVED ani CHIN i A Lady's Coat —AT— GABLE & CO’'S 'We open the after Holiday season with a great sale of Iadies’ Stylish Winter Coats, a limited number of which we have been fortunate enough to procure at a price which en- Worth $15.00 SOLD FOR $9.95 Big Offer! For a little over half-price we will place with the ladies of this county and vicinity one lot of fine Coats— Beavers. Meltons and Rough effects— all the latest styles. . Worth fully $10.50 at on- ly $6.95 each. hese garments are beauti- fully finished, are cut by the best Cloak Cutters and Pat- terned after the best models. They are best in every way. KIND Cheap at $10.50, i are cheaper still at §6.7 Ww. F. GABLE & co., 1320-22 Eleventh Ave. Altoona, Pa. NOTE: —Ours is the best store in the city for comfort and convenient. Just the place for out of town folks. ——————— ables us to sell them at a sav- ing to the buver of over one- third the regular cost. These: garments are an entirely new lot, are perfect in fitand finish and would be cheap at $13. They go, while they last, for only $4.95. Come early “if choice. Another you want Ladies’ ~ Coats. The $10.50 For the next 3c days there will be a. in all winter clothing and gent’s furnishings at the mammoth store of Wolf & Thompson. thing will be reduced to a won Every- derful low price. “Call early and avoid the rush” for when we get started there is no telling what we wili do. REDUCTION FOR CASH ONLY. Wolf & Thompson.