The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 03, 1895, Image 3

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    ; Patton ‘Courier.
PATTON PUBLISHING Co, Proprietors, |
I. Egbacribers whe do not give CXPreus
notice 1o the eonirary are considered ax wish.
10 renew thelr subscriptions. ©
If snbmertbers order the discontinuance
of their periodicals, the publisher may eon.
Hinge to send them unt
Fh It subscribers regieet or refuse 1) take
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may hae wid their bill and tered them
CA If snbeeriters move 0 other
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wise the publishers + suthortized to send if
and the subseriber will be responsible antl ad
: Sxpress notice, with: ment of al! arrear
ages. is sent lo the pul) ayn
Local Time Table.
The hours of arrival and departure
of trains at the Patton Station are as
02 a
7 A. M to
P.M. :
Train numbers marked ‘N”
northbound and ‘8’ southbound.
A Woman's Sosioqwt w 1 in 1950.
1 know my husband reall
A pleasant home: to ma
But De *t seem oO Take such pies
As father used 10 hake,
Jo fo keeps the parlors very nest;
Cares for he baby, too
But, 6b! be doesn’t roast the meat
As papa used to do,
He has good tastes 'n cutting oat
And sewing his can clothra,
. That means ecouainy, no doubt
- But father's cook ing goes!
I really mast insix that Jake
seek a cook ing schoo!
And learn to ma "sh Phen atl cue
As father does, by rule
ang glad r 3 be,
. And then how prov
When ma brings Tather
To hear her say: “It's plain to we
Jacob ean cook, Iny dear.”
: ~New Orieans Pleaytine.
~ Sleighing elegant.
The small boy is bappy.
Get your ice houses filled.
Did you swear off Toesday?
South Dakota has 50,000 farms.
‘Resd Wolf & Thémpson’s new “ad”.
. Dr. Noonan was at Ebemburg Mon- |
: Our raironds employ 1,000,000 right
Better late than pever—the beautiful |
. America has
= 1 Hatch spent Christmas at
1400 telephone ex-
“The mow was fiers bition dovp in
this locality.
~~ Americans use 12,000,000 postage
. starops daily.
Frank Owens visited relatives in
Mr EF. MoLaughiin is visiting her
| parents at Mahaffey.
Wm. H. Sandford and family spent.
1 Christmas at Philipsburg.
#il Arr IRges are
iy with.
A for, is prima facin
relatives at Decorra, Il,
Seating in good.
How does it go to write "95%
Pennsylvania has 9% street railway
£ C. Brown spent his Christmas at
Fried chicken at he Kinkead Res
tanrant. -40tf
E. Johnston came Over from Al
toona Sunday.
Try the CoURIER
Prices moderate.
Guy Snyder,
Sunday in Patton.
W. H. Moore came over from Hast-
ings New Years day.
John K. Powell, of Cresson, was a
visitor to Patton Saturday.
Dr. V. A. Murray, spent Christmas
with friends in Philadelphia.
The Methodist revival meeting still
continues with much success.
J. J. Nichols, of New York. regis
tered at the Palmer house Friday
Andrew Carlson, of Glen Campbeli
spent part of last week in Patton.
Go and get prices on carving knives
at the Cambria Hardware company.
Wm. M. Harper. of Lock Haven,
was a guest at the Commercial hotel
A. J. Jackson was at Portsmouth,
0., last week booking after business
Jas. F. Young and Jas. Hertzog, of
were visitors to this pie
for . job work.
of Clearfield, spent
last week.
Alice A. Ashcroft w aliiin 5 cent
ribbons at 25 cts, and other goods at a
Carving Knives and forks a specialty
at a the Cambria Hardware company’s
re.-52tf ou]
Miss Mary Christy, of Gallitzin, was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Mellon
over Christmas.
Ladies hats reduced in price at Alice
A. Ashcroft's millinery store op-stairs
in Good building.
C. A. Repsher, an employe of this
office, spent. a few days visiting friends
‘in DuBois last week:
John Ashcroft, who has been confined
to his home the past two weeks is
slowly convalescing. ; J
Walter H. Perkins, a traveling sales
| man of Pittsburg, was a guest at the
. Palmer house Friday.
H. Grant Miller and wife, of Pitts
‘burg, were visitors to this place om
' Thursday of last week.
Master George Townsend, of Clear-
‘field, was a gnest of Miss Katie Wilson
Wednesday of last week.
Dave and Hays Wilson are visiting
where they
will remain for some time. :
Howard Anstin, a traveling Soi
man of Pitisburg, registered at the
Commercial hotel Monday.
John Wolesiagie, of Bells Landing,
| visited his som, J. A. Wolesiagie of the
City drug store over Christinas.
Wm. F. Gable & Co., of ARoons, are
John |
Kirby, al about 9 years and very |
well known throughout this county,
died at his home in Johnstown on Sem-
day afternoon at about 2:45 o'clock.
A “grand reesption’’ was held at a
townuhip school house between this
place and St. Augustine Sanday morn.
ing. Revern! Patton parties partici
pated The partienlars will not be
published owing tc embarrassment,
ete 3
Dr. Hatch ancien that the first
perwori who offers him a cigar doring
18685 will pay a penalty. Another case
of swear off Woeldn't like to offer
the doctor 2 box. or even lay a half-
smoked toby down in his presence,
would yon?
The eritertainment given by the Coa
rolitown Quartette club on Christmas
night wus pronounced a grand snooess.
Will Thompson, Elery Hartzhorn,
Misses [ovine McoPherson and Grace
Jackson drove ap from this place and
were in attendance.
United. States Marshal arrested Peter
Kreber, a butcher and produce desler
of Clearfield last Monday afternoon,
for selling olsomargarine in violation
of the law. Krecher entered bail for
his appearance before the United
States Commissioner at Altoona.
it seetns hardly possible, but never-
theless it is true, that on an average
every fifty fifth person you meet wears
W. L. Dougias Shoes. Did you ever
reaiize what an immense undertaking
it is to supply one article of wearing
apparel to over one million people.
Mr. Hugh Jones of Cambria town-
chip, is the owner of an instrument
which hut supposes to be 258 years old.
‘it ie a violin and has been handed down
to him from his grandfather. A date
on the inside of it indicates that it was
made in 1438 Evsnsbure Monn-
The government of the United States
took a hand in road bufiding for the
first forty years of its existence. The
Cumberland pike, crossing the states
of Maryland, Virginia Pennsylvania,
Ohio, Inuliana and extending to Hlinois,
costing over $6,000,000, was the work
of the general government.
L. A. Craver, the genial and popular
proprieicr of the Blair House, Ebens-
‘burg, u few days ago butchered a
Sapte of porkers. One was 16 months
old and weighed 425 pounds and the
other one, 17 months old, brought the
scales down to 470 pose. Bietetrg
Seven: hundred and Yortysme tons of
gold, or their equivalent, were required
‘to pay the expenses for the United
States Government for the year 1984.
The neceasary teams to haul it, allow-
ing a ton, and twenty-five feet to a
team, would make a procession over
{ of Mr. und Mrs. Goldstein of this place,
to Mr. Aaron Goldman a prominent
busines: man of Hastings, on Thurs
day evening, January 10, 1885, st the
home of the bride's sister, in Portage,
H. A. Wignot, of Clearfield, wasa' | certainly the most enterprising mer. Pa.—Scuth Pork Record
guest at Hotel Back Saturday.
© Pall styles in ladies Hats at Alice A.
- Asheroft's millinery store. -44-tf
W. L. Douglas the wonderful Shoe
man has & new “ad” in this issue.
W. G. Haupt, of Williameport, stop-
chants in this section of the State.
Try Magic drops for pain internal
and external Guaranteed by C. W.'
Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa. -tf
stop- | 37 prospects of the Porter & Co's
The Spangler Improvement com-
pany, Spangler, Cambria county, cap-
ital, $25,000; was chartered Monday.
- there later.
the aspirents have
ment, John Patton, Jr,
a - today
vithat fiend = Jomo at
Mr BH E Penlos, of Belletnie
spent Christmas with bs parents, Mr
and Mwi John Pemlon. =
W. PF. Connell, who fs employed by
the Johnson company in Johnstown.
visited his parents on Christmas.
. Walter Perry, who is attending the
holiday vacation with his parents, My
and Mrs Chas Perry, of Chest
The Ladies Aid, of the Congregs
tional church of this place, held a
social at the residence of Mr. Harri
son Davis Priday evening.
Misses Panny Shoemaker and Vie.
toria and May Brown, all of whom
attend Xavier's Seminary at Latrobe,
spent Christmas waek at their bomes
in this place, :
Messrs. Walter Shoemaker, who ins
stodent of medicine at the Pennsylva-
nia University, Philadelphia, and Don-
ald Shoemaker, who attends St Vin-
ocent’s college near Latrobe, spent the
holiday vacation st their home in this
The Cantanta— ‘Santa Clans on
Time" — produced in the Presbyterian
charch at Ebemshurg on Christmas
evening was skillfully carried through
by the young performers, and was at-
tended by a large andience: in fact, the
church was crowded.
Mr. J. A. Boney, of the West ward;
departed for Cresson on Toesday where
he has accepted a position as weigh-
master with thi Cresson Coal and Coke
compan’; Mrs Boney will leave for
Their many friends, while
regretting their departure, express
their best wishes for snocess and pros
perity in their new home. Fn
Of Wichigan, in a Hot Contrast for.
Senter. :
. A dispatch to the Monday's Pitts
burg Times dated December 30th says
United States Senator to fill the anex-
pired term of the late Senator Stock-
bridge, has begun in earnest and all
opened head.
quarters. The incumbent by appoint
has the lead
nei a lg va ban dt
| Come to Altoona for Wi mter Coats
A Lady's ( Coat
cries Bee
GABLE & co. 'S
open the after Holiday
season). with a great sale of
' Styl ish Winter Coats,
oh mited number of w hich we
have been fortunate enough to
procure at a price which en-
ables us to sell them at a sav-
ing to the buyer of over one:
third the regnlar cost. These
garments are an entirely
lot, are perfect t 1m fit and finish
and would be cheap at $1
They ¢ go. while last, f
only $6. 95.
Come early | $9 . 95
Another Big Offer!
~ For a little over half-
we will place with the ladies
of this county and vicinity one
lot. of fine Coats— Beavers,
Mo tons and Rough effects—
1 the latest styles. |
at fully $10.50 at om
ly 3 935 each,
hese rments are beauty
UND fully Fain, are cut by the
best Cloak Cutters and Pat
terned after the best modeis.
They are best in every way.
Cheap at $10. 50, they. are
cheaper still at $6. 75
W. F. GABLE & CO.,
Pr Worth
the Y
Coats The
“$10. o0
of Congressman J. C. Burrows claim
they have 86 of the 130 votes This.
claim was cut down this afternoon
when the Wayne county delegation
which Burrows workers relied on as
solid for him, announced that 10 of the
delegation would vote for Patton.
Schuyler C. Olds claims etiough votes
to dictate terms for himself as a dark
horse. Congressman Stephenson isys
claims to the Upper Peninsula delega-
tion, but neither Patton nor Olds will :
concede this
153022 Eleventh Ave. |
Altoona, Pa.
NOTE:—Ours is the best store in the city for comfort and
convenient. Just the place for out of town folks.
Turn Your Back
For the long term, Senator McMillan
for EEF Unl United States assistant
Secretary of State.
And Will be Keown ae the Pittsburg &
By the unaminous vote of the atock-
holders of each three projected railway
lines in the western part of the state
have been merged into ode. The lines
are the Loyalhanna & Youghiogheny
Directors, E. A. Bigler, W. W. Bott, | iroud, the Philadelphia & Pittsbarg
The Gallitsin Times says that there Clearfield; J. A. Beaver, J. L. Spangler, | ‘railroad and the Pittsburg & Eastern
Bellfonie; William L. Dunecaa,
| mines of that place soon starting on ‘burg: Joba W. Capbell, Blaiwville:| The meetings were held in Phil
H. D. Achenbach, of the firm of
{Joseph A. Gruy, Carrolitown.
Geo. 8. Good, of Lock Haven, wus
| adelphia Friday December 28, and ss
the same interests are identified with
On the dealer who constantly says he
sells below cost. The man who makes such
statements isn't a safe merchant to pin yeur
faith to. We don't sell below cost—just a
little above. And vet our prices are pretty
certain to be the lowest in town, quality con-
[t doesn’t cost anything to call and
see for vourself.
Fisk, Krimm & Co., music house of at this piace s few hoars ome day last | each of the three companies the agree.
J Slaasitpons, way 1a Piston 4 ew das week. He just lately retwrned from a | ment of consolidation end merger
. trip to the southwest where he was was adopted without a dissenting
| Spencer and Bloom have broken looking after the interests of Geo. 8. voice. The consolidated lines will be
‘the first page of this paper. Look at it. | rou cu Se ok cu og Meotodia, Good & Co., who are building = eet ie on
Ramm are ive coutn per line for each, named charch tenia were given nu ate ian of mesced in the spring. ;
3. N. MoCormick, of Huntingdon, Ipniinism amphi: vom Harry Gould, of the firm of Ricker, Tom West Newton, on the Youghiog-
And when you contemplate ‘buying anything in the
ed Horace one day aie be in the room of the (iould & Co., machinists of Patton, has jaa, where it vi connect with the
‘week. Shy drug More. been nursing a sore finger during the *5i8 ise; 38 3 convection With
bilt line, at Mahaffey. Persons identi-
Shoes Or
Skates! Skates! Skates! at the Cam- |
Face About
‘fled with the Loyaibanna Coal and
. Coke company are the largest stock-
| few weeks, returned to Patton to en- in a manner which necessitated its
| | holders i the consolidaied lines.
; Clothing ; amputation at the first joint but cand |
pany’s new “ad on the first page of the | Wm. P. Gable & Co. of Altoona are him treuble afterwards He consulted
. COURIER. | st the front again this week with a Dr. Worrell who amputated the in- Al Pree.
8. Hoover, a Sevveling salesman of large advertisement and should be read Jured member sbuve the second jofte | Those who have used Dr. King's
Satarda | Blanche Minnic and Daisy Worrell | was able to attend to his duties s few Rage whis hats not, BATE:How. the op-
¥ (days Inter and says the finger gives portanity to try it free Call on the .
i en CE him but very little trouble now. ivertised Druggist sad get 3 Trial
ae Catbsia. Haraware SOPERY'® | tow days last week. : Buekien's Arnica Salve. . Bottle Free. Send your name and ad-
Nose The best salve in the worid for cata, drem to H. E. Buckien & Co. Chicago,
Any ine | in our line vou can be suited to a tee ac our Store
in the Good Building.
Jesse Starr, of the Beech Creek ral:
road, spent Christmas with his mother | in The Deita Coal Mining company of
“at Kerrmore. : ' Barnesboro, was in town on business
| Satards and Monda
; J. M. Robinson returned home on y y
‘Tuesday from an extended visit to, D. W. Wiss, of Mahaffey, father of
South Dakota. : 'B.F. Wise, spent the first of last week
L. L. Brown, of Hastings, interested |
bruises, ulcers, salt rheum, fever 88d get a sample box of Dr. King's
oer Pro hein GTi New Life Pills free, as well as a copy
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- ' of Guide to Health and Household In-.
Set ctr Bier OF ay voriey structor, free. All of which is guaran-
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis- teed to do you good snd cost you
faction or money refunded. Pris 45 8vibing. C. E Buichers Cuy Drug
Is usually done by ‘lamp light” (%) but we have an entrely
different method. We have no objection to the old-fash- |
by Dr C E
When you full Ye Covmunn. you | Ying i9"Pesion; bad While here wud | imp. Jur av For sale by
Coral, little daughter of D. B. and |
- will be greeted with Love, Sunshine & |
Belcher, city drug store
Univ Veteran Calon.
Cariton Cornwell foreman of the
‘Gasette, Middletown, N.
J., believes
Co. on the fourth page.
Sarah Rodkey,of Mahaffe , aged about |
Julins Hofmann, of Johnstown, spent |," / rh yi wit
New Years in Patton and while here
the 2 bail sasiat fever on Toeaday net and died
The world's total gold yield last your | Howard Cramer, of
was $26,228,600, an ineremes of about. 5uceor of the B. 0. aS W. rail |
$2,500,000 over the previons year.
colds and sore throat try
A Guaranteed by C. | Christmas the two brothers visited
‘W. . Hotghin, roi, Pio, | he mt 5 er
road visited his brother Wm. Cramer |
of this place the first of last week. On ° E- BARR, Ad Gen'L
| Warren's signa. 46tf
Ther: will be a muster of a cui that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
‘mand cf the Union Veteran Union at should be in every home. He used is
Good’s hall on Saturday, January 12, for a cold and it effected a speedy cure.
1885. - All soldiers of the late war are Heo says: “Tt is indeed 5 grand remedy
. respectfully invited. ‘By command of I can recommend to ‘all I have alse
Col. 2nd Dept. Department Com.
jr sissy CE Relétinry Oy Drug
Every business should have one of Stor®
: For fruits go to Kinkead's 40
| spen it used for whooping cough, with |
the best resulta.” 25 and 50 cent bottles |
ioned way, but radical times requires treatment. We
“have made arrangements with the largest Book concers
in the country to supply us with a certain number of
their choice books by the most popmlar writers of the
day; which books we are disrribating absolutely free tw»
persons dealing at our store.
Wolf & Thom