TR ad en PR yo Fel mp A haa ; i 8. HL Clifford, New Cassel, Sr. Avarane, 2, Pa, Dec. 10, 1894. | troubled with Neusalgis Rheums- | Mrs. Sarah Krise, who lived with ber | osthiod wi Sechuipé sass + |son, W. I Krise, died Wednesday at Ljvar wis effected to an alarming | the ripe old age of ninety-six years. fell away, and he was | | She is survived by three sons and three - reduced in flesh and strength. | - daughters, all of whom had the conso- throes bottles of Electric’ Bitters cared | lation of being present at her death, ',. except Stephen. Fier remains were pjuued Shepherd, Harrisburg. IL, interred in 8t. Augustine cemetery on Ma rams sor on bo Jeg of cg | Friday, December 7. years’ standing. Used three bottles of Mrs. James P. McCann, rosding in Eecrt Bitters and seven’ boxes of St. Augustine, is very ill. Her re- puikien's Armies Salve, and his leg is covery is She is ‘aficted und and well John Spesker, Cs-' PRR Omciuts Here. : 1 Sa : oT. wovsTne. F. I. Sheppard, ganeral superintend| ent of the P. R. R., accompanied by F. supervisor, of reson, and Mr. Thomp- son, of Altoona; came to Patton one day last week in Superintendent Shep- | pard’s private car. They met E. C. Brown, - superintendent of the Chest | . Oreek Land, and Improvement Com-| pany, at the Palmer House, and then | . proceeded to the car where they were - in close consultation for over an hour. | The Coumrem representative was in- formed that the object of their visit. to this place was to farther their inter- | rest in_the way of improvements, etc., ‘which will greatly benefit Patton. Mmiringe Licenses. doctors said it was incurable. burned on last Thursday morning with 1,y Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured him | all its contents. The fire was undonbt- ougirely. Sold by C. E. Belcher's City 2 edly of incendiary orig. No com. "| Drug Store. Te The following marriage licenses were | ments are necessary. oF ‘iwoed by the Clerk of the Orphans’ A Household Treasa:v. Court for the week ending Thursday, D. W. Aap rain Y., December 13, 1304: om | ssiys that he always keeps Dr. King's. Harry Myers and Frances RB. Y" | New Discovery in the house and his My Comperadnte, Bog. | family has always found the very best oy —t an Figart, : results follow its use; that he would not ford county, Mary Figart, be without it, if G. A. Any ose who has children will rejoice | Quip county. 2 p | Dykeman Drufgist, Catskill, X. Y., ¥ and Anna i says that Dr: King's Now Discovery i with L. B. Mulford, of Plainfield, N s lamb. It has right ear cnt off and 3 slit in left esr. MARTIN THOMAS. Patton, Pa., Dec. 10, 1804. 553 ' Hi little boy, five years of age, was , Daley fatied sick with crou For two days and “John Truscott and Kate Sheehan, ght 3 pundit o might he tried varios remedies recom ; { do all that is claimed for it. Why not ; mended by friends and neighbors. ‘He | fing 8 Semisds wo Jon tried and tested. uy thought sure I would lose him. hutties free at C, E. Beicher’s City Tad Chamberlai | Drag Store. Cough ‘ody advertised and thought J would try | “it's 8 last hope and am happy to say UO xd arr | : : day aud a Number enrolled: boys, 13; girls, ‘94, | The new" under the man 1 ghive it to him next total, 20; average, boys, 9; girls 20; ' ment of Bell Ee ee Ie wis effected. I keep this remedy | total 29. Perfect in attendance: Fan-/ | ener the latter part of iat week: i in the house now and as soon as any of nie Bearer Gussie Bearer, Addie Bearer, eared a ¢ success was beld By & it'to them and that is the last of it.” Maggie Hobart, Stella Miller, Mattie jeouple of our citisens on Sausrduy by C. E. Short, Mary Mangin, Zonia Long, cted by sit LEE mae ce So or mie br A Emma Gray, Mary Albine, Chariots End the aun ne CE Drug Store. S| aicinging minster -, A Turkey given away with every #5 | Mr. Ira P. Wetmore, a prominent parchawe | real estate agent of San Angelo, Texas, Somber TR 48 i. Th Clothier ovsany = Dysart, Pa., Dec. 18, 1884 An, | S1VATS with perest saeco. He says: Se | “Td t » periect cure for 088 baby} | yroppmiO, ' Attorney and Counselor at Law. =| ome oron a FE lens tall batiese with Sore ine a DAVIS, " Attorney and Counselor # Law, 7 ‘sb baiplate ne of Bolling pools 34 Hodgkins drug stove. Come and buy 2 Citisman present for your gin; your | friend, your brother, mother, sister cousin, sunt, uncle or some one. We, 4 At gn mn prompt attended Bat that has sothing to do with us in Rrieulsr. becanse we still continue to sell just as low as ‘ever. You will Surprised When you learn of the low prices which we are | offering goods at. other firm in this section. We advertise lo Humbug, But mean exactly what we say. You can save, money if you buy from us, but remember we do a strictly Cash Business. It is uselesss to tell you what we handle, as everyone knows it is the only place to buy Good - Fresh Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, | and all kinds of General Merchandise. Yours For an Honest Bargain, ~ Patton Supply (o., Fiera AVE, PATTON, PA. Every person in Northern Cambria county is heading towards the Mam- moth store of Geo. S. Good's “in Patton,where you can buy the finest line of ~ GENERAL -- MERCHANDISE that was ever handled in any one store. in the whole county AY GOODS, BOOTS AN SHOES GROCERIES, And everything kept in a firstclass general store. We make a specialty of Hot Liberty alone Va 1 the best grades of : : cure. | FLOUR, - FEED, - HAY, - GRAIN, A large assortment of ‘Carpets, oil Cloth, Matting, Etc., kept on hand, dlso Queenswre, Dishes, inware, and Shelf Hardware. No truble to show goods. Come i in and look around. GEO. S. GOOD, Patton, Pa. Govirior ae Inst week directed the Secretary of the Commonwealth to issge commissions to Judges Barker, of Cambria; Bezybum, of Armstrong, and Doty, of Wastmoreland, to convene the | . Court of Common Fleas of Indiana County tc hear and determine the pro- ceedings instituted” by Ex-Judge Jobn P. Blair, of Indians, to contest the elec- tion of Judy Bae in the For- tieth J 1 have found nothing ami ’sPain Balin. It Bn spe Je 4 i Store. og me : A Torey 5 a away with eves purchase y and Monday, cember 22nd and 24th. BELL, The Clafbler. for & Christmas Thomson's e Get nice b ent at store. 4 Sa AR | a2 kept constantly on hand. at BOty StraiifP's Place. A fresh Une of Cigars, Tobmevo and Candies, (itve me a cull. Next Door to Mirkin & Kusner's. [> and one” i Rem- | i Saturday and Monday, De- doubtful. | with a complication of diseases, inci- guts, O., had five large Fever sores P.P Young & Bro. FRESH MEAT oF ALL KINDS. " Bologna, Lard, Bre FIPTR AVENUE, Pantow, Pa. SAM L BOYCE, { Snedessor to John Otto. ) —DEALER IN— . 4. | Flour and ? Poche Grain, Lime, Prices the Lowest for CASH. ” Store on Beach Avenue, near R. R. Depot. THE COMMERCIAL, S. M. Wilson, Prop. A Modem Hotes Twenty-four seeping rooms. S TO NE M A S 0 “EE ‘All new furniture. i Heated with steam rong lout. { } | i i We can and do undersell any ! timem, Foreign | eftien of the Old Ww ' A. E. PaTTON; ; President. EnmesnURc, Pa. | ‘ment In s | ais and Banks Receivadl apn the most favors | ble aaient wi oonwrvatl | banking. Hot and cold water on every i floor.. f wis, we|Poor. and Bre.ciavos| 8. Em i Fy and points in the upper of nd after June | Tr trains. Bo fe Creed 50 oa om. "a “Mall For DuBois, Skyes, Brg Run, i "To CLEARVIELD. A ET SHOE - moderste. Cooking and dining departs! | killful bands. : ! Msi Ave., NEAR R. R. STATION, |PATTON, PENNA. FirstNation’ IBank - - i 1 OF PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.| Snsparsnn CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. Adsmant Plaster AStORUS of Crrporations, Firms, Individo- | terms th safe and ve - Stemmship ras rable mn in the principa tickets ckete for mle for ail the lending All correspondence will have onr pron and personal attention, ; Interest paid on thne deposits. Wx. H. SANPORD, Cashier. | Reuel Somerville, aS SAAS i A nn gree Attorney-at-Law, ‘PATTON, PA. Office in the Good Building. J. HARRY MCCORMICK, M. D.. PHYSICLANX AND SURGRON, PATTON, PA. A 'piirUsed on the Palmer H Good Building, Hotel Beck, Hotel Patton, (. C. I. & L Co. office., Patton Opera, ‘house. 3. E. church, and on more than ' ine. Office anid residence on Magee avenue, next to John Yahner's Hardware stare. special attention given wv Fevers and Dis ease of Children. Warren, the painter. Ei ! mn © 8 wa adalat ‘finest hotel in this sectiom.. R. & P. Time Table. Beech Creek Rai phe hart Line between DuBois. New York Central & Hudeos Siver . 8, Lesion: tid, Salamanes. Hrtialo, Rochester Nb. | CONDENSED TIMETASLE. will srrive and depart from Fa Station, duily, except Sanday, «8 follows fale nnd Rochester yrmtl—For’ Brow owe yvilie, Hidgwey. Jobinsonbarg, ML ford, “abvmancs, Baflalo, snd nga Jonnsonborg with | flex, Kare, .Arren, Corry. and TA n,m. a EN dations -For Dulles, Sky- ny Big ilurn, and Pamusatawney. 2% wm 1% — Aceommonation from Bradtord, Jonhsonbury, Ridgway, Brockway ville, and intetmedinte stations, OF Dallas and | Plinxentawney. 2% p. m—Bradford Aevormmmodation For Pacetitree, RBrockwayville, Ellmont, Osrmon Ridgway: Johnsonborg, Mi Jewew, and Hr Jewett, F rr conneetin Pak trai a Yor 5 ory | » 3 el] rz» - : » Bhlivg as ‘PRMERT SGP |e] save Tehells To Lov Crit Junction Az. ———— CT CLEARVIELD... “ : iH i | | ArCimrtiesd lei Junction Lv. Woodland... Prnxwmiawney, and Walstos. Toni Arrive—%0u. m., Mail from Wabton apd Panxsttawney; 10 > BE mo > Pun xwits wney: 3 ' i 5 asd wi. An commods from Punxsutewney; x10 pn mn, Mat! fron Batfalo and Rochester. C. & M. Division. Losi Time Table Teking Effect Juoe 5 18. To Do Bos. AM PM No. No | § Szuss e EFEES #® #anss iii “ spsereie | vem 8) %e EEE RRBERARMNANEY' 85 : tri rig Fa 5 AMPM Stations. H we Seve RER : ss usuynug sluale esses geunglustanng i Yrle annus BURRERE ¥ sxsaguntus 3% aasunuss 19 | 55a MBH 0G HONE BO 0 We A» 2 Juununaneowe » J ee BY ae bee AVP EERE Been auaf uel 1 $s Kgs 3 - x gusxRaunaggRFRERRs! vn CW wl - 8 Sy “w sanssmamoiy "E ¥ BACHHRLAERTER 233M nnn svnaasn) ua ® MER ; » . » $ = Fo 3%" * ed Ti = bf 2 Jersey Shore, W i is and New York, . with PF. RR juin: rome, Altoona, Huntingdon and Harrts | ie No. 71 conteets at DuBols with train % for Bradford, Buffalo, Prtebary. and all nis north and west, sari! mile tiekets at two conta per mile, | good for peosage between all stations. R.G -Marrrews, EBpwarpC, Tar, vale AX Gon, 54 ten. Pun. | Fmftrond, At purchase 10 Pry Boi r re Tony tvae ruilrond. ALG. PALE Baperintendent, Go To DANIELSON & ENGBLAD'S SHOP" 4th Ave, near R. R. Station. Shoes made to order and of all kinds done promipy, P R. R. Time Tables. In effect May 37th, 1804. Main Line, Leave Cresson— Eastward. AUGUST K. HUBER, Melton Avenue, PATTON, PA. lum prepared to do sil kinds of MEH I i or trets C YeveRs when | easanteed. Give mea oll. WW. E. Probert, ‘Barber and Hair Dresser, IN ALL ITs BRANCHES. &-XEXT DOOR TO FOSTOFFICK. We Kay sa Oh ER nA pe - A ye Gives a first-class wall a moderate ex- pense. In the best five-resisting plaster. Always ready for use in any sesson. ’ Does not hold gases or disease gern. | Is the par exvelience for pateling. Cua be papered as soon as dry. ; Is recommended hy all the the lending | over, TE EEE RANA EXTENSION, Enstwuod, ee a sumisects With trun Sur Cramon ASsrpoun. inain Ahltncte who, EEE Somes EEE i Of itwelf will not crack, swell or, SETI pb shrink. bins Hhrumbuto,: 12, it Will not cleave off when ased ad] ARermons train eaves Bradley Junction for rected, even in cass of leakage. | mngler Branton ah, Arriving ot Will give you a warm house. at bia a: Does not ruin woodwork by loading | Biers ar © a me 10 a’ it with | a atermedinie pete ow the arrival of ail Admits of carpenters following plas: | timins from Rat and West, both morning und terers in a few days. nt Is capable of every variety of finish. : mF 1 wo D, iE rd : JR WOOD, me ms i 4 A P P& N WwW Railroad am 11 & ar Punxsutawn'yl Iv Ba Motiers 3 one-half of the plastered houses and | store rooms of Patton. _ Also the Catholic Church St. August- | HTATIONS Ag Pr. -- a eo SEERERRCSER Berwindaie - frvonn © Iv ' ar nections—i With Bafkio tsburg B. RB. IWith Beech ith Cambria snd C bei : ax miirond. 5 1 an. , ui Clemrfield 1 sylvania miiroad. For prices and Information, write ADAMANT PLASTER CO. Patton. Pa. Lock Box 345. | aio Hisalg § usEAsay BacoeEs SErusAn EES owcoxmy = ee ae wt Creek : Vik = FORD: Supt. a PRLMER HOUSE, PATTON LIVERY, Comer Magee and Filth Aven Feed and Sale Stable. : Moderate. Give Us a Call. Equipped with all modern | F. N. NAGLE, Patton Pa., conveniences. Everything MF ppt Gost Silt first-class. - Fine bar in com- ” nection. Livery, Etc. Rates MA $2.00 per day. J. M. ROBINSON. Proprietor. of Headquarters. for commer- cial men.. The largest and , Clearfield Co., Pa. sccommodations first-class. Best of Liquors a Winn a the ver Stabling attached.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers