The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 20, 1894, Image 3

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    pr ao 3 b Warren, the painter ANT A
- o urier. | Better bread than ever at Lette’.-543 |
: | Headquarters for stationery at Mel |
om ve rome unk edad "Holiday gifts for all a
| DECEMBER 2, 1304 Go to Snyder's for fine candy aiid USEFUL AS WELL AS ORNAM ENTAL
Sirletty In Tr. | Try the Courier for job work. : om
A To Ta, wns x p~o Prices moderate. = 'SEEOUR Smoking WOMENS le Faded -
Bui ramin i yallerer, | A. F. Danilson, of Johnstown, spent nmoxkmg ; i Be »y 8 Cirle MENS
Just the sa : in Sunday in Patton. :
Im aware bath E Every business aioald Tave one of MEN'S SUITS d a ( k ¢ I S FINE SHOES
After tne pattern ofg mop, | Warren's signs. 46tf
pd] effiorcent epitome i Head rters for pocket — card At $10. ( 0) i $4.50 Down
Of the great Amerie:n spirit eadqua Ix g 2 fo $< 11° :
Of git t cases, etc., at Mellon's. «2 D o 3 to 1.25
Overcoats Shoes OVERCOATS
For | strack this country ie 2 v Worth 13.00
$1 75 up $1.00 to $2.00 | $5 to $25
A ibous a acent ‘See the offer that Wolf & Thompson |
25¢, soc, and 75c.
COLLARS . [vg ~ | Mens’ .-MENS BOYS
Fancy Rockers at H. 8. Buck’s farn-| Comic, Farmers and Agricultural . CUFFS SUITS Soft Hats
sure store at a bargain. -55t2 | Almanacs for sale at Fd. Mellons. MENS
ve cents a : $1. 50 to $10 § cents to 0 $2 2.75 :
Daniel Kline, of rg a ts a plece. oad Siar "RUBBERS | ALL STYLES 9 .
Walter Weakland and T 5ooup 1.75 to 12.00
| make in another column. Sl a : : ; » ea it ot msn on tm i kil min | tein sini cei wi
Hon. Jas. Kerr, of Washington, D. 5 ! : : . : :
‘ spent Tuesday in Patton. Men GLOVES Ha ts Ce Sweaters HOSIERY
Ang tae | Fresh shelled oysters at Snyder's , boa k ) ory. : .
Frits { See the fortune teller at the Fire- z i wort va :
en : | TO $2.00 25 to $2 50 |
» more we're admired. ' man’s fair and festival next week. “on 45c¢ to 3.00 C : sIR
» ee " ndunapoii Journal. | Toe largest line of Toys and Holiday 30C to $4. 00 % ‘$3.80 BOYS GIRLS
Wai y i { i. 1 at BH 1 ei a ie store. - —40-tf . 3 i] - : 3 — - a itis cpa H——— OA ai, SA ST WAG i sa ——— radi
; | The Carrolitown Fire company will = :
La Jot of wedsoea sized Turkeys next | 0 Ch dance Now Years night. Men's | Li SILK ¥ NECK
_ Friday and Satorday. 1 Headquarters for time books, note Suspenders Np AN yo BOYS
L 8S. Bev, The Clothier. books and memorandums at Mellon's. WOOL i Pe Kerchiefs : u = "E 5 :
Mud! Tr Carving knives and forks a specialty H alf Hose : a5¢ & cn’ cotitsiiand : TI ES UNDERW EAR Pants
Mud? Mod)! : Se Sashes Jeifwure shi inniy : ; TO $1.00. > 4 20¢ to 1.00 $2 to Bs
Mud! Mad!! Mud!!! Be 2 5C to 5OC Sa urd uP : |
: y yonr friend a beautiful pocket | : :
No paper pext week. : book for a Christmas present at Mel- | bot : § iii scoters ini i mimi wisi ini
Yes, and the great fafr. jon’s. B. ! : : is
Next week given by the Patton Fire-| jonn G. Solomon, of DuBois, was in ys SHIRTS TRONKS Sate a] Mens BOYS & GIRLS
men. | Patton last week looking after his i P . : : S ny te ~
Headquarters for cigars, ofc, at interests here. nee ants, ~~ Wool RUBBER osser Boots
- Mellon's. | Ladies hats reduced in price at Alice : i ;
Pried chicken at the Kinkead Res-| A. Ashcroft’s millinery store np-stairs 5: 35 30, sine, Cotton $2 ho To $9 55( To $7 Dons 12 > |
tanrant. -40tf in Good building. 2 £812 pair a $2.75 $1.30 10 2.35
Next Tuesday is the day. Attend | Mrs. C. M. Letts, who has been ying | go 45¢C to 2.23 of : :
the Fireman's fair. very low with relapsing fever, is slow- —— —
Holiday goods till you can’t rest at! ly recovering. WOMENS
- Hoy’s jewelry store. The finest line of skates in town at
Wolf & Thempson, the clothier,s can {the Cambria Hardware UBpEnY’s BOYS
sait in price and quality. : | store. —52tf .
of Sadia spo Suserdey ia Pitan, leh Soe Bins oon), sogion oft | You Can Match Us In Quaiity and Price
a“ the Cambria Hardware company. oy Chutes wot will be Soke! In Patton we wil go You One Better.
ne am way in Hie woke vomel, ee Fa) vous. They wiuas be ] Dont Forget the Firemens Fair and Dance during the Holidays—It Lasts On Week.
cen wil be fcr Fae Tur Boor cs ee. “ol : COME AND SEE ME FIRST
| 4 larew eatent from row antl Feb- | Bow RT pout,” Buckwheat and | CASH Ba The Peoples Clothier,
: : H Patton's r- :
Alles A. Ashcroft is selling 45 cent| FIaTvey Paterson, Putin's tur. | ONE PRICE Hatter and Shoe Dealer.
FIDE 45 95 ein, 20d OEY SOOM 228 | od Hastings * “dramming” up trade
reduction, o re 9 Next Door to Commercial Hotel. E ite . - PATTON, PENN’ A
The biggest time ever known in this ——, : Ee
section at the Fireman's fair and festi- The Coumtmn wishes to extend thanks isin — . : ' Md
val next week. ‘Before going elsewhere go and see
to Frank Owens, book-keeper
: 8. Good's store, for the ao. |
— FL. 8. Back, the farniture dealer can |v mocen of tos emcun neat little box |
soll you a nice Christmas present. | fall of candy.
' The finest line of Christmas presents
you ever laid your eyes on at Hoy’s
“jewelry store. Go and see.
A. M. Thomas, of Lock Haven, has
.and st Hastings during the past week,
J. W. 8mith, of Howard, Pa., brother
-Y McKinney Smith, deceased, |
Patton this week looking afer |
his brother's interests. ;
The big fair and festival will come off
next week. Extensive preparations
are being made by the different com-
mitiess to show you a grand time.
(Vad to notice that our newsy ex-
change, the Pstton COURIER has passed
John Hunter, an employe at the
gee & Lingle mine is confined to os
' home on account of his being squeesad |
between two cars, which injured him
internally, but not seriously.
‘Abraham Byers, of Palmer avenue,
who for a long time has been the saw-
yerin B. F. Wise’s saw mill at this
place, has rented a saw mill at Cone-
maugh, this county, and removed his
family to that piace this week.
Elder Sister: Come, Clarence, take
your powder like a man. You never
hear me making any complaint sbout
such a little thing as that. Clarence
(sourly )— Neither would I if I could
daub it on my face; it js swallerin’ it
of tinware that would not rust.
We did not think you did unless it was the
Lisk anti-rusting ware for which we are the
sole agents in Patton. If you purchase a
piece and it should at any time rust no matter
how long
Silver Novelties.
Knives, Forks, Spoons, Nut Picks, Berry Epoons, Soup
Ladles, Children Setts,
and Sterling Silver goods and
.. Ete.
Engraving F ree.
i SOD, Sl] CATT To Tis | that T Obieet 16. It i is the newest part of wisdom to buy cheap jewelry or
second year. —Ebensburg Mountaineer. | The Patton COURIER recently cele- | ou lave 1a silverware. Buyin the best always means “econemy,” and
Edward Bellamy, the suthor of brated ite first birthday. Under the “economy itsel rge income.” In no other branch of
“Looking Bakward/t is to tell in the Sn of Editor Greene ie trade, prehaps, are there so many chances for deception. The
next issue Ladies’ Home Journil | COURIER has made rapid progress careful buyer of jewelry never takes chances, but trades with
what be believes a ‘Christmas in the 1s one of the best papers in_the county. | ‘a firm whose reputation is high. That is why shrewd people
“year 2000” will be like. ‘We wish it many and prosperons birth- ; 3
'W. Hsrry Thompson came ‘home | ¢8Ys.—Hastings Tribune. buy of us exclusively. It goes without saying that what we
sell is good, and we are proud of our reputation.
frat ek Suturing He repores the C. A. Farabaugh of Carrolitown has
Jas. W. Hoy,
contracted an ice plant to be placed in
we will replace it free of cost.
We are handling the celebrated Cappello
is brewery. When
ch a t Je plans - dave | Ranges and Grand Suushine Cook = Stoves
Mr. Farabaugh will be ready to supply | and also an
the town with ice. The plant will have
: {> onpacity of several tons daily.
prosperity acd succes in bis new Editor Raymond J. Kaylor, of the
undertaking. | Hastings Tribune, spent a few hours in |
: The Champion Shovel Factory, at Pation on Saturday. He informed the El t -
4. Jnilipsbarg was set on fire early Wed. COURIER representative that he has egan
neadsy morning and totally destroyed, about leased his newspaper. Mr. Kay-
together with a large stock of finished | lor is. also the postmaster at Hastings
and unfinished produet. The loss is and will hereafter give his entire at-
$7,000; insurance, $3,000. | tention to governmental daties.
Merchant : Did Dr. Newpill The officials and clerks of the Penn-
that thirty-dollar bill be owes? pay sylvania and Northwestern railroad
tor: - No, sir; but he was very nice DOW Occupy the building formerly
sbout it. He said that be hoped he Used by Supt. Ford as a residence, con- -
would soon have a chance to work it off | ti§u0us to the former building. Their
in attendance on your family. Be Ne ae Sapte] wae) |
i : ii re
oe ol Vie 33en township, sg] better adapted for Silioes. —Bellewood
ot Lire gh Two siasked_ burglars ntered the
charged it, the ball entering the breast | Jewelry store Covil, at Breck-
4 big Hie hoot « Cambria ey ¢ on “ ~ evening at =]
be a SC i bi
mi Alibi
Are You
~ Assortment
ar On to the Racket
¢ H : : ; WHAT RACKE re
inspect them. We would also like to call
your atteniion to our large stock of Hardware, | Why the wonderful Racket Store in the Opera House
rien and Pi na : | Block—in the same building where the Firemen are going to
Vase and Piano Lamps, etc., but when you ‘hold their Fair and Festival. Well, it will pay you to get a
come to see the best assortment of Stoves in | “Jersey on” and see our wonderful display of holiday goods
Cambria county you can then see what a fine { which have didi
stack of goods we have.
Just Arrived.
THE CAMBAIN We can discounl any other store in Patton, yes in the
county on prices. Our Motto:
“We DO Sell The Lowest. 4
Very Truly
watch and chain and ‘some other i
= in Washington township, passed: away | :
EET ne en HARD W ARE co.
of Bright's dissase. He was 8 ety She grime
sixty-third year, and was employed as id
~ afrackman by by the Pennsylvania Rail: A Turkey given fres with every 95 |
_* moadcompany. Mr. Behe was a soldier | purchass Ssturday and Mosdey, De.
: JB SR SAIWAF 43 Which be rossi 2 cember 22nd and 34th.
Patton, Pa.