The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 13, 1894, Image 3

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| Fenquarters for — ete., at | Wat the Grit ie of Cok utmens 8]
Pattan Courier. [ | po
Oye for sale at the Arithgton | | That great firm of Cook, Salmond &
PATTON reRLDHIVG 0, Prapticton. | | restaurant. 49-tf Cowden, of Altoona, in preparing for
: ; Gonld have | the Holiday trade, it would seem that Whole ‘number in attendance during
bi THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, i894. | Every business should have one of nothing that can fill with joy a Child's month, males, 17; females, 11; total, 3%; Ti I % H > See
a | W aren 8 signs. 46tf : | heart has been forgotten, and we wish per cent. of attendance, males, 95; fe- I ou ave n
The Little Schoolma‘am. - The Commercial club meets on Fri- jt ware possible that every young heart males, 93; total, 4. Names of pupils
Spank of the queers and empress, day fyening at rw in this place and in all the world perfect in attendance during month
“Not on # of them has half the power - "I. N. Rodkey, of Spangler, was in could be made supremely happy by re- john Charles, Chas. Cramer, Herman
A oul’ am Patton Monday on busines ceiving what; it most covets on Christ- Lipple Andrew Lipple, Walter Little, M Vv ; |
ro nau along the way one Fancy Rockers at H..S. Buck's farn- Mas morning. They are doing all Win McDonald, Willie Randall, Prank ’
At nine o'clock each day. ture store at a bargain. 5512 that one House can do towards this Callahan, Rettie Cramer, Maud Perry, Co ats
Attend the firomen’s. fair and festi. '2udable object, supplying the means Edna Perry, Maud Douglas, May. Cal- al
for the lowest possible expenditure, 88 Jahan and Mamie Callahan. Parents at
: thei tire stock of 5 i +. roateste
David Williams, Jr., of Philipsburg, , . hii #ock of Toys is marked a8 are. reqtjested to send their children
Ye pa all other Holiday goods. It would tion is made out of school. De hs leo f
SO DING hes Drege: friends and relatives at Philipsburg. their oie. it is decorated 0 beauti-
For all the merry iris and Roy The largest line of Toys and Holiday | fully.
This { irs adore, i x
. Tne da een ttle sehosima’am, | goods at Hodgkins drug store. -40-tf 2 .
without a perr, 1 vi knives and Cambria ( ounty Agricaltaral Associa
Tie pnd thousand class-rooms Thanksgiving carving Program of Teachers’ Institute to be tion are as follows: President. H. J.
This gayly Sar ne BANGETER, | forks at the Cambria Hardware com- held in Belsano, Saturday, December Kraumenacker; vice. president, P. J. i
—— : pany. Hr : "15, 1884: How to hold the attention of Dietrick; treasurer, T. A Stimtuighi/ ool ress uit
Warren, the painter. " H. 8. Back. the furniture dealer can the pupil, J. P. Orner; How to keep secretary, J. V. Maucher; directors
Asheroft’s millinery store 44-tf sell you a nice Christmas present. good order, Merton Edwards; Essay, jos A. Gray, C. A. Sharbaugh, H. J! Be " .
Lerch the tailor, Mahaffey, Pa. : Call on him.-55t5 | iee Je ig Writing, 0. H. Thomp- | | Bckenrode, Henry J. Buck, John 8. oy S Iv erc cals $i 1 75.
A 4 ’ M. M. Crain, the contractor, has just O what e would youl pro- Wetsell, Simon P. Kline, James West- ' . 7
Dea | completed the plastering of the Hodg: hibit whispering? Mary Shaffer; Reci- rick [ra Bloom, J. W. Sharbaugh, and worth $3.50 at
Holiday Goods at Hodgkins. | kins block and the Somerville resi-| (tation, Mies Anna Gibson; Should we'p A. Lather, Sr, W. J. McCombie, |
Better bread than ever at Lette’. 5413 | | dence. have a longer school term? T. L. Ed- Benj. Wirtner. :
i » < S ore.
The best tobies in town at Mellon's ” ‘wards: How should a teacher's salary Money t alks at our t
Thos. Syms, of near St. Augustine, ped? A. W. Rowland and Te Correspondents.
lon's. y for | y at Mel | who was seriously injured some time yy Reese. ; Owing to the crowded condition of F ull Assorment to Select F rom.
ago while pulling stumps, is improving the COURIER caused by holiday adver:
Fried chicken at the Kinkead Res- | slowly. An Ovorsigit. tisements the following comnunica-
~ taurant 40tf Superintendent A. G. Palmer made as In the article in Inst week's issue of tions were laid over till next week's is-
Try the Covmimr for job work. | business trip to Patton in his private the COURIER in regard to the Beech sue: St. Augustive, Chest Springs,
Prices moderate. car one day last week.—Jersey Shore Creek passenger train running to Pat- Dysart and Hastings. All correspond-
- Read the new “ad” of the Economy Herald. hi ton a mistake was made in the title of ants are requested to mail their com-
: aL xh H. 8. Herriman’s name. | of ons earlier.
at A lot of Christ to 1I be sold . man one day h t t
Seon tech ei i BBE on ST oes at $1u o
Headquarters for pocket books, card | by Letts at your own prices, at one- AL
cases, ete., at Mellon's. half the original cost. They must be A h SOM as bes sehen | One day last week Wan. Little, who)
Father Ludden came down from St. sold. -54t3. Tae oS Hon. James Kerr. who T®®ides at Chest Springs, killed 0 Mens, Boys, Ladies, Childrens.
Aogustine on Mondsy. ~~ =| Samuel E. Jones, one of Patton's | 40 4 an active part in endeavoring to | DOB% aged only eight months, whic
See tha fine line of dolls at C. W. prominent citizens and the efficient | the train extended to this place. “weighed 251 pounds apiece. ant
Hodgkins drug store. —49-tf _ |constable of that borough, was in town ore : | extraordinary weight for hogs at that
Pall styles in ladies Hats at Alice A. 7 Monday. Cambria Herald. Blected. ‘age. The porkers gained in weight on:
: ‘ y Below will be found the oliouis ave f about one 4d ; La Soy
_ Asherof¥’s millinery store. 44-tf . + WW. A.B. Little, one of Loretto’s en- | an average o one pound per d : :
EW. Gray, of the DuBois Morning '€TPrising merchants, spent Satarday. for the ensuing year in the day aplece. ; 10] J 1€ a Nn ‘ €ec : S,
i Clearfield lodge of Free Masons, Mo:
by tton y he made the
. Courier, spent Monday in Patton. i n Pa . and oo, oe 314: ‘Worshipful Master, J. E. Hard Estray Notre.
| : - Came to my premises in Clearfield : L .
The coul business has: boum picking | "Ly pov or onmatown, win] ior Wakden, W. 1. Mclukin: jonior township, Cambria county, Pa., during NEXT DOOR TO COMMERCIAL HOTEL,
in Patton during the past week. warden, B. F. Chase; secretary,
wp 8 be appointed deputy sheriff by Sheriff- McCullongh; treasurer, D. W. LE the month of August, a white back
- Headquarters for time books, note | ;
: ielect Coulter when he assumes the lamb. It has right ear cut off and a
Cardy; oh : ; ;
books and memorandums at Mellon's. | 400 of the office. Mr. Davis will ¥s Fepresuptafive, dol, Janpie: slit in left ear. MARTIN THOMAS.
Skates! Skates! Skates! at the Cam- {take up his residence in the jail. 7" Patton, Pa., Dec. 10, 1894. -55t3
bria Hardware company; all prices. -52tf | Freeman. : int ;
: Ladies, Attention.
Martin Thomas, of St.. Augustine, | The Ebensburg Mountaineer says | i jp - all lution mtatented ithe I rol
was a baller at the COURIER office Mon- that while on a trip to Cherrytree last
day. . | week, Clark Creery, of the West Ward; | | ub are carestly requested to be pros fair and festival are requested to meet
at the opera house on Priday evenin
‘Buy yoar friend a beatiful pocket and his brother-in-law, Milton Teen | °0¢ 8¢ a meetiyg in their rooms in the at 9 o'clock sharp. y .
book for a Christmas present at Mel- berg, of Cherrytree, killed 33 Piet Good building on Friday evening at Mrs. E. A. MRLLON,
lon’s. ; | ante and 54 rabbits, : | 8 o'clock shut. Business of much im-
. : President.
Carving knives and forks a specialty | 7950 Ebtnabarg ountainese soys that portance will be transacted.
at the Cambria Hardware company’s the stone is being prepared for the Church Notiee. Boarding
Her rule ix ever gentle,
Her tones are iow and swoet:
She ix very trim and tidy
From he head unto her feet,
And it matters very litle
: I? her eyes he brown or blue;
: They stimily read your inmost heart
ene'er she looks nt you.
val daring the holiday week.
Th children bring her presents, ,
: Flection of Officers.
: Teatiore Institute.
Fo. iim aA naa Sa A
store. -52tf ar OF ay phn The Swedin Lutherans will hold di- Brantugby the week, day ur = Cash=-One- Price
vine services in the Good hall Monday at reasonable rates at Mm. A. C. Ben-
You can’t help but notico | Mirkin & | asylum, to be erected north of the -
.) a im | Pbensbarg fair frome, by Mrs. D. C.| evening, Dedeanber 17 at 7:30. nett’s, opposite Good building. :
We Solve That
‘sas Ng ‘S104
Miss Ella Hopkins, of Johnstown, | Summer home there.
Arlington restaurant, also a fine line |, "vil be free to invited guests, PROBLEM. 'suwuNqly
Visited friends at the Palmer house H. 8. MacMinn and a company of,
over Bundsy. ! : men with surveying instruments left
. of confectionery of hand. 49-1 ; | and as the club is composed of young Te
a J Tien ry Sugiai [adieu of tales, an snjoyale evesing “How, Where and What shall I buy for = Ad OA Aoue 4
can ‘be expected. --Carrolitown News. sno 2JNnoue : ;
Ladies hate reduced in price at Alice tOWD this morning. It is believed
iat Hotel Beck aver Sunday. The residence of Wm. T. Bloom, in C hristmas?>”
‘sased 120
| A AsherofVs millinory Sore Upeiais | OY 416 Solng to do some Wark on the tr
eee rr rh |
yout 3 Be aa Ee performance The Young Ladies Quartet Club will ff ¥F
The Patton firs company's fair and | Jordan township, with ail its contents
festival Swing holiday week will be a wus destroyed by five Saturday even a : 2d :
‘Good hall to a large congregation on ‘essenger.
Soo—-== oeoeweens, JHULGJIOO ALND
Oysters served in every style at the | | hall Christmas evening. ay
tend. | was no surance, and inasmuch as Mr.
D.C. Belcher dnd wit, of Man vent 0 Tio, 1d wa week © And sec our Grand Opening Exhibi- IO )
Yd ‘NOJLLYd "MdOdd
‘HIHOTI3E 3 oy.
“013 ‘Apued
Mr. James S. Ashbridge, of Johns- | | Bloom is now 83 yeaa of age, She loa ia
lt town, was on Wednesday appointed by | indeed a very severe one.-Raftsmans-
‘the commissioners, Morante ap- Journal. -
praiser. There is nothing new in railroad
It will be to your advantage to | circles this week. Engineers are stiil
: your flour from Letts. “White at work in the northern part of the
Rowe,” “King’s Best,” Buckwheat and | county. The right of way is being
Rye.-543 : purchased for the oxtension of the
Rev. E. Monia Sone: a Baptist min. Buffalo, Rochester & Pitubarg from
_ister of Johnstown, preached in the Punxsutawaey westward. Indiana
son, and Miss Faunie Smith, of Phil- | enter a convent for the purpose of be-
ipsburg, visited friends in Patton the coming a ‘member of the sisterhood. tion of
first of this week.
She was accompanied as far as Pitts
fy Btrest Commissioner AdSleshion hue burg by Miss Vina Weakland, of this
heen adding to the convenience of the |
pedestrians of Patton by placing sev- |
place, who will remain in that city
visiting Mr. and Mrs. John H. Neweil
for a few weeks.
Toys, Games,
‘Novelties, Books, ‘ : :
Is the celebrated and well-known CINDERELLA. It.
Sitve rware, Fu rs, Etc. [las been proven to be the very best and the cheapest.
1S economy. A poor
The COURIER wishes to apologize to The station on the Ebensburg branch |
ita readers for the crowded condition it 1 tae Ounivie and Clearfield division
presents owing to the large number of o
holiday ‘ade’ now running. ;
U. 8. Senator John Patton, Jr. d of {Dus changed wn 13 tie bere wil te
Michigan, arrived in town Friday and tion is situated les
will remain bere the guest of his fo | 2050 and is ous uli a
er for a few days.-Curweneville Review: | 000 C08 1) ea,
EP. : Alona Mrs. Edith Armstrong, once Edith
last Wadnesday to make arrangement PR
orney, of an aristocratic Virginia
Tor placing Mr. Loses, the young sign family, and neice of John W. Forney, |
88 toander of the Philadelphia Press was | : | . | |
"| found dead in her cell in the Kansas | We expect all our Cambria County
- a ae honing
Peiaomime TIT 1320221 AVENUE |General Hardware , Ete.
Altoona, Pa. | |
No Exhibit Like This One
in Central Pennsylvania. one 1$ the worst
kind of ex-
See us First
For all kinds of
De Ea t BABLE & W.,
di wepshot $0 put: in end to his sak
ferings. Pender was counted a favor | Re you think? e-half block from
te by Mr. Nagiv's customers. : a Sema
ve | committed a number of thefts to obtain {F1¢N(s to be here this month. 5 ERNE gapee.
One of Patton’s prominent young
. R. Depot Patton, Ps.