a 3 i es Tp IRS Ry iT ¢ ce = . wife X 5 3 3 B: 3.3 : a ba AR eA 00s wr glenn 7 iT Ah . EY A ’ tp Srl PATTON, C AMBRIA co, PA, THU RSDAY, NOVE MBER 29, 1894. $1.00 PER YEAR. ER LIST IS INCREASING HBV. RY . DAY. Bh chiffiren will be happy. just or the finest line hy ~ Holiday Goods ever ht to this section by any panedhi will make your eyes water to see our stock of TOYS, DOLLS, GAMES, BOOKS, ALBUMS and a whole store of other holiday goods too numer- Ne are ng to. gERP EVERYTRING. LE fall line of —_—”. a Christmas or New Yeary' Suitable for old or yoang. p And Sco Us. C. W. HODGKINS, PATTON PHARMACY, | PATTON, - PA. A GREAT SALE "Of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Rubber Goods and Gent's Tuenliog Goods at ECONOMY DRY 6000S AND CLOTAING HODSE, 'P. H. Wall. ~ Carrolltown, Pa. PRICES 25 PER CENT. BELOW the market price. Clothing retailed at strictly wholesale prices. This will give Carrolitown and vicinity an op- portunity to buy bargains which never : have been offered bere before. ; WONDERFUL VALUES in Men’ 8 Suite, $4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 7.00 and 8.00. ALL WOOL Clay and "Diagonal ui i $8.00. HUNDBEDS OF OVERCOATS, $4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 7.00 and 10.00. MEN'S PANTS 6c and up. Some- . thing very firie; All Wool Panta, $1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, worth $5.50 in apy other store iv the county. YOUTHS’ SUITS from 14 to 19,$3.00, | Sam, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, and 6.00 for 4 CHILDREN'S SUITS 4 to 1, with Kno Pasta, 1.15, 1.25, 1.50, 13, 2.00, 495, 240, 275, 3.00. GATES: COATS und CAPES, $4.00, a, 5.60, 6.00, 7.00, 7.50, 8.00, and 10.00. Ownr Coats and op to Ziie and the finest | ; - and lower in price than any ars ol 00 are : AINE RESS Ww i bp GUODS., Al bastardy; Minnie Wagner. ‘burg, felonous assault and battery A. A. Glasser. { Jacob Leap. ck of each line. If Shr Driven, Symane con- : and | i | Isaiah H. tery, intent; Mary E. Bisbing. Foos, © Wines, Liquors, . Beer, Etc.” Phoent: BrewinG Co.'s Beer. Flas, Corks, Jugs, Etc., Hastirgs, Penn'a. Bl |, WEIBA. DISEAgs OF EAR, TOSE AND THROT A SPechity. ‘Offs in Good Bulling, Stairs, | ~ PATTO. PENNA. | EYE, “mitted by District Attorney Murphy "will be found below. the Commonwealth must be present on ~ be present until the day named for the Catharine Rhodes. { naloe; P. H. Wall license; Oscar Yarnick. pretense; Peter Brown. and battery; Clara Slogenhop. lary; Kate McCarty. : Adam Shedlick. -tavs Ruseick, Frank Zinkler, and John § ardy; Lillie Rundle. weapons; John A. Riblett. battery; John A. Riblet. ing liquors on Sunday; P. Kelley. Frank Andrews, selling liquor with- out license Peter Kelle oy. I TH CAIN COURT. Cass for the Rea! ar Term Rebeca Jac oon. Commencing at Ehenshurg, Frank Bee, alias Sutton, : . ~~ John Gutwald. James Mahan, assaolt and battery, intent; Isabella Gillespie. Thomas Glosson, assault and battery; Elizabeth Cllosson. Mike McCardy, fornication bastardy; Mary McCabe Feter Firagon, Pobita. » Evan Godwin, fornication and bast- andy; Martha Wassing. Andrew Yeckley, assatlt and bat- The following announcement is also. tery: Henry T. Hertsog. made: Prosecutors and witnesses for Horton Cunningham, assault, attempt to kill; George Clark. the days named below, when cases will Lucy Kough, malicious be presented to the Grand Jury. De- John Vogle fendants and their witnesses need not Cases for Grind Jary, Wednesday. Dee. Sth. H. Fraopklin battery: prose- larceny; larceny; 3, 180.4. MONDAY, DEC. Some Interesting (Cases Wiki be Broaght Hefore Judge Barker. The criminal court calender, as sub- and sodomy; for the trial of cases in the criminal court of Cambria county commencing at Ebensburg, Monday, December, 3, with trespass; Commonwealth va Horner, msanlt and cutor, C. J. Beegle. Joseph Lee, robbery; Elias Nelson, film Luther, A. C. Brown, furnishing liquor to miners; R. C. Myew - Minnie Steel, selling liquor without and license; J. 'W. Seese. Alice Steel, selling liquor without license; J. 'W. Seene. Thomas McCloskey, Jr., fornication and bastardy; Mary Gormaa. S. D. Eirick, assault and battery: Adam Huebner. Mary Orso, [ogan. - Stella Kimmel, fornication; Isaac J. Harris. : ‘John 8. Hipps, larceny; John Hippe. John 8. Hipps, larceny; John Hipps. ; John 8. Hipps, asssalt and battery ; William larceny Join Hippd P.H iam Drybary ny bails; John Hipps, carrying Willem McFarlin, larceny by bailee; | WeaPons; John 8. Hipps P. H. Wall | Job 8. Hipp i 7 wai Bell, larceny by bailee; P. H. Onroiine Hartfield larceny, Masry A. ‘Bowser, - B. F Lang, selling liquor without’ Henry Taylor. luovny: hardt. Blanche Douglass, fornication; Steve trial of cases in which they are con: cerned: : Cases for Grand Jury, Monday, Doc. 3rd, Commonwealth vs. embezziement; prosecutor, Thomas. .-Moses Feathers, embezzlement: H. Thoms. Maurice Wohl, forcible entry detainer; Joseph Sach. W. J. P.. McConnell, felonous rape; ‘Samuel Jacobs. Glen Davis, fornication and stand 3 Alice Gray. Moses Feathers, pretense; Ann H.. H. I. Pater McPadden, assault and bai tery; Maggie McPadden. Samuel Snyder, larceny; Drennan. : Matthew Robinson, fornication : Michael Wiliam J. iarcen y by Thomas Laverick, larceny by baile; coticealed A. Ww, back B. F Lang, leasing house for im- moral purposes; Oscar Yornick. on od James McMickles, forgery: John H. (ONT Davis. A Barbara Rager, Frank Ross, alias John Lane, fale: Kelley. Ann Pergrine, adultery; fornication; Peter Peter Kei- Harry L. Whiteman, felonoas assault en Pergrine, fornication; Peter C Ke Alley Harry L. Whiteman, sodomy; Clara Slogenhop. | George W. Smith, fornication and Jacob F. Smith, assault snd batte ’TY | | bastardy; Elizabeth J. Pote. : Maggie Smith. | Charles Aker, larveny; Joseph H. George Gleicho la rs , | Cox. Kurtz. Gleic of, Javeeny Joe, John Kelley and Pat Doughany, John Davis, larceny by baile. | ergtary; Sues Cuilughier am Emanuel Seese. - | reoranni Deuza, assault and battery tand intent; D. D. MeGGough. David McDade, alias McDevitt, burg | © Charles A. Lane, alias sn Rows, | alias Charles Alexander, adultery; | Elizabeth Weis, Annie - Hoover, fornication: e. : John Campbell, John Brown, and Daniel Campbell, larceny: J. G: C. Bearer. i John Daniel Bearer. George W. Shaffer, larceny ; uel Smith. : Thomas W. Hagan, assault and bat- tery; Emily Viola Williamson. John Drvburg, lrteny; Abraham Noel. . Vincinzo Valerio and Fortunata John Endler, Charles Endler, Frank Cafano, adultery; Nichola Cafano. Huber, and Petey Bo maldetger a David C. Dale, fornication and bast- - | ardy; Blanche Douglass. Mrs. Michael Collins, larceny; John Hockey. Hiram Webb, malicious mischief; Daniel Allison. : William Troxell, receiving stolen goods; George H. Lang. Emma Wilks, enticing young girls David McDade, alias MeDevitt, rape; | Kate McCarty. William Yeager, larceny; stead. William Maalhauser. fornication and | John An | Alice . Cases for Grand Jury, Taseday, Dee. $15. John Brown, and larceny; J. G. C. Campbell, Commonwealth vs. William Campbell, Wine- prosecutor, Jos. Whitmor. George Makin, assault and battery Eman- John Pedcord, lt and battery: William Gray, assault and battery: | ; 9. W. Cole. tery, intent; Mary Hunter. , assault and bat. John Rolko, Pomsick Rolko, Igna. tavs Russick, Frank Zinkler, and John felonious assault and battery; Shedlick. Jobn Rolko, Pomsick Rolko, Igna- Fox. tavs Ramick, Frank Zinkler, and John Laser For Triul Monding, Dee: Sed. 00s, felonious assanlt and battery; : YPoun, Sleuions Commonwealth vs. Harry Gouagh- John Rolko, Possick Rolko, Igna- Dour, non-support; prosesutels; Ella tuvs Rassick, Frank Zinkler, and John OGoughnonr. © | Foos, felonious assault and battery; Joseph Heslop, surety of the peace; John C. Sible. John Rively, desertion and non-main- tenance; Mary Rively. : Thomas W. Jones, surety; Manamy. Thomas W. Jones, malicious mischief; James B. McManamy. Thomas W. Jones, assault and bat- ‘tery; J. B. McManamy. R. P. Roberts, malicious mischief; John Lindenberg. Clara Miller, assauit and battery; Hannah Dawson. Robert Dawson; assault and battery; Joseph A. Miller. John Rolko, Possick Rolko, lena Foos, felonious assault and battery; - Adam Shedlick. Thomas Melvin, assault and battery; Ellie Huver. Frank Makin, fornication and bast Frank Dick, larceny: J. A. Page. Frank Dick, burglary; J. A. Page. Frank Dick, larceny; J. A. Page. John Russell, carrying concealed John Ruseell, felonious salt; and | Harvey, Cases for Trial Tuesday; Dec. 4th. . Commonwealth va Lizzie Thompson, C. A. Sherlin, cruelty to animals; Frank McAnuity. Frank Andrews, selling and furnish: ing liquors on Sunday; Martin John Hipps, assanit and buttery; J. W. vole. ‘into house of prostitution; Cecelia J.-B. Mec- James A. Bracken, sodomy; Rachael - selling Sqsion without license; prose. cutor, Edward Whalen. : Lizzie Thompson, selling and furnish E. Whalen. Lizzie Thompson, furnishing liquor to minors; Edward Whalen. Lizzie Thompson, selling liquor with- out license; Edward Whalen. Matthew Robinson, larceny by baile, P. H Wall Thomas Laverick, larceny by P. H Wall William Dryburg, larceny by baile; PH ‘Wall. William McFarlin, larceny by bailee; P., H. Wall Henry Bell, Wall. Moms Feathers, etnbezzlement; H. Thomos. Moses Feathers, smbezziement; H. Thomas Maurice Wohl, forcible entry and de- ballee: larceny by bailee; P. H. H. H. tainer: Joseph Such. W. J. P. McConnell, Samuel Jacobs. Gledt Davis, fornication and bastardy; Cathorine Rhodes. Peter McPadden, assault and bat- tery; Maggie McPadden. Peter McPadden, surety; McPaciden. . Samuel Snyder, larceny Drennan. Mike McCardy. fornication and bast- ardy; Mary McCabe. Peter Bragon, Robits. Evan Goodwin, fornication and bast- ardy; Martha Wassing. Andrew Yeockley assault and battery : Henry T. Hartwog. W. M. Mavibauser, fornication and felonious rape; William J. sodomy; Martin bastar iy: Minnie Wagner. Cases for Wednesdiny. Dee. 5th. commonwealth vs. B. P. Lung, sel- + ling licuor without license: prosecutor, - Oscar Yarnick. BF. Lang, leasing house for im- maral purposes, Oscar Yarnick. James McMickles, forgery; John H. Davis. Frank Ross, alias John Lane, false pretense; Peter Brown. Harry I. White, felonious ‘assault and battery; clara Slogenhop. Harry Whiteman, sodomy; Slogenhop. Jacob F, Smith, assault and battery: Maggie Smith, George Gleichoff, Kurtz. John Daly, uel Seape.- : Davi McDade, alias McDevitt, burg- lary; Kate McCarty David McDade, alias McDevitt, rape; clara larceny; larceny by bailee; Eman- Kate Mccarty. William Yeager, larceny; stead. ; William Wineburg, felonious assault and battery: Joseph Whitmore. George Makin, assault and baitery; A. A. Makin. John Pedcord, assaalt and battery; Jacob Leap. : William Gray, John An- assault and battery; - John Endler, charles Endler, Frank Huber and Peter Simmelsberger, as- sault and battery; F. C. Yeager. Lavi C. Dale, fornication and bast- ardy; Blanche Douglasa. Camis for Trial Thursday, Dec. 8th. Comraonwealth, va Adam Ham- mond, assault and battery and intems; prosecrutrix, Mary Hunter. Isaiah H. Bittner, assault and bat- tery and intent; Mary E. Bisbing. John Rolko; Possick Rolko, Igna- tuve Russick, Frand Zinkler, and John Foos, felonious assanit and hastery; Matthew Shedlick. John Rolko, Possick Rolko, Igna-' tuvs Russick, Prank Zinkler, and John : Poos, felonious assanit and battery; Adam Shedlick. John Rolko, Poassick Rolico, Igna- tuvs Russick, Frank Zinkler, ‘and John Foos, felonious assault and battery; Adam Shedlick. John Rolko, Possick Rolko, Igna- tavs Fussick, Frank Zinkler, and John Foose, felonious assault Adam Shedlick. Thomas Melvin, assault and battery; Ellie Huver. Frank Makin, fornication and bast- ardy; Lillie Randle. * Frank Dick, larceny; J. A. Page Frank Dick, Suva J. A. Page. Frank Dick, larcony; J. A. Page. Rhon Russell, carrying concealed weapons; John A. Riblett. C. A. Sherlin. cruelty to “animals; and battery; ‘ Frank McAnaity, Frank Andrews, selling and furnish- 1 ing liquors on Sanday; Frank Andrews, selling liquor with- | Peter Kelley. out license; Peter Kelley. Frank Bee, alias Sutton, larceny; Re: becca Jackson. Frank Bee, Joan Gutwald. Mrs. Michael Collins, larceny; John Hickey. ; alias Sutton, Imrceny; oy John "intent; Lane. i Shields, of Houtadale, honesty and in Hiram Webb, malicious mischief: Daniel Allison. Cases for Trisi Frida ny. De. Tt Commonwealth vs. James Mahan, assault and battery, intent; prosecu- trix. Isabella Gi Thomas Glosson, amsanit and battery; Elisabeth Glosson. ‘H. Prankiin Horner, assault and bat- tery; C. J. Beegle. Joseph Lee, robbery: Alice Gray Elins Nelson, false pretense; Ann Lather, A: C. Brown, Youwiiing minors: R C. Myers Minnie Steel, selling liquor withoat license: J. W. Seese. liquor wo Alice Steel, welling euoe without | license; J. W. Sease. Thomas McCloskey, Jr., fornication and bastardy; Mary Gorman. S. D. Elrick, a and battery. Adam Huebner. Mary Oreo, fornication; Michael Logan. Stella Kimmell. fornication: Isasc J. Harris. . John 8. Hipps, larceny; John Hippe. John 8. Hipps, larceny; John Hipps John S. Hipps, assault and battery; John Hipps. John Hipps, carrying concealed - weapons; John S. Hipp John Hipps, assault and battery; John 8. Hippe. Caroline Hartfield, larceny, Mary A. Bowser. Horton Cunningham, assault with intent so kill; George Clark. Lacy Kough, ‘malicious trespass; Johm Vogle. William Troxell, receiving stolen goods; George H. Lung. : Emma Wilkes, enticing. minor; celia Fox. Cases for Trial SS “Dee. Sth. Commonwealth va Harry Taylor, larceny ; prosecutor, A. W. Lockhardt. Bianche Douglass, fornication: Steve Conrad. Kelley. Ann Pergrive, adultery; ley. Ann Pergrine, Kelley. : . George W. Smith, fornication anc! bastardy. Tlizabeth J. Pote. Charles Aker, larceny; Cox. Ce- fornication: Peter “Peter Kel- fornication. Petr Joseph H. John Kelley and Pat Dougerty, burg- lary, burglary; James Gallagher. Georznni Geuza, assault and battery, D. D. McGough Charles A. Lane, alias Charles Rows, alias Charles Alexander. adultery; Elizabeth Weis Teal cae Annie Hoover, fornication; Alice John Campbell, John Brown, Daniel Campbell, larceny; J. Bearer. John Camppell, Daniel Campbell, Bearer. : George W. Shaffer, uel Smith. Thomas W. Hagan, assauit and at. tery; Emily Viola Williamson. John Dryburg, larceny: ‘and G.: C. . John Brown, and larceny; J. G. C. iarceny; Eman- A braliain ‘ Noel. Vicinzo Valerio and Fortunata Ca fano, adultery; Nichola Cafano. Where Goods are Selling at Low Prices. While at Altoona this week we vis- ‘ited the great house of Cook, Salmond & Cowden, and found them crowded with customers and goods selling off like hot cakes. Among the many bargains we noted were: American indigo print at 5¢ a yard Turkey red, with black or white figures, at 5c. One case of 10 4 gray blankets mark- ‘ed at 45¢ a pair. Five pieces of fine cream damask 2c a yard. At the men’s furnishing department is a large line of men’s gray under . wear at 0c each that we are sure will compare favorably with those scl at other houses for 72c. Scarlet wool underwear at 9ic each, fully equal to those of other houses at - $1.35. They have the handsomest line of Scotch plaid ties in all styles to be found in the city. The latest whim and only 50c. each. They are now busy receiving an im- mense Holiday stock that will do vour eves good to see. On Saturday of last week Patrick a west-bound passenger via the Beech Creek rail road was so unfortunate as to lose his purse containing notes and money to the amount of five thousand dollars 13.0. Giles, the trainman, accidentally stumbled upon the missing reaching Wil Mr. Shitid by telegraph. ER Sarainiy 1 be of doubtless i and modied of Mr. Giles tinue on to Patton, arriving at ‘present during holiday week. B.C. RLADID EXTENSION Taking Effect Monday, Nov. 25th, To Patton, NEW TOWNSHIP ROAD Between Patton and Thotsas' Mille Werk Comomrmevd, Patton now has the long lioked for Beech Creek passenger service which greatly improves the system between Patton und Clearfield, Philipsburg, Williamsport and Philadeiphis. The service went into effect on Mon- day, November 26th. - Formerly the trains run a8 far as Mahaffey and retarned to William sport, while the freight trains ran on to this piace. Hereafler the mom ing trains leaving Clearfield will con- nr m. Returning it will leave about 4 p. m., atriving at gid in time to connect with the evening train on the Clsarfleld and Mahoning road for DuBois and Punxsutawney. Also, connecting with the evening train from DuBois with sleeper attached, and will take the sleeper on to Philadelphia By the new arrangemzent a large nota. ber of the Beech Creek's patrons will be socommodated as hss long been desired. The trip trom DuBois, Cur wensville, Clearfield and intermediate stations, to Patton can be made in one day, giving about three hours at this place, axl a lay-over at Mahaffey of several bours will be avoided. It is hoped by Patton people that the train which arrives at Mahaffey about 9 p. m. will ‘be extended to this Place which no doubt will materialise in the future. A NEW 8040 A period of about one year has elapsed sibsoe 2 petition was circulated asking fr the building of a new road and Patton parties were the principal promoters of the affair and the necessity which prompted the movement was the shortening of ‘he distance between - Patton and Hastings, St. Boniface and St. Lawrence, besides affording acoess to that ssction of country in close proximity to Thomas’ Min heretofore unopened for travel. | Work was commenced on the new highway the first of the present month under the supervision of John Nagle, supervisor of Elder township, and is expected to be completed before the beginning of the new year. One dvided advantage aside from the lossning of the distance between Patton and Hastings will be the pleas. are of averting the rocky road one mile west of town imperatively neces- sary during the drive between the two - named places and a wave of generosity shounid flood our hearts for the propi- gators of the scheme to obliberate the dangers of travel over the “Rocky Road to Dublin.’ : school Report. Following is the Report of Wentz School Nao. 3, Chest township: Whole number in attendance, males, 17: fi males 14; per cent. during month, ; females, 92 Names of those overyday: Gertie McCon- nell, Lizz» Rhoa, Gertie Wentz, Com Deitrich, Laura Warner, Emma Warn- er, Anthony Yahner, Philip Yabner, Herman Yahner, Mike McConnell, Emera Deitrich, Jessie Deitrich, John Rhoa, Sain. Johnson, Names of those who misasi one day: Rosie Rhoa, Ella Yahner, HStepben Deitrich. Parents - are respectfully requested to send their children everyday. . F. E. WENTZ, Teacher. Thanksgiving Services. : "Rev. R. C. Morgan will preach. a Thanksgiving sermon in Good's hall Thuredsy evening, November 29th, ‘Thanksgiving Day’ at 7:30 o'clock. ' The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be observed. ‘Everybody is cordialy invited to attend. Ladies, Attention. The ladium of Patton are requested to meet in the opera house on Tuesday evening as 7:30 to elect officers for the firemans fair and festivai to be held COMITTER Coal For Sale. § John Truman is prepared to furnish | his trade with the finest coal for gen- latter eral use in this section. Call and leave upon your onder Terms cash. -53tf Skates! Skates! Skates! at the © or] aa Shin Si allp