we 3: el - i * x % i? , aa yo Cand 5 5 - Thy Tn ry . * ¥ Fa jen 7. pon Mffects of Atmospheric Changes om the fo i it innit tn Sahn aA : ted, reading it all with a lenient eye, A ssi A ——— “0g HUMAN WEATHER INDICATORS. ; ¢ of Men. ; A writer in The American Journal of ogy discusses the subject Hom presents some facts that are interesting a8 well as leading ia their directness. Hemays: = : “The head of a fastory employing 8,000 workmen said, ‘We reckon that a disagreeable day yields about 10 per cent less work than a delightful day, "and we have thus to count this asa fac- tor in our profit and loss account. Ac-. cidents are more numerous in factories on bad days : “A railroad man never proposes changes to his superior if the weather is not propitious. Fair days make men accessible and generous and open to con- sider new problems favorably. Some say at opinions reached in best weather states aro sufest to invest on.’ Other facts are mentioned in the gsychical and ical relations, as: “Weather often affects logic, and many men’s most syllogistic oomclusions are. "varied by heat and cold. ' The knee jerk peems proved to have another factor. It is not strange if the eye, which wants the normal stimulus in long, dark _ weather, causes other changes. ’’ Temperament is a fundamental factor a in sensitiveness to atmospheric changes, . . that type of it called the mental being the more intensely affected, while the. the more capricious or morbid impres- Aopen upon the organism ly. If the culture is good—that is, the faculties have been trained tc co-erdinate harmonicas action, and the elements that contribute to serenity and self control have been well developed weather conditions will but. operate like other parts of the environment, and self training will show adaptation, self The ‘“‘nervous,’’ excitable, irascible sn is he who has not learned to oon- | trol feeling and expression, and it is be’ who finds faalt with his surroundings York Tribune. admit. A torpid liver, a chromic ca tarrh, a rheumatic joint and even go old corn may render ome susceptible tc weather changes, the physical ailment : # nerve reaction that is keen - y felt nt the spiral centers and may tes! the spirit. Mind, however, is supérios to matter. or rather comstituted. for su periority. Fairly organized, carefully 2 developed and tratued, it will exhibit MAN EATERS OF THE PACIFIC. Sharks That Are the Dread of the Cali - fornia Fishermen. i The true man enter shark as taken on the Pacific coast is known only as a’ man eater. The shovel nosed sharks are sand sharks, too cowardly to attack even a yellow dog. The 84 foot shark eaptared by some fishermen of the true man eater variety (Carcharodon carcha- rias) seemed brave enough and savage enough to attack anything within its reach. This monstér’'s mouth was wide, the teeth long and sharp, with an in- ward incline. The stomach would hold a full grown man easily and a good deal besides. The fish became entangled in a net off Point Lama Two boats at- tacked the vicious creature and finally gncceeded in punching an iron into its vitals. The side of one boat was staved in by a blow forcible enough to knock one fisherman overboard. ; "These sharks have been known to at- tack a small boat, upset it and eat the oarsman. A man eater over 42 feet long has been reported below San Diego. The natives are said to live in fear of this awful fish, which already bas the record of having eaten six men. It has been shot frequently. The water about it has been discolored with blood. Yet pi ae i iS. Senn St SA ABET, A SI I SI a - wow Welshton, Florida, says he cured a n dimpled otean, Hike a laughing child lisps und roils s jewel to our feet, thieasly calm?! And thes, within an bour, Behold thst selfdnme ocean on the shore Lashes; The foryet qualtes; with deafening powers : - _ Phe rocks are rent. Then, oh! amid thet roar, Awestrock we sink, we fall apon our knees, Ye mountains, and ye forests, and ye seas! © Of worldwide sweelnoss, tender reveries, ‘the shark still lives. The tiger shark is as ferocious as the man eater. Another large shark hereabouts is the basking shark. [It is taken measuring 15 to 40 feet in length. The skin of one 33 feet long is at Stanford University museum. This skin alone weighs over 1,500 od 180 gallons of oil. These sharks, however, are sluggish, lazy and do not bite people. Their gill rakers are (a the whale model. When entangled in a net, they frequently suffocate, as the net re- stricts the gills. - California fishermen do not consider five foot sharks of much account when from San Diego wharves black sen bast long weigh: - THE HUMAN LEG. Seteatific Prediction That It Will Deteri- orate Greatly in Future Gemerstions. Our Paris correspondent writes: A Fremch caricaturist has beem showing us what cyclists will come to in a few generations. The future ‘‘yelooce man'’ is from the hips up like the definition of a line—length, without breadth. Be- Jow the belt he is swollen out with hard sions, says The Phrenological Journal. | pounds, while the shark’s liver produc- _ The mental manifestations, as a rule, Dirges of buried blisses unforgot. Rejolcing pans, glorious symphonies. ‘But all ¢f them isck womething—they have The voice once beard in Eden. And the ear. Pleased with »s when some In 8 grest court before s king of kings. He closes, and of rapture born cheer Shakes the high roof, but when the Led of Speaks there is swe and silence in the hall ~A. G. B. in Spectator HEAVENS OF THE HINDOOS. The Four Degrees of Bliss to Which the The Jéws believe in » plurality of heavens, and so do the Hindoos, the former reckoning seven, the latter but four. These four special abodes of the righteous after death cach has its name. The first is called Sara-loga, “God's world: the second, Sameeba, ‘Near to . God;'' the third, Sarobam, “God's im- which signifies ‘‘to be absorbed in him. To Sara-logs, the frst degree of bliss, go the nouls of all of those who have ever made n pilgrimage to a holy place or who have paid for the temple lights for one month. In Sars-logs there is great | happiness and no work or sickness. The "inmate is allowed to read the five sacred books, drink smbrosia and hear the continually praising : To Sorcbam, the third heaven, go the souls of such as never spoil God's model by shaving or paring the nails. These are the Brahman Yogis They wander about the earth, alway going from left to right. They eat nothing but nauseous food und live in a constant state of ab- straction on divine subjects. The fourth heaven, Sayutcheyam, is ‘the coming abode of tbe ‘“‘nyane,’’ or flesh and muscles, and the calves wre monstrously big. Professor Yung of the Geneva university, on the other hand, believes that the time is coming when ' human beings will have no legs to speak of. What with cycling, the great end of civilization now seems to be to enn- thing lar bill, but perhaps the most curious commodity that was ever passed about over the green cloth ocourred the other night amcug a party of newspaper men. J : the evening hours would pass more quickly if all ‘hands indniged in the national game. we was willing, but when an ac- was only about $1.50 in| wd, and every ome objected to for ““wind.”’ After a little dis- | some one had an idea, which he in t words: ‘Let's appoint a nittee of two as judges; then for an us each sit down and write very- i E i g : i thing that the IRIE being good enough to be accepted as cadli aud can be paid in as mt for a stack of chipe.” “This idea met with instant favor, and for an nour or more nothing could be heard in that room but silence. At the ~ end of that time each one produced his ‘of alleged interesting stories, and | committee to which it was submit- passed nearly tho whole lot. gone to visit a patient in & neighboring "He was overtaken by a thunder- storm, and what he described as a ball | 3 of fire npon and rendered him for some time cious. On coming to himself he found that the cloth of the umbrella which he had been holding was completely burned off its steel framework, the metal being gwisted into every shape. He attributes his safety to the circumstance that the umbrella had a wooden handle. Had it been of metal he must have been instan- taneously killed —Chambers’ Journal. Owner of Race Horse (looking closely at scales)—Jiffkins, you are a trifie over weight. Can’t you lighten yourself a little? : : : Jiffkins (the jockey)—Got on my lightest suit, sir. Ain't ett a bite today and 'ave just trimmed my finger nails. Owner— Well, go and get shaved. — London Quiver. Sir John Lubbock is authority for the statement that a single bee, with all ita industry, energy and inngpmerable jour- peys, will not collect more than a single teaspootful of hopey during a season. Irish potatoes in a store, with a cellar : under thew, will stand a temperature of 10 degrees, and without a cellar a pero temperature will not hurt them. # ble us to move about without asing fest It is fast getting om to elec "trical hackney coaches and rudder bal- loons. The tendency is to throw all the muscular sctivity into the bands and arms. Professor Yung believes that the future human creature will have the merest survivals of nether limabs and arms df great length. philosophers. These nyane pay no at- tention to beat or cold, never bathe and often go for weeks without food It they are sick, no one knows it but them- selves. They are the stoios of the world of today and believs that in Sayutche- yam they will eventually be absorbed in the Deity. —8¢t. Louis Republic. Trials of & Fireman. — - *“The public sometimes makes me very tired,'’ remarked a fireman a day or two ago. ‘‘How's that? What kick have you coming about the dear pub- le”' “Why, it never takes into ac- count that we have to work. It seems to have a gilt edged idea that we sit by the constant use of soft foods that peed not be chewed, but as the march of intellect will increase in pace the brain will develop. Of course the standards . of beauty with these anatomical changes will alter. When they do, » person with a set of teeth such as would new excite the admiration of a dentist would al- most seem a beast of prey.-—Londom News. : nics sei the top of their voices. It iu really a matching of numbers, for which the Chinamen make signs on their fingers out it. —Century. A Town With Ne Lawpers. In the town of Oberweisenthal, in Teeth will probably be dwarfed also | around the front of the engine house in our shirt sleeves and smoke and tell stories, oocasionally getting up and go- ing out to a fire by way of general amtsement. I have known it emter- tained this idea for some time, but I was pever called on to untangle it as 1 wae toduy, when a city official—a city offi- cial, mind you— passid our house, and g into conversation with a few of gettin ue asked in his blandest and most guile- less way if we did day or night duty. It satisfaction - gave me the most supreme : ‘to inform the gentleman that we worked | day, night—ail the time—Sundays, Christmas, Fourth of Jaly and St. Pat- rick's day. He even seemed surprised to ' knw that we slept in the house “Ive had a dosen others ask me the brillisnt citizen nailed into the houwe conse of disrrbcsa of long standing in {six hours; with one small bottie of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and i | Diarrives Remedy. What a pleasant | surprise that must have been to the saffersr. Such cases are not unusual | with this remedy. In many instances | only one or two doses are required to i 'be depended upon. When reduced i | with water it is pleasan: to take. For ' salé at C. E. Belcher's City Drug Store. ‘Best cough medicine out, Ross’.- 46edw- Ht rig i “7 Cure for Headache. { As a remedy for all forms of Head- ‘ache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a perman- | ent cure and the most dreaded habitual dick headaches yield to its influence. ‘We urge all who are afficted to pro- {cure a bottle, and give this remedy a | fair trial. In cases of habitual consti- | pation. Electric Bitters cures by giving ' the needed tone to the bowels, and few | eames long resist the use of this med- ‘icine. Try it once. Large bottles only | Fifty cents at Dr. C. E. Beicher’s City ' Drug Store. : : | § HARRY McCORMICK, M.D, J. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON; ; : PATTON. PA Ofer and residence on Magee aVvenne, next to Joba Yuhners Hardware store, ; : Mperial attention given to Fevers and [He ense of Children MAHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. Acoomrnodntions fArst<clases, Hest of Liquors Land Wines at the bar. Stabling attached GEORGE FERGUSON, otf Prop'r. J, F- McKENRICK,— Attorney and Counselor at Law, EBENSEURG, PA. Will attend 10 all baxiness with prompiness A rand fdality. : Office opposite the Mountain House. WW. DAVIS, - Attorney and Counselor at Law, EBENSBURG, PA. All gui basiness promptly attended to Ofce in Armory Hall Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, Suk PaTTOoN, PA. Office in the (;ood Building. : FirstNation'I Bank OF PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. Aoounits of {Orporations, Firms, Individo- Cale and Banks reeotved apon the mest Savors. Ble Worms consistent with safe and conseryntive banking. Ngeagmship UickKets fir wie for ail the ading Hines, Foreign Da fs payable an the prineipal cities of the Od World. personal attention Interest paid on hne deposits A. K Patron, Wx H SANFORD, : dent. Cashier. | same ‘question, and the other night a. and capered up stairs like a load of bricks falling on a tin roof. One of the boys told him to kuep quiet or he'd wake the men ‘Why, does anybody aleep . bere? he asked in the most cheerfully fdiotic way. ‘Does anybody sleep here™ We people grow very weary of being coinpared to the police force about hav- ing work to do. There's only one out of every 400 that knows what a fireman's work is anywsy. ''—Ohio State Journal. The Eskime sad the Walrus. Feed and Sale Stable. Accommodations = Friut-Ciansa, Prices Moderate. Give Ua a Call. " To the Eskimo the walrus is the same all in all that the buffalo was to the In- dian, that the camel is to Arad and the reindeer to the Korak. Its flesh feeds him. Its tough hide covers his boots, his shell-like kayak and his big. clamey bidarrah, sud cut into stripe it makes his harpoon lines and dog har poss. Its oil furniskes him light and fire. Its ivory tasks are legal tender for all scrts of civilized luzuries, such as iron ‘sad steel for spearheads, knives and mackintoshes for Mr. and Mrs Innuit, Saxony, disputes between the iubabit- : ants are so rare that there is no room for a lawyer. A Leipsic merchant, who applied to the tribunal at Oberweisen- thal for the address of a counsel, re- ceived the following reply, ‘‘We have the honor to inform you that there is no advocate hers, but the barber, Frits Biel, represents the interests of litigants in civil cases.’ Asn weit wo—— ‘ To tell mushrooms from toadstools, without eating and waiting for results, pecl an onion and pat it with the fungi cooked. If the onion re- ‘with confidence; turns black, eat it not, if you value life. Statistics prove that not less than 8,200 babies are borm every day om | United States soil. and the flipper bottoms of the walrus make good sole leather for the hunter also. —St. Nicholas Tennyson and Pietures. T. N. NAGLE, Patton Pa, pairOpposite the Good Building. The late Lord Tennyson was not cred- ited with much admiration for pictorial srt. Lord John Russell met him on his return from [italy and asked how he en- joyed the pictures and works of art in Fiorenoe. *‘1 liked them very much,’ said Tennysoz, '‘but 1 was bothered be cause 1 could not get any English tobac-, oo for love or money. A lady told me I could smuggle some from an Eaglish ‘ship if I heavily bribed the custom house officers, but I didr's do that and ORME AWRY. ''—San Francisco Argonaut. ; The house of the late Charles 0'Con- “or, st Nantucket, should possess espe cial interest for women on sorount of its being withous closets. The architect was a young relative of Mr. O’'Conar. give permanent relief. It can always BORER Islas oR All correspondence will have oar prosopt and , The Short Tine between DaBois, Ridgway. 4 Bmd salnmanes, Buffalo, Rochester Ni- 5.1. & P. Time Table. BeechCr aj ats and points in the upper Of | On and after June 17 C1981, passenger trina will arrive ond depart from Falls Creek Bigtion, dully, except Sunany, ax follows: : «9 a m.--Boffelo and Roe matl--For Broek wayville, Ridgway, Johusonbarg, Mt Jewett, Bradford, Halnmanca, Buffsio, snd or connecting at Johnsonbarg with P. & F. tmin 3. for Wileox, Kane, Warren, Corry, and Frie. 35 a. 1 Yecommodation— For DuBots, Rky- r=, Big Run, and Pangeniawney.’ 58 a om Aceommodation from Bradford, Jonhsonbure, Ridgway, Broekwab vite and intermediate stations, for DuBols amet Phaxstanwney 23 pm Bradford | Accommodation -. Flax Beveliimve, Brockwayville, Filmont, Carmo, Ridgaay, Johpsonburg, Mt Jewell, wot | Brod ford ’ WH pon Madd For DmBots, Spe, Big Ran, Porm iw sane, snd Wiaaston Trains Arrive—Sm a. m,, Mail fron Walston and Panxsatawnes:. [58 pom. A AOTITO- dation from Pun ssutawney: dil po mn, Ace eommodation from Pan xsota anes >i0 p m.. Mail from Baflaio and Rochester C. & M. Division. Laeni Time Table Taking Effect June 5 i=850 To CLEARFINLD ? Foo Tor Bots: A MPM Stat iors aM PM No. No. : NO. © Ly. Reyneldwyille Ar Falls ( rwekk 3 » (ABEND WLW RL ER ES NRG tyaTE Tra Hedds Fa Bovis Jet, ov 1 amtherwhurg ow bi ton Anderson vhiduct frlervdaie ta : = ow ; rx x Bridgeport im Curwensyitie » Wrights HAT OIarfield Market Stoeet 1] of Howes ( poly a BOE. Iwoast 513 535 Train No. 72 connects at (Clearfield with = Bese (nek ROR. for Phiitpabang, Lok Phi Haven, Jersey Shore Willaansport, aed Jhie and New York, and with P. R R. trains lor Tyrone, Altoona, Huntingdon and Harris Berg. 3 Train ¥o. 71 connects at Dolls with train Ne. # fer Bradford. Buff, Pittsbang and all Ants north and west : ? housand mile eketx al two sents per mile, ged for passage between all dations. : Ri. MATTREWS, Ewan ( LAFEY, Gen. Supt, © Ger. Pas. Agt. Buffaio, N.Y. orhester, N.Y. 89 Paver are mglested to purehmes tiekeots by entering wis oars An exes charge of Ten Conta will 1a collected by on- ductors when fares are paid on tins, from all ations where a Tieket Officer is maintained. Go To - DANIELSON & ENGBLAD'S SHOE - SHOP sth Ave., near R. R. Station. Shoes made to order and repairing of all kinds done promptly. Prices moderate. . 18tf AUGUST K. HUBER, STONE MASON, Mellon Avenue, PATTON, PA, i am prepared to do all kinds of work in my line at nmsonable prices, Conhtmets taken and etm te furnished when desing. Satisfaction ganmeaiond. Give me a call ¢ W. E. Probert, cree A, RT INTC : FRY | Flees mnin § pax XSENLRERE Ra iy x ene ; Philndeiphin’ Expres, daily... : | Johnstown. Aedam., week yr EY ib nee? me " 3 3s 1 z ¥4ns LALEARFIELD. Ak] OWE el SHEE! | & | | wn Woodland. oo Woallseeton.. ne H Mon oe Mines TOFD IR Ly... Sanson... Ar B58 Biv. PHILIPRBURG. Ar ped hawt Wis 5 +38 Ls a = oor ne 2% TR WAr PHILIPRBURG. Iv T1015 Ar 435% 8 35 618 Gis MEER RSD Je Iv RBRUATAETEET [> 8a a Ly PHILADELPHIA AY. | Reading Terminel.) Ja. RY, vis Ta as AY. ad 7 A Lx, NY, via Philada, Ar. 3 » A.M fp ww (Footof Liberty Stet. & oA *Dmily.. Weekdays #00 p. m. Sunday. 110.305. m. Randay. : Throagh Pullman Sleeping Car Hetween Poe Role, Clirfield, all intermediste points, snd Philadelphia tn both directions daily, exeept <unday, on trains Nos. 38 and 38. CONNECTIONS. - At Williameport. with 3” Ex ® Philadelphia snd Resding vanin. At Munson trains {0 Phitipmbe and with sages for Ky At AU rg with Tyrone awd Division of Pennsyivanis Railroad. 5% fivid with Buffalo, Rochester und At Gurealy, with winsdaie, Nor hwestern Retlrond A. G. PALMER, Superintendent, P. R. R. Time Tables. In effect May 27th, 1994 ; Main Line, Leave Cresson Eastuied. sin Shore Express, week days... Ajtone Aconmodation, weet my ExXprens. duly i LAs Ail ° on, daily... § Main Line; Leave Crosson Westward. - Johnstown Asoom., werk days... Pacific Express, daily Way er, dnily Mail Train, daily Fast Line, daily £ 2 % : gE a CAMBRIA and CLEARVIELD. Mining tein for and Cresson leaves estover, i Patton | Mabey at 236 a m; La Joss, GOK Ww Gin Gerway, (for Hastiags: &3 F Garway, (for }3 Barber and Hair Dresser, Cre pr IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. S# NEXT DOOR TO PONTOFFICE. Adamant Plaster Gives: a first-class wall 3 moderate ex- pense. : Is the best fire-resisting plaster. Always ready for nse in any season. Does not hold gases or disease germs Is the par excellence for patching. Can begpapered as soon as dry. Is recommended by all the leading Architects who He ‘used it in this country and England. Will give you a solid wall. Of iteelf will not crack, sweil or shrink. Fo Will not cleave of when nsed as di- © rected, even in case of leakage. Does not ruin woodwork by loading it with moisture. Admits of carpenters following plas- - terers in a few days. Is capable of every variety of finish. ga Used an the Palmer House, Good Building, Hotel Beck, Hotel Patton, C. C. L. & L Co. offiee., Patton Opera, house, st. E. church, and on more than one-half of the plastered houses and swore rooms of Patton. Also the Catholic Charch St. Aagust- ine. For prices and information, write ADAMANT PLASTER CO., Patton, Pa. Lock Box 345. ; | The Patton INSURMNCE JGENG! Represents the follow- Ing old reliable Fire Insurance companies: ROYAL, of Liverpool, Hi il = and the house was finished before either HOME. of New York, GERMAN, of Pittsburg. Also the Equitable Life Insurance company, of New York, the largest in the world. Dale & Patterson, (fice in Good Ene DATTON, PA. ing 27 A Patton, 230 {Je lor 400, arriving st Cresson at $06. Northward, Morning tmin leaves Cresson fw Mabutieg 22 a3 Ravier, 28; Bradley Junction ton JS Guervay dor Hastings Welk | for Mohaffer 113 Gmreay, for E 114% Westovar, 11:42 La Jose, 1301, arv) at Mahatfley at 220, Afternoon (min for jemves Crosson st 58k 3 pos Rradiey J Be (4 5 anction, 5 Fation, : E way, (for Hastings: 427, Hastings, (f Sahat fog AA, Garway, for Mahaffey: = West aver, 700 La Jose, TX andving at at 7:45 pom. ; 2 . SURQUEHANA EXTENSION. Morning train leaves Cherrytrce at G3 Barnesborn, 453 Spangler &6% bic oan a Road, 7:68, and connects with triin for Cressi ‘at Brwitley Junction at 7:88 Aftrooon train aves Harnesboro, 222 Spangler, 285 Road 255 and ronnects with train for Cresson at Bradley Junction st 268. Westward, . Moming tiuin leaves Bmdley Junction 11.80, EE in the Ebenshary Enatuburg for Cresson st 7 and 0 pm. Leaves U and ioterinediale points on trains from East and West, both morning and. evening Er Si manic, spo Ment Ave, Pi2ufbmrg, Pa. a SM. PREVINT, 1. R. WOOD, nersl Manager. General Supt. P &N W Rail Ra : m i$. » ® 17 wn a8 ® # » i wd STATIONS ar Panssutawn’yl Iv ; got La Jost Berwindale cx ville iv wondb ar prnections—1 Wirh Bufo a po TreveEBERS BECUBRENEE Ge eal sass BEiuevans | Pittsburg BR. RB. With Beech Creek ; = AWith Cambria and Clearfield reg @ Cresson and (Clearfield miltond, With Penne sylvania milrend. : Cash Creek Bmnch —Trains leaves MeGens for (Gillen Campbell at 1090 am 2nd 550 pm. Arrive at Mot from Glen Campbell at 70 nom and yn2 m. : ! : : Pennsylvania milroad trains arrive and eave Bellwoods as follows: ; and P47 a m, 1208 RIK «fl and P WM. Westward, 78a m, 12296, 32% 707 and 850 poe. W. A. FORD, Supt., Bellwgod, Vou oun am we 4 Esse hy Sierras ter) MIRKIN & KUSNER Jory with Full Brook i nix in New York State and the : & I 3it Hail with Central Railmad of MW % Cherrytree at 03 Oarrolltown Read, Wi} + ES r Spada, i Barnesboro, 101%, 8 ag Will give you a warm house. - Cherrytree at 11:8. hs Aftersonn train teaves Eeadiey Jupethon for Te Rn, Steed 5 ¥ ATR Ns a ND n. ‘
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers