The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 15, 1894, Image 3

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    On mais
Patton Courier.
: PATTON PUBLIEHING CO. Proprietors. |
© 1. Subscribers. who do not give express
notice to the contrary 4 are considered as wish.
: x to renew their ri ptions.
: If subscriber = onder the discontinuance
r periodicals, bLlilsher may con
: hei 0 send them re ail Arrenmges are
If subscribers eT or hgh to take
iF pertodion fron which
rected, they a ro raponstble ‘until
ov have tied “thelr Bills 4 and ordered them
hers ve to other
If subscri mo Jie
informing the publishers, an
EEE porrer wid address, they are
with. |
Fhe Courts have decided tht refusing 10 |
ke Jd a Po pein hh |
Jeaving them unea 3
evidence of ID intional | ad.
Jf subscribers
I. nee they
crim ee fl he of the ri Mg rel
The hours of arrival and departure
of trains at the Patton Station are a4!
When Jimmy Comes Home From - Shoot.
When Jimm ip from school at four,
i rare
And | whit and
A ke Sg i A SS
Get your skates ready.
- Warren, the painter. 46tf
Keep your turkeys locked up.
Asheroft’s millinery store-44-tf
Patton is getting a new planing mill.
Fried chicken at the Kinkead Res-
| taurant. 40tf
Official vote of Cambria county on
the first page.
| turkeys soon.
The very best Limbirger and Swimm
cheese at Lette's.
Coal only 80 cents per load at Tru-
man’s bank. -51-1¢t :
The telephone boys are with us and
a jolly lot they are.
Jas. W. Hoy, the jewler, visited in.
| Pittaburg last week.
: Mra. BE. Will Greene, is visiting her |
| parents at DuBols, Pa.
C. ‘A. Rogers, of Altoona, was a guest
! at Hotel Beck Saturday.
An excellent coving ¥ stove for sale’
| cheap. Inquire at this office.
| . A large crowd will attend the play |
| at Hastings on Satarday night.
Fall styles in ladies Hats at Alice A |
"| Asberelts millinery store. —44-t1
| Go to Letts’s for the best flour in
| town for the price, Guaranteed.
Buy your election Hats from Bell,
The Hatter. All the latest ‘styles.
Buy your election Hats from Bell,
|The Hatter. All the latest styles.
Jatctien clink & A ane,
£5 it tnt no
AA ae Fab Cf pie | a
Ln a en
harm Zabd brea >
ary Som
comes {ror school.
The rooster on the réon fence
and dow had crowsand erown
knows, oF thinks he knows,
is of some
“hen r Yn the chor, F 0,
be the window ?
A swihaging out ov w,
Om a ah perch Begine to trill,
r mmy coms from school.
" comes from school, take care!
im 10 throb Shand quake
ove head a boghter
RTL ro Hoe
The hunter Is happy.
Winter is creeping on.
- Lerch the tailor, Mahaffey, Pa.
For fruits go to Kinkead’s.40tf
‘Holiday Goods at Hodgkin —49-tf
Thanksgiving clay November 20th.
Pennsylvania official ‘vote on frst
page. :
| plant.
: he COURIER has lots of new “ad’e’
this week. :
: Try the Cousin for Job work.
Prices moderate,
The small boy enjoyed the late fall of
snow immensely.
Oysters for sale at the Arlington
restaurant. —49-tf :
Ross’ cough medicine for sale at Drug was laid up on Satarday by a strained | who has been ill for so
| back cansed by lifting » heavy lump of typhoid fever, is very low,
Stores. 45-e4w-3t
Every business should have one of
. Warren's signs. 404
: The Clearficid and Cresson pay car
visited Patton Tuenday.
See the fine line of dolls at C. W.
. Hodgkins drug store. —49-tf
Why don’t you cure that cough by.
‘taking Ross’ cough medicine.
Bay your election Hats from Bell,
The Hatter. All the latest styles.
W. L. Malin, of Bellefonte, wpe »
; #ruest at the Palmer house Monday. :
The largest line of Toys and Holiday |
; goods at Hodgkins drug store. —49-tf
H. OC. Beck, proprietor of Hotel Beck, |
was in Johnstown on business Wednes-
tick candies at Letta's will surprise
you. ;
Sam’l Logan, of Marietta, wae a
west at the Commercial hotel lant |
2 oni
spent a fow days in Patton the fit of |
the week.
J. N. McCormick, a traveling sales-
man of Huntingdon, topped at Hotel
‘Beck Tuesday
Ad Grabs and WwW. H. ‘Dentinger,
both of Philipsburg, were visitors to
Patton Friday.
Ged! 'W. Black, of Pittsburg, the
Iarge traveling salesman, stopped at
the Palmer Toesday.
Arlington routanrgst, also » fine nd
of the |
njpudann, of the
oJ 3. Noris, ayer
: Seleyianeiemmapasy Wf Soppisa Pat- | Gray & Wyland and others and 80me | Seeds, of Cresson.
| tambermen
aio Maggie Walon, who had been
Hr the faneral of her sister in
county retarded home | sold to the Indiana parties for $11,000. | sold at a sacrafice. Inquir
Latrobe. will build & $00,000 rater |
Miss Edyth Estricher, of New Wash-
ington, is visiting Mrs. 8. M. Wilson.
| Go to Sam’l Boyoe for flour, feed,
“hay and all ¥inds of grass seeds.-23tf,
W. P. Ernheart, of Pittsbnrg, reg-
istered at the Commercial hotel Satur-
| T.C. Berley and J. B. Kuhn, of Pitts. |
| burg, registered at Hotel Beck Satur.
| Mrs. A. G. Abbott is confined to her
"bed after a severe hemorrhage of the!
Raffling for tarkeys and chickens in
Patton is getting to be quite a favorite
{ aport.
Alice A. Ashcroft is selling 45 cent
ribbons at 25 cts., and other goods ata
| redunotion.
Of all sad words of tongiie or pen the
saddest is soup, when it night have |
Ladies hats reduced in price at Alice:
| A. Ashcroft's millinery store np-stairs
in Good building.
Mrs. Effie Wilson and daughter,
| Kathlesn, are visiting Mz. and Mrs. 8.
| M. Wilson this week.
C. W. Gould, H. I. Weaver, Jay
| Palmer, and R. McCullough, all of
| Pittaburgh, registered ut the Palmer
| house Monday. :
A full account of the new township |
| road which is being constructed be
tween Patton and Thomas’ Mill will be |
. given next week.
Daniel Wilkie, who is an . em- | present report an enjoyable evening.
ploye at the Flannigan Run Colliery |
! coal.
The COURIER can farnish you with
the finest line of note heads and enve- |
lopes for the least money. First-class
| Workmen 4 are employed. Call and see |
| samples. :
John H. Somerville, of Hastings,
| visited his son Reuel of this place!
Monday. Mr. Somerville expects to
iow ttc hie sw House at. shin plane |
in a few weeks. =
i The introduction of poker into the |
: family circle is sald to be one of the
best bits of diplomacy ever adopted by
wily woman to make man stay at!
‘home nights. It is far ahead of the.
| rolling-pin.
! Bart Denny, of Ebensburg,
| of ‘the serious illness of his brother,
| Michel Denny, who was suffering from |
a severe attack of Syphoid fever, and
who died later.
The restaurant this place, known
as Restaurant has changed,
Mr. Thos. Weible, of Cambria town-
| ship, being the purchaser. Tom. is a
‘ively, energetic young fellow, and will
make a good hit in this old and pop-
i nlar stand. —Carrolltown Nows,
General J. 8. Coxey's residence at
Massillon, Ohio, was totally destroyed
by fire, on Saturday night last, together |
t with all its contents.
t, delivering an address on his good roads
| bill when the fire took place und did |
| not know of it until he returned.
‘day working up trade and shaking
‘hands with his many friends. Mr.
at. | Smith is a brother of Frank Smith, the
' newly elected Sheriff of Clearfield
Last week a deal was closed between |
Messrs. A. W. Buck, M. D. Kittell, |
from Indians ‘county, |
whereby the timber on the ‘Spring-
field’ tract in Blacklick ae |
; —South Fork Revord,
The work at the mines in Patton in
Doc says he will not Hatch any more
Coxey was away .
: roa ow ed
Wm. Smith, of Clearfield, represent.
| ing Bell, Watt & Co., a large stioe firm |
| of Philadelphia, was in Patton Mon-
FJ Je RACH & WV aa of
| Baltimore, Md, stopped at the Com- |
- marcial Monday. i
Mr. J. Milton Connell, of Patton, ex-
| arcised his right of franchise here on | Cambria Iron company to George G. |
Tuesday. — Ebeénsburg Mountaineer. coset, srnkie $250. "i
Mrs: R. E. Jones, of Ebensbarg, has oo Jane Wills, Chest)
| Springs, $1.
‘something of utter importance to the Ni 3
No he tod che Tovon Gott | omit Aslieroft to Robert Henry Ne
She is also a believer in printers ink to - P eter Boyle . np: $e Litsinger,
a largeexinl, Allegheny township, $35.
Mr. W. McKinney Smith returned, pp Robert Deveraux to James Dunn, |
‘home from Patton, Cambria county, | Lilly, $337.
‘on Monday. He waa principal of the, p RB Myers to Andrew Robins,
schools there, and about three weeks | ‘Cassandra, $50. °
ago took a chill and not being able | Adam Myers to Andrew Robins,
‘to attend to his duties had to quit] Caeandra, $0.
teaching. Mr. Smith is at present George E. Convod to Ida L.|
confined to his bed. —Howard Hornet. Owens, Morrellville, $425. :
Carl Brehim's “Ten nights in a Bar-| W. Frank Masters to Washington B.
room’ was greeted by a fisll house at & L. amociation, Coopersdale, $1.
Clark, « opera last night. The company | Wm. J. Donnelly to Mrs. Kessiah
gave a ‘tip-top’ show throughout, Barr, Patton, $216.
which was highly appreciated, as the | Joseph A. Gray to Mary Hibsch, |
continned applause would denote.— Chest, $500.
Toronto, 0., Tribune, Sept. 22, 1891.— . Jane Short to Sarah Kane, Patton, |
At Hastings Opera House Saturday | $140.
evening, November 17. Henry Gray to Guenia Wetherson,
! Somes time last summer Clark Creery, | Susquehanna, $37.
‘of the West Ward, caught a flying
! squirrel which had bacome impaled on‘ town, $1,000.
tame little pet of it. The flying squir- | Lower Yoder, $300,
| rel is a peculiar little animal with a fiat | William Kuntz to Clarence Berryhill,
: tail, which it uses as a rudder. Itslegs | Richland, $1,100.
are webbed so that when it spreads | Jacob . Horner's adininistrator to]
| them out to soar they have a sastaining | Edward Horner, Johnstown, $200.
| power. It cannot fly, but it anki Howard E. Miller to John Kroll,
| long leaps through the air from tree to | Stonyureek, $510,
| tree. — Ebensbarg Mountaineer. | Michael Zimmerman to August Pull
| 3 Margaret Dounelly to John Me-
| EBENSBURG, Pa. Nov. 13, 1884. | Crory, Morrellville, $700.
| A. G. Abbott; of Patton, was a visi-' George W. Statler to Wm. Houghton, |
| tor to Ebensburg on Wednesday. | Morrellville, $1,080.
| T. 8. McPeaters, of Conemaugh, Cambria Iron company to Martin L. |
| spent a few hours in town on Wednes- | Miller, East Conemaugh, $850.
H.C. Kirkpatrick, of Carrolitown, ! Portage township, $2,000.
was in Ebensburg on Thursday. { Wm, Beatty to BE. G. Bowers, Mor. |
H. M. Bell, of Indiana, registered at rellvilie, $1,200.
the Blair house on Saturday. | David Dibert's sdministrator to w.
| Sheriff Elect D. W. Conlter was aC. Chuppell, Croyle, $45.
visitor to the county capitol on Mon- | Wm. Shartz to C. Wenteroth, Sum-
| day. merhill, $850.
. Herman Jones, principal of the Heirs of John Westover tc Isaac
Hastings public schools, opt Sunday | Westover, Susquehanna, $303.
at his home in this place. § Wm. M. Salkeld to Joseph G. Hamp- |
Messrs. Charles and Fd. Linton, of | ton, South Fork, $700.
| Johnstown, spent Wednesday with James Cawthern's heirs to Benjamin |
vise grandmotit, Mrs. J.T. Hutchin- | Cathern, South Fork, $1,200.
| Catharine Ripple to R. T. Nolley,
"8 ‘Hon. A. A. Barker fell from the | Susquehanna, $1,060
‘steps of Judge Barker's residence on’ Andrew Stroeny to Michael Dohan..
| Tuesday night and was w—eeely hurt. | ski, Elder, $1,275.
Messrs. Ira Davis Leonce Michael Dohanski to
| Shields, who have been rin om ool- | Stveny, Hastings, #700.
lege nt Pittsburg, recarned home on
| Tnesclay.
Marriage Elconies.
Miss Hattie Fish, with her class of The following marriage licenses were |
| music students; will give an entertain. issded by the Clerk of the Orphans’
i ment in the near fature at the vou. Court for the week ending Thursday,
‘ dence: of V. 8. Barker. | November 8, 1864:
Stowe & Co.’s Uncle Tom's Cabin william F. Sioan and Regina Bium,
troupe produced the oid time play of Carroiltown.
| “Uncle Tom" at the Ebens
| houe on Teuesday evening, Novem- Johnstown.
ber 18th. John Koontz and Maggie J. Wien
On Wednesday evening The Thimble | Morreliville.
Club held their meeting at the home of! John
| Misses Nene and Mary Thoee | Brownstown.
Lewis ° Lambour and
Mins Jane Davis, of the [East ward, Kreitor, Barr township.
time with Jamies FP. Berkhymer and Emma P.
with but Miller, Morrellville.
| little hopes of her recovery. ! William R. BE. Grambling, Dunlo,
On Wednesday last Mrs. J. T. tlntoh- ' and Cora Beringer, Indiana county Pa.
| insos, celebrated her eightieth birthday | Hevry Self and Ellen Smith, Johns--
| aniversary v3 gvini » disner. Her town. =
sisters, Mra. Mary Adair Mrs. BB! G A. Valantine, "Patton,
| P. Hoffman, of Indians; Dr. and Mrs. | Catharine Rothgeb, Carrolltown.
Sheridan, Mrs. E. G. Kerr, and grand George W. Curnahan and Mary M.
| children and great grand children to | | Gardner, Reade township.
the number of seventeen present. |
im ovum
At Nantivgs Opera House.
The DuBois Courier of recent date
Dysaxr, Pa, Nov. 14, 1894. | says: “Last ‘night the Carl Brehm
Mr. Pierson is having a new tin roof Company made their second appear
pat cn his residence snd store room. ance ut the Central in the new version
Henry Troxell, who has b lumber. of “Ten Nights in a Bar-room.” R.’
| ing ba this vicinity for t a year, W. Stewart, as Joe Morgan, the drunk-
(moved his family to Ashville where he the poor inebriant, his delirum scene |
was has taken another contract. The being especially ine. W. Forey Kap-|
The low prices of fine mixed and summoned to Altoona Friday because many friends of the family were sorry man as Simon Slade, the Landlord,
to lose them from their midst. from the beginning to the end, was a
Mr. Condrin, of Altoona, was in finished piece of acting. Will C.'
town last week looking after his Whillock and May Lewis as Sample
interests in the mills and other prop- Methitable kept the audience ia roars
erty. : of laughter. - Master Eddie Sinclair as
Mrs. Hill, wife of A. M. Hill, the May Morgan, has a bright future. He'
enterprising merchant, | is viiting | is possessor of a fine. voice and many
friends in some of the| neighboring in the audience were moved to tears.
towns. We congratulate Manager Brehm on
Mr. Ray Miller visited his home in having surrounded himself with such
Coalport last week. ; 'a company of artista.” At Hastings
2,.Crasion. opera house on Saurduy evening, |
y Litzinger November 17th. :
A Serious Aliment.
was the | James Wilson, who has been troubled
during the past year with terrific
to Black. hemorrhages of the nose, which threat-
his life on several occasicns, was
whom he Successfully operated on by Dr. 8. W.
interest, Worrell last Wednesday: He had re-
‘cently recovered from a very severe
. | attack when he concluded to consult
A special ear of the Pennsylvania Dr. Worrell, who discovered the cause
railroad was in Patton Tuesday and of the hemorrhages due to two large
contained the following officials: Thos. palipuses in his nostrils which com-
E. Watt, and 8. L. Seymdre, of Pitts- | pletely obstructed the nasal cavity.
burg; Frank F. R Ub, J. H. Stodelman, | The doctor successfully removad them |
Henry Taylor, A. J. Thompson, W. H. and the unfortunate man was very
| Moore, J. B. Highberger
{ He is getting along very well at pres-/
| ent writing. :
eat the Cou-
‘Stove For Sale,
A fine parlor heating stove will be
| kIER office. | The Hatter. All the latest stylvs.
John Krull to Daniel Cauffiel, Johns- |
{ a barb wire fence and has made a very | Frederick Boehm to Lind Boehm, |
Robert B. Speer to Jack Novy:
, and B. C. much relieved. The palipuses were!
"| about the size of two large chestnuts. |
Buy your election ‘Hats from Bell, |
The Hustling Clothier, |
| Tai iffor, any Bice Dealer. |
0 YOU THINK YOU are able to spare e the money
this fall to buy a new Suit or Overcoat, possibly
some Underwear or shoes?
~ Money is scarce. Oh my, yes! To buy you
must be offered great inducements this fall. :
Now if you are not one of my customers ask your neighbor
if 1 am not selling cheaper and better goods than any of the
“Would be Leaders,” as some styles themselves.
To make myself a bigger trade: winner and to get ready to
, move into larger quarters Nov. 15th, I am going to offer you
‘still greater inducements to buy from me. ~~
Here it is—On all of my higher grade Suits and Overcoats
1 will cut the price just 20 per cent for the next 15 days.
This means on $17. 50, 16.50, 15.50 and $15 Suits and
Ov ercoats.
Here are Bargains Others Can’ t Show You.
Men’s Dress Suits, $10.00.
Men’s Dress Overcoats, $8.00.
Boys Overcoats, ages 4 to 14 at 81.75.
Boys Suits, Good Ones to $1.50 and $2.00.
Boys and Girls Good Shoes $1.00 per pair.
Ladies Good Shoes rag ~
Men’s Dress Shoes - 1.25
Men’ s Good Working Glove soc.
Boys School Glove 25c.
Men's Half-Wool [Underwear Suit goc.
Men's Heavy Cotton [underwear Suit 6oc.
‘Best Shirt in Town soc, worth 75¢
ys “ age tN. S150
I cant begin to to tell you of the big values, You come
and see them.
c 44 “
LA] bh
Site to Order.
Ov ercoats to Order,
$14 and Sp,
6 i
The Clothier, Tailor, and Shoe Dealer, |
~ Reduction
burg opera Henry Robinson and Annie Zenges,
Waible and Annie Doubt,
Elisabeth |
On November oth,
‘and until further notice, we will ‘make throughout our entire.
stock, a Reduction of 10 per cent. on all purchases to the
amount of $5.00 or over.
Ont goods are new and desirable, woight for Cash and
‘marked at the closest possible figures, but in this sale we
reserve obsolutely nothing.
A Reduction on All Goods.
Everything including Dress Goods, Millinery,
Wraps, Underwear, Notions, Flannels, Skirts, Table Linen,
Spreads, Lace Cartains, Calico, Muslin, Best
Gingham, Ladies’ and Childrens’ Purnishingses, . will be sold.
| finished his contract and last week ard, showed the downward career of
In addition to the general reduction of 10 per cent. we
have reduced some Coats, which have been carried from last
season, to just one half price. These are desirable Coats and
are worthy of your inspection.
Persons who have dealt with us for vears know that we
mean just what we say.
Thus 1s a genuine clearing out sale in all
‘departments.—Do not fail to take advantage
of this grand opportunity. | |
On all bills of $10.00 you save $lin cash.
Mrs. R.E. Jones,