PREC . have just received the finest ne of MODERN STYLE. = bin ve VOL. 1 NO. THE COURIE AR LIST IS INCREASING EVE TRY DAY. CHRISTMAS CAMB COUNTY OFC PETURNS—00, COMING eh : yeti FTE Rory or = and the children will be ha . We HH ano) | (] HOXiN al uu Sai Ug taut) H DISTRICTS. “ON SBURSuH 33 ‘wares Math | UH ues EN Holiday Goods ever. t to this section by any | firm and it will make your eyes water a to see pur stock of : TOYS, DOLLS, GAMES, ogres tis . Ashville Gass BOOKS, ALBUMS and a whole store | Hetnesboro boross: full of holiday goods too numer- | { Bisekiick downey Sup fo mention : : Cambria township a We are going to Carrow boron. — Ro irons KEEP EUERYTAING. (FE lowhehip In other words a full line of § pe P- suitable for a Christmas or New | Coe ‘prwent. Suitable for old or young. | +] Come Early ER And See Us. | C. W. HODGKINS, | Frankia — PATTON PHARMACY, Galliizin torah er PATTON, - PATE A — 2ITysazasy Bards F883 Eysuguugusazedi - RN —- i at >) £§: ’ < Gesysunurzeigadss; syd & u — Ha | 54 — (3MIuE ite 2% * -— Io =~ tu wendzpisy BER GAREY = gusray gereraplen & s32Eaz¥eSinsaaisl $88 eRe HIT EVEDT $380 zauz Ld ~~ e PauRTRaangy 3 Fai¥3%s3 EaBBBeonPaindusyy prusna@quVonAfes 3:3 ERE RE 3 5 ¥R 7) 4 J 3 FE SL. pFe ERNE E H. C. BECK, Pro. - : ir EEE ward. Oe Jaretio bo ower Yoller lownahip One of.the Largest Hotels in rie vo on oagh-— Northern Cambria; | Second i Conducted m =8 HREREUE WN sein, sienndeil Bu 2 2 ye 2H) Brus} FRET SanAINN s2zun dyeENpBaFrEedfseseie pons ". af 4 wim ogy NES | Pork borough... Good Table and Bar Supplied | saserk tewheiiy: with Choiest Brands of Summerhill tow: Lr - - FEES SNNNNEY 381 NnpasESREE HRYSURES (SERRE 3 - 1 we RB , YE RIERALER gnarvgs =ssBisiaiy hs : Liquors. ay EI i tee wot ypper E . The Popular : : or township... . 141 ; | White township hs il x - HOUSE , Witmore borough ns . es # va IES Totals . ir Serer anserat i sei tines eas MR GED GH BD ois 6 an 3256 %al0 517 Ep el Majorities.... E ive En HE IT Ta Wl 19 of PATTON. : “The Prohibition ticket « polled the follow ing vote: Hawley for Governor, 2007: : | Castle, Lieutenant Govervor, 215; Palmer, Auditor General, 201; (Gleason, Sec- THE retary of Internal Affaive, 158: Congress at Large —Kane, 130, and Jordon, 153; il : ‘Hocking, Congress, 135; Assembly — Layton, 187, and Peterson, 167; Gruber, i Sheriff, 156; Replogle, Poor Directer, 218; MeoCartney, Jury Commissioner, 176. i] M M EF RC R L,. ~The People’s 4cket polled the following vote: Allman, for Governor, 621; Akin, lieatezant Govrnor, 482; Deisher, Auditor General, 461; Lough. Secre- | tary of Internal Affairs, 444; Congress at Lurge—Lotier, 452, and Greenman, | 459; Suzkling, Congress, 435; Assembly — Lang, 502, and Kilduff, 380; Wicks, | Sheriff; 439; Bloom, Poor Director, $72; Buck, Jury Commissioner, 444. | The Socialistic Labor ticket polled the following vote: Grundy, for Governor, : : Sr i'19; Long, Lieutenant Governor, 17; 2s, Auditor General, 17; King, Secretary is i of Affairs, 16, Con at Large—K 1, » . A Modern Hotel. f Internal ra, 16, gto eft, 17 and Metzler, 16. S. M. Wilson, Prop. { iia ; | councit ‘PROCEEDINGS. 1 VICTORY FOR THE NUNS. : The Borough Dads , Met in Special Session | | Supreme Court Decides the Celebrated Twenty-four sleeping rooms. | Thursday Night. Gallitsin Case. iT . j : i The Patton Borough Council met in - In the supreme court af Pittsburg ~ All new furniture. | extra session in the office of Dale & Monday moming a decision was handed Heated with steam through Patterson on Thursday evening, down affirming the rulling of Justice ott | November Sth, 1504, With Chairman Barker in the celebrated Gallitsin {Ls 8. Bell, B. F. Wise, J. F. Bonner and school case. The suit was brought by Hot and cold’ water on every 'H. C. Beck present. A motion was the Junior American Mechanics to re- floor. {made to grant the following orders strain the school directors of Gallitzin ' which were presented: Cooking and dining devari} John Hetheral, $11,20; Leavy & teachers, to prohibit them from wear- ment in skillful hands. Mitchell, $50,72; Patton Hardware C'om- | ing the garb of their order in the | pany, 75 cents; L. 8. Bell per A. G. school room, and to prevent the Magee Ave., "Diehl, $3,25; Addleman & Bloom, _scholsrs from calling er sisters, and | $88,927; Patton Supply Company, $8,80; the priests visiting the schools, father. NEARR R.S7ATION, Lo | Chent’ Creek Land and Improvement | The afirming opinion was written by PATTON, - - : PENN'A. Company, $27,8%; Patton Water Com- | Judge Dean, but Justice Williams fled | Richard Tvory, $24.00; John c. Myers, The title of the suit. was John Hy- | #4,80; Jos Carlheim, $8,20; A. C. Fisher, sony, et 3). vs. the school district of per H. S. Woomer, $210; H. 8.| Cambria boroughet. al It wasargued | | Woomer, $4,665; James Mulligan, $15,40; | in the supreme court on October 9. | Ralph Leisch, 75 cts. ; Thos. McConnell, 75 cts. ; John Ott, per Simon Bortman, | 3 $6,75; Ed Kearns, $3.75; D: A. Buck, { The largest bear killed in Cambria {90 cta.; John Billers, ap, T. N, - Nagle, | ‘county for many years was taken to Hero of Cambria. PATTON LIVERY, =e ws ' of Desn township, this county. [tis of Ithe genuine black mountain variety, Vote of Cumbria, and ti the scales at 350 pounds. Feed and Sale Stable. The vote of C ‘ambria county in 1862 0 Winey it to the Rar. Fret-Class, Prices for President was: Democrats, 6,250, where it was on exhibition. It is a Moderate. Give Us 3 Call. | Republicans, 6,020, Prohibition, 265 | | magnificient speciman and attracted a ~ T. N. NAGLE, Patton Pa., and Peoples Party, 147. This year the | great deal of attention. Old bear SFOpposie the Goud Building. ‘vote for Governor was: Democrats, | hunters say they have seldom seen 8, 120, Republicans, 8,813. | such an animal. The most remarkable i : | feature in connection with -it is that it 1 2. hoeal Markt Report, || [met ita deatl] at the hands of Mr. ; | For the special benefit of the farmers | Campbell's son, a lad only 14 years of g in the vicinity of Patton the COURIER | oo. Bear is reported to be plentiful J | publishes the Y Showing local market Bat sect) CR 4 SES Rs revised each week: in that section. DI oF BF gi satiny > Senta per pound. ’ : : Was not Signed. EYE, EAR, 7 N E AND : » te axis Gi o 3 dozen i A letter was received by the COURIER ke bushel | a prin E 8“ " * lthis. week which failed to have any as THROAT Ta ee i a “oo “ |signatare and therefore could not be A Specialty. . published. All © communications or notices sert to the CoUrier for pub- Office in Good Building, Up-Stairs, PATTON, PENN'A. ' lication must be signed by the writer oo as wt toi] FF they will be thrown in the waste { . : 4H w basket. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1894. (pup ove ‘of the Laren Rauiirond Contras | Conte 5 ven, the well-known contracting firm, Clinton. : rer of which James Kerr, clerk of the Na- {oranda oo FH of law which amounts to & legal sen- member, last Wednesday closed a rail- Delnwan: % howoa & Galf Railway Company, of Faete | ‘ which Francis I. Gowen is president. an ee 2 This is one of the most important raii- FEE. - wiih omen Wi = no such offense under the law as the on WAY moves made in the Southwest for Hantingdon it ; ] of a rail 122 if, coming rm i eines and work will begin at once, and the Montgomery. road will be completed by next July. Monitor > and will supply Northern Texas, Okla- FIRE coin the above ssys: “Mr. Good had been Venango the work of the P. R. R. extension be- Total. ‘yond Mahaffey. Ex-Congressman Kerr : has been interested in some of the late Pluraiity -sonthwest when the work commences. times of this section of the State and -Sapreme Lord of the universe, who is from employing nuns or sisters as ‘when he is telling the truth. will be sold at & bargain. Inquire tp a H. E. Keller, at bakery. -51tf ie de gs oh AB "$100 , PER YEAR. | be HiLAOA CONTRACT oe cme me ue LEGAL SURPRISE SPU. vania. * Adams Se ured by George S. Good : Allee: ny dc pe an rompany ; Bedford A nd” % ; TO BUILD | 123 MILES. t uci... Cambria ' Cameron 0 ¥ 8 Marriage Lissase Act of This ‘State Not in Force. § EN a LICENSE NOT NEEDED. : Polot Made That the Law Docs Not Take Ever Lot. | Contre Effect Uniti Oct. 1, 1995. George 8. Good & Co. of Ha | | Garon ; Wm. Reardon, in the Pittsburg Lock Clearfield. seinem "criminal court Friday, raised a point veal 4g 8 tional House of Representatives, is a (Cumberland rnin [rn sation. He wus defending Thomas Me- ; Quirk, charged with perjury for falsely * | swearing to age of the woman he mar- | ried. Reardon moved to quash the in- dictment on the ground that there was way contract with the Choctaw, Okia- | 5 KMS eat shies marriage license act was not in force po | anid no lioenee was required to be takes I ee yours, involving, an it does, over ”,- detleraon coal production of the South McAlister = Lancaster is 02 iried., Reardon said: “The 1 mines RRL “| Hoenwe act was not passed in 1885 and The contract provides for the con- HAND rin een a WR way amended in 1808: By that amend- ‘ment on and after October 1st, 1895, from South McAlister through the SY Indian Territory to Oklahoma City, Sa gli, ry eto 6 State: must take out a loense.” Judge present marriage license law would not ‘be in force until 1886. The point if sustained, will make Pennsylvania a regular Gretna Green, as any one can then be married in the State without » The road will connect with the Mis otha souri, Kansas & Texas and other lines, Philadelphia homa and Southern Kansas with coal, Beta in ; and it is expected that the road will rod noid cyst ‘The DuBois Courier in speaking of TX Ta, $! curry 1,000,000 toe thie frat your. Buiitvan. ete sibs 15: license. - Mie Sufferings Allevinted. in the business a long time and had im pagent it} pL Wen Bor wi ames 404 some large contracts in this vicinity; Wayne rien A ; Westmoretand ...... _. _. .... . a very intricate piece of surgery last one of them the east end of the Clear- Wyoming. : : a lay in which the life of James fzid and Mahoning, and another the . | KIton SY he saved trom s ngs contracts executed under the manage : © Pied st DuBois. * ment of Mr. Good.” Dr. George Wilson, father of J.P. oie fourth sixth Mr. Good and also Mr. Kerr have Wilson, who is connected with the PAT- i progmistin large business interests in Patton. ~~ ton CoURiER, and also the DuBois Geo. Prindible, who has bad charge Morning Courier, died at his son's res of Geo. 8. Good & Co's. large stone idence in DuBois on last Thuredsy quarry which is situated a short dis- afternoon. The oid gentleman, who tance below Patton on tbe Cambria & was in his S0th year, was a figure and take up his abode in the great whose life linked together the PrmItive | three inches of the end of three ribs Mr. Prindible’s many friends will re- these latter days of wonderful pro- and one-half of the hreast b Be: gret to learn of bis intended departure. gress; and also as a grand old man, as - estimated’ by those who prize sim- ~ plicity, honesty of purpose and piracti- ngston stricken Governar Pattiomn nets Fureday, Novem- cal christianity in all the mutations of thay ur rit a —_ : - y a long useful life. The funeral services made his home with his sister, Mrs Governor Pattison has issued the were heid Saturday aftersoon. und bis Wilt, who von by ails an Xana ilowing Thanksgiving proclamation: re + lnid to rest in the Luth. “In grateful remembrance of the ersburg oom : half east of Patton. THANKSEIY 16 PROCLAMATION Harry White Kieeted. the dispenser of life, health and happi- New Planing Mill. The Punxsutawney News says that nese to individuals and nations, whose ZF. Wise, the energetic lumber Gen. Harry White was re-elected pres- infinite compassion and goodness has merchant, has secured Addleman & at judge of Indiana covaty by a been manifested during the year that Bloom, the contractors, to build an ad- majority of 87 votes over his opponent, has passed, by multiplied benedictions, dition to his saw mill which will be the Hon. John R. Blair. The combina- and whom we pray, of His indefinite 24 x 54 feet, two stories high, and will tion of Independent - Republicans, mercy, to vouchsafe His bicasings in be used for a planing mill. He intends Democrats and Populists was just a times to come. to set. & full line of planing mill ma- wee bit too weak to down the doughty “Now, therefore, I, Robert E. Patti- chinery and will be able to turn out all General. Mr. Blair was a worthy man, - son, governor of the Commonwealth of kinds of worked lumber. This will be and well qualified for the office, which Pennsyivania, in conformity with the 5 great advantuge for Patton con- makes Judge White's victory all the recommendation. of the president of the tractors as all that class of lumber is more gratifying to his friends. He United States and the uniform custom secured either at Johnstown or Car- best a first-class man. Aside from of our Christian communities, do rolitown. The mill will be in oper- Judge White the Republicans of recommend Thursday, the twenty- ggiom in a few weeks. The Coummmm, Indiana county elected their ticket by ninth day of November, in the year of with the rest of Patton’s citizens, ex- about 3,500 majority. The interest, our Lord, one thousand, eight hundred tend a welcome hand to this new in- however, was centered principally up- and ninety-four, as a day of Thanks gostry. on the judicial contest, which wus ving and prayer. - . ‘waged with fudous energy on both Bo ait Mary aot ull vouniaz business ; DE ., shat sides be suspended and let the as- It is probab mining opera. : i E tions will begin at the new Berwind- eee i and, with prayer and songs of praise, | White shaft colliery, located near the MTS he AGUIISTS devoutley testify their gratitude for borough line of DuBois, the latter part erected by the ape rrrytree His goodness and wonderful works, Of this month. It is said that when in mark the boundary of William and so make known that we forget not operation the capacity of the mine will Fears purchase 30m the Judit; will : all His benefits. And let there also be reach from 2,000 to 3,000 tons of coal $aks yiuce on Friday, vember 38 1 on this day thus set apart a reunion of daily for a period of fifty years or It will be an interesting event, 7 families and friends, that the love for more; as the company has 4,000 acres certainly a red letter day in the history home may be strengthened and the © coal, and more can be had in the of the village of Cherrytree. The spirit of good will increased. Let us near vicinity. The vein of coal ranges’ ' Record will imue a ‘beautiful souvenir pot forget to crown thé day with deeds | from six to nine feet in thickness, and edition. : of charity and kind remembrance of is of a very fine quality, suitable for all win Soom be Ready. : the poor, bearing in mind that ‘blessed Purposes. ‘The enterprise will give an | png poles for the long distance tele- is he that considereth the poor.” additional impetus to the thriving .p,ne which is to run into Patton ze {town of DuBois. "being rapidly piaced and it is expected Thursday morning Judge Harry | Bitwminoas Coal Trade. by the first of next month the work White went into the American House, During last month there was a slight | Wil he huighis and the ine is oper, st Indiana, to write some letters, when improvement in the Bituminous coal on offtice Slapped by the Judge. . t Good building. A he and Martin Earhart, the proprietor, trade, but the demand has again be- eated in the 4 B had some words about the Judge re- come less active in the leading markets, Sr. i Ee superinten iy is pushing fusing him a license ten years ago. though this falling off is less marked in the Wo ¥ is : The Judge says Earhart called him a New York market than any other. First-Class Warkman. liar and he struck him in the mouth. Scarcity of vessels and an increase in A. M. Thomas, the hardware man, It is stated that Earhart will have the Ocean freight rates, together with rail- hay secured a first-class Judge arrested. The affair created a road blockades, are seriously inter. plumber who will look after that part good deal of excitement. The Judge fering with shipments to tide-water. of his business in Patton. Parties need- says he has been taught since a boy | ing eny work of this kind should re- never to take “liar” from any man pau. .4 McCurdy brought a curiosity | member and give him a call. 51-82 into the COURIER office Monday in the We Mave Everything. : “way of a cabbage head, or rather thirty A complete line of holday goods at cabbage heads all growed together. Hodgkins drug store. Come and buy The vegetable presented a very odd ap- | a Christmas present for your girl, your pearance. It was raised in the garden friend, your brother, mother, sister, of Mrs. C. H. Perry, of Chest Springs, cousin, sunt, uncle or some one. We Aid proseniied to. Mr. Jouopls Dixon, of ; ee bul Yoh : ; Thirty Heads in One, : Dedicated to Dr. Hatch. Tell toe not in mournful numbers Turkeys live but in a dream, The Pation copper never sin mibers, Hotel men arn't what they seem. Steve For Sale. A heating stove used two montos { i : 3 | Warren, ‘the painter. | parties desiring to be married in his. ly printed Reardon was right and the
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers