The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 01, 1894, Image 1

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Sy ————— a : re
ro Toa Withelm Solcmuised.
: {| A pleasant social event
COMING {In Patton — Two Meetings | ; me : followin Is alien froin the | ' Re-Submission of the Question) ee eto i Mth, 'List of Petitions and Other
we Held—Another to Follow. William W. Wiltbank, sttorney of, of the School Loan. =~ of Mr. E F. Mclaughlin, of Patten, Business Presented.
and the children will ge happy. W i | Philadelphia, wae in Johnstown Mée-, and Mies Josephine Wilhelm, danghter
have fost received the finest {of Mr. and M William of
NAMES OF CANDI DATES day. and retained R 8. Murphy. H. B. 4) CORRECT ERRORS abate J tn SENTENCES PASSED.
‘Holid Goods Kuhn, and H. W. Storey, Esqs., to!
0 ay is inetitate Joga proceedings agnimb Ny ceremony took place at the, —
to this section by any OF Ow Biliecur YortiosDemorh *2d | Francis J. O'Consor, formerly Disteiet ot tn vt etn rm othe Wilts pus a1 Large Nuisher of Yao Members of the
: if will make es water Kaguhlion SU. Attorney of this county, for slander, it | Tuite oandusted BE Attudaneh
fom nd ma yy The Republicans st this place held a having ean published in the New | To the Voters of Patton Borough: — { P. J. Sheridan, in the presence of oily Argument court convened Monday
TOYS, DOLLY GAMES, {ity i ier: iunbe York World, and sen to other paper, A the Spring : ge elias 2 Sho wid wali 4 rr
or that Mr. O'Connor, In 4 public apesch 14, ou voled on the question hos tain Melongus:, = in Houck a large number the
whole stare attended. speake in Johnstown on Tharsds: evening | Dond iasue thousand dollars, for | recently located in Patton, Janior attendance.
BE re © Tat dierent Coil with he Purpose of eroctng and furnishing member of the Cambris Hardware The petition of John S. Snyder, af
do railroad station by the Hastings Cornet having used his position in Johnat |. necessary school bailding for Paton | company, and son of Ex-Treasurer Mo- ‘ministrator of the estate of Edward C. ;
are golog to band and escorted to the Commercial ~_, | | Borough; authorizing the increase of Laughlin, of Clearfield, which piace Hisrner, late of Est Taylor township,
after the Great Flood of 1880 to enrich |
; KEEP EVERYTAING. fel aus Rilunies botice where afler stip- bimpelt. | indebtedness for that purpoes-and 10, was also, until quite ‘recently, ‘the decessed, praying the court for an
; per proseeded to the opera house. The Summons in was ts 4 thet amount by a vote of 304 for and 55 home of the bride. order of private sale of real estate
£.™ words a full line of goods’ IE ae wen called to orb. by Pres: F ‘against. Owing to a misapprehension Both the bride and groom are pop- the payments of debts
; . a Christmas or New dent Somerville, of the Patton Repub- ; a ha jon the part of both the School and ular among a large circle of acquaint-' The petition of William Cole,
rat 5 Suitable for old or young. | Hean club, who acted as chairman. ) ” a \ it Election Boards of the exact require- | ances, and more than the usual ian of the minor children of
Come. Early ‘Alvin Evans, Esq., . of FEbensburg, _ d by i . ITO Se Sake Lav Totaling {sami of sugiiiom, i Via! Ns, praying the court
er ica Tih boards nr a levi hem. - ORISY SF male roel
n, o , a : 7 vo were
The foariving Ws the summons: 2 | particulars to wit: That New Raiirond. ; | A return to an order of sale
: '. iby a |D. W. Coulter, mm crtera 1, J, Tor doko repent fo be yi} my | estate of Bdward C. Horner, lute
PATTON PHARMACY, ’ mena the Sheriff of Cambria County. fective in describing the character of Bepardiay lant thie test official tour - Hawt Taylor township, deceased.
PATTON “ PA. | Om Monday night the Socialist Labor Greeting. | the proposed issue—it deseribing them ' = and Phili con. Mr. Reade, as bis own
' party held a mass meeting in the opera We ccnmand that you summos | ay “Borough Bonds” instead of School I 8 suditor appointed by the court
| Francis Jowe 0*Connor so that he he Decting road was made by the officials ot
JOS WHISK Wis siansd 2) SST sd 9 gor Jud at the | Bonds. { and invited guests. A publils meeting tiDUte the funds in the hands
candidate for Governor, Thomas H.. ppear held 8 SA That the notice did not 86t | as held it Philipsburg in the morn. Sheriff, arising from the sale. of
Grundy. A large ber in at for the of C forth the : : ; the :
Bargain Seekers Fm Sree Tn EEE ioe ae ss mm ot Ered by vr pers TF het Spe
Keep Your Eye | Democratic Meeting. el { then indebtedness of the School Board. | goby ool” eT Tor U1 In the case of Micha!
: A Demotrstic mass sweting wil be , . 7f 2rd The Election Board properly | o.. : and W : /sguinst Daniel Brown
On These Prices. nd in the opera howe on Friday _ A. V. Barke eo tee a 2, J from Philipsburg to, IPE0idedy, petition to stay writ am
: | night and a big time is expected. Hon. 50°C : ’ i Ramey, bat is only Sen 5 Th pe Rule
Women's Cotton Hose 10c| James Kerr, of Washington D. C. and d
Chae oT a, 15¢ | other prominent speakers will be pres-
La 8% 350 emt to address the meetiig. itp] andr SE Ea diac
“ $17 Calf Shoes §135| pg, the COURIER publishes the Important Nother. Tap Tot ar Ta ere
“ 00 © “ 1.60 : | whilst is the intent. of the law, that
. : Ln | Democratic and Republican State, Dis- | The Board of school Directors passed | Pullman train. At Houtsdale the
Baby's Shoes 800i nnd Contty nominees to be voted | a resolution, at their meeting Tuesday | 3eY Should be fied the day EE rEEY a of the estate of Rev. Themes
Gris 7: $155 rr at the coming election, November | night, prohibiting any puplil affected | he election. ! the entire popalace turning cat with |! eaued,
= ‘Boy¥ : z ¢ y 1.00 6th, 1804: : ppb agnosie While the validity of the issue of oa The roads opens up valuable
Men's Ea 1% Mate. tending the schools under their con- these Bonds might never be questioned | { coal regions, giving them an eastern
F- > Underwear Governor— William M. Singerty, Of “taol. This action of the Board is for OF the part of the tax payers of ssid (oes sver the Beeoh Creek snd New
Cy 1.8. %0c | Philadelphia, Democrat; Daniel H. the benefit and protection of the whole | School District, and while these teeh-| yoy Contra; Samuel P. Langdon, |
= © | Hastings, of Bellefonte, Republican. osmynunity and will be strictly adhered | 3ioal informalities might not effect the | or pug geinhia, is president. The A
Boys’ . oh Lieutenant Governor—John §. Ril- to by the Principal and his assistants. | E21 of the Bond issue at all, if cueprfeld Conemaugh & Western and "tion of the report of viewers for &
Men's 5c Overshirts - 500|}ing, of Brie, D., er Tym, of Parents who know their children to (§Pestioned, yet the purchasers of the | Aieons and Philipsburg mre on! 798d in Jackson township.
Boys’ } 150 | Allegheny county, R. have any silments of a contagious ask your Board to re-snbmit the | 0 (orto: terme.” : | The petition of Joseph A. MeKee for
$ yam { , © Auditor Gemeral-David F. Magee, character should st once detain them Proposition at the coming General This new line, the Clearfield, Cone.|™® sdoption of Mabel White, the
i. | 175 | of Lanesster, D.; Amos Mylin, of Lan- | at home until they are well rid of such | Election, Tuesday, November ¢, he | ASEH and Western to: the ralirund NESE SMG of Matguet sg George
| Secretary of Internal Affairs Walter | whether a papi is or is not afflicted |W may be complied with. soon. : ts ws us undies of ale grated
W. Greenland, of (Marion, 1.; James! | with any ‘contagious disease the Princi- Let it be fully and distinctly under- | sk ae 10 Aled Heslop, committee of Joseph
Men's overcoats $4.00 5.00, W. Latta, of Philadéiphis, R. | pal may require the pupil to bring a | %00d, that you are voting on precisely Sertously Tnjanrd. | Fhealop.
6.00 and ‘up, worth $3, 4, and| Congressman-at-Large Thomas Col- physicians certificate stating that said | the same proposition voted on by you | Thos Byrne, & tamer who resides in The petition of Flora Gerber, by hee
ore. | Hmayof Centre county, nd Henry S. My pupil is not thm affected before be (8 the last Spring Election, that is Clearfield townehp in the viclaity of mers friend George
5m ers, of Allegheny county, D.; Gnlushs ‘shall be admitted again to the schools suthorizing the School Board to bor. St. Augustine, met with a very painful | pyederick Gerber, libel in divorce.
- Infants Underwear 15C, | A. Grow, of Susrmehanna county, and = row not exceeding $10,000 on Bonds | Accident on Satarday which will neces- | Jn the case of Hirnian Baumer, ad-
206. and 25¢. ~ |Geo. F. Huff, of Westmoreland ia At the Hastings Opers House. running twenty years, st a rate of | sitate his confinement to his home for ministrator of Sarah B. Hite, a petition a
hey £ , . county, R. he Janie” the most extensively written | interest not exceeding # per cent,, for S0me time. He was assisting in ms- | praying the court for the sppointment
piel < ‘about comedy of recent years will be at the purpose of erecting and furnishing | nipulating a stump machine on his of en sndibor to distribute the finds
eat * : Congriés—Thos. J. Burke, of Al- the Hastings Opera House Thursday, a school building for Patton Borough. | farm and was standing under it | In the hands of the scoountant. Jucoh
Besides the above | toona, D.; J. D. Hicks, of Altoona, R. Nov, 1st. It would seem superfluous That this is not an additional loan, nor | 'a large pully at the top t | Zimmerman appointed
Conaty. : ‘to write at length about the play atu; increase of indebtedness above that MIling on him, crushing s right "As amended stuiement i the ‘ones
Sheriff —Rob’t H. Nixon, of Johns- this late date. Se a Ta alot by 50 fa. Speing Be LAE CEN . of: X Susie ve. Ge Clubits Hus Le
Close Cut town, D.; D. W. Coulter, of Franklin ‘nearly exclusively in the larger cities | left hip joint and left knes, : company. : he
borough, R. and it hasn't worn itself out yet. A
Assemblyman—J. B. Denny, of Eb comedy which ean’ claim a record of
: Bargains, | ensburg, and John Rickets, of Reade four separate and distinct New York | purpose ot CUE The Geliere dad i)
township, D.; J. C. Stineman, of South engagements must be good material, 88 | formalities of the former election and | ferings of the unfortunate man. i
Fork, and 8. D. Patterson, of Barr they say ‘in the vernacular. “Jane” | not to impose any additional burden |
I have R. has done this, and to those who have 8 | yoon you. | dot |
a Packed Store of J such _ Pgor House Director ~Jimes Flynn, knowledge of theatrical affairs and the | In this connection your Board desire valued at 10.00 will be give away at
ods as ou need now to kee Johnstown, D.; James Moore, of fickleness of the New York public this |g, say, that the amount of $10,000, C. W. Hodgl
BB y P| statement will appear nothing short of | guthorized and provided for by your November
you warm. ; ' Jury Commissiover—Ansiem Weak: marvelous. | vote on Pebruary 20, 1894, is sufficient very porch EU : : :
Foe 4 |1snd, of Carroll township, D.; W. D.| | Come again, Boys. [to carry through the work on hand, no merchandise of any bse vill entitle a ment of a burgess to fill the vacancy
Following are nominees for gov- furnished music for the Repabiican | | present time. We have an oppor | time buy #8 cents you
v : you 0 worth draw | Ramsey. R. J. Humphrey appointed.
Before you do anything in|emor on other tickets: Prohibition, rally on Friday night deserves much | tanity of disposing of these bonds at | ticket with ® number on and the | Mr. Williams, as his own report as
the way of Suits. Overcoats, Chas. L. Hawley; Peoples Party, Je- credit in the manner in which they | | the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, but party who draws the lucky number | anditor appointed to take testimony
! Underwear, Caps, Hats, rome T. Allman; Socialist Labor, Thos. performed their duties. Every mem mem- | the purchasers want these technical gets the doll. Go to the store and see and suggest a decree in the case of
Ot: 4. H. Grundy; indepondom Rupubilion, ber of the band showed himself to be a | | informalities cured before investing. the doll which is displayed in the front | Barbara E. Jones against Joseph Jouss;
Gloves, Shirts, Shoes, Rub-|Daniel H. Hastings. is displayed in
eiBy ’ y N 3 perfect gentleman, Patton would be (We therefore respectfully resubmit | window. —48-tf libel in divorce. en
bers and Rubber Boots, Mack- For Hale. pleased to have them make this place | the proposition (0 you and ask you To Net ota Ld | The petition of John Owens, guardian .
acre lots for sale one-half mile from | = : election by your vote on November 8, of maintenance for said ward. An
| Carrolitown, Pa. 40tf whose place of business is at present in | C. C. CROWELL, President, | PY) and on Thursday part of the |, ovoid to distribute the funds
The One Price or John Troma is prepared to farnish| Loo ome on Magee avemac. Mr. + Schools Crowded. placed in connection with the Long
} You Order. the court to distribute the funds in the
; nuts that My Prices to start! A ane parlor heating stove will be The next time you wee Dr. Scmer. have employed an additional primary Blacklick Navigation & Im :
Bool age Wilode parents reside ‘curred on the Beech Creek Railroad The petition of Jennie E. Danfurd
Respectfully yours,
for the elegant oyster supper they had - Wil Wed Monday. ing a ride wer instantly killed. It is real estate of her late husband.
We Have Everything. and Miss Mary Smith, two of Patton's | |, i 0 Ls nother party who! court of felonious sasault and. bathery
in he be icthity 3 Ly the he Lountsk 8 Christmas presenit for your girl, YOO! | oo op, co oning of the same date a select wa De Oyster Supper
topes, Overalls, of etc., See One bundred and twenty-nine one- another visit. 'to cure the formality in the former ————— | of eh Bm: pT
i : wi Remave Soon. - Spangler has been rehaged
P ba For i L. 8. Bell, the Fifth avenue merchant 1994 | Central Penns Scuaucd br} us inde ’
information apply to J. J. Hank, By Order of the Board. y Mr. Davis, as his own report as aud-
: the Solomon building expects to re- ; : . ! equipment for the new line arrived at bands Henry Dunmire :
Fie i move soon in one of J. RB. Cornelias’ | 7 1 Cun Secretary. this place. In a fow dys we wa be = Son Inds of Bory Ounmireut
: _his trade with the finest coal for gen- | iv:
Tailor and Shoe Dealer. | Bell expects to show the public some-| The schools of Patton have now been | Distance Line and put in direct com- ; a
| jer} use 9 this setion.. Call and leave (thing fine when he gots in his new open two week. A greater number of | munication with the principal towns of bor 0 SUAltor appointed By
N. B—Dollars to dough i, (ee J P270a ive 1: 9tcuaen Soy rectors| ue. Spangler Sentinel. hands of J. M. Shoemaker, arising
- rsa otitoes,
Thrce Tramps Killed. : from the sale of the properiy of the
with are 20 per cent. cheaper soldat a sacrafice. Inquire at the Cou- | ville, of Chest Springs, just ask him if, teacher and have made provisions for pI Td Rosita i paion igi company.
“than any other house in town. | RIER office. he is in favor of the duty taken off of *°cdmmodating all the children of the ©&¥ a frigh freight w oe- :
AR ssheroft canned oysters. Doc, the boys at PTOPer s¢ psbu ying the court for tne appointment
"| from 2A thers ae jon Feturned, Hotel Beck extend their sincere thanks 1 town. Bear Phibpsbury se fest of he Wosk RATHI he set aside for her the
I. 8. BELL. | chased a fine line of fall milli oy : i p ay
inery =" ibe os 2 :
goods, etc. Soo the latest styles of 51 YOuF expeme on Friday gat. The marriage of Aaron Weakland id they had on their person a full kit Jacob Holts, who was convicted last
Local Market Report. A complete line of holiday goods at x a a ie Min tnans was riding on the train was seriously OU Joseph de ;
¥ to a costa 3
For the special benefit of the farmers Hodgkins drug store. Come and buy land’s parents Monday, November 4th. injured. Ln pay $0 ;
os pu t friend, brothe siste : i
your T, mother, , di * ington
Rater,” a = cent per pound opera house.’ To oat — preparations 0 Guilitzin last August and was found
| Cabbage... nats span eH Can wt you. = a
EYE, EAR NOSE AND, | Roms... ria = dogen, : Was Duped in Patton Alse. | 9eTVe an elegant oyster supper during, | guilty of murder in the second degree
’ di grist sirsnesiicariin bustiel Church Notice. i Ra : the day and evening of November 6th, | -
. THROAT [Sih 0iiiii 8% © © | Chas W. Wasson, pastor of the M. JoT- You fllows who gave bab) po, pay). Givehers call. —4sae| SUEDE the September seasons wes
THRO : x mE wn wp paral wil) 9 “cheap printer’ some work to do; how | | sentenced to four years in the Western
ik | new. Emo. po pC Prosaion Friday “Yor do you like the job? You vould have Cheap Tews Lots. | Pemitentiary.
A Specialty. JE Er a g week, November 2, at 7:30. got better work and for less money st Mrs. Helena Mellon has a number of peaches at Patton Supply
: - er Ta A Everybody welcome to the service. ‘home. Say, don’t you feel a little bit choice building lots in Patton which ed hee
~ Office Good Building, UpStairs, remeron 7 48 to 915 per vo. |, S980 0 SHOW lok of B. W. flour at ashamed of yourselves? —Ousseols Lead- will be sold on easy payments. Call |
PATTON, PENN'A. Hay, pr, pressed, Tl A ST the PB. Co. : | er-Courier. = jase Gta : | Advertise your place of snes
Miller, of Dale borough, R. | The Hastings Cornet bard, which | more is required or asked at tie | person to » tislet. 1 pmembe ‘every caused by the resignation of Charles