4 MJAHAPFEY HOUSE ol Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. ’} Accommodations first-class. Best of Liquors | and Wines st the bar. Stabling attached. { fiom GeorcE FERGUSON, | i ~ Prop’r. | mp op wt - ot nn eh "MACHINERY. i ———— —- —— FREEZING BY JF MOKBNRIOK,— —ARTINTIC— "Attorney and Counselor at Law, Barber and Hair Dresser, Esmssuno, PA. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. | itl attend to atl bustiens with promptness S NEXT DOOR TO POSTOFFICE. W. E. Probert, Beech Creek Railroad : Now York Central & Hodoon Wiver 1.1. Lesser. : CONDENSED TIMETABLE. The superiority of refrigeration ob. [ough on November 4, 1804, Noattem by mechanical processes, as com- | Purpose of obtaining the consent of pared with that obtained by Iting ics | Electors of sald district to an increase Sypours i the Sw that Vy NW more fu of debt bY the Schock Bod of said tense d may be secured; that any de- | school district, for the purpose of erect Judhouns GoTo. Your Watch i j | DANIELSON & ENGBLAD'S | { : F shoe - sro Insured Free. Sie = { A perfect insurance against theft or accident | th Ave., near R. R. Station. | ___sthenow famous Tr eartaiaty of oo Shite utils $0 order and repairing biljty in its price are avoided; that: go11 110. of &I¥ Xifshe dove promptly. Prices space in the rooms or boxes to be cooled The amount of existing indebted- : : : is economized by substitution of a coll | ous $100. : ! pr : — of viveos wallsof euiling fof too bile) | The amount of the proposed in-| AUGUST K. HUBER, ioe bunker, an refrigeration | j= Se _ oan be employed for many purposes ‘and Crease lof debt, $10,000. Percentage - 1008 W : A all. of the proposed increase, 4-74-100 STONE MASON, pars- | per cent. present valuation. Debt + Mellon Avenue, PATTON, PA. uch ‘to be [incurred for the purpose of 1 am prepared to do all kinds of work in my | g and furnishing n new school line at rexsonable lees. Contracts iakeh aod building in said district. guamnteed. Give meacall. | po ; : By : tof the Board. Preside 3 the oldest, largest, and most complete Watch ; . C.C CROWELL, nt. Cone farvory in the world-—1500 caplopers; ; that , Gro. H. CURPMAN, Secretary. : i 2000 Watch Cases : SH Su ener A nd Counselor at Law, -. house, cold storage warehouse or other October 2, 1804. ; ttorney a une » | Oseof its products is the establishment requiring a large amount Four Big Successes. uy aden EBENSBURG, PA. ‘Jas. Boss : ' Sew es WT... Lv. Gf refmgeration contin its Indiv ying ihe meoded merit to mers| A imlinemonpiyeumaciie | Filled Watch Cases, |Z Sor sBe 0 tan you 1 ii % 8 ‘amounts to ten tons or more of oe daily than make good all the advertising | Ofte 18s Avmo pi | Which are Just ae goed as solid etses, sed i ve w_ Le X : Dn at at eal 4 HARRY. MCCORMICK, M.D... | Sold by all jewelers, my. Airs Toot of Liberty Mires. SWAN Fos - ide PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 3 : : ! 4 ; c tons be required, sale. Dr. King’s New Discovery, for, ~~ RN ANGST, on | Iw pllait tow, Ask for pamphlet, or Wekdeya | 80 p.m. Sunday. : : : its operation oongumption, Coughs and Colds, each Office and residence on Magee avenue, next | : . : : : Pe arfield, all laying Cas Be ; may exceed the cost of ice sufficient t0 1 4110 suaranteed—Klectric Bitters, the | ©0John Yahner's Hardware store. A — uy ——— iphis in directions dally, exnept Special attention given to Fevers and Dis | : : .. Munday, on trl ‘P ’ | $012 BLy... K : : | SWAB GATBAM..... $M IE HMI WAY gE ....X 4d up SX a 8 yo th SE ema sion. Office opposite the Moitntain Hose. otf » wm | SHE ar % uns | «¥ 3 Lad J f we S58% wees wl ssi En {hy x El | ! $F 58 ® Pua REeeS 858 Philadelphia. We DAVIS, — Eusmtnnnannn ESRsRASHERNRE x 1 gen! i i Fax X3ER08 ar FRY |X ¥ Y, via Tathaqos Ar... a nade Ar. § do a similar amount of work. In many great remedy for Liver, Stomach and : oesday, on tate ots Suing : ” Salve, the ™* of Children. Kidneys. Bucklen’s Arnica jre- best in the world, and Dr. King’s New wit ment 11 | Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. All} : : produce secures the adoytion of the ma- these remedies are guaranteed to do! JAS. W. HOY, ~ chine. Tharifur small machines are just what is claimed for them and the The Popular frequently found on shipboard, dealer whose name is attached herewith | manufactories, but most of the foe gath- 1; 1) Belcher's City Drug Store. © Dealerin_ co ered from rivers and lakes or made in 5 : v i Every mother shoud know that! Musical Instruments factories is not consumed by the few Is to the front as usual with a large We promised last week to have more to say later, but we have been so busy getting in | : ih . new goods and fixing up our P.R. R. Time Tables. ‘store’ room we have not had i ——— “time to talk. ey rita Call and See Us Hew Shore Express, week days... § 8 We will then tell something of interest to you. M Superintendent, who require large quantities, bat by the croup can be prevented. The first : aay; Yoho Wietally require less than SYP of tede WMD is hoarweness. stock of goods ot - oy : This is followed by a peculiar rough | Lae The effort to bring this sapetior oY | ugh. If Chamberlain's Cough Rem. directions— ©d7 is given freely as soon as the child | inexpensive becomes hoarse or even after the cough | a system of has developed it will prevent the at- pply refrigerant from central tack. 35and 50 cent bottles for sale * ations Whitin ha faire J by C. E. Belcher’s City Drug Store. etn, is too complex a matter Frank, the fifteen year old won of| sutomatio regulation. With- John D. Ager, of Barr township, met to a skilled attention Dew | wih painful accident Thursday while pmb eben cost of plant, Yr and Yulging 4 om startet foe) cooling water in operating on & small © Tuning attempling to scale defeats economy. —Chicago Times. TeOVe 81 apple from the pross, his | : ; ; { little finger was caught in the cogs and | ig 1 "literally ground off up to the hand. A a tall, | The injured lad was brought to the WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVER- | men ofce of Dr. Helfrick at this place, WARE, and where the finger was amputated.— everything kept in a first-class store | Spangler Sentinel. ‘ofthis kind. 3 “ would rather trust that medicine | VIOLIN, GUITAR and BANJO | " Says Mrs. | . frigeration within the uyeRes BREE BARREN fio WIERN Tue CAMBRIA ENNENT veyees H ARDWARE Co. ‘mmeNnw Moming train at Std am; Le th orns- at Crowson st £16. ; | . Northwerd. strings and all kinds of small musi- % Carter Co, | 08 goods will be: apt coliwtant)y on ru Joins | Mo, in speaking of Chamberlain's : | of boo, For sale by C. E. Belcher’s City Drug | ne : ; to the A Million Friends. {Adamant Plaster MOUNt- A friend in need is a friend indeed, | (¥ives afirst-class wall a moderato ex- | white 1nd not less than million of people | have found just such a friendin Dr. | | King's New Discovery for Consamp- | fore tion, Coughs, and Colds.—If you have | built up like a story pever used this Great Cough Medicine, Sometimes one trial will convince you that it has | is built out be- wonderful curative powers in all dis 9 eax, 10 Bold | pgm of Throat, Chest and - Langs. | latter stylo prevents | op oitle is guaranteed to do all that | ordinary way. is claimed or money will be refunded. - CHEAP FOR CASH. Your wants can be supplied when you have an unlimited | ‘supply to select from. The ; | | : ton; y. (for : a for Mabatfey } 13% Garesy, (for Mahaffey len > nt ger Brdley Junction, io; Patton. 7. Gar. fey) 847; Garway, a nr To over, 70% La Jose, 7:28, arriving st Mi mT pm : ! SUSQUEHANA EXTENHION. Eastward, ifor PATTON SOPPLY Js the best fire-resiating plaster. ‘carry. a stock that surpasses any retail store in the county, Moming tmin leaves rita ; Always ready for use in any season. They can sell to you at low figures because they buy at the Road. 7:6, und connects Wits train fon gi Does not hold gases or disease germs. | [owest figures. Prices now days are regulated largely by] fie ty Js the par excellence for g! | a eatien | mir ph TE Hata | the quantity purchased. The largest buyers always get the | Rout 24 una evanests] “ein or Crome Sl In» od v all the leading DESt prices and can afford to sell at the lowest figures. We Westwnrd. ao SR Architects who have used it in handle everything kept in a | tom nN ian Heats 3 country and d oh ~ - 4 We yon GENERAL li i $8 gf aft. : 1 | i i : ] 8 X il : Will give you a solid wall. STORE ree ie A Of itaelf will not crack, swell or STORE. | cherrive ut 8 rrr Hoad: at &50, H i §¥ HE 3 head hang b arranged remains | turbed for sevecal months. It forme a convenient place for wiping their bands or knives. After dressing it grease is smeared over, which in the san melts £3 ii ¥ The following letters remain in the | postoffice at Patton for the week end- {nto the hair, some of it usually passing ing Saturday, October 20, 1504. } through and running down the back. John L. Brown, James Caveney, a ‘Will not cleave off when used as rected, even in case of leakage. ‘Will give you a warm house. ‘Does not rain woodwork by _ It with moisture. - Admits of carpenters following plas- ~ terers in a few days. 3 { i di- loading | Be sure and look intp our wonderful i 14 CASH OFFER. Large Oil Paintings and Beautiful Silverware : GIVEN AWAY. FEbensburg und $90 pm. und intermediate points on trnins from Fast and West, | address Thos. Ave, Pittfbarg, | the Ebensburg - for Cresson st 720 a both moming snd 3p a ah J. R. WOOD, evening. For rates, mam ote. #4 ; Wal, NM PREVEST, General Manager. Genersl apt. ‘Mo matter what color this oil is on go- H vin. H.W. Vail, A. B} : Ti : = : i §o (Howard rvs; H ail, A. E.| [capable of every variety of finish. | Farmers should make a special effort to call on us as we Used on the Palmer Ho Good Hotel Beck, Hotel Patton, ing into the hair, it always comes Out Whiteman. ro, ~8t. Louis Republic. Persons calling for the above lettern. i = P &N W Railroad. * CL Tey. will please say they are advertised. There are some cases in which a cor- | E. A. MELLON, P. M. cr : Squire Samp- The Eskimo and the Walrus. son’s daughter's voice pretty loud in the bymos, my dear?’ ssid Parson Fawcett | inquisingly to bis little wife at the close of the morning service. ‘‘I used to think when she lived here before her marriage that her voice was very strong, but not ——gr—nit exactly reliable perhaps as to all in all that the buffalo was to the In- | dian, that the camel is to the Arab and the reindeer to the Korak. Its flesh | feeds him. Its tough hide dovers his | boots, his shell-like kayak and his big, | clumsy bidarrah, sud cut into stripe it | ‘makes his harpoon lines and dog har- | ness. Its oil furnishes him light aad five. os / F : 1 2] replied minister’ Mz, Eawouts, the : Its ivory tusks are legal tender for all | Mite AH A to er al. sorta of civilized luxuries, such as iron | 1a Sampson thinks she is “and steel for spearheads, knives and | Lord when she sings, and far be it from | 7V68 guna. Certain tissues make good | me to say that she doesn’t, but I must mackintoshes for Mr. and Mrs. Innuit, | say that it's all I can do to praise him - and the flipper bottoms of the walrus | at the same time!’ — Youth's Compan- make good sole leather for the hunter | jon. : a ; ‘also. —St. Nicholas. - L If All the Planets Were Gold. : A celebrated English authority, ina well known worken titled “‘Observa- ' ited with much sdemiration for pictorial | tions on Reversionary Payments,’ art. Lord John Russell met him on his | makes the following wonderful calcula- return from Italy and asked how he en- tions: It is well known to what prodi- joyed the pictures and works of art in | gious sums money at compound interest Florence. ‘‘1 liked them very much,’ will increase. ed said Termyson, ‘but I was bothered be- from the time of our Saviour-—that is cause I could not get any English tobac- to say, put out at 5 per cent compound co for love or money. A lady told me I ‘interest—would by this time have in- could smuggle some from an English creased to more money than could be ship if I heavily bribed the custom contained in 150,000,000 of globes equal house officers, bat I didn's do that and $0 the earth in magnitude, and all solid = came away. '—ian Francisco Argonaut. gold. : : . | The house of the late Charles O’Con- | Women freely travel about in Korea or at Nantuokst, should possess espe- | . until midnight, a writer on the Koreans ig] interest for women on account of Tennyson aud Plctures. srs. in the bouse at 8 p. m. ~The largest bell in America is said to be in the cathedral of Montreal and ‘weighs 28,000 pounds. . was a young relative of Mr. O’Conor, and the house was finished before either | man noticed the deficiency. y | : | ia & CC. L. &L Co. office., Patton | house, M. E. | one-half of | store rooms of Patton. To the Eskimo the walrus is the same | ire. : Opera, church, and on more than the plastered houses and | Also the Catholic Church St. August-. For prices and information, write ADAMANT PLASTER CO., - Patton, Pa., Lock Box 345. BECK, H. C. BECK, Pro. iil reminne The late Lord Tennyson was not cred- | One of the Largest Hotels in Northern Cambna; : Conducted mn MODERN STYLE ' Good Table and Bar Supplied with Choiest Brands of ~~ ~ Liquors. |The Popular _ says, while the men are required to be ji being withodt closets. The architect | HOUSE of PATTON. can sell them goods that is according to their expectations. DOORS and SASH, PAINTS, OILS ol g ALL GIVE US A CALL Ror ae Very Truly PATTON HTATIONS LAW de or is % YEBHESEUBY EBC evwuean ss8uenREn SUPPLY CO. Fxcvel sEzus Connections—{ With Baffio Pitsburg R. R. {With Beech Readquarters For rat. ; ; : ; | 3With Cambria and Clearfield mitrond. 4With- - : D WwW / FE Cresson and Clearfield milrowd. SWith - - } y \ | . , | Cush Cresk Branch Trains leaves : : : | for Glen Can at 19 am and 500 Pe am and 35 pm. : ; : ; : . Pennsylvania milrvad mins arrive Large Store ! ; amd TT nm, 1208, 218, G21 and 9 pm of omas | Westward, 7:18 am, 4, AK, 707 and $50 pm. ® ® ay 9 Be | so PATTON, PA. | cheap as it can be bought any place in the county. More, goods than ever. Two large buildings full of HARDWARE, handsome line of Table Cutlery. ‘MINERS TOOLS and Supplies a specialty. We make a specialty of handling the | Celebrated ry | Cinderella Stoves and Ranges, A poor sylvania i ‘ | Arrive at Motes from Glen Campbell at . ; Is at the : § ivave Bellwoods as llows: Kastward, : 1: . A. FORD, Supt., Bellwood, You can purchase anything in the Hardware line as’ and VARNISH, a None have their eqal. A Good Stove is Economy. one is the worst kind of extravagance. ariag gn A. M. Thomas, | HE | © Magee Avenue, PATTON, PA. |MIRKIN 8’
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers